www.gusucode.com > (自适应手机版)html5响应式自适应网络设计公司网站织梦模板(demo165) > (自适应手机版)html5响应式自适应网络设计公司网站织梦模板(demo165)/www7/dede/js/jquery.wysiwyg.js

 * WYSIWYG - jQuery plugin 0.97
 * (0.97.2 - From infinity)
 * Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Juan M Martinez, 2010-2011 Akzhan Abdulin and all contributors
 * https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg
 * Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses:
 *   http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php
 *   http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html

/*jslint browser: true, forin: true */

(function ($) {
	"use strict";
	/* Wysiwyg namespace: private properties and methods */

	var console = window.console ? window.console : {
		log: $.noop,
		error: function (msg) {
	var supportsProp = (('prop' in $.fn) && ('removeProp' in $.fn));

	function Wysiwyg() {
		// - the item is added by this.ui.appendControls and then appendItem
		// - click triggers this.triggerControl
		// cmd or[key] - designMode exec function name
		// tags - activates control for these tags (@see checkTargets)
		// css - activates control if one of css is applied
		this.controls = {
			bold: {
				groupIndex: 0,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["b", "strong"],
				css: {
					fontWeight: "bold"
				tooltip: "Bold",
				hotkey: {"ctrl": 1, "key": 66}

			copy: {
				groupIndex: 8,
				visible: false,
				tooltip: "Copy"

			createLink: {
				groupIndex: 6,
				visible: true,
				exec: function () {
					var self = this;
					if ($.wysiwyg.controls && $.wysiwyg.controls.link) {
					} else if ($.wysiwyg.autoload) {
						$.wysiwyg.autoload.control("wysiwyg.link.js", function () {
					} else {
						console.error("$.wysiwyg.controls.link not defined. You need to include wysiwyg.link.js file");
				tags: ["a"],
				tooltip: "Create link"
			unLink : {
				groupIndex: 6,
				visible: true,
				exec : function() {
					this.editorDoc.execCommand("unlink", false, null);
				tooltip: "Remove link"

			cut: {
				groupIndex: 8,
				visible: false,
				tooltip: "Cut"

			decreaseFontSize: {
				groupIndex: 9,
				visible: false,
				tags: ["small"],
				tooltip: "Decrease font size",
				exec: function () {

			h1: {
				groupIndex: 7,
				visible: true,
				className: "h1",
				command: ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) ? "FormatBlock" : "heading",
				"arguments": ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) ? "<h1>" : "h1",
				tags: ["h1"],
				tooltip: "Header 1"

			h2: {
				groupIndex: 7,
				visible: true,
				className: "h2",
				command: ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari)	? "FormatBlock" : "heading",
				"arguments": ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) ? "<h2>" : "h2",
				tags: ["h2"],
				tooltip: "Header 2"

			h3: {
				groupIndex: 7,
				visible: true,
				className: "h3",
				command: ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) ? "FormatBlock" : "heading",
				"arguments": ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) ? "<h3>" : "h3",
				tags: ["h3"],
				tooltip: "Header 3"

			highlight: {
				tooltip:     "Highlight",
				className:   "highlight",
				groupIndex:  1,
				visible:     false,
				css: {
					backgroundColor: "rgb(255, 255, 102)"
				exec: function () {
					var command, node, selection, args;

					if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) {
						command = "backcolor";
					} else {
						command = "hilitecolor";

					if ($.browser.msie) {
						node = this.getInternalRange().parentElement();
					} else {
						selection = this.getInternalSelection();
						node = selection.extentNode || selection.focusNode;

						while (node.style === undefined) {
							node = node.parentNode;
							if (node.tagName && node.tagName.toLowerCase() === "body") {

					if (node.style.backgroundColor === "rgb(255, 255, 102)" ||
							node.style.backgroundColor === "#ffff66") {
						args = "#ffffff";
					} else {
						args = "#ffff66";

					this.editorDoc.execCommand(command, false, args);

			html: {
				groupIndex: 10,
				visible: false,
				exec: function () {
					var elementHeight;

					if (this.options.resizeOptions && $.fn.resizable) {
						elementHeight = this.element.height();

					if (this.viewHTML) { //textarea is shown


						if (this.options.resizeOptions && $.fn.resizable) {
							// if element.height still the same after frame was shown
							if (elementHeight === this.element.height()) {
								this.element.height(elementHeight + this.editor.height());

							this.element.resizable($.extend(true, {
								alsoResize: this.editor
							}, this.options.resizeOptions));
						this.ui.toolbar.find("li").each(function () {
							var li = $(this);

							if (li.hasClass("html")) {
							} else {
					} else { //wysiwyg is shown

							width:	this.element.outerWidth() - 6,
							height: this.element.height() - this.ui.toolbar.height() - 6,
							resize: "none"
						if (this.options.resizeOptions && $.fn.resizable) {
							// if element.height still the same after frame was hidden
							if (elementHeight === this.element.height()) {


						this.ui.toolbar.find("li").each(function () {
							var li = $(this);

							if (li.hasClass("html")) {
							} else {
								if (false === li.hasClass("fullscreen")) {

					this.viewHTML = !(this.viewHTML);
				tooltip: "View source code"

			increaseFontSize: {
				groupIndex: 9,
				visible: false,
				tags: ["big"],
				tooltip: "Increase font size",
				exec: function () {

			indent: {
				groupIndex: 2,
				visible: true,
				tooltip: "Indent"

			insertHorizontalRule: {
				groupIndex: 6,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["hr"],
				tooltip: "Insert Horizontal Rule"

			insertImage: {
				groupIndex: 6,
				visible: true,
				exec: function () {
					var self = this;

					if ($.wysiwyg.controls && $.wysiwyg.controls.image) {
					} else if ($.wysiwyg.autoload) {
						$.wysiwyg.autoload.control("wysiwyg.image.js", function () {
					} else {
						console.error("$.wysiwyg.controls.image not defined. You need to include wysiwyg.image.js file");
				tags: ["img"],
				tooltip: "Insert image"

			insertOrderedList: {
				groupIndex: 5,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["ol"],
				tooltip: "Insert Ordered List"

			insertTable: {
				groupIndex: 6,
				visible: true,
				exec: function () {
					var self = this;

					if ($.wysiwyg.controls && $.wysiwyg.controls.table) {
					} else if ($.wysiwyg.autoload) {
						$.wysiwyg.autoload.control("wysiwyg.table.js", function () {
					} else {
						console.error("$.wysiwyg.controls.table not defined. You need to include wysiwyg.table.js file");
				tags: ["table"],
				tooltip: "Insert table"

			insertUnorderedList: {
				groupIndex: 5,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["ul"],
				tooltip: "Insert Unordered List"

			italic: {
				groupIndex: 0,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["i", "em"],
				css: {
					fontStyle: "italic"
				tooltip: "Italic",
				hotkey: {"ctrl": 1, "key": 73}

			justifyCenter: {
				groupIndex: 1,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["center"],
				css: {
					textAlign: "center"
				tooltip: "Justify Center"

			justifyFull: {
				groupIndex: 1,
				visible: true,
				css: {
					textAlign: "justify"
				tooltip: "Justify Full"

			justifyLeft: {
				visible: true,
				groupIndex: 1,
				css: {
					textAlign: "left"
				tooltip: "Justify Left"

			justifyRight: {
				groupIndex: 1,
				visible: true,
				css: {
					textAlign: "right"
				tooltip: "Justify Right"

			ltr: {
				groupIndex: 10,
				visible: false,
				exec: function () {
					var p = this.dom.getElement("p");

					if (!p) {
						return false;

