www.gusucode.com > 空战1942微信朋友圈小游戏源码程序 > 空战1942微信朋友圈小游戏源码程序/js/CaptainGeorge.min.js

    function hk(e, t) {
    1 == e.zv && aw(e.fm, e.gm - 16, 5);
    1 == e.bw && aw(e.fm, e.gm - 16, 8);
    1 == e.cw && aw(e.fm, e.gm + 16, 9);
    1 == e.dw && (aw(e.fm - 16, e.gm, 6), aw(e.fm + 16, e.gm, 7));
    1 == e.ew && (aw(e.fm - 16, e.gm - 16, 10), aw(e.fm + 16, e.gm - 16, 11));
    1 == e.fw && (aw(e.fm - 16, e.gm + 16, 12), aw(e.fm + 16, e.gm + 16, 13))

function ik(e, t) {
    e.gw(e.fm + (hw.iw - e.jw));
    e.kw(e.gm + (hw.lw - e.mw - e.nw));
    e.jw = hw.iw;
    e.mw = hw.lw;
    0 > e.fm ? e.gw(0) : 320 < e.fm && e.gw(320);
    1 != e.ow && (e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) - 60 ? e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) - 60) : e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) && e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw)))

function jk(e, t, n, r) {
    if (24 == r) {
        var i, s, o;
        t = -32;
        r = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 512;
        i = 48;
        s = 0;
        o = 24;
        for (e.ax = 0; e.ax < n; e.ax += 1) 0 == e.ax % 2 ? (aw(t - s, r, o), s += i) : 1 == e.ax % 2 && aw(t, r + s, o)
    } else if (27 == r)
        for (t = -32, r = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 32, i = 48, s = 0, o = 27, e.ax = 0; e.ax < n; e.ax += 1) 0 == e.ax % 2 ? (aw(t - s, r, o), s += i) : 1 == e.ax % 2 && aw(t, r - s, o);
    else if (25 == r)
        for (t = 352, r = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 512, i = 48, s = 0, o = 25, e.ax = 0; e.ax < n; e.ax += 1) 0 == e.ax % 2 ? (aw(t + s, r, o), s += i) : 1 == e.ax % 2 && aw(t, r + s, o);
    else if (26 == r)
        for (t = 352, r = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 32, i = 48, s = 0, o = 26, e.ax = 0; e.ax < n; e.ax += 1) 0 == e.ax % 2 ? (aw(t + s, r, o), s += i) : 1 == e.ax % 2 && aw(t, r - s, o)

function kk(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    t = n;
    0 == o ? (o = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 32, n = 1) : (o = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 512, n = -1);
    if ("flat_left" == s)
        for (e = 0; e < r; e++) aw(t, o, i), t += 48;
    else if ("flat_right" == s)
        for (e = 0; e < r; e++) aw(t, o, i), t -= 48;
    else if ("diagonal_left" == s)
        for (e = 0; e < r; e++) aw(t, o, i), t += 48, o -= 48 * n;
    else if ("diagonal_right" == s)
        for (e = 0; e < r; e++) aw(t, o, i), t -= 48, o -= 48 * n;
    else if ("V_formation" == s)
        for (s = 0, e.ax = 0; e.ax < r; e.ax += 1) 0 == e.ax ? (aw(t, o, i), s += 48, o -= 48 * n) : 1 == e.ax % 2 ? aw(t + s, o, i) : 0 == e.ax % 2 && (aw(t - s, o, i), s += 48, o -= 48 * n);
    else if ("reverse_V_formation" == s)
        for (s = 0, o -= 48 * n * ~~(r / 2), e.ax = 0; e.ax < r; e.ax += 1) 0 == e.ax ? (aw(t, o, i), s += 48, o += 48 * n) : 1 == e.ax % 2 ? aw(t + s, o, i) : 0 == e.ax % 2 && (aw(t - s, o, i), s += 48, o += 48 * n)

function lk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 12

function mk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 12

function nk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 6

function ok(e, t) {
    e.sx = 6

function pk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 30

function qk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 15

function rk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 20

function sk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 55

function tk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 20

function uk(e, t) {
    e.sx = 105

function vk(e, t) {
    6 < global.tx || 4 < global.tx && 0 == ux(0, 1) || 0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) && 0 == ux(0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6) && aw(e.fm, e.gm, ux(63, 64))

function wk(e, t) {
    0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) - 16 && e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) - 1 && (hw.vx += 30)

function xk(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) - 16 && (hw.vx += 30)

function yk(e, t) {
    0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) - 16 && e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) - 1 && (hw.vx += 10)

function zk(e, t) {
    0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) - 16 && e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) - 1 && (hw.vx += 15)

function al(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) && (hw.vx += 50)

function bl(e, t) {
    0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && (hw.vx += 80)

function cl(e, t) {
    0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) && e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) - 1 && (hw.vx += 200)

function dl(e, t) {
    hw.vx += 150

function el(e, t) {
    0 < e.fm && 320 > e.fm && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) && e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) - 1 && (hw.vx += 100)

function fl(e, t) {
    hw.vx += 300

function gl(e, t) {
    hw.vx += 1500

function hl(e, t) {
    aw(160, 192, 47);
    aw(160, 272, 48);
    aw(160, 352, 49)

function il(e, t) {}

function jl(e, t) {
    0 == e.bw ? (e.bw = 1, e.zv = 0) : 0 == e.ew ? e.ew = 1 : 0 == e.cw ? e.cw = 1 : 0 == e.dw ? e.dw = 1 : 0 == e.fw && (e.fw = 1)

function kl(e, t) {
    100 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 25, 5, 20, "diagonal_left", 0) : 200 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 290, 5, 20, "flat_right", 0) : 250 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0) : 300 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 45, 4, 21, "diagonal_left", 1) : 350 == e.wx ? aw(80, 0, 28) : 480 == e.wx ? aw(240, 0, 28) : 500 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 250, 4, 18, "diagonal_right", 0) : 600 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 70, 4, 17, "diagonal_left", 0) : 610 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 28) : 700 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 32) : 800 == e.wx ? aw(100, 0, 32) : 900 == e.wx ? aw(280, 0, 32) : 1050 == e.wx ? jk(e, t, 5, 26) : 1150 == e.wx ? jk(e, t, 5, 27) : 1300 == e.wx ? jk(e, t, 5, 26) : 1350 == e.wx ? jk(e, t, 5, 24) : 1400 == e.wx ? jk(e, t, 5, 26) : 1450 == e.wx ? jk(e, t, 5, 27) : 1500 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 1550 == e.wx ? (kk(e, t, 100, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0), kk(e, t, 220, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0)) : 1599 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 28) : 1600 == e.wx ? (aw(-48, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 29), aw(360, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 80, 30)) : 1650 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 9, 20, "V_formation", 0) : 1700 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 9, 20, "V_formation", 0) : 1750 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 30, 9, 17, "diagonal_left", 0) : 1800 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 30, 9, 18, "diagonal_right", 0) : 1900 == e.wx ? aw(-48, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 29) : 1950 == e.wx ? aw(360, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 30) : 2e3 == e.wx ? aw(-64, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 29) : 2050 == e.wx ? aw(386, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 30) : 2100 == e.wx ? aw(-48, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 29) : 2150 == e.wx ? aw(360, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 20, 30) : 2151 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 28) : 2280 == e.wx ? (aw(80, 0, 28), aw(240, 0, 28)) : 2400 == e.wx ? (jk(e, t, 5, 27), jk(e, t, 5, 26)) : 2600 == e.wx ? (jk(e, t, 5, 24), jk(e, t, 5, 25)) : 2800 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 31) : 2830 == e.wx ? aw(80, 0, 31) : 2860 == e.wx ? (aw(190, 0, 31), aw(160, 0, 36)) : 2890 == e.wx ? (aw(32, 0, 31), aw(288, 0, 31)) : 3e3 == e.wx ? (kk(e, t, 100, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0), kk(e, t, 220, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0)) : 3100 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 7, 20, "reverse_V_formation", 0) : 3200 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 60, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 3250 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 220, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 3300 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 140, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 3350 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 270, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 3400 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 80, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 3450 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 190, 3, 21, "reverse_V_formation", 1) : 3470 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 7, 20, "V_formation", 0) : 3600 == e.wx && aw(160, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 300, 34)

function ll(e, t) {
    if (1 != e.xx) {
        100 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 33) : 400 == e.wx ? (aw(80, 0, 33), aw(240, 0, 33)) : 800 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 33) : 1e3 == e.wx ? aw(40, 0, 33) : 1200 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0) : 1300 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0) : 1400 == e.wx ? (kk(e, t, 80, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0), kk(e, t, 240, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0)) : 1700 == e.wx ? (aw(60, 0, 33), aw(260, 0, 33)) : 2e3 == e.wx ? aw(160, 0, 33) : 2200 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0) : 2300 == e.wx ? kk(e, t, 160, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0) : 2400 == e.wx ? (kk(e, t, 80, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0), kk(e, t, 240, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0)) : 2600 == e.wx ? aw(77, 0, 33) : 2900 == e.wx && kk(e, t, 160, 3, 19, "V_formation", 0);
        var n, r;
        n = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0);
        r = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0);
        if (0 == e.xx)
            for (e.ax = 0; 14 > e.ax; e.ax += 1) 0 == pw(e, "__gmlboat_done__", e.ax) && pw(e, "__gmlboat_y__", e.ax) > n && pw(e, "__gmlboat_y__", e.ax) < r && 0 == ay(60) && (aw(pw(e, "__gmlboat_x__", e.ax), pw(e, "__gmlboat_y__", e.ax), 39), by(e, "__gmlboat_done__", e.ax, 1));
        3e3 <= e.wx && 64 > n && (cy(1e6, 352, 0), e.xx = 1, .5 < dy(67) || aw(160, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) - 32, 67))

function ml(e, t) {
    for (e.ax = 0; 14 > e.ax; e.ax += 1) by(e, "__gmlboat_done__", e.ax, 0);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 0, 32);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 0, 64);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 1, 224);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 1, 96);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 2, 128);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 2, 256);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 3, 16);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 3, 384);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 4, 224);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 4, 416);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 5, 32);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 5, 672);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 6, 160);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 6, 704);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 7, 224);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 7, 800);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 8, 32);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 8, 928);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 9, 160);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 9, 992);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 10, 64);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 10, 1120);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 11, 224);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 11, 1472);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 12, 32);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 12, 1824);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_x__", 13, 256);
    by(e, "__gmlboat_y__", 13, 1888)

function nl(e, t) {
    var n = fy(41),
    for (r in n) {
        var i = n[r];
        for (i.ax = 0; 14 > i.ax; i.ax += 1) by(i, "__gmlboat_done__", i.ax, 0)

function ol(e, t) {
    if (28 == t.iy) {
        if (12 == t.jy) return
    } else if (39 == t.iy) return;
    6 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 4) : 4 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 3) : 2 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 2) : hw.ky(hw.ly - 1);
    e.gw(e.fm + ux(ay(2), -ay(2)));
    e.kw(e.gm + ux(ay(2), -ay(2)));
    1 > global.my && (global.my = 1)

function pl(e, t) {
    oy("Hiscore", "score", hw.vx);

function ql(e, t) {.5 < qy("hiscore.ini") ? (ny("hiscore.ini"), global.ry = sy("Hiscore", "score", 0)) : (ny("hiscore.ini"), oy("Hiscore", "score", 0));

function qm(e, t) {
    global.my = 0;
    global.ty = 2;
    global.tx = 1;
    ql(e, t);
    global.uy = vy(67, wy("!"), 1, 1);

function vm(e, t) {
    yy(e, 49, -1, 0, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 439);
    0 > hw.ly && hw.ky(0);
    100 < hw.ly && hw.ky(100);
    global.zy < hw.ly ? global.zy = min(global.zy + 2, hw.ly) : global.zy > hw.ly && (global.zy = max(global.zy - 2, hw.ly));
    bz(4, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 27, 15, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 433, 0);
    bz(4, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 434, 15, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 26 + (407 - 4.07 * global.zy), 0);
    yy(e, 50, 0, 4, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 27);.5 < dy(52) || .5 < dy(66) || (az(255), cz(0), dz(2, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 2, "分数:" + ez(hw.vx)), cz(2), dz(203, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 2, "高分:" + (ez(global.ry) != "undefined" ? ez(global.ry) : 0)), cz(0))

function xm(e, t) {}

function ym(e, t) {
    global.zy = hw.ly;
    e.jw = hw.iw;
    e.mw = hw.lw;
    e.fz = 1;
    e.zv = 0;
    e.bw = 1;
    e.cw = 0;
    e.dw = 0;
    e.ew = 0;
    e.fw = 0;
    e.ow = 0;
    e.hz = 12

function an(e, t) {
    var n;
    n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 62);

function cn(e, t) {
    e.ow = 0

function en(e, t) {
    e.fz = 1

function gn(e, t) {
    0 >= hw.ly && kz(e);.5 < lz(1) && (1 == e.fz && (hk(e, t), e.fz = 0, by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 4)), ik(e, t));
    by(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + e.nw);
    if (0 > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw)) {
        var n = fy(15),
        for (r in n) {
            var i = n[r];
            i.kw(i.gm + (hw.pz - 480))
        by(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + (hw.pz - 480));
        e.mw += hw.pz - 480;
        e.ow = 1;
        by(e, "__alarm__", 1, 1);
        3 == hw.qz() && nl(e, t)

function jn(e, t) {
    0 < global.ty && (global.ty -= 1)

function ln(e, t) {
    e.jw = hw.iw;
    e.mw = hw.lw

function mn(e, t) {
    3 == hw.qz() && yy(e, 1, 0, e.fm, e.gm + 48);

function on(e, t) {

function pn(e, t) {
    ol(e, t)

function qn(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 2, 5)

function rn(e, t) {
    0 > e.fm || 320 < e.fm || e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) || aw(e.fm, e.gm, 60)

function tn(e, t) {
    0 > e.fm || 320 < e.fm || e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) ? 0 > pw(e, "__alarm__", 0) && by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 2) : by(e, "__alarm__", 2, 5)

function un(e, t) {

function vn(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function wn(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function xn(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function yn(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function zn(e, t) {
    0 > e.fm || 320 < e.fm || e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) || (aw(e.fm - 6, e.gm, 60), aw(e.fm + 6, e.gm, 60))

function ao(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function bo(e, t) {
    0 > e.fm || 320 < e.fm || e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) || (aw(e.fm - 6, e.gm, 60), aw(e.fm + 6, e.gm, 60))

function co(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function eo(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function fo(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function go(e, t) {
    tz(e, t)

function ho(e, t) {
    e.xz = 160;
    e.yz = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 160

function io(e, t) {
    e.xz = 160;
    e.yz = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 80;
    e.wz(zz(e.fm, e.gm, e.xz, e.yz));
    if (6 > aab(e.fm, e.gm, e.xz, e.yz)) {
        aw(e.fm, e.gm, 58);
        var n = fy(16),
        for (r in n) {
            var i = n[r];
            i.sx -= 50;
            0 > i.sx && (kz(i), 28 == i.iy || 31 == i.iy || 32 == i.iy ? aw(i.fm, i.gm, 58) : aw(i.fm, i.gm, 57))

function jo(e, t) {
    vk(e, t)

function ko(e, t) {
    if (28 != e.iy || 12 != e.jy) kz(t), e.sx = 8 == t.iy || 9 == t.iy ? e.sx - 2 : e.sx - 1, 0 > e.sx && (kz(e), 28 == e.iy || 31 == e.iy || 32 == e.iy ? aw(e.fm, e.gm, 58) : aw(e.fm, e.gm, 57))

function lo(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    e.gab = 0;
    e.hab = 0;
    e.iab = 200;
    lk(e, t)

function mo(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    wk(e, t)

function no(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 64 && 1 == e.gab && kz(e);
    if (0 == e.gab) {
        if (0 == e.hab && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + e.iab) {
            e.hab = 1;
            var n;
            n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 38);
        0 > e.nw && (e.gab = 1)
    1 == e.hab && (e.wz(e.kab + 5), 60 < e.kab && 120 > e.kab && (e.hab = 0))

function oo(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    e.gab = 0;
    e.hab = 0;
    e.iab = 200;
    lk(e, t)

function po(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    wk(e, t)

function qo(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 64 && 1 == e.gab && kz(e);
    if (0 == e.gab) {
        if (0 == e.hab && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + e.iab) {
            e.hab = 1;
            var n;
            n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 38);
        0 > e.nw && (e.gab = 1)
    1 == e.hab && (e.wz(e.kab - 5), 60 < e.kab && 120 > e.kab && (e.hab = 0))

function ro(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    e.gab = 0;
    e.hab = 0;
    e.iab = 200;
    mk(e, t);
    e.lab = 0

function so(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    xk(e, t)

function to(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 64 && 1 == e.gab && kz(e);
    if (0 == e.gab) {
        if (0 == e.hab && e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + e.iab && (e.hab = 1, 0 == e.lab)) {
            var n;
            n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 38);
            e.lab = 1
        0 > e.nw && (e.gab = 1)
    18 != e.jy && 9 != e.jy || e.gz(max(-5, e.nw - .2));
    1 == e.hab && (e.gz(max(-5, e.nw - .2)), e.jy = 18, e.fab = .2, e.hab = 0)

function vo(e, t) {
    18 == e.jy && (e.jy = 9, e.fab = .5)

function wo(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    nk(e, t)

function xo(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    yk(e, t)

function yo(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 500 && kz(e)

function zo(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    nk(e, t)

function ap(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    yk(e, t)

function bp(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 32 && kz(e)

function cp(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    nk(e, t)

function dp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    yk(e, t)

function ep(e, t) {
    350 < e.fm && kz(e)

function fp(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    nk(e, t)

function gp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    yk(e, t)

function hp(e, t) {
    -32 > e.fm && kz(e)

function ip(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    ok(e, t)

function jp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    zk(e, t)

function kp(e, t) {
    350 < e.fm && kz(e)

function lp(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    ok(e, t)

function mp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    zk(e, t)

function np(e, t) {
    -64 > e.fm && kz(e)

function op(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    ok(e, t)

function pp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    zk(e, t)

function qp(e, t) {
    -32 > e.fm && kz(e)

function rp(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    ok(e, t)

function sp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    zk(e, t)

function tp(e, t) {
    350 < e.fm && kz(e)

function up(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 240);
    e.fab = 0;
    e.mab = 0;
    pk(e, t);
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) + 32);
    e.fz = 0

function vp(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    al(e, t)

function wp(e, t) {
    e.fz = 1

function xp(e, t) {
    e.fab = .1

function yp(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 64 && kz(e);
    if (11 == e.jy)
        if (0 == e.fz) 0 > pw(e, "__alarm__", 1) && by(e, "__alarm__", 1, 30);
        else if (.5 < dy(3)) {
        var n;
        n = aw(e.fm, e.gm + 15, 38);
        jz(n).wz(zz(jz(n).fm, jz(n).gm, jz(3).fm, jz(3).gm) + ay(10) * ux(1, -1));
        e.fz = 0

function zp(e, t) {
    12 == e.jy && (e.jy = 11, e.fab = .5, e.mab = 1, e.gz(-2.5), e.nab(0))

function aq(e, t) {
    12 == e.jy && (0 == floor(e.oab) ? yy(e, 13, 0, e.fm, e.gm + 16) : 1 == floor(e.oab) ? yy(e, 13, 1, e.fm, e.gm + 32) : 2 == floor(e.oab) && yy(e, 13, 2, e.fm, e.gm + 64));

function bq(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 20);
    qk(e, t)

function cq(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    bl(e, t)

function dq(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 20);
    aw(e.fm, e.gm, 42)

function eq(e, t) {
    350 < e.fm && kz(e)

function fq(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 20);
    qk(e, t)

function gq(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    bl(e, t)

function hq(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 20);
    aw(e.fm, e.gm, 42)

function iq(e, t) {
    -64 > e.fm && kz(e)

function jq(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 960);
    rk(e, t)

function kq(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    cl(e, t)

function lq(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 96 && kz(e);
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 480 && 2 > global.my && (global.my = 2)

function mq(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 500 && yy(e, 38, -1, e.fm, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 440)

function nq(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 480);
    rk(e, t)

function oq(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    cl(e, t)

function pq(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 500 && kz(e);
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) && 2 > global.my && (global.my = 2)

function qq(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 32 && yy(e, 39, -1, e.fm, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw))

function rq(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    sk(e, t);
    e.fz = 1;
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) - 56)

function sq(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    dl(e, t)

function tq(e, t) {
    e.fz = 1

function uq(e, t) {
    if (e.gm >= pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 48 && (e.gz(-2), 0 == e.pab && e.uz(ux(2, -2)), 1 == e.fz)) {
        var n;
        n = aw(e.fm, e.gm + 8, 37);
        e.fz = 0;
        by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 30)
    32 > e.fm && e.uz(2);
    288 < e.fm && e.uz(-2)

function vq(e, t) {
    yy(e, 23, 0, e.fm, e.gm + 48);

function xq(e, t) {
    e.fab = 1;
    e.sx = 700;
    e.qab = 0;
    e.fz = 1;
    e.rab = 1;
    e.sab = 0;
    e.tab = 1

