www.gusucode.com > ros 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > ros/+robotics/+ros/SimpleActionClient.m

    classdef SimpleActionClient < ...
        robotics.ros.internal.mixin.NodeDependent & ...
        robotics.ros.internal.mixin.Unsaveable & ...
        robotics.ros.internal.mixin.JavaAccess & ...
    %SimpleActionClient Create a simple ROS action client
    %   Use SimpleActionClient to connect to an action server and request the
    %   execution of action goals. You can get feedback on the execution
    %   progress and cancel the goal at any time. SimpleActionClient
    %   encapsulates a simple action client and allows you to track a
    %   single goal at a time.
    %   CLIENT = robotics.ros.SimpleActionClient(NODE, 'ACTIONNAME') creates
    %   a CLIENT for the ROS action with name ACTIONNAME. NODE is the
    %   robotics.ros.Node object that is used to connect to the ROS
    %   network. If an action with this name is available in the
    %   ROS network, the client determines the action type automatically.
    %   If the action is not available, this function displays an error. CLIENT
    %   is a simple action client and allows you to track a single goal at a
    %   time.
    %   CLIENT = robotics.ros.SimpleActionClient(NODE, 'ACTIONNAME', 'ACTIONTYPE')
    %   creates an action client for the ROS action with name ACTIONNAME and
    %   type ACTIONTYPE. If no action with this name is available in the ROS network,
    %   it is created. If an action with the same name is available, but its
    %   type does not match ACTIONTYPE, the function displays an error.
    %   SimpleActionClient properties:
    %      ActionName        - Name of action associated with this client (Read-only)
    %      ActionType        - Type of action (Read-only)
    %      IsServerConnected - Indicates if client is connected to action server (Read-only)
    %      Goal              - The tracked goal (Read-only)
    %      GoalState         - State of the tracked goal (Read-only)
    %      ActivationFcn     - Function executed on goal activation
    %      FeedbackFcn       - Function executed for goal feedback
    %      ResultFcn         - Function executed for goal result
    %   SimpleActionClient methods:
    %      waitForServer   - Wait for action server to start
    %      sendGoal        - Send goal message to action server
    %      sendGoalAndWait - Send goal message and wait for result
    %      cancelGoal      - Cancel last goal this client sent
    %      cancelAllGoals  - Cancel all goals on the server
    %      rosmessage      - Create goal message
    %   Example:
    %      node = robotics.ros.Node('/tbot_client');
    %      % Create action client for TurtleBot movement
    %      % The turtlebot_move action server needs to be running
    %      tbot = robotics.ros.SimpleActionClient(node, '/turtlebot_move', 'turtlebot_actions/TurtlebotMove')
    %      % Wait for the action server to start up
    %      waitForServer(tbot)
    %      % Request forward movement and wait until the TurtleBot is done
    %      goalmsg = rosmessage(tbot);
    %      goalmsg.ForwardDistance = 1.0;
    %      resultmsg = sendGoalAndWait(tbot, goalmsg);
    %      % Display the actual distance moved by the robot and the final goal state
    %      resultmsg.ForwardDistance
    %      tbot.GoalState
    %      % Set a custom callback for goal results. Disable feedback.
    %      tbot.FeedbackFcn = []
    %      tbot.ResultFcn = @(~,res) disp(['TurtleBot moved ' num2str(res.Message.ForwardDistance) ' meters forward'])
    %      % Send a goal to the server. This call will return immediately.
    %      sendGoal(tbot, goalmsg);
    %   Copyright 2016 The MathWorks, Inc.
    properties (SetAccess = private)
        %ActionName - Name of action associated with this client
        ActionName = ''
        %ActionType - Type of action associated with this client
        ActionType = ''
        %IsServerConnected - Indicates if client is connected to action server
        %   See also waitForServer.
        IsServerConnected = false
        %Goal - The tracked goal
        %   The simple action client tracks the execution of this goal. The
        %   client can only track a single goal at a time.
        %GoalState - State of the tracked goal
        %   This reflects the state of the goal that is currently tracked
        %   by this action client (last goal message sent to the
        %   action server).
        %   Possible values are: 'pending', 'active', 'recalled', 'rejected',
        %   'preempted', 'aborted', 'succeeded', or 'lost'
        GoalState = ''
    properties (Dependent)
        %ActivationFcn - Function executed on goal activation
        %   This function is called when the last sent goal is accepted by
        %   the action server and it transitions into the 'active' state.