					$(p).attr("dir", "ltr");
					return true;
				tooltip : "Left to Right"

			outdent: {
				groupIndex: 2,
				visible: true,
				tooltip: "Outdent"

			paragraph: {
				groupIndex: 7,
				visible: false,
				className: "paragraph",
				command: "FormatBlock",
				"arguments": ($.browser.msie || $.browser.safari) ? "<p>" : "p",
				tags: ["p"],
				tooltip: "Paragraph"

			paste: {
				groupIndex: 8,
				visible: false,
				tooltip: "Paste"

			redo: {
				groupIndex: 4,
				visible: true,
				tooltip: "Redo"

			removeFormat: {
				groupIndex: 10,
				visible: true,
				exec: function () {
				tooltip: "Remove formatting"

			rtl: {
				groupIndex: 10,
				visible: false,
				exec: function () {
					var p = this.dom.getElement("p");

					if (!p) {
						return false;

					$(p).attr("dir", "rtl");
					return true;
				tooltip : "Right to Left"

			strikeThrough: {
				groupIndex: 0,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["s", "strike"],
				css: {
					textDecoration: "line-through"
				tooltip: "Strike-through"

			subscript: {
				groupIndex: 3,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["sub"],
				tooltip: "Subscript"

			superscript: {
				groupIndex: 3,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["sup"],
				tooltip: "Superscript"

			underline: {
				groupIndex: 0,
				visible: true,
				tags: ["u"],
				css: {
					textDecoration: "underline"
				tooltip: "Underline",
				hotkey: {"ctrl": 1, "key": 85}

			undo: {
				groupIndex: 4,
				visible: true,
				tooltip: "Undo"

			code: {
				visible : true,
				groupIndex: 6,
				tooltip: "Code snippet",
				exec: function () {
					var range	= this.getInternalRange(),
						common	= $(range.commonAncestorContainer),
						$nodeName = range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeName.toLowerCase();
					if (common.parent("code").length) {
					} else {
						if ($nodeName !== "body") {
			cssWrap: {
				visible : false,
				groupIndex: 6,
				tooltip: "CSS Wrapper",
				exec: function () { 

		this.defaults = {
html: '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"><html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" style="margin:0"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8"></head><body style="margin:0;">INITIAL_CONTENT</body></html>',
			debug: false,
			controls: {},
			css: {},
			events: {},
			autoGrow: false,
			autoSave: true,
			brIE: true,					// http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=15
			formHeight: 270,
			formWidth: 440,
			iFrameClass: null,
			initialContent: "<p>Initial content</p>",
			maxHeight: 10000,			// see autoGrow
			maxLength: 0,
			messages: {
				nonSelection: "Select the text you wish to link"
			toolbarHtml: '<ul role="menu" class="toolbar"></ul>',
			removeHeadings: false,
			replaceDivWithP: false,
			resizeOptions: false,
			rmUnusedControls: false,	// https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/52
			rmUnwantedBr: true,			// http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=11
			tableFiller: "Lorem ipsum",
			initialMinHeight: null,

			controlImage: {
				forceRelativeUrls: false

			controlLink: {
				forceRelativeUrls: false

			plugins: { // placeholder for plugins settings
				autoload: false,
				i18n: false,
				rmFormat: {
					rmMsWordMarkup: false
			dialog : "default"

		//these properties are set from control hashes
		this.availableControlProperties = [

		this.editor			= null;  //jquery iframe holder
		this.editorDoc		= null;
		this.element		= null;
		this.options		= {};
		this.original		= null;
		this.savedRange		= null;
		this.timers			= [];
		this.validKeyCodes	= [8, 9, 13, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 27, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 45, 46];

		this.isDestroyed	= false;

		this.dom		= { // DOM related properties and methods
			ie:		{
				parent: null // link to dom
			w3c:	{
				parent: null // link to dom
		this.dom.parent		= this;
		this.dom.ie.parent	= this.dom;
		this.dom.w3c.parent	= this.dom;

		this.ui			= {};	// UI related properties and methods
		this.ui.self	= this;
		this.ui.toolbar	= null;
		this.ui.initialHeight = null; // ui.grow

		this.dom.getAncestor = function (element, filterTagName) {
			filterTagName = filterTagName.toLowerCase();
			while (element && typeof element.tagName != "undefined" && "body" !== element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
				if (filterTagName === element.tagName.toLowerCase()) {
					return element;

				element = element.parentNode;
			if(!element.tagName && (element.previousSibling || element.nextSibling)) {
				if(element.previousSibling) {
					if(element.previousSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == filterTagName) {
						return element.previousSibling;
				if(element.nextSibling) {
					if(element.nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == filterTagName) {
						return element.nextSibling;

			return null;

		this.dom.getElement = function (filterTagName) {
			var dom = this;
			filterTagName = filterTagName.toLowerCase();			

			if (window.getSelection) {
				return dom.w3c.getElement(filterTagName);
			} else {
				return dom.ie.getElement(filterTagName);

		this.dom.ie.getElement = function (filterTagName) {
			var dom			= this.parent,
				selection	= dom.parent.getInternalSelection(),
				range		= selection.createRange(),

			if ("Control" === selection.type) {
				// control selection
				if (1 === range.length) {
					element = range.item(0);
				} else {
					// multiple control selection
					return null;
			} else {
				element = range.parentElement();

			return dom.getAncestor(element, filterTagName);

		this.dom.w3c.getElement = function (filterTagName) {
			var dom		= this.parent,
				range	= dom.parent.getInternalRange(),
			if (!range) {
				return null;

			element	= range.commonAncestorContainer;

			if (3 === element.nodeType) {
				element = element.parentNode;

			// if startContainer not Text, Comment, or CDATASection element then
			// startOffset is the number of child nodes between the start of the
			// startContainer and the boundary point of the Range
			if (element === range.startContainer) {
				element = element.childNodes[range.startOffset];
			if(!element.tagName && (element.previousSibling || element.nextSibling)) {
				if(element.previousSibling) {
					if(element.previousSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == filterTagName) {
						return element.previousSibling;
				if(element.nextSibling) {
					if(element.nextSibling.tagName.toLowerCase() == filterTagName) {
						return element.nextSibling;

			return dom.getAncestor(element, filterTagName);

		this.ui.addHoverClass = function () {

		this.ui.appendControls = function () {
			var ui = this,
				self = this.self,
				controls = self.parseControls(),
				hasVisibleControls	= true, // to prevent separator before first item
				groups = [],
				controlsByGroup = {},
				currentGroupIndex, // jslint wants all vars at top of function
				iterateGroup = function (controlName, control) { //called for every group when adding
					if (control.groupIndex && currentGroupIndex !== control.groupIndex) {
						currentGroupIndex = control.groupIndex;
						hasVisibleControls = false;

					if (!control.visible) {

					if (!hasVisibleControls) {
						hasVisibleControls = true;

					if (control.custom) {
						ui.appendItemCustom(controlName, control);
					} else {
						ui.appendItem(controlName, control);

