www.gusucode.com > ros 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > ros/+robotics/+ros/+msg/+sensor_msgs/+internal/ImageReader.m

    classdef ImageReader
    %This class is for internal use only. It may be removed in the future.
    %ImageReader Class for converting ROS image messages to MATLAB images
    %   This class contains utility functions for converting several image
    %   encodings into representations that are usable within MATLAB.
    %   See also: robotics.ros.msg.sensor_msgs.Image
    %   Copyright 2014 The MathWorks, Inc.
    methods (Static)
        function img = convertToGray(rawData, width, height, dataType)
            %convertToGray Convert the image data to a MATLAB gray-scale image
            %   The user has to specify information about the element data 
            %   type to correctly interpret the data.
            %   IMG = convertToGray(RAWDATA, WIDTH, HEIGHT, DATATYPE) converts 
            %   the raw image data contained in the ROS image data RAWDATA 
            %   into an image IMG that can be used for further processing in MATLAB. 
            %   IMG will be a gray-scale image. Its size will be HEIGHT x WIDTH.
            %   DATATYPE is the MATLAB data type for each
            %   stored pixel value in a channel.
            %   Examples:
            %       % Convert a raw 8-bit image into MATLAB image
            %       img = convertToGray(data, 640, 480, 'uint8');
            %       % Convert a raw 16-bit image into MATLAB image
            %       img = convertToGray(data, 640, 480, 'uint16');            

            img = robotics.ros.msg.sensor_msgs.internal.ImageReader.convertToImg(...
                rawData, width, height, 1, [], dataType);

        function img = convertToBayer(rawData, width, height, alignment, dataType)
            %convertToBayer Convert the image data to a MATLAB bayer image
            %   If the Image Processing Toolbox is installed, the raw image
            %   will be de-bayered and returned as an RGB image. Otherwise,
            %   the image will be returned as a 1-channel image.
            %   IMG = convertToBayer(RAWDATA, WIDTH, HEIGHT, ALIGNMENT, DATATYPE) converts 
            %   the raw image data contained in the ROS image data RAWDATA 
            %   into an image IMG that can be used for further processing in MATLAB. 
            %   Its size will be HEIGHT x WIDTH. If the Image Processing
            %   Toolbox is installed, the return image will be an RGB image
            %   of size HEIGHT x WIDTH x 3. DATATYPE is the MATLAB data type for each
            %   stored pixel value in a channel. ALIGNMENT is the sensor
            %   element alignment 
            %   Example:
            %      img = convertToBayer(data, 640, 480, 'bggr', 'uint16');

            img = robotics.ros.msg.sensor_msgs.internal.ImageReader.convertToImg(...
                rawData, width, height, 1, [], dataType);
            % Also debayer the image if IPT is installed
            if robotics.ros.msg.sensor_msgs.internal.ImageLicense.isIPTInstalled
                img = demosaic(img, alignment);

