www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@des_linearmod/min_points.m

    function n=min_points(des)
%MIN_POINTS   Return the minimum number of points for a design
%   N=MIN_POINTS(DES) returns the minimum number of points necessary
%   to allow a design to pass the rankcheck test.

%  Copyright 2000-2004 The MathWorks, Inc. and Ford Global Technologies, Inc.

% Created 24/3/2000

% start at number of terms in model, then try increasing/decreasing

np= numParams(model(des));

% des=reinit(des,np);
% if npoints(des)
%    % try taking a point off
%    rc=rankcheck(des);
%    while rc
%       des=delete(des,'random',1);
%       rc=rankcheck(des);
%    end
%    n=npoints(des)+1;
% else
%    n=1;
%    while ~npoints(des) & n<=3*np
%       des=reinit(des,np+n);
%       n=n+1;
%    end
%    if npoints(des)
%       n = npoints(des); 
%    else
%       % minimum  not found
%       n = [];
%    end
% end