www.gusucode.com > JSP ExtJS图书管理系统源码程序 > JSP ExtJS图书管理系统/WebRoot/ext/air/src/NativeWindow.js

 * Ext JS Library 0.30
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2009, Ext JS, LLC.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://extjs.com/license

 * @class Ext.air.NativeWindow
 * @extends Ext.air.NativeObservable
 * Wraps the AIR NativeWindow class to give an Ext friendly API. <br/><br/>This class also adds 
 * automatic state management (position and size) for the window (by id) and it can be used 
 * for easily creating "minimize to system tray" for the main window in your application.<br/><br/>
 * Note: Many of the config options for this class can only be applied to NEW windows. Passing 
 * in an existing instance of a window along with those config options will have no effect.
 * @constructor
 * @param {Object} config
Ext.air.NativeWindow = function(config){
	Ext.apply(this, config);
	 * @type String
	this.id = this.id || Ext.uniqueId();
		 * @event close
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event closing
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event move
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event moving
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event resize
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event resizing
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event displayStateChange
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		 * @event displayStateChanging
		 * @param {Object} e The air event object
		var options = new air.NativeWindowInitOptions();
		options.systemChrome = this.chrome;
		options.type = this.type;
		options.resizable = this.resizable;
		options.minimizable = this.minimizable;
		options.maximizable = this.maximizable;
		options.transparent = this.transparent;
		this.loader = window.runtime.flash.html.HTMLLoader.createRootWindow(false, options, false);
		if (this.file) {
			this.loader.load(new air.URLRequest(this.file));	
		} else {
			this.loader.loadString(this.html || '');
		this.instance = this.loader.window.nativeWindow;
		this.loader = this.instance.stage.getChildAt(0);
	var provider = Ext.state.Manager;
	var b = air.Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds;
	var state = provider.get(this.id) || {};
	provider.set(this.id, state);
	var win = this.instance;
	var width = Math.max(state.width || this.width, 100);
	var height = Math.max(state.height || this.height, 100);
	var centerX = b.x + ((b.width/2)-(width/2));
	var centerY = b.y + ((b.height/2)-(height/2));
	var x = !Ext.isEmpty(state.x, false) ? state.x : (!Ext.isEmpty(this.x, false) ? this.x : centerX);
	var y = !Ext.isEmpty(state.y, false) ? state.y : (!Ext.isEmpty(this.y, false) ? this.y : centerY);
	win.width = width;
	win.height = height;
	win.x = x;
	win.y = y;
	win.addEventListener('move', function(){
		if(win.displayState != air.NativeWindowDisplayState.MINIMIZED && win.width > 100 && win.height > 100) {
			state.x = win.x;
			state.y = win.y;
	win.addEventListener('resize', function(){
		if (win.displayState != air.NativeWindowDisplayState.MINIMIZED && win.width > 100 && win.height > 100) {
			state.width = win.width;
			state.height = win.height;
	this.on('close', this.unregister, this);
	 * @cfg {Boolean} minimizeToTray 
	 * True to enable minimizing to the system tray. Note: this should only be applied
	 * to the primary window in your application. A trayIcon is required.
		this.initMinimizeToTray(this.trayIcon, this.trayMenu);