function zq(e, t) {
    e.rab = 1

function ar(e, t) {
    e.jy = 59;
    e.fab = .1

function br(e, t) {
    e.tab = 1

function cr(e, t) {
    e.fz = 1

function dr(e, t) {
    e.gm >= pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) && (e.gz(-2), 0 == e.pab && 0 == e.sab && e.uz(1), e.qab = 1);
    96 > e.fm && e.uz(1);
    224 < e.fm && e.uz(-1);
    if (1 == e.qab) {
        if (1 == e.fz && 0 == e.sab && .5 < dy(3)) {
            var n;
            n = aw(e.fm - 15, e.gm + 130, 37);
            jz(n).wz(zz(jz(n).fm, jz(n).gm, jz(3).fm, jz(3).gm) + ay(10) * ux(1, -1));
            n = aw(e.fm + 15, e.gm + 130, 37);
            jz(n).wz(zz(jz(n).fm, jz(n).gm, jz(3).fm, jz(3).gm) + ay(15) * ux(1, -1));
            e.fz = 0;
            by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 30)
        1 == e.rab && 0 == e.sab && .5 < dy(3) && (n = aw(e.fm, e.gm + 195, 37), jz(n).vz(6), jz(n).wz(300), n = aw(e.fm, e.gm + 195, 37), jz(n).vz(6), jz(n).wz(240), e.rab = 0, by(e, "__alarm__", 3, 30))
    1 == e.sab && (0 > pw(e, "__alarm__", 2) && 58 == e.jy && by(e, "__alarm__", 2, 60), 59 == e.jy && 1 == floor(e.oab) && e.nab(20), e.uz(0), 1 == e.tab && (58 == e.jy ? 0 == ux(0, 1) ? aw(e.fm + ay(15) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + ay(200), 57) : aw(e.fm + ay(120) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + (40 + ay(60)), 57) : 1 == floor(e.oab) ? (n = 0 == ux(0, 1) ? aw(e.fm + ay(15) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + ay(140), 59) : aw(e.fm + ay(80) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + (40 + ay(60)), 59), jz(n).nab(20)) : 2 == floor(e.oab) ? (n = 0 == ux(0, 1) ? aw(e.fm + ay(15) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + (40 + ay(80)), 59) : aw(e.fm + ay(40) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + (40 + ay(20)), 59), jz(n).nab(20)) : 3 == floor(e.oab) && (n = 0 == ux(0, 1) ? aw(e.fm + ay(15) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + (80 + ay(20)), 59) : aw(e.fm + ay(25) * ux(1, -1), e.gm + (70 + ay(20)), 59), jz(n).nab(20)), e.tab = 0, by(e, "__alarm__", 1, 10)))

function er(e, t) {
    if (59 == e.jy) {
        var n;
        n = aw(e.fm, e.gm + 120, 58);
        n = aw(e.fm, e.gm + 90, 58);
        aw(e.fm, e.gm + 100, 35);
        5 > global.my && (global.my = 5)

function fr(e, t) {
    59 == e.jy && (1 == floor(e.oab) ? yy(e, 60, 0, e.fm, e.gm + 240) : 2 == floor(e.oab) ? yy(e, 60, 1, e.fm, e.gm + 200) : 3 == floor(e.oab) && yy(e, 60, 2, e.fm, e.gm + 140));

function gr(e, t) {
    59 != e.jy && (kz(t), e.sx = 8 == t.iy || 9 == t.iy ? e.sx - 2 : e.sx - 1, 0 > e.sx && (e.sab = 1))

function hr(e, t) {
    gl(e, t)

function ir(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) && (kz(e), aw(0, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0), 54))

function jr(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) + 48);
    e.fab = 0

function kr(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 64 && kz(e)

function lr(e, t) {
    yy(e, e.jy, 1, e.fm, e.gm + 32);

function mr(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 5)

function nr(e, t) {
    (0 > e.fm || 320 < e.fm || e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw)) && kz(e);
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 5)

function or(e, t) {
    6 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 40) : 4 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 30) : 2 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 20) : hw.ky(hw.ly - 10);
    aw(e.fm, e.gm, 61)

function pr(e, t) {
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 5)

function qr(e, t) {
    (0 > e.fm || 320 < e.fm || e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw)) && kz(e);
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 5)

function rr(e, t) {
    6 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 20) : 4 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 15) : 2 < global.tx ? hw.ky(hw.ly - 10) : hw.ky(hw.ly - 5);
    aw(e.fm, e.gm, 60)

function sr(e, t) {
    e.jab(ux(0, 90, 180, 270));
    e.fab = .1;
    e.uab = 0;
    e.fz = 1;
    tk(e, t)

function tr(e, t) {
    tz(e, t);
    var n;
    n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 40);

function ur(e, t) {
    e.fz = 1

function vr(e, t) {
    if (1 == e.uab && 1 == e.fz && .5 < dy(3)) {
        var n;
        n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 38);
        jz(n).wz(zz(e.fm, e.gm, jz(3).fm, jz(3).gm));
        e.fz = 0;
        by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 45)
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 520 && kz(e)

function wr(e, t) {
    e.fab = 0;
    e.eab(e.wab() - 1);
    e.uab = 1

function xr(e, t) {
    e.fab = .2;
    el(e, t)

function yr(e, t) {

function zr(e, t) {
    il(e, t);
    e.wx = 0;
    3 == hw.qz() && ml(e, t);
    e.xx = 0

function as(e, t) {
    e.wx += 1;
    2 == hw.qz() ? kl(e, t) : ll(e, t)

function bs(e, t) {
    e.fab = .2

function cs(e, t) {
    e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", hw.qw) && aw(e.fm, e.gm, 57)

function ds(e, t) {
    (e.gm < pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) - 16 || e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 496 || -16 > e.fm || 336 < e.fm) && kz(e)

function es(e, t) {
    hw.ky(hw.ly - 20);
    3 > global.my && (global.my = 3)

function fs(e, t) {
    e.xab = 0;
    e.mab = 1;
    e.yab = 0

function gs(e, t) {
    0 == e.mab && (e.yab = 1)

function hs(e, t) {
    1 == e.mab ? 1 > e.xab ? e.xab += .1 : (e.xab = 1, e.mab = 0) : 1 == e.yab && (0 < e.xab ? e.xab -= .1 : (kz(e), hl(e, t)));

function is(e, t) {
    e.xab = 0;
    e.mab = 1;
    e.yab = 0

function js(e, t) {
    0 == e.mab && (e.yab = 1)

function ks(e, t) {
    1 == e.mab ? 1 > e.xab ? e.xab += .1 : (e.xab = 1, e.mab = 0) : 1 == e.yab && (0 < e.xab ? e.xab -= .1 : (kz(e), hl(e, t)));

function ls(e, t) {
    e.xab = 0;
    e.mab = 1;
    e.yab = 0

function ms(e, t) {
    1 == e.mab ? 1 > e.xab ? e.xab += .1 : (e.xab = 1, e.mab = 0) : 1 == e.yab && (0 < e.xab ? e.xab -= .1 : kz(e));

function ns(e, t) {
    e.zab = 0;
    tz(e, t)

function ps(e, t) {
    0 == e.mab && 0 == e.yab && (.5 < dy(50) || abb(e, t, 0))

function rs(e, t) {
    aw(0, 0, 50)

function ss(e, t) {
    1 == e.zab && aw(0, 0, 44)

function ts(e, t) {
    var n = fy(45),
    for (r in n) n[r].yab = 1;
    e.zab = 1

function us(e, t) {
    1 == e.zab && aw(0, 0, 43)

function vs(e, t) {
    var n = fy(45),
    for (r in n) n[r].yab = 1;
    e.zab = 1

function ws(e, t) {
    e.xab = 0

function xs(e, t) {
    e.xab += .05;
    1 <= e.xab && hbb(2)

function ys(e, t) {
    aw(0, 0, 52);
    hw.vx = 0;
    global.ty = 2;
    global.tx = 1

function zs(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw));

function at(e, t) {

function bt(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw));
    e.xab -= .05;
    if (0 >= e.xab)
        if (2 == hw.qz() || 3 == hw.qz()) 0 > pw(e, "__alarm__", 0) && by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 60);
        else {
    if (2 == hw.qz() || 3 == hw.qz()) 2 >= global.tx ? (cz(1), az(0), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 122, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), az(16777215), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 120, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!")) : 4 >= global.tx ? (cz(1), az(0), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 122, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 232, "*难度增加*"), az(16777215), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 120, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 230, "*难度增加*")) : 6 >= global.tx ? (cz(1), az(0), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 122, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 232, "*越来越难*"), az(16777215), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 120, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 230, "*越来越难*")) : (cz(1), az(0), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 122, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), dz(112, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 232, "*一流飞行师!*"), az(16777215), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 120, "关卡 " + ez(global.tx) + "#请准备!"), dz(110, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + 230, "*一流飞行师!*")), cz(0)

function ct(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0));
    e.xab = 0

function dt(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw));
    e.xab += .05;.95 <= e.xab && hbb(1);

function et(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0));
    e.xab = 0

function ft(e, t) {
    e.kw(pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw));
    e.xab += .05;.95 <= e.xab && (2 == hw.qz() ? hbb(3) : 3 == hw.qz() && hbb(2), kz(e), global.tx += 1);

function gt(e, t) {
    e.fab = 1;
    e.jy = ux(53, 54, 55, 56)

function ht(e, t) {

function it(e, t) {
    e.fab = 1

function jt(e, t) {

function kt(e, t) {
    e.fab = .5

function lt(e, t) {

function mt(e, t) {
    e.fab = 1

function nt(e, t) {

function ot(e, t) {
    e.fab = 1

function pt(e, t) {

function qt(e, t) {
    e.fab = .5

function rt(e, t) {
    by(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + e.nw);
    if (0 > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw)) {
        var n = fy(15),
        for (r in n) {
            var i = n[r];
            i.kw(i.gm + (hw.pz - 480))
        by(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + (hw.pz - 480));
        3 == hw.qz() && nl(e, t)
    2 > global.my && (global.my = 2)

function st(e, t) {
    var n;
    n = aw(0, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 80, 66);

function tt(e, t) {

function ut(e, t) {
    jl(t, e);

function vt(e, t) {

function wt(e, t) {
    hw.ky(hw.ly + 25);

function xt(e, t) {
    e.gm > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 500 && kz(e);
    e.uz(ux(1, -1))

function yt(e, t) {
    // play68_submitScore(hw.vx);
    // Play68.setRankingScoreDesc(hw.vx);
    hw.vx > global.ry && (global.ry = hw.vx, pl(e, t))

function zt(e, t) {
    by(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + e.nw);
    if (0 > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw)) {
        var n = fy(15),
        for (r in n) {
            var i = n[r];
            i.kw(i.gm + (hw.pz - 480))
        by(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + (hw.pz - 480));
        3 == hw.qz() && nl(e, t)

function au(e, t) {.5 < dy(53) || aw(0, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0), 53)

function bu(e, t) {
    e.pbb = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 68);
    jz(e.pbb).qbb = 1;
    e.rbb = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 68);
    jz(e.rbb).qbb = 2;
    e.sbb = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 68);
    jz(e.sbb).qbb = 3;
    e.tbb = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 68);
    jz(e.tbb).qbb = 4;
    e.ubb = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 68);
    jz(e.ubb).qbb = 5;
    e.vbb = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 68);
    jz(e.vbb).qbb = 6;
    e.sab = 0

function cu(e, t) {
    0 == e.sab && (e.gm >= pw(hw, "__view_yview__", hw.qw) + 256 && (e.gz(-2), 0 == e.pab && e.uz(ux(1, -1))), 32 > e.fm && e.uz(1), 288 < e.fm && e.uz(-1));
    1 == e.sab && (0 == ux(0, 1, 2, 3, 4) && aw(e.fm + ay(50) * ux(1, -1), e.gm - ay(480), 57), e.gm - 500 > pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0) + pw(hw, "__view_hview__", 0) && (.5 < dy(54) || aw(0, pw(hw, "__view_yview__", 0), 54)));
    0 != e.sab || .5 < dy(e.pbb) || .5 < dy(e.rbb) || .5 < dy(e.sbb) || .5 < dy(e.tbb) || .5 < dy(e.ubb) || .5 < dy(e.vbb) || (e.sab = 1, e.wbb = .1)

function du(e, t) {
    e.qbb = -1;
    uk(e, t);
    e.fz = 0;
    by(e, "__alarm__", 0, 60);
    1 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 2 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 3 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76)) : 4 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76));
    5 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123)) : 6 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123))

function eu(e, t) {
    var n;
    n = aw(e.fm, e.gm, 69);
    jz(n).qbb = e.qbb;
    tz(e, t)

function fu(e, t) {
    e.fz = 1

function gu(e, t) {
    if (.5 < dy(3) && (e.jab(zz(e.fm, e.gm, jz(3).fm, jz(3).gm)), 1 == e.fz)) {
        var n;
        n = aw(e.fm + xbb(12, e.vab), e.gm + ybb(12, e.vab), 37);
        jz(n).wz(e.vab + ay(10) * ux(1, -1));
        by(e, "__alarm__", 0, ux(30, 40, 50));
        e.fz = 0
    1 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 2 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 3 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76)) : 4 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76));
    5 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123)) : 6 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123))

function hu(e, t) {
    fl(e, t);
    e.qbb = -1;
    1 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 2 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 3 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76)) : 4 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76));
    5 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123)) : 6 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123))

function iu(e, t) {
    1 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 2 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 31)) : 3 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76)) : 4 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 76));
    5 == e.qbb ? (e.gw(jz(67).fm - 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123)) : 6 == e.qbb && (e.gw(jz(67).fm + 19), e.kw(jz(67).gm - 123))

function log(e) {
    setTimeout(function() {
        throw new pwc(e)
    }, 0)

function bpd(e) {
    for (var t in wod)
        if (wod[t] == e) return t;
    log("Failed to find pre-exisiting mouse device index");
    return -1

function dpd(e) {
    var t = -1,
    for (n in wod)
        if (wod[n] == e || -1 == wod[n]) {
            t = n;
        } - 1 == t && (t = wod.length);
    wod[t] = e;
    return t

function fpd(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < e.changedTouches.length; t++) {
        var n = e.changedTouches[t],
            r = -1;
        xod = e.type;
        switch (e.type) {
            case "touchstart":
                r = dpd(n.ipd);
            case "touchend":
                r = bpd(n.ipd);
                wod[r] = -1;
            case "touchmove":
                r = bpd(n.ipd);
        if (0 == r) switch (null != jpd && (kpd = n.screenX, lpd = n.screenY), e.type) {
            case "touchstart":
                mpd = 1;
            case "touchmove":
                mpd = 1;
            case "touchend":
                mpd = 0
        npd[r].fm = n.screenX;
        npd[r].gm = n.screenY;
        yod = n.screenX;
        zod = n.screenY;
        switch (e.type) {
            case "touchstart":
                npd[r].opd = ppd | qpd | rpd;
            case "touchend":
                npd[r].opd = 0

function spd() {
    qod.ontouchstart = fpd;
    qod.ontouchmove = fpd;
    qod.ontouchend = fpd;
    qod.ontouchcancel = fpd

function aqd(e, t) {
    this.dqd = [];
    this.eqd = e;
    this.fqd = t;
    for (var n = e * t, r = 0; r < n; r++) this.dqd[r] = null

function hqd() {
    var e = new iqd;
    e.jqd = !0;
    return kqd.cjc(e)

function lqd(e, t) {
    var n = kqd.pqd(e);
    if (n) return n.cjc(t);
    pwc("Error: invalid ds_list ID (ds_list_add)");
    return -1

function qqd() {
    return sqd.cjc({})

function tqd(e) {

function vqd(e) {
    sqd.pqd(e) && sqd.kjb(e, {})

function xqd(e, t, n) {
    var r = sqd.pqd(e);
    r && (void 0 != r[t] && pwc("Error: KEY(" + t + ") already present in ds_map[" + e + "], you can not add a key twice."), r[t] = n)

function srd(e) {
    var t = new Date;
    return 36e5 * (t.getHours() - t.getUTCHours())

function fsd() {
    var e;
    for (e = 0; e < arguments.length; ++e) yrd(arguments[e])

function pwc() {
    var e;
    for (e = 0; e < arguments.length; ++e) yrd(arguments[e])

function gsd(e) {
    wrd[e] || (wrd[e] = !0, fsd(e))

function isd(e) {
    urd[e] || (urd[e] = !0, fsd("Error: function " + e + " is not supported."))

function ksd(e) {
    urd[e] || (urd[e] = !0, fsd("Error: function " + e + " is not yet implemented"))

function lsd() {
    this.msd = "";
    this.nsd = 0;
    this.psd = this.osd = !1;
    this.qsd = ""

function qy(e) {
    return !0 == wsd(e, !0) ? !0 : wsd(e, !1)

function cz(e) {
    ysd.zsd = e

function ibb(e) {
    ysd.btd = e

function dz(e, t, n) {
    ysd.etd(n.toString(), e, t, -1, -1, 0, 1, 1)

function ftd(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    ysd.etd(n.toString(), e, t, -1, -1, s, r, i)

function jtd(e) {
    return (e = ysd.pqd(e)) ? e.ltd : ""

function ntd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    var u = new vtd;
    u.wtd = !0;
    u.sj = "fnt_" + e;
    u.ltd = e;
    u.sl = t;
    u.bold = n;
    u.tl = r;
    u.ul = i;
    u.vl = s;
    u.xtd = t + "pt " + e + " ";
    n && (u.xtd += "bold ");
    r && (u.xtd += "Italic ");
    return o ? ysd.ytd(u) : u

function vy(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = new vtd;
    i.wtd = !0;
    i.sj = "sprite_font: " + e.sj;
    i.ltd = "spritefont";
    i.sl = e.width;
    i.bold = !1;
    i.tl = !1;
    i.ul = t;
    i.cud = !0;
    i.prop = n;
    i.dud = eud.pqd(e);
    i.vl = t + i.dud.fud;
    i.gud = r;
    return ysd.ytd(i)

function jud() {
    kud[0] = kud[1] = kud[2] = kud[3] = kud[4] = kud[5] = kud[6] = kud[7] = kud[8] = kud[9] = 0;
    lud[0] = lud[1] = lud[2] = lud[3] = lud[4] = lud[5] = lud[6] = lud[7] = lud[8] = lud[9] = mud

function nud(e, t, n) {
    var r, i, s, o;
    r = e >> 8 & 255;
    s = e & 255;
    i = t >> 8 & 255;
    o = t & 255;
    var u = 1 - n;
    e = tud((e >> 16 & 255) * u + (t >> 16 & 255) * n);
    r = tud(r * u + i * n);
    n = tud(s * u + o * n);
    return (e & 255) << 16 | (r & 255) << 8 | n & 255

function wud(e, t, n) {
    return nud(e, t, n)

function xud(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = dvd;
    dvd = !0;
    var s = evd(n, r);
    n = gvd(n, r);
    e.hvd(s, n, e, t);
    dvd = i

function ivd(e, t, n, r) {
    t = nvd.pqd(n);
    null != t && void 0 != t && (r = t.pvd[r], null != r && void 0 != r && r.qvd(e, e))

function abb(e, t, n) {
    (0 > n || 15 < n) && pwc("Error: illegal user event ID: " + n);
    n += svd;
    xud(e, t, tvd, n)

function tz(e, t) {
    if (null != e.uvd.vvd) {
        var n = e.iy,
            r = e.uvd;
        e.iy = xvd.yvd;
        e.uvd = xvd.vvd;
        e.hvd(zvd, awd, e, t);
        e.iy = n;
        e.uvd = r

function dwd(e, t) {
    var n = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
    gxc.iwd(n[0], n[1], n[2], n[3], n[4], n[5]);
    gxc.clearRect && 0 == e && 0 == t ? gxc.clearRect(lwd, mwd, nwd, owd) : (gxc.globalAlpha = t, gxc.fillStyle = jwd(kwd(e), t), gxc.globalCompositeOperation = "copy", gxc.fillRect(lwd, mwd, nwd, owd));

function qwd(e) {
    var t = 0,
        n = 0,
        r = 0,
        i = t = 0,
        s = 0,
        o = 0,
        i = 0,
        t = (e >> 16 & 255) / 255,
        n = (e >> 8 & 255) / 255,
        r = (e & 255) / 255,
        i = uwd(uwd(t, n), r),
        s = vwd(vwd(t, n), r),
        o = s - i,
        i = 0 == s ? 0 : 1 * o / s,
        t = 0 == i ? 0 : t == s ? 60 * (n - r) / o : n == s ? 120 + 60 * (r - t) / o : 240 + 60 * (t - n) / o;
    0 > t && (t += 360);
    return Math.floor(255 * s) << 16 & 255 | Math.floor(255 * i) << 8 | Math.floor(255 * t / 360) & 255

function az(e) {
    ywd = e;
    zwd = kwd(e);
    axd = bxd(zwd);
    cxd = jwd(zwd, dxd)

function fxd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    n -= e;
    r -= t;
    fob = 10;
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    gxc.moveTo(e + fob, t);
    gxc.lineTo(e + n - fob, t);
    gxc.quadraticCurveTo(e + n, t, e + n, t + fob);
    gxc.lineTo(e + n, t + r - fob);
    gxc.quadraticCurveTo(e + n, t + r, e + n - fob, t + r);
    gxc.lineTo(e + fob, t + r);
    gxc.quadraticCurveTo(e, t + r, e, t + r - fob);
    gxc.lineTo(e, t + fob);
    gxc.quadraticCurveTo(e, t, e + fob, t);
    o ? (gxc.strokeStyle = jwd(kwd(i), 1), gxc.stroke()) : (gxc.fillStyle = jwd(kwd(i), 1), gxc.fill())

