www.gusucode.com > 2064网博士成品网站管理系统 PHP网站源码程序 > 2064/2064/base/nusoap/class.soap_parser.php


* soap_parser class parses SOAP XML messages into native PHP values
* @author   Dietrich Ayala <dietrich@ganx4.com>
* @version  $Id: class.soap_parser.php,v 1.27 2004/04/22 14:32:23 snichol Exp $
* @access   public
class soap_parser extends nusoap_base {

	var $xml = '';
	var $xml_encoding = '';
	var $method = '';
	var $root_struct = '';
	var $root_struct_name = '';
	var $root_struct_namespace = '';
	var $root_header = '';
    var $document = '';			// incoming SOAP body (text)
	// determines where in the message we are (envelope,header,body,method)
	var $status = '';
	var $position = 0;
	var $depth = 0;
	var $default_namespace = '';
	var $namespaces = array();
	var $message = array();
    var $parent = '';
	var $fault = false;
	var $fault_code = '';
	var $fault_str = '';
	var $fault_detail = '';
	var $depth_array = array();
	var $debug_flag = true;
	var $soapresponse = NULL;
	var $responseHeaders = '';	// incoming SOAP headers (text)
	var $body_position = 0;
	// for multiref parsing:
	// array of id => pos
	var $ids = array();
	// array of id => hrefs => pos
	var $multirefs = array();
	// toggle for auto-decoding element content
	var $decode_utf8 = true;

	* constructor
	* @param    string $xml SOAP message
	* @param    string $encoding character encoding scheme of message
	* @param    string $method
	* @param    string $decode_utf8 whether to decode UTF-8 to ISO-8859-1
	* @access   public
	function soap_parser($xml,$encoding='UTF-8',$method='',$decode_utf8=true){
		$this->xml = $xml;
		$this->xml_encoding = $encoding;
		$this->method = $method;
		$this->decode_utf8 = $decode_utf8;

		// Check whether content has been read.
			$this->debug('Entering soap_parser(), length='.strlen($xml).', encoding='.$encoding);
			// Create an XML parser - why not xml_parser_create_ns?
			$this->parser = xml_parser_create($this->xml_encoding);
			// Set the options for parsing the XML data.
			//xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 1);
			xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
			xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, $this->xml_encoding);
			// Set the object for the parser.
			xml_set_object($this->parser, $this);
			// Set the element handlers for the parser.
			xml_set_element_handler($this->parser, 'start_element','end_element');

			// Parse the XML file.
			    // Display an error message.
			    $err = sprintf('XML error parsing SOAP payload on line %d: %s',
				$this->debug("XML payload:\n" . $xml);
			} else {
				$this->debug('parsed successfully, found root struct: '.$this->root_struct.' of name '.$this->root_struct_name);
				// get final value
				$this->soapresponse = $this->message[$this->root_struct]['result'];
				// get header value: no, because this is documented as XML string
//				if($this->root_header != '' && isset($this->message[$this->root_header]['result'])){
//					$this->responseHeaders = $this->message[$this->root_header]['result'];
//				}
				// resolve hrefs/ids
				if(sizeof($this->multirefs) > 0){
					foreach($this->multirefs as $id => $hrefs){
						$this->debug('resolving multirefs for id: '.$id);
						$idVal = $this->buildVal($this->ids[$id]);
						foreach($hrefs as $refPos => $ref){
							$this->debug('resolving href at pos '.$refPos);
							$this->multirefs[$id][$refPos] = $idVal;
		} else {
			$this->debug('xml was empty, didn\'t parse!');
			$this->setError('xml was empty, didn\'t parse!');

	* start-element handler
	* @param    string $parser XML parser object
	* @param    string $name element name
	* @param    string $attrs associative array of attributes
	* @access   private
	function start_element($parser, $name, $attrs) {
		// position in a total number of elements, starting from 0
		// update class level pos
		$pos = $this->position++;
		// and set mine
		$this->message[$pos] = array('pos' => $pos,'children'=>'','cdata'=>'');
		// depth = how many levels removed from root?
		// set mine as current global depth and increment global depth value
		$this->message[$pos]['depth'] = $this->depth++;