        function [img,alpha] = convertToRGBA(rawData, width, height, numChannels, channelOrder, dataType)
            %convertToRGBA Convert the image data to RGB and Alpha
            %   The user has to specify information about the number of
            %   channels, channel order, and data type to correctly
            %   interpret the data.             
            % Get full image first (height x width x 4)
            imgFull = robotics.ros.msg.sensor_msgs.internal.ImageReader.convertToImg(...
                rawData, width, height, numChannels, channelOrder, dataType);
            % Split it up into components
            img = imgFull(:,:,1:3);
            alpha = imgFull(:,:,4);
        function img = convertToRGB(rawData, width, height, numChannels, channelOrder, dataType)
            %convertToRGB Convert the image data to a MATLAB RGB image
            %   The user has to specify information about the number of
            %   channels, channel order, and data type to correctly
            %   interpret the data. 
            %   DATATYPE) converts the raw image data contained in the ROS
            %   image data RAWDATA and converts it into an RGB image 
            %   IMG that can be used for further processing in MATLAB.
            %   NUMCHANNELS is the number of channels that the image has
            %   and CHANNELORDER is a 3-vector of integers that specify 
            %   where in the image the R, G, and B channels can be found, 
            %   respectively. DATATYPE is the MATLAB data type for each
            %   stored pixel value in a channel.
            %   Examples:
            %       % Convert a raw BGRA 8-bit image into MATLAB image
            %       img = convertToRGB(data, 640, 480, 4, [3,2,1], 'uint8');
            %       % Convert a raw RGB 16-bit image into MATLAB image
            %       img = convertToRGB(data, 640, 480, 3, [1,2,3], 'uint16');            
            img = robotics.ros.msg.sensor_msgs.internal.ImageReader.convertToImg(...
                rawData, width, height, numChannels, channelOrder, dataType);
        function img = convertToImg(rawData, width, height, numChannels, channelOrder, dataType)
            %convertToImg Convert raw image data to a MATLAB matrix
            %   This function is used as a backend for all image conversion
            %   functions. It is optimized for speed to provide a flexible
            %   and performant interface to retrieve image data.
            %   IMG = convertToImg(RAWDATA, WIDTH, HEIGHT, NUMCHANNELS, 
            %   CHANNELORDER, DATATYPE) converts the raw image data contained 
            %   in the ROS image data RAWDATA and converts it into an image 
            %   IMG that can be used for further processing in MATLAB. IMG
            %   will be a HEIGHT x WIDTH x NUMEL(CHANNELORDER) matrix. 
            %   NUMCHANNELS is the number of channels that the image has
            %   and CHANNELORDER is a vector of integers that specify 
            %   where in the raw stream the output channels can be found.
            %   DATATYPE is the MATLAB data type for each
            %   stored pixel value in a channel.
            %   Examples:
            %       % Convert a raw BGRA 8-bit image into RGB MATLAB image
            %       img = convertToImg(data, 640, 480, 4, [3,2,1], 'uint8');
            %       % Keep the alpha channel of the BGRA 8-bit image
            %       % Output img will be 480x640x4
            %       img = convertToImg(data, 640, 480, 4, [3,2,1,4], 'uint8');            
            %       % Convert a raw RGB 16-bit image into MATLAB image
            %       img = obj.convertToRGB(data, 640, 480, 3, [1,2,3], 'uint16');            
            % Return if no data was received
            if isempty(rawData)
                img = rawData;
            % The output image will be height x width x numOutputChannels
            numOutputChannels = numel(channelOrder);
            % Cast input data to the expected data type
            data = typecast(rawData, dataType);                                 
            % Ensure that width, height, and number of channels are
            % consistent with raw stored data
            expectedElems = width*height*numChannels;
            if expectedElems ~= numel(data)
                error(message('robotics:ros:image:DataLengthInconsistency', ...
                    num2str(expectedElems), num2str(width), num2str(height), ...
                    num2str(numChannels), num2str(numel(data))));
            % If this is a single-channel image, return right away
            if numChannels == 1
                img = reshape(data, width, height)';
            % Construct the data access index. Since the channel ordering
            % might be arbitrary, this has to be done in a for loop
            indexBase = (1:numChannels:width*height*numChannels)';
            for i = 1:numOutputChannels
                % Construct it as column-major index to ease later reshape
                index(:, channelOrder(i)) = indexBase + i - 1; %#ok<AGROW>
            % Reshape the data into a width x height x numOutputChannels matrix
            img = reshape(data(index), width, height, numOutputChannels);
            % Since reshape works column-wise, bring image back to
            % row-major order (transpose of 1st and 2nd dimension
            % Result will be a height x width x numOutputChannels image matrix
            img = permute(img, [2 1 3]);            
        function img = decompressImg(rawData, numChannels)
            %decompressImg Take raw data and decompress
                compressedData = org.jboss.netty.buffer.ChannelBufferInputStream(rawData);
                inputStream = javax.imageio.ImageIO.createImageInputStream(compressedData);
                imjava = javax.imageio.ImageIO.read(inputStream);
                w = imjava.getWidth();
                h = imjava.getHeight();
                imageData = uint8( imjava.getData.getPixels( 0,0,w,h,[] ) );
                img = permute( reshape( imageData, [numChannels w h] ), [3 2 1] );
            catch ex
                newEx = robotics.ros.internal.ROSException( ...