www.gusucode.com > 65:【198-5014】鲜花网购物商城织梦dedecms模板(带购物车带手机端) > 65:【198-5014】鲜花网购物商城织梦dedecms模板(带购物车带手机端)/style/js/jqthumb.js

    ;(function ( $, window, document, undefined ) {

    function log(type, msg){
            if(typeof type != 'undefined' && type && typeof msg != 'undefined' && msg){
                type = type.toLowerCase();
                if(type == 'error'){
                }else if(type == 'log'){
                    console.error('"' + type + '" is not supported as console type.');

    function strToNum(str){
        return str.toString().match(/\d+/)[0];

    function validateXYperc(val, wh){
        var temp = val.toString().match(/(-*)+\d+/)[0]; // '-200%' -> -200
        if(getMeasurement(val) == 'px'){
            if(val < 0){
                return 0;
            }else if(val > wh){
                return wh;
                return val;
        }else if(getMeasurement(val) == '%'){
            if(temp < 0){
                return '0%';
            }else if(temp > 100){
                return '100%';
                return val;

    function getMeasurement(str){ // determine if input is a PX or % value
        var ma = str.toString().match(/\d+(.*)/i);
                case '':
                    return 'px';
                case 'px':
                    return 'px';
                case '%':
                    return '%';

    var cssSupported = (function(){
        /* code available at http://net.tutsplus.com/tutorials/html-css-techniques/quick-tip-detect-css-support-in-browsers-with-javascript/ */
        var div     = document.createElement('div'),
            vendors = 'Khtml Ms O Moz Webkit'.split(' '),
            len     = vendors.length;

        return function(prop) {
            if ( prop in div.style ) return true;

            prop = prop.replace(/^[a-z]/, function(val) {
                return val.toUpperCase();

            for(var i in vendors){
                if ( vendors[i] + prop in div.style ) {
                    return true;
            return false;

    var pluginName       = 'jqthumb',
        resizeDataName   = pluginName + '-resize',
        oriStyleDataName = pluginName + '-original-styles',
        grandGlobal      = { outputElems: [], inputElems: [] },
        defaults         = {
            classname  : pluginName,
            width      : 100,
            height     : 100,
            position   : { x: '50%', y: '50%' },
            source     : 'src',
            responsive : 20,
            zoom       : 1,
            show       : true,
            method     : 'auto', // auto, modern, native
            before     : function(){},
            after      : function(){},
            done       : function(){}

    function Plugin ( element, options ) {// The actual plugin constructor
        this.element             = element;
        this.settings            = $.extend( {}, defaults, options );
        this.settings.width      = this.settings.width.toString().replace(/px/gi, '');
        this.settings.height     = this.settings.height.toString().replace(/px/gi, '');
        this.settings.position.y = validateXYperc(this.settings.position.y, this.settings.width);
        this.settings.position.x = validateXYperc(this.settings.position.x, this.settings.height);
        this.settings.zoom       = (this.settings.zoom < 0) ? 0 : this.settings.zoom;
        if(typeof options == 'string'){
            if(options.toLowerCase() == 'kill'){

    Plugin.prototype = {
        init: function () {
            var method = this.settings.method.toLowerCase();
            if(method == 'auto'){
                if(cssSupported('backgroundSize') === false){ // old browsers need to do calculation to perform same output like "background-size: cover"
                    this.native(this.element, this.settings);
                }else{ // modern browsers that support CSS3 would be easier
                    this.modern(this.element, this.settings);
            }else if(method == 'modern'){
                this.modern(this.element, this.settings);
            }else if(method == 'native'){
                this.native(this.element, this.settings);
                log('error', 'Invalid method. Only "auto", "modern" and "native" are allowed.');

        kill: function(_this){
            var $this = $(_this);

                var tempArr = [],
                    $thumb = $this.prev();

                if($thumb.data(pluginName) !== pluginName){
                    log('error', 'Could not find the element. It is probably due to one or more element has been added right before the image element after the plugin initialization or it was removed.');
                    return false;

                /* START: remove output elements */
                tempArr = [];
                $.each(grandGlobal.outputElems, function(index, obj){
                    if($(obj)[0] != $thumb[0]){
                grandGlobal.outputElems = tempArr;
                /* END: remove output elements */

                /* START: remove input elements */
                tempArr = [];
                $.each(grandGlobal.inputElems, function(index, obj){
                    if($(obj)[0] != $this[0]){
                grandGlobal.inputElems = tempArr;
                /* END: remove input elements */

                /* START: remove attached custom event */
                    $(window).unbind('resize', $thumb.data(resizeDataName));
                /* END: remove attached custom event */


