www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@conconvexhull/properties.m

    function [info, w] = properties( con, status )
%PROPERTIES  Return constraint information
%  INF=PROPERTIES(CON, STATUS) returns information for the constraint
%  INF = PROPERTIES(CON) returns information for the constraint such as the
%  center of the model, information about the RBF and the transform used.

%  Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

F = pBdrydevStatusFlags( xregbdrydev );

info = pInputFactorProperties( con );

if bitand( F.ConstraintFitted, status ),
    if nFactors( con ) == 2,
        faceStr = 'Edges';
        faceStr = 'Faces';

    info = [ ...
        {faceStr, int2str( size( con.A, 1 ) )}

w = repmat( 80, 1, size( info, 1 ) );