www.gusucode.com > JSP ExtJS图书管理系统源码程序 > JSP ExtJS图书管理系统/ZoomImageDemo/WebRoot/js/JSintellisense/jquery-1.2.6-intellisense.js

* jQuery 1.2.6 intellisense updated by Mustafa OZCAN
* http://www.mustafaozcan.net
* Base schema of jQuery 1.2.5 - http://lancefisher.net/blog/Default.aspx
 * jQuery 1.2.6 - New Wave Javascript
 * Copyright (c) 2008 John Resig (jquery.com)
 * Dual licensed under the MIT (MIT-LICENSE.txt)
 * and GPL (GPL-LICENSE.txt) licenses.
 * $Date: 2008-05-24 14:22:17 -0400 (Sat, 24 May 2008) $
 * $Rev: 5685 $

// Map over jQuery in case of overwrite
var _jQuery = window.jQuery,
// Map over the $ in case of overwrite
	_$ = window.$;

var jQuery = window.jQuery = window.$ = function( selector, context ) {
	///  This function accepts a string containing a CSS selector which is then used to match a set of elements.
	///<param name="selector">
	///  1. An expression to search with.
	///  2. html - Create DOM elements on-the-fly from the provided String of raw HTML.
	///  3. elements - Wrap jQuery functionality around a single or multiple DOM Element(s).
	///  4. callback - A shorthand for $(document).ready().
	///<param name="context" optional="true">(optional) A DOM Element, Document or jQuery to use as context</param>
	///<returns type="jQuery" />

	// The jQuery object is actually just the init constructor 'enhanced'
	return new jQuery.fn.init( selector, context );

// A simple way to check for HTML strings or ID strings
// (both of which we optimize for)
var quickExpr = /^[^<]*(<(.|\s)+>)[^>]*$|^#(\w+)$/,

// Is it a simple selector
	isSimple = /^.[^:#\[\.]*$/,

// Will speed up references to undefined, and allows munging its name.

jQuery.fn = jQuery.prototype = {
	init: function( selector, context ) {
		///<summary>Internal function</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// Make sure that a selection was provided
		selector = selector || document;

		// Handle $(DOMElement)
		if ( selector.nodeType ) {
			this[0] = selector;
			this.length = 1;
			return this;
		// Handle HTML strings
		if ( typeof selector == "string" ) {
			// Are we dealing with HTML string or an ID?
			var match = quickExpr.exec( selector );

			// Verify a match, and that no context was specified for #id
			if ( match && (match[1] || !context) ) {

				// HANDLE: $(html) -> $(array)
				if ( match[1] )
					selector = jQuery.clean( [ match[1] ], context );

				// HANDLE: $("#id")
				else {
					var elem = document.getElementById( match[3] );

					// Make sure an element was located
					if ( elem ){
						// Handle the case where IE and Opera return items
						// by name instead of ID
						if ( elem.id != match[3] )
							return jQuery().find( selector );

						// Otherwise, we inject the element directly into the jQuery object
						return jQuery( elem );
					selector = [];

			// HANDLE: $(expr, [context])
			// (which is just equivalent to: $(content).find(expr)
			} else
				return jQuery( context ).find( selector );

		// HANDLE: $(function)
		// Shortcut for document ready
		} else if ( jQuery.isFunction( selector ) )
			return jQuery( document )[ jQuery.fn.ready ? "ready" : "load" ]( selector );

		return this.setArray(jQuery.makeArray(selector));

	// The current version of jQuery being used
	jquery: "1.2.6",

	// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
	size: function() {
		///<summary>The number of elements in the jQuery object.</summary>
		///<returns type="Number" />
		return this.length;

	// The number of elements contained in the matched element set
	length: 0,

	// Get the Nth element in the matched element set OR
	// Get the whole matched element set as a clean array
	get: function( num ) {
		///<summary>note: lookup this function</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return num == undefined ?
		///<summary>Access all matched DOM elements. note: intellisense not working.</summary>
		///<param name="num" type="Number" optional="true">(optional) Access the element in the Nth position.</param>
		///<returns type="Array" />

			// Return a 'clean' array
			jQuery.makeArray( this ) :

			// Return just the object
			this[ num ];

	// Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack
	// (returning the new matched element set)
	pushStack: function( elems ) {
	    ///<summary>Take an array of elements and push it onto the stack.</summary>
		///<param name="elems" type="Array">Array of elements to push onto the stack.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// Build a new jQuery matched element set
		var ret = jQuery( elems );

		// Add the old object onto the stack (as a reference)
		ret.prevObject = this;

		// Return the newly-formed element set
		return ret;

	// Force the current matched set of elements to become
	// the specified array of elements (destroying the stack in the process)
	// You should use pushStack() in order to do this, but maintain the stack
	setArray: function( elems ) {
        /// Force the current matched set of elements to become
	    /// the specified array of elements (destroying the stack in the process)
	    /// You should use pushStack() in order to do this, but maintain the stack		
		///<param name="elems" type="String">Array of elements to become the specified array of elements</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />	
		// Resetting the length to 0, then using the native Array push
		// is a super-fast way to populate an object with array-like properties
		this.length = 0;
		Array.prototype.push.apply( this, elems );

		return this;

	// Execute a callback for every element in the matched set.
	// (You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is
	// only used internally.)
	each: function( callback, args ) {
		///<summary>Execute a function within the context of every matched element.</summary>
		///<param name="callback">The callback to execute for each matched element.</param>
		///<param name="args">(You can seed the arguments with an array of args, but this is only used internally.)</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		return jQuery.each( this, callback, args );

	// Determine the position of an element within
	// the matched set of elements
	index: function( elem ) {
		///<summary>Searches every matched element for the object and returns the index of the element, if found, starting with zero.</summary>
		///<param name="elem">Object to search for.</param>
		///<returns type="Number" />
		var ret = -1;

		// Locate the position of the desired element
		return jQuery.inArray(
			// If it receives a jQuery object, the first element is used
			elem && elem.jquery ? elem[0] : elem
		, this );

	attr: function( name, value, type ) {
		///  1. attr(name) - Access a property on the first matched element. This method makes it easy to retrieve a property value from the first matched element. If the element does not have an attribute with such a name, undefined is returned.  Returns Object.
		///  2. attr(properties) - Set a key/value object as properties to all matched elements.
		///  3. attr(key, value) - Set a single property to a value, on all matched elements.
		///  4. attr(key, fn) - Set a single property to a computed value, on all matched elements.
		///<param name="name" optional="true">(optional) The name of the property to access.</param>
		///<param name="value" optional="true">(optional) The value to set the property to.</param>
		///<param name="type" optional="true">(optional) This method only accepts 2 parameters, see the summary.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var options = name;

		// Look for the case where we're accessing a style value
		if ( name.constructor == String )
			if ( value === undefined )
				return this[0] && jQuery[ type || "attr" ]( this[0], name );

			else {
				options = {};
				options[ name ] = value;

		// Check to see if we're setting style values
		return this.each(function(i){
			// Set all the styles
			for ( name in options )
					type ?
						this.style :
					name, jQuery.prop( this, options[ name ], type, i, name )

	css: function( key, value ) {
		///  1. css(key) - Return a style property on the first matched element.
		///  2. css(value) - Set a key/value object as style properties to all matched elements.
		///  3. css(key, value) - Set a single style property to a value on all matched elements.
		///<param name="key" optional="true">(optional) The name of the property to access.</param>
		///<param name="value" optional="true">(optional) Key/value pairs to set as style properties.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// ignore negative width and height values
		if ( (key == 'width' || key == 'height') && parseFloat(value) < 0 )
			value = undefined;
		return this.attr( key, value, "curCSS" );

	text: function( text ) {
		///  1. text() - Get the combined text contents of all matched elements. Returns String.
		///  2. text(text) - Set the text contents of all matched elements.
		///<param name="text" optional="true">(optional) The text value to set the contents of the element to.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		if ( typeof text != "object" && text != null )
			return this.empty().append( (this[0] && this[0].ownerDocument || document).createTextNode( text ) );

		var ret = "";

		jQuery.each( text || this, function(){
			jQuery.each( this.childNodes, function(){
				if ( this.nodeType != 8 )
					ret += this.nodeType != 1 ?
						this.nodeValue :
						jQuery.fn.text( [ this ] );

		return ret;

	wrapAll: function( html ) {
		///<summary>wrap(html) or wrap(elem) - Wrap all the elements in the matched set into a single wrapper element.</summary>
		///<param name="html">A string of HTML that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target, or a DOM element that will be wrapped around the target.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		if ( this[0] )
			// The elements to wrap the target around
			jQuery( html, this[0].ownerDocument )
				.insertBefore( this[0] )
					var elem = this;

					while ( elem.firstChild )
						elem = elem.firstChild;

					return elem;

		return this;

	wrapInner: function( html ) {
		///<summary>wrapInner(html) or wrapInner(elem) - Wrap the inner child contents of each matched element (including text nodes) with an HTML structure.</summary>
		///<param name="html">A string of HTML that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target, or a DOM element that will be wrapped around the target.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.each(function(){
			jQuery( this ).contents().wrapAll( html );

	wrap: function( html ) {
		///wrap(html) or wrap(elem) - Wrap all matched elements with a structure of other elements.
		///<param name="html">A string of HTML that will be created on the fly and wrapped around the target, or a DOM element that will be wrapped around the target.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.each(function(){
			jQuery( this ).wrapAll( html );

	append: function() {
		///<summary>append(content) - Append content to the inside of every matched element.  content - Content to append to the target.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.domManip(arguments, true, false, function(elem){
			if (this.nodeType == 1)
				this.appendChild( elem );

	prepend: function() {
		///<summary>prepend(content) - Prepend content to the inside of every matched element.  content - Content to prepend to the target.</summary>
		///<param name="content">Content to prepend to the target.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.domManip(arguments, true, true, function(elem){
			if (this.nodeType == 1)
				this.insertBefore( elem, this.firstChild );

	before: function() {
		///<summary>before(content) - Insert content before each of the matched elements.  content - Content to insert before each target.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.domManip(arguments, false, false, function(elem){
			this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this );

	after: function() {
		///after(content) - Insert content after each of the matched elements.  content - Content to insert after each target.
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.domManip(arguments, false, true, function(elem){
			this.parentNode.insertBefore( elem, this.nextSibling );

	end: function() {
		///<summary>Revert the most recent 'destructive' operation, changing the set of matched elements to its previous state (right before the destructive operation).</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.prevObject || jQuery( [] );

	find: function( selector ) {
	    ///<summary>Searches for all elements that match the specified expression. This method is a good way to find additional descendant elements with which to process.</summary>
		///<param name="selector" type="String">An expression to search with.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var elems = jQuery.map(this, function(elem){
			return jQuery.find( selector, elem );

		return this.pushStack( /[^+>] [^+>]/.test( selector ) || selector.indexOf("..") > -1 ?
			jQuery.unique( elems ) :
			elems );

	clone: function( events ) {
		///<summary>Clone matched DOM Elements and select the clones.</summary>
		///<param name="events" optional="true">(optional) Set to true to enable cloning of event handlers.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// Do the clone
		var ret = this.map(function(){
			if ( jQuery.browser.msie && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(this) ) {
				// IE copies events bound via attachEvent when
				// using cloneNode. Calling detachEvent on the
				// clone will also remove the events from the orignal
				// In order to get around this, we use innerHTML.
				// Unfortunately, this means some modifications to
				// attributes in IE that are actually only stored
				// as properties will not be copied (such as the
				// the name attribute on an input).
				var clone = this.cloneNode(true),
					container = document.createElement("div");
				return jQuery.clean([container.innerHTML])[0];
			} else
				return this.cloneNode(true);

		// Need to set the expando to null on the cloned set if it exists
		// removeData doesn't work here, IE removes it from the original as well
		// this is primarily for IE but the data expando shouldn't be copied over in any browser
		var clone = ret.find("*").andSelf().each(function(){
			if ( this[ expando ] != undefined )
				this[ expando ] = null;

		// Copy the events from the original to the clone
		if ( events === true )
				if (this.nodeType == 3)
				var events = jQuery.data( this, "events" );

				for ( var type in events )
					for ( var handler in events[ type ] )
						jQuery.event.add( clone[ i ], type, events[ type ][ handler ], events[ type ][ handler ].data );

		// Return the cloned set
		return ret;

	filter: function( selector ) {
		///  1. filter(expr) - Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that do not match the specified expression(s).
		///  2. filter(fn) - Removes all elements from the set of matched elements that does not match the specified function.
		///<param name="selector">
		///  1. expr - An expression to pass into the filter.
		///  2. fn - A function to pass into the filter.
		///<param name="selector"></param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.pushStack(
			jQuery.isFunction( selector ) &&
			jQuery.grep(this, function(elem, i){
				return selector.call( elem, i );
			}) ||

			jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this ) );

	not: function( selector ) {
		///<summary>Removes elements matching the specified expression from the set of matched elements.</summary>
		///<param name="selector">An expression with which to remove matching elements, an element to remove from the set or a set of elements to remove from the jQuery set of matched elements.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		if ( selector.constructor == String )
			// test special case where just one selector is passed in
			if ( isSimple.test( selector ) )
				return this.pushStack( jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this, true ) );
				selector = jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this );

		var isArrayLike = selector.length && selector[selector.length - 1] !== undefined && !selector.nodeType;
		return this.filter(function() {
			return isArrayLike ? jQuery.inArray( this, selector ) < 0 : this != selector;

	add: function( selector ) {
		///<summary>Adds more elements, matched by the given expression, to the set of matched elements.</summary>
		///<param name="expr">An expression whose matched elements are added for String, a string of HTML to create on the fly for DOMElement or one or more Elements to add if an Array.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique( jQuery.merge(
			typeof selector == 'string' ?
				jQuery( selector ) :
				jQuery.makeArray( selector )

	is: function( selector ) {
		///<summary>Checks the current selection against an expression and returns true, if at least one element of the selection fits the given expression.</summary>
		///<param name="selector">The expression with which to filter</param>
		///<returns type="Boolean" />

		return !!selector && jQuery.multiFilter( selector, this ).length > 0;

	hasClass: function( selector ) {
		///<summary>Checks the current selection against a class and returns true, if at least one element of the selection has the given class.</summary>
		///<param name="selector">The class to match.</param>
		///<returns type="Boolean" />
		return this.is( "." + selector );

	val: function( value ) {
		///  1. val() - Get the content of the value attribute of the first matched element. Returns String or Array
		///  2. val(value) - Set the value attribute of every matched element.
		///  3. val(value) - Checks, or selects, all the radio buttons, checkboxes, and select options that match the set of values.
		///<param name="value" optional="true">(optional) The value to set on the matched element.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		if ( value == undefined ) {

			if ( this.length ) {
				var elem = this[0];

