www.gusucode.com > Flarum开源的PHP国外手机版论坛 0.1 Beta2 源码程序 > Flarum_v0.1.beta2/flarum/vendor/flarum/core/src/Core/Posts/PostRepository.php

 * This file is part of Flarum.
 * (c) Toby Zerner <toby.zerner@gmail.com>
 * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE
 * file that was distributed with this source code.

namespace Flarum\Core\Posts;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Flarum\Core\Users\User;
use Flarum\Core\Discussions\Discussion;
use Flarum\Core\Discussions\Search\Fulltext\Driver;

// TODO: In some cases, the use of a post repository incurs extra query expense,
// because for every post retrieved we need to check if the discussion it's in
// is visible. Especially when retrieving a discussion's posts, we can end up
// with an inefficient chain of queries like this:
// 1. Api\Discussions\ShowAction: get discussion (will exit if not visible)
// 2. Discussion@postsVisibleTo: get discussion tags (for post visibility purposes)
// 3. Discussion@postsVisibleTo: get post IDs
// 4. EloquentPostRepository@getIndexForNumber: get discussion
// 5. EloquentPostRepository@getIndexForNumber: get discussion tags (for post visibility purposes)
// 6. EloquentPostRepository@getIndexForNumber: get post index for number
// 7. EloquentPostRepository@findWhere: get post IDs for discussion to check for discussion visibility
// 8. EloquentPostRepository@findWhere: get post IDs in visible discussions
// 9. EloquentPostRepository@findWhere: get posts
// 10. EloquentPostRepository@findWhere: eager load discussion onto posts
// 11. EloquentPostRepository@findWhere: get discussion tags to filter visible posts
// 12. Api\Discussions\ShowAction: eager load users
// 13. Api\Discussions\ShowAction: eager load groups
// 14. Api\Discussions\ShowAction: eager load mentions
// 14. Serializers\DiscussionSerializer: load discussion-user state

class PostRepository
     * Find a post by ID, optionally making sure it is visible to a certain
     * user, or throw an exception.
     * @param integer $id
     * @param \Flarum\Core\Users\User $actor
     * @return \Flarum\Core\Posts\Post
     * @throws \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException
    public function findOrFail($id, User $actor = null)
        $posts = $this->findByIds([$id], $actor);

        if (! count($posts)) {
            throw new ModelNotFoundException;

        return $posts->first();

     * Find posts that match certain conditions, optionally making sure they
     * are visible to a certain user, and/or using other criteria.
     * @param array $where
     * @param \Flarum\Core\Users\User|null $actor
     * @param array $sort
     * @param integer $count
     * @param integer $start
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
    public function findWhere($where = [], User $actor = null, $sort = [], $count = null, $start = 0)
        $query = Post::where($where)

        foreach ((array) $sort as $field => $order) {
            $query->orderBy($field, $order);

        $ids = $query->lists('id')->all();

        return $this->findByIds($ids, $actor);

     * Find posts by their IDs, optionally making sure they are visible to a
     * certain user.
     * @param array $ids
     * @param \Flarum\Core\Users\User|null $actor
     * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection
    public function findByIds(array $ids, User $actor = null)
        $visibleIds = $this->filterDiscussionVisibleTo($ids, $actor);

        $posts = Post::with('discussion')->whereIn('id', $visibleIds)->get();

        $posts = $posts->sort(function ($a, $b) use ($ids) {
            $aPos = array_search($a->id, $ids);
            $bPos = array_search($b->id, $ids);

            if ($aPos === $bPos) {
                return 0;

            return $aPos < $bPos ? -1 : 1;

        return $this->filterVisibleTo($posts, $actor);

     * Get the position within a discussion where a post with a certain number
     * is. If the post with that number does not exist, the index of the
     * closest post to it will be returned.
     * @param integer $discussionId
     * @param integer $number
     * @param \Flarum\Core\Users\User|null $actor
     * @return integer
    public function getIndexForNumber($discussionId, $number, User $actor = null)
        $query = Discussion::find($discussionId)
            ->where('time', '<', function ($query) use ($discussionId, $number) {
                      ->where('discussion_id', $discussionId)

                      // We don't add $number as a binding because for some
                      // reason doing so makes the bindings go out of order.
                      ->orderByRaw('ABS(CAST(number AS SIGNED) - '.(int) $number.')');

        return $query->count();

    protected function filterDiscussionVisibleTo($ids, User $actor)
        // For each post ID, we need to make sure that the discussion it's in
        // is visible to the user.
        if ($actor) {
            $ids = Discussion::join('posts', 'discussions.id', '=', 'posts.discussion_id')
                ->whereIn('posts.id', $ids)

        return $ids;

    protected function filterVisibleTo($posts, User $actor)
        if ($actor) {
            $posts = $posts->filter(function ($post) use ($actor) {
                return $post->can($actor, 'view');

        return $posts;