www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@conrange/bringInside.m

    function X = bringInside(con, X)
%BRINGINSIDE Move a set of points so they are all inside the constraint.
%  Y = BRINGINSIDE(CON, X) is the data set X but with any points outside the
%  constraint CON projected into the constraint.
%  If X(i,:) is inside the constraint, then Y(i,:) = X(i,:).
%  If X(i,:) is outside the constriant, then Y(:,i) will be the closest point to
%  X(i,:) that is inside (on the boundary of) the constraint.

%  Copyright 2000-2005 The MathWorks, Inc.

A = -inf( 1, nFactors( con ) );
B =  inf( 1, nFactors( con ) );

ai = getActiveIndices( con );
A(ai) = con.Center - con.HalfWidth;
B(ai) = con.Center + con.HalfWidth;

i = ones( size( X, 1 ), 1 );
X = max( A(i,:), min( X, B(i,:) ) );
