www.gusucode.com > robotexamples 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > robotexamples/ros/GazeboApplyForcesExample.m

    %% Apply Forces and Torques in Gazebo
%% Introduction
% This example illustrates a collection of ways to apply forces and torques
% to models in the Gazebo(R) simulator. First, application of torques is
% examined in three distinct ways using doors for illustration. Second, two
% TurtleBot(R) Create models demonstrate the forcing of
% compound models. Finally, object properties (bounce, in this case) are examined
% using basic balls.
% Prerequisites: <docid:robotics_examples.example-GettingStartedWithGazeboExample>, 
% <docid:robotics_examples.example-GazeboModelAndSimulationPropertiesExample>,
% <docid:robotics_examples.example-GazeboAddBuildAndRemoveObjectsExample>

% Copyright 2014-2015 The MathWorks, Inc.

%% Connect to Gazebo
% * On your Linux(R) machine, start Gazebo. If you are using the virtual
% machine from <docid:robotics_examples.example-GettingStartedWithGazeboExample>, use the Gazebo
% Empty world.
% * Initialize ROS by replacing the sample IP address ( with the IP address of the 
% virtual machine. Create an instance of the |ExampleHelperGazeboCommunicator|
% class.
%   ipaddress = ''
 gazebo = ExampleHelperGazeboCommunicator();
%% Add Moving Doors
% This section demonstrates three distinct methods for applying joint
% torques. In this case, doors are used.
% * Create a door model and spawn three instances in the simulator. Specify
% the spawn position and orientation (units are meters and radians).
 doormodel = ExampleHelperGazeboModel('hinged_door','gazeboDB');
 door1 = spawnModel(gazebo,doormodel,[-1.5 2.0 0]);
 door2 = spawnModel(gazebo,doormodel,[-1.5 0.5 0],[0 0 pi]);
 door3 = spawnModel(gazebo,doormodel,[-1.5 -2.5 0]);
% All units in Gazebo are specified using SI convention.
% With the doors added, the world looks like this graphic:
% <<three_doors_world.png>>
% *Note:* When the Gazebo simulation is left idle, movable items
% often drift. If you see the doors moving slowly without
% a command, this behavior is normal. This happens because there is often more
% friction in the real world than there is in the ideal setting of the
% Gazebo simulator.
% * Retrieve handles for the links joints of the first door and display them
 [links, joints] = getComponents(door1)
% The output should look like this:
% <<doors_links.png>>
% For the first door, apply a torque directly to the 'hinge' joint.
% * Apply the torque to the first door using |jointTorque|. Doing so makes
% it open and stay open during the simulation. The first two lines
% define the stop time and effort parameters for the torque
% application. The second entry in the |joints| cell array is
% 'hinged_door::hinge'. Use this in the |jointTorque| call.
 stopTime = 5; % Seconds 
 effort = 3.0; % Newton-meters
 jointTorque(door1, joints{2}, stopTime, effort);
% <<one_open_door.png>>
% The second method is to apply a torque to the door link instead of the
% hinge joint. This method is not as clean because the torque is applied to
% the center of mass of the link (which is the door in this case) and is
% not applied around the axis of rotation. This method
% still produces a torque that moves the door. 
% * Use the |applyForce|
% function. The second entry in |links| is
% 'hinged_door::door'. Use it in the |applyForce| call.
 forceVector = [0 0 0];     % Newtons
 torqueVector = [0 0 3];    % Newton-meters
 applyForce(door2, links{2}, stopTime, forceVector, torqueVector);
% <<two_open_doors.png>>
% * You can apply a force (instead of a torque) directly to the
% center of mass of the door for it to move. The commands are:
 forceVector = [0 -2 0];     % Newtons
 applyForce(door2, links{2}, stopTime, forceVector);
% *Note:* The forces are always applied from the world coordinate frame
% and not the object frame. When you apply this force, it
% continually operates in the negative |y| direction. It does not result
% in a constant torque on the door.
% For the third door, manually define the hinge angle
% without applying a force or torque.
% * Use a while loop to create a swinging behavior
% for the door. Use the |setConfig| function of the
% |ExampleHelperGazeboSpawnedModel| class.
 angdelta = 0.1;    % Radians
 dt = 0;            % Seconds
 angle = 0;         % Radians
 while (toc < stopTime)

     if angle > 1.5 || angle < 0     % In radians
         angdelta = -angdelta;        
     angle = angle+angdelta;        
% <<three_open_doors.png>>