				// We need to handle select boxes special
				if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" ) ) {
					var index = elem.selectedIndex,
						values = [],
						options = elem.options,
						one = elem.type == "select-one";

					// Nothing was selected
					if ( index < 0 )
						return null;

					// Loop through all the selected options
					for ( var i = one ? index : 0, max = one ? index + 1 : options.length; i < max; i++ ) {
						var option = options[ i ];

						if ( option.selected ) {
							// Get the specifc value for the option
							value = jQuery.browser.msie && !option.attributes.value.specified ? option.text : option.value;

							// We don't need an array for one selects
							if ( one )
								return value;

							// Multi-Selects return an array
							values.push( value );

					return values;

				// Everything else, we just grab the value
				} else
					return (this[0].value || "").replace(/\r/g, "");


			return undefined;

		if( value.constructor == Number )
			value += '';

		return this.each(function(){
			if ( this.nodeType != 1 )

			if ( value.constructor == Array && /radio|checkbox/.test( this.type ) )
				this.checked = (jQuery.inArray(this.value, value) >= 0 ||
					jQuery.inArray(this.name, value) >= 0);

			else if ( jQuery.nodeName( this, "select" ) ) {
				var values = jQuery.makeArray(value);

				jQuery( "option", this ).each(function(){
					this.selected = (jQuery.inArray( this.value, values ) >= 0 ||
						jQuery.inArray( this.text, values ) >= 0);

				if ( !values.length )
					this.selectedIndex = -1;

			} else
				this.value = value;

	html: function( value ) {
		///  1. html() - Get the html contents (innerHTML) of the first matched element. This property is not available on XML documents (although it will work for XHTML documents).  Returns String.
		///  2. html(val) - Set the html contents of every matched element. This property is not available on XML documents (although it will work for XHTML documents).</summary>
		///<param name="" optional="true">(optional) Set the html contents to the specified value.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return value == undefined ?
			(this[0] ?
				this[0].innerHTML :
				null) :
			this.empty().append( value );

	replaceWith: function( value ) {
		///<summary>Replaces all matched elements with the specified HTML or DOM elements.</summary>
		///<param name="value">Content to replace the matched elements with</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.after( value ).remove();

	eq: function( i ) {
		///<summary>Reduce the set of matched elements to a single element.</summary>
		///<param name="i">The index of the element to select.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.slice( i, i + 1 );

	slice: function() {
		///  slice(start, [end]) - Selects a subset of the matched elements.
		///  start - Where to start the subset. The first element is at zero. Can be negative to start from the end of the selection.
		///  end - (optional) Where to end the subset. If unspecified, ends at the end of the selection.
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.pushStack( Array.prototype.slice.apply( this, arguments ) );

	map: function( callback ) {
		///<summary>Translate a set of elements in the jQuery object into another set of values in an array (which may, or may not, be elements).</summary>
		///<param name="callback">The function to execute on each element in the set.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.pushStack( jQuery.map(this, function(elem, i){
			return callback.call( elem, i, elem );

	andSelf: function() {
		///<summary>Add the previous selection to the current selection.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.add( this.prevObject );

	data: function( key, value ){
	    /// 1. data(key) - Returns value at named data store for the element, as set by data(name, value).
	    /// 2. data(key, value) - Stores the value in the named spot and also returns the value.
		///<param name="key" type="String">Name of the data stored, or to be stored.</param>
		///<param name="value" type="String">(optional) Value to be stored.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var parts = key.split(".");
		parts[1] = parts[1] ? "." + parts[1] : "";

		if ( value === undefined ) {
			var data = this.triggerHandler("getData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0]]);

			if ( data === undefined && this.length )
				data = jQuery.data( this[0], key );

			return data === undefined && parts[1] ?
				this.data( parts[0] ) :
		} else
			return this.trigger("setData" + parts[1] + "!", [parts[0], value]).each(function(){
				jQuery.data( this, key, value );

	removeData: function( key ){
		/// 1. removeData(key) - Remove the expando attribute that allows data storage on an element.</summary>
		/// 2. removeData(key, [optional] value) - Removes just this one named data store.
		///<param name="key" type="Element">
		///  1. removeData(key) - Element to delete the data store from. 
		///  2. removeData(key, value) - The name of the data store property to remove.
		///<returns type="jQuery" />	
		return this.each(function(){
			jQuery.removeData( this, key );

	domManip: function( args, table, reverse, callback ) {
	    ///<summary>Interal method called by insertBefore(), append(), and others to manipulate the DOM.</summary>
		///<param name="args" type="String"></param>
		///<param name="table" type="String"></param>
		///<param name="reverse" type="String"></param>
		///<param name="callback" type="String"></param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var clone = this.length > 1, elems;

		return this.each(function(){
			if ( !elems ) {
				elems = jQuery.clean( args, this.ownerDocument );

				if ( reverse )

			var obj = this;

			if ( table && jQuery.nodeName( this, "table" ) && jQuery.nodeName( elems[0], "tr" ) )
				obj = this.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] || this.appendChild( this.ownerDocument.createElement("tbody") );

			var scripts = jQuery( [] );

			jQuery.each(elems, function(){
				var elem = clone ?
					jQuery( this ).clone( true )[0] :

				// execute all scripts after the elements have been injected
				if ( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "script" ) )
					scripts = scripts.add( elem );
				else {
					// Remove any inner scripts for later evaluation
					if ( elem.nodeType == 1 )
						scripts = scripts.add( jQuery( "script", elem ).remove() );

					// Inject the elements into the document
					callback.call( obj, elem );

			scripts.each( evalScript );

// Give the init function the jQuery prototype for later instantiation
jQuery.fn.init.prototype = jQuery.fn;

function evalScript( i, elem ) {
	if ( elem.src )
			url: elem.src,
			async: false,
			dataType: "script"

		jQuery.globalEval( elem.text || elem.textContent || elem.innerHTML || "" );

	if ( elem.parentNode )
		elem.parentNode.removeChild( elem );

function now(){
	return +new Date;

jQuery.extend = jQuery.fn.extend = function() {
		///extend(target, object1, [objectN]) - Extends the jQuery element set to provide new methods (used to make a typical jQuery plugin).
		///  target - The object to extend.
		///  object1 - The object that will be merged into the first.
		///  objectN - (optional) More objects to merge into the first.
		///<param name="object">The object that will be merged into the jQuery object. note: intellisense not working.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

	// copy reference to target object
	var target = arguments[0] || {}, i = 1, length = arguments.length, deep = false, options;

	// Handle a deep copy situation
	if ( target.constructor == Boolean ) {
		deep = target;
		target = arguments[1] || {};
		// skip the boolean and the target
		i = 2;

	// Handle case when target is a string or something (possible in deep copy)
	if ( typeof target != "object" && typeof target != "function" )
		target = {};

	// extend jQuery itself if only one argument is passed
	if ( length == i ) {
		target = this;

	for ( ; i < length; i++ )
		// Only deal with non-null/undefined values
		if ( (options = arguments[ i ]) != null )
			// Extend the base object
			for ( var name in options ) {
				var src = target[ name ], copy = options[ name ];

				// Prevent never-ending loop
				if ( target === copy )

				// Recurse if we're merging object values
				if ( deep && copy && typeof copy == "object" && !copy.nodeType )
					target[ name ] = jQuery.extend( deep, 
						// Never move original objects, clone them
						src || ( copy.length != null ? [ ] : { } )
					, copy );

				// Don't bring in undefined values
				else if ( copy !== undefined )
					target[ name ] = copy;


	// Return the modified object
	return target;

var expando = "jQuery" + now(), uuid = 0, windowData = {},
	// exclude the following css properties to add px
	exclude = /z-?index|font-?weight|opacity|zoom|line-?height/i,
	// cache defaultView
	defaultView = document.defaultView || {};

	noConflict: function( deep ) {
		///<summary>Run this function to give control of the $ variable back to whichever library first implemented it. note: intellisense not working</summary>
		///<param name="">(optional) Set to true to enable the extreme rollback of jQuery and it's variables.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		window.$ = _$;

		if ( deep )
			window.jQuery = _jQuery;

		return jQuery;

	// See test/unit/core.js for details concerning this function.
	isFunction: function( fn ) {
		///<summary>Determine if the parameter passed is a function.</summary>
		///<param name="fn">Object to test whether or not it is a function.</param>
		///<returns type="Boolean" />

		return !!fn && typeof fn != "string" && !fn.nodeName &&
			fn.constructor != Array && /^[\s[]?function/.test( fn + "" );

	// check if an element is in a (or is an) XML document
	isXMLDoc: function( elem ) {
		return elem.documentElement && !elem.body ||
			elem.tagName && elem.ownerDocument && !elem.ownerDocument.body;

	// Evalulates a script in a global context
	globalEval: function( data ) {
		data = jQuery.trim( data );

		if ( data ) {
			// Inspired by code by Andrea Giammarchi
			// http://webreflection.blogspot.com/2007/08/global-scope-evaluation-and-dom.html
			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0] || document.documentElement,
				script = document.createElement("script");

			script.type = "text/javascript";
			if ( jQuery.browser.msie )
				script.text = data;
				script.appendChild( document.createTextNode( data ) );

			// Use insertBefore instead of appendChild  to circumvent an IE6 bug.
			// This arises when a base node is used (#2709).
			head.insertBefore( script, head.firstChild );
			head.removeChild( script );

	nodeName: function( elem, name ) {
		return elem.nodeName && elem.nodeName.toUpperCase() == name.toUpperCase();

	cache: {},

	data: function( elem, name, data ) {
		///  1. data(elem) - Returns a unique ID for the element.  Returns Number.
		///  2. data(elem, value) - Returns value at named data store for the element.  Returns Any.
		///  3. data(elem, name, value) - Stores the value in the named spot and also returns the value.  
		///<param name="elem">DOM element of interest.</param>
		///<param name="name" optional="true">(optional) Name of the data stored, or to be stored.</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Value to be stored.</param>
		///<returns type="Number" />

		elem = elem == window ?
			windowData :

		var id = elem[ expando ];

		// Compute a unique ID for the element
		if ( !id )
			id = elem[ expando ] = ++uuid;

		// Only generate the data cache if we're
		// trying to access or manipulate it
		if ( name && !jQuery.cache[ id ] )
			jQuery.cache[ id ] = {};

		// Prevent overriding the named cache with undefined values
		if ( data !== undefined )
			jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] = data;

		// Return the named cache data, or the ID for the element
		return name ?
			jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ] :

	removeData: function( elem, name ) {
		///<summary>Remove the expando attribute that allows data storage on an element.</summary>
		///<param name="elem">Element to delete the data store from.</param>
		///<param name="name" optional="true">(optional) The name of the data store property to remove.</param>
		elem = elem == window ?
			windowData :

		var id = elem[ expando ];

		// If we want to remove a specific section of the element's data
		if ( name ) {
			if ( jQuery.cache[ id ] ) {
				// Remove the section of cache data
				delete jQuery.cache[ id ][ name ];

				// If we've removed all the data, remove the element's cache
				name = "";

				for ( name in jQuery.cache[ id ] )

				if ( !name )
					jQuery.removeData( elem );

		// Otherwise, we want to remove all of the element's data
		} else {
			// Clean up the element expando
			try {
				delete elem[ expando ];
			} catch(e){
				// IE has trouble directly removing the expando
				// but it's ok with using removeAttribute
				if ( elem.removeAttribute )
					elem.removeAttribute( expando );

			// Completely remove the data cache
			delete jQuery.cache[ id ];

	// args is for internal usage only
	each: function( object, callback, args ) {
		var name, i = 0, length = object.length;

		if ( args ) {
			if ( length == undefined ) {
				for ( name in object )
					if ( callback.apply( object[ name ], args ) === false )
			} else
				for ( ; i < length; )
					if ( callback.apply( object[ i++ ], args ) === false )

		// A special, fast, case for the most common use of each
		} else {
			if ( length == undefined ) {
				for ( name in object )
					if ( callback.call( object[ name ], name, object[ name ] ) === false )
			} else
				for ( var value = object[0];
					i < length && callback.call( value, i, value ) !== false; value = object[++i] ){}

		return object;

	prop: function( elem, value, type, i, name ) {
		// Handle executable functions
		if ( jQuery.isFunction( value ) )
			value = value.call( elem, i );

		// Handle passing in a number to a CSS property
		return value && value.constructor == Number && type == "curCSS" && !exclude.test( name ) ?
			value + "px" :

	className: {
		// internal only, use addClass("class")
		add: function( elem, classNames ) {
			jQuery.each((classNames || "").split(/\s+/), function(i, className){
				if ( elem.nodeType == 1 && !jQuery.className.has( elem.className, className ) )
					elem.className += (elem.className ? " " : "") + className;

		// internal only, use removeClass("class")
		remove: function( elem, classNames ) {
			if (elem.nodeType == 1)
				elem.className = classNames != undefined ?
					jQuery.grep(elem.className.split(/\s+/), function(className){
						return !jQuery.className.has( classNames, className );
					}).join(" ") :

		// internal only, use hasClass("class")
		has: function( elem, className ) {
			return jQuery.inArray( className, (elem.className || elem).toString().split(/\s+/) ) > -1;

	// A method for quickly swapping in/out CSS properties to get correct calculations
	swap: function( elem, options, callback ) {
		var old = {};
		// Remember the old values, and insert the new ones
		for ( var name in options ) {
			old[ name ] = elem.style[ name ];
			elem.style[ name ] = options[ name ];

		callback.call( elem );

		// Revert the old values
		for ( var name in options )
			elem.style[ name ] = old[ name ];

	css: function( elem, name, force ) {
		if ( name == "width" || name == "height" ) {
			var val, props = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display:"block" }, which = name == "width" ? [ "Left", "Right" ] : [ "Top", "Bottom" ];

			function getWH() {
				val = name == "width" ? elem.offsetWidth : elem.offsetHeight;
				var padding = 0, border = 0;
				jQuery.each( which, function() {
					padding += parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS( elem, "padding" + this, true)) || 0;
					border += parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS( elem, "border" + this + "Width", true)) || 0;
				val -= Math.round(padding + border);

			if ( jQuery(elem).is(":visible") )
				jQuery.swap( elem, props, getWH );

			return Math.max(0, val);

		return jQuery.curCSS( elem, name, force );

	curCSS: function( elem, name, force ) {
		var ret, style = elem.style;

		// A helper method for determining if an element's values are broken
		function color( elem ) {
			if ( !jQuery.browser.safari )
				return false;

			// defaultView is cached
			var ret = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null );
			return !ret || ret.getPropertyValue("color") == "";