                $this.removeAttr('style'); // first, remove all the styles first
                if(typeof $this.data(oriStyleDataName) !== 'undefined'){
                    $this.attr('style', $this.data(oriStyleDataName)); // then re-store the original styles
                    $this.removeData(oriStyleDataName); // remove data that stores the original stylings before the image being rendered

                if(typeof $this.data(pluginName) !== 'undefined'){
                    $this.removeData(pluginName); // remove data that stored during plugin initialization

        native: function(_this, options){

            options.before.apply(_this, [_this]);

            var that     = this,
                $this    = $(_this),
                $tempImg = $('<img/>');

            $this.data(oriStyleDataName, $this.attr('style')); // keep original styles into data


            $tempImg.bind('load', function(){
                var newImg        = {
                                        obj: $tempImg,
                                        size: {
                                            width  : this.width,
                                            height : this.height
                    pw            = getMeasurement(options.width),
                    ph            = getMeasurement(options.height),
                    optResp       = options.responsive,
                    $newImgObj    = $(newImg.obj),
                    $imgContainer = $('<div />'),
                    ratio         = 0,
                    resizeThumb   = function(){ // custom event for $(window).resize()
                                        }, optResp);
                    calculateReso = function(){
                                        var $newImgObjContainer      = $newImgObj.parent(),
                                            newImgObjContainerHeight = $newImgObjContainer.height(),
                                            newImgObjContainerWidth  = $newImgObjContainer.width(),
                                            optZ                     = options.zoom,
                                            optPosX                  = options.position.x,
                                            optPosY                  = options.position.y;

                                        if(newImg.size.width > newImg.size.height){ // horizontal

                                                'width'      : 'auto',
                                                'max-height' : 99999999,
                                                'min-height' : 0,
                                                'max-width'  : 99999999,
                                                'min-width'  : 0,
                                                'height'     : newImgObjContainerHeight + 'px'

                                            ratio = $newImgObj.height() / $newImgObj.width(); // get ratio

                                            if($newImgObj.width() < newImgObjContainerWidth){
                                                    'width' : newImgObjContainerWidth * optZ,
                                                    'height': parseFloat(newImgObjContainerWidth * ratio) * optZ
                                                    'width' : $newImgObj.width() * optZ,
                                                    'height': parseFloat($newImgObj.width() * ratio) * optZ

                                        }else{ // vertical

                                                'width'      : newImgObjContainerWidth + 'px',
                                                'max-height' : 99999999,
                                                'min-height' : 0,
                                                'max-width'  : 99999999,
                                                'min-width'  : 0,
                                                'height'     : 'auto'

                                            ratio = $newImgObj.width() / $newImgObj.height(); // get ratio

                                            if($newImgObj.height() < newImgObjContainerHeight){
                                                    'width' : parseFloat(newImgObjContainerHeight * ratio) * optZ,
                                                    'height': newImgObjContainerHeight * optZ


                                        if(options.zoom < 1){ // workaround for zoom level < 1
                                            var $subContainer = $('<div />'),
                                                optStrW       = options.width.toString(),
                                                optStrH       = options.height.toString(),
                                                mW            = getMeasurement(optStrW),
                                                mH            = getMeasurement(optStrH);

                                                    'width'    : parseFloat(strToNum(optStrW) * options.zoom) + mW,
                                                    'height'   : parseFloat(strToNum(optStrH) * options.zoom) + mH,
                                                    'position' : 'relative',
                                                    'overflow' : 'hidden'

                                            $newImgObj.appendTo($subContainer); // move $newImgObj into $subContainer

                                            'position'    : 'absolute',
                                            'left'        : (function(){
                                                var x = 0;
                                                if(getMeasurement(optPosX) == '%'){
                                                    x = parseFloat(($newImgObj.width() - $newImgObj.parent().width()) / 100 * strToNum(optPosX));
                                                    return (x <= 0) ? x + 'px' : '-' + x + 'px';
                                                }else if(getMeasurement(optPosX) == 'px' || isNaN(optPosX) === false){
                                                    return strToNum(optPosX) + 'px';
                                            'top'         : (function(){
                                                var y = 0;
                                                if(getMeasurement(optPosY) == '%'){
                                                    y = parseFloat(($newImgObj.height() - $newImgObj.parent().height()) / 100 * strToNum(optPosY));
                                                    return (y <= 0) ? y + 'px' : '-' + y + 'px';
                                                }else if(getMeasurement(optPosY) == 'px' || isNaN(optPosY) === false){
                                                    return strToNum(optPosY) + 'px';

                        'position' : 'relative',
                        'overflow' : 'hidden',
                        'width'    : strToNum(options.width) + getMeasurement(options.width),
                        'height'   : strToNum(options.height) + getMeasurement(options.height)
                    .data(pluginName, pluginName); // it would be easy to kill later


                if(!isNaN(optResp) && optResp > 0){
                    $imgContainer.data(resizeDataName, resizeThumb); // keep function into data for killing purpose later
                    $(window).bind('resize', $imgContainer.data(resizeDataName));


                if(options.show === true){
                options.after.apply(_this, [$imgContainer]);

                that.updateGlobal(_this, $imgContainer, options);

