www.gusucode.com > (自适应手机版)html5响应式影视文化公司源码 传播传媒企业通用类织梦模板(demo223) > (自适应手机版)html5响应式影视文化公司源码 传播传媒企业通用类织梦模板(demo223)/www2/dede/group_notice.php
<?php /** * 圈子公告管理 * * @version $Id: group_notice.php 1 15:34 2011-1-21 tianya $ * @package DedeCMS.Administrator * @copyright Copyright (c) 2007 - 2010, DesDev, Inc. * @license http://help.dedecms.com/usersguide/license.html * @link http://www.dedecms.com */ require_once(dirname(__FILE__)."/config.php"); require_once(DEDEINC.'/datalistcp.class.php'); CheckPurview('group_Edit'); $id = isset($id) && is_numeric($id) ? $id : 0; $gid = isset($gid) && is_numeric($gid) ? $gid : 0; $action = isset($action) ? trim($action) : ''; $keyword = isset($keyword) ? trim($keyword) : ''; $keyword = stripslashes($keyword); $keyword = preg_replace("#[\"\r\n\t\*\?\(\)\$%']#", " ", trim($keyword)); $keyword = addslashes($keyword); $username = isset($username) ? trim($username) : ''; $username = stripslashes($username); $username = preg_replace("#[\"\r\n\t\*\?\(\)\$%']#", " ", trim($username)); $username = addslashes($username); if($gid < 1) { ShowMsg("含有非法操作!.","-1"); exit(); } if($action=="del") { if($id > 0) { $db->ExecuteNoneQuery("DELETE FROM #@__group_notice WHERE id='$id'"); } } else if($action=="edit") { $row = $db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM #@__group_notice WHERE id='$id'"); $title = $row['title']; $notice = $row['notice']; } else if($action=="save") { $row = $db->GetOne("SELECT * FROM #@__group_notice WHERE id='$id'"); if(empty($title)) { $title = $row['title']; } if(empty($notice)) { $notice = $row['notice']; } $db->ExecuteNoneQuery("UPDATE #@__group_notice SET notice='".$notice."',title='".$title."' WHERE id='$id'"); } unset($row); //列表加载模板 $wheresql = "WHERE gid='{$gid}'"; if(!empty($keyword)) { $wheresql .= " AND (title like '%".$keyword."%' OR notice like '%".$keyword."%')"; } if(!empty($username)) { $wheresql .= " AND uname like '%".$username."%'"; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM #@__group_notice $wheresql ORDER BY stime DESC"; $dl = new DataListCP(); $dl->pageSize = 20; $dl->SetParameter("keyword",$keyword); $dl->SetParameter("username",$username); $dl->SetParameter("gid",$gid); //这两句的顺序不能更换 $dl->SetTemplate(DEDEADMIN."/templets/group_notice.htm"); //载入模板 $dl->SetSource($sql); //设定查询SQL $dl->Display(); //显示 ?>