		// We need to handle opacity special in IE
		if ( name == "opacity" && jQuery.browser.msie ) {
			ret = jQuery.attr( style, "opacity" );

			return ret == "" ?
				"1" :
		// Opera sometimes will give the wrong display answer, this fixes it, see #2037
		if ( jQuery.browser.opera && name == "display" ) {
			var save = style.outline;
			style.outline = "0 solid black";
			style.outline = save;

		// Make sure we're using the right name for getting the float value
		if ( name.match( /float/i ) )
			name = styleFloat;

		if ( !force && style && style[ name ] )
			ret = style[ name ];

		else if ( defaultView.getComputedStyle ) {

			// Only "float" is needed here
			if ( name.match( /float/i ) )
				name = "float";

			name = name.replace( /([A-Z])/g, "-$1" ).toLowerCase();

			var computedStyle = defaultView.getComputedStyle( elem, null );

			if ( computedStyle && !color( elem ) )
				ret = computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name );

			// If the element isn't reporting its values properly in Safari
			// then some display: none elements are involved
			else {
				var swap = [], stack = [], a = elem, i = 0;

				// Locate all of the parent display: none elements
				for ( ; a && color(a); a = a.parentNode )

				// Go through and make them visible, but in reverse
				// (It would be better if we knew the exact display type that they had)
				for ( ; i < stack.length; i++ )
					if ( color( stack[ i ] ) ) {
						swap[ i ] = stack[ i ].style.display;
						stack[ i ].style.display = "block";

				// Since we flip the display style, we have to handle that
				// one special, otherwise get the value
				ret = name == "display" && swap[ stack.length - 1 ] != null ?
					"none" :
					( computedStyle && computedStyle.getPropertyValue( name ) ) || "";

				// Finally, revert the display styles back
				for ( i = 0; i < swap.length; i++ )
					if ( swap[ i ] != null )
						stack[ i ].style.display = swap[ i ];

			// We should always get a number back from opacity
			if ( name == "opacity" && ret == "" )
				ret = "1";

		} else if ( elem.currentStyle ) {
			var camelCase = name.replace(/\-(\w)/g, function(all, letter){
				return letter.toUpperCase();

			ret = elem.currentStyle[ name ] || elem.currentStyle[ camelCase ];

			// From the awesome hack by Dean Edwards
			// http://erik.eae.net/archives/2007/07/27/18.54.15/#comment-102291

			// If we're not dealing with a regular pixel number
			// but a number that has a weird ending, we need to convert it to pixels
			if ( !/^\d+(px)?$/i.test( ret ) && /^\d/.test( ret ) ) {
				// Remember the original values
				var left = style.left, rsLeft = elem.runtimeStyle.left;

				// Put in the new values to get a computed value out
				elem.runtimeStyle.left = elem.currentStyle.left;
				style.left = ret || 0;
				ret = style.pixelLeft + "px";

				// Revert the changed values
				style.left = left;
				elem.runtimeStyle.left = rsLeft;

		return ret;

	clean: function( elems, context ) {
		var ret = [];
		context = context || document;
		// !context.createElement fails in IE with an error but returns typeof 'object'
		if (typeof context.createElement == 'undefined')
			context = context.ownerDocument || context[0] && context[0].ownerDocument || document;

		jQuery.each(elems, function(i, elem){
			if ( !elem )

			if ( elem.constructor == Number )
				elem += '';

			// Convert html string into DOM nodes
			if ( typeof elem == "string" ) {
				// Fix "XHTML"-style tags in all browsers
				elem = elem.replace(/(<(\w+)[^>]*?)\/>/g, function(all, front, tag){
					return tag.match(/^(abbr|br|col|img|input|link|meta|param|hr|area|embed)$/i) ?
						all :
						front + "></" + tag + ">";

				// Trim whitespace, otherwise indexOf won't work as expected
				var tags = jQuery.trim( elem ).toLowerCase(), div = context.createElement("div");

				var wrap =
					// option or optgroup
					!tags.indexOf("<opt") &&
					[ 1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>" ] ||

					!tags.indexOf("<leg") &&
					[ 1, "<fieldset>", "</fieldset>" ] ||

					tags.match(/^<(thead|tbody|tfoot|colg|cap)/) &&
					[ 1, "<table>", "</table>" ] ||

					!tags.indexOf("<tr") &&
					[ 2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>" ] ||

				 	// <thead> matched above
					(!tags.indexOf("<td") || !tags.indexOf("<th")) &&
					[ 3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>" ] ||

					!tags.indexOf("<col") &&
					[ 2, "<table><tbody></tbody><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>" ] ||

					// IE can't serialize <link> and <script> tags normally
					jQuery.browser.msie &&
					[ 1, "div<div>", "</div>" ] ||

					[ 0, "", "" ];

				// Go to html and back, then peel off extra wrappers
				div.innerHTML = wrap[1] + elem + wrap[2];

				// Move to the right depth
				while ( wrap[0]-- )
					div = div.lastChild;

				// Remove IE's autoinserted <tbody> from table fragments
				if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {

					// String was a <table>, *may* have spurious <tbody>
					var tbody = !tags.indexOf("<table") && tags.indexOf("<tbody") < 0 ?
						div.firstChild && div.firstChild.childNodes :

						// String was a bare <thead> or <tfoot>
						wrap[1] == "<table>" && tags.indexOf("<tbody") < 0 ?
							div.childNodes :

					for ( var j = tbody.length - 1; j >= 0 ; --j )
						if ( jQuery.nodeName( tbody[ j ], "tbody" ) && !tbody[ j ].childNodes.length )
							tbody[ j ].parentNode.removeChild( tbody[ j ] );

					// IE completely kills leading whitespace when innerHTML is used
					if ( /^\s/.test( elem ) )
						div.insertBefore( context.createTextNode( elem.match(/^\s*/)[0] ), div.firstChild );


				elem = jQuery.makeArray( div.childNodes );

			if ( elem.length === 0 && (!jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && !jQuery.nodeName( elem, "select" )) )

			if ( elem[0] == undefined || jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) || elem.options )
				ret.push( elem );

				ret = jQuery.merge( ret, elem );


		return ret;

	attr: function( elem, name, value ) {
		// don't set attributes on text and comment nodes
		if (!elem || elem.nodeType == 3 || elem.nodeType == 8)
			return undefined;

		var notxml = !jQuery.isXMLDoc( elem ),
			// Whether we are setting (or getting)
			set = value !== undefined,
			msie = jQuery.browser.msie;

		// Try to normalize/fix the name
		name = notxml && jQuery.props[ name ] || name;

		// Only do all the following if this is a node (faster for style)
		// IE elem.getAttribute passes even for style
		if ( elem.tagName ) {

			// These attributes require special treatment
			var special = /href|src|style/.test( name );

			// Safari mis-reports the default selected property of a hidden option
			// Accessing the parent's selectedIndex property fixes it
			if ( name == "selected" && jQuery.browser.safari )

			// If applicable, access the attribute via the DOM 0 way
			if ( name in elem && notxml && !special ) {
				if ( set ){
					// We can't allow the type property to be changed (since it causes problems in IE)
					if ( name == "type" && jQuery.nodeName( elem, "input" ) && elem.parentNode )
						throw "type property can't be changed";

					elem[ name ] = value;

				// browsers index elements by id/name on forms, give priority to attributes.
				if( jQuery.nodeName( elem, "form" ) && elem.getAttributeNode(name) )
					return elem.getAttributeNode( name ).nodeValue;

				return elem[ name ];

			if ( msie && notxml &&  name == "style" )
				return jQuery.attr( elem.style, "cssText", value );

			if ( set )
				// convert the value to a string (all browsers do this but IE) see #1070
				elem.setAttribute( name, "" + value );

			var attr = msie && notxml && special
					// Some attributes require a special call on IE
					? elem.getAttribute( name, 2 )
					: elem.getAttribute( name );

			// Non-existent attributes return null, we normalize to undefined
			return attr === null ? undefined : attr;

		// elem is actually elem.style ... set the style

		// IE uses filters for opacity
		if ( msie && name == "opacity" ) {
			if ( set ) {
				// IE has trouble with opacity if it does not have layout
				// Force it by setting the zoom level
				elem.zoom = 1;

				// Set the alpha filter to set the opacity
				elem.filter = (elem.filter || "").replace( /alpha\([^)]*\)/, "" ) +
					(parseInt( value ) + '' == "NaN" ? "" : "alpha(opacity=" + value * 100 + ")");

			return elem.filter && elem.filter.indexOf("opacity=") >= 0 ?
				(parseFloat( elem.filter.match(/opacity=([^)]*)/)[1] ) / 100) + '':

		name = name.replace(/-([a-z])/ig, function(all, letter){
			return letter.toUpperCase();

		if ( set )
			elem[ name ] = value;

		return elem[ name ];

	trim: function( text ) {
		///<summary>Remove the whitespace from the beginning and end of a string.</summary>
		///<param name="text">The string to trim.</param>
		///<returns type="String" />
		return (text || "").replace( /^\s+|\s+$/g, "" );

	makeArray: function( array ) {
		///<summary>Turns an array-like object into a true array.</summary>
		///<param name="array">Array-like object to turn in to an actual Array.</param>
		///<returns type="Array" />
		var ret = [];

		if( array != null ){
			var i = array.length;
			//the window, strings and functions also have 'length'
			if( i == null || array.split || array.setInterval || array.call )
				ret[0] = array;
				while( i )
					ret[--i] = array[i];

		return ret;

	inArray: function( elem, array ) {
		///<summary>Determine the index of the first parameter in the Array (-1 if not found).</summary>
		///<param name="elem">Value to see if it exists in the array.</param>
		///<param name="array">Array to look through for the value.</param>
		///<returns type="Number" />
		for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ )
		// Use === because on IE, window == document
			if ( array[ i ] === elem )
				return i;

		return -1;

	merge: function( first, second ) {
		// We have to loop this way because IE & Opera overwrite the length
		// expando of getElementsByTagName
		var i = 0, elem, pos = first.length;
		// Also, we need to make sure that the correct elements are being returned
		// (IE returns comment nodes in a '*' query)
		if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) {
			while ( elem = second[ i++ ] )
				if ( elem.nodeType != 8 )
					first[ pos++ ] = elem;

		} else
			while ( elem = second[ i++ ] )
				first[ pos++ ] = elem;

		return first;

	unique: function( array ) {
		///<summary>Remove all duplicate elements from an array of elements.</summary>
		///<param name="array">The Array to translate.</param>
		///<returns type="Array" />
		var ret = [], done = {};

		try {

			for ( var i = 0, length = array.length; i < length; i++ ) {
				var id = jQuery.data( array[ i ] );

				if ( !done[ id ] ) {
					done[ id ] = true;
					ret.push( array[ i ] );

		} catch( e ) {
			ret = array;

		return ret;

	grep: function( elems, callback, inv ) {
		///<summary>Filter items out of an array, by using a filter function.</summary>
		///<param name="array">The Array to find items in.</param>
		///<param name="callback">The function to process each item against. The first argument to the function is the list item, and the second argument is the list index. The function should return a Boolean value. Optionally, this argument may be a string rather than a function. If the argument is a string, it is treated as a short "lambda-form" function, with "a" representing the list item and "i" representing the index. For example, "a > 0" may be passed instead of "function(a){ return a > 0; }".</param>
		///<param name="inv" optional="true">(optional) If "inv" (invert) is false, or not provided, then the function returns an array consisting of all elements for which "callback" returns true. If "invert" is true, then the function returns an array consisting of all elements for which "callback" returns false.</param>
		///<returns type="Array" />
		var ret = [];

		// Go through the array, only saving the items
		// that pass the validator function
		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ )
			if ( !inv != !callback( elems[ i ], i ) )
				ret.push( elems[ i ] );

		return ret;

	map: function( elems, callback ) {
		var ret = [];

		// Go through the array, translating each of the items to their
		// new value (or values).
		for ( var i = 0, length = elems.length; i < length; i++ ) {
			var value = callback( elems[ i ], i );

			if ( value != null )
				ret[ ret.length ] = value;

		return ret.concat.apply( [], ret );

var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();

// Figure out what browser is being used
jQuery.browser = {
		///<summary>Contains flags for the useragent, read from navigator.userAgent.</summary>
	version: (userAgent.match( /.+(?:rv|it|ra|ie)[\/: ]([\d.]+)/ ) || [])[1],
	safari: /webkit/.test( userAgent ),
	opera: /opera/.test( userAgent ),
	msie: /msie/.test( userAgent ) && !/opera/.test( userAgent ),
	mozilla: /mozilla/.test( userAgent ) && !/(compatible|webkit)/.test( userAgent )

var styleFloat = jQuery.browser.msie ?
	"styleFloat" :

	// Check to see if the W3C box model is being used
	boxModel: !jQuery.browser.msie || document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat",

	props: {
		"for": "htmlFor",
		"class": "className",
		"float": styleFloat,
		cssFloat: styleFloat,
		styleFloat: styleFloat,
		readonly: "readOnly",
		maxlength: "maxLength",
		cellspacing: "cellSpacing"

	parent: function(elem){return elem.parentNode;},
	parents: function(elem){return jQuery.dir(elem,"parentNode");},
	next: function(elem){return jQuery.nth(elem,2,"nextSibling");},
	prev: function(elem){return jQuery.nth(elem,2,"previousSibling");},
	nextAll: function(elem){return jQuery.dir(elem,"nextSibling");},
	prevAll: function(elem){return jQuery.dir(elem,"previousSibling");},
	siblings: function(elem){return jQuery.sibling(elem.parentNode.firstChild,elem);},
	children: function(elem){return jQuery.sibling(elem.firstChild);},
	contents: function(elem){return jQuery.nodeName(elem,"iframe")?elem.contentDocument||elem.contentWindow.document:jQuery.makeArray(elem.childNodes);}
}, function(name, fn){
	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function( selector ) {
		///<summary>Finds a set of elements.</summary>
		///<param name="selector" optional="true">(optional) An expression to filter the elements with.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		var ret = jQuery.map( this, fn );

		if ( selector && typeof selector == "string" )
			ret = jQuery.multiFilter( selector, ret );

		return this.pushStack( jQuery.unique( ret ) );

	appendTo: "append",
	prependTo: "prepend",
	insertBefore: "before",
	insertAfter: "after",
	replaceAll: "replaceWith"
}, function(name, original){
	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function() {
		/// 1. appendTo(selctor) - Append all of the matched elements to another, specified, set of elements.
		/// 2. prependTo(selector) - Prepend all of the matched elements to another, specified, set of elements.
		/// 3. insertBefore(selector) - Insert all of the matched elements before another, specified, set of elements.
		/// 4. insertAfter(selector) - Insert all of the matched elements after another, specified, set of elements.
		/// 5. replaceAll(selector) - Replaces the elements matched by the specified selector with the matched elements.
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var args = arguments;

		return this.each(function(){
			for ( var i = 0, length = args.length; i < length; i++ )
				jQuery( args[ i ] )[ original ]( this );

	removeAttr: function( name ) {
		///<summary>Remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.  Note: intellisense not working</summary>
		///<param name="name">The name of the property to remove.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		jQuery.attr( this, name, "" );
		if (this.nodeType == 1)
			this.removeAttribute( name );

	addClass: function( classNames ) {
		///<summary>Adds the specified class(es) to each of the set of matched elements.  Note: intellisense not working</summary>
		///<param name="className">One or more CSS classes to add to the elements, these are separated by spaces.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		jQuery.className.add( this, classNames );

	removeClass: function( classNames ) {
		///<summary>Removes all or the specified class(es) from the set of matched elements.  Note: intellisense not working</summary>
		///<param name="className">One or more CSS classes to remove from the elements, these are separated by spaces.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		jQuery.className.remove( this, classNames );

	toggleClass: function( classNames ) {
		///<summary>Adds the specified class if it is not present, removes the specified class if it is present.  Note: intellisense not working</summary>
		///<param name="className">A CSS class to toggle on the elements.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		jQuery.className[ jQuery.className.has( this, classNames ) ? "remove" : "add" ]( this, classNames );

	remove: function( selector ) {
		///<summary>Removes all matched elements from the DOM. Note: Intellisense not working.</summary>
		///<param name="selector" optional="true">(optional) A jQuery expression to filter the set of elements to be removed.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		if ( !selector || jQuery.filter( selector, [ this ] ).r.length ) {
			// Prevent memory leaks
			jQuery( "*", this ).add(this).each(function(){
			if (this.parentNode)
				this.parentNode.removeChild( this );

	empty: function() {
		///<summary>Remove all child nodes from the set of matched elements. Note: Intellisense not working.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// Remove element nodes and prevent memory leaks
		jQuery( ">*", this ).remove();

