www.gusucode.com > Flarum开源的PHP国外手机版论坛 0.1 Beta2 源码程序 > Flarum_v0.1.beta2/flarum/vendor/s9e/text-formatter/src/Parser/BuiltInFilters.js

* @param  {!string} str
* @return {!string}
function rawurlencode(str)
	return encodeURIComponent(str).replace(
		* @param {!string} c
			return '%' + c.charCodeAt(0).toString(16).toUpperCase();

* IMPORTANT NOTE: those filters are only meant to catch bad input and honest mistakes. They don't
*                 match their PHP equivalent exactly and may let unwanted values through. Their
*                 result should always be checked by PHP filters
* @const
var BuiltInFilters =
	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterAlnum: function(attrValue)
		return /^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterColor: function(attrValue)
		return /^(?:#[0-9a-f]{3,6}|rgb\(\d{1,3}, *\d{1,3}, *\d{1,3}\)|[a-z]+)$/i.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterEmail: function(attrValue)
		return /^[-\w.+]+@[-\w.]+$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {!boolean}
	filterFalse: function(attrValue)
		return false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterFloat: function(attrValue)
		return /^(?:0|-?[1-9]\d*)(?:\.\d+)?(?:e[1-9]\d*)?$/i.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*}        attrValue Original value
	* @param  {!Object}  map       Hash map
	* @param  {!boolean} strict    Whether this map is strict (values with no match are invalid)
	* @return {*}                  Filtered value, or FALSE if invalid
	filterHashmap: function(attrValue, map, strict)
		if (attrValue in map)
			return map[attrValue];

		return (strict) ? false : attrValue;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterIdentifier: function(attrValue)
		return /^[-\w]+$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterInt: function(attrValue)
		return /^(?:0|-?[1-9]\d*)$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterIp: function(attrValue)
		if (/^[\d.]+$/.test(attrValue))
			return BuiltInFilters.filterIpv4(attrValue);

		if (/^[\da-f:]+$/i.test(attrValue))
			return BuiltInFilters.filterIpv6(attrValue);

		return false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterIpport: function(attrValue)
		var m, ip;

		if (m = /^\[([\da-f:]+)(\]:[1-9]\d*)$/i.exec(attrValue))
			ip = BuiltInFilters.filterIpv6(m[1]);

			if (ip === false)
				return false;

			return '[' + ip + m[2];

		if (m = /^([\d.]+)(:[1-9]\d*)$/.exec(attrValue))
			ip = BuiltInFilters.filterIpv4(m[1]);

			if (ip === false)
				return false;

			return ip + m[2];

		return false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterIpv4: function(attrValue)
		if (!/^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/.test(attrValue))
			return false;

		var i = 4, p = attrValue.split('.');
		while (--i >= 0)
			// NOTE: ext/filter doesn't support octal notation
			if (p[i].charAt(0) === '0' || p[i] > 255)
				return false;

		return attrValue;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterIpv6: function(attrValue)
		return /^(\d*:){2,7}\d+(?:\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)?$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @param  {!Array.<!Array>}  map
	* @return {*}
	filterMap: function(attrValue, map)
		var i = -1, cnt = map.length;
		while (++i < cnt)
			if (map[i][0].test(attrValue))
				return map[i][1];

		return attrValue;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterNumber: function(attrValue)
		return /^\d+$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*}       attrValue
	* @param  {!number} min
	* @param  {!number} max
	* @param  {Logger}  logger
	* @return {!number|boolean}
	filterRange: function(attrValue, min, max, logger)
		if (!/^(?:0|-?[1-9]\d*)$/.test(attrValue))
			return false;

		attrValue = parseInt(attrValue, 10);

		if (attrValue < min)
			if (logger)
					'Value outside of range, adjusted up to min value',
						'attrValue' : attrValue,
						'min'       : min,
						'max'       : max

			return min;

		if (attrValue > max)
			if (logger)
					'Value outside of range, adjusted down to max value',
						'attrValue' : attrValue,
						'min'       : min,
						'max'       : max

			return max;

		return attrValue;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @param  {!RegExp} regexp
	* @return {*}
	filterRegexp: function(attrValue, regexp)
		return regexp.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterSimpletext: function(attrValue)
		return /^[-\w+., ]+$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @return {*}
	filterUint: function(attrValue)
		return /^(?:0|[1-9]\d*)$/.test(attrValue) ? attrValue : false;

	* @param  {*} attrValue
	* @param  {!Object} urlConfig
	* @param  {Logger} logger
	* @return {*}
	filterUrl: function(attrValue, urlConfig, logger)
		* Trim the URL to conform with HTML5 then parse it
		* @link http://dev.w3.org/html5/spec/links.html#attr-hyperlink-href
		var p = BuiltInFilters.parseUrl(attrValue.replace(/^\s+/, '').replace(/\s+$/, ''));

		var error = BuiltInFilters.validateUrl(urlConfig, p);
		if (error)
			if (logger)
				p['attrValue'] = attrValue;
				logger.err(error, p);

			return false;

		return BuiltInFilters.rebuildUrl(urlConfig, p);

	* Parse a URL and return its components
	* Similar to PHP's own parse_url() except that all parts are always returned
	* @param  {!string} url Original URL
	* @return {!Object}
	parseUrl: function(url)
		var regexp = /^(?:([a-z][-+.\w]*):)?(?:\/\/(?:([^:\/?#]*)(?::([^\/?#]*)?)?@)?(?:(\[[a-f\d:]+\]|[^:\/?#]+)(?::(\d*))?)?(?![^\/?#]))?([^?#]*)(?:\?([^#]*))?(?:#(.*))?$/i;