        %   The callback function should accept at least one input
        %   argument, CLIENT, which is the associated SimpleActionClient
        %   object. Additional input arguments can be provided with VARARGIN.
        %   The function signature is as follows:
        %      function activationFcn(CLIENT, VARARGIN)
        %FeedbackFcn - Function executed for goal feedback
        %   This function is called at a regular rate during execution of
        %   the last sent goal. The received feedback message contains
        %   information about the goal progress.
        %   The callback function should accept at least two input
        %   argument. The first argument, CLIENT, is the associated SimpleActionClient
        %   object. The second argument, FBMSG, is the received feedback
        %   message. Additional input arguments can be provided with VARARGIN.
        %   The function signature is as follows:
        %      function feedbackFcn(CLIENT, FBMSG, VARARGIN)
        %   You pass additional arguments to the callback function by including
        %   both the callback function and the arguments as elements of a cell array
        %   when setting the property.
        %ResultFcn - Function executed for goal result
        %   This function is called when the last sent goal finishes
        %   execution on the server and is in a final state. The received
        %   message contains information about the goal result.
        %   The callback function should accept at least two input
        %   arguments. The first argument, CLIENT, is the associated SimpleActionClient
        %   object. The second argument, RESULT, is a structure with information
        %   about the goal result. Additional input arguments can be provided with VARARGIN.
        %   The RESULT structure contains the following fields:
        %   - Message    - Received result message
        %   - State      - Final goal state
        %   - StatusText - Status text associated with state
        %   The function signature is as follows:
        %      function resultFcn(CLIENT, RESULT, VARARGIN)
        %   You pass additional arguments to the callback function by including
        %   both the callback function and the arguments as elements of a cell array
        %   when setting the property.
    properties (Access = ?matlab.unittest.TestCase)
        %JavaActionClient - Simple action client Java object
    properties (Access = private)
        %ClientCallbacks - Java object handling callbacks from action client
        %   This object is passed to Java calls to sendGoal and
        %   sendGoalAndWait and acts as an intermediary between Java
        %   and MATLAB callback functions.
        %ActivationListener - Bound listener object for activation notices
        %FeedbackListener - Bound listener object for received goal feedback
        %ResultListener - Bound listener object for received goal result
        %InternalActivationFcn - Internal storage for the ActivationFcn callback
        %InternalFeedbackFcn - Internal storage for the FeedbackFcn callback
        %InternalResultFcn - Internal storage for the ResultFcn callback
        %GoalMessageType - The message type of the goal message (sent by client)
        %FeedbackMessageType - The message type of the feedback message (sent by server)
        %ResultMessageType - The message type of the result message (sent by server)
    properties (Access = ?matlab.unittest.TestCase)
        %Delegate - The delegate for most ROS-related functionality
        %Parser - Helper object for parsing tasks
        function obj = SimpleActionClient(node, actionNamespace, varargin)
            %SimpleActionClient Create a ROS action client object
            %   See also SimpleActionClient.
            % Assign the delegates for most action client business logic
            delegateFactory = robotics.ros.internal.action.ActionDelegateFactory.getInstance;
            clientDelegate = delegateFactory.findDelegate('simpleClientDelegate');
            parser = delegateFactory.findDelegate('simpleClientParser');
            % Figure out if we need to use the global node or not
            node = clientDelegate.checkGlobalNode(node);
            % Parse the input arguments
            defaultActionType = '';
            [node, actionNamespace, actionType] = ...
                parser.parseConstructorInput(defaultActionType, node, actionNamespace, varargin{:});
            % Construct superclass
            obj = obj@robotics.ros.internal.mixin.NodeDependent(node);
            obj.Delegate = clientDelegate;
            obj.Parser = parser;
            [obj.ActionName, obj.ActionType] = obj.Delegate.resolveNameType( ...
                node, actionNamespace, actionType, defaultActionType);
            obj.GoalMessageType = [obj.ActionType 'Goal'];
            obj.FeedbackMessageType = [obj.ActionType 'Feedback'];
            obj.ResultMessageType = [obj.ActionType 'Result'];
            % Create Java action client and initial goal message
            obj.JavaActionClient = obj.Delegate.createActionClient(node.JavaNode, obj.ActionName, obj.ActionType);
            goalMsg = obj.Delegate.createGoalMessage(obj.GoalMessageType);
            obj.Goal = goalMsg.empty(0,1);
            % Initialize callback functions
            obj.ClientCallbacks = com.mathworks.toolbox.robotics.ros.action.SimpleActionClientCallbacks;
            [obj.ActivationListener, obj.FeedbackListener, obj.ResultListener] = ...