function lxd(e, t, n, r, i) {
    e = ~~e;
    t = ~~t;
    n = ~~n;
    r = ~~r;
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    i ? (gxc.lineWidth = 1, gxc.strokeStyle = cxd, gxc.mxd(e + .5, t + .5, n - e, r - t)) : (gxc.fillStyle = cxd, gxc.nxd(e, t, n - e + 1, r - t + 1))

function pxd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {
    i = jwd(kwd(i), 1);
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    a ? (gxc.lineWidth = 1, gxc.strokeStyle = i, gxc.mxd(e + .5, t + .5, n - e, r - t)) : (gxc.fillStyle = i, gxc.nxd(e + .5, t + .5, n - e, r - t))

function txd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    gxc.lineWidth = 1;
    i = bxd(kwd(i));
    s = bxd(kwd(s));
    o = o ? gxc.createLinearGradient(e, t, e, r) : gxc.createLinearGradient(e, t, n, t);
    o.addColorStop(0, i);
    o.addColorStop(1, s);
    u ? (gxc.strokeStyle = o, gxc.mxd(e + .5, t + .5, n - e, r - t)) : (gxc.fillStyle = o, gxc.nxd(e + .5, t + .5, n - e, r - t))

function xxd(e, t) {
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    gxc.fillStyle = cxd;
    gxc.nxd(e, t, 1, 1)

function yxd(e, t, n, r, i) {
    zxd(e, t, n, r, i, ywd, ywd)

function ayd(e, t, n, r) {
    yxd(e, t, n, r, 1)

function cyd(e, t) {
    return dyd(qod, e, t) & 16777215

function fyd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    e += .5;
    t += .5;
    n += .5;
    r += .5;
    i += .5;
    s += .5;
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    gxc.lineWidth = 1;
    o ? (gxc.strokeStyle = cxd, gxc.iyd(), gxc.jyd(e, t), gxc.kyd(n, r), gxc.kyd(i, s), gxc.kyd(e, t), gxc.lyd(), gxc.myd()) : (gxc.strokeStyle = cxd, gxc.lineJoin = "bevel", gxc.fillStyle = cxd, gxc.iyd(), gxc.jyd(e, t), gxc.kyd(n, r), gxc.kyd(i, s), gxc.kyd(e, t), gxc.nyd(), gxc.lyd(), gxc.myd(), gxc.lineJoin = "miter")

function pyd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f) {
    o = bxd(kwd(o) | 4278190080);
    e += .5;
    t += .5;
    n += .5;
    r += .5;
    i += .5;
    s += .5;
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    gxc.lineWidth = 1;
    f ? (gxc.strokeStyle = o, gxc.iyd(), gxc.jyd(e, t), gxc.kyd(n, r), gxc.kyd(i, s), gxc.kyd(e, t), gxc.lyd(), gxc.myd()) : (gxc.strokeStyle = o, gxc.lineJoin = "bevel", gxc.fillStyle = o, gxc.iyd(), gxc.jyd(e, t), gxc.kyd(n, r), gxc.kyd(i, s), gxc.kyd(e, t), gxc.nyd(), gxc.lyd(), gxc.myd(), gxc.lineJoin = "miter")

function ryd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c) {
    l && (oxd(e, t, n, r, s, s, s, s, !1), c && oxd(e, t, n, r, ezd, ezd, ezd, ezd, !0));
    0 > i && (i = 0);
    100 < i && (i = 100);
    l = i / 100;
    switch (f) {
        case 0:
            f = e;
            s = t;
            e += l * (n - e);
            t = r;
        case 1:
            f = n - l * (n - e);
            s = t;
            e = n;
            t = r;
        case 2:
            f = e;
            s = t;
            e = n;
            t += l * (r - t);
        case 3:
            f = e;
            s = r - l * (r - t);
            e = n;
            t = r;
            f = e, s = t, e += l * (n - e), t = r
    i = 50 < i ? nud(u, a, (i - 50) / 50) : nud(o, u, i / 50);
    oxd(f, s, e, t, i, i, i, i, !1);
    c && oxd(f, s, e, t, ezd, ezd, ezd, ezd, !0)

function hzd(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = Math.sqrt((n - e) * (n - e) + (r - t) * (r - t));
    if (0 != s) {
        i > s && (i = s);
        var o = i * (n - e) / s;
        i = i * (r - t) / s;
        ayd(e, t, n, r);
        eyd(n - o - i / 3, r - i + o / 3, n, r, n - o + i / 3, r - i - o / 3, !1)

function nzd(e, t, n, r, i) {
    ozd(e, t, n, r, zwd, zwd, i)

function pzd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    n -= e;
    r -= t;
    szd = n / 2 * .5522848;
    tzd = r / 2 * .5522848;
    uzd = e + n;
    vzd = t + r;
    wzd = e + n / 2;
    xzd = t + r / 2;
    gxc.moveTo(e, xzd);
    gxc.bezierCurveTo(e, xzd - tzd, wzd - szd, t, wzd, t);
    gxc.bezierCurveTo(wzd + szd, t, uzd, xzd - tzd, uzd, xzd);
    gxc.bezierCurveTo(uzd, xzd + tzd, wzd + szd, vzd, wzd, vzd);
    gxc.bezierCurveTo(wzd - szd, vzd, e, xzd + tzd, e, xzd);
    e = jwd(kwd(i), 1);
    s = jwd(kwd(s), 1);
    n = gxc.createRadialGradient(wzd, xzd, 0, wzd, xzd, min(n / 2, r / 2));
    n.addColorStop(0, e);
    n.addColorStop(1, s);
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    o ? (gxc.lineWidth = 1, gxc.strokeStyle = n, gxc.stroke()) : (gxc.fillStyle = n, gxc.fill())

function zzd(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    r = jwd(kwd(r), 1);
    i = jwd(kwd(i), 1);
    var o = gxc.createRadialGradient(e, t, 0, e, t, n);
    o.addColorStop(0, r);
    o.addColorStop(1, i);
    s ? (gxc.lineWidth = 1, gxc.strokeStyle = o, gxc.aae(e, t, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0), gxc.lyd()) : (gxc.fillStyle = o, gxc.aae(e, t, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1), gxc.nyd());

function cae(e, t, n) {
    n = jwd(kwd(n), 1);
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    gxc.fillStyle = n;
    gxc.nxd(e, t, 1, 1)

function dae(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
    s = jwd(kwd(s), 1);
    o = jwd(kwd(o), 1);
    var u = gxc.createLinearGradient(e, t, n, r);
    u.addColorStop(0, s);
    u.addColorStop(1, o);
    gxc.strokeStyle = u;
    gxc.jyd(e + .5, t + .5);
    gxc.kyd(n + .5, r + .5);
    gxc.lineWidth = i;

function eae(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    ozd(e, t, n, r, i, s, o)

function ny(e) {
    var t = null;
    iae && (t = jae(e, !0));
    null == t && (t = jae(e, !1));
    null == t && (t = new kae(e));
    fae = t

function py() {
    fae.lae && fae.mae();
    fae = null

function sy(e, t, n) {
    return null == fae ? n : fae.pae(e, t, n)

function oy(e, t, n) {
    if (null == fae) return !1;
    fae.qae(e, t, "" + rae(n));
    return !0

function dy(e) {
    e = fy(e);
    if (null != e && 0 < e.length)
        for (var t in e)
            if (vae = e[t], !vae.wae) return !0;
    return !1

function xae(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = e.fm,
        s = e.gm;
    e.alc(t, n);
    t = yae(null, Math.floor(r), !1, zae, t, n, function(t) {
        return t.bbe(e, !0) ? t.ou : 0
    e.alc(i, s);
    return t

function aw(e, t, n) {
    if (!dbe.pqd(n)) return pwc("Error: Trying to create an instance using non-existent object type (" + n + ")"), zae;
    e = ebe.fbe(e, t, n);
    e.hvd(gbe, 0, e, e);
    return e.ou

function kz(e) {
    e.hvd(hbe, 0, e, e);
    e.wae = !0

function ibe(e, t, n) {
    var r;
    e = [];
    var i = ebe.mbe;
    for (r in i.xad) {
        var s = i.xad[r];
        s.nbe && s.obe();
        var o = s.pbe;
        t > o.qbe || t < o.left || n > o.bottom || n < o.top || (e[e.length] = s)
    for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) kz(e[r])

function rbe(e, t, n) {
    n && e.hvd(hbe, 0, e, e);
    e.ube(t, !0, !1);
    e.jy = e.uvd.vbe;
    if (t = eud.pqd(e.jy)) e.pbe.left = t.pbe.left, e.pbe.qbe = t.pbe.qbe, e.pbe.top = t.pbe.top, e.pbe.bottom = t.pbe.bottom;
    n && e.hvd(gbe, 0, e, e)

function xbe(e, t, n) {
    dbe.ybe(t) ? rbe(e, t, n) : fsd("Error: Trying to change an instance to an nonexistent object type.")

function lz(a) {
    with(jpd) switch (a) {
        case 0:
            if (bce[0] || bce[1] || bce[2]) return 1;
        case 1:
            if (bce[0]) return 1;
        case 2:
            if (bce[1]) return 1;
        case 3:
            if (bce[2]) return 1;
        case -1:
            if (!(bce[0] || bce[1] || bce[2])) return 1
    return 0

function ece(e) {
    var t = e & 4294967295;
    e -= t;
    return 1 == (t & 1) ? .5 <= e ? t + 1 : t : .5 >= e ? t : t + 1

function cos(e) {
    e = Math.cos(e);
    return ~~(16777216 * e) / 16777216

function sin(e) {
    e = Math.sin(e);
    return ~~(16777216 * e) / 16777216

function tan(e) {
    e = Math.tan(e);
    return ~~(16777216 * e) / 16777216

function xbb(e, t) {
    var n = e * Math.cos(t * ice / 180),
        r = Math.floor(n);
    return 1e-4 > Math.abs(n - r) ? r : n

function ybb(e, t) {
    var n = -(e * Math.sin(t * ice / 180)),
        r = Math.floor(n);
    return 1e-4 > Math.abs(n - r) ? r : n

function zz(e, t, n, r) {
    e = n - e;
    t = r - t;
    if (0 === e) return 0 < t ? 270 : 0 > t ? 90 : 0;
    t = 180 * Math.atan2(t, e) / ice;
    t = ~~floor(1e6 * t) / 1e6;
    return 0 >= t ? -t : 360 - t

function aab(e, t, n, r) {
    return Math.sqrt(lce(n - e) + lce(r - t))

function uwd(e, t) {
    return e < t ? e : t

function vwd(e, t) {
    return e > t ? e : t

function mce() {
    return Math.random()

function random(e) {
    var t = 1;
    return 0 != e ? (0 > e && (t = -1), mce() * e * t) : 0

function ay(e) {
    return ~~(mce() * (e + 1))

function ux() {
    var e = ux.arguments,
        t = Math.floor(random(ux.arguments.length));
    return e[t]

function kce(e) {
    return e - ~~e

function rce(e) {
    return e * e

function xce() {
    for (var e = xce.arguments, t = xce.arguments.length, n = e[0], r = 1; r < t; r++) n += e[r];
    return n / t

function yce() {
    arguments = yce.arguments;
    if (0 == arguments.length) return 0;
    var e, t;
    for (e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) {
        var n = 0,
            r = 0;
        for (t = 0; t < arguments.length; t++) arguments[t] < arguments[e] && (n += 1), arguments[t] <= arguments[e] && (r += 1);
        if (n < arguments.length / 2 && r >= arguments.length / 2) return arguments[e]
    fsd("Error: was not able to successfully find the median value");
    return 0

function bde(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return r == ede ? i ? fde(e, t, n) : gde(e, t, n) : xae(e, t, n, r) == zae

function hde(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    var o = !1,
        u = o = 0,
        a = 0;
    if (e.fm == t && e.gm == n) return !0;
    o = sqrt(lce(e.fm - t) + lce(e.gm - n));
    o <= r ? (u = t, a = n, o = !0) : (u = e.fm + r * (t - e.fm) / o, a = e.gm + r * (n - e.gm) / o, o = !1);
    if (!bde(e, u, a, i, s)) return o;
    e.wz(zz(e.fm, e.gm, u, a));
    e.alc(u, a);
    return o

function lde(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return hde(e, t, n, r, ede, i)

function mde(e, t, n, r, i) {
    return hde(e, t, n, r, ede, i)

function nde(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    this.ude = e;
    this.vde = t;
    this.wde = n;
    this.xde = r;
    this.yde = i;
    this.zde = s;
    this.aee = [];

function dee(e) {
    if (e = fee.pqd(e)) {
        gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
        for (var t = jwd(16711680, 1), n = jwd(65280, 1), r = 0; r < e.xde; r++)
            for (var i = 0; i < e.wde; i++) {
                var s = n;
                0 > e.aee[r + e.wde * i] && (s = t);
                gxc.fillStyle = s;
                gxc.nxd(e.ude + i * e.yde, e.vde + r * e.zde, e.yde, e.zde)
    } else pwc("Error: invalid mp_grid ID (mp_grid_draw)")

function gde(e, t, n) {
    var r, i, s;
    s = !0;
    r = e.fm;
    i = e.gm;
    e.alc(t, n);
    n = ebe.jee();
    for (var o in n)
        if (t = n[o], t.kee && e.bbe(t, !0)) {
            s = !1;
    e.alc(r, i);
    return s

function fde(e, t, n) {
    var r, i, s;
    s = !0;
    r = e.fm;
    i = e.gm;
    e.alc(t, n);
    n = ebe.jee();
    for (var o in n)
        if (t = n[o], e.bbe(t, !0)) {
            s = !1;
    e.alc(r, i);
    return s

function lee(e, t, n, r) {
    var i, s, o;
    o = !1;
    i = e.fm;
    s = e.gm;
    e.alc(t, n);
    n = fy(r);
    for (var u in n)
        if (t = n[u], e.bbe(t, !0)) {
            o = !0;
    e.alc(i, s);
    return o

function mee(e, t, n, r) {
    e.uz(t - e.fm);
    e.gz(n - e.gm);

function oee(e, t, n, r) {
    return r ? fde(e, t, n) : gde(e, t, n)

function qee(e, t, n, r) {
    return r ? fde(e, t, n) : gde(e, t, n)

function ree(e) {
    return null === dbe.pqd(e) ? !1 : !0

function jie(e) {
    e.kie(-1, 0, 1, 0, !1, 0)

function mie(e, t, n, r) {
    if (e = rie.fk[e]) {
        gxc.globalAlpha = dxd;
        gxc.strokeStyle = cxd;
        var i = 0,
            s = e.zkc(0);
        r ? n = t = 0 : (t -= s.fm, n -= s.gm);
        i = tud(e.length / 4);
        if (0 != i) {
            r = !0;
            for (var o = 0; o <= i; o++) s = e.zkc(o / i), r ? (gxc.jyd(t + s.fm, n + s.gm), r = !1) : gxc.kyd(t + s.fm, n + s.gm);

function vie(e, t, n) {
    (e = rie.fk[e]) && e.wie(t, n)

function xy() {
    ebe.bje + 1 >= cje.dje.length || (eje = cje.fje(ebe.bje + 1).ou)

function sz() {
    eje = ebe.ou

function hbb(e) {
    eje = e

function lje(e) {
    return null == eud.pqd(e) ? !1 : !0

function oje(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    s = document.createElement(sje);
    o = s.getContext("2d");
    vje = eud.pqd(e);
    s.width = vje.width;
    s.height = vje.height;
    o.wje(qod, t, n, r, i, 0, 0, s.width, s.height);
    s.complete = !0;
    t = new yje;
    vje.zje[vje.zje.length] = t;
    t.fm = 0;
    t.gm = 0;
    t.hm = vje.width;
    t.im = vje.height;
    t.zu = 0;
    t.av = 0;
    t.bv = t.hm;
    t.cv = t.im;
    t.dv = t.hm;
    t.ev = t.im;
    t.fv = ake(s);
    t.bke = cke[t.fv];
    return e

function eke(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {
    t = document.createElement(sje);
    n = t.getContext("2d");
    t.width = hke.pqd(e).width;
    t.height = hke.pqd(e).height;
    n.wje(hke.pqd(e), 0, 0);
    t.complete = !0;
    e = new ike;
    n = eud.kke(e);
    e.sj = "surface.copy";
    e.width = t.width;
    e.height = t.height;
    e.pbe = new lke;
    e.pbe.qbe = e.width;
    e.pbe.bottom = e.height;
    e.ek = !0;
    e.tj = !0;
    e.preload = !0;
    e.mke = 0;
    e.nke = !1;
    e.uj = u;
    e.vj = a;
    e.vub = !0;
    e.fud = 1;
    e.oke = 0;
    e.pke = !1;
    e.qke = !1;
    e.rke = [];
    e.zje = [];
    e.ck = [];
    u = new yje;
    e.zje[0] = u;
    u.fm = 0;
    u.gm = 0;
    u.hm = e.width;
    u.im = e.height;
    u.zu = 0;
    u.av = 0;
    u.bv = u.hm;
    u.cv = u.im;
    u.dv = u.hm;
    u.ev = u.im;
    u.fv = ake(t);
    u.bke = cke[u.fv];
    return n

function tke(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    n = document.createElement(sje);
    r = n.getContext("2d");
    vje = eud.pqd(e);
    n.width = vje.width;
    n.height = vje.height;
    r.wje(hke.pqd(t), 0, 0, i, s, 0, 0, n.width, n.height);
    n.complete = !0;
    t = new yje;
    vje.zje[vje.zje.length] = t;
    t.fm = 0;
    t.gm = 0;
    t.hm = vje.width;
    t.im = vje.height;
    t.zu = 0;
    t.av = 0;
    t.bv = t.hm;
    t.cv = t.im;
    t.dv = t.hm;
    t.ev = t.im;
    t.fv = ake(n);
    t.bke = cke[t.fv];
    return e

function vke(e) {
    e = eud.pqd(e);
    if (null == e) return 0;
    var t = new ike,
        n = eud.kke(t);
    t.sj = e.sj + ".copy";
    t.width = e.width;
    t.height = e.height;
    t.ek = e.ek;
    t.tj = e.tj;
    t.preload = e.preload;
    t.mke = e.mke;
    t.nke = e.nke;
    t.uj = e.uj;
    t.vj = e.vj;
    t.vub = !0;
    t.fud = e.fud;
    t.oke = e.oke;
    t.pke = e.pke;
    t.qke = e.qke;
    t.rke = [];
    t.zje = [];
    t.ck = [];
    for (var r = 0; r < e.fud; r++) {
        var i = new yje;
        t.zje[r] = i;
        var s = yke(e.zje[r]);
        i.fv = ake(s);
        i.fm = 0;
        i.gm = 0;
        i.bke = cke[i.fv]
    return n

function zke(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    var o = t.dv;
    n = [];
    var u = t.ev * o;
    for (xec = 0; xec < u; xec++) n[xec] = !1;
    if (i == hje)
        for (r = jle(t), t = o = 0; t < r.length; t += 4) n[o] = r[t + 3] >= s ? !0 : !1, o++;
    else switch (i) {
        case ije:
            for (s = r.top; s <= r.bottom; s++)
                for (t = r.left; t <= r.qbe; t++) n[t + s * o] = !0;
        case jje:
            i = (r.left + r.qbe) / 2;
            var u = i - r.left + .5,
                a = (r.top + r.bottom) / 2,
                f = a - r.top + .5;
            for (s = r.top; s <= r.bottom; s++)
                for (t = r.left; t <= r.qbe; t++) 0 < u && 0 < f && (n[t + s * o] = 1 > rce((t - i) / u) + rce((s - a) / f));
        case kje:
            for (i = (r.left + r.qbe) / 2, u = i - r.left + .5, a = (r.top + r.bottom) / 2, f = a - r.top + .5, s = r.top; s <= r.bottom; s++)
                for (t = r.left; t <= r.qbe; t++) 0 < u && 0 < f && (n[t + s * o] = 1 > Math.abs((t - i) / u) + Math.abs((s - a) / f))
    if (null != e)
        for (t = 0; t < n.length; t++) e[t] && (n[t] = !0);
    return n

function mle(e) {
    return String.fromCharCode(e)

function wy(e) {
    return e && "" != e ? e.charCodeAt(0) : 0

function rae(e) {
    return void 0 == e ? 0 : "boolean" == typeof e ? e ? 1 : 0 : "number" == typeof e ? e : parseFloat(e)

function ez(e) {
    return void 0 == e ? "undefined" : "number" == typeof e ? ~~e != e ? e.toFixed(2).toString() : e.toString() : "boolean" == typeof e ? e ? "1" : "0" : e.toString()

function ple(e, t) {
    var n = document.createElement(sje);
    n.eqd = n.width = e;
    n.fqd = n.height = t;
    n.complete = !0;
    n.rle = !1;
    n.name = "";
    n.gxc = n.getContext("2d");
    var r = new yje;
    n.sle = r;
    r.fm = 0;
    r.gm = 0;
    r.hm = e;
    r.im = t;
    r.zu = 0;
    r.av = 0;
    r.bv = r.hm;
    r.cv = r.im;
    r.dv = r.hm;
    r.ev = r.im;
    r.fv = hke.cjc(n);
    r.bke = n;
    r.upb = [];
    r.etb = 0;
    r.tle = 4;
    r.ule = 0;
    r.vle = null;
    r.rje = n;
    return r.fv