		// else add self as child to whoever the current parent is
		if($pos != 0){
			$this->message[$this->parent]['children'] .= '|'.$pos;
		// set my parent
		$this->message[$pos]['parent'] = $this->parent;
		// set self as current parent
		$this->parent = $pos;
		// set self as current value for this depth
		$this->depth_array[$this->depth] = $pos;
		// get element prefix
			// get ns prefix
			$prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,':'));
			// get unqualified name
			$name = substr(strstr($name,':'),1);
		// set status
		if($name == 'Envelope'){
			$this->status = 'envelope';
		} elseif($name == 'Header'){
			$this->root_header = $pos;
			$this->status = 'header';
		} elseif($name == 'Body'){
			$this->status = 'body';
			$this->body_position = $pos;
		// set method
		} elseif($this->status == 'body' && $pos == ($this->body_position+1)){
			$this->status = 'method';
			$this->root_struct_name = $name;
			$this->root_struct = $pos;
			$this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'struct';
			$this->debug("found root struct $this->root_struct_name, pos $this->root_struct");
		// set my status
		$this->message[$pos]['status'] = $this->status;
		// set name
		$this->message[$pos]['name'] = htmlspecialchars($name);
		// set attrs
		$this->message[$pos]['attrs'] = $attrs;

		// loop through atts, logging ns and type declarations
        $attstr = '';
		foreach($attrs as $key => $value){
        	$key_prefix = $this->getPrefix($key);
			$key_localpart = $this->getLocalPart($key);
			// if ns declarations, add to class level array of valid namespaces
            if($key_prefix == 'xmlns'){
					$this->XMLSchemaVersion = $value;
					$this->namespaces['xsd'] = $this->XMLSchemaVersion;
					$this->namespaces['xsi'] = $this->XMLSchemaVersion.'-instance';
                $this->namespaces[$key_localpart] = $value;
				// set method namespace
				if($name == $this->root_struct_name){
					$this->methodNamespace = $value;
			// if it's a type declaration, set type
            } elseif($key_localpart == 'type'){
            	$value_prefix = $this->getPrefix($value);
                $value_localpart = $this->getLocalPart($value);
				$this->message[$pos]['type'] = $value_localpart;
				$this->message[$pos]['typePrefix'] = $value_prefix;
                	$this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $this->namespaces[$value_prefix];
                } else if(isset($attrs['xmlns:'.$value_prefix])) {
					$this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] = $attrs['xmlns:'.$value_prefix];
				// should do something here with the namespace of specified type?
			} elseif($key_localpart == 'arrayType'){
				$this->message[$pos]['type'] = 'array';
				/* do arrayType ereg here
				[1]    arrayTypeValue    ::=    atype asize
				[2]    atype    ::=    QName rank*
				[3]    rank    ::=    '[' (',')* ']'
				[4]    asize    ::=    '[' length~ ']'
				[5]    length    ::=    nextDimension* Digit+
				[6]    nextDimension    ::=    Digit+ ','
				$expr = '([A-Za-z0-9_]+):([A-Za-z]+[A-Za-z0-9_]+)\[([0-9]+),?([0-9]*)\]';
					$this->message[$pos]['typePrefix'] = $regs[1];
					$this->message[$pos]['arrayTypePrefix'] = $regs[1];
	                if (isset($this->namespaces[$regs[1]])) {
	                	$this->message[$pos]['arrayTypeNamespace'] = $this->namespaces[$regs[1]];
	                } else if (isset($attrs['xmlns:'.$regs[1]])) {
						$this->message[$pos]['arrayTypeNamespace'] = $attrs['xmlns:'.$regs[1]];
					$this->message[$pos]['arrayType'] = $regs[2];
					$this->message[$pos]['arraySize'] = $regs[3];
					$this->message[$pos]['arrayCols'] = $regs[4];
			// log id
			if($key == 'id'){
				$this->ids[$value] = $pos;
			// root
			if($key_localpart == 'root' && $value == 1){
				$this->status = 'method';
				$this->root_struct_name = $name;
				$this->root_struct = $pos;
				$this->debug("found root struct $this->root_struct_name, pos $pos");
            // for doclit
            $attstr .= " $key=\"$value\"";
        // get namespace - must be done after namespace atts are processed
			$this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $this->namespaces[$prefix];
			$this->default_namespace = $this->namespaces[$prefix];
		} else {
			$this->message[$pos]['namespace'] = $this->default_namespace;
        if($this->status == 'header'){
        	if ($this->root_header != $pos) {
	        	$this->responseHeaders .= "<" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name$attstr>";
        } elseif($this->root_struct_name != ''){
        	$this->document .= "<" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name$attstr>";

