www.gusucode.com > 数字图像处理课程的大作业 > code12/code/matlab/colormap/imstack2vectors.m

    function [X, R] = imstack2vectors(S, MASK)
%IMSTACK2VECTORS Extracts vectors from an image stack.
%   [X, R] = imstack2vectors(S, MASK) extracts vectors from S, which
%   is an M-by-N-by-n stack array of n registered images of size
%   M-by-N each (see Fig. 11.24). The extracted vectors are arranged
%   as the rows of array X. Input MASK is an M-by-N logical or
%   numeric image with nonzero values (1s if it is a logical array)
%   in the locations where elements of S are to be used in forming X
%   and 0s in locations to be ignored. The number of row vectors in X
%   is equal to the number of nonzero elements of MASK. If MASK is
%   omitted, all M*N locations are used in forming X.  A simple way
%   to obtain MASK interactively is to use function roipoly. Finally,
%   R is an array whose rows are the 2-D coordinates containing the
%   region locations in MASK from which the vectors in S were
%   extracted to form X.  

%   Copyright 2002-2004 R. C. Gonzalez, R. E. Woods, & S. L. Eddins
%   Digital Image Processing Using MATLAB, Prentice-Hall, 2004
%   $Revision: 1.6 $  $Date: 2003/11/21 14:37:21 $

% Preliminaries.
[M, N, n] = size(S);
if nargin == 1
   MASK = true(M, N);
   MASK = MASK ~= 0;

% Find the set of locations where the vectors will be kept before
% MASK is changed later in the program.
[I, J] = find(MASK);
R = [I, J];

% Now find X.

% First reshape S into X by turning each set of n values along the third
% dimension of S so that it becomes a row of X. The order is from top to
% bottom along the first column, the second column, and so on.
Q = M*N;
X = reshape(S, Q, n);

% Now reshape MASK so that it corresponds to the right locations 
% vertically along the elements of X.
MASK = reshape(MASK, Q, 1);

% Keep the rows of X at locations where MASK is not 0.
X = X(MASK, :);