		// Remove any remaining nodes
		while ( this.firstChild )
			this.removeChild( this.firstChild );
}, function(name, fn){
	jQuery.fn[ name ] = function(){
		///<summary>A number of API functions share this function body: 
		/// 1. removeAttr(name) - Remove an attribute from each of the matched elements.
		/// 2. addClass(className) - Adds the specified class(es) to each of the set of matched elements.
		/// 3. removeClass(className) - Removes all or the specified class(es) from the set of matched elements.
		/// 4. toggleClass(className) - Adds the specified class if it is not present, removes the specified class if it is present.
		/// 5. remove([optional] selector) - Removes all matched elements from the DOM.
		/// 6. empty() - Remove all child nodes from the set of matched elements.
		///<param name="type" type="String"> note: intellisense does not show parameters for this method
		/// 1. removeAttr(name) - The name of the property to remove.
		/// 2. addClass(className) - One or more CSS classes to add to the elements, these are separated by spaces.
		/// 3. removeClass(className) - One or more CSS classes to remove from the elements, these are separated by spaces.
		/// 4. toggleClass(className) - A CSS class to toggle on the elements.
		/// 5. remove(selector) - (optional) A jQuery expression to filter the set of elements to be removed.
		/// 6. empty()
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.each( fn, arguments );

jQuery.each([ "Height", "Width" ], function(i, name){
	var type = name.toLowerCase();

	jQuery.fn[ type ] = function( size ) {
	    ///<summary>Returns the Height or Width
	    ///  1. Height() - Get the current computed, pixel, height of the first matched element.
	    ///  2. Height(val) - Set the CSS height of every matched element.
	    ///  1. Width() - Get the current computed, pixel, width of the first matched element.
	    ///  2. Width(val) - Set the CSS width of every matched element.
		///<param name="size" optional="true">(optional) Set the CSS property to the specified value.</param>
	    ///<returns type="jQuery" />

		// Get window width or height
		return this[0] == window ?
			// Opera reports document.body.client[Width/Height] properly in both quirks and standards
			jQuery.browser.opera && document.body[ "client" + name ] ||

			// Safari reports inner[Width/Height] just fine (Mozilla and Opera include scroll bar widths)
			jQuery.browser.safari && window[ "inner" + name ] ||

			// Everyone else use document.documentElement or document.body depending on Quirks vs Standards mode
			document.compatMode == "CSS1Compat" && document.documentElement[ "client" + name ] || document.body[ "client" + name ] :

			// Get document width or height
			this[0] == document ?
				// Either scroll[Width/Height] or offset[Width/Height], whichever is greater
					Math.max(document.body["scroll" + name], document.documentElement["scroll" + name]),
					Math.max(document.body["offset" + name], document.documentElement["offset" + name])
				) :

				// Get or set width or height on the element
				size == undefined ?
					// Get width or height on the element
					(this.length ? jQuery.css( this[0], type ) : null) :

					// Set the width or height on the element (default to pixels if value is unitless)
					this.css( type, size.constructor == String ? size : size + "px" );

// Helper function used by the dimensions and offset modules
function num(elem, prop) {
	return elem[0] && parseInt( jQuery.curCSS(elem[0], prop, true), 10 ) || 0;
}var chars = jQuery.browser.safari && parseInt(jQuery.browser.version) < 417 ?
		"(?:[\\w*_-]|\\\\.)" :
	quickChild = new RegExp("^>\\s*(" + chars + "+)"),
	quickID = new RegExp("^(" + chars + "+)(#)(" + chars + "+)"),
	quickClass = new RegExp("^([#.]?)(" + chars + "*)");

	expr: {
		"": function(a,i,m){return m[2]=="*"||jQuery.nodeName(a,m[2]);},
		"#": function(a,i,m){return a.getAttribute("id")==m[2];},
		":": {
			// Position Checks
			lt: function(a,i,m){return i<m[3]-0;},
			gt: function(a,i,m){return i>m[3]-0;},
			nth: function(a,i,m){return m[3]-0==i;},
			eq: function(a,i,m){return m[3]-0==i;},
			first: function(a,i){return i==0;},
			last: function(a,i,m,r){return i==r.length-1;},
			even: function(a,i){return i%2==0;},
			odd: function(a,i){return i%2;},

			// Child Checks
			"first-child": function(a){return a.parentNode.getElementsByTagName("*")[0]==a;},
			"last-child": function(a){return jQuery.nth(a.parentNode.lastChild,1,"previousSibling")==a;},
			"only-child": function(a){return !jQuery.nth(a.parentNode.lastChild,2,"previousSibling");},

			// Parent Checks
			parent: function(a){return a.firstChild;},
			empty: function(a){return !a.firstChild;},

			// Text Check
			contains: function(a,i,m){return (a.textContent||a.innerText||jQuery(a).text()||"").indexOf(m[3])>=0;},

			// Visibility
			visible: function(a){return "hidden"!=a.type&&jQuery.css(a,"display")!="none"&&jQuery.css(a,"visibility")!="hidden";},
			hidden: function(a){return "hidden"==a.type||jQuery.css(a,"display")=="none"||jQuery.css(a,"visibility")=="hidden";},

			// Form attributes
			enabled: function(a){return !a.disabled;},
			disabled: function(a){return a.disabled;},
			checked: function(a){return a.checked;},
			selected: function(a){return a.selected||jQuery.attr(a,"selected");},

			// Form elements
			text: function(a){return "text"==a.type;},
			radio: function(a){return "radio"==a.type;},
			checkbox: function(a){return "checkbox"==a.type;},
			file: function(a){return "file"==a.type;},
			password: function(a){return "password"==a.type;},
			submit: function(a){return "submit"==a.type;},
			image: function(a){return "image"==a.type;},
			reset: function(a){return "reset"==a.type;},
			button: function(a){return "button"==a.type||jQuery.nodeName(a,"button");},
			input: function(a){return /input|select|textarea|button/i.test(a.nodeName);},

			// :has()
			has: function(a,i,m){return jQuery.find(m[3],a).length;},

			// :header
			header: function(a){return /h\d/i.test(a.nodeName);},

			// :animated
			animated: function(a){return jQuery.grep(jQuery.timers,function(fn){return a==fn.elem;}).length;}

	// The regular expressions that power the parsing engine
	parse: [
		// Match: [@value='test'], [@foo]
		/^(\[) *@?([\w-]+) *([!*$^~=]*) *('?"?)(.*?)\4 *\]/,

		// Match: :contains('foo')

		// Match: :even, :last-child, #id, .class
		new RegExp("^([:.#]*)(" + chars + "+)")

	multiFilter: function( expr, elems, not ) {
		var old, cur = [];

		while ( expr && expr != old ) {
			old = expr;
			var f = jQuery.filter( expr, elems, not );
			expr = f.t.replace(/^\s*,\s*/, "" );
			cur = not ? elems = f.r : jQuery.merge( cur, f.r );

		return cur;

	find: function( t, context ) {
		// Quickly handle non-string expressions
		if ( typeof t != "string" )
			return [ t ];

		// check to make sure context is a DOM element or a document
		if ( context && context.nodeType != 1 && context.nodeType != 9)
			return [ ];

		// Set the correct context (if none is provided)
		context = context || document;

		// Initialize the search
		var ret = [context], done = [], last, nodeName;

		// Continue while a selector expression exists, and while
		// we're no longer looping upon ourselves
		while ( t && last != t ) {
			var r = [];
			last = t;

			t = jQuery.trim(t);

			var foundToken = false,

			// An attempt at speeding up child selectors that
			// point to a specific element tag
				re = quickChild,

				m = re.exec(t);

			if ( m ) {
				nodeName = m[1].toUpperCase();

				// Perform our own iteration and filter
				for ( var i = 0; ret[i]; i++ )
					for ( var c = ret[i].firstChild; c; c = c.nextSibling )
						if ( c.nodeType == 1 && (nodeName == "*" || c.nodeName.toUpperCase() == nodeName) )
							r.push( c );

				ret = r;
				t = t.replace( re, "" );
				if ( t.indexOf(" ") == 0 ) continue;
				foundToken = true;
			} else {
				re = /^([>+~])\s*(\w*)/i;

				if ( (m = re.exec(t)) != null ) {
					r = [];

					var merge = {};
					nodeName = m[2].toUpperCase();
					m = m[1];

					for ( var j = 0, rl = ret.length; j < rl; j++ ) {
						var n = m == "~" || m == "+" ? ret[j].nextSibling : ret[j].firstChild;
						for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling )
							if ( n.nodeType == 1 ) {
								var id = jQuery.data(n);

								if ( m == "~" && merge[id] ) break;

								if (!nodeName || n.nodeName.toUpperCase() == nodeName ) {
									if ( m == "~" ) merge[id] = true;
									r.push( n );

								if ( m == "+" ) break;

					ret = r;

					// And remove the token
					t = jQuery.trim( t.replace( re, "" ) );
					foundToken = true;

			// See if there's still an expression, and that we haven't already
			// matched a token
			if ( t && !foundToken ) {
				// Handle multiple expressions
				if ( !t.indexOf(",") ) {
					// Clean the result set
					if ( context == ret[0] ) ret.shift();

					// Merge the result sets
					done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );

					// Reset the context
					r = ret = [context];

					// Touch up the selector string
					t = " " + t.substr(1,t.length);

				} else {
					// Optimize for the case nodeName#idName
					var re2 = quickID;
					var m = re2.exec(t);

					// Re-organize the results, so that they're consistent
					if ( m ) {
						m = [ 0, m[2], m[3], m[1] ];

					} else {
						// Otherwise, do a traditional filter check for
						// ID, class, and element selectors
						re2 = quickClass;
						m = re2.exec(t);

					m[2] = m[2].replace(/\\/g, "");

					var elem = ret[ret.length-1];

					// Try to do a global search by ID, where we can
					if ( m[1] == "#" && elem && elem.getElementById && !jQuery.isXMLDoc(elem) ) {
						// Optimization for HTML document case
						var oid = elem.getElementById(m[2]);

						// Do a quick check for the existence of the actual ID attribute
						// to avoid selecting by the name attribute in IE
						// also check to insure id is a string to avoid selecting an element with the name of 'id' inside a form
						if ( (jQuery.browser.msie||jQuery.browser.opera) && oid && typeof oid.id == "string" && oid.id != m[2] )
							oid = jQuery('[@id="'+m[2]+'"]', elem)[0];

						// Do a quick check for node name (where applicable) so
						// that div#foo searches will be really fast
						ret = r = oid && (!m[3] || jQuery.nodeName(oid, m[3])) ? [oid] : [];
					} else {
						// We need to find all descendant elements
						for ( var i = 0; ret[i]; i++ ) {
							// Grab the tag name being searched for
							var tag = m[1] == "#" && m[3] ? m[3] : m[1] != "" || m[0] == "" ? "*" : m[2];

							// Handle IE7 being really dumb about <object>s
							if ( tag == "*" && ret[i].nodeName.toLowerCase() == "object" )
								tag = "param";

							r = jQuery.merge( r, ret[i].getElementsByTagName( tag ));

						// It's faster to filter by class and be done with it
						if ( m[1] == "." )
							r = jQuery.classFilter( r, m[2] );

						// Same with ID filtering
						if ( m[1] == "#" ) {
							var tmp = [];

							// Try to find the element with the ID
							for ( var i = 0; r[i]; i++ )
								if ( r[i].getAttribute("id") == m[2] ) {
									tmp = [ r[i] ];

							r = tmp;

						ret = r;

					t = t.replace( re2, "" );


			// If a selector string still exists
			if ( t ) {
				// Attempt to filter it
				var val = jQuery.filter(t,r);
				ret = r = val.r;
				t = jQuery.trim(val.t);

		// An error occurred with the selector;
		// just return an empty set instead
		if ( t )
			ret = [];

		// Remove the root context
		if ( ret && context == ret[0] )

		// And combine the results
		done = jQuery.merge( done, ret );

		return done;

	classFilter: function(r,m,not){
		m = " " + m + " ";
		var tmp = [];
		for ( var i = 0; r[i]; i++ ) {
			var pass = (" " + r[i].className + " ").indexOf( m ) >= 0;
			if ( !not && pass || not && !pass )
				tmp.push( r[i] );
		return tmp;

	filter: function(t,r,not) {
		var last;

		// Look for common filter expressions
		while ( t && t != last ) {
			last = t;

			var p = jQuery.parse, m;

			for ( var i = 0; p[i]; i++ ) {
				m = p[i].exec( t );

				if ( m ) {
					// Remove what we just matched
					t = t.substring( m[0].length );

					m[2] = m[2].replace(/\\/g, "");

			if ( !m )

