www.gusucode.com > mbcdesign 工具箱 matlab 源码程序 > mbcdesign/@xregdesign/designAugmentReplaceGUI.m

    function [out,ok]=designAugmentReplaceGUI(~)
%designAugmentReplaceGUI GUI asking user how to update an existing design
% Popup a small figure to ask what to do with the potential new design
% points that already exist in a design
%   [out,ok]=designAugmentReplaceGUI(~)
%   out is the selected option: 1 - replace all points in design
%                               2 - augment existing design
%                               3 - keep fixed points
%                               4 - cancel
%   ok is a boolean flag indicating if the user clicked OK

%   Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

dlg = mbcgui.container.Dialog('Buttons', 'OK_CANCEL', ...
    'Name', 'Design Augment/Replace', ...
    'Size', [350 150], ...
    'Resize', 'off');
fig = dlg.Figure;   

    'String','This design currently contains design points.  Do you want to:');
opts=xregGui.rbgroup(fig,'nx',1,'ny',3,'value',[1; 0; 0],'string',...
    {'Replace the current points with a new design';...
    'Augment the current design with additional points';...
    'Keep only the fixed points from the current design'});
lyt=xreggridlayout(fig, ...
    'dimension',[2 1], ...
    'correctalg','on', ...
    'rowsizes',[25 65],...
    'border', [0 5 0 5], ...
    'elements',{txt,opts}, ...

dlg.Content = lyt;
Result = dlg.showDialog();

switch Result
    case 'OK'
        out = get(opts,'Selected');
        ok = true;
        out = 0;
        ok = false;