www.gusucode.com > ros 工具箱 matlab源码程序 > ros/rosrate.m

    function rateObj = rosrate(desiredRate)
%ROSRATE Execute loop at fixed frequency using ROS time
%   R = ROSRATE(DESIREDRATE) allows you to execute a loop at a fixed 
%   frequency equal to DESIREDRATE. The time source is linked to the same 
%   time source that is used by the global ROS node.
%   The default setting for OverflowMethod is 'drop', which executes the
%   next loop immediately if the LastPeriod is greater than DesiredPeriod.
%   If rosinit creates a ROS master in MATLAB, the global node uses 
%   wall clock time.
%   The accuracy of the rate execution is influenced by the scheduling
%   resolution of your operating system and by the level of other
%   system activity.
%   Example:
%       % Initialize ROS master and node
%       rosinit;
%       % Create a rate object that runs at 20 Hz
%       r = rosrate(20);
%       % Start looping
%       for i = 1:10
%            % User Code
%            sleep(r)
%       end
%       % Shutdown ROS
%       rosshutdown;
%   See also robotics.ros.Rate.

%   Copyright 2015 The MathWorks, Inc.


    rateObj = robotics.ros.Rate([], desiredRate);
catch ex
    % Save stack traces and exception causes internally, but do not
    % print them to the console
    rosex = robotics.ros.internal.ROSException.fromException(ex);