%% Create TurtleBot Objects for Manipulation
% This section demonstrates creation and external manipulation of a TurtleBot
% Create. It illustrates simple control of a more complex
% object.
% * Create another TurtleBot in the world by adding the
% |GazeboModel| from the database (GazeboDB). The robot spawned is a
% TurtleBot Create, not a Kobuki. Apply an external
% torque to its right wheel.
% *Note:* Spawning the Create requires an internet connection.
 botmodel = ExampleHelperGazeboModel('turtlebot','gazeboDB');
 bot = spawnModel(gazebo,botmodel,[1,0,0]);
% * The TurtleBot originally spawns facing along the x-axis with an angle
% of 0 degrees. Change the orientation to pi/2 radians (90 degrees) 
% using this command:
 setState(bot,'orientation',[0 0 pi/2]);
% <<one_tbot_create.png>>
% * Using |applyForce|, make the right wheel of the TurtleBot Create
% move by applying an external torque to it from the 
% |ExampleHelperGazeboSpawnedModel| object.
[botlinks, botjoints] = getComponents(bot)

% <<tbot_output.png>>
% * The second entry of |botjoints| is 'turtlebot::create::right_wheel'
% Use botjoints{2} in the |jointTorque| call.
turnStopTime = 1;       % Seconds
turnEffort = 0.2;       % Newton-meters
jointTorque(bot, botjoints{2}, turnStopTime, turnEffort)

% <<one_tbot_moving.png>>
% You can experiment with application of forces to a TurtleBot base
% instead of to the wheels.
% * Make a second TurtleBot Create with |spawnModel|:
 bot2 = spawnModel(gazebo,botmodel,[2,0,0]);
 [botlinks2, botjoints2] = getComponents(bot2)
% <<tbot2_list.png>>
% <<two_tbot_create.png>>
% * Apply a force to the base in the y direction. See that the
% base barely moves. The force is acting perpendicular to
% the wheel orientation.
% * The first entry of |botlinks2| is 'turtlebot::create::base'.
% Use |botlinks2{1}| in the |applyForce| call.
 applyForce(bot2,botlinks2{1},2,[0 1 0]);
% * Apply a force in the x direction. The robot moves more
% substantially.
 applyForce(bot2,botlinks2{1},2,[1 0 0]);
% * Apply a torque to the TurtleBot base to make it spin.
 applyForce(bot2,botlinks2{1},2,[0 0 0],[0 0 1]);
% <<two_tbot_moving.png>>

%% Add Bouncing Balls
% This section demonstrates the creation of two balls and exposes the
% 'bounce' property.
% * Use the |ExampleHelperGazeboModel| class to
% create two balls in the simulation. Specify the
% parameters of bouncing by using |addLink|.
 bounce = 1;    % Unitless coefficient
 maxCorrectionVelocity = 10;    % Meters per second
 ballmodel = ExampleHelperGazeboModel('ball');
 addLink(ballmodel,'sphere',0.2,'color',[0.3 0.7 0.7 0.5],'bounce',[bounce maxCorrectionVelocity]);
% * Spawn two balls, one on top of the other, to illustrate
% bouncing.
 spawnModel(gazebo,ballmodel,[0 1 2]);
 spawnModel(gazebo,ballmodel,[0 1 3]);
% After adding the balls, the world looks like this graphic:
% <<bouncing_balls.png>>

%% Remove Models and Shut Down
% * Clean up the models.
% * It is good practice to clear the workspace of publishers,
% subscribers, and other ROS-related objects when you finish with them.

% * It is recommended to use |<docid:robotics_ref.bupf5_j_8 rosshutdown>| once you are done working with 
% the ROS network. Shut down the global node and disconnect from Gazebo.
% * When finished, close the Gazebo window on your virtual machine

%% Next Steps
% * Refer to the next example: <docid:robotics_examples.example-GazeboRobotAutonomyExample>