			$.each(controls, function (name, c) { //sort by groupIndex
				var index = "empty";

				if (undefined !== c.groupIndex) {
					if ("" === c.groupIndex) {
						index = "empty";
					} else {
						index = c.groupIndex;

				if (undefined === controlsByGroup[index]) {
					controlsByGroup[index] = {};
				controlsByGroup[index][name] = c;

			groups.sort(function (a, b) { //just sort group indexes by
				if ("number" === typeof (a) && typeof (a) === typeof (b)) {
					return (a - b);
				} else {
					a = a.toString();
					b = b.toString();

					if (a > b) {
						return 1;

					if (a === b) {
						return 0;

					return -1;

			if (0 < groups.length) {
				// set to first index in groups to proper placement of separator
				currentGroupIndex = groups[0];

			for (i = 0; i < groups.length; i += 1) {
				$.each(controlsByGroup[groups[i]], iterateGroup);

		this.ui.appendItem = function (name, control) {
			var self = this.self,
				className = control.className || control.command || name || "empty",
				tooltip = control.tooltip || control.command || name || "";

			return $('<li role="menuitem" unselectable="on">' + (className) + "</li>")
				.attr("title", tooltip)
				.hover(this.addHoverClass, this.removeHoverClass)
				.click(function (event) {
					if ($(this).hasClass("disabled")) {
						return false;

					self.triggerControl.apply(self, [name, control]);

					* @link https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/219
					var $target = $(event.target);
					for (var controlName in self.controls) {
						if ($target.hasClass(controlName)) {
							self.ui.toolbar.find("." + controlName).toggleClass("active");
							self.editorDoc.rememberCommand = true;
					return true;

		this.ui.appendItemCustom = function (name, control) {
			var self = this.self,
				tooltip = control.tooltip || control.command || name || "";

			if (control.callback) {
				$(window).bind("trigger-" + name + ".wysiwyg", control.callback);

			return $('<li role="menuitem" unselectable="on" style="background: url(\'' + control.icon + '\') no-repeat;"></li>')
				.addClass("custom-command-" + name)
				.attr("title", tooltip)
				.hover(this.addHoverClass, this.removeHoverClass)
				.click(function () {
					if ($(this).hasClass("disabled")) {
						return false;

					self.triggerControl.apply(self, [name, control]);


					return true;

		this.ui.appendItemSeparator = function () {
			var self = this.self;
			return $('<li role="separator" class="separator"></li>').appendTo(self.ui.toolbar);

		this.autoSaveFunction = function () {

		//called after click in wysiwyg "textarea"
		this.ui.checkTargets = function (element) {
			var self = this.self;

			//activate controls
			$.each(self.options.controls, function (name, control) {
				var className = control.className || control.command || name || "empty",
					checkActiveStatus = function (cssProperty, cssValue) {
						var handler;

						if ("function" === typeof (cssValue)) {
							handler = cssValue;
							if (handler(el.css(cssProperty).toString().toLowerCase(), self)) {
								self.ui.toolbar.find("." + className).addClass("active");
						} else {
							if (el.css(cssProperty).toString().toLowerCase() === cssValue) {
								self.ui.toolbar.find("." + className).addClass("active");

				if ("fullscreen" !== className) {
					self.ui.toolbar.find("." + className).removeClass("active");

				//activate by allowed tags
				if (control.tags || (control.options && control.options.tags)) {
					tags = control.tags || (control.options && control.options.tags);

					elm = element;
					while (elm) {
						if (elm.nodeType !== 1) {

						if ($.inArray(elm.tagName.toLowerCase(), tags) !== -1) {
							self.ui.toolbar.find("." + className).addClass("active");

						elm = elm.parentNode;

				//activate by supposed css
				if (control.css || (control.options && control.options.css)) {
					css = control.css || (control.options && control.options.css);
					el = $(element);

					while (el) {
						if (el[0].nodeType !== 1) {
						$.each(css, checkActiveStatus);

						el = el.parent();

		this.ui.designMode = function () {
			var attempts = 3,
				self = this.self,
				runner = function (attempts) {
					if ("on" === self.editorDoc.designMode) {
						if (self.timers.designMode) {

						// IE needs to reget the document element (this.editorDoc) after designMode was set
						if (self.innerDocument() !== self.editorDoc) {


					try {
						self.editorDoc.designMode = "on";
					} catch (e) {

					attempts -= 1;
					if (attempts > 0) {
						self.timers.designMode = window.setTimeout(function () { runner(attempts); }, 100);


		this.destroy = function () {
			this.isDestroyed = true;

			var i, $form = this.element.closest("form");

			for (i = 0; i < this.timers.length; i += 1) {

			// Remove bindings
			$.removeData(this.original, "wysiwyg");
			return this;

		this.getRangeText = function () {
			var r = this.getInternalRange();

			if (r.toString) {
				r = r.toString();
			} else if (r.text) {	// IE
				r = r.text;

			return r;
		//not used?
		this.execute = function (command, arg) {
			if (typeof (arg) === "undefined") {
				arg = null;
			this.editorDoc.execCommand(command, false, arg);

		this.extendOptions = function (options) {
			var controls = {};

			 * If the user set custom controls, we catch it, and merge with the
			 * defaults controls later.
			if ("object" === typeof options.controls) {
				controls = options.controls;
				delete options.controls;

			options = $.extend(true, {}, this.defaults, options);
			options.controls = $.extend(true, {}, controls, this.controls, controls);

			if (options.rmUnusedControls) {
				$.each(options.controls, function (controlName) {
					if (!controls[controlName]) {
						delete options.controls[controlName];

			return options;

		this.ui.focus = function () {
			var self = this.self;

			return self;

		this.ui.returnRange = function () {
			var self = this.self, sel;

			if (self.savedRange !== null) {
				if (window.getSelection) { //non IE and there is already a selection
					sel = window.getSelection();
					if (sel.rangeCount > 0) {
					try {
					} catch (e) {
				} else if (window.document.createRange) { // non IE and no selection
				} else if (window.document.selection) { //IE

				self.savedRange = null;

		this.increaseFontSize = function () {
			if ($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.opera) {
				this.editorDoc.execCommand("increaseFontSize", false, null);
			} else if ($.browser.safari) {				
				var Range = this.getInternalRange(),
					Selection = this.getInternalSelection(),
					newNode = this.editorDoc.createElement("big");

				// If cursor placed on text node
				if (true === Range.collapsed && 3 === Range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeType) {
					var text = Range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeValue.toString(),
						start = text.lastIndexOf(" ", Range.startOffset) + 1,
						end = (-1 === text.indexOf(" ", Range.startOffset)) ? text : text.indexOf(" ", Range.startOffset);

