www.gusucode.com > examples 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > examples/sedemo_rngseeds_mgmt_m.m

    %% Managing Random Seeds for Event And Entity Generators

% Copyright 2005-2013 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Overview
% This example shows how to manage
% sets of seeds for random number generators in a SimEvents(R)
% model. Using such an approach, you can experiment with different
% sets of seeds, and easily switch between different sets of seeds for a
% single model.
% The model shown is a
% discrete event system in which entities arrive at random times, carry
% random data and are randomly routed by the Output Switch block to one of
% two paths.

oldFormat = get(0, 'Format');
format long;

modelname = 'sedemo_rngseeds_mgmt';

% The following blocks in the model use seeded random
% number generators for their operation:
% * Event-Based Random Number
% * Time-Based Entity Generator
% * Output Switch

%% Getting Seeds from a Model
% The SimEvents function |se_getseeds| obtains information from a model or
% subsystem
% about the seed values and the blocks currently using them.

mySeedSet = se_getseeds(modelname)

% This function returns a structure with two fields. The first field,
% |system|, contains the name of the model or subsystem from which these
% seeds were obtained.
% The second field, |seeds| contains information about the seed values and
% the corresponding blocks. The seeds can be inspected as follows:

[{mySeedSet.seeds.block}' {mySeedSet.seeds.value}']

% As can be seen above, two of the blocks use identical seeds which
% may cause undesirable effects or incorrect results for stochastic
% simulations as shown in the example "Managing Seeds During Random Number 
% Generation". The function |se_randomizeseeds| can alleviate this 
% condition as shown below.

%% Generating Multiple Sets of Seeds
% The SimEvents function |se_randomizeseeds| makes all
% the seeds in a model or subsystem unique by randomizing them.
% The functions |se_randomizeseeds| and |se_getseeds| can be used together
% as shown to generate multiple sets of seeds for simulation.

% generate one set of seeds and simulate the model
se_randomizeseeds(modelname, 'GlobalSeed', 123);
newSeedSet1 = se_getseeds(modelname);

% generate a new set of seeds and simulate the model
se_randomizeseeds(modelname, 'GlobalSeed', 456);
newSeedSet2 = se_getseeds(modelname);

% inspect the generated sets
set1 = [{newSeedSet1.seeds.block}' {newSeedSet1.seeds.value}']
set2 = [{newSeedSet2.seeds.block}' {newSeedSet2.seeds.value}']

%% Switching Between Sets of Seeds
% The SimEvents function |se_setseeds| can be used to switch between
% different sets of seeds for different simulation runs. The following
% example applies the seeds contained in |newSeedSet1| to the model (which
% is the system specified in |newSeedSet1.system|).

% set seeds to newSeedSet1 and simulate the model
oldSeeds = se_setseeds(newSeedSet1)

% In addition the function |se_setseeds| returns all of the original seed
% values in
% the model in the variable |oldSeeds|. In case we need to revert changes
% then the function |se_setseeds| can be used
% again with the variable |oldSeeds| as the input argument.

clear modelname
clear mySeedSet newSeedSet1 newSeedSet2 oldSeeds
clear set1 set2 ans

%% Related Examples
% * <matlab:showdemo('sedemo_identicalseeds_m') Managing Seeds During 
% Random Number Generation>
