www.gusucode.com > ros 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > ros/+robotics/+ros/+internal/Settings.m

    classdef Settings
    %This class is for internal use only. It may be removed in the future.
    %SETTINGS Gathering various settings in one class
    %   Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
    properties (Constant)
        %SimulationTimeParameter - ROS parameter name that indicates simulation time
        SimulationTimeParameter = '/use_sim_time'
        %ClockTopic - The topic that is used to publish time messages
        ClockTopic = '/clock'
        %ClockMessageType - The message type for time messages
        ClockMessageType = 'rosgraph_msgs/Clock'
        %TfTopic - ROS topic name that is used for TF messages
        TfTopic = '/tf'
        %TfMessageType - Message type for /tf topic in TF1
        TfMessageType = 'tf/tfMessage'
        %Tf2MessageType - Message type for /tf topic in TF2
        Tf2MessageType = 'tf2_msgs/TFMessage'