www.gusucode.com > 需要JSP在线编辑器的,可试试fckeditor-java专版源码程序 > 需要JSP在线编辑器的,可试试fckeditor-java专版/fckeditorjava2.4开发包/fckeditor-java-2.4开发包/java-demo/src/main/webapp/fckeditor/editor/_source/internals/fckdialog.js

 * FCKeditor - The text editor for Internet - http://www.fckeditor.net
 * Copyright (C) 2003-2008 Frederico Caldeira Knabben
 * Licensed under the terms of any of the following licenses at your
 * choice:
 *  - GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html
 *  - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL")
 *    http://www.gnu.org/licenses/lgpl.html
 *  - Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 or later (the "MPL")
 *    http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html
 * == END LICENSE ==
 * Dialog windows operations.

var FCKDialog = ( function()
	var topDialog ;
	var baseZIndex ;
	var cover ;

	// The document that holds the dialog.
	var topWindow = window.parent ;

	while ( topWindow.parent && topWindow.parent != topWindow )
			if ( topWindow.parent.document.domain != document.domain )
				break ;
			if ( topWindow.parent.document.getElementsByTagName( 'frameset' ).length > 0 )
				break ;
		catch ( e )
			break ;
		topWindow = topWindow.parent ;

	var topDocument = topWindow.document ;

	var getZIndex = function()
		if ( !baseZIndex )
			baseZIndex = FCKConfig.FloatingPanelsZIndex + 999 ;
		return ++baseZIndex ;

	// TODO : This logic is not actually working when reducing the window, only
	// when enlarging it.
	var resizeHandler = function()
		if ( !cover )
			return ;

		var relElement = FCKTools.IsStrictMode( topDocument ) ? topDocument.documentElement : topDocument.body ;

		FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( cover,
				'width' : Math.max( relElement.scrollWidth,
					topDocument.scrollWidth || 0 ) - 1 + 'px',
				'height' : Math.max( relElement.scrollHeight,
					topDocument.scrollHeight || 0 ) - 1 + 'px'
			} ) ;

	return {
		 * Opens a dialog window using the standard dialog template.
		OpenDialog : function( dialogName, dialogTitle, dialogPage, width, height, customValue, parentWindow, resizable )
			if ( !topDialog )
				this.DisplayMainCover() ;

			// Setup the dialog info to be passed to the dialog.
			var dialogInfo =
				Title : dialogTitle,
				Page : dialogPage,
				Editor : window,
				CustomValue : customValue,		// Optional
				TopWindow : topWindow

			FCK.ToolbarSet.CurrentInstance.Selection.Save() ;

			// Calculate the dialog position, centering it on the screen.
			var viewSize = FCKTools.GetViewPaneSize( topWindow ) ;
			var scrollPosition = { 'X' : 0, 'Y' : 0 } ;
			var useAbsolutePosition = FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && ( !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 || !FCKTools.IsStrictMode( topWindow.document ) ) ;
			if ( useAbsolutePosition )
				scrollPosition = FCKTools.GetScrollPosition( topWindow ) ;
			var iTop  = Math.max( scrollPosition.Y + ( viewSize.Height - height - 20 ) / 2, 0 ) ;
			var iLeft = Math.max( scrollPosition.X + ( viewSize.Width - width - 20 )  / 2, 0 ) ;

			// Setup the IFRAME that will hold the dialog.
			var dialog = topDocument.createElement( 'iframe' ) ;
			FCKTools.ResetStyles( dialog ) ;
			dialog.src = FCKConfig.BasePath + 'fckdialog.html' ;

			// Dummy URL for testing whether the code in fckdialog.js alone leaks memory.
			// dialog.src = 'about:blank';

			dialog.frameBorder = 0 ;
			dialog.allowTransparency = true ;
			FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( dialog,
						'position'	: ( useAbsolutePosition ) ? 'absolute' : 'fixed',
						'top'		: iTop + 'px',
						'left'		: iLeft + 'px',
						'width'		: width + 'px',
						'height'	: height + 'px',
						'zIndex'	: getZIndex()
					} ) ;