					Range.setStart(Range.commonAncestorContainer, start);
					Range.setEnd(Range.commonAncestorContainer, end);

				} else {
			} else {
				console.error("Internet Explorer?");

		this.decreaseFontSize = function () {
			if ($.browser.mozilla || $.browser.opera) {
				this.editorDoc.execCommand("decreaseFontSize", false, null);
			} else if ($.browser.safari) {
				var Range = this.getInternalRange(),
					Selection = this.getInternalSelection(),
					newNode = this.editorDoc.createElement("small");

				// If cursor placed on text node
				if (true === Range.collapsed && 3 === Range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeType) {
					var text = Range.commonAncestorContainer.nodeValue.toString(),
						start = text.lastIndexOf(" ", Range.startOffset) + 1,
						end = (-1 === text.indexOf(" ", Range.startOffset)) ? text : text.indexOf(" ", Range.startOffset);
					Range.setStart(Range.commonAncestorContainer, start);
					Range.setEnd(Range.commonAncestorContainer, end);
				} else {
			} else {
				console.error("Internet Explorer?");

		this.getContent = function () {
			if (this.viewHTML) {
			return this.events.filter('getContent', this.editorDoc.body.innerHTML);
		 * A jWysiwyg specific event system.
		 * Example:
		 * $("#editor").getWysiwyg().events.bind("getContent", function (orig) {
		 *     return "<div id='content'>"+orgi+"</div>";
		 * });
		 * This makes it so that when ever getContent is called, it is wrapped in a div#content.
		this.events = {
			_events : {},
			 * Similar to jQuery's bind, but for jWysiwyg only.
			bind : function (eventName, callback) {
				if (typeof (this._events.eventName) !== "object") {
					this._events[eventName] = [];
			 * Similar to jQuery's trigger, but for jWysiwyg only.
			trigger : function (eventName, args) {
				if (typeof (this._events.eventName) === "object") {
					var editor = this.editor;
					$.each(this._events[eventName], function (k, v) {
						if (typeof (v) === "function") {
							v.apply(editor, args);
			 * This "filters" `originalText` by passing it as the first argument to every callback
			 * with the name `eventName` and taking the return value and passing it to the next function.
			 * This function returns the result after all the callbacks have been applied to `originalText`.
			filter : function (eventName, originalText) {
				if (typeof (this._events[eventName]) === "object") {
					var editor = this.editor,
						args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1);

					$.each(this._events[eventName], function (k, v) {
						if (typeof (v) === "function") {
							originalText = v.apply(editor, args);
				return originalText;

		this.getElementByAttributeValue = function (tagName, attributeName, attributeValue) {
			var i, value, elements = this.editorDoc.getElementsByTagName(tagName);

			for (i = 0; i < elements.length; i += 1) {
				value = elements[i].getAttribute(attributeName);

				if ($.browser.msie) {
					/** IE add full path, so I check by the last chars. */
					value = value.substr(value.length - attributeValue.length);

				if (value === attributeValue) {
					return elements[i];

			return false;

		this.getInternalRange = function () {
			var selection = this.getInternalSelection();

			if (!selection) {
				return null;

			if (selection.rangeCount && selection.rangeCount > 0) { // w3c
				return selection.getRangeAt(0);
			} else if (selection.createRange) { // ie
				return selection.createRange();

			return null;

		this.getInternalSelection = function () {
			// firefox: document.getSelection is deprecated
			if (this.editor.get(0).contentWindow) {
				if (this.editor.get(0).contentWindow.getSelection) {
					return this.editor.get(0).contentWindow.getSelection();
				if (this.editor.get(0).contentWindow.selection) {
					return this.editor.get(0).contentWindow.selection;
			if (this.editorDoc.getSelection) {
				return this.editorDoc.getSelection();
			if (this.editorDoc.selection) {
				return this.editorDoc.selection;

			return null;

		this.getRange = function () {
			var selection = this.getSelection();

			if (!selection) {
				return null;

			if (selection.rangeCount && selection.rangeCount > 0) { // w3c
			} else if (selection.createRange) { // ie
				return selection.createRange();

			return null;

		this.getSelection = function () {
			return (window.getSelection) ? window.getSelection() : window.document.selection;

		// :TODO: you can type long string and letters will be hidden because of overflow
		this.ui.grow = function () {
			var self = this.self,
				innerBody = $(self.editorDoc.body),
				innerHeight = $.browser.msie ? innerBody[0].scrollHeight : innerBody.height() + 2 + 20, // 2 - borders, 20 - to prevent content jumping on grow
				minHeight = self.ui.initialHeight,
				height = Math.max(innerHeight, minHeight);

			height = Math.min(height, self.options.maxHeight);

			self.editor.attr("scrolling", height < self.options.maxHeight ? "no" : "auto"); // hide scrollbar firefox
			innerBody.css("overflow", height < self.options.maxHeight ? "hidden" : ""); // hide scrollbar chrome

			self.editor.get(0).height = height;

			return self;

		this.init = function (element, options) {
			var self = this,
				$form = $(element).closest("form"),
				newX = (element.width || element.clientWidth || 0),
				newY = (element.height || element.clientHeight || 0)

			this.options	= this.extendOptions(options);
			this.original	= element;
			this.ui.toolbar	= $(this.options.toolbarHtml);

			if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 8) {
				this.options.autoGrow = false;

			if (newX === 0 && element.cols) {
				newX = (element.cols * 8) + 21;
			if (newY === 0 && element.rows) {
				newY = (element.rows * 16) + 16;

			this.editor = $(window.location.protocol === "https:" ? '<iframe src="javascript:false;"></iframe>' : "<iframe></iframe>").attr("frameborder", "0");

			if (this.options.iFrameClass) {
			} else {
					minHeight: (newY - 6).toString() + "px",
					// fix for issue 12 ( http://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/issue/12 )
					width: (newX > 50) ? newX.toString() + "px" : ""
				if ($.browser.msie && parseInt($.browser.version, 10) < 7) {
					this.editor.css("height", newY.toString() + "px");
			 * Automagically add id to iframe if textarea has its own when possible 
			 * ( http://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/245 )
			if (element.id) {
				var proposedId = element.id + '-wysiwyg-iframe';
				if (! document.getElementById(proposedId)) {
					this.editor.attr('id', proposedId);

			 * http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=96
			this.editor.attr("tabindex", $(element).attr("tabindex"));

			this.element = $("<div/>").addClass("wysiwyg");

			if (!this.options.iFrameClass) {
					width: (newX > 0) ? newX.toString() + "px" : "100%"


			this.viewHTML = false;

			 * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=52
			this.initialContent = $(element).val();

			if (this.options.resizeOptions && $.fn.resizable) {
				this.element.resizable($.extend(true, {
					alsoResize: this.editor
				}, this.options.resizeOptions));

			if (this.options.autoSave) {
				$form.bind("submit.wysiwyg", function () { self.autoSaveFunction(); });

			$form.bind("reset.wysiwyg", function () { self.resetFunction(); });

		this.ui.initFrame = function () {
			var self = this.self,

				.append($("<div><!-- --></div>")
						clear: "both"

			self.editorDoc = self.innerDocument();

			if (self.isDestroyed) {
				return null;