function xle(e) {

function yle(e) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    null != e && (gxc = e.gxc, zle = !1)

function bme(e) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    null != e && (cme.left = dme.left, cme.top = dme.top, cme.qbe = dme.qbe, cme.bottom = dme.bottom, dme.left = 0, dme.top = 0, dme.qbe = e.eqd, dme.bottom = e.fqd, eme.lpb(fme), fme.gme = 0, fme.hme = 0, fme.ime = e.eqd, fme.jme = e.fqd, fme.kme = 0, fme.lme = 0, fme.mme = e.eqd, fme.nme = e.fqd, fme.ome = 0, fme.pme = 0, fme.qme = e.eqd, fme.rme = e.fqd, fme.sme = fme.ome + fme.qme, fme.tme = fme.pme + fme.rme, gxc = e.gxc, zle = !0)

function vme() {
    gxc = wme;
    zle && (dme = cme, fme.lpb(eme))

function dyd(e, t, n) {
    var r = null,
        i = e.getContext("2d");
    try {
        r = i.zme(0, 0, e.width, e.height)
    } catch (s) {
        return 4278190080
    bne = r.data;
    e = 4 * (e.width * n + t);
    return bne[e] & 255 | (bne[e + 1] & 255) << 8 | (bne[e + 2] & 255) << 16 | (bne[e + 3] & 255) << 24

function fne(e, t, n) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    return null != e ? dyd(e, t, n) & 16777215 : 0

function hne(e, t, n) {
    (e = hke.pqd(e)) && gxc.wje(e, ~~t, ~~n)

function jne(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {

function kne(e, t, n, r) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    r = hke.pqd(r);
    null != e && null != r && (e = e.getContext("2d"), e.save(), e.globalCompositeOperation = "copy", e.drawImage(r, t, n), e.restore())

function pne(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    r = hke.pqd(r);
    if (null != e && null != r) {
        var a = [];
        e = e.getContext("2d");
        a[0] = 1;
        a[1] = 0;
        a[2] = 0;
        a[3] = 1;
        a[4] = 0;
        a[5] = 0;
        e.setTransform(a[0], a[1], a[2], a[3], a[4], a[5]);
        e.rect(t, n, o, u);
        e.globalCompositeOperation = "copy";
        e.drawImage(r, i, s, o, u, t, n, o, u);

function rz(e) {
    eud.pqd(e.jy).nxc(Math.floor(e.oab), e.fm, e.gm, e.une, e.vne, e.vab, e.wne, e.xab)

function yy(e, t, n, r, i) {
    0 > n && (n = ~~e.oab);
    e = eud.pqd(t);
    null != e && e.zne(n, r, i, 1)

function cy(e, t, n) {
    if (e = ebe.coe.pqd(e)) {
        e = e.jee();
        for (var r in e) {
            var i = e[r];
            i && (i.fm += t, i.gm += n)

function foe(e) {
    qod.style.cursor = e ? "" : "none"

function hoe(e, t) {
    var n = document.getElementById(sje);
    n.style.position = "absolute";
    n.style.left = e + "px";
    n.style.top = t + "px"

function aa_1241_kz() {
    return 2266321425

function xoe() {
    var e = null;
    window.XMLHttpRequest && (e = new XMLHttpRequest);
    "undefined" == typeof XMLHttpRequest && (e = function() {
        try {
            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.6.0")
        } catch (e) {}
        try {
            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP.3.0")
        } catch (t) {}
        try {
            return new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.XMLHTTP")
        } catch (n) {}
        throw new pwc("This browser does not support XMLHttpRequest.")
    this.zoe = e;
    this.ape = !1

function cpe() {
    return dpe

function epe() {
    return fpe

function gpe() {
    return hpe

function ipe() {
    return jpe

function kpe() {
    return 1e3 * (new Date).getTime() - joe

function lpe() {
    joe = 1e3 * (new Date).getTime();
    for (var e = 0, t = 0; 12 > t; t++) prd[t] = e, e += ord[t];
    koe = 0;
    loe = 1;
    moe = 2;
    noe = 3;
    ooe = 4;
    poe = 5;
    qoe = 0;
    roe = 1;
    soe = 2;
    toe = 0;
    uoe = 1

function mpe() {
    setTimeout(function() {
        for (var e in eud.rj) {
    }, 1e3)

function ppe(e, t) {
    for (var n in e) {
        var r = e[n];
        if (r instanceof Array) {
            var i = hqd();
            lqd(t, i);
            ppe(r, i)
        } else "object" == typeof r ? (i = qqd(), lqd(t, i), wpe(r, i)) : "string" == typeof r && lqd(t, r)

function wpe(e, t) {
    for (var n in e)
        if (e.hasOwnProperty(n)) {
            var r = e[n];
            if (r instanceof Array) {
                var i = hqd();
                xqd(t, n, i);
                ppe(r, i)
            } else "object" == typeof r ? (i = qqd(), xqd(t, n, i), wpe(r, i)) : "string" == typeof r && xqd(t, n, r)

function cqe(e) {
    this.qlc = this.zlc = 0;
    this.eqe = e;
    this.fqe = new zbb.zcb.hfb;
    this.xjb = []

function yqe(e) {
    this.are = e

function cre(e, t) {
    this.fre = e;
    this.gre = t

function use(e) {
    this.xlb = e.tzc().xlb;
    this.wse = e.rkc().iqc().atb();
    this.xse = e.tkc().iqc().atb();
    this.yse = new zbb.wcb.eeb;

function zse(e, t, n) {
    this.dte = e;
    this.opc = t;
    this.npc = n

function ete(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    this.lte = i;
    this.mte = s;
    this.nte = rse;
    this.nkc = [];
    this.ote = [];
    for (e = 0; e < sse; e++) this.ote[e] = new zse(-1, 0, 0);
    e = new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(0, 10);
    this.tjc = new zbb.zcb.kfb(e, !0);

function cxe() {
    return 30 >= ebe.jue() || 30 >= dxe ? 1 : 1.2 > ebe.jue() / dxe ? 30 / ebe.jue() : 30 / dxe

function exe() {
    yee(cwe) || (cwe = uee(), efe(cwe, 1e5));
    yee(dwe) || (dwe = uee(), efe(dwe, -1e5));
    bwe || fxe()

function fxe() {
    bwe = !0;
    for (var e = 0; 5 >= e; e++) swe[e] = yfe();
    for (e = 0; 2 >= e; e++) twe[e] = yfe(), qwe[e] = yfe(), uwe[e] = yfe(), rwe[e] = yfe(), vwe[e] = yfe(), wwe[e] = yfe(), xwe[e] = yfe(), ywe[e] = yfe(), zwe[e] = yfe();
    axe = yfe();
    bxe = yfe()

function gxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(swe[0], ixe), kge(swe[0], .1, .1, .05 * s, 0), mhe(swe[0], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), qhe(swe[0], 0, 360, 0, 0), ohe(swe[0], 2 * s, 2 * s, -.1 * s, 0), che(swe[0], .6, 0), ghe(swe[0], tud(10 / s), tud(15 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, swe[0], i, 20), gge(swe[1], ixe), kge(swe[1], .1, .1, .1 * s, 0), mhe(swe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), che(swe[1], .8, 0), ghe(swe[1], tud(15 / s), tud(15 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, swe[1], jxe, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(swe[4], ixe), kge(swe[4], .4, .4, .2 * s, 0), mhe(swe[4], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), qhe(swe[4], 0, 360, 0, 0), ohe(swe[4], 7 * s, 7 * s, -.2 * s, 0), che(swe[4], .6, 0), ghe(swe[4], tud(15 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, swe[4], i, 20), gge(swe[5], ixe), kge(swe[5], .4, .4, .4 * s, 0), mhe(swe[5], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), che(swe[5], .8, 0), ghe(swe[5], tud(20 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, swe[5], jxe, 1)) : (gge(swe[2], ixe), kge(swe[2], .3, .3, .1 * s, 0), mhe(swe[2], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), qhe(swe[2], 0, 360, 0, 0), ohe(swe[2], 4 * s, 4 * s, -.18 * s, 0), che(swe[2], .6, 0), ghe(swe[2], tud(12 / s), tud(17 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, swe[2], i, 20), gge(swe[3], ixe), kge(swe[3], .3, .3, .2 * s, 0), mhe(swe[3], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), che(swe[3], .8, 0), ghe(swe[3], tud(17 / s), tud(17 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, swe[3], jxe, 1))

function kxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(twe[0], lxe), che(twe[0], 1, 0), kge(twe[0], 0, 0, .15 * s, 0), ghe(twe[0], tud(10 / s), tud(12 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, twe[0], i, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(twe[2], lxe), che(twe[2], 1, 0), kge(twe[2], 0, 0, .4 * s, 0), ghe(twe[2], tud(18 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, twe[2], i, 1)) : (gge(twe[1], lxe), che(twe[1], 1, 0), kge(twe[1], 0, 0, .25 * s, 0), ghe(twe[1], tud(13 / s), tud(15 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, twe[1], i, 1))

function mxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(qwe[0], lxe), che(qwe[0], 1, 0), kge(qwe[0], 0, 0, .2 * s, 0), mge(qwe[0], 1, .5), ghe(qwe[0], tud(10 / s), tud(12 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, qwe[0], i, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(qwe[2], lxe), che(qwe[2], 1, 0), kge(qwe[2], 0, 0, .6 * s, 0), mge(qwe[2], 1, .5), ghe(qwe[2], tud(18 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, qwe[2], i, 1)) : (gge(qwe[1], lxe), che(qwe[1], 1, 0), kge(qwe[1], 0, 0, .35 * s, 0), mge(qwe[1], 1, .5), ghe(qwe[1], tud(13 / s), tud(15 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, qwe[1], i, 1))

function nxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(uwe[1], oxe), kge(uwe[1], .1, .2, 0, 0), ohe(uwe[1], .5 * s, 3 * s, 0, 0), qhe(uwe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0), che(uwe[1], 1, .4), ghe(uwe[1], tud(15 / s), tud(25 / s)), she(uwe[1], .1 * s, 270), sfe(e, t, n, uwe[1], i, 75)) : 2 == r ? (gge(uwe[1], oxe), kge(uwe[1], .1, .2, 0, 0), ohe(uwe[1], .5 * s, 8 * s, 0, 0), qhe(uwe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0), che(uwe[1], 1, .4), ghe(uwe[1], tud(30 / s), tud(40 / s)), she(uwe[1], .17 * s, 270), sfe(e, t, n, uwe[1], i, 250)) : (gge(uwe[1], oxe), kge(uwe[1], .1, .2, 0, 0), ohe(uwe[1], .5 * s, 6 * s, 0, 0), qhe(uwe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0), che(uwe[1], 1, .4), ghe(uwe[1], tud(20 / s), tud(30 / s)), she(uwe[1], .15 * s, 270), sfe(e, t, n, uwe[1], i, 150))

function pxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    if (0 == r)
        for (gge(rwe[0], ixe), kge(rwe[0], .2, .4, -.01 * s, 0), che(rwe[0], .4, 0), ghe(rwe[0], tud(25 / s), tud(25 / s)), r = 0; 5 >= r; r++) sfe(e, t - 5 + qxe(10), n - 5 + qxe(10), rwe[0], i, 1);
    else if (2 == r)
        for (gge(rwe[2], ixe), kge(rwe[2], .4, 1, -.01 * s, 0), che(rwe[2], .4, 0), ghe(rwe[2], tud(50 / s), tud(50 / s)), r = 0; 15 >= r; r++) sfe(e, t - 30 + qxe(60), n - 30 + qxe(60), rwe[2], i, 1);
        for (gge(rwe[1], ixe), kge(rwe[1], .4, .7, -.01 * s, 0), che(rwe[1], .4, 0), ghe(rwe[1], tud(30 / s), tud(30 / s)), r = 0; 10 >= r; r++) sfe(e, t - 15 + qxe(30), n - 15 + qxe(30), rwe[1], i, 1)

function rxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    if (0 == r)
        for (gge(vwe[0], ixe), kge(vwe[0], .2, .4, -.01 * s, 0), che(vwe[0], .4, 0), ohe(vwe[0], 3 * s, 4 * s, 0, 0), qhe(vwe[0], 90, 90, 0, 0), ghe(vwe[0], tud(25 / s), tud(25 / s)), r = 0; 5 >= r; r++) sfe(e, t - 5 + qxe(10), n - 5 + qxe(10), vwe[0], i, 1);
    else if (2 == r)
        for (gge(vwe[2], ixe), kge(vwe[2], .4, 1, -.01 * s, 0), che(vwe[2], .4, 0), ohe(vwe[2], 6 * s, 7 * s, 0, 0), qhe(vwe[2], 90, 90, 0, 0), ghe(vwe[2], tud(50 / s), tud(50 / s)), r = 0; 15 >= r; r++) sfe(e, t - 30 + qxe(60), n - 30 + qxe(60), vwe[2], i, 1);
        for (gge(vwe[1], ixe), kge(vwe[1], .4, .7, -.01 * s, 0), che(vwe[1], .4, 0), ohe(vwe[1], 5 * s, 6 * s, 0, 0), qhe(vwe[1], 90, 90, 0, 0), ghe(vwe[1], tud(30 / s), tud(30 / s)), r = 0; 10 >= r; r++) sfe(e, t - 15 + qxe(30), n - 15 + qxe(30), vwe[1], i, 1)

function sxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(wwe[0], txe), kge(wwe[0], .4, .3, -.02 * s, 0), mhe(wwe[0], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(wwe[0], tud(20 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, wwe[0], i, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(wwe[2], txe), kge(wwe[2], 1.2, 1.2, -.04 * s, 0), mhe(wwe[2], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(wwe[2], tud(30 / s), tud(30 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, wwe[2], i, 1)) : (gge(wwe[1], txe), kge(wwe[1], .75, .75, -.03 * s, 0), mhe(wwe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(wwe[1], tud(25 / s), tud(25 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, wwe[1], i, 1))

function uxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(xwe[0], vxe), kge(xwe[0], .4, .4, -.02 * s, 0), mhe(xwe[0], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(xwe[0], tud(20 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, xwe[0], i, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(xwe[2], vxe), kge(xwe[2], 1.2, 1.2, -.04 * s, 0), mhe(xwe[2], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(xwe[2], tud(30 / s), tud(30 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, xwe[2], i, 1)) : (gge(xwe[1], vxe), kge(xwe[1], .75, .75, -.03 * s, 0), mhe(xwe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(xwe[1], tud(25 / s), tud(25 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, xwe[1], i, 1))

function wxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(ywe[0], oxe), kge(ywe[0], .4, .4, -.02 * s, 0), mhe(ywe[0], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(ywe[0], tud(20 / s), tud(20 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, ywe[0], i, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(ywe[2], oxe), kge(ywe[2], 1.2, 1.2, -.04 * s, 0), mhe(ywe[2], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(ywe[2], tud(30 / s), tud(30 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, ywe[2], i, 1)) : (gge(ywe[1], oxe), kge(ywe[1], .75, .75, -.03 * s, 0), mhe(ywe[1], 0, 360, 0, 0, !1), ghe(ywe[1], tud(25 / s), tud(25 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, ywe[1], i, 1))

function xxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = cxe();
    0 == r ? (gge(zwe[0], ixe), kge(zwe[0], 2, 2, 0, 0), mge(zwe[0], 1, .5), ehe(zwe[0], 0, .3, 0), ghe(zwe[0], tud(100 / s), tud(100 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, zwe[0], i, 1)) : 2 == r ? (gge(zwe[2], ixe), kge(zwe[2], 8, 8, 0, 0), mge(zwe[2], 1, .5), ehe(zwe[2], 0, .3, 0), ghe(zwe[2], tud(100 / s), tud(100 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, zwe[2], i, 1)) : (gge(zwe[1], ixe), kge(zwe[1], 4, 4, 0, 0), mge(zwe[1], 1, .5), ehe(zwe[1], 0, .3, 0), ghe(zwe[1], tud(100 / s), tud(100 / s)), sfe(e, t, n, zwe[1], i, 1))

function yxe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    t = cxe();
    gge(axe, zxe);
    kge(axe, .2, .3, 0, 0);
    mhe(axe, 0, 0, 0, 0, !0);
    ohe(axe, 7 * t, 7 * t, 0, 0);
    qhe(axe, 260, 260, 0, 0);
    ahe(axe, .4);
    ghe(axe, tud(.2 * ebe.aye() / t), tud(.2 * ebe.aye() / t));
    if (0 == r)
        for (r = 0; 1 >= r; r++) sfe(e, 1.2 * qxe(1) * ebe.bye(), -30 + qxe(20), axe, i, 1);
    else if (2 == r)
        for (r = 0; 8 >= r; r++) sfe(e, 1.2 * qxe(1) * ebe.bye(), -30 + qxe(20), axe, i, 1);
        for (r = 0; 4 >= r; r++) sfe(e, 1.2 * qxe(1) * ebe.bye(), -30 + qxe(20), axe, i, 1)

function cye(e, t, n, r, i) {
    t = cxe();
    gge(bxe, dye);
    kge(bxe, .1, .25, 0, 0);
    ahe(bxe, .6);
    mhe(bxe, 0, 360, 0, 0, !1);
    ohe(bxe, 2.5 * t, 3 * t, 0, 0);
    qhe(bxe, 240, 300, 0, 20);
    ghe(bxe, tud(.5 * ebe.aye() / t), tud(.5 * ebe.aye() / t));
    if (0 == r)
        for (r = 0; 0 >= r; r++) sfe(e, 1.2 * qxe(1) * ebe.bye() - 60, -30 + qxe(20), bxe, i, 1);
    else if (2 == r)
        for (r = 0; 6 >= r; r++) sfe(e, 1.2 * qxe(1) * ebe.bye() - 60, -30 + qxe(20), bxe, i, 1);
        for (r = 0; 2 >= r; r++) sfe(e, 1.2 * qxe(1) * ebe.bye() - 60, -30 + qxe(20), bxe, i, 1)

function eye(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    e = e ? cwe : dwe;
    switch (t) {
        case ewe:
            gxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case fwe:
            kxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case gwe:
            mxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case hwe:
            nxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case iwe:
            pxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case jwe:
            rxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case kwe:
            sxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case lwe:
            uxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case mwe:
            wxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case nwe:
            xxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case owe:
            yxe(e, n, r, i, s);
        case pwe:
            cye(e, n, r, i, s)

function hye() {
    for (var e = ebe.mbe.xad, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
        var n = e[t],
            r = n.uvd;
        if (!n.wae) {
            if (r.jye[kye])
                if (lje(n.jy) || lje(n.lye)) {
                    var i = n.mye();
                    (0 > i.qbe || i.left > ebe.bye() || 0 > i.bottom || i.top > ebe.aye()) && n.hvd(kye, nye, n, n)
                } else(0 > n.fm || n.fm > ebe.bye() || 0 > n.gm || n.gm > ebe.aye()) && n.hvd(kye, nye, n, n);
            r.jye[oye] && (lje(n.jy) || lje(n.lye) ? (i = n.mye(), (0 > i.left || i.qbe > ebe.bye() || 0 > i.top || i.bottom > ebe.aye()) && n.hvd(oye, nye, n, n)) : (0 > n.fm || n.fm > ebe.bye() || 0 > n.gm || n.gm > ebe.aye()) && n.hvd(oye, nye, n, n))

function pye() {
    for (var e in rve)
        for (var t = dbe.pqd(e).sye(), n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
            var r = t[n];
            if (!r.wae && r.xoc) {
                var i = rve[e],
                for (s in i)
                    for (var o = i[s], u = dbe.pqd(o).sye(), a = 0; a < u.length; a++) {
                        var f = u[a];
                        if (!f.wae && f.xoc && !(r.uvd == f.uvd && a < n) && r.bbe(f, !0)) {
                            if (r.kee || f.kee) r.fm = r.zye, r.gm = r.aze, r.bze = r.cze, f.fm = f.zye, f.gm = f.aze, f.bze = f.cze;
                            r.hvd(ave, o, r, f);
                            f.hvd(ave, e, f, r);
                            if (r.kee || f.kee) r.dze(), f.dze(), r.alc(r.fm + r.pab, r.gm + r.nw), f.alc(f.fm + f.pab, f.gm + f.nw), !0 == r.bbe(f, !0) && (r.fm = r.zye, r.gm = r.aze, r.bze = r.cze, f.fm = f.zye, f.gm = f.aze, f.bze = f.cze)

