www.gusucode.com > 一个制作安装程序的VC++软件源码源码程序 > 一个制作安装程序的VC++软件源码/Nsis.v2.41.Full.Source/Nsis.v2.41.Full.Source/Source/7zip/7zip/Common/InBuffer.cpp

 * InBuffer.cpp
 * This file is a part of LZMA compression module for NSIS.
 * Original LZMA SDK Copyright (C) 1999-2006 Igor Pavlov
 * Modifications Copyright (C) 2003-2006 Amir Szekely <kichik@netvision.net.il>
 * Licensed under the Common Public License version 1.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * Licence details can be found in the file COPYING.
 * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
 * warranty.

#include "StdAfx.h"

#include "InBuffer.h"

#include "../../Common/Alloc.h"


bool CInBuffer::Create(UInt32 bufferSize)
  const UInt32 kMinBlockSize = 1;
  if (bufferSize < kMinBlockSize)
    bufferSize = kMinBlockSize;
  if (_bufferBase != 0 && _bufferSize == bufferSize)
    return true;
  _bufferSize = bufferSize;
  _bufferBase = (Byte *)::MidAlloc(bufferSize);
  return (_bufferBase != 0);

void CInBuffer::Free()
  _bufferBase = 0;

void CInBuffer::SetStream(ISequentialInStream *stream)
  _stream = stream;

void CInBuffer::Init()
  _processedSize = 0;
  _buffer = _bufferBase;
  _bufferLimit = _buffer;
  _wasFinished = false;
  ErrorCode = S_OK;

bool CInBuffer::ReadBlock()
  if (ErrorCode != S_OK)
    return false;
  if (_wasFinished)
    return false;
  _processedSize += (_buffer - _bufferBase);
  UInt32 numProcessedBytes;
  HRESULT result = _stream->Read(_bufferBase, _bufferSize, &numProcessedBytes);
  ErrorCode = result;
  if (result != S_OK)
    throw CInBufferException(result);
  _buffer = _bufferBase;
  _bufferLimit = _buffer + numProcessedBytes;
  _wasFinished = (numProcessedBytes == 0);
  return (!_wasFinished);

Byte CInBuffer::ReadBlock2()
    return 0xFF;
  return *_buffer++;