					 * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=144
					.replace(/INITIAL_CONTENT/, function () { return self.wrapInitialContent(); })



			$(self.editorDoc).bind("click.wysiwyg", function (event) {
				self.ui.checkTargets(event.target ? event.target : event.srcElement);

             * @link https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/251
            setInterval(function () {
                var offset = null;

                try {
                    var range = self.getInternalRange();
                    if (range) {
                        offset = {
                            range: range,
                            parent: "endContainer" in range ? range.endContainer.parentNode : range.parentElement(),
                            width: ("startOffset" in range ? (range.startOffset - range.endOffset) : range.boundingWidth) || 0
                catch (e) { console.error(e); }

                if (offset && offset.width == 0 && !self.editorDoc.rememberCommand) {
            }, 400);
			 * @link http://code.google.com/p/jwysiwyg/issues/detail?id=20
			 * @link https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/330
			$(self.original).focus(function () {
				if ($(this).filter(":visible").length === 0 || $.browser.opera) {

			$(self.editorDoc).keydown(function (event) {
				var emptyContentRegex;
				if (event.keyCode === 8) { // backspace
					emptyContentRegex = /^<([\w]+)[^>]*>(<br\/?>)?<\/\1>$/;
					if (emptyContentRegex.test(self.getContent())) { // if content is empty
						event.stopPropagation(); // prevent remove single empty tag
						return false;
                self.editorDoc.rememberCommand = false;
				return true;
			if (!$.browser.msie) {
				$(self.editorDoc).keydown(function (event) {
					var controlName;
                    			var control;

					/* Meta for Macs. tom@punkave.com */
					if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
						for (controlName in self.options.controls) {
                            				control = self.options.controls[controlName];
							if (control.hotkey && control.hotkey.ctrl) {
								if (event.keyCode === control.hotkey.key) {
									self.triggerControl.apply(self, [controlName, control]);

									return false;
					return true;
			if (self.options.brIE) {
				$(self.editorDoc).keydown(function (event) {
					if (event.keyCode === 13) {
						if ($.browser.msie || $.browser.opera) {
							var rng = self.getRange();
							if (rng) {
							} else {
						} else {
							var sel = self.editorDoc.getSelection();
							if (sel && sel.getRangeAt && sel.rangeCount) {
								var range = sel.getRangeAt(0);
								if (!range)
									return true;

								var el = document.createElement("div");
								el.innerHTML = "<br/>";
								var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(), node, lastNode;
								while ( (node = el.firstChild) ) {
									lastNode = frag.appendChild(node);

								// Preserve the selection
								if (lastNode) {
									range = range.cloneRange();
							} else
								return true;

						return false;

					return true;

			if (self.options.plugins.rmFormat.rmMsWordMarkup) {
				$(self.editorDoc).bind("keyup.wysiwyg", function (event) {
					if (event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey) {
						// CTRL + V (paste)
						if (86 === event.keyCode) {
							if ($.wysiwyg.rmFormat) {
								if ("object" === typeof (self.options.plugins.rmFormat.rmMsWordMarkup)) {
									$.wysiwyg.rmFormat.run(self, {rules: { msWordMarkup: self.options.plugins.rmFormat.rmMsWordMarkup }});
								} else {
									$.wysiwyg.rmFormat.run(self, {rules: { msWordMarkup: { enabled: true }}});

			if (self.options.autoSave) {
				$(self.editorDoc).keydown(function () { self.autoSaveFunction(); })
					.keyup(function () { self.autoSaveFunction(); })
					.mousedown(function () { self.autoSaveFunction(); })
					.bind($.support.noCloneEvent ? "input.wysiwyg" : "paste.wysiwyg", function () { self.autoSaveFunction(); });

			if (self.options.autoGrow) {
				if (self.options.initialMinHeight !== null) {
					self.ui.initialHeight = self.options.initialMinHeight;
				} else {
					self.ui.initialHeight = $(self.editorDoc).height();
				$(self.editorDoc.body).css("border", "1px solid white"); // cancel margin collapsing

				growHandler = function () {

				$(self.editorDoc).bind("editorRefresh.wysiwyg", growHandler);

				// fix when content height > textarea height

			if (self.options.css) {
				if (String === self.options.css.constructor) {
					if ($.browser.msie) {
						stylesheet = self.editorDoc.createStyleSheet(self.options.css);
							"media":	"all"
					} else {
						stylesheet = $("<link/>").attr({
							"href":		self.options.css,
							"media":	"all",
							"rel":		"stylesheet",
							"type":		"text/css"

				} else {
					self.timers.initFrame_Css = window.setTimeout(function () {
					}, 0);

			if (self.initialContent.length === 0) {
				if ("function" === typeof (self.options.initialContent)) {
				} else {

			if (self.options.maxLength > 0) {
				$(self.editorDoc).keydown(function (event) {
					if ($(self.editorDoc).text().length >= self.options.maxLength && $.inArray(event.which, self.validKeyCodes) === -1) {
			// Support event callbacks
			$.each(self.options.events, function (key, handler) {
				$(self.editorDoc).bind(key + ".wysiwyg", function (event) {
					// Trigger event handler, providing the event and api to 
					// support additional functionality.
					handler.apply(self.editorDoc, [event, self]);

			// restores selection properly on focus
			if ($.browser.msie) {
				// Event chain: beforedeactivate => focusout => blur.
				// Focusout & blur fired too late to handle internalRange() in dialogs.
				// When clicked on input boxes both got range = null
				$(self.editorDoc).bind("beforedeactivate.wysiwyg", function () {
					self.savedRange = self.getInternalRange();
			} else {
				$(self.editorDoc).bind("blur.wysiwyg", function () {
					self.savedRange = self.getInternalRange();

			if (self.options.events && self.options.events.save) {
				saveHandler = self.options.events.save;

				$(self.editorDoc).bind("keyup.wysiwyg", saveHandler);
				$(self.editorDoc).bind("change.wysiwyg", saveHandler);

