www.gusucode.com > rctobsolete 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > rctobsolete/robust/ltrdes2.m

    % function [ae,be,ce,de] = ltrdem1(sys,n,Q,R,Xi,Th);
% function for the ltr controller design. It is specially written for the
% ltrdemo1 simulink program.p
% function [ae,be,ce,de] = ltrdem1(sys,n,Q,R,Xi,Th);

%   Copyright 1988-2004 The MathWorks, Inc.

n = length(a);
%place sample-hold to the original system
%Solve Kalman filter gain
disp('Use LQRC to solve kalman filter gain');
Kf = lqrc(A', C', diagmx(Xi,Th))';
disp('find the frequency range of the singular value by using SIGMA')
%[m,l] = size(w);  if l>m, w=w'; end;
disp('Choose recovery gain to be 1e+5')
disp('Use LTRY to calculate the feedback controller')
disp('ignore the up coming ''strike a key .... hit <RET>'' message')
clear q sv A B C D az bz
disp('Design finished')