            % Set default callback functions
            obj.FeedbackFcn = [];
            obj.ResultFcn = [];
            obj.ActivationFcn = [];
            obj.FeedbackFcn = obj.defaultFeedbackFcn;
            obj.ResultFcn = obj.defaultResultFcn;
            obj.ActivationFcn = obj.defaultActivationFcn;
        function delete(obj)
            %DELETE Shut down action client
            %   DELETE(CLIENT) shuts down the ROS action client object CLIENT. 
            %   If the goal that was last sent to the action server is active,
            %   it is not cancelled.
            if ~isempty(obj.Delegate)
        function goalMsg = rosmessage(obj)
            %ROSMESSAGE Create goal message based on action type
            %   GOALMSG = ROSMESSAGE(CLIENT) creates and returns a new goal
            %   message GOALMSG. The message type of GOALMSG is determined
            %   by the action type associated with this action client.
            %   Example:
            %      % Create action client and goal message
            %      fibclient = robotics.ros.SimpleActionClient(node, '/fibonacci');
            %      goalmsg = ROSMESSAGE(fibclient);
            goalMsg = obj.Delegate.createGoalMessage(obj.GoalMessageType);
        function waitForServer(obj, varargin)
            %waitForServer Wait for action server to start
            %   waitForServer(CLIENT) blocks MATLAB from running the current program
            %   until the action server is started up and available to
            %   receive goals. Press Ctrl+C to abort the wait.
            %   waitForServer(CLIENT, TIMEOUT) specifies a TIMEOUT period, in
            %   seconds. If the server does not start up in the timeout
            %   period, this function displays an error.
            defaultTimeout = Inf;
            timeout = obj.Parser.parseWaitForServerInput(defaultTimeout, varargin{:});
            isConnected = obj.Delegate.waitForServer(obj.JavaActionClient, timeout);
            if ~isConnected
                error(message('robotics:ros:actionclient:WaitServerTimeout', num2str(timeout)));
        function sendGoal(obj, goalMsg)
            %sendGoal Send goal message to action server
            %   sendGoal(CLIENT, GOALMSG) sends a goal message object,
            %   GOALMSG, to the action server. This goal is tracked by
            %   the action client. The function does not wait
            %   for the goal to be executed and returns immediately.
            %   If the ActivationFcn, FeedbackFcn, and ResultFcn callbacks
            %   are defined, they are called when the goal is processing on
            %   the action server.
            %   All callbacks associated with a previously sent goal are
            %   disabled, but the previous goal is not cancelled.
            %   See also sendGoalAndWait, ResultFcn, FeedbackFcn, ActivationFcn.
            obj.Parser.parseSendGoalInput(goalMsg, obj.GoalMessageType);
            obj.Goal = goalMsg;
            obj.Delegate.sendGoal(obj.JavaActionClient, goalMsg, obj.ClientCallbacks);
        function cancelGoal(obj)
            %cancelGoal Cancel last goal this client sent
            %   cancelGoal(CLIENT) sends a cancel request for the tracked goal
            %   (last sent to the action server).
            %   If the goal is in the 'active' state, the server preempts
            %   its execution. If the goal is in the 'pending' state, the goal
            %   is recalled.
            %   If no goal has been sent by this CLIENT or if the tracked goal
            %   has finished execution, this function returns immediately.
        function cancelAllGoals(obj)
            %cancelAllGoals Cancel all goals on the server
            %   cancelAllGoals(CLIENT) sends a request to the action server
            %   to cancel all currently pending or active goals. This
            %   includes goals from other action clients.
        function [resultMsg, state, statusText] = sendGoalAndWait(obj, goalMsg, varargin)
            %sendGoalAndWait Send goal message and wait for result
            %   RESULTMSG = sendGoalAndWait(CLIENT, GOALMSG) sends a goal message
            %   object, GOALMSG, to the action server and blocks MATLAB
            %   from running the current program until the action server
            %   returns the result, RESULTMSG.
            %   Press Ctrl+C to abort the wait.
            %   RESULTMSG = sendGoalAndWait(CLIENT, GOALMSG, TIMEOUT) specifies
            %   a TIMEOUT period, in seconds. If the server does not return
            %   the result in the timeout period, the function displays an
            %   error.
            %   [RESULTMSG, STATE, STATUSTEXT] = ____ also returns the
            %   final goal state, STATE, and the associated status text,
            %   STATUSTEXT. STATE contains information if the goal
            %   execution succeeded or not.