Ext.extend(Ext.air.NativeWindow, Ext.air.NativeObservable, {
	 * @cfg {air.NativeWindow} instance 
	 * The native window instance to wrap. If undefined, a new window will be created.
	 * @cfg {String} trayIcon 
	 * The icon to display when minimized in the system tray
	 * @cfg {NativeMenu} trayMenu 
	 * Menu to display when the tray icon is right clicked
	 * @cfg {String} trayTip 
	 * Tooltip for the tray icon
	 * @cfg {String} chrome 
	 * The native window chrome (defaults to 'standard', can also be 'none').
	chrome: 'standard', // can also be none
	 * @cfg {String} type 
	 * The native window type - normal, utility or lightweight. (defaults to normal)
	type: 'normal',	// can be normal, utility or lightweight
	 * @cfg {Number} width
	 * @cfg {Number} height 
	 * @cfg {Boolean} resizable 
	resizable: true,
	 * @cfg {Boolean} minimizable 
	minimizable: true,
	 * @cfg {Boolean} maximizable 
	maximizable: true,
	 * @cfg {Boolean} transparent
	transparent: false,
	 * Returns the air.NativeWindow instance
	 * @return air.NativeWindow
	getNative : function(){
		return this.instance;
	 * Returns the x/y coordinates for centering the windw on the screen
	 * @return {x: Number, y: Number}
	getCenterXY : function(){
		var b = air.Screen.mainScreen.visibleBounds;
		return {
			x: b.x + ((b.width/2)-(this.width/2)),
			y: b.y + ((b.height/2)-(this.height/2))
	 * Shows the window
	show :function(){
			this.trayed = false;
		this.instance.visible = true;
	 * Shows and activates the window
	activate : function(){
	 * Hides the window
	hide :function(){
		this.instance.visible = false;
	 * Closes the window
	close : function(){
	 * Returns true if this window is minimized
	 * @return Boolean
	isMinimized :function(){
		return this.instance.displayState == air.NativeWindowDisplayState.MINIMIZED;
	 * Returns true if this window is maximized
	 * @return Boolean
	isMaximized :function(){
		return this.instance.displayState == air.NativeWindowDisplayState.MAXIMIZED;
	 * Moves the window to the passed xy and y coordinates
	 * @param {Number} x
	 * @param {Number} y
	moveTo : function(x, y){
		this.x = this.instance.x = x;
		this.y = this.instance.y = y;	
	 * Enter full-screen mode for the window.
	 * @param {Boolean} nonInteractive (optional) Boolean flag to allow the full screen window to be interactive or not. By default this is false.
	 * Example Code:
	 * var win = new Ext.air.NativeWindow({instance: Ext.air.NativeWindow.getRootWindow()});
	 * win.fullscreen();
	fullscreen: function(nonInteractive) {
		var SDS = runtime.flash.display.StageDisplayState;
		this.instance.stage.displayState = nonInteractive ? SDS.FULL_SCREEN : SDS.FULL_SCREEN_INTERACTIVE; 
	bringToFront: function() {
	bringInFrontOf: function(win) {
		this.instance.orderInFrontOf(win.instance ? win.instance : win);
	sendToBack: function() {
	sendBehind: function(win) {
		this.instance.orderInBackOf(win.instance ? win.instance : win);
	 * @param {Number} width
	 * @param {Number} height
	resize : function(width, height){
		this.width = this.instance.width = width;
		this.height = this.instance.height = height;	
	unregister : function(){
	initMinimizeToTray : function(icon, menu){
		var tray = Ext.air.SystemTray;
		tray.setIcon(icon, this.trayTip);
		this.on('displayStateChanging', function(e){
			if(e.afterDisplayState == 'minimized'){
				this.trayed = true;
		}, this);
		tray.on('click', function(){
		}, this);

 * Returns the first opened window in your application
 * @return air.NativeWindow
 * @static
Ext.air.NativeWindow.getRootWindow = function(){
	return air.NativeApplication.nativeApplication.openedWindows[0];

 * Returns the javascript "window" object of the first opened window in your application
 * @return Window
 * @static
Ext.air.NativeWindow.getRootHtmlWindow = function(){
	return Ext.air.NativeWindow.getRootWindow().stage.getChildAt(0).window;

 * @class Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup
 * A collection of NativeWindows.
Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup = function(){
    var list = {};

    return {
		 * @param {Object} win
        register : function(win){
            list[win.id] = win;

		 * @param {Object} win
        unregister : function(win){
            delete list[win.id];

		 * @param {String} id
        get : function(id){
            return list[id];

		 * Closes all windows
        closeAll : function(){
            for(var id in list){

         * Executes the specified function once for every window in the group, passing each
         * window as the only parameter. Returning false from the function will stop the iteration.
         * @param {Function} fn The function to execute for each item
         * @param {Object} scope (optional) The scope in which to execute the function
        each : function(fn, scope){
            for(var id in list){
                    if(fn.call(scope || list[id], list[id]) === false){

 * @class Ext.air.NativeWindowManager
 * @extends Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup
 * Collection of all NativeWindows created.
 * @singleton
Ext.air.NativeWindowManager = new Ext.air.NativeWindowGroup();