www.gusucode.com > 【T648】机械工业机电产品网站织梦模板 > 【T648】机械工业机电产品网站织梦模板/include/control.class.php

    <?php   if(!defined('DEDEINC')) exit("Request Error!");
 * 织梦控制器基类
 * @version        $Id: control.class.php 1 10:33 2010年7月6日Z tianya $
 * @package        DedeCMS.Libraries
 * @copyright      Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc.
 * @license        http://help.dedecms.com/usersguide/license.html
 * @link           http://www.dedecms.com

class Control
    var $tpl;
    var $dsql;
    var $style='default';
    var $_helpers = array();
    var $apptpl = '../templates/';
    function __construct()
    // 析构函数
    function Control()
        global $dsql;
        $this->tpl = isset($this->tpl)? $this->tpl : new DedeTemplate();
        $sqltype = "DedeSql";
        if ($GLOBALS['cfg_mysql_type'] == 'mysqli' && function_exists("mysqli_init")) $sqltype = "DedeSql";
        else $sqltype = "DedeSqli";
        $this->dsql = isset($dsql)? $dsql : new $sqltype(FALSE);
    //如果想要使用模板中指定的pagesize,必须在调用模板后才调用 SetSource($sql)
    function SetTemplate($tplfile)
        $tplfile = DEDEAPPTPL.'/'.$this->style.'/'.$tplfile;
    function SetTemplet($tplfile)
        $tplfile = DEDEAPPTPL.'/'.$this->style.'/'.$tplfile;
    function SetVar($k, $v)
        $this->tpl->Assign($k, $v);

    function GetVar($k)
        global $_vars;
        return isset($_vars[$k]) ? $_vars[$k] : '';
    function Model($name='')
        $name = preg_replace("#[^\w]#", "", $name);
        $modelfile = DEDEMODEL.'/'.$name.'.php';
        if (file_exists($modelfile))
            require_once $modelfile;
        if (!empty($name) && class_exists($name))
            return new $name;
        return false;
    function Libraries($name='',$data = '')
		$classfile = 'MY_'.$name.'.class.php';
		if ( file_exists ( '../'.APPNAME.'/libraries/'.$classfile ) )
			require '../'.APPNAME.'/libraries/'.$classfile;
			return new $name($data);
			if (!empty($name) && class_exists($name))
		            return new $name($data);
		return FALSE;
		if (!empty($name) && class_exists($name))
	            return new $name($data);
	        return FALSE;
    function helper($helper = "",$path)
        $help_path = $path.'/data/helper/'.$helper.".helper.php";
        if (file_exists($help_path))
            exit('Unable to load the requested file: '.$helper.".helper.php");          
    function Display()
    function SaveTo($filename)
    // 释放资源
    function __destruct() {