			// :not() is a special case that can be optimized by
			// keeping it out of the expression list
			if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "not" )
				// optimize if only one selector found (most common case)
				r = isSimple.test( m[3] ) ?
					jQuery.filter(m[3], r, true).r :
					jQuery( r ).not( m[3] );

			// We can get a big speed boost by filtering by class here
			else if ( m[1] == "." )
				r = jQuery.classFilter(r, m[2], not);

			else if ( m[1] == "[" ) {
				var tmp = [], type = m[3];

				for ( var i = 0, rl = r.length; i < rl; i++ ) {
					var a = r[i], z = a[ jQuery.props[m[2]] || m[2] ];

					if ( z == null || /href|src|selected/.test(m[2]) )
						z = jQuery.attr(a,m[2]) || '';

					if ( (type == "" && !!z ||
						 type == "=" && z == m[5] ||
						 type == "!=" && z != m[5] ||
						 type == "^=" && z && !z.indexOf(m[5]) ||
						 type == "$=" && z.substr(z.length - m[5].length) == m[5] ||
						 (type == "*=" || type == "~=") && z.indexOf(m[5]) >= 0) ^ not )
							tmp.push( a );

				r = tmp;

			// We can get a speed boost by handling nth-child here
			} else if ( m[1] == ":" && m[2] == "nth-child" ) {
				var merge = {}, tmp = [],
					// parse equations like 'even', 'odd', '5', '2n', '3n+2', '4n-1', '-n+6'
					test = /(-?)(\d*)n((?:\+|-)?\d*)/.exec(
						m[3] == "even" && "2n" || m[3] == "odd" && "2n+1" ||
						!/\D/.test(m[3]) && "0n+" + m[3] || m[3]),
					// calculate the numbers (first)n+(last) including if they are negative
					first = (test[1] + (test[2] || 1)) - 0, last = test[3] - 0;

				// loop through all the elements left in the jQuery object
				for ( var i = 0, rl = r.length; i < rl; i++ ) {
					var node = r[i], parentNode = node.parentNode, id = jQuery.data(parentNode);

					if ( !merge[id] ) {
						var c = 1;

						for ( var n = parentNode.firstChild; n; n = n.nextSibling )
							if ( n.nodeType == 1 )
								n.nodeIndex = c++;

						merge[id] = true;

					var add = false;

					if ( first == 0 ) {
						if ( node.nodeIndex == last )
							add = true;
					} else if ( (node.nodeIndex - last) % first == 0 && (node.nodeIndex - last) / first >= 0 )
						add = true;

					if ( add ^ not )
						tmp.push( node );

				r = tmp;

			// Otherwise, find the expression to execute
			} else {
				var fn = jQuery.expr[ m[1] ];
				if ( typeof fn == "object" )
					fn = fn[ m[2] ];

				if ( typeof fn == "string" )
					fn = eval("false||function(a,i){return " + fn + ";}");

				// Execute it against the current filter
				r = jQuery.grep( r, function(elem, i){
					return fn(elem, i, m, r);
				}, not );

		// Return an array of filtered elements (r)
		// and the modified expression string (t)
		return { r: r, t: t };

	dir: function( elem, dir ){
		var matched = [],
			cur = elem[dir];
		while ( cur && cur != document ) {
			if ( cur.nodeType == 1 )
				matched.push( cur );
			cur = cur[dir];
		return matched;

	nth: function(cur,result,dir,elem){
		result = result || 1;
		var num = 0;

		for ( ; cur; cur = cur[dir] )
			if ( cur.nodeType == 1 && ++num == result )

		return cur;

	sibling: function( n, elem ) {
		var r = [];

		for ( ; n; n = n.nextSibling ) {
			if ( n.nodeType == 1 && n != elem )
				r.push( n );

		return r;
 * A number of helper functions used for managing events.
 * Many of the ideas behind this code orignated from
 * Dean Edwards' addEvent library.
jQuery.event = {

	// Bind an event to an element
	// Original by Dean Edwards
	add: function(elem, types, handler, data) {
		if ( elem.nodeType == 3 || elem.nodeType == 8 )

		// For whatever reason, IE has trouble passing the window object
		// around, causing it to be cloned in the process
		if ( jQuery.browser.msie && elem.setInterval )
			elem = window;

		// Make sure that the function being executed has a unique ID
		if ( !handler.guid )
			handler.guid = this.guid++;

		// if data is passed, bind to handler
		if( data != undefined ) {
			// Create temporary function pointer to original handler
			var fn = handler;

			// Create unique handler function, wrapped around original handler
			handler = this.proxy( fn, function() {
				// Pass arguments and context to original handler
				return fn.apply(this, arguments);

			// Store data in unique handler
			handler.data = data;

		// Init the element's event structure
		var events = jQuery.data(elem, "events") || jQuery.data(elem, "events", {}),
			handle = jQuery.data(elem, "handle") || jQuery.data(elem, "handle", function(){
				// Handle the second event of a trigger and when
				// an event is called after a page has unloaded
				if ( typeof jQuery != "undefined" && !jQuery.event.triggered )
					return jQuery.event.handle.apply(arguments.callee.elem, arguments);
		// Add elem as a property of the handle function
		// This is to prevent a memory leak with non-native
		// event in IE.
		handle.elem = elem;

		// Handle multiple events separated by a space
		// jQuery(...).bind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
		jQuery.each(types.split(/\s+/), function(index, type) {
			// Namespaced event handlers
			var parts = type.split(".");
			type = parts[0];
			handler.type = parts[1];

			// Get the current list of functions bound to this event
			var handlers = events[type];

			// Init the event handler queue
			if (!handlers) {
				handlers = events[type] = {};

				// Check for a special event handler
				// Only use addEventListener/attachEvent if the special
				// events handler returns false
				if ( !jQuery.event.special[type] || jQuery.event.special[type].setup.call(elem) === false ) {
					// Bind the global event handler to the element
					if (elem.addEventListener)
						elem.addEventListener(type, handle, false);
					else if (elem.attachEvent)
						elem.attachEvent("on" + type, handle);

			// Add the function to the element's handler list
			handlers[handler.guid] = handler;

			// Keep track of which events have been used, for global triggering
			jQuery.event.global[type] = true;

		// Nullify elem to prevent memory leaks in IE
		elem = null;

	guid: 1,
	global: {},

	// Detach an event or set of events from an element
	remove: function(elem, types, handler) {
		// don't do events on text and comment nodes
		if ( elem.nodeType == 3 || elem.nodeType == 8 )

		var events = jQuery.data(elem, "events"), ret, index;

		if ( events ) {
			// Unbind all events for the element
			if ( types == undefined || (typeof types == "string" && types.charAt(0) == ".") )
				for ( var type in events )
					this.remove( elem, type + (types || "") );
			else {
				// types is actually an event object here
				if ( types.type ) {
					handler = types.handler;
					types = types.type;

				// Handle multiple events seperated by a space
				// jQuery(...).unbind("mouseover mouseout", fn);
				jQuery.each(types.split(/\s+/), function(index, type){
					// Namespaced event handlers
					var parts = type.split(".");
					type = parts[0];

					if ( events[type] ) {
						// remove the given handler for the given type
						if ( handler )
							delete events[type][handler.guid];

						// remove all handlers for the given type
							for ( handler in events[type] )
								// Handle the removal of namespaced events
								if ( !parts[1] || events[type][handler].type == parts[1] )
									delete events[type][handler];

						// remove generic event handler if no more handlers exist
						for ( ret in events[type] ) break;
						if ( !ret ) {
							if ( !jQuery.event.special[type] || jQuery.event.special[type].teardown.call(elem) === false ) {
								if (elem.removeEventListener)
									elem.removeEventListener(type, jQuery.data(elem, "handle"), false);
								else if (elem.detachEvent)
									elem.detachEvent("on" + type, jQuery.data(elem, "handle"));
							ret = null;
							delete events[type];

			// Remove the expando if it's no longer used
			for ( ret in events ) break;
			if ( !ret ) {
				var handle = jQuery.data( elem, "handle" );
				if ( handle ) handle.elem = null;
				jQuery.removeData( elem, "events" );
				jQuery.removeData( elem, "handle" );

	trigger: function(type, data, elem, donative, extra) {
		// Clone the incoming data, if any
		data = jQuery.makeArray(data);

		if ( type.indexOf("!") >= 0 ) {
			type = type.slice(0, -1);
			var exclusive = true;

		// Handle a global trigger
		if ( !elem ) {
			// Only trigger if we've ever bound an event for it
			if ( this.global[type] )
				jQuery("*").add([window, document]).trigger(type, data);

		// Handle triggering a single element
		} else {
			// don't do events on text and comment nodes
			if ( elem.nodeType == 3 || elem.nodeType == 8 )
				return undefined;

			var val, ret, fn = jQuery.isFunction( elem[ type ] || null ),
				// Check to see if we need to provide a fake event, or not
				event = !data[0] || !data[0].preventDefault;

			// Pass along a fake event
			if ( event ) {
					type: type,
					target: elem,
					preventDefault: function(){},
					stopPropagation: function(){},
					timeStamp: now()
				data[0][expando] = true; // no need to fix fake event

			// Enforce the right trigger type
			data[0].type = type;
			if ( exclusive )
				data[0].exclusive = true;

			// Trigger the event, it is assumed that "handle" is a function
			var handle = jQuery.data(elem, "handle");
			if ( handle )
				val = handle.apply( elem, data );

			// Handle triggering native .onfoo handlers (and on links since we don't call .click() for links)
			if ( (!fn || (jQuery.nodeName(elem, 'a') && type == "click")) && elem["on"+type] && elem["on"+type].apply( elem, data ) === false )
				val = false;

			// Extra functions don't get the custom event object
			if ( event )

			// Handle triggering of extra function
			if ( extra && jQuery.isFunction( extra ) ) {
				// call the extra function and tack the current return value on the end for possible inspection
				ret = extra.apply( elem, val == null ? data : data.concat( val ) );
				// if anything is returned, give it precedence and have it overwrite the previous value
				if (ret !== undefined)
					val = ret;

			// Trigger the native events (except for clicks on links)
			if ( fn && donative !== false && val !== false && !(jQuery.nodeName(elem, 'a') && type == "click") ) {
				this.triggered = true;
				try {
					elem[ type ]();
				// prevent IE from throwing an error for some hidden elements
				} catch (e) {}

			this.triggered = false;

		return val;

	handle: function(event) {
		// returned undefined or false
		var val, ret, namespace, all, handlers;

		event = arguments[0] = jQuery.event.fix( event || window.event );

		// Namespaced event handlers
		namespace = event.type.split(".");
		event.type = namespace[0];
		namespace = namespace[1];
		// Cache this now, all = true means, any handler
		all = !namespace && !event.exclusive;

		handlers = ( jQuery.data(this, "events") || {} )[event.type];

		for ( var j in handlers ) {
			var handler = handlers[j];

			// Filter the functions by class
			if ( all || handler.type == namespace ) {
				// Pass in a reference to the handler function itself
				// So that we can later remove it
				event.handler = handler;
				event.data = handler.data;

				ret = handler.apply( this, arguments );

				if ( val !== false )
					val = ret;

				if ( ret === false ) {

		return val;

	fix: function(event) {
		if ( event[expando] == true )
			return event;

		// store a copy of the original event object
		// and "clone" to set read-only properties
		var originalEvent = event;
		event = { originalEvent: originalEvent };
		var props = "altKey attrChange attrName bubbles button cancelable charCode clientX clientY ctrlKey currentTarget data detail eventPhase fromElement handler keyCode metaKey newValue originalTarget pageX pageY prevValue relatedNode relatedTarget screenX screenY shiftKey srcElement target timeStamp toElement type view wheelDelta which".split(" ");
		for ( var i=props.length; i; i-- )
			event[ props[i] ] = originalEvent[ props[i] ];

		// Mark it as fixed
		event[expando] = true;

		// add preventDefault and stopPropagation since
		// they will not work on the clone
		event.preventDefault = function() {
			// if preventDefault exists run it on the original event
			if (originalEvent.preventDefault)
			// otherwise set the returnValue property of the original event to false (IE)
			originalEvent.returnValue = false;
		event.stopPropagation = function() {
			// if stopPropagation exists run it on the original event
			if (originalEvent.stopPropagation)
			// otherwise set the cancelBubble property of the original event to true (IE)
			originalEvent.cancelBubble = true;

		// Fix timeStamp
		event.timeStamp = event.timeStamp || now();

		// Fix target property, if necessary
		if ( !event.target )
			event.target = event.srcElement || document; // Fixes #1925 where srcElement might not be defined either

		// check if target is a textnode (safari)
		if ( event.target.nodeType == 3 )
			event.target = event.target.parentNode;

		// Add relatedTarget, if necessary
		if ( !event.relatedTarget && event.fromElement )
			event.relatedTarget = event.fromElement == event.target ? event.toElement : event.fromElement;

		// Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
		if ( event.pageX == null && event.clientX != null ) {
			var doc = document.documentElement, body = document.body;
			event.pageX = event.clientX + (doc && doc.scrollLeft || body && body.scrollLeft || 0) - (doc.clientLeft || 0);
			event.pageY = event.clientY + (doc && doc.scrollTop || body && body.scrollTop || 0) - (doc.clientTop || 0);

		// Add which for key events
		if ( !event.which && ((event.charCode || event.charCode === 0) ? event.charCode : event.keyCode) )
			event.which = event.charCode || event.keyCode;

		// Add metaKey to non-Mac browsers (use ctrl for PC's and Meta for Macs)
		if ( !event.metaKey && event.ctrlKey )
			event.metaKey = event.ctrlKey;