            %   If the ActivationFcn, FeedbackFcn, and ResultFcn callbacks
            %   are defined, they are called when the goal is processing on
            %   the action server.
            % Parse the inputs
            defaultTimeout = Inf;
            timeout = obj.Parser.parseSendGoalAndWaitInput(defaultTimeout, obj.GoalMessageType, ...
                goalMsg, varargin{:});
            obj.Goal = goalMsg;
            [goalDone, resultMsg, state, statusText] = obj.Delegate.sendGoalAndWait(...
                obj.JavaActionClient, goalMsg, obj.ClientCallbacks, timeout, obj.ResultMessageType);
            if ~goalDone
                error(message('robotics:ros:actionclient:WaitGoalTimeout', num2str(timeout)));
    %% Custom Getters and Setters for Properties
        function isConnected = get.IsServerConnected(obj)
            isConnected = obj.Delegate.isServerConnected(obj.JavaActionClient);
        function state = get.GoalState(obj)
            state = obj.Delegate.getGoalState(obj.JavaActionClient);
        function feedbackFcn = get.FeedbackFcn(obj)
            feedbackFcn = obj.InternalFeedbackFcn;
        function set.FeedbackFcn(obj, fcnHandle)
            %set.FeedbackFcn Setter for FeedbackFcn callback property
            if isempty(fcnHandle)
                % Allow empty input to disable the callback
                obj.FeedbackListener.Callback = [];
                obj.InternalFeedbackFcn = [];
            % Make sure this is a valid function handle and parse any user data
            [funcHandle, userData] = obj.Parser.parseFcnSetterInput(fcnHandle, 'FeedbackFcn');
            obj.FeedbackListener.Callback = {@robotics.ros.internal.action.ActionCallbacks.onActionFeedbackCallback, ...
                obj, obj.FeedbackListener, obj.FeedbackMessageType, funcHandle, userData};
            obj.InternalFeedbackFcn = fcnHandle;
        function resultFcn = get.ResultFcn(obj)
            resultFcn = obj.InternalResultFcn;
        function set.ResultFcn(obj, fcnHandle)
            %set.ResultFcn Setter for ResultFcn callback property
            if isempty(fcnHandle)
                % Allow empty input to disable the callback
                obj.ResultListener.Callback = [];
                obj.InternalResultFcn = [];
            % Make sure this is a valid function handle and parse any user data
            [funcHandle, userData] = obj.Parser.parseFcnSetterInput(fcnHandle, 'ResultFcn');
            obj.ResultListener.Callback = {@robotics.ros.internal.action.ActionCallbacks.onActionResultCallback, ...
                obj, obj.ResultListener, obj.ResultMessageType, funcHandle, userData};
            obj.InternalResultFcn = fcnHandle;
        function activationFcn = get.ActivationFcn(obj)
            activationFcn = obj.InternalActivationFcn;
        function set.ActivationFcn(obj, fcnHandle)
            %set.ActivationFcn Setter for ActivationFcn callback property
            if isempty(fcnHandle)
                % Allow empty input to disable the callback
                obj.ActivationListener.Callback = [];
                obj.InternalActivationFcn = [];
            % Make sure this is a valid function handle and parse any user data
            [funcHandle, userData] = obj.Parser.parseFcnSetterInput(fcnHandle, 'ActivationFcn');
            obj.ActivationListener.Callback = {@robotics.ros.internal.action.ActionCallbacks.onActionActivationCallback, ...
                obj, obj.ActivationListener, funcHandle, userData};
            obj.InternalActivationFcn = fcnHandle;
    methods (Access = protected)
        function onNodeShutdownComplete(obj, ~, ~)
            %onNodeShutdownComplete Called when the Java node finishes shut down
            %   This callback is triggered when the node that this
            %   action client is attached to shuts down.
            % Set property to empty, so that delete function finishes cleanly
            % cleanly.
            obj.JavaActionClient = [];
    methods (Static, Access = ?matlab.unittest.TestCase)
        function fcn = defaultActivationFcn
            %defaultActivationFcn Default initialization for ActivationFcn
            fcn = @(~) disp('Goal active');
        function fcn = defaultFeedbackFcn
            %defaultFeedbackFcn Default initialization for FeedbackFcn
            fcn = @(~,msg) disp(['Feedback: ',  showdetails(msg)]);
        function fcn = defaultResultFcn
            %defaultResultFcn Default initialization for ResultFcn
            fcn = @(~,res) disp(['Final state ' res.State ' with result: ' ...