		// NOTE: this regexp always matches because of the last three captures
		var m = regexp['exec'](url),
			parts = {},
			tokens = ['scheme', 'user', 'pass', 'host', 'port', 'path', 'query', 'fragment'];
			function(name, i)
				parts[name] = (m[i + 1] > '') ? m[i + 1] : '';

		* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-3.1
		* 'An implementation should accept uppercase letters as equivalent to lowercase in
		* scheme names (e.g., allow "HTTP" as well as "http") for the sake of robustness but
		* should only produce lowercase scheme names for consistency.'
		parts['scheme'] = parts['scheme'].toLowerCase();

		* Normalize the domain label separators and remove trailing dots
		* @link http://url.spec.whatwg.org/#domain-label-separators
		parts['host'] = parts['host'].replace(/[\u3002\uff0e\uff61]/g, '.').replace(/\.+$/g, '');

		// Test whether host has non-ASCII characters and punycode it if possible
		if (/[^\x00-\x7F]/.test(parts['host']) && punycode)
			parts['host'] = punycode.toASCII(parts['host']);

		return parts;

	* Rebuild a parsed URL
	* @param  {!Object} urlConfig
	* @param  {!Object} p
	* @return {!string}
	rebuildUrl: function(urlConfig, p)
		var url = '';
		if (p['scheme'] !== '')
			url += p['scheme'] + ':';
		if (p['host'] === '')
			// Allow the file: scheme to not have a host and ensure it starts with slashes
			if (p['scheme'] === 'file')
				url += '//';
			url += '//';

			// Add the credentials if applicable
			if (p['user'] !== '')
				// Reencode the credentials in case there are invalid chars in them, or suspicious
				// characters such as : or @ that could confuse a browser into connecting to the
				// wrong host (or at least, to a host that is different than the one we thought)
				url += rawurlencode(decodeURIComponent(p['user']));

				if (p['pass'] !== '')
					url += ':' + rawurlencode(decodeURIComponent(p['pass']));

				url += '@';

			url += p['host'];

			// Append the port number (note that as per the regexp it can only contain digits)
			if (p['port'] !== '')
				url += ':' + p['port'];

		// Build the path, including the query and fragment parts
		var path = p['path'];
		if (p['query'] !== '')
			path += '?' + p['query'];
		if (p['fragment'] !== '')
			path += '#' + p['fragment'];

		* "For consistency, URI producers and normalizers should use uppercase hexadecimal digits
		* for all percent- encodings."
		* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#section-2.1
		path = path.replace(
			function (m)
				return m[0].toUpperCase();

		// Append the sanitized path to the URL
		url += BuiltInFilters.sanitizeUrl(path);

		// Replace the first colon if there's no scheme and it could potentially be interpreted as
		// the scheme separator
		if (!p['scheme'])
			url = url.replace(/^([^\/]*):/, '$1%3A', url);

		return url;

	* Sanitize a URL for safe use regardless of context
	* This method URL-encodes some sensitive characters in case someone would want to use the URL in
	* some JavaScript thingy, or in CSS. We also encode characters that are not allowed in the path
	* of a URL as defined in RFC 3986 appendix A, including percent signs that are not immediately
	* followed by two hex digits.
	* " and ' to prevent breaking out of quotes (JavaScript or otherwise)
	* ( and ) to prevent the use of functions in JavaScript (eval()) or CSS (expression())
	* < and > to prevent breaking out of <script>
	* \r and \n because they're illegal in JavaScript
	* [ and ] because the W3 validator rejects them and they "should" be escaped as per RFC 3986
	* Non-ASCII characters as per RFC 3986
	* Control codes and spaces, as per RFC 3986
	* @link http://sla.ckers.org/forum/read.php?2,51478
	* @link http://timelessrepo.com/json-isnt-a-javascript-subset
	* @link http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt
	* @link http://stackoverflow.com/a/1547922
	* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3986#appendix-A
	* @param  {!string} url Original URL
	* @return {!string}     Sanitized URL
	sanitizeUrl: function(url)
		return url.replace(/[^\u0020-\u007E]+/g, encodeURIComponent).replace(/%(?![0-9A-Fa-f]{2})|[^!#-&*-;=?-Z_a-z]/g, escape);

	* Validate a parsed URL
	* @param  {!Object} urlConfig
	* @param  {!Object} p
	* @return {string|undefined}
	validateUrl: function(urlConfig, p)
		if (p['scheme'] !== '' && !urlConfig.allowedSchemes.test(p['scheme']))
			return 'URL scheme is not allowed';

		if (p['host'] === '')
			// Reject malformed URLs such as http:///example.org but allow schemeless paths
			if (p['scheme'] !== 'file' && p['scheme'] !== '')
				return 'Missing host';
			* Test whether the host is valid
			* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1035#section-2.3.1
			* @link http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1123#section-2
			var regexp = /^(?!-)[-a-z0-9]{0,62}[a-z0-9](?:\.(?!-)[-a-z0-9]{0,62}[a-z0-9])*$/i;
			if (!regexp.test(p['host']))
				// If the host invalid, retest as an IPv4 and IPv6 address (IPv6 in brackets)
				if (!BuiltInFilters.filterIpv4(p['host'])
				 && !BuiltInFilters.filterIpv6(p['host'].replace(/^\[(.*)\]$/, '$1', p['host'])))
					return 'URL host is invalid';

			if ((urlConfig.disallowedHosts && urlConfig.disallowedHosts.test(p['host']))
			 || (urlConfig.restrictedHosts && !urlConfig.restrictedHosts.test(p['host'])))
				return 'URL host is not allowed';