		// Add which for click: 1 == left; 2 == middle; 3 == right
		// Note: button is not normalized, so don't use it
		if ( !event.which && event.button )
			event.which = (event.button & 1 ? 1 : ( event.button & 2 ? 3 : ( event.button & 4 ? 2 : 0 ) ));

		return event;

	proxy: function( fn, proxy ){
		// Set the guid of unique handler to the same of original handler, so it can be removed
		proxy.guid = fn.guid = fn.guid || proxy.guid || this.guid++;
		// So proxy can be declared as an argument
		return proxy;

	special: {
		ready: {
			setup: function() {
				// Make sure the ready event is setup

			teardown: function() { return; }

		mouseenter: {
			setup: function() {
				if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) return false;
				jQuery(this).bind("mouseover", jQuery.event.special.mouseenter.handler);
				return true;

			teardown: function() {
				if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) return false;
				jQuery(this).unbind("mouseover", jQuery.event.special.mouseenter.handler);
				return true;

			handler: function(event) {
				// If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
				if ( withinElement(event, this) ) return true;
				// Execute the right handlers by setting the event type to mouseenter
				event.type = "mouseenter";
				return jQuery.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);

		mouseleave: {
			setup: function() {
				if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) return false;
				jQuery(this).bind("mouseout", jQuery.event.special.mouseleave.handler);
				return true;

			teardown: function() {
				if ( jQuery.browser.msie ) return false;
				jQuery(this).unbind("mouseout", jQuery.event.special.mouseleave.handler);
				return true;

			handler: function(event) {
				// If we actually just moused on to a sub-element, ignore it
				if ( withinElement(event, this) ) return true;
				// Execute the right handlers by setting the event type to mouseleave
				event.type = "mouseleave";
				return jQuery.event.handle.apply(this, arguments);

	bind: function( type, data, fn ) {
		///<summary>Binds a handler to a particular event (like click) for each matched element. Can also bind custom events.</summary>
		///<param name="type">An event type. e.g. "click"</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Additional data passed to the event handler as event.data</param>
		///<param name="function">A function to bind to the event on each of the set of matched elements.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return type == "unload" ? this.one(type, data, fn) : this.each(function(){
			jQuery.event.add( this, type, fn || data, fn && data );

	one: function( type, data, fn ) {
		///<summary>Binds a handler to a particular event to be executed once for each matched element.</summary>
		///<param name="type" type="String">An event type. e.g. "click"</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Additional data passed to the event handler as event.data.</param>
		///<param name="fn">A function to bind to the specified event on each of the matched elements.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		var one = jQuery.event.proxy( fn || data, function(event) {
			jQuery(this).unbind(event, one);
			return (fn || data).apply( this, arguments );
		return this.each(function(){
			jQuery.event.add( this, type, one, fn && data);

	unbind: function( type, fn ) {
		///<summary>This does the opposite of bind, it removes bound events from each of the matched elements.</summary>
		///<param name="type" type="String" optional="true">(optional) An event type to unbind. e.g. "click"</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) A function to unbind from the event on each of the set of matched elements.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.each(function(){
			jQuery.event.remove( this, type, fn );

	trigger: function( type, data, fn ) {
		///<summary>Trigger a type of event on every matched element.</summary>
		///<param name="type" type="String">An event type to trigger. e.g. "click"</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Additional data to pass as arguments (after the event object) to the event handler.</param>
		///<param name="fn" optional="true">(internal)</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.each(function(){
			jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this, true, fn );

	triggerHandler: function( type, data, fn ) {
		///<summary>This particular method triggers all bound event handlers on an element (for a specific event type) WITHOUT executing the browsers default actions.</summary>
		///<param name="type" type="String">An event type to trigger. e.g. "click"</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Additional data to pass as arguments (after the event object) to the event handler.</param>
		///<param name="fn">(internal)</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		return this[0] && jQuery.event.trigger( type, data, this[0], false, fn );

	toggle: function( fn ) {
		///<summary>This is the old toggle function.  Use toggle() instead.  1. toggle() - Toggles each of the set of matched elements. 2. toggle(fn, fn2) - Toggle between two function calls every other click.</summary>
		///<param name="fn" optional="true">(optional) The function to execute on every even click.</param>
		///<param name="fn2" optional="true">(optional) The function to execute on every odd click.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		// Save reference to arguments for access in closure
		var args = arguments, i = 1;

		// link all the functions, so any of them can unbind this click handler
		while( i < args.length )
			jQuery.event.proxy( fn, args[i++] );

		return this.click( jQuery.event.proxy( fn, function(event) {
			// Figure out which function to execute
			this.lastToggle = ( this.lastToggle || 0 ) % i;

			// Make sure that clicks stop

			// and execute the function
			return args[ this.lastToggle++ ].apply( this, arguments ) || false;

	hover: function(fnOver, fnOut) {
		///<summary>Simulates hovering (moving the mouse on, and off, an object). This is a custom method which provides an 'in' to a frequent task.</summary>
		///<param name="fnOver">The function to fire when the mouse is moved over a matched element.</param>
		///<param name="fnOut">The function to fire when the mouse is moved off of a matched element.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.bind('mouseenter', fnOver).bind('mouseleave', fnOut);

	ready: function(fn) {
		///<summary>Binds a function to be executed whenever the DOM is ready to be traversed and manipulated.</summary>
		///<param name="fn">The function to be executed when the DOM is ready.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// Attach the listeners

		// If the DOM is already ready
		if ( jQuery.isReady )
			// Execute the function immediately
			fn.call( document, jQuery );

		// Otherwise, remember the function for later
			// Add the function to the wait list
			jQuery.readyList.push( function() { return fn.call(this, jQuery); } );

		return this;

	isReady: false,
	readyList: [],
	// Handle when the DOM is ready
	ready: function() {
		// Make sure that the DOM is not already loaded
		if ( !jQuery.isReady ) {
			// Remember that the DOM is ready
			jQuery.isReady = true;

			// If there are functions bound, to execute
			if ( jQuery.readyList ) {
				// Execute all of them
				jQuery.each( jQuery.readyList, function(){
					this.call( document );

				// Reset the list of functions
				jQuery.readyList = null;

			// Trigger any bound ready events

var readyBound = false;

function bindReady(){
	if ( readyBound ) return;
	readyBound = true;

	// Mozilla, Opera (see further below for it) and webkit nightlies currently support this event
	if ( document.addEventListener && !jQuery.browser.opera)
		// Use the handy event callback
		document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", jQuery.ready, false );

	// If IE is used and is not in a frame
	// Continually check to see if the document is ready
	if ( jQuery.browser.msie && window == top ) (function(){
		if (jQuery.isReady) return;
		try {
			// If IE is used, use the trick by Diego Perini
			// http://javascript.nwbox.com/IEContentLoaded/
		} catch( error ) {
			setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 );
		// and execute any waiting functions

	if ( jQuery.browser.opera )
		document.addEventListener( "DOMContentLoaded", function () {
			if (jQuery.isReady) return;
			for (var i = 0; i < document.styleSheets.length; i++)
				if (document.styleSheets[i].disabled) {
					setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 );
			// and execute any waiting functions
		}, false);

	if ( jQuery.browser.safari ) {
		var numStyles;
			if (jQuery.isReady) return;
			if ( document.readyState != "loaded" && document.readyState != "complete" ) {
				setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 );
			if ( numStyles === undefined )
				numStyles = jQuery("style, link[rel=stylesheet]").length;
			if ( document.styleSheets.length != numStyles ) {
				setTimeout( arguments.callee, 0 );
			// and execute any waiting functions

	// A fallback to window.onload, that will always work
	jQuery.event.add( window, "load", jQuery.ready );

jQuery.each( ("blur,focus,load,resize,scroll,unload,click,dblclick," +
	"mousedown,mouseup,mousemove,mouseover,mouseout,change,select," +
	"submit,keydown,keypress,keyup,error").split(","), function(i, name){

	// Handle event binding
	jQuery.fn[name] = function(fn){
		///  1. event() - Triggers the event of each matched element.
		///  2. event(fn) - Bind a function to the event of each matched element.
		///<param name="fn" optional="true">(optional) A function to bind to the event on each of the matched elements.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return fn ? this.bind(name, fn) : this.trigger(name);

// Checks if an event happened on an element within another element
// Used in jQuery.event.special.mouseenter and mouseleave handlers
var withinElement = function(event, elem) {
	// Check if mouse(over|out) are still within the same parent element
	var parent = event.relatedTarget;
	// Traverse up the tree
	while ( parent && parent != elem ) try { parent = parent.parentNode; } catch(error) { parent = elem; }
	// Return true if we actually just moused on to a sub-element
	return parent == elem;

// Prevent memory leaks in IE
// And prevent errors on refresh with events like mouseover in other browsers
// Window isn't included so as not to unbind existing unload events
jQuery(window).bind("unload", function() {
	// Keep a copy of the old load
	_load: jQuery.fn.load,

	load: function( url, params, callback ) {
		///<summary>Load HTML from a remote file and inject it into the DOM.</summary>
		///<param name="url">The URL of the HTML page to load.</param>
		///<param name="params" optional="true">(optional) Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server.</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) The function called when the ajax request is complete (not necessarily success).</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		if ( typeof url != 'string' )
			return this._load( url );

		var off = url.indexOf(" ");
		if ( off >= 0 ) {
			var selector = url.slice(off, url.length);
			url = url.slice(0, off);

		callback = callback || function(){};

		// Default to a GET request
		var type = "GET";

		// If the second parameter was provided
		if ( params )
			// If it's a function
			if ( jQuery.isFunction( params ) ) {
				// We assume that it's the callback
				callback = params;
				params = null;

			// Otherwise, build a param string
			} else {
				params = jQuery.param( params );
				type = "POST";

		var self = this;

		// Request the remote document
			url: url,
			type: type,
			dataType: "html",
			data: params,
			complete: function(res, status){
				// If successful, inject the HTML into all the matched elements
				if ( status == "success" || status == "notmodified" )
					// See if a selector was specified
					self.html( selector ?
						// Create a dummy div to hold the results
							// inject the contents of the document in, removing the scripts
							// to avoid any 'Permission Denied' errors in IE
							.append(res.responseText.replace(/<script(.|\s)*?\/script>/g, ""))

							// Locate the specified elements
							.find(selector) :

						// If not, just inject the full result
						res.responseText );

				self.each( callback, [res.responseText, status, res] );
		return this;

	serialize: function() {
		///<summary>Serializes a set of input elements into a string of data. This will serialize all given elements.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return jQuery.param(this.serializeArray());
	serializeArray: function() {
		///<summary>Serializes all forms and form elements (like the .serialize() method) but returns a JSON data structure for you to work with.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.map(function(){
			return jQuery.nodeName(this, "form") ?
				jQuery.makeArray(this.elements) : this;
			return this.name && !this.disabled &&
				(this.checked || /select|textarea/i.test(this.nodeName) ||
		.map(function(i, elem){
			var val = jQuery(this).val();
			return val == null ? null :
				val.constructor == Array ?
					jQuery.map( val, function(val, i){
						return {name: elem.name, value: val};
					}) :
					{name: elem.name, value: val};

// Attach a bunch of functions for handling common AJAX events
jQuery.each( "ajaxStart,ajaxStop,ajaxComplete,ajaxError,ajaxSuccess,ajaxSend".split(","), function(i,o){
	jQuery.fn[o] = function(f){
		/// This is an Ajax Event: 
		/// 1. ajaxComplete(callback) - Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request completes.
		/// 2. ajaxError(callback) - Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request fails.
		/// 3. ajaxSend(callback) - Attach a function to be executed before an AJAX request is sent.
		/// 4. ajaxStart(callback) - Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request begins and there is none already active.
		/// 5. ajaxStop(callback) - Attach a function to be executed whenever all AJAX requests have ended.
		/// 6. ajaxSuccess(callback) - Attach a function to be executed whenever an AJAX request completes successfully.
		///<param name="f" type="Function">The callback function to execute.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.bind(o, f);

var jsc = now();

	get: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
		///<summary>Load a remote page using an HTTP GET request.</summary>
		///<param name="url">The URL of the page to load.</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server.</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the data is loaded successfully.</param>
		///<param name="type" optional="true">(optional) Type of data to be sent (JSON, XML, etc.)</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		// shift arguments if data argument was ommited
		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
			callback = data;
			data = null;

		return jQuery.ajax({
			type: "GET",
			url: url,
			data: data,
			success: callback,
			dataType: type

	getScript: function( url, callback ) {
		///<summary>Loads, and executes, a local JavaScript file using an HTTP GET request.</summary>
		///<param name="url">The URL of the page to load.</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the data is loaded successfully.</param>
		///<returns type="XMLHttpRequest" />
		return jQuery.get(url, null, callback, "script");

	getJSON: function( url, data, callback ) {
		///<summary>Load JSON data using an HTTP GET request.</summary>
		///<param name="url">The URL of the page to load.</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server.</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the data is loaded successfully.</param>
		///<returns type="XMLHttpRequest" />
		return jQuery.get(url, data, callback, "json");

	post: function( url, data, callback, type ) {
		///<summary>Load a remote page using an HTTP POST request.</summary>
		///<param name="url">The URL of the page to load.</param>
		///<param name="data" optional="true">(optional) Key/value pairs that will be sent to the server.</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the data is loaded successfully.</param>
		///<param name="type" optional="true">(optional) Type of data to be sent (JSON, XML, etc.)</param>
		///<returns type="XMLHttpRequest" />
		if ( jQuery.isFunction( data ) ) {
			callback = data;
			data = {};

		return jQuery.ajax({
			type: "POST",
			url: url,
			data: data,
			success: callback,
			dataType: type

	ajaxSetup: function( settings ) {
		///<summary>Setup global settings for AJAX requests.</summary>
		///<param name="settings">A set of key/value pairs that configure the default Ajax request. All options are optional.</param>
		jQuery.extend( jQuery.ajaxSettings, settings );

	ajaxSettings: {
		url: location.href,
		global: true,
		type: "GET",
		timeout: 0,
		contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
		processData: true,
		async: true,
		data: null,
		username: null,
		password: null,
		accepts: {
			xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
			html: "text/html",
			script: "text/javascript, application/javascript",
			json: "application/json, text/javascript",
			text: "text/plain",
			_default: "*/*"

	// Last-Modified header cache for next request
	lastModified: {},

	ajax: function( s ) {
		///<summary>Load a remote page using an HTTP request.</summary>
		///<param name="s">A set of key/value pairs that configure the Ajax request. All options are optional. A default can be set for any option with $.ajaxSetup().</param>
		///<returns type="XMLHttpRequest" />
		// Extend the settings, but re-extend 's' so that it can be
		// checked again later (in the test suite, specifically)
		s = jQuery.extend(true, s, jQuery.extend(true, {}, jQuery.ajaxSettings, s));

		var jsonp, jsre = /=\?(&|$)/g, status, data,
			type = s.type.toUpperCase();

		// convert data if not already a string
		if ( s.data && s.processData && typeof s.data != "string" )
			s.data = jQuery.param(s.data);

		// Handle JSONP Parameter Callbacks
		if ( s.dataType == "jsonp" ) {
			if ( type == "GET" ) {
				if ( !s.url.match(jsre) )
					s.url += (s.url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
			} else if ( !s.data || !s.data.match(jsre) )
				s.data = (s.data ? s.data + "&" : "") + (s.jsonp || "callback") + "=?";
			s.dataType = "json";

		// Build temporary JSONP function
		if ( s.dataType == "json" && (s.data && s.data.match(jsre) || s.url.match(jsre)) ) {
			jsonp = "jsonp" + jsc++;

			// Replace the =? sequence both in the query string and the data
			if ( s.data )
				s.data = (s.data + "").replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp + "$1");
			s.url = s.url.replace(jsre, "=" + jsonp + "$1");