				if ($.support.noCloneEvent) {
					$(self.editorDoc).bind("input.wysiwyg", saveHandler);
				} else {
					$(self.editorDoc).bind("paste.wysiwyg", saveHandler);
					$(self.editorDoc).bind("cut.wysiwyg", saveHandler);
			 * XHTML5 {@link https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/152}
			if (self.options.xhtml5 && self.options.unicode) {
				var replacements = {ne:8800,le:8804,para:182,xi:958,darr:8595,nu:957,oacute:243,Uacute:218,omega:969,prime:8242,pound:163,igrave:236,thorn:254,forall:8704,emsp:8195,lowast:8727,brvbar:166,alefsym:8501,nbsp:160,delta:948,clubs:9827,lArr:8656,Omega:937,Auml:196,cedil:184,and:8743,plusmn:177,ge:8805,raquo:187,uml:168,equiv:8801,laquo:171,rdquo:8221,Epsilon:917,divide:247,fnof:402,chi:967,Dagger:8225,iacute:237,rceil:8969,sigma:963,Oslash:216,acute:180,frac34:190,lrm:8206,upsih:978,Scaron:352,part:8706,exist:8707,nabla:8711,image:8465,prop:8733,zwj:8205,omicron:959,aacute:225,Yuml:376,Yacute:221,weierp:8472,rsquo:8217,otimes:8855,kappa:954,thetasym:977,harr:8596,Ouml:214,Iota:921,ograve:242,sdot:8901,copy:169,oplus:8853,acirc:226,sup:8835,zeta:950,Iacute:205,Oacute:211,crarr:8629,Nu:925,bdquo:8222,lsquo:8216,apos:39,Beta:914,eacute:233,egrave:232,lceil:8968,Kappa:922,piv:982,Ccedil:199,ldquo:8220,Xi:926,cent:162,uarr:8593,hellip:8230,Aacute:193,ensp:8194,sect:167,Ugrave:217,aelig:230,ordf:170,curren:164,sbquo:8218,macr:175,Phi:934,Eta:919,rho:961,Omicron:927,sup2:178,euro:8364,aring:229,Theta:920,mdash:8212,uuml:252,otilde:245,eta:951,uacute:250,rArr:8658,nsub:8836,agrave:224,notin:8713,ndash:8211,Psi:936,Ocirc:212,sube:8838,szlig:223,micro:181,not:172,sup1:185,middot:183,iota:953,ecirc:234,lsaquo:8249,thinsp:8201,sum:8721,ntilde:241,scaron:353,cap:8745,atilde:227,lang:10216,__replacement:65533,isin:8712,gamma:947,Euml:203,ang:8736,upsilon:965,Ntilde:209,hearts:9829,Alpha:913,Tau:932,spades:9824,dagger:8224,THORN:222,"int":8747,lambda:955,Eacute:201,Uuml:220,infin:8734,rlm:8207,Aring:197,ugrave:249,Egrave:200,Acirc:194,rsaquo:8250,ETH:208,oslash:248,alpha:945,Ograve:210,Prime:8243,mu:956,ni:8715,real:8476,bull:8226,beta:946,icirc:238,eth:240,prod:8719,larr:8592,ordm:186,perp:8869,Gamma:915,reg:174,ucirc:251,Pi:928,psi:968,tilde:732,asymp:8776,zwnj:8204,Agrave:192,deg:176,AElig:198,times:215,Delta:916,sim:8764,Otilde:213,Mu:924,uArr:8657,circ:710,theta:952,Rho:929,sup3:179,diams:9830,tau:964,Chi:935,frac14:188,oelig:339,shy:173,or:8744,dArr:8659,phi:966,iuml:239,Lambda:923,rfloor:8971,iexcl:161,cong:8773,ccedil:231,Icirc:206,frac12:189,loz:9674,rarr:8594,cup:8746,radic:8730,frasl:8260,euml:235,OElig:338,hArr:8660,Atilde:195,Upsilon:933,there4:8756,ouml:246,oline:8254,Ecirc:202,yacute:253,auml:228,permil:8240,sigmaf:962,iquest:191,empty:8709,pi:960,Ucirc:219,supe:8839,Igrave:204,yen:165,rang:10217,trade:8482,lfloor:8970,minus:8722,Zeta:918,sub:8834,epsilon:949,yuml:255,Sigma:931,Iuml:207,ocirc:244};
				self.events.bind("getContent", function (text) {
					return text.replace(/&(?:amp;)?(?!amp|lt|gt|quot)([a-z][a-z0-9]*);/gi, function (str, p1) {
						if (!replacements[p1]) {
							p1 = p1.toLowerCase();
							if (!replacements[p1]) {
								p1 = "__replacement";
						var num = replacements[p1];
						/* Numeric return if ever wanted: return replacements[p1] ? "&#"+num+";" : ""; */
						return String.fromCharCode(num);
			$(self.original).trigger('ready.jwysiwyg', [self.editorDoc, self]);

		this.innerDocument = function () {
			var element = this.editor.get(0);

			if (element.nodeName.toLowerCase() === "iframe") {
				if (element.contentDocument) {				// Gecko
					return element.contentDocument;
				} else if (element.contentWindow) {			// IE
					return element.contentWindow.document;

				if (this.isDestroyed) {
					return null;

				console.error("Unexpected error in innerDocument");

				 return ( $.browser.msie )
				 ? document.frames[element.id].document
				 : element.contentWindow.document // contentDocument;

			return element;

		this.insertHtml = function (szHTML) {
			var img, range;

			if (!szHTML || szHTML.length === 0) {
				return this;

			if ($.browser.msie) {
				this.editorDoc.execCommand("insertImage", false, "#jwysiwyg#");
				img = this.getElementByAttributeValue("img", "src", "#jwysiwyg#");
				if (img) {
			} else {
				if ($.browser.mozilla) { // @link https://github.com/akzhan/jwysiwyg/issues/50
					if (1 === $(szHTML).length) {
						range = this.getInternalRange();
					} else {
						this.editorDoc.execCommand("insertHTML", false, szHTML);
				} else {
					if (!this.editorDoc.execCommand("insertHTML", false, szHTML)) {
						/* :TODO: place caret at the end
						if (window.getSelection) {
						} else {
						this.editorDoc.execCommand("insertHTML", false, szHTML);

			return this;

		//check allowed properties
		this.parseControls = function () {
			var self = this;

			$.each(this.options.controls, function (controlName, control) {
				$.each(control, function (propertyName) {
					if (-1 === $.inArray(propertyName, self.availableControlProperties)) {
						throw controlName + '["' + propertyName + '"]: property "' + propertyName + '" not exists in Wysiwyg.availableControlProperties';

			if (this.options.parseControls) { //user callback
				return this.options.parseControls.call(this);

			return this.options.controls;

		this.removeFormat = function () {
			if ($.browser.msie) {

			if (this.options.removeHeadings) {
				this.editorDoc.execCommand("formatBlock", false, "<p>"); // remove headings

			this.editorDoc.execCommand("removeFormat", false, null);
			this.editorDoc.execCommand("unlink", false, null);

			if ($.wysiwyg.rmFormat && $.wysiwyg.rmFormat.enabled) {
				if ("object" === typeof (this.options.plugins.rmFormat.rmMsWordMarkup)) {
					$.wysiwyg.rmFormat.run(this, {rules: { msWordMarkup: this.options.plugins.rmFormat.rmMsWordMarkup }});
				} else {
					$.wysiwyg.rmFormat.run(this, {rules: { msWordMarkup: { enabled: true }}});

			return this;

		this.ui.removeHoverClass = function () {

		this.resetFunction = function () {

		this.saveContent = function () {
			if (this.viewHTML)
				return; // no need
			if (this.original) {
				var content, newContent;

				content = this.getContent();

				if (this.options.rmUnwantedBr) {
					content = content.replace(/<br\/?>$/, "");

				if (this.options.replaceDivWithP) {
					newContent = $("<div/>").addClass("temp").append(content);

					newContent.children("div").each(function () {
						var element = $(this), p = element.find("p"), i;

						if (0 === p.length) {
							p = $("<p></p>");