function eze() {
    if (ebe) {
        var e;
        e = ebe.gze ? ebe.ize : hze;
        for (tcb in e)
            if (jze = e[tcb], jze.om && (-1 == jze.kze ? lze(qod, mze) : lze(hke.pqd(jze.kze), mze), jpd.nze - mze.left >= jze.ome && jpd.nze - mze.left < jze.sme && jpd.oze - mze.top >= jze.pme && jpd.oze - mze.top < jze.tme)) {
                hw.iw = (jpd.nze - mze.left - jze.ome) / jze.pze + jze.gme;
                hw.lw = (jpd.oze - mze.top - jze.pme) / jze.qze + jze.hme;
                var t = hw.iw,
                    n = hw.lw,
                    r = dbe.jee(),
                for (i in r) {
                    var s = r[i],
                        o = s.jye;
                    if ((o[tze] || o[uze] || o[vze] || o[wze] || o[xze] || o[yze] || o[zze] || o[aaf] || o[baf] || o[caf] || o[daf] || o[eaf]) && 0 < s.faf.length)
                        for (var s = s.faf.xad, u = s.length - 1; 0 <= u; u--) {
                            var a = s[u];
                            if (!a.wae)
                                if (a.nbe && a.obe(), eud.pqd(a.jy), t >= a.pbe.left && t < a.pbe.qbe && n >= a.pbe.top && n < a.pbe.bottom) {
                                    var f = !0,
                                    for (l = 0; 3 > l; l++) jpd.bce[l] && (o[tze + l] && a.hvd(tze + l, 0, a, a), f = !1);
                                    for (l = 0; 3 > l; l++)!0 == jpd.jaf[l] && (o[wze + l] && a.hvd(wze + l, 0, a, a), f = !1);
                                    for (l = 0; 3 > l; l++)!0 == jpd.kaf[l] && o[zze + l] && a.hvd(zze + l, 0, a, a);
                                    f && a.hvd(caf, 0, a, a);
                                    a.laf || (a.hvd(daf, 0, a, a), a.laf = !0)
                                } else a.laf && (a.hvd(eaf, 0, a, a), a.laf = !1)
                for (l = 0; 3 > l; l++) jpd.bce[l] && maf.hvd(naf + l);
                for (l = 0; 3 > l; l++)!0 == jpd.jaf[l] && maf.hvd(oaf + l);
                for (l = 0; 3 > l; l++)!0 == jpd.kaf[l] && maf.hvd(paf + l)

function qaf() {
    for (var e = ebe.mbe.xad, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
        var n = e[t];
        if (!n.wae && 0 <= n.raf && !n.saf) {
            var r = nvd.pqd(n.raf);
            if (null != r && void 0 != r) {
                var i = r.uaf();
                n.vaf > i && n.waf && (n.vaf -= i);
                i = r.xaf(n.vaf);
                n.vaf += n.yaf;
                for (r = r.xaf(n.vaf); i < r; i++) ivd(n, n, n.raf, i)

function abf() {
    var e = ebe.mbe.xad,
    for (t in e) {
        var n = e[t];
        if (!n.wae)
            for (var r = 0; r < bbf; r++)
                if (n.uvd.jye[cbf | r + 1]) {
                    var i = ~~pw(n, "__alarm__", r);
                    0 <= i && (i--, by(n, "__alarm__", r, i));
                    0 == i && n.hvd(cbf | r + 1, 0, n, n)

function evd(e, t) {
    switch (e) {
        case ebf:
            return gbe;
        case fbf:
            return hbe;
        case gbf:
            switch (t) {
                case 0:
                    return hbf;
                case 1:
                    return ibf;
                case 2:
                    return jbf;
                case 3:
                    return kbf;
                case 4:
                    return lbf;
                case 5:
                    return mbf;
                case 6:
                    return nbf;
                case 7:
                    return obf;
                case 8:
                    return pbf;
                case 9:
                    return qbf;
                case 10:
                    return rbf;
                case 11:
                    return sbf;
                    return hbf
        case tbf:
            switch (t) {
                case ubf:
                    return vbf;
                case wbf:
                    return xbf;
                case ybf:
                    return zbf;
                    return xbf
        case acf:
            return ave;
        case bcf:
            return ccf;
        case dcf:
            switch (t) {
                case ecf:
                    return tze;
                case fcf:
                    return vze;
                case gcf:
                    return uze;
                case hcf:
                    return caf;
                case icf:
                    return wze;
                case jcf:
                    return yze;
                case kcf:
                    return xze;
                case lcf:
                    return zze;
                case mcf:
                    return baf;
                case ncf:
                    return aaf;
                case ocf:
                    return 0;
                case pcf:
                    return 0;
                case qcf:
                    return 0;
                case rcf:
                    return 0;
                case scf:
                    return 0;
                case tcf:
                    return 0;
                case ucf:
                    return 0;
                case vcf:
                    return 0;
                case wcf:
                    return 0;
                case xcf:
                    return 0;
                case ycf:
                    return 0;
                case zcf:
                    return 0;
                case adf:
                    return 0;
                case bdf:
                    return 0;
                case cdf:
                    return 0;
                case ddf:
                    return 0;
                case edf:
                    return 0;
                case fdf:
                    return 0;
                case gdf:
                    return 0;
                case hdf:
                    return 0;
                case idf:
                    return 0;
                case jdf:
                    return 0;
                case kdf:
                    return 0;
                case ldf:
                    return 0;
                case mdf:
                    return 0;
                case ndf:
                    return 0;
                case odf:
                    return 0;
                case pdf:
                    return 0;
                case qdf:
                    return 0;
                case rdf:
                    return 0;
                case sdf:
                    return 0;
                case tdf:
                    return 0;
                case udf:
                    return 0;
                case vdf:
                    return 0;
                case wdf:
                    return 0;
                case xdf:
                    return 0;
                case ydf:
                    return 0;
                    return 0
        case tvd:
            switch (t) {
                case zdf:
                    return kye;
                case aef:
                    return oye;
                case bef:
                    return cef;
                case def:
                    return eef;
                case fef:
                    return gef;
                case hef:
                    return ief;
                case jef:
                    return kef;
                case lef:
                    return mef;
                case nef:
                    return oef;
                case pef:
                    return qef;
                case ref:
                    return sef;
                case tef:
                    return uef;
                case vef:
                    return wef;
                case svd:
                    return xef;
                case yef:
                    return zef;
                case aff:
                    return bff;
                case cff:
                    return dff;
                case eff:
                    return fff;
                case gff:
                    return hff;
                case iff:
                    return jff;
                case kff:
                    return lff;
                case mff:
                    return nff;
                case off:
                    return pff;
                case qff:
                    return rff;
                case sff:
                    return tff;
                case uff:
                    return vff;
                case wff:
                    return xff;
                case yff:
                    return zff;
                case agf:
                    return bgf;
                case cgf:
                    return dgf;
                case egf:
                    return fgf
        case hgf:
            return igf;
        case jgf:
            return kgf;
        case lgf:
            return mgf;
        case ngf:
            return ogf;
            return 0

function gvd(e, t) {
    return e == ngf ? t : 0

function pgf() {
    this.yue = [];
    this.yue.__background_visible__ = new zue("__background_visible__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_foreground__ = new zue("__background_foreground__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_index__ = new zue("__background_index__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_x__ = new zue("__background_x__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_y__ = new zue("__background_y__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_width__ = new zue("__background_width__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_height__ = new zue("__background_height__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_htiled__ = new zue("__background_htiled__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_vtiled__ = new zue("__background_vtiled__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_xscale__ = new zue("__background_xscale__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_yscale__ = new zue("__background_yscale__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_hspeed__ = new zue("__background_hspeed__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_vspeed__ = new zue("__background_vspeed__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_blend__ = new zue("__background_blend__", 1);
    this.yue.__background_alpha__ = new zue("__background_alpha__", 1)

function bzf() {
    var e = !1;
    tuf.hv && tuf.hv.iv && !0 == tuf.hv.iv && (e = !0);
    e ? (zbe = xbe, jz = jzf, pw = kzf, by = lzf, fzf = mzf, hzf = nzf) : (zbe = rbe, jz = czf, pw = dzf, by = ezf, fzf = gzf, hzf = izf)

function ozf() {
    var e = new Audio;
    e.controls = !1;
    iwf = !!e.canPlayType && "" != e.canPlayType("audio/mpeg");
    jwf = !!e.canPlayType && "" != e.canPlayType('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"');
    iwf && fsd("Browser CAN play MP3");
    jwf && fsd("Browser CAN play OGG");
    dwf = owf = 0;
    ebe = null;
    gwf = !1;
    eje = -1;
    eme = new rzf;
    yuf = new rzf;
    fme = new rzf;
    dme = new lke;
    cme = new lke;
    yuf.om = !0;
    hze = [];
    hze[0] = yuf;
    avf = [];
    bvf = [];
    cvf = [];
    dvf = new yie(5);
    evf = new yie(5);
    kqd = new yie(5);
    fvf = new yie(5);
    fee = new yie(5);
    sqd = new yie(5);
    hke = new yie(5);
    gvf = new yie(5);
    hvf = new yje;
    rvf = new yie(5);
    mze = new lke;
    tvf = new szf;
    tvf.tzf = "DUMMY INSTANCE";
    sje = "canvas";
    qvf = "html5george/";
    "undefined" != typeof g_GameMakerHTML5Dir && (qvf = g_GameMakerHTML5Dir);
    ivf = [];
    kud = [];
    lud = [];
    jvf = "Hiscore Table";
    mud = "<Nobody>";
    kvf = "Press <ESC> to Continue";
    hxf = 0;
    lxf = -1;
    ixf = 16776960;
    jxf = 16777215;
    lvf = "verdana";
    kxf = 16;
    mvf = "";
    ewf = !0;
    zwf = 1e-7;
    zle = fwf = !1;
    bwf = xvd = null;
    zvd = awd = -1;
    pxf = 0;
    bxf = 1;
    pwf = 0;
    qwf = -1;
    swf = rwf = 0;
    vzf = !0;
    gxf = 1e7;
    axf = 1e5;
    dxd = 1;
    zwd = ywd = 0;
    axd = bxd(zwd);
    cxd = jwd(zwd, dxd);
    jxe = bxd(0);
    syf = bxd(16777215);
    tyf = bxd(255);
    uyf = bxd(65280);
    vyf = bxd(16711680);
    wyf = bxd(4278190080);
    xyf = bxd(4294967295);
    yyf = bxd(4278190335);
    zyf = bxd(4278255360);
    azf = bxd(4294901760);
    wxf = 0;
    xxf = -1;
    yxf = -2;
    zxf = -3;
    ayf = -4;
    byf = -6;
    cyf = -7;
    dyf = -8;
    eyf = -9;
    fyf = -10;
    gyf = -11;
    hyf = -12;
    iyf = -13;
    jyf = -14;
    kyf = -15;
    lyf = -16;
    myf = -17;
    nyf = -18;
    oyf = -19;
    pyf = -20;
    qyf = -21;
    ryf = -22;
    uxf = -1;
    vxf = 0;
    global.yue = [];
    tuf.hv && !1 == tuf.hv.nv && (qod.style.cursor = "none");
    mwf = !1;
    tuf.hv && !0 == tuf.hv.wv && (mwf = !0);
    "function" == typeof xzf && xzf()

function yzf(e) {
    return Math.PI / 180 * e

function aag(e, t) {
    if (0 == e) return 0;
    var n;
    return n = 16777216 * e % (16777216 * t) / 16777216

function lce(e) {
    return e * e

function bxd(e) {
    return "rgba(" + (e & 255).toString() + "," + (e >> 8 & 255).toString() + "," + (e >> 16 & 255).toString() + "," + (e >> 24 & 255).toString() + ")"

function jwd(e, t) {
    return "rgba(" + (e >> 16 & 255).toString() + "," + (e >> 8 & 255).toString() + "," + (e >> 0 & 255).toString() + "," + (255 * t & 255).toString() + ")"

function bag(e) {
    return ice * e / 180

function kwd(e) {
    return (e & 255) << 16 | e & 65280 | (e & 16711680) >> 16

function iud(e) {
    for (var t = kpe(); 0 < e;) {
        var n = kpe();
        e -= n - t;
        t = n

function yae(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = yae.arguments[yae.arguments.length - 1];
    t = Math.floor(t);
    if (t == ede) {
        t = maf.jee();
        for (var s = 0; s < t.length; s++) {
            var o = t[s];
            if (!(n && o == e || o.iag) && (o = i(o))) return o
    } else if (1e5 > t) {
        t = dbe.pqd(t);
        if (null === t) return r;
        t = t.sye();
        for (s = 0; s < t.length; s++)
            if (o = t[s], !(n && e == o || o.iag) && (o = i(o))) return o
    } else return o = maf.jag(t), n && e == o || o.iag ? r : i(o);
    return r

function kag(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = kag.arguments[kag.arguments.length - 1],
        s = 1e10;
    t = Math.floor(t);
    if (t == ede) {
        t = maf.jee();
        for (var o = 0; o < t.length; o++) {
            var u = t[o];
            n && u == e || u.iag || (u = i(u), u < s && (s = u))
        if (1e10 != s) return s
    } else if (1e5 > t) {
        t = dbe.pqd(t);
        if (null === t) return r;
        t = t.sye();
        for (o = 0; o < t.length; o++) u = t[o], n && e == u || u.iag || (u = i(u), u < s && (s = u));
        if (1e10 != s) return s
    } else return u = maf.jag(t), n && e == u || u.iag ? r : i(u);
    return r

function pzf() {
    dpe = "Windows" == lag.nag ? fhf : "Mac" == lag.nag ? hhf : "iPhone" == lag.nag ? jhf : "iPad" == lag.nag ? jhf : "Android" == lag.nag ? khf : "Linux" == lag.nag ? mhf : ygf;
    jpe = lag.oag;
    hpe = ygf;
    fpe = tgf;
    "Explorer" == lag.browser ? (fsd("Internet Explorer detected"), hpe = zgf) : "Firefox" == lag.browser ? (fsd("Firefox detected"), hpe = ahf) : "Chrome" == lag.browser ? (fsd("Chrome detected"), hpe = bhf) : "Safari" == lag.browser ? dpe == jhf ? (hpe = dhf, fpe = ugf, "iPad" == lag.nag && (fpe = wgf), fsd("Safari mobile detected")) : (fsd("Safari detected"), hpe = chf) : "Opera" == lag.browser ? (fsd("BrowserDetect: " + lag.nag), fsd("Opera detected"), hpe = ehf) : (fsd("Unknown Browser - Please report these strings"), fsd("----------------------------------------------"), navigator.userAgent && fsd("userAgent: " + navigator.userAgent), navigator.vendor && fsd("vendor: " + navigator.vendor), fsd("----------------------------------------------"))

function wzf() {
    try {
        "localStorage" in window && null !== window.localStorage && (iae = !0)
    } catch (e) {
        iae = !1
    return iae

function zag() {
    global = new pgf;
    hw = new abg;
    jpd = new bbg;
    maf = new dbg;
    dbe = new ebg;
    cje = new fbg;
    eud = new gbg;
    wuf = new hbg;
    vuf = new ibg;
    ysd = new jbg;
    rve = [];
    rie = new kbg;
    nvd = new lbg;
    xuf = new mbg;

function nbg(e) {
    switch (e) {
        case 1:
            return "MEDIA_ERR_ABORTED";
        case 2:
            return "MEDIA_ERR_NETWORK";
        case 3:
            return "MEDIA_ERR_DECODE";
        case 4:
            return "MEDIA_ERR_SRC_NOT_SUPPORTED"
    return "Unknown Error"

function pbg(e) {
    switch (e) {
        case 0:
            return "NETWORK_EMPTY";
        case 1:
            return "NETWORK_IDLE";
        case 2:
            return "NETWORK_LOADING";
        case 3:
            return "NETWORK_NO_SOURCE"
    return "Unknown Error"

function qbg(e) {
    fsd("ImageLoaded: " + this.src);
    xag[this.rbg] = null;

function sbg(e) {
    fsd("ImageError: " + this.src);
    xag[this.rbg] = null;

function tbg(e) {
    fsd("ExtensionLoaded: ")

function ubg(e) {
    fsd("ExtensionError: ")

function vbg(e) {
    e.removeEventListener("canplaythrough", xbg, !1);
    e.removeEventListener("error", ybg, !1);
    e.removeEventListener("loadstart", zbg, !1);
    e.removeEventListener("suspend", acg, !1);
    e.removeEventListener("stalled", bcg, !1);
    e.removeEventListener("stall", bcg, !1)

function xbg(e) {
    this.ccg = !0;
    null != xag[this.rbg] && (xag[this.rbg] = null, uag++);
    fsd("SoundLoaded: " + this.rbg)

function ybg(e) {
    fsd("SoundError: " + this.rbg + "   NetworkError: " + nbg(this.error.code));
    this.ccg = !1;
    null != xag[this.rbg] && (xag[this.rbg] = null, uag++);

function zbg(e) {
    this.dcg = !0

function acg(e) {
    fsd("SoundSuspended: " + this.rbg);
    this.ccg = !0;
    null != xag[this.rbg] && (xag[this.rbg] = null, uag++);

function bcg(e) {}

function ecg(e) {
    fsd("Loading: " + e);
    var t = gcg(e);
    e = new yje;
    e.fm = 0;
    e.gm = 0;
    e.hm = 63;
    e.im = 63;
    e.zu = -32;
    e.av = -32;
    e.bv = 63;
    e.cv = 63;
    e.dv = e.hm;
    e.ev = e.im;
    e.fv = t;
    e.bke = cke[t];
    e.upb = [];
    e.tle = 32;
    e.etb = 0;
    t = avf.length;
    avf[t] = e;
    return t

function icg(e) {
    fsd("Loading: " + qvf + e);
    var t = window.document.createElement("script");
    t.setAttribute("src", qvf + e);
    t.setAttribute("type", "text/javascript");
    t.onload = tbg;
    t.onerror = ubg;

function kcg(e) {
    if (void 0 != e.pj)
        for (var t = 0; t < e.pj.length; t++) {
            var n = e.pj[t];
            if (n.ncg)
                for (var r = 0; r < n.ncg.length; r++) icg(n.ncg[r])

function pcg(e) {
    xag = [];
    wag = vag = 0;

function qcg(a) {
    a.rcg && (document.title = a.rcg);
    yag = document.getElementById("GM4HTML5_loadingscreen");
    if ("" == scg) pcg(a), scg = tcg;
    else try {
        scg = eval(scg)
    } catch (b) {
        scg = tcg
    for (c = uag = 0; c < a.gv.length; c++) {
        fsd("Loading: " + qvf + a.gv[c]);
        var c = gcg(qvf + a.gv[c]);
        cke[c].onload = qbg;
        cke[c].onerror = sbg;
        cke[c].rbg = a.gv[c];
        xag[cke[c].rbg] = cke[d]
    for (c = 2; 16 > c; c++) {
        var d = ecg(qvf + "particles/IDR_GIF" + c + ".png"),
            d = avf[d].fv;
        cke[d].onload = qbg;
        cke[d].onerror = sbg;
        cke[d].rbg = "particles/IDR_GIF" + c + ".png";
        xag[cke[d].rbg] = cke[d]
    for (c = 0; c < a.qj.length; c++) null != a.qj[c] && (tag++, fsd("Loading: " + qvf + a.qj[c].ucg), d = vcg(qvf + a.qj[c].ucg, a.qj[c].sj, a.qj[c].wcg, xbg, ybg), 0 <= d && xag[xcg[d].rbg] ? xag[xcg[d].rbg] = xcg[d] : tag--)

function ycg() {
    for (var e in xag) {
        var t = xag[e];
        t && t.adg && t.readyState && (1 == t.adg || 3 == t.adg) && t.dcg && 4 != t.readyState && !0 != t.ccg && (t.ccg = !1, uag++, xag[e] = null, vbg(t), fsd("SoundError: " + t.rbg + "   NetworkState: " + pbg(t.adg)))

function bdg(e, t) {
    if (!t.ddg) {
        null != t.vvd && bdg(t.vvd.wve, t.vvd);
        for (var n in t.fdg)
            if (!rve[n] || !rve[n][e]) {
                for (var r = !1, i = t; null != i;) {
                    for (var s = i.wve, o = dbe.pqd(n); null != o;) {
                        var u = o.wve;
                        if (rve[u] && rve[u][s]) {
                            r = !0;
                        o = o.vvd
                    i = i.vvd
                r || (rve[e] || (rve[e] = []), rve[e][n] = n)
        t.ddg = !0

function jdg() {
    var e = dbe.jee(),
    for (t in e) {
        var n = e[t];
        null != n.vvd && bdg(n.vvd.wve, n.vvd);
        bdg(t, n)

function kdg(a) {
    var b, c;
    axf = 1e6;
    hw.mdg = a.hv.jv;
    svf = new ndg(a.lm);
    c = 0;
    for (b in a.mm) {
        var d = a.mm[b];
        null != d && (d = pdg(c, d), dbe.cjc(d));
    for (b in a.ju) d = a.ju[b], null != d ? (c = new sdg, c.tdg(d), cje.cjc(c)) : (owf++, cje.cjc(null));
    for (b = 0; b < a.xu.length; b++) c = cje.fje(b), c.bje = b;
    hw.vdg = cje.fje(0).ou;
    hw.wdg = cje.fje(cje.xdg.length - 1).ou;
    for (b = 0; b < a.rj.length; b++) null == a.rj[b] ? eud.kke(null) : (c = zdg(a.rj[b]), eud.kke(c));
    for (b = 0; b < a.dk.length; b++) c = wuf.beg(a.dk[b]), c = wuf.ceg(c), null != c && (c.vub = deg);
    for (b = 0; b < a.rl.length; b++) ysd.cjc(a.rl[b]);
    for (b = 0; b < a.fk.length; b++) c = eeg(a.fk[b]), rie.cjc(c);
    for (b = 0; b < a.qj.length; b++) vuf.cjc(a.qj[b]);
    if (void 0 != a.km)
        for (b = 0; b < a.km.length; b++) nvd.cjc(a.km[b]);
    "function" == typeof feg && (cwf = new feg);
    "function" == typeof geg && geg();
    if (void 0 != a.pj)
        for (b = 0; b < a.pj.length; b++) {
            c = a.pj[b];
            try {
                (heg = eval(c.mag)) && heg()
            } catch (e) {
                pwc("Error calling extension initialisation function: " + c.mag)

