www.gusucode.com > 蝉知企业门户营销系统PHP版 v5.0php源码程序 > 蝉知企业门户营销系统PHP版 v5.0/chanzhieps/chanzhieps/system/lib/ip/ip.class.php


    全球 IPv4 地址归属地数据库(IPIP.NET 版)
    高春辉(Paul Gao) <gaochunhui@gmail.com> 
    Build 20150401 版权所有 IPIP.NET
    (C) 2006 - 2015 保留所有权利
    请注意及时更新 IP 数据库版本
    数据问题请加 QQ 群: 346280296
    Code for PHP 5.3+ only

 * change log.
 * chujilu 20150428 add check of is_resource(self::$fp) when  __destruct().

class IP
    private static $ip     = NULL;

    private static $fp     = NULL;
    private static $offset = NULL;
    private static $index  = NULL;

    private static $cached = array();

    public static function find($ip)
        if (empty($ip) === TRUE)
            return 'N/A';

        $nip   = gethostbyname($ip);
        $ipdot = explode('.', $nip);

        if ($ipdot[0] < 0 || $ipdot[0] > 255 || count($ipdot) !== 4)
            return 'N/A';

        if (isset(self::$cached[$nip]) === TRUE)
            return self::$cached[$nip];

        if (self::$fp === NULL)

        $nip2 = pack('N', ip2long($nip));

        $tmp_offset = (int)$ipdot[0] * 4;
        $start      = unpack('Vlen', self::$index[$tmp_offset] . self::$index[$tmp_offset + 1] . self::$index[$tmp_offset + 2] . self::$index[$tmp_offset + 3]);

        $index_offset = $index_length = NULL;
        $max_comp_len = self::$offset['len'] - 1024 - 4;
        for ($start = $start['len'] * 8 + 1024; $start < $max_comp_len; $start += 8)
            if (self::$index{$start} . self::$index{$start + 1} . self::$index{$start + 2} . self::$index{$start + 3} >= $nip2)
                $index_offset = unpack('Vlen', self::$index{$start + 4} . self::$index{$start + 5} . self::$index{$start + 6} . "\x0");
                $index_length = unpack('Clen', self::$index{$start + 7});


        if ($index_offset === NULL)
            return 'N/A';

        fseek(self::$fp, self::$offset['len'] + $index_offset['len'] - 1024);

        self::$cached[$nip] = explode("\t", fread(self::$fp, $index_length['len']));

        return self::$cached[$nip];

    private static function init()
        if (self::$fp === NULL)
            self::$ip = new self();

            self::$fp = fopen(dirname(__FILE__) . '/ip.dat', 'rb');
            if (self::$fp === FALSE)
                throw new Exception('Invalid ip.dat file!');

            self::$offset = unpack('Nlen', fread(self::$fp, 4));
            if (self::$offset['len'] < 4)
                throw new Exception('Invalid ip.dat file!');

            self::$index = fread(self::$fp, self::$offset['len'] - 4);

    public function __destruct()
        if (self::$fp !== NULL and is_resource(self::$fp))