			// We need to make sure
			// that a JSONP style response is executed properly
			s.dataType = "script";

			// Handle JSONP-style loading
			window[ jsonp ] = function(tmp){
				data = tmp;
				// Garbage collect
				window[ jsonp ] = undefined;
				try{ delete window[ jsonp ]; } catch(e){}
				if ( head )
					head.removeChild( script );

		if ( s.dataType == "script" && s.cache == null )
			s.cache = false;

		if ( s.cache === false && type == "GET" ) {
			var ts = now();
			// try replacing _= if it is there
			var ret = s.url.replace(/(\?|&)_=.*?(&|$)/, "$1_=" + ts + "$2");
			// if nothing was replaced, add timestamp to the end
			s.url = ret + ((ret == s.url) ? (s.url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + ts : "");

		// If data is available, append data to url for get requests
		if ( s.data && type == "GET" ) {
			s.url += (s.url.match(/\?/) ? "&" : "?") + s.data;

			// IE likes to send both get and post data, prevent this
			s.data = null;

		// Watch for a new set of requests
		if ( s.global && ! jQuery.active++ )
			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStart" );

		// Matches an absolute URL, and saves the domain
		var remote = /^(?:\w+:)?\/\/([^\/?#]+)/;

		// If we're requesting a remote document
		// and trying to load JSON or Script with a GET
		if ( s.dataType == "script" && type == "GET"
				&& remote.test(s.url) && remote.exec(s.url)[1] != location.host ){
			var head = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0];
			var script = document.createElement("script");
			script.src = s.url;
			if (s.scriptCharset)
				script.charset = s.scriptCharset;

			// Handle Script loading
			if ( !jsonp ) {
				var done = false;

				// Attach handlers for all browsers
				script.onload = script.onreadystatechange = function(){
					if ( !done && (!this.readyState ||
							this.readyState == "loaded" || this.readyState == "complete") ) {
						done = true;
						head.removeChild( script );


			// We handle everything using the script element injection
			return undefined;

		var requestDone = false;

		// Create the request object; Microsoft failed to properly
		// implement the XMLHttpRequest in IE7, so we use the ActiveXObject when it is available
		var xhr = window.ActiveXObject ? new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") : new XMLHttpRequest();

		// Open the socket
		// Passing null username, generates a login popup on Opera (#2865)
		if( s.username )
			xhr.open(type, s.url, s.async, s.username, s.password);
			xhr.open(type, s.url, s.async);

		// Need an extra try/catch for cross domain requests in Firefox 3
		try {
			// Set the correct header, if data is being sent
			if ( s.data )
				xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", s.contentType);

			// Set the If-Modified-Since header, if ifModified mode.
			if ( s.ifModified )
					jQuery.lastModified[s.url] || "Thu, 01 Jan 1970 00:00:00 GMT" );

			// Set header so the called script knows that it's an XMLHttpRequest
			xhr.setRequestHeader("X-Requested-With", "XMLHttpRequest");

			// Set the Accepts header for the server, depending on the dataType
			xhr.setRequestHeader("Accept", s.dataType && s.accepts[ s.dataType ] ?
				s.accepts[ s.dataType ] + ", */*" :
				s.accepts._default );
		} catch(e){}

		// Allow custom headers/mimetypes
		if ( s.beforeSend && s.beforeSend(xhr, s) === false ) {
			// cleanup active request counter
			s.global && jQuery.active--;
			// close opended socket
			return false;

		if ( s.global )
			jQuery.event.trigger("ajaxSend", [xhr, s]);

		// Wait for a response to come back
		var onreadystatechange = function(isTimeout){
			// The transfer is complete and the data is available, or the request timed out
			if ( !requestDone && xhr && (xhr.readyState == 4 || isTimeout == "timeout") ) {
				requestDone = true;

				// clear poll interval
				if (ival) {
					ival = null;

				status = isTimeout == "timeout" && "timeout" ||
					!jQuery.httpSuccess( xhr ) && "error" ||
					s.ifModified && jQuery.httpNotModified( xhr, s.url ) && "notmodified" ||

				if ( status == "success" ) {
					// Watch for, and catch, XML document parse errors
					try {
						// process the data (runs the xml through httpData regardless of callback)
						data = jQuery.httpData( xhr, s.dataType, s.dataFilter );
					} catch(e) {
						status = "parsererror";

				// Make sure that the request was successful or notmodified
				if ( status == "success" ) {
					// Cache Last-Modified header, if ifModified mode.
					var modRes;
					try {
						modRes = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");
					} catch(e) {} // swallow exception thrown by FF if header is not available

					if ( s.ifModified && modRes )
						jQuery.lastModified[s.url] = modRes;

					// JSONP handles its own success callback
					if ( !jsonp )
				} else
					jQuery.handleError(s, xhr, status);

				// Fire the complete handlers

				// Stop memory leaks
				if ( s.async )
					xhr = null;

		if ( s.async ) {
			// don't attach the handler to the request, just poll it instead
			var ival = setInterval(onreadystatechange, 13);

			// Timeout checker
			if ( s.timeout > 0 )
					// Check to see if the request is still happening
					if ( xhr ) {
						// Cancel the request

						if( !requestDone )
							onreadystatechange( "timeout" );
				}, s.timeout);

		// Send the data
		try {
		} catch(e) {
			jQuery.handleError(s, xhr, null, e);

		// firefox 1.5 doesn't fire statechange for sync requests
		if ( !s.async )

		function success(){
			// If a local callback was specified, fire it and pass it the data
			if ( s.success )
				s.success( data, status );

			// Fire the global callback
			if ( s.global )
				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxSuccess", [xhr, s] );

		function complete(){
			// Process result
			if ( s.complete )
				s.complete(xhr, status);

			// The request was completed
			if ( s.global )
				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxComplete", [xhr, s] );

			// Handle the global AJAX counter
			if ( s.global && ! --jQuery.active )
				jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxStop" );

		// return XMLHttpRequest to allow aborting the request etc.
		return xhr;

	handleError: function( s, xhr, status, e ) {
		// If a local callback was specified, fire it
		if ( s.error ) s.error( xhr, status, e );

		// Fire the global callback
		if ( s.global )
			jQuery.event.trigger( "ajaxError", [xhr, s, e] );

	// Counter for holding the number of active queries
	active: 0,

	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest was successful or not
	httpSuccess: function( xhr ) {
		try {
			// IE error sometimes returns 1223 when it should be 204 so treat it as success, see #1450
			return !xhr.status && location.protocol == "file:" ||
				( xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 ) || xhr.status == 304 || xhr.status == 1223 ||
				jQuery.browser.safari && xhr.status == undefined;
		} catch(e){}
		return false;

	// Determines if an XMLHttpRequest returns NotModified
	httpNotModified: function( xhr, url ) {
		try {
			var xhrRes = xhr.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified");

			// Firefox always returns 200. check Last-Modified date
			return xhr.status == 304 || xhrRes == jQuery.lastModified[url] ||
				jQuery.browser.safari && xhr.status == undefined;
		} catch(e){}
		return false;

	httpData: function( xhr, type, filter ) {
		var ct = xhr.getResponseHeader("content-type"),
			xml = type == "xml" || !type && ct && ct.indexOf("xml") >= 0,
			data = xml ? xhr.responseXML : xhr.responseText;

		if ( xml && data.documentElement.tagName == "parsererror" )
			throw "parsererror";
		// Allow a pre-filtering function to sanitize the response
		if( filter )
			data = filter( data, type );

		// If the type is "script", eval it in global context
		if ( type == "script" )
			jQuery.globalEval( data );

		// Get the JavaScript object, if JSON is used.
		if ( type == "json" )
			data = eval("(" + data + ")");

		return data;

	// Serialize an array of form elements or a set of
	// key/values into a query string
	param: function( a ) {
		///<summary>Serializes an array of form elements or an object (core of .serialize() method).</summary>
		///<param name="a">An Array or jQuery object is serialized by name/value pairs. An object by key/value pairs.</param>
		///<returns type="String" />
		var s = [];

		// If an array was passed in, assume that it is an array
		// of form elements
		if ( a.constructor == Array || a.jquery )
			// Serialize the form elements
			jQuery.each( a, function(){
				s.push( encodeURIComponent(this.name) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( this.value ) );

		// Otherwise, assume that it's an object of key/value pairs
			// Serialize the key/values
			for ( var j in a )
				// If the value is an array then the key names need to be repeated
				if ( a[j] && a[j].constructor == Array )
					jQuery.each( a[j], function(){
						s.push( encodeURIComponent(j) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( this ) );
					s.push( encodeURIComponent(j) + "=" + encodeURIComponent( jQuery.isFunction(a[j]) ? a[j]() : a[j] ) );

		// Return the resulting serialization
		return s.join("&").replace(/%20/g, "+");

	show: function(speed,callback){
		///<summary>Displays each of the set of matched elements if they are hidden.</summary>
		///<param name="speed">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return speed ?
				height: "show", width: "show", opacity: "show"
			}, speed, callback) :

				this.style.display = this.oldblock || "";
				if ( jQuery.css(this,"display") == "none" ) {
					var elem = jQuery("<" + this.tagName + " />").appendTo("body");
					this.style.display = elem.css("display");
					// handle an edge condition where css is - div { display:none; } or similar
					if (this.style.display == "none")
						this.style.display = "block";

	hide: function(speed,callback){
		///<summary>Hides each of the set of matched elements if they are shown.</summary>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return speed ?
				height: "hide", width: "hide", opacity: "hide"
			}, speed, callback) :

				this.oldblock = this.oldblock || jQuery.css(this,"display");
				this.style.display = "none";

	// Save the old toggle function
	_toggle: jQuery.fn.toggle,

	toggle: function( fn, fn2 ){
		///<summary>1. toggle() - Toggles each of the set of matched elements. 2. toggle(fn, fn2) - Toggle between two function calls every other click.</summary>
		///<param name="fn" optional="true">(optional) The function to execute on every even click.</param>
		///<param name="fn2" optional="true">(optional) The function to execute on every odd click.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return jQuery.isFunction(fn) && jQuery.isFunction(fn2) ?
			this._toggle.apply( this, arguments ) :
			fn ?
					height: "toggle", width: "toggle", opacity: "toggle"
				}, fn, fn2) :
					jQuery(this)[ jQuery(this).is(":hidden") ? "show" : "hide" ]();

	slideDown: function(speed,callback){
		///<summary>Reveal all matched elements by adjusting their height and firing an optional callback after completion.</summary>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.animate({height: "show"}, speed, callback);

	slideUp: function(speed,callback){
		///<summary>Hide all matched elements by adjusting their height and firing an optional callback after completion.</summary>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />

		return this.animate({height: "hide"}, speed, callback);

	slideToggle: function(speed, callback){
		///<summary>Toggle the visibility of all matched elements by adjusting their height and firing an optional callback after completion.</summary>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.animate({height: "toggle"}, speed, callback);

	fadeIn: function(speed, callback){
		///<summary>Fade in all matched elements by adjusting their opacity and firing an optional callback after completion.</summary>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.animate({opacity: "show"}, speed, callback);

	fadeOut: function(speed, callback){
		///<summary>Fade out all matched elements by adjusting their opacity and firing an optional callback after completion.</summary>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.animate({opacity: "hide"}, speed, callback);

	fadeTo: function(speed,to,callback){
		///<summary>Fade the opacity of all matched elements to a specified opacity and firing an optional callback after completion.</summary>
		///<param name="speed">A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="to">The opacity to fade to (a number from 0 to 1).</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		return this.animate({opacity: to}, speed, callback);

	animate: function( prop, speed, easing, callback ) {
		///<summary>A function for making your own, custom animations.  Also availble: animate(params, options)</summary>
		///<param name="prop">A set of style attributes that you wish to animate, and to what end.</param>
		///<param name="speed" optional="true">(optional) A string representing one of the three predefined speeds ("slow", "normal", or "fast") or the number of milliseconds to run the animation (e.g. 1000).</param>
		///<param name="easing" optional="true">(optional) The name of the easing effect that you want to use (Plugin Required). There are two built-in values, "linear" and "swing".</param>
		///<param name="callback" optional="true">(optional) A function to be executed whenever the animation completes, executes once for each element animated against.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var optall = jQuery.speed(speed, easing, callback);

		return this[ optall.queue === false ? "each" : "queue" ](function(){
			if ( this.nodeType != 1)
				return false;

			var opt = jQuery.extend({}, optall), p,
				hidden = jQuery(this).is(":hidden"), self = this;

			for ( p in prop ) {
				if ( prop[p] == "hide" && hidden || prop[p] == "show" && !hidden )
					return opt.complete.call(this);

				if ( p == "height" || p == "width" ) {
					// Store display property
					opt.display = jQuery.css(this, "display");

					// Make sure that nothing sneaks out
					opt.overflow = this.style.overflow;

			if ( opt.overflow != null )
				this.style.overflow = "hidden";

			opt.curAnim = jQuery.extend({}, prop);

			jQuery.each( prop, function(name, val){
				var e = new jQuery.fx( self, opt, name );

				if ( /toggle|show|hide/.test(val) )
					e[ val == "toggle" ? hidden ? "show" : "hide" : val ]( prop );
				else {
					var parts = val.toString().match(/^([+-]=)?([\d+-.]+)(.*)$/),
						start = e.cur(true) || 0;

					if ( parts ) {
						var end = parseFloat(parts[2]),
							unit = parts[3] || "px";

						// We need to compute starting value
						if ( unit != "px" ) {
							self.style[ name ] = (end || 1) + unit;
							start = ((end || 1) / e.cur(true)) * start;
							self.style[ name ] = start + unit;

						// If a +=/-= token was provided, we're doing a relative animation
						if ( parts[1] )
							end = ((parts[1] == "-=" ? -1 : 1) * end) + start;

						e.custom( start, end, unit );
					} else
						e.custom( start, val, "" );

			// For JS strict compliance
			return true;

	queue: function(type, fn){
		///<summary>When called with no parameters, returns a reference to the first element's queue (which is an array of functions).</summary>
		///<param name="type" optional="true">(optional) queue(queue) - Replaces the queue of all matched element with this new queue (the array of functions). Returns jQuery.</param>
		///<param name="fn" optional="true">(optional) queue(callback) - Adds a new function, to be executed, onto the end of the queue of all matched elements.  Returns jQuery.</param>
		///<returns type="Array" />
		if ( jQuery.isFunction(type) || ( type && type.constructor == Array )) {
			fn = type;
			type = "fx";

		if ( !type || (typeof type == "string" && !fn) )
			return queue( this[0], type );

		return this.each(function(){
			if ( fn.constructor == Array )
				queue(this, type, fn);
			else {
				queue(this, type).push( fn );

				if ( queue(this, type).length == 1 )

	stop: function(clearQueue, gotoEnd){
		///<summary>Stops all the currently running animations on all the specified elements.</summary>
		///<param name="clearQueue" optional="true">(internal)</param>
		///<param name="gotoEnd" optional="true">(internal)</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		var timers = jQuery.timers;

		if (clearQueue)