							if (this.attributes.length > 0) {
								for (i = 0; i < this.attributes.length; i += 1) {
									p.attr(this.attributes[i].name, element.attr(this.attributes[i].name));


					content = newContent.html();


				if (this.options.events && this.options.events.save) {

			return this;

		this.setContent = function (newContent) {
			this.editorDoc.body.innerHTML = newContent;

			return this;

		this.triggerControl = function (name, control) {
			var cmd = control.command || name,							//command directly for designMode=on iframe (this.editorDoc)
				args = control["arguments"] || [];

			if (control.exec) {
				control.exec.apply(this);  //custom exec function in control, allows DOM changing
			} else {
				this.ui.withoutCss(); //disable style="" attr inserting in mozzila's designMode
				// when click <Cut>, <Copy> or <Paste> got "Access to XPConnect service denied" code: "1011"
				// in Firefox untrusted JavaScript is not allowed to access the clipboard
				try {
					this.editorDoc.execCommand(cmd, false, args);
				} catch (e) {

			if (this.options.autoSave) {

		this.triggerControlCallback = function (name) {
			$(window).trigger("trigger-" + name + ".wysiwyg", [this]);

		this.ui.withoutCss = function () {
			var self = this.self;

			if ($.browser.mozilla) {
				try {
					self.editorDoc.execCommand("styleWithCSS", false, false);
				} catch (e) {
					try {
						self.editorDoc.execCommand("useCSS", false, true);
					} catch (e2) {

			return self;

		this.wrapInitialContent = function () {
			var content = this.initialContent;
			return content;

	 * Wysiwyg namespace: public properties and methods
	$.wysiwyg = {
		messages: {
			noObject: "Something goes wrong, check object"

		 * Custom control support by Alec Gorge ( http://github.com/alecgorge )
		addControl: function (object, name, settings) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg"),
					customControl = {},

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;

				customControl[name] = $.extend(true, {visible: true, custom: true}, settings);
				$.extend(true, oWysiwyg.options.controls, customControl);

				// render new toolbar
				toolbar = $(oWysiwyg.options.toolbarHtml);
				oWysiwyg.ui.toolbar = toolbar;

		clear: function (object) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;


		console: console, // let our console be available for extensions

		destroy: function (object) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;


		"document": function (object) {
			// no chains because of return
			var oWysiwyg = object.data("wysiwyg");

			if (!oWysiwyg) {
				return undefined;

			return $(oWysiwyg.editorDoc);

        focus: function(object) {
            var oWysiwyg = object.data("wysiwyg");

            if (!oWysiwyg) {
                return undefined;


            return object;

		getContent: function (object) {
			// no chains because of return
			var oWysiwyg = object.data("wysiwyg");

			if (!oWysiwyg) {
				return undefined;

			return oWysiwyg.getContent();
    		getSelection: function (object) {
  			// no chains because of return
			var oWysiwyg = object.data("wysiwyg");

			if (!oWysiwyg) {
				return undefined;

			return oWysiwyg.getRangeText();

		init: function (object, options) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var opts = $.extend(true, {}, options),

				// :4fun:
				// remove this textarea validation and change line in this.saveContent function
				// $(this.original).val(content); to $(this.original).html(content);
				// now you can make WYSIWYG editor on h1, p, and many more tags
				if (("textarea" !== this.nodeName.toLowerCase()) || $(this).data("wysiwyg")) {

				obj = new Wysiwyg();
				obj.init(this, opts);
				$.data(this, "wysiwyg", obj);


		insertHtml: function (object, szHTML) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;


		plugin: {
			listeners: {},

			bind: function (Wysiwyg) {
				var self = this;

				$.each(this.listeners, function (action, handlers) {
					var i, plugin;

					for (i = 0; i < handlers.length; i += 1) {
						plugin = self.parseName(handlers[i]);

						$(Wysiwyg.editorDoc).bind(action + ".wysiwyg", {plugin: plugin}, function (event) {
							$.wysiwyg[event.data.plugin.name][event.data.plugin.method].apply($.wysiwyg[event.data.plugin.name], [Wysiwyg]);

			exists: function (name) {
				var plugin;

				if ("string" !== typeof (name)) {
					return false;

				plugin = this.parseName(name);

				if (!$.wysiwyg[plugin.name] || !$.wysiwyg[plugin.name][plugin.method]) {
					return false;

				return true;

			listen: function (action, handler) {
				var plugin;

				plugin = this.parseName(handler);

				if (!$.wysiwyg[plugin.name] || !$.wysiwyg[plugin.name][plugin.method]) {
					return false;

				if (!this.listeners[action]) {
					this.listeners[action] = [];


				return true;

			parseName: function (name) {
				var elements;

				if ("string" !== typeof (name)) {
					return false;

				elements = name.split(".");

				if (2 > elements.length) {
					return false;

				return {name: elements[0], method: elements[1]};

			register: function (data) {
				if (!data.name) {
					console.error("Plugin name missing");

				$.each($.wysiwyg, function (pluginName) {
					if (pluginName === data.name) {
						console.error("Plugin with name '" + data.name + "' was already registered");

				$.wysiwyg[data.name] = data;

				return true;

		removeFormat: function (object) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;


		save: function (object) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;


		selectAll: function (object) {
			var oWysiwyg = object.data("wysiwyg"), oBody, oRange, selection;

			if (!oWysiwyg) {
				return this;

			oBody = oWysiwyg.editorDoc.body;
			if (window.getSelection) {
				selection = oWysiwyg.getInternalSelection();
			} else {
				oRange = oBody.createTextRange();

		setContent: function (object, newContent) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;


		triggerControl: function (object, controlName) {
			return object.each(function () {
				var oWysiwyg = $(this).data("wysiwyg");

				if (!oWysiwyg) {
					return this;

				if (!oWysiwyg.controls[controlName]) {
					console.error("Control '" + controlName + "' not exists");

				oWysiwyg.triggerControl.apply(oWysiwyg, [controlName, oWysiwyg.controls[controlName]]);

		support: {
			prop: supportsProp

		utils: {
			extraSafeEntities: [["<", ">", "'", '"', " "], [32]],

			encodeEntities: function (str) {
				var self = this, aStr, aRet = [];

				if (this.extraSafeEntities[1].length === 0) {
					$.each(this.extraSafeEntities[0], function (i, ch) {
				aStr = str.split("");
				$.each(aStr, function (i) {
					var iC = aStr[i].charCodeAt(0);
					if ($.inArray(iC, self.extraSafeEntities[1]) && (iC < 65 || iC > 127 || (iC > 90 && iC < 97))) {
						aRet.push('&#' + iC + ';');
					} else {

				return aRet.join('');