function yeg(e) {
    this.uub = new Float32Array(16);
    if (0 < yeg.arguments.length)
        for (var t = 0; 16 > t; t++) this.uub[t] = e.uub[t];
    else this.afg()

function yje() {
    this.fv = this.ev = this.dv = this.cv = this.bv = this.av = this.zu = this.im = this.hm = this.gm = this.fm = 0;
    this.vub = deg

function deg(e) {
    this.fm = e.fm;
    this.gm = e.gm;
    this.hm = e.hm;
    this.im = e.im;
    this.zu = e.zu;
    this.av = e.av;
    this.bv = e.bv;
    this.cv = e.cv;
    this.dv = e.dv;
    this.ev = e.ev;
    this.fv = e.fv

function bwd(e) {

function gfg(e, t, n) {
    0 < gfg.arguments.length ? 3 == gfg.arguments.length ? (this.mfg = e, this.ofg = t, this.pfg = n) : (this.mfg = e.mfg, this.ofg = e.ofg, this.pfg = e.pfg) : (this.mfg = 1, this.pfg = this.ofg = 0)

function yie(e) {
    e = yie.arguments.length;
    this.xad = [];
    this.dtb = [];
    this.etb = this.length = 0;
    if (0 < e)
        for (var t = 0; t < e; t++) this.xad[t] = null, this.dtb.push(t)

function qgg(e, t) {

function sgg() {
    this.tgg = "";
    this.ugg = -1;
    this.vgg = 0;
    this.wgg = null;
    this.xgg = fgg;
    this.ygg = !1

function mbg() {
    this.xad = new yie(5)

function ihg() {
    this.sj = "";
    this.preload = this.tj = this.ek = !1;
    this.jhg = null

function khg(e) {
    var t = new ihg;
    t.sj = e.sj;
    void 0 != e.ek && (t.ek = e.ek);
    void 0 != e.tj && (t.tj = e.tj);
    void 0 != e.preload && (t.preload = e.preload);
    t.jhg = mhg(e.ak);
    return t

function nhg(e) {
    void 0 != e.om && (this.om = e.om);
    void 0 != e.ohg && (this.ohg = e.ohg);
    void 0 != e.mu && (this.mu = e.mu);
    void 0 != e.fm && (this.fm = e.fm);
    void 0 != e.gm && (this.gm = e.gm);
    void 0 != e.tu && (this.phg = e.tu);
    void 0 != e.qhg && (this.rhg = e.qhg);
    void 0 != e.pab && (this.shg = e.pab);
    void 0 != e.nw && (this.thg = e.nw);
    void 0 != e.uhg && (this.uhg = e.uhg);
    void 0 != e.syb && (this.syb = e.syb);
    void 0 != e.vhg && (this.vhg = e.vhg)

function hbg() {
    this.yhg = [];
    this.zhg = [];
    this.length = 0

function abg() {
    this.hig = this.vx = this.gig = this.fig = this.wdg = this.vdg = this.eig = 0;
    this.ly = 100;
    this.mdg = 0;
    this.kig = this.jig = this.iig = "/";
    this.pz = this.lig = 0;
    this.mig = "room";
    this.nig = 30;
    this.oig = !1;
    this.pig = 0;
    this.sig = this.rig = this.qig = !1;
    this.zig = this.yig = this.xig = this.wig = this.vig = this.uig = this.tig = 0;
    this.bjg = this.ajg = 1;
    this.ejg = this.djg = this.cjg = 0;
    this.fjg = 1;
    this.gjg = !1;
    this.zjg = this.yjg = this.xjg = this.wjg = this.lw = this.iw = this.vjg = this.ujg = this.tjg = this.sjg = this.rjg = this.qjg = this.pjg = this.ojg = this.njg = this.mjg = this.ljg = this.kjg = this.jjg = this.ijg = this.hjg = this.qw = 0;
    this.bkg = this.akg = "";
    this.ckg = -1;
    this.fkg = this.ekg = this.dkg = !1;
    this.gkg = "score";
    this.hkg = "lives";
    this.ikg = "health";
    this.xkg = this.wkg = this.tfg = this.vkg = this.ukg = this.tkg = this.skg = this.rkg = this.qkg = this.pkg = this.okg = this.nkg = this.mkg = this.lkg = this.kkg = this.jkg = 0;
    this.zkg = this.ykg = !0;
    this.alg = 8.2;
    this.ehg = -1;
    this.blg = !1;
    this.yue = [];
    this.yue.__view_visible__ = new zue("__view_visible__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_xview__ = new zue("__view_xview__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_yview__ = new zue("__view_yview__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_wview__ = new zue("__view_wview__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_hview__ = new zue("__view_hview__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_xport__ = new zue("__view_xport__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_yport__ = new zue("__view_yport__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_wport__ = new zue("__view_wport__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_hport__ = new zue("__view_hport__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_angle__ = new zue("__view_angle__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_hborder__ = new zue("__view_hborder__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_vborder__ = new zue("__view_vborder__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_hspeed__ = new zue("__view_hspeed__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_vspeed__ = new zue("__view_vspeed__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_object__ = new zue("__view_object__", 1);
    this.yue.__view_surface_id__ = new zue("__view_surface_id__", 1)

function ulg() {
    this.vlg = [];

function vtd() {
    this.cud = this.wtd = !1;
    this.ltd = this.sj = "";
    this.sl = 12;
    this.tl = this.bold = !1;
    this.ul = 32;
    this.vl = 127;
    this.xtd = "";
    this.prop = !1;
    this.wl = this.xl = this.gud = 0;
    this.nng = this.mng = 1;
    this.dud = this.jhg = this.cm = null

function jbg() {
    this.rl = [];
    this.length = 0;
    this.pog = null;
    this.zsd = this.qog = this.btd = 0;
    var e = ntd("Arial", 12, !1, !1, 32, 127, !1);
    this.rl[-1] = e;
    this.btd = rxf = -1

function tog(e) {
    if (null == e) return 0;
    for (var t = "", n = 0, r = 0; r < e.length;) {
        var i = e[r];
        "#" == i ? 0 < n && ("\\" == e[r - 1] ? t = t.substring(0, t.length - 1) + "#" : (t += String.fromCharCode(10), n++)) : (t += i, n++);
    return t

function fqg() {
    return ppg

function gqg() {
    return qpg

function uje(e) {
    e && (e.iqg = e.transform, e.iwd = e.setTransform, e.gwd = e.save, e.pwd = e.restore, e.nxd = e.fillRect, e.mxd = e.strokeRect, e.iyd = e.beginPath, e.aae = e.arc, e.lyd = e.stroke, e.myd = e.closePath, e.lineWidth = e.lineWidth, e.jyd = e.moveTo, e.kyd = e.lineTo, e.nyd = e.fill, e.wje = e.drawImage, e.zme = e.getImageData, e.jqg = e.createImageData, e.kqg = e.putImageData, e.lqg = e.clip, e.mqg = e.rect)

function cbg(e) {
    cke = [];
    opg = null;
    wpg = vpg = upg = tpg = owd = nwd = mwd = lwd = 0;
    xpg = [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0];
    uvf ? lrg() : (zpg = qgf ? oqg : pqg, aqg = qqg, rqg = sqg, bqg = tqg, cqg = uqg, hog = vqg, dqg = wqg, gog = xqg, eqg = yqg, zqg = arg, brg = crg, mpg = drg, erg = frg, grg = hrg, rgf && (qgf ? (ypg = 33554431, zpg = irg) : zpg = jrg, aqg = qqg, rqg = krg));
    bqg(0, 0, twf, uwf);
    cqg(0, 0, twf, uwf)

function arg() {

function crg() {

function ydg(e) {
    opg = e;
    for (var t in e) {
        var n = e[t];
        n.upb = [];
        n.etb = 0;
        n.tle = 4;
        n.ule = 0;
        n.vle = null;
        n.rje = null;
        n.bke = cke[n.fv]

function nrg() {
    this.xke = null;
    this.org = 0

function fog(e, t) {
    var n = e.upb[t];
    if (null != n) return n.org = fng, n.xke;
    var r = -9999999999,
        n = null;
    rrg = -1;
    if (e.etb < e.tle) n = new nrg, e.etb++;
        for (var i in e.upb) {
            var s = e.upb[i];
            if (null != s) {
                var o = fng - s.org;
                o > r && (rrg = i, n = s, r = o)
    0 <= rrg && (e.upb[rrg] = null);
    e.upb[t] = n;
    n.org = fng;
    n.xke = trg(e, t);
    return n.xke

function mhg(e) {
    return opg[e]

function vqg() {
    gxc.iwd(xpg[0], xpg[3], xpg[1], xpg[4], xpg[2], xpg[5])

function wqg(e) {
    var t = [1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0];
    gxc.iwd(t[0], t[1], t[2], t[3], t[4], t[5]);
    gxc.fillStyle = bxd(e | 4278190080);
    gxc.nxd(lwd, mwd, nwd, owd);

function tqg(e, t, n, r) {
    lwd = e;
    mwd = t;
    nwd = n;
    owd = r

function yrg(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = new gfg(e + n / 2, t + r / 2, -16e3);
    e = new gfg(e + n / 2, t + r / 2, 0);
    i = new gfg(Math.sin(Math.PI / 180 * -i), Math.cos(Math.PI / 180 * -i), 0);
    awf.bfg(s, e, i);
    zvf.qfg(n, -r * sxf, 1, 32e3)

function xqg(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = [];
    s[0] = Math.cos(i);
    s[3] = Math.sin(i);
    s[1] = -s[3];
    s[4] = s[0];
    s[0] *= n;
    s[3] *= n;
    s[1] *= r;
    s[4] *= r;
    s[2] = e;
    s[5] = t;
    gxc.iqg(s[0], s[3], s[1], s[4], s[2], s[5])

function uqg(e, t, n, r, i) {
    xpg[0] = 1;
    xpg[1] = 0;
    xpg[2] = 0;
    xpg[3] = 1;
    xpg[4] = 0;
    xpg[5] = 0;
    gxc.iwd(xpg[0], xpg[1], xpg[2], xpg[3], xpg[4], xpg[5]);
    gxc.mqg(lwd, mwd, nwd, owd);
    i = nwd / n;
    var s = owd / r;
    tpg = e;
    upg = t;
    vpg = n;
    wpg = r;
    xpg[0] = i;
    xpg[1] = 0;
    xpg[2] = -(e * i) + lwd;
    xpg[3] = 0;
    xpg[4] = s;
    xpg[5] = -(t * s) + mwd;

function gcg(e) {
    var t = cke.length,
        n = new Image;
    n.src = e;
    cke[t] = n;
    return t

function ake(e) {
    var t = cke.length;
    cke[t] = e;
    return t

function frg() {

function hrg() {}

function yke(e) {
    var t = document.createElement(sje),
        n = t.getContext("2d");
    t.width = e.hm;
    t.height = e.im;
    n.wje(e.bke, e.fm, e.gm, e.hm, e.im, 0, 0, e.hm, e.im);
    t.complete = !0;
    return t

function jle(e) {
    var t = document.createElement(sje),
        n = t.getContext("2d");
    for (var r = [], i = e.dv * e.ev * 4, s = 0; s < i; s++) r[s] = 0;
    t.width = e.hm;
    t.height = e.im;
    n.wje(e.bke, e.fm, e.gm, e.hm, e.im, 0, 0, e.hm, e.im);
    t.complete = !0;
    var o;
    try {
        o = n.getImageData(0, 0, e.hm, e.im)
    } catch (u) {
        return r
    jsg = o.data;
    t = 4 * (e.zu + e.av * e.dv);
    for (gm = 0; gm < e.im; gm++) {
        n = t;
        i = gm * o.width * 4;
        s = 4 * e.hm;
        for (fm = 0; fm < s; fm++) r[n++] = jsg[i++];
        t += 4 * e.dv
    return r

function oqg(e, t, n, r) {
    e.bke && e.bke.complete && (null == e.rje && (e.rje = yke(e)), t += e.zu, n += e.av, gxc.globalAlpha = r, gxc.wje(e.rje, ~~t, ~~n))

function irg(e, t, n, r) {
    oqg(e, t, n, r)

function pqg(e, t, n, r) {
    e.bke && e.bke.complete && (gxc.globalAlpha = r, gxc.wje(e.bke, ~~e.fm, ~~e.gm, e.hm, e.im, Math.floor(t) + e.zu, Math.floor(n) + e.av, e.bv, e.cv))

function jrg(e, t, n, r) {
    pqg(e, t, n, r)

function qqg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    if ((s = e.bke) && s.complete) {
        var u = 0;
        r && (u = 1);
        i && (u |= 2);
        if (0 == u) gxc.globalAlpha = o, gxc.wje(s, e.fm, e.gm, e.hm, e.im, t + e.zu, n + e.av, e.bv, e.cv);
        else {
            var a = e.dv,
                f = e.ev;
            r && (a = (((fme.ime + (e.dv - 1)) / e.dv & 4294967295) + 2) * e.dv, t = ~~(tpg / e.dv) * e.dv + ~~t % e.dv - e.dv);
            i && (f = (((fme.jme + (e.ev - 1)) / e.ev & 4294967295) + 2) * e.ev, n = ~~(upg / e.ev) * e.ev + ~~n % e.ev - e.ev);
            null != e.vle && (e.vle.width < a || e.vle.height < f) && (e.vle = null, e.rsg = 0);
            if (e.ule != u || !e.vle) {
                e.ule = u;
                r = document.createElement(sje);
                i = r.getContext("2d");
                r.width = a;
                r.height = f;
                gxc.globalAlpha = 1;
                a /= e.dv;
                f /= e.ev;
                for (u = 0; u < f; u++)
                    for (var l = 0; l < a; l++) i.wje(s, e.fm, e.gm, e.bv, e.cv, e.zu + l * e.dv, e.av + u * e.ev, e.bv, e.cv);
                e.vle = r
            gxc.globalAlpha = o;
            gxc.wje(e.vle, t, n)

function sqg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h) {
    !e.bke || !e.bke.complete || 1e-4 >= abs(s) || 1e-4 >= abs(o) || 0 >= h || (a &= 16777215, t = -(t - e.zu), n = -(n - e.av), r = ~~r, i = ~~i, gxc.globalAlpha = h, a != ypg ? (a = fog(e, a), .001 > Math.abs(u) && 1 == o && 1 == s ? gxc.wje(a, 0, 0, e.hm, e.im, r + t * s, i + n * o, e.bv * s, e.cv * o) : (gog(r, i, s, o, -u), gxc.wje(a, 0, 0, e.hm, e.im, t, n, e.bv, e.cv), hog())) : .001 > Math.abs(u) && 1 == o && 1 == s ? (null == e.rje && (e.rje = yke(e)), gxc.wje(e.rje, ~~(r + t), ~~(i + n))) : (gog(r, i, s, o, -u), gxc.wje(e.bke, e.fm, e.gm, e.hm, e.im, t, n, e.bv, e.cv), hog()))

function krg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h) {
    try {
        sqg(e.bke, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h)
    } catch (p) {
        fsd("error drawing image")

function trg(e, t) {
    var n = document.createElement(sje),
        r = n.getContext("2d");
    n.width = e.hm;
    n.height = e.im;
    r.wje(e.bke, e.fm, e.gm, e.hm, e.im, 0, 0, e.hm, e.im);
    if (16777215 != ~~t) {
        var i, s, o;
        try {
            i = r.zme(0, 0, e.hm, e.im)
        } catch (u) {
            return n
        s = i.data;
        vsg = r.jqg(e.hm, e.im);
        o = vsg.data;
        var a = (t >> 16 & 255) / 255,
            f = (t >> 8 & 255) / 255,
            l = (t & 255) / 255;
        for (i = i.height * i.width * 4 - 4; 0 <= i; i -= 4) o[i] = s[i] * a | 0, o[i + 1] = s[i + 1] * f | 0, o[i + 2] = s[i + 2] * l | 0, o[i + 3] = s[i + 3];
        vsg.data = o;
        r.kqg(vsg, 0, 0)
    return n

function wsg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f) {
    var l = e.bke;
    l && l.complete && (gxc.globalAlpha = f, zsg(l, t, n, r, i, s, o, e.fm, e.gm, e.fm + e.hm, e.gm, e.fm + e.hm, e.gm + e.im), zsg(l, s, o, u, a, t, n, e.fm + e.hm, e.gm + e.im, e.fm, e.gm + e.im, e.fm, e.gm))

function zsg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h) {
    gxc.jyd(t, n);
    gxc.kyd(r, i);
    gxc.kyd(s, o);
    var p = u * (h - l) - f * h + c * l + (f - c) * a;
    0 != p && (gxc.iqg(-(a * (s - r) - l * s + h * r + (l - h) * t) / p, (l * o + a * (i - o) - h * i + (h - l) * n) / p, (u * (s - r) - f * s + c * r + (f - c) * t) / p, -(f * o + u * (i - o) - c * i + (c - f) * n) / p, (u * (h * r - l * s) + a * (f * s - c * r) + (c * l - f * h) * t) / p, (u * (h * i - l * o) + a * (f * o - c * i) + (c * l - f * h) * n) / p), gxc.wje(e, 0, 0), gxc.pwd())

function yqg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l) {
    e && e.bke && e.bke.complete && (f &= 16777215, gxc.globalAlpha = dxd, t < e.zu ? (l = e.zu - t, s += l, r -= l, t = 0) : (t -= e.zu, r -= e.zu), n < e.av ? (l = e.av - n, o += l, i -= l, n = 0) : (n -= e.av, i -= e.av), r > e.bv - t - e.zu && (r = e.bv - t - e.zu), i > e.cv - n - e.av && (i = e.cv - n - e.av), 0 >= r || 0 >= i || (s = ~~s, o = ~~o, f != ypg ? (e = fog(e, f), gxc.wje(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, r * u, i * a)) : gxc.wje(e.bke, t + e.fm, n + e.gm, r, i, s, o, r * u, i * a)))

function ptg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    e && e.bke && e.bke.complete && rqg(e, 0, 0, ~~t, ~~n, r / e.dv, i / e.ev, 0, s, s, s, s, o)

function drg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {
    gxc.globalAlpha = a;
    gxc.fillStyle = jwd(u, 1);
    gxc.font = e;
    gog(n, r, i, s, -o);
    gxc.fillText(t, 0, 0);

function kae(e) {
    this.lae = !1;
    this.vtg = [];
    this.wtg = e;
    this.xtg = "";
    this.ztg = this.ytg = 0

function jae(e, t) {
    var n = cug(e, t);
    dug = new kae(e);
    dug.xtg = n;
    var n = 0,
    for (r in dug.vtg) {
    return 0 == n ? null : dug

function yug(e) {
    try {
        var t = new XMLHttpRequest;
        t.open("HEAD", e, !1);
        ttg = t.status;
        return 404 != t.status
    } catch (n) {
        return !1

function bvg(e, t) {
    try {
        var n = window.XMLHttpRequest ? new XMLHttpRequest : new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
        n.open(t ? "PUT" : "GET", e, !1);
        n.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", "text/html");
        n.send(t ? t : "");
        ttg = n.status;
        return n.responseText
    } catch (r) {
        return null

function xug(e, t) {
    if ("localStorage" in window && null !== window.localStorage) try {
        localStorage["GameMaker." + e] = t
    } catch (n) {
        return !1

function cug(e, t) {
    var n = null;
    if (t) {
        if ("http://" == e.substring(0, 7) || "https://" == e.substring(0, 8)) return;
        if ("localStorage" in window && null !== window.localStorage) {
            try {
                n = localStorage["GameMaker." + e]
            } catch (r) {
                return null
            if (void 0 == n || null == n) return null
    } else if (n = "http://" == e.substring(0, 7) || "https://" == e.substring(0, 8) ? e : qvf + e, n = bvg(n, !1), null == n || void 0 == n || 404 == ttg) return null;
    return n

function wsd(e, t) {
    if (t) {
        if ("localStorage" in window && null !== window.localStorage) try {
            return localStorage["GameMaker." + e] ? !0 : !1
        } catch (n) {
            return !1
    } else return yug(qvf + e)

function szf() {
    this.yue = []

function kvg(e, t, n, r, i) {
    this.yue = [];
    this.fm = e;
    this.gm = t;
    this.zye = e;
    this.aze = t;
    this.pvg = e;
    this.qvg = t;
    this.wtc = this.wbb = this.fjd = this.kab = this.nw = this.pab = 0;
    this.rvg = 270;
    this.iy = r;
    this.ou = n;
    this.xoc = !0;
    for (e = 0; e <= bbf - 1; e++) by(this, "__alarm__", e, -1);
    this.om = this.kee = !0;
    this.svg = !1;
    this.tm = 0;
    this.pbe = new lke(0, 0, 0, 0);
    this.xvg = this.wvg = this.vvg = this.uvg = this.tvg = this.oab = this.jy = 0;
    this.vne = this.une = 1;
    this.vab = 0;
    this.xab = 1;
    this.wne = 16777215;
    this.fab = 1;
    this.yvg = this.lye = -1;
    this.zvg = this.cze = this.bze = 0;
    this.vie = 1;
    this.dwg = this.cwg = this.jie = this.bwg = this.awg = 0;
    this.raf = -1;
    this.vaf = 0;
    this.yaf = 1;
    this.waf = this.saf = !1;
    this.ewg = -1;
    this.wae = this.fwg = !1;
    this.gwg = null;
    this.hwg = !1;
    this.nbe = !0;
    this.laf = !1;
    this.uvd = null;
    this.ube(r, i, !0);
    this.jy = this.uvd.vbe;
    if (r = eud.pqd(this.jy)) this.pbe.left = r.pbe.left, this.pbe.qbe = r.pbe.qbe, this.pbe.top = r.pbe.top, this.pbe.bottom = r.pbe.bottom;
    this.hve = null