            }).attr('src', $this.attr(options.source)); // for older browsers, must bind events first then set attr later (IE7, IE8)

        modern: function (_this, options) {
            options.before.apply(_this, [_this]);

            var that = this,
                $oriImage = $(_this),
                $tempImg = $('<img />').attr('src', $oriImage.attr(options.source));

            $oriImage.data(oriStyleDataName, $oriImage.attr('style')); // keep original styles into data


            $.each($tempImg, function(index, obj){
                var $tempImg = $(obj);

                $tempImg.one('load', function() {
                    var optW                    = options.width,
                        optH                    = options.height,
                        optZ                    = options.zoom,
                        optPosX                 = options.position.x,
                        optPosY                 = options.position.y,
                        $featuredBgImgContainer = null,
                        $featuredBgImg          = null;

                    $featuredBgImgContainer = $('<div/>')
                                                    'width'    : strToNum(optW) + getMeasurement(optW),
                                                    'height'   : strToNum(optH) + getMeasurement(optH),
                                                    'display'  : 'none',
                                                    'position' : 'relative',
                                                    'overflow' : 'hidden'
                                                .data(pluginName, pluginName); // it would be easy to kill later

                    $featuredBgImg = $('<div/>')
                                            'width'              : '100%',
                                            'height'             : '100%',
                                            'background-image'   : 'url("' + $oriImage.attr(options.source) + '")',
                                            // '-ms-filter'         : '"progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.AlphaImageLoader(src="' + $oriImage.attr(options.source) + '",sizingMethod="scale")', // this does not work in Zepto
                                            'background-repeat'  : 'no-repeat',
                                            'background-position': strToNum(optPosX) + getMeasurement(optPosX) + ' ' + strToNum(optPosY) + getMeasurement(optPosY),
                                            'background-size'    : 'cover'


                    $featuredBgImgContainer.show(); // must show to get resolution
                            'width'    : parseFloat(100 * optZ) + '%',
                            'height'   : parseFloat(100 * optZ) + '%',
                            'position' : 'absolute'
                        .css({ // cannot combine css() as width and height have to be defined before doing calculation
                            'top'      : (function(){
                                // (cH - pH) / pH * 100 / percentage
                                var cH = $featuredBgImgContainer.height(),
                                    pH = $featuredBgImg.height();
                                if(getMeasurement(optPosY) == '%'){
                                    return '-' + parseFloat((pH - cH) / cH * 100 / (100 / strToNum(optPosY) ) ) + '%';
                            'left'     : (function(){
                                // (cW - pW) / cW * 100 / percentage
                                var cW = $featuredBgImgContainer.width(),
                                    pW = $featuredBgImg.width();
                                if(getMeasurement(optPosX) == '%'){
                                    return '-' + parseFloat((pW - cW) / cW * 100 / (100 / strToNum(optPosX) ) ) + '%';

                    if(options.show === true){

                    options.after.apply(_this, [$featuredBgImgContainer]);

                    that.updateGlobal(_this, $featuredBgImgContainer, options);

        updateGlobal: function(_this, obj, options){
            _this.global.outputElems.push( $(obj)[0] );
            grandGlobal.outputElems.push( $(obj)[0] );
            if(_this.global.elemCounter == _this.global.inputElems.length){
                options.done.apply(_this, [_this.global.outputElems]);

    $.fn[ pluginName ] = function ( options ) {

        var obj    = {},
            global = {
                        elemCounter : 0,
                        outputElems : [],
                        inputElems  : (function(_this){
                                            var $this   = $(_this),
                                                total   = $this.length,
                                                tempArr = [];
                                            for(var i=0; i<total; i++){
                                            return tempArr;

        obj[pluginName] = function(action){
            if(typeof action == 'undefined'){
                log('error', 'Please specify an action like $.' + pluginName + '("killall")');
            action = action.toLowerCase();
            if(action == 'killall'){
                $.each(grandGlobal.inputElems, function(){
                    new Plugin(this, 'kill');

        $.extend($, obj);

        return this.each(function() {

            var $eachImg = $(this);
            this.global = global;


            if(typeof options == 'string'){
                new Plugin(this, options);
                if (!$eachImg.data(pluginName)){
                    $eachImg.data(pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ));
                }else{ // re-rendered without killing it
                    new Plugin(this, 'kill');
                    $eachImg.data(pluginName, new Plugin( this, options ));

})( (window.jQuery || window.Zepto), window, document );