	* end-element handler
	* @param    string $parser XML parser object
	* @param    string $name element name
	* @access   private
	function end_element($parser, $name) {
		// position of current element is equal to the last value left in depth_array for my depth
		$pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth--];

        // get element prefix
			// get ns prefix
			$prefix = substr($name,0,strpos($name,':'));
			// get unqualified name
			$name = substr(strstr($name,':'),1);
		// build to native type
		if(isset($this->body_position) && $pos > $this->body_position){
			// deal w/ multirefs
				// get id
				$id = substr($this->message[$pos]['attrs']['href'],1);
				// add placeholder to href array
				$this->multirefs[$id][$pos] = 'placeholder';
				// add set a reference to it as the result value
				$this->message[$pos]['result'] =& $this->multirefs[$id][$pos];
            // build complex values
			} elseif($this->message[$pos]['children'] != ''){
				// if result has already been generated (struct/array
					$this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->buildVal($pos);
			// set value of simple type
			} else {
            	//$this->debug('adding data for scalar value '.$this->message[$pos]['name'].' of value '.$this->message[$pos]['cdata']);
            	if (isset($this->message[$pos]['type'])) {
					$this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$pos]['type'], isset($this->message[$pos]['type_namespace']) ? $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] : '');
				} else {
					$parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
					if (isset($this->message[$parent]['type']) && ($this->message[$parent]['type'] == 'array') && isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayType'])) {
						$this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->decodeSimple($this->message[$pos]['cdata'], $this->message[$parent]['arrayType'], isset($this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace']) ? $this->message[$parent]['arrayTypeNamespace'] : '');
					} else {
						$this->message[$pos]['result'] = $this->message[$pos]['cdata'];

				/* add value to parent's result, if parent is struct/array
				$parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];
				if($this->message[$parent]['type'] != 'map'){
					if(strtolower($this->message[$parent]['type']) == 'array'){
						$this->message[$parent]['result'][] = $this->message[$pos]['result'];
					} else {
						$this->message[$parent]['result'][$this->message[$pos]['name']] = $this->message[$pos]['result'];
        // for doclit
        if($this->status == 'header'){
        	if ($this->root_header != $pos) {
	        	$this->responseHeaders .= "</" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name>";
        } elseif($pos >= $this->root_struct){
        	$this->document .= "</" . (isset($prefix) ? $prefix . ':' : '') . "$name>";
		// switch status
		if($pos == $this->root_struct){
			$this->status = 'body';
			$this->root_struct_namespace = $this->message[$pos]['namespace'];
		} elseif($name == 'Body'){
			$this->status = 'envelope';
		 } elseif($name == 'Header'){
			$this->status = 'envelope';
		} elseif($name == 'Envelope'){
		// set parent back to my parent
		$this->parent = $this->message[$pos]['parent'];

	* element content handler
	* @param    string $parser XML parser object
	* @param    string $data element content
	* @access   private
	function character_data($parser, $data){
		$pos = $this->depth_array[$this->depth];
		if ($this->xml_encoding=='UTF-8'){
			// TODO: add an option to disable this for folks who want
			// raw UTF-8 that, e.g., might not map to iso-8859-1
			// TODO: this can also be handled with xml_parser_set_option($this->parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, "ISO-8859-1");
				$data = utf8_decode($data);
        $this->message[$pos]['cdata'] .= $data;
        // for doclit
        if($this->status == 'header'){
        	$this->responseHeaders .= $data;
        } else {
        	$this->document .= $data;

