www.gusucode.com > Elgg PHP开源SNS系统 V1.12.5源码程序 > elgg-1.12.5/mod/ckeditor/views/default/js/elgg/ckeditor.js

    define(function(require) {
	var elgg = require('elgg');
	var $ = require('jquery'); require('jquery.ckeditor');
	var CKEDITOR = require('ckeditor');

	CKEDITOR.plugins.addExternal('blockimagepaste', elgg.get_site_url() + 'mod/ckeditor/views/default/js/elgg/ckeditor/blockimagepaste.js', '');
	var elggCKEditor = {

		 * Toggles the CKEditor
		 * @param {Object} event
		 * @return void
		toggleEditor: function(event) {
			var target = $(this).attr('href');
			if (!$(target).data('ckeditorInstance')) {
				$(target).ckeditor(elggCKEditor.init, elggCKEditor.config);
			} else {

		 * Initializes the ckeditor module
		 * @return void
		init: function(textarea) {
			// show the toggle-editor link which is hidden by default, so it will only show up if the editor is correctly loaded
			$('.ckeditor-toggle-editor[href="#' + textarea.id + '"]').show();

		 * CKEditor has decided using width and height as attributes on images isn't
		 * kosher and puts that in the style. This adds those back as attributes.
		 * This is from this patch: http://dev.ckeditor.com/attachment/ticket/5024/5024_5.patch
		 * @param {Object} event
		 * @return void
		fixImageAttributes: function(event) {
				elements: {
					img: function(element) {
						var style = element.attributes.style;
						if (style) {
							var match = /(?:^|\s)width\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec(style);
							var width = match && match[1];
							if (width) {
								element.attributes.width = width;
							match = /(?:^|\s)height\s*:\s*(\d+)px/i.exec(style);
							var height = match && match[1];
							if (height) {
								element.attributes.height = height;

		 * CKEditor configuration
		 * You can find configuration information here:
		 * http://docs.ckeditor.com/#!/api/CKEDITOR.config
		config: require('elgg/ckeditor/config')


	CKEDITOR.on('instanceReady', elggCKEditor.fixImageAttributes);

	// Live handlers don't need to wait for domReady and only need to be registered once.
	$('.ckeditor-toggle-editor').live('click', elggCKEditor.toggleEditor);

	return elggCKEditor;