function xwg(e) {
    return kzd = ~~(1e6 * e) / 1e6

function dbg() {
    this.xyg = new iqd;
    this.xyg.jqd = !0;
    this.yyg = []

function czf(e) {
    var t = maf.pqd(e);
    t || (t = dbe.pqd(e)) || (t = t.faf.pqd(0));
    return t

function jzf(e) {
    var t = maf.pqd(e);
    if (!t) {
        t = dbe.pqd(e);
        if (!t) return gsd("Unknown instance ID: " + e), tvf;
        t = t.faf.pqd(0);
        gsd("Warning: Object ID being used to access instance" + e)
    return t

function cah() {
    tzg = !0

function dah() {
    tzg = !1;

function fah(e) {
    document.getElementById && (e.style.display = "block" == e.style.display ? "none" : "block")

function gah(e, t) {
    return e && e.oj && e.oj.hv && e.oj.hv.kv && e.oj.hv.kv == oj.hv.kv ? (e.focus(), t.focus(), !0) : !1

function jah() {
    var e = document.getElementById(sje),
    if (hpe == bhf || hpe == ahf || hpe == chf || hpe == dhf) {
        t = parent.frames;
        for (var n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
            var r = t[n];
            if (gah(r, e)) break
    } else
        for (n in t = parent.document.getElementsByTagName("IFRAME"), t)
            if (r = t[n].contentWindow, gah(r, e)) break

function nah(e) {
    if (!e.repeat) {
        var t;
        if (null == e) {
            t = window.event.which;
            if (122 == t) return;
            121 != t ? window.event.preventDefault() : nwf = !0;
        } else {
            t = e.which;
            if (122 == t) return;
            120 == t ? asd && fah(document.getElementById("debug_console")) : 121 != t ? e.preventDefault() : (hwf || qah(), nwf = !0);
        uzg[t] || (uzg[t] = 1, vzg[t] = 1, szg = t, (rzg = hpe == zgf ? e.char : e.shiftKey ? bah[t] : aah[t]) || (rzg = ""))

function rah(e) {
    var t;
    if (null == e) {
        t = window.event.which;
        if (122 == t) return;
    } else {
        t = e.which;
        if (122 == t) return;
    wzg[t] = 1;
    uzg[t] = 0;
    return !1

function sah(e) {
    kpd = e.pageX;
    lpd = e.pageY;
    npd[e.button].fm = kpd;
    npd[e.button].gm = lpd

function uah(e) {
    tzg || jah();
    mzg = e.button;
    2 == mzg ? mzg = 1 : 1 == mzg && (mzg = 2);
    pzg = nzg;
    nzg = mzg;
    mpd |= 1 << mzg;
    npd[e.button].opd = ppd | qpd | rpd;
    npd[e.button].fm = e.pageX - vwf;
    npd[e.button].gm = e.pageY - xwf;
    return e

function vah(e) {
    mzg = e.button;
    2 == mzg ? mzg = 1 : 1 == mzg && (mzg = 2);
    qzg = ozg;
    ozg = mzg;
    mpd &= ~(1 << mzg);
    nzg = -1;
    npd[e.button].opd = 0;
    return !1

function bbg() {
    this.wah = "a";
    this.xah = [];
    this.yah = this.zah = -1;
    this.abh = [];
    this.bbh = [];
    this.cbh = [];
    this.dbh = this.ebh = 0;
    this.bce = [];
    this.kaf = [];
    this.jaf = [];
    this.fbh = this.gbh = !1;
    this.hbh = [];
    for (var e = this.ibh = this.jbh = this.kbh = this.lbh = this.nze = this.oze = this.mbh = 0; e < hzg; e++) this.xah[e] = "";
    for (e = 0; e < fzg; e++) this.abh[e] = this.bbh[e] = this.cbh[e] = !1, this.hbh[e] = e;
    for (e = 0; e < gzg; e++) this.bce[e] = this.kaf[e] = this.jaf[e] = !1;
    this.uqc = nbh;
    this.obh = pbh;
    this.qbh = qbh;
    this.rbh = rbh;
    this.sbh = sbh;
    this.tbh = tbh;
    this.ubh = ubh;
    this.vbh = vbh;
    this.wbh = wbh;
    this.xbh = xbh;
    this.ybh = ybh;
    this.zbh = zbh;
    this.ach = ach;
    this.bch = bch;
    this.cch = cch;
    this.dch = dch;
    this.ech = ech;
    this.fch = fch;
    this.gch = gch;
    this.hch = hch;
    this.ich = ich;
    this.jch = jch;
    this.kch = kch;
    this.lch = mch;
    this.nch = och;
    this.pch = qch;
    this.rch = rch;
    for (e = 0; e < fzg; e++) uzg[e] = wzg[e] = !1;
    qod.onmousemove = sah;
    qod.onmousedown = uah;
    qod.onmouseup = vah;
    document.body.onfocusin = cah;
    document.body.onfocusout = dah;
    document.onfocusin = cah;
    document.onfocusout = dah;
    window.sch = cah;
    window.tch = dah;
    window.onkeydown = function(e) {
        nah(e || window.event)
    window.onkeyup = function(e) {
        rah(e || window.event)
    yzg = Array(lzg);
    npd = Array(lzg);
    for (e = 0; e < lzg; e++) yzg[e] = new vch, npd[e] = new vch

function vch() {
    this.gm = this.fm = this.opd = 0

function eah() {
    hw.yjg = 0;
    hw.yjg = "";
    szg = 0;
    rzg = ""

function qbh() {
    return this.wah

function rbh(e) {
    this.wah = vng

function sbh() {
    return this.zah

function tbh() {
    return this.yah

function ubh(e) {
    if (0 > e || 255 < e) return !1;
    this.zah = e

function vbh(e) {
    if (0 > e || 255 < e) return !1;
    this.yah = e

function wbh(e) {
    return 0 > e || 255 < e ? !1 : this.abh[e]

function xbh(e) {
    return 0 > e || 255 < e ? !1 : this.cbh[e]

function ybh(e) {
    return 0 > e || 255 < e ? !1 : this.bbh[e]

function zbh(e) {
    0 > e || 255 < e || (this.abh[e] = 0, this.cbh[e] = 0, this.bbh[e] = 0)

function wch() {
    for (var e = 0; e < fzg; e++) vzg[e] = 0, wzg[e] = 0, uzg[e] = 0

function ach() {
    return this.dbh

function bch() {
    return this.ebh

function cch(e) {
    1 > e || 3 < e || (this.dbh = e)

function dch(e) {
    1 > e || 3 < e || (this.ebh = e)

function ech(e) {
    return 0 <= e && e < gzg ? this.bce[e] : !1

function fch(e) {
    if (0 <= e && e < gzg) return this.jaf[e]

function gch(e) {
    return 0 <= e && e < gzg ? this.kaf[e] : !1

function hch() {
    return this.gbh

function ich() {
    return this.fbh

function jch(e) {
    0 <= e && e < gzg && (this.bce[e] = !1, this.jaf[e] = !1, this.kaf[e] = !1)

function kch() {
    for (var e = this.ebh = this.dbh = 0; e <= gzg; e++) this.bce[e] = !1, this.jaf[e] = !1, this.kaf[e] = !1;
    this.fbh = this.gbh = !1

function xch() {
    nzg = ozg = qzg = -1;
    mpd = 0;
    npd[0].opd = 0;
    npd[0].fm = 0;
    npd[0].gm = 0;
    mzg = -1

function nbh() {
    for (var e = 0; e < npd.length; e++) yzg[e].opd = npd[e].opd, yzg[e].fm = npd[e].fm, yzg[e].gm = npd[e].gm, npd[e].opd &= ~rpd;
    0 != hw.yjg && (hw.zjg = hw.yjg);
    if (hw.yjg = szg) rzg && 13 != szg && (8 == szg ? (hw.akg = rzg, 0 < hw.bkg.length && (hw.bkg = hw.bkg.substring(0, hw.bkg.length - 1))) : (hw.akg = rzg, hw.bkg += hw.akg, 1024 < hw.bkg.length && (hw.bkg = hw.bkg.substring(1, hw.bkg.length - 1)))), szg = 0;
    this.nze = kpd;
    this.oze = lpd;
    this.jbh = mpd;
    0 != (this.jbh & 1) ? (this.bce[0] = 1, 0 != (this.kbh ^ this.jbh) && (this.jaf[0] = 1)) : (this.bce[0] = 0, 1 == (this.jbh ^ this.kbh) && (this.kaf[0] = 1));
    0 != (this.jbh & 2) ? (this.bce[1] = 1, 0 != (this.kbh ^ this.jbh) && (this.jaf[1] = 1)) : (this.bce[1] = 0, 2 == (this.jbh ^ this.kbh) && (this.kaf[1] = 1));
    0 != (this.jbh & 4) ? (this.bce[2] = 1, 0 != (this.kbh ^ this.jbh) && (this.jaf[2] = 1)) : (this.bce[2] = 0, 2 == (this.jbh ^ this.kbh) && (this.kaf[2] = 1));
    this.kbh = this.jbh;
    hw.iw = this.nze;
    hw.lw = this.oze;
    hw.wjg = nzg + 1;
    hw.xjg = pzg;

function rch() {
    var e = 0,
        t = 0,
        n = ebe.bye(),
        r = ebe.aye(),
        t = ebe.gze ? ebe.ize : hze;
    t[0].om && (n = t[0].mme, r = t[0].nme);
    for (var i in yzg) {
        var s = yzg[i];
        if (0 != (s.opd & qpd)) {
            var t = 1,
            for (o in xzg) {
                var u = xzg[o];
                if (0 != (u.xqc & izg)) {
                    var a = n * s.fm / ppg,
                        f = r * s.gm / qpg;
                    a >= u.fm && a < u.dzb && f >= u.gm && f < u.jzd && (e |= t)
                t <<= 1
            s.opd = 0
    t = 1;
    n = zzg ^ e;
    for (o in xzg) u = xzg[o], 0 != (u.xqc & izg) && (r = e & t, i = n & t, 0 != u.iob ? (this.cbh[u.iob] |= r && i, this.abh[u.iob] |= r && !i, this.bbh[u.iob] |= !r && i) : (this.jaf[u.button - 1] |= r && i, this.bce[u.button - 1] |= r && !i, this.kaf[u.button - 1] |= !r && i)), t <<= 1;
    zzg = e

function lch(e) {
    for (var t = ebe.mbe.xad, n = ccf | e, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var i = t[r];
        i.uvd.jye[n] && i.hvd(ccf, e, i, i)

function idh(e) {
    for (var t = ebe.mbe.xad, n = kgf | e, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var i = t[r];
        i.uvd.jye[n] && i.hvd(kgf, e, i, i)

function pch(e) {
    for (var t = ebe.mbe.xad, n = mgf | e, r = 0; r < t.length; r++) {
        var i = t[r];
        i.uvd.jye[n] && i.hvd(mgf, e, i, i)

function mch() {
    for (var e = 0, t = 2; t < fzg; t++) this.abh[t] && (e = 1, lch(t));

function och() {
    for (var e = 0, t = 2; t < fzg; t++) this.cbh[t] && (e = 1, idh(t));

function qch() {
    for (var e = 0, t = 2; t < fzg; t++) this.bbh[t] && (e = 1, pch(t));

function pbh() {
    for (var e = 0; e < fzg; e++) this.cbh[e] = this.bbh[e] = this.abh[e] = 0;
    for (var t = 0, n = 0, e = 0; e < fzg; e++) {
        var r = this.hbh[e];
        this.cbh[r] |= vzg[e];
        this.bbh[r] |= wzg[e];
        this.abh[r] |= uzg[e];
        t |= vzg[e];
        n |= uzg[e];
        vzg[e] = 0;
        wzg[e] = 0
    this.cbh[1] = t;
    this.abh[1] = n;
    this.cbh[0] = t ^ 1;
    this.abh[0] = n ^ 1;
    for (e = 0; e <= gzg; e++) this.jaf[e] = !1, this.kaf[e] = !1;
    this.fbh = this.gbh = !1;
    e = ebe.gze ? ebe.ize : hze;
    for (t = 7; 0 <= t; t--)
        if ((jze = e[t]) && jze.om && (-1 == jze.kze ? lze(qod, mze) : lze(hke.pqd(jze.kze), mze), this.nze - mze.left >= jze.ome && this.nze - mze.left < jze.sme && this.oze - mze.top >= jze.pme && this.oze - mze.top < jze.tme)) {
            hw.iw = (jpd.nze - mze.left - jze.ome) / jze.pze + jze.gme;
            hw.lw = (jpd.oze - mze.top - jze.pme) / jze.qze + jze.hme;

function qdh() {

function iqd() {
    this.xad = [];
    this.jqd = !1;
    this.etb = this.length = 0

function udh() {
    this.vdh = null;
    this.wdh = 0;
    this.xdh = null

function ydh() {
    this.vdh = null;
    this.zdh = !1;
    this.wgg = null

function gve(e, t) {
    this.opd = 0;
    this.wve = e;
    this.rcg = t;
    this.rwg = -1;
    this.swg = this.vbe = 0;
    this.vwg = this.uwg = this.twg = !1;
    this.yvd = 0;
    this.vvd = null;
    this.beh = -1;
    this.ddg = !1;
    this.faf = new iqd;
    this.zyg = new iqd;
    this.faf.jqd = !0;
    this.zyg.jqd = !0;
    this.ceh = [];
    for (var n = 0; n < bbf; n++) this.ceh[n] = null;
    this.deh = [];
    this.eeh = [];
    this.feh = [];
    this.fdg = [];
    this.lm = [];
    this.qvd = [];
    this.jye = []