	 * Unifies dialog methods to allow custom implementations
	 * Events:
	 *     * afterOpen
	 *     * beforeShow
	 *     * afterShow
	 *     * beforeHide
	 *     * afterHide
	 *     * beforeClose
	 *     * afterClose
	 * Example:
	 * var dialog = new ($.wysiwyg.dialog)($('#idToTextArea').data('wysiwyg'), {"title": "Test", "content": "form data, etc."});
	 * dialog.bind("afterOpen", function () { alert('you should see a dialog behind this one!'); });
	 * dialog.open();
	$.wysiwyg.dialog = function (jWysiwyg, opts) {
		var theme	= (jWysiwyg && jWysiwyg.options && jWysiwyg.options.dialog) ? jWysiwyg.options.dialog : (opts.theme ? opts.theme : "default"),
			obj		= new $.wysiwyg.dialog.createDialog(theme),
			that	= this,
			$that	= $(that);
		this.options = {
			"modal": true,
			"draggable": true,
			"title": "Title",
			"content": "Content",
			"width":  "auto",
			"height": "auto",
			"zIndex": 2000,
			"open": false,
			"close": false

		this.isOpen = false;

		$.extend(this.options, opts);

		this.object = obj;

		// Opens a dialog with the specified content
		this.open = function () {
			this.isOpen = true;

			obj.init.apply(that, []);
			var $dialog = obj.show.apply(that, []);

			$that.trigger("afterOpen", [$dialog]);

		this.show = function () {
			this.isOpen = true;
			var $dialog = obj.show.apply(that, []);

		this.hide = function () {
			this.isOpen = false;
			var $dialog = obj.hide.apply(that, []);
			$that.trigger("afterHide", [$dialog]);

		// Closes the dialog window.
		this.close = function () {
			this.isOpen = false;
			var $dialog = obj.hide.apply(that, []);
			$that.trigger("beforeClose", [$dialog]);
			obj.destroy.apply(that, []);
			$that.trigger("afterClose", [$dialog]);


		if (this.options.open) {
			$that.bind("afterOpen", this.options.open);
		if (this.options.close) {
			$that.bind("afterClose", this.options.close);

		return this;

	// "Static" Dialog methods.
	$.extend(true, $.wysiwyg.dialog, {
		_themes : {}, // sample {"Theme Name": object}
		_theme : "", // the current theme

		register : function(name, obj) {
			$.wysiwyg.dialog._themes[name] = obj;

		deregister : function (name) {
			delete $.wysiwyg.dialog._themes[name];

		createDialog : function (name) {
			return new ($.wysiwyg.dialog._themes[name]);
		getDimensions : function () {
			var width  = document.body.scrollWidth,
				height = document.body.scrollHeight;

			if ($.browser.opera) {
				height = Math.max(

			return [width, height];

	$(function () { // need access to jQuery UI stuff.
		if (jQuery.ui) {
			$.wysiwyg.dialog.register("jqueryui", function () {
				var that = this;

				this._$dialog = null;

				this.init = function() {
					var abstractDialog	= this,
						content 		= this.options.content;

					if (typeof content === 'object') {
						if (typeof content.html === 'function') {
							content = content.html();
						} else if(typeof content.toString === 'function') {
							content = content.toString();

					that._$dialog = $('<div></div>').attr('title', this.options.title).html(content);

					var dialogHeight = this.options.height == 'auto' ? 300 : this.options.height,
						dialogWidth = this.options.width == 'auto' ? 450 : this.options.width;

					// console.log(that._$dialog);
						modal: this.options.modal,
						draggable: this.options.draggable,
						height: dialogHeight,
						width: dialogWidth

					return that._$dialog;

				this.show = function () {
					return that._$dialog;

				this.hide = function () {
					return that._$dialog;

				this.destroy = function() {
					return that._$dialog;

		$.wysiwyg.dialog.register("default", function () {
			var that = this;

			this._$dialog = null;

			this.init = function() {
				var abstractDialog	= this,
					content 		= this.options.content;

				if (typeof content === 'object') {
					if(typeof content.html === 'function') {
						content = content.html();
					else if(typeof content.toString === 'function') {
						content = content.toString();

				that._$dialog = $('<div class="wysiwyg-dialog"></div>').css({"z-index": this.options.zIndex});

				var $topbar = $('<div class="wysiwyg-dialog-topbar"><div class="wysiwyg-dialog-close-wrapper"></div><div class="wysiwyg-dialog-title">'+this.options.title+'</div></div>');
				var $link = $('<a href="#" class="wysiwyg-dialog-close-button">X</a>');

				$link.click(function () {
					abstractDialog.close(); // this is important it makes sure that is close from the abstract $.wysiwyg.dialog instace, not just locally 

				var $dcontent = $('<div class="wysiwyg-dialog-content">'+content+'</div>');

				// Set dialog's height & width, and position it correctly:
				var dialogHeight = this.options.height == 'auto' ? 300 : this.options.height,
					dialogWidth = this.options.width == 'auto' ? 450 : this.options.width;
					"width": dialogWidth,
					"height": dialogHeight,
					"left": (($(window).width() - dialogWidth) / 2),
					"top": (($(window).height() - dialogHeight) / 3)


				return that._$dialog;

			this.show = function () {

				// Modal feature:
				if (this.options.modal) {
					var dimensions = $.wysiwyg.dialog.getDimensions(),
						wrapper    = $('<div class="wysiwyg-dialog-modal-div"></div>')
						.css({"width": dimensions[0], "height": dimensions[1]});
				// Draggable feature:
				if (this.options.draggable) { 
					var mouseDown = false;
					that._$dialog.find("div.wysiwyg-dialog-topbar").bind("mousedown", function (e) {
						$(this).css({ "cursor": "move" });
						var $topbar = $(this),
							_dialog = $(this).parents(".wysiwyg-dialog"),
							offsetX = (e.pageX - parseInt(_dialog.css("left"), 10)),
							offsetY = (e.pageY - parseInt(_dialog.css("top"), 10));
						mouseDown = true;
						$(this).css({ "cursor": "move" });
						$(document).bind("mousemove", function (e) {
							if (mouseDown) {
									"top": (e.pageY - offsetY),
									"left": (e.pageX - offsetX)
						}).bind("mouseup", function (e) {
							mouseDown = false;
							$topbar.css({ "cursor": "auto" });
				return that._$dialog;


			this.hide = function () {
				return that._$dialog;

			this.destroy = function() {
				// Modal feature:
				if (this.options.modal) { 
				// Draggable feature:
				if (this.options.draggable) { 
				return that._$dialog;
	// end Dialog

	$.fn.wysiwyg = function (method) {
		var args = arguments, plugin;

		if ("undefined" !== typeof $.wysiwyg[method]) {
			// set argument object to undefined
			args = Array.prototype.concat.call([args[0]], [this], Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
			return $.wysiwyg[method].apply($.wysiwyg, Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
		} else if ("object" === typeof method || !method) {
			Array.prototype.unshift.call(args, this);
			return $.wysiwyg.init.apply($.wysiwyg, args);
		} else if ($.wysiwyg.plugin.exists(method)) {
			plugin = $.wysiwyg.plugin.parseName(method);
			args = Array.prototype.concat.call([args[0]], [this], Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
			return $.wysiwyg[plugin.name][plugin.method].apply($.wysiwyg[plugin.name], Array.prototype.slice.call(args, 1));
		} else {
			console.error("Method '" +  method + "' does not exist on jQuery.wysiwyg.\nTry to include some extra controls or plugins");
	$.fn.getWysiwyg = function () {
		return this.data("wysiwyg");