			// Save the dialog info to be used by the dialog page once loaded.
			dialog._DialogArguments = dialogInfo ;

			// Append the IFRAME to the target document.
			topDocument.body.appendChild( dialog ) ;

			// Keep record of the dialog's parent/child relationships.
			dialog._ParentDialog = topDialog ;
			topDialog = dialog ;

		 * (For internal use)
		 * Called when the top dialog is closed.
		OnDialogClose : function( dialogWindow )
			var dialog = dialogWindow.frameElement ;
			FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( dialog ) ;

			if ( dialog._ParentDialog )		// Nested Dialog.
				topDialog = dialog._ParentDialog ;
				dialog._ParentDialog.contentWindow.SetEnabled( true ) ;
			else							// First Dialog.
				// Set the Focus in the browser, so the "OnBlur" event is not
				// fired. In IE, there is no need to do that because the dialog
				// already moved the selection to the editing area before
				// closing (EnsureSelection). Also, the Focus() call here
				// causes memory leak on IE7 (weird).
				if ( !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE )
					FCK.Focus() ;

				this.HideMainCover() ;
				// Bug #1918: Assigning topDialog = null directly causes IE6 to crash.
				setTimeout( function(){ topDialog = null ; }, 0 ) ;

				// Release the previously saved selection.
				FCK.ToolbarSet.CurrentInstance.Selection.Release() ;

		DisplayMainCover : function()
			// Setup the DIV that will be used to cover.
			cover = topDocument.createElement( 'div' ) ;
			FCKTools.ResetStyles( cover ) ;
			FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( cover,
					'position' : 'absolute',
					'zIndex' : getZIndex(),
					'top' : '0px',
					'left' : '0px',
					'backgroundColor' : FCKConfig.BackgroundBlockerColor
				} ) ;
			FCKDomTools.SetOpacity( cover, FCKConfig.BackgroundBlockerOpacity ) ;

			// For IE6-, we need to fill the cover with a transparent IFRAME,
			// to properly block <select> fields.
			if ( FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE && !FCKBrowserInfo.IsIE7 )
				var iframe = topDocument.createElement( 'iframe' ) ;
				FCKTools.ResetStyles( iframe ) ;
				iframe.hideFocus = true ;
				iframe.frameBorder = 0 ;
				iframe.src = FCKTools.GetVoidUrl() ;
				FCKDomTools.SetElementStyles( iframe,
						'width' : '100%',
						'height' : '100%',
						'position' : 'absolute',
						'left' : '0px',
						'top' : '0px',
						'filter' : 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.Alpha(opacity=0)'
					} ) ;
				cover.appendChild( iframe ) ;

			// We need to manually adjust the cover size on resize.
			FCKTools.AddEventListener( topWindow, 'resize', resizeHandler ) ;
			resizeHandler() ;

			topDocument.body.appendChild( cover ) ;

			FCKFocusManager.Lock() ;

			// Prevent the user from refocusing the disabled
			// editing window by pressing Tab. (Bug #2065)
			var el = FCK.ToolbarSet.CurrentInstance.GetInstanceObject( 'frameElement' ) ;
			el._fck_originalTabIndex = el.tabIndex ;
			el.tabIndex = -1 ;

		HideMainCover : function()
			FCKDomTools.RemoveNode( cover ) ;
			FCKFocusManager.Unlock() ;

			// Revert the tab index hack. (Bug #2065)
			var el = FCK.ToolbarSet.CurrentInstance.GetInstanceObject( 'frameElement' ) ;
			el.tabIndex = el._fck_originalTabIndex ;
			FCKDomTools.ClearElementJSProperty( el, '_fck_originalTabIndex' ) ;

		GetCover : function()
			return cover ;
	} ;
} )() ;