			// go in reverse order so anything added to the queue during the loop is ignored
			for ( var i = timers.length - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
				if ( timers[i].elem == this ) {
					if (gotoEnd)
						// force the next step to be the last
					timers.splice(i, 1);

		// start the next in the queue if the last step wasn't forced
		if (!gotoEnd)

		return this;


var queue = function( elem, type, array ) {
	if ( elem ){

		type = type || "fx";

		var q = jQuery.data( elem, type + "queue" );

		if ( !q || array )
			q = jQuery.data( elem, type + "queue", jQuery.makeArray(array) );

	return q;

jQuery.fn.dequeue = function(type){
		///<summary>Removes a queued function from the front of the queue and executes it.</summary>
		///<param name="type" optional="true">(internal)</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
	type = type || "fx";

	return this.each(function(){
		var q = queue(this, type);


		if ( q.length )
			q[0].call( this );


	speed: function(speed, easing, fn) {
		var opt = speed && speed.constructor == Object ? speed : {
			complete: fn || !fn && easing ||
				jQuery.isFunction( speed ) && speed,
			duration: speed,
			easing: fn && easing || easing && easing.constructor != Function && easing

		opt.duration = (opt.duration && opt.duration.constructor == Number ?
			opt.duration :
			jQuery.fx.speeds[opt.duration]) || jQuery.fx.speeds.def;

		// Queueing
		opt.old = opt.complete;
		opt.complete = function(){
			if ( opt.queue !== false )
			if ( jQuery.isFunction( opt.old ) )
				opt.old.call( this );

		return opt;

	easing: {
		linear: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
			return firstNum + diff * p;
		swing: function( p, n, firstNum, diff ) {
			return ((-Math.cos(p*Math.PI)/2) + 0.5) * diff + firstNum;

	timers: [],
	timerId: null,

	fx: function( elem, options, prop ){
		this.options = options;
		this.elem = elem;
		this.prop = prop;

		if ( !options.orig )
			options.orig = {};


jQuery.fx.prototype = {

	// Simple function for setting a style value
	update: function(){
		if ( this.options.step )
			this.options.step.call( this.elem, this.now, this );

		(jQuery.fx.step[this.prop] || jQuery.fx.step._default)( this );

		// Set display property to block for height/width animations
		if ( this.prop == "height" || this.prop == "width" )
			this.elem.style.display = "block";

	// Get the current size
	cur: function(force){
		if ( this.elem[this.prop] != null && this.elem.style[this.prop] == null )
			return this.elem[ this.prop ];

		var r = parseFloat(jQuery.css(this.elem, this.prop, force));
		return r && r > -10000 ? r : parseFloat(jQuery.curCSS(this.elem, this.prop)) || 0;

	// Start an animation from one number to another
	custom: function(from, to, unit){
		this.startTime = now();
		this.start = from;
		this.end = to;
		this.unit = unit || this.unit || "px";
		this.now = this.start;
		this.pos = this.state = 0;

		var self = this;
		function t(gotoEnd){
			return self.step(gotoEnd);

		t.elem = this.elem;


		if ( jQuery.timerId == null ) {
			jQuery.timerId = setInterval(function(){
				var timers = jQuery.timers;

				for ( var i = 0; i < timers.length; i++ )
					if ( !timers[i]() )
						timers.splice(i--, 1);

				if ( !timers.length ) {
					clearInterval( jQuery.timerId );
					jQuery.timerId = null;
			}, 13);

	// Simple 'show' function
	show: function(){
		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
		this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.attr( this.elem.style, this.prop );
		this.options.show = true;

		// Begin the animation
		this.custom(0, this.cur());

		// Make sure that we start at a small width/height to avoid any
		// flash of content
		if ( this.prop == "width" || this.prop == "height" )
			this.elem.style[this.prop] = "1px";

		// Start by showing the element

	// Simple 'hide' function
	hide: function(){
		// Remember where we started, so that we can go back to it later
		this.options.orig[this.prop] = jQuery.attr( this.elem.style, this.prop );
		this.options.hide = true;

		// Begin the animation
		this.custom(this.cur(), 0);

	// Each step of an animation
	step: function(gotoEnd){
		var t = now();

		if ( gotoEnd || t > this.options.duration + this.startTime ) {
			this.now = this.end;
			this.pos = this.state = 1;

			this.options.curAnim[ this.prop ] = true;

			var done = true;
			for ( var i in this.options.curAnim )
				if ( this.options.curAnim[i] !== true )
					done = false;

			if ( done ) {
				if ( this.options.display != null ) {
					// Reset the overflow
					this.elem.style.overflow = this.options.overflow;

					// Reset the display
					this.elem.style.display = this.options.display;
					if ( jQuery.css(this.elem, "display") == "none" )
						this.elem.style.display = "block";

				// Hide the element if the "hide" operation was done
				if ( this.options.hide )
					this.elem.style.display = "none";

				// Reset the properties, if the item has been hidden or shown
				if ( this.options.hide || this.options.show )
					for ( var p in this.options.curAnim )
						jQuery.attr(this.elem.style, p, this.options.orig[p]);

			if ( done )
				// Execute the complete function
				this.options.complete.call( this.elem );

			return false;
		} else {
			var n = t - this.startTime;
			this.state = n / this.options.duration;

			// Perform the easing function, defaults to swing
			this.pos = jQuery.easing[this.options.easing || (jQuery.easing.swing ? "swing" : "linear")](this.state, n, 0, 1, this.options.duration);
			this.now = this.start + ((this.end - this.start) * this.pos);

			// Perform the next step of the animation

		return true;


jQuery.extend( jQuery.fx, {
		slow: 600,
 		fast: 200,
 		// Default speed
 		def: 400
	step: {
		scrollLeft: function(fx){
			fx.elem.scrollLeft = fx.now;

		scrollTop: function(fx){
			fx.elem.scrollTop = fx.now;

		opacity: function(fx){
			jQuery.attr(fx.elem.style, "opacity", fx.now);

		_default: function(fx){
			fx.elem.style[ fx.prop ] = fx.now + fx.unit;
// The Offset Method
// Originally By Brandon Aaron, part of the Dimension Plugin
// http://jquery.com/plugins/project/dimensions
jQuery.fn.offset = function() {
		///<summary>Get the current offset of the first matched element relative to the viewport. Returns Object{top,left}</summary>
		///<returns type="Object" />
	var left = 0, top = 0, elem = this[0], results;

	if ( elem ) with ( jQuery.browser ) {
		var parent       = elem.parentNode,
		    offsetChild  = elem,
		    offsetParent = elem.offsetParent,
		    doc          = elem.ownerDocument,
		    safari2      = safari && parseInt(version) < 522 && !/adobeair/i.test(userAgent),
		    css          = jQuery.curCSS,
		    fixed        = css(elem, "position") == "fixed";

		// Use getBoundingClientRect if available
		if ( elem.getBoundingClientRect ) {
			var box = elem.getBoundingClientRect();

			// Add the document scroll offsets
			add(box.left + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft),
				box.top  + Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop,  doc.body.scrollTop));

			// IE adds the HTML element's border, by default it is medium which is 2px
			// IE 6 and 7 quirks mode the border width is overwritable by the following css html { border: 0; }
			// IE 7 standards mode, the border is always 2px
			// This border/offset is typically represented by the clientLeft and clientTop properties
			// However, in IE6 and 7 quirks mode the clientLeft and clientTop properties are not updated when overwriting it via CSS
			// Therefore this method will be off by 2px in IE while in quirksmode
			add( -doc.documentElement.clientLeft, -doc.documentElement.clientTop );

		// Otherwise loop through the offsetParents and parentNodes
		} else {

			// Initial element offsets
			add( elem.offsetLeft, elem.offsetTop );

			// Get parent offsets
			while ( offsetParent ) {
				// Add offsetParent offsets
				add( offsetParent.offsetLeft, offsetParent.offsetTop );

				// Mozilla and Safari > 2 does not include the border on offset parents
				// However Mozilla adds the border for table or table cells
				if ( mozilla && !/^t(able|d|h)$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) || safari && !safari2 )
					border( offsetParent );

				// Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed on any offsetParent
				if ( !fixed && css(offsetParent, "position") == "fixed" )
					fixed = true;

				// Set offsetChild to previous offsetParent unless it is the body element
				offsetChild  = /^body$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) ? offsetChild : offsetParent;
				// Get next offsetParent
				offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;

			// Get parent scroll offsets
			while ( parent && parent.tagName && !/^body|html$/i.test(parent.tagName) ) {
				// Remove parent scroll UNLESS that parent is inline or a table to work around Opera inline/table scrollLeft/Top bug
				if ( !/^inline|table.*$/i.test(css(parent, "display")) )
					// Subtract parent scroll offsets
					add( -parent.scrollLeft, -parent.scrollTop );

				// Mozilla does not add the border for a parent that has overflow != visible
				if ( mozilla && css(parent, "overflow") != "visible" )
					border( parent );

				// Get next parent
				parent = parent.parentNode;

			// Safari <= 2 doubles body offsets with a fixed position element/offsetParent or absolutely positioned offsetChild
			// Mozilla doubles body offsets with a non-absolutely positioned offsetChild
			if ( (safari2 && (fixed || css(offsetChild, "position") == "absolute")) ||
				(mozilla && css(offsetChild, "position") != "absolute") )
					add( -doc.body.offsetLeft, -doc.body.offsetTop );

			// Add the document scroll offsets if position is fixed
			if ( fixed )
				add(Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollLeft, doc.body.scrollLeft),
					Math.max(doc.documentElement.scrollTop,  doc.body.scrollTop));

		// Return an object with top and left properties
		results = { top: top, left: left };

	function border(elem) {
		add( jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderLeftWidth", true), jQuery.curCSS(elem, "borderTopWidth", true) );

	function add(l, t) {
		left += parseInt(l, 10) || 0;
		top += parseInt(t, 10) || 0;

	return results;

	position: function() {
	    ///Gets the top and left position of an element relative to its offset parent. For accurate calculations make sure to use pixel values for margins, borders and padding. This method only works with visible elements. Returns an object with top and left properties.
		///<returns type="results" />
		var left = 0, top = 0, results;

		if ( this[0] ) {
			// Get *real* offsetParent
			var offsetParent = this.offsetParent(),

			// Get correct offsets
			offset       = this.offset(),
			parentOffset = /^body|html$/i.test(offsetParent[0].tagName) ? { top: 0, left: 0 } : offsetParent.offset();

			// Subtract element margins
			// note: when an element has margin: auto the offsetLeft and marginLeft 
			// are the same in Safari causing offset.left to incorrectly be 0
			offset.top  -= num( this, 'marginTop' );
			offset.left -= num( this, 'marginLeft' );

			// Add offsetParent borders
			parentOffset.top  += num( offsetParent, 'borderTopWidth' );
			parentOffset.left += num( offsetParent, 'borderLeftWidth' );

			// Subtract the two offsets
			results = {
				top:  offset.top  - parentOffset.top,
				left: offset.left - parentOffset.left

		return results;

	offsetParent: function() {
		///<summary>Returns a jQuery collection with the positioned parent of the first matched element. This is the first parent of the element that has position (as in relative or absolute). This method only works with visible elements.</summary>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />	
		var offsetParent = this[0].offsetParent;
		while ( offsetParent && (!/^body|html$/i.test(offsetParent.tagName) && jQuery.css(offsetParent, 'position') == 'static') )
			offsetParent = offsetParent.offsetParent;
		return jQuery(offsetParent);

// Create scrollLeft and scrollTop methods
jQuery.each( ['Left', 'Top'], function(i, name) {
	var method = 'scroll' + name;
	jQuery.fn[ method ] = function(val) {
		/// Chainable when a value is passed in, otherwise returns a number.
		/// 1. scrollLeft() - Acts as both a getter and a setter. When no value is passed in, it gets the scroll left offset of the first matched element. When a value is passed in, the scroll left offset is set to that value on all matched elements. This method works for both visible and hidden elements.
		/// 2. scrollTop() - Acts as both a getter and a setter. When no value is passed in, it gets the scroll top offset of the first matched element. When a value is passed in, the scroll top offset is set to that value on all matched elements. This method works for both visible and hidden elements.
		///<param name="val" type="Number">A positive number representing the desired scroll offset.</param>
		///<returns type="jQuery" />
		if (!this[0]) return;

		return val != undefined ?

			// Set the scroll offset
			this.each(function() {
				this == window || this == document ?
						!i ? val : jQuery(window).scrollLeft(),
						 i ? val : jQuery(window).scrollTop()
					) :
					this[ method ] = val;
			}) :

			// Return the scroll offset
			this[0] == window || this[0] == document ?
				self[ i ? 'pageYOffset' : 'pageXOffset' ] ||
					jQuery.boxModel && document.documentElement[ method ] ||
					document.body[ method ] :
				this[0][ method ];
// Create innerHeight, innerWidth, outerHeight and outerWidth methods
jQuery.each([ "Height", "Width" ], function(i, name){

	var tl = i ? "Left"  : "Top",  // top or left
		br = i ? "Right" : "Bottom"; // bottom or right

	// innerHeight and innerWidth
	jQuery.fn["inner" + name] = function(){
        ///  1. innerHeight() - Gets the inner height (excludes the border and includes the padding) for the first matched element. This method works for both visible and hidden elements.
        ///  2. innerWidth() - Gets the inner width (excludes the border and includes the padding) for the first matched element. This method works for both visible and hidden elements.
        ///<returns type="Number" />

		return this[ name.toLowerCase() ]() +
			num(this, "padding" + tl) +
			num(this, "padding" + br);

	// outerHeight and outerWidth
	jQuery.fn["outer" + name] = function(margin) {
        ///  1. outerHeight() - Gets the offsetHeight (includes the border and padding by default) for the first matched element. This method works for both visible and hidden elements. The margin can be included by passing an options map with margin set to true.
        ///  2. outerWidth() - Gets the offsetWidth (includes the border and padding by default) for the first matched element. This method works for both visible and hidden elements. The margin can be included by passing an options map with margin set to true.
        ///<param name="margin" optional="true">
        ///  (optional) Should the margin of the element be included in the calculations? False by default.
        ///<returns type="Number" />

		return this["inner" + name]() +
			num(this, "border" + tl + "Width") +
			num(this, "border" + br + "Width") +
			(margin ?
				num(this, "margin" + tl) + num(this, "margin" + br) : 0);