	* get the parsed message
	* @return	mixed
	* @access   public
	function get_response(){
		return $this->soapresponse;

	* get the parsed headers
	* @return	string XML or empty if no headers
	* @access   public
	function getHeaders(){
	    return $this->responseHeaders;

	* decodes entities
	* @param    string $text string to translate
	* @access   private
	function decode_entities($text){
		foreach($this->entities as $entity => $encoded){
			$text = str_replace($encoded,$entity,$text);
		return $text;

	* decodes simple types into PHP variables
	* @param    string $value value to decode
	* @param    string $type XML type to decode
	* @param    string $typens XML type namespace to decode
	* @access   private
	function decodeSimple($value, $type, $typens) {
		// TODO: use the namespace!
		if ((!isset($type)) || $type == 'string' || $type == 'long' || $type == 'unsignedLong') {
			return (string) $value;
		if ($type == 'int' || $type == 'integer' || $type == 'short' || $type == 'byte') {
			return (int) $value;
		if ($type == 'float' || $type == 'double' || $type == 'decimal') {
			return (double) $value;
		if ($type == 'boolean') {
			if (strtolower($value) == 'false' || strtolower($value) == 'f') {
				return false;
			return (boolean) $value;
		if ($type == 'base64' || $type == 'base64Binary') {
			return base64_decode($value);
		// obscure numeric types
		if ($type == 'nonPositiveInteger' || $type == 'negativeInteger'
			|| $type == 'nonNegativeInteger' || $type == 'positiveInteger'
			|| $type == 'unsignedInt'
			|| $type == 'unsignedShort' || $type == 'unsignedByte') {
			return (int) $value;
		// everything else
		return (string) $value;

	* builds response structures for compound values (arrays/structs)
	* @param    string $pos position in node tree
	* @access   private
	function buildVal($pos){
			$this->message[$pos]['type'] = '';
		$this->debug('inside buildVal() for '.$this->message[$pos]['name']."(pos $pos) of type ".$this->message[$pos]['type']);
		// if there are children...
		if($this->message[$pos]['children'] != ''){
			$children = explode('|',$this->message[$pos]['children']);
			array_shift($children); // knock off empty
			// md array
			if(isset($this->message[$pos]['arrayCols']) && $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols'] != ''){
            	$r=0; // rowcount
            	$c=0; // colcount
            	foreach($children as $child_pos){
					$this->debug("got an MD array element: $r, $c");
					$params[$r][] = $this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
				    if($c == $this->message[$pos]['arrayCols']){
				    	$c = 0;
            // array
			} elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'array' || $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Array'){
                $this->debug('adding array '.$this->message[$pos]['name']);
                foreach($children as $child_pos){
                	$params[] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
            // apache Map type: java hashtable
            } elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Map' && $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap'){
                foreach($children as $child_pos){
                	$kv = explode("|",$this->message[$child_pos]['children']);
                   	$params[$this->message[$kv[1]]['result']] = &$this->message[$kv[2]]['result'];
            // generic compound type
            //} elseif($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'SOAPStruct' || $this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'struct') {
		    } else {
	    		// Apache Vector type: treat as an array
				if ($this->message[$pos]['type'] == 'Vector' && $this->message[$pos]['type_namespace'] == 'http://xml.apache.org/xml-soap') {
					$notstruct = 1;
				} else {
	            	// is array or struct?
	            	foreach($children as $child_pos){
	            		if(isset($keys) && isset($keys[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']])){
	            			$notstruct = 1;
	            		$keys[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = 1;
            	foreach($children as $child_pos){
            			$params[] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
            		} else {
            			if (isset($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']])) {
            				// de-serialize repeated element name into an array
            				if (!is_array($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']])) {
            					$params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = array($params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']]);
            				$params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']][] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
            			} else {
					    	$params[$this->message[$child_pos]['name']] = &$this->message[$child_pos]['result'];
			return is_array($params) ? $params : array();
		} else {
        	$this->debug('no children');
		    	return  strtr($this->message[$pos]['cdata'],array_flip($this->entities));
            } else {
            	return $this->message[$pos]['cdata'];
