www.gusucode.com > cnn 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > cnn/+nnet/+internal/+cnn/+layer/+util/ExecutionStrategy.m

    classdef(Abstract) ExecutionStrategy
    % ExecutionStrategy   Interface for execution strategies
    %   A class that inherits from this interface can be used to implement
    %   different ways of computing forward propagation using different
    %   hardware resources (e.g. host or GPU).
    %   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
        % forward   The forward method for this strategy
        %   [Z, memory] = forward(this, X, varargin) takes an input array
        %   X, and possibly a series of learned parameters varargin, and
        %   returns an output Z. The second output memory is used by
        %   stochastic layers to record any randomized information that
        %   will be needed for backpropagation. It is not used by the
        %   majority of layers.
        [Z, memory] = forward(this, X, varargin)