function pdg(a, b) {
    var c = new gve(a, b.sj);
    with(c) {
        void 0 != b.nm && (vbe = b.nm);
        void 0 != b.om && (uwg = b.om);
        void 0 != b.kee && (twg = b.kee);
        void 0 != b.tm && (swg = b.tm);
        void 0 != b.svg && (vwg = b.svg);
        void 0 != b.parent && (yvd = b.parent);
        void 0 != b.wq && (rwg = b.wq);
        b.pm && (c.pm = b.pm, c.qvd[gbe] = !0);
        b.zm && (c.zm = b.zm, c.qvd[hbe] = !0);
        b.ieh && (c.ieh = b.ieh, c.qvd[vbf] = !0);
        b.wm && (c.wm = b.wm, c.qvd[xbf] = !0);
        b.fn && (c.fn = b.fn, c.qvd[zbf] = !0);
        b.um && (c.um = b.um, c.qvd[igf] = !0);
        b.jeh && (c.jeh = b.jeh, c.qvd[caf] = !0);
        b.keh && (c.keh = b.keh, c.qvd[tze] = !0);
        b.leh && (c.leh = b.leh, c.qvd[vze] = !0);
        b.meh && (c.meh = b.meh, c.qvd[uze] = !0);
        b.os && (c.os = b.os, c.qvd[wze] = !0);
        b.neh && (c.neh = b.neh, c.qvd[yze] = !0);
        b.oeh && (c.oeh = b.oeh, c.qvd[xze] = !0);
        b.peh && (c.peh = b.peh, c.qvd[zze] = !0);
        b.qeh && (c.qeh = b.qeh, c.qvd[baf] = !0);
        b.reh && (c.reh = b.reh, c.qvd[aaf] = !0);
        b.seh && (c.seh = b.seh, c.qvd[naf] = !0);
        b.teh && (c.teh = b.teh, c.qvd[aif] = !0);
        b.ueh && (c.ueh = b.ueh, c.qvd[bif] = !0);
        b.kn && (c.kn = b.kn, c.qvd[oaf] = !0);
        b.hn && (c.hn = b.hn, c.qvd[cif] = !0);
        b.veh && (c.veh = b.veh, c.qvd[dif] = !0);
        b.weh && (c.weh = b.weh, c.qvd[paf] = !0);
        b.xeh && (c.xeh = b.xeh, c.qvd[eif] = !0);
        b.yeh && (c.yeh = b.yeh, c.qvd[fif] = !0);
        b.zeh && (c.zeh = b.zeh, c.qvd[daf] = !0);
        b.afh && (c.afh = b.afh, c.qvd[eaf] = !0);
        b.bfh && (c.bfh = b.bfh, c.qvd[kye] = !0);
        b.cfh && (c.cfh = b.cfh, c.qvd[oye] = !0);
        b.dfh && (c.dfh = b.dfh, c.qvd[cef] = !0);
        b.efh && (c.efh = b.efh, c.qvd[eef] = !0);
        b.ffh && (c.ffh = b.ffh, c.qvd[gef] = !0);
        b.gfh && (c.gfh = b.gfh, c.qvd[ief] = !0);
        b.hfh && (c.hfh = b.hfh, c.qvd[kef] = !0);
        b.uo && (c.uo = b.uo, c.qvd[mef] = !0);
        b.ifh && (c.ifh = b.ifh, c.qvd[oef] = !0);
        b.jfh && (c.jfh = b.jfh, c.qvd[qef] = !0);
        b.kfh && (c.kfh = b.kfh, c.qvd[sef] = !0);
        b.lfh && (c.lfh = b.lfh, c.qvd[uef] = !0);
        b.mfh && (c.mfh = b.mfh, c.qvd[wef] = !0);
        b.qs && (c.qs = b.qs, c.qvd[xef] = !0);
        b.nfh && (c.nfh = b.nfh, c.qvd[zef] = !0);
        b.ofh && (c.ofh = b.ofh, c.qvd[bff] = !0);
        b.pfh && (c.pfh = b.pfh, c.qvd[dff] = !0);
        b.qfh && (c.qfh = b.qfh, c.qvd[fff] = !0);
        b.rfh && (c.rfh = b.rfh, c.qvd[hff] = !0);
        b.sfh && (c.sfh = b.sfh, c.qvd[jff] = !0);
        b.tfh && (c.tfh = b.tfh, c.qvd[lff] = !0);
        b.ufh && (c.ufh = b.ufh, c.qvd[nff] = !0);
        b.vfh && (c.vfh = b.vfh, c.qvd[pff] = !0);
        b.wfh && (c.wfh = b.wfh, c.qvd[rff] = !0);
        b.xfh && (c.xfh = b.xfh, c.qvd[tff] = !0);
        b.yfh && (c.yfh = b.yfh, c.qvd[vff] = !0);
        b.zfh && (c.zfh = b.zfh, c.qvd[xff] = !0);
        b.agh && (c.agh = b.agh, c.qvd[zff] = !0);
        b.bgh && (c.bgh = b.bgh, c.qvd[bgf] = !0);
        b.cgh && (c.cgh = b.cgh, c.qvd[dgf] = !0);
        b.dgh && (c.dgh = b.dgh, c.qvd[fgf] = !0);
        b.egh && (c.egh = b.egh, c.qvd[zhf] = !0);
        b.dn && (c.ceh[0] = b.dn, c.qvd[hbf] = !0);
        b.bn && (c.ceh[1] = b.bn, c.qvd[ibf] = !0);
        b.sn && (c.ceh[2] = b.sn, c.qvd[jbf] = !0);
        b.yq && (c.ceh[3] = b.yq, c.qvd[kbf] = !0);
        b.fgh && (c.ceh[4] = b.fgh, c.qvd[lbf] = !0);
        b.ggh && (c.ceh[5] = b.ggh, c.qvd[mbf] = !0);
        b.hgh && (c.ceh[6] = b.hgh, c.qvd[nbf] = !0);
        b.igh && (c.ceh[7] = b.igh, c.qvd[obf] = !0);
        b.jgh && (c.ceh[8] = b.jgh, c.qvd[pbf] = !0);
        b.kgh && (c.ceh[9] = b.kgh, c.qvd[qbf] = !0);
        b.lgh && (c.ceh[10] = b.lgh, c.qvd[rbf] = !0);
        b.mgh && (c.ceh[11] = b.mgh, c.qvd[sbf] = !0);
        b.ngh && (c.eeh[gif] = b.ngh, c.qvd[gif] = !0);
        b.ogh && (c.eeh[iif] = b.ogh, c.qvd[iif] = !0);
        b.pgh && (c.eeh[jif] = b.pgh, c.qvd[jif] = !0);
        b.qgh && (c.eeh[kif] = b.qgh, c.qvd[kif] = !0);
        b.nn && (c.eeh[lif] = b.nn, c.qvd[lif] = !0);
        b.rgh && (c.eeh[mif] = b.rgh, c.qvd[mif] = !0);
        b.sgh && (c.eeh[nif] = b.sgh, c.qvd[nif] = !0);
        b.tgh && (c.eeh[oif] = b.tgh, c.qvd[oif] = !0);
        b.ugh && (c.eeh[pif] = b.ugh, c.qvd[pif] = !0);
        b.vgh && (c.eeh[qif] = b.vgh, c.qvd[qif] = !0);
        b.wgh && (c.eeh[rif] = b.wgh, c.qvd[rif] = !0);
        b.xgh && (c.eeh[sif] = b.xgh, c.qvd[sif] = !0);
        b.ygh && (c.eeh[tif] = b.ygh, c.qvd[tif] = !0);
        b.zgh && (c.eeh[uif] = b.zgh, c.qvd[uif] = !0);
        b.ahh && (c.eeh[vif] = b.ahh, c.qvd[vif] = !0);
        b.bhh && (c.eeh[wif] = b.bhh, c.qvd[wif] = !0);
        b.chh && (c.eeh[xif] = b.chh, c.qvd[xif] = !0);
        b.dhh && (c.eeh[yif] = b.dhh, c.qvd[yif] = !0);
        b.ehh && (c.eeh[zif] = b.ehh, c.qvd[zif] = !0);
        b.fhh && (c.eeh[ajf] = b.fhh, c.qvd[ajf] = !0);
        b.ghh && (c.eeh[bjf] = b.ghh, c.qvd[bjf] = !0);
        b.hhh && (c.eeh[cjf] = b.hhh, c.qvd[cjf] = !0);
        b.ihh && (c.eeh[djf] = b.ihh, c.qvd[djf] = !0);
        b.jhh && (c.eeh[ejf] = b.jhh, c.qvd[ejf] = !0);
        b.khh && (c.eeh[fjf] = b.khh, c.qvd[fjf] = !0);
        b.lhh && (c.eeh[gjf] = b.lhh, c.qvd[gjf] = !0);
        b.mhh && (c.eeh[hjf] = b.mhh, c.qvd[hjf] = !0);
        b.nhh && (c.eeh[ijf] = b.nhh, c.qvd[ijf] = !0);
        b.ohh && (c.eeh[jjf] = b.ohh, c.qvd[jjf] = !0);
        b.phh && (c.eeh[kjf] = b.phh, c.qvd[kjf] = !0);
        b.qhh && (c.eeh[ljf] = b.qhh, c.qvd[ljf] = !0);
        b.rhh && (c.eeh[mjf] = b.rhh, c.qvd[mjf] = !0);
        b.shh && (c.eeh[njf] = b.shh, c.qvd[njf] = !0);
        b.thh && (c.eeh[ojf] = b.thh, c.qvd[ojf] = !0);
        b.uhh && (c.eeh[pjf] = b.uhh, c.qvd[pjf] = !0);
        b.vhh && (c.eeh[qjf] = b.vhh, c.qvd[qjf] = !0);
        b.whh && (c.eeh[rjf] = b.whh, c.qvd[rjf] = !0);
        b.xhh && (c.eeh[sjf] = b.xhh, c.qvd[sjf] = !0);
        b.yhh && (c.eeh[tjf] = b.yhh, c.qvd[tjf] = !0);
        b.zhh && (c.eeh[ujf] = b.zhh, c.qvd[ujf] = !0);
        b.aih && (c.eeh[vjf] = b.aih, c.qvd[vjf] = !0);
        b.bih && (c.eeh[wjf] = b.bih, c.qvd[wjf] = !0);
        b.cih && (c.eeh[xjf] = b.cih, c.qvd[xjf] = !0);
        b.dih && (c.eeh[yjf] = b.dih, c.qvd[yjf] = !0);
        b.eih && (c.eeh[zjf] = b.eih, c.qvd[zjf] = !0);
        b.fih && (c.eeh[akf] = b.fih, c.qvd[akf] = !0);
        b.gih && (c.eeh[bkf] = b.gih, c.qvd[bkf] = !0);
        b.hih && (c.eeh[ckf] = b.hih, c.qvd[ckf] = !0);
        b.iih && (c.eeh[dkf] = b.iih, c.qvd[dkf] = !0);
        b.jih && (c.eeh[ekf] = b.jih, c.qvd[ekf] = !0);
        b.kih && (c.eeh[fkf] = b.kih, c.qvd[fkf] = !0);
        b.lih && (c.eeh[gkf] = b.lih, c.qvd[gkf] = !0);
        b.mih && (c.eeh[hkf] = b.mih, c.qvd[hkf] = !0);
        b.nih && (c.eeh[ikf] = b.nih, c.qvd[ikf] = !0);
        b.oih && (c.eeh[jkf] = b.oih, c.qvd[jkf] = !0);
        b.pih && (c.eeh[kkf] = b.pih, c.qvd[kkf] = !0);
        b.qih && (c.eeh[lkf] = b.qih, c.qvd[lkf] = !0);
        b.rih && (c.eeh[mkf] = b.rih, c.qvd[mkf] = !0);
        b.sih && (c.eeh[nkf] = b.sih, c.qvd[nkf] = !0);
        b.tih && (c.eeh[okf] = b.tih, c.qvd[okf] = !0);
        b.uih && (c.eeh[pkf] = b.uih, c.qvd[pkf] = !0);
        b.vih && (c.eeh[qkf] = b.vih, c.qvd[qkf] = !0);
        b.wih && (c.eeh[rkf] = b.wih, c.qvd[rkf] = !0);
        b.xih && (c.eeh[skf] = b.xih, c.qvd[skf] = !0);
        b.yih && (c.eeh[tkf] = b.yih, c.qvd[tkf] = !0);
        b.zih && (c.eeh[ukf] = b.zih, c.qvd[ukf] = !0);
        b.ajh && (c.eeh[vkf] = b.ajh, c.qvd[vkf] = !0);
        b.bjh && (c.eeh[wkf] = b.bjh, c.qvd[wkf] = !0);
        b.cjh && (c.eeh[xkf] = b.cjh, c.qvd[xkf] = !0);
        b.djh && (c.eeh[llf] = b.djh, c.qvd[llf] = !0);
        b.ejh && (c.eeh[mlf] = b.ejh, c.qvd[mlf] = !0);
        b.fjh && (c.eeh[nlf] = b.fjh, c.qvd[nlf] = !0);
        b.gjh && (c.eeh[olf] = b.gjh, c.qvd[olf] = !0);
        b.hjh && (c.eeh[plf] = b.hjh, c.qvd[plf] = !0);
        b.ijh && (c.eeh[qlf] = b.ijh, c.qvd[qlf] = !0);
        b.jjh && (c.eeh[rlf] = b.jjh, c.qvd[rlf] = !0);
        b.kjh && (c.eeh[slf] = b.kjh, c.qvd[slf] = !0);
        b.ljh && (c.eeh[tlf] = b.ljh, c.qvd[tlf] = !0);
        b.mjh && (c.eeh[ulf] = b.mjh, c.qvd[ulf] = !0);
        b.njh && (c.eeh[vlf] = b.njh, c.qvd[vlf] = !0);
        b.ojh && (c.eeh[wlf] = b.ojh, c.qvd[wlf] = !0);
        b.pjh && (c.eeh[xlf] = b.pjh, c.qvd[xlf] = !0);
        b.qjh && (c.eeh[ylf] = b.qjh, c.qvd[ylf] = !0);
        b.rjh && (c.eeh[zlf] = b.rjh, c.qvd[zlf] = !0);
        b.sjh && (c.eeh[amf] = b.sjh, c.qvd[amf] = !0);
        b.tjh && (c.deh[bmf] = b.tjh, c.qvd[bmf] = !0);
        b.ujh && (c.deh[dmf] = b.ujh, c.qvd[dmf] = !0);
        b.vjh && (c.deh[emf] = b.vjh, c.qvd[emf] = !0);
        b.wjh && (c.deh[fmf] = b.wjh, c.qvd[fmf] = !0);
        b.xjh && (c.deh[gmf] = b.xjh, c.qvd[gmf] = !0);
        b.yjh && (c.deh[hmf] = b.yjh, c.qvd[hmf] = !0);
        b.zjh && (c.deh[imf] = b.zjh, c.qvd[imf] = !0);
        b.akh && (c.deh[jmf] = b.akh, c.qvd[jmf] = !0);
        b.bkh && (c.deh[kmf] = b.bkh, c.qvd[kmf] = !0);
        b.ckh && (c.deh[lmf] = b.ckh, c.qvd[lmf] = !0);
        b.dkh && (c.deh[mmf] = b.dkh, c.qvd[mmf] = !0);
        b.ekh && (c.deh[nmf] = b.ekh, c.qvd[nmf] = !0);
        b.fkh && (c.deh[omf] = b.fkh, c.qvd[omf] = !0);
        b.gkh && (c.deh[pmf] = b.gkh, c.qvd[pmf] = !0);
        b.hkh && (c.deh[qmf] = b.hkh, c.qvd[qmf] = !0);
        b.ikh && (c.deh[rmf] = b.ikh, c.qvd[rmf] = !0);
        b.jkh && (c.deh[smf] = b.jkh, c.qvd[smf] = !0);
        b.kkh && (c.deh[tmf] = b.kkh, c.qvd[tmf] = !0);
        b.lkh && (c.deh[umf] = b.lkh, c.qvd[umf] = !0);
        b.mkh && (c.deh[vmf] = b.mkh, c.qvd[vmf] = !0);
        b.nkh && (c.deh[wmf] = b.nkh, c.qvd[wmf] = !0);
        b.okh && (c.deh[xmf] = b.okh, c.qvd[xmf] = !0);
        b.pkh && (c.deh[ymf] = b.pkh, c.qvd[ymf] = !0);
        b.qkh && (c.deh[zmf] = b.qkh, c.qvd[zmf] = !0);
        b.rkh && (c.deh[anf] = b.rkh, c.qvd[anf] = !0);
        b.skh && (c.deh[bnf] = b.skh, c.qvd[bnf] = !0);
        b.tkh && (c.deh[cnf] = b.tkh, c.qvd[cnf] = !0);
        b.ukh && (c.deh[dnf] = b.ukh, c.qvd[dnf] = !0);
        b.vkh && (c.deh[enf] = b.vkh, c.qvd[enf] = !0);
        b.wkh && (c.deh[fnf] = b.wkh, c.qvd[fnf] = !0);
        b.xkh && (c.deh[gnf] = b.xkh, c.qvd[gnf] = !0);
        b.ykh && (c.deh[hnf] = b.ykh, c.qvd[hnf] = !0);
        b.zkh && (c.deh[inf] = b.zkh, c.qvd[inf] = !0);
        b.alh && (c.deh[jnf] = b.alh, c.qvd[jnf] = !0);
        b.blh && (c.deh[knf] = b.blh, c.qvd[knf] = !0);
        b.clh && (c.deh[lnf] = b.clh, c.qvd[lnf] = !0);
        b.dlh && (c.deh[mnf] = b.dlh, c.qvd[mnf] = !0);
        b.elh && (c.deh[nnf] = b.elh, c.qvd[nnf] = !0);
        b.flh && (c.deh[onf] = b.flh, c.qvd[onf] = !0);
        b.glh && (c.deh[pnf] = b.glh, c.qvd[pnf] = !0);
        b.hlh && (c.deh[qnf] = b.hlh, c.qvd[qnf] = !0);
        b.ilh && (c.deh[rnf] = b.ilh, c.qvd[rnf] = !0);
        b.jlh && (c.deh[snf] = b.jlh, c.qvd[snf] = !0);
        b.klh && (c.deh[tnf] = b.klh, c.qvd[tnf] = !0);
        b.llh && (c.deh[unf] = b.llh, c.qvd[unf] = !0);
        b.mlh && (c.deh[vnf] = b.mlh, c.qvd[vnf] = !0);
        b.nlh && (c.deh[wnf] = b.nlh, c.qvd[wnf] = !0);
        b.olh && (c.deh[xnf] = b.olh, c.qvd[xnf] = !0);
        b.plh && (c.deh[ynf] = b.plh, c.qvd[ynf] = !0);
        b.qlh && (c.deh[znf] = b.qlh, c.qvd[znf] = !0);
        b.rlh && (c.deh[aof] = b.rlh, c.qvd[aof] = !0);
        b.slh && (c.deh[bof] = b.slh, c.qvd[bof] = !0);
        b.tlh && (c.deh[cof] = b.tlh, c.qvd[cof] = !0);
        b.ulh && (c.deh[dof] = b.ulh, c.qvd[dof] = !0);
        b.vlh && (c.deh[eof] = b.vlh, c.qvd[eof] = !0);
        b.wlh && (c.deh[fof] = b.wlh, c.qvd[fof] = !0);
        b.xlh && (c.deh[gof] = b.xlh, c.qvd[gof] = !0);
        b.ylh && (c.deh[hof] = b.ylh, c.qvd[hof] = !0);
        b.zlh && (c.deh[iof] = b.zlh, c.qvd[iof] = !0);
        b.amh && (c.deh[jof] = b.amh, c.qvd[jof] = !0);
        b.bmh && (c.deh[kof] = b.bmh, c.qvd[kof] = !0);
        b.cmh && (c.deh[lof] = b.cmh, c.qvd[lof] = !0);
        b.dmh && (c.deh[mof] = b.dmh, c.qvd[mof] = !0);
        b.emh && (c.deh[nof] = b.emh, c.qvd[nof] = !0);
        b.fmh && (c.deh[oof] = b.fmh, c.qvd[oof] = !0);
        b.gmh && (c.deh[pof] = b.gmh, c.qvd[pof] = !0);
        b.hmh && (c.deh[qof] = b.hmh, c.qvd[qof] = !0);
        b.imh && (c.deh[rof] = b.imh, c.qvd[rof] = !0);
        b.jmh && (c.deh[sof] = b.jmh, c.qvd[sof] = !0);
        b.kmh && (c.deh[gpf] = b.kmh, c.qvd[gpf] = !0);
        b.lmh && (c.deh[hpf] = b.lmh, c.qvd[hpf] = !0);
        b.mmh && (c.deh[ipf] = b.mmh, c.qvd[ipf] = !0);
        b.nmh && (c.deh[jpf] = b.nmh, c.qvd[jpf] = !0);
        b.omh && (c.deh[kpf] = b.omh, c.qvd[kpf] = !0);
        b.pmh && (c.deh[lpf] = b.pmh, c.qvd[lpf] = !0);
        b.qmh && (c.deh[mpf] = b.qmh, c.qvd[mpf] = !0);
        b.rmh && (c.deh[npf] = b.rmh, c.qvd[npf] = !0);
        b.smh && (c.deh[opf] = b.smh, c.qvd[opf] = !0);
        b.tmh && (c.deh[ppf] = b.tmh, c.qvd[ppf] = !0);
        b.umh && (c.deh[qpf] = b.umh, c.qvd[qpf] = !0);
        b.vmh && (c.deh[rpf] = b.vmh, c.qvd[rpf] = !0);
        b.wmh && (c.deh[spf] = b.wmh, c.qvd[spf] = !0);
        b.xmh && (c.deh[tpf] = b.xmh, c.qvd[tpf] = !0);
        b.ymh && (c.deh[upf] = b.ymh, c.qvd[upf] = !0);
        b.zmh && (c.deh[vpf] = b.zmh, c.qvd[vpf] = !0);
        b.anh && (c.feh[wpf] = b.anh, c.qvd[wpf] = !0);
        b.bnh && (c.feh[ypf] = b.bnh, c.qvd[ypf] = !0);
        b.cnh && (c.feh[zpf] = b.cnh, c.qvd[zpf] = !0);
        b.dnh && (c.feh[aqf] = b.dnh, c.qvd[aqf] = !0);
        b.enh && (c.feh[bqf] = b.enh, c.qvd[bqf] = !0);
        b.fnh && (c.feh[cqf] = b.fnh, c.qvd[cqf] = !0);
        b.gnh && (c.feh[dqf] = b.gnh, c.qvd[dqf] = !0);
        b.hnh && (c.feh[eqf] = b.hnh, c.qvd[eqf] = !0);
        b.inh && (c.feh[fqf] = b.inh, c.qvd[fqf] = !0);
        b.jnh && (c.feh[gqf] = b.jnh, c.qvd[gqf] = !0);
        b.knh && (c.feh[hqf] = b.knh, c.qvd[hqf] = !0);
        b.lnh && (c.feh[iqf] = b.lnh, c.qvd[iqf] = !0);
        b.mnh && (c.feh[jqf] = b.mnh, c.qvd[jqf] = !0);
        b.nnh && (c.feh[kqf] = b.nnh, c.qvd[kqf] = !0);
        b.onh && (c.feh[lqf] = b.onh, c.qvd[lqf] = !0);
        b.pnh && (c.feh[mqf] = b.pnh, c.qvd[mqf] = !0);
        b.qnh && (c.feh[nqf] = b.qnh, c.qvd[nqf] = !0);
        b.rnh && (c.feh[oqf] = b.rnh, c.qvd[oqf] = !0);
        b.snh && (c.feh[pqf] = b.snh, c.qvd[pqf] = !0);
        b.tnh && (c.feh[qqf] = b.tnh, c.qvd[qqf] = !0);
        b.unh && (c.feh[rqf] = b.unh, c.qvd[rqf] = !0);
        b.vnh && (c.feh[sqf] = b.vnh, c.qvd[sqf] = !0);
        b.wnh && (c.feh[tqf] = b.wnh, c.qvd[tqf] = !0);
        b.xnh && (c.feh[uqf] = b.xnh, c.qvd[uqf] = !0);
        b.ynh && (c.feh[vqf] = b.ynh, c.qvd[vqf] = !0);
        b.znh && (c.feh[wqf] = b.znh, c.qvd[wqf] = !0);
        b.aoh && (c.feh[xqf] = b.aoh, c.qvd[xqf] = !0);
        b.boh && (c.feh[yqf] = b.boh, c.qvd[yqf] = !0);
        b.coh && (c.feh[zqf] = b.coh, c.qvd[zqf] = !0);
        b.doh && (c.feh[arf] = b.doh, c.qvd[arf] = !0);
        b.eoh && (c.feh[brf] = b.eoh, c.qvd[brf] = !0);
        b.foh && (c.feh[crf] = b.foh, c.qvd[crf] = !0);
        b.goh && (c.feh[drf] = b.goh, c.qvd[drf] = !0);
        b.hoh && (c.feh[erf] = b.hoh, c.qvd[erf] = !0);
        b.ioh && (c.feh[frf] = b.ioh, c.qvd[frf] = !0);
        b.joh && (c.feh[grf] = b.joh, c.qvd[grf] = !0);
        b.koh && (c.feh[hrf] = b.koh, c.qvd[hrf] = !0);
        b.loh && (c.feh[irf] = b.loh, c.qvd[irf] = !0);
        b.moh && (c.feh[jrf] = b.moh, c.qvd[jrf] = !0);
        b.noh && (c.feh[krf] = b.noh, c.qvd[krf] = !0);
        b.ooh && (c.feh[lrf] = b.ooh, c.qvd[lrf] = !0);
        b.poh && (c.feh[mrf] = b.poh, c.qvd[mrf] = !0);
        b.qoh && (c.feh[nrf] = b.qoh, c.qvd[nrf] = !0);
        b.roh && (c.feh[orf] = b.roh, c.qvd[orf] = !0);
        b.soh && (c.feh[prf] = b.soh, c.qvd[prf] = !0);
        b.toh && (c.feh[qrf] = b.toh, c.qvd[qrf] = !0);
        b.uoh && (c.feh[rrf] = b.uoh, c.qvd[rrf] = !0);
        b.voh && (c.feh[srf] = b.voh, c.qvd[srf] = !0);
        b.woh && (c.feh[trf] = b.woh, c.qvd[trf] = !0);
        b.xoh && (c.feh[urf] = b.xoh, c.qvd[urf] = !0);
        b.yoh && (c.feh[vrf] = b.yoh, c.qvd[vrf] = !0);
        b.zoh && (c.feh[wrf] = b.zoh, c.qvd[wrf] = !0);
        b.aph && (c.feh[xrf] = b.aph, c.qvd[xrf] = !0);
        b.bph && (c.feh[yrf] = b.bph, c.qvd[yrf] = !0);
        b.cph && (c.feh[zrf] = b.cph, c.qvd[zrf] = !0);
        b.dph && (c.feh[asf] = b.dph, c.qvd[asf] = !0);
        b.eph && (c.feh[bsf] = b.eph, c.qvd[bsf] = !0);
        b.fph && (c.feh[csf] = b.fph, c.qvd[csf] = !0);
        b.gph && (c.feh[dsf] = b.gph, c.qvd[dsf] = !0);
        b.hph && (c.feh[esf] = b.hph, c.qvd[esf] = !0);
        b.iph && (c.feh[fsf] = b.iph, c.qvd[fsf] = !0);
        b.jph && (c.feh[gsf] = b.jph, c.qvd[gsf] = !0);
        b.kph && (c.feh[hsf] = b.kph, c.qvd[hsf] = !0);
        b.lph && (c.feh[isf] = b.lph, c.qvd[isf] = !0);
        b.mph && (c.feh[jsf] = b.mph, c.qvd[jsf] = !0);
        b.nph && (c.feh[ksf] = b.nph, c.qvd[ksf] = !0);
        b.oph && (c.feh[lsf] = b.oph, c.qvd[lsf] = !0);
        b.pph && (c.feh[msf] = b.pph, c.qvd[msf] = !0);
        b.qph && (c.feh[nsf] = b.qph, c.qvd[nsf] = !0);
        b.rph && (c.feh[btf] = b.rph, c.qvd[btf] = !0);
        b.sph && (c.feh[ctf] = b.sph, c.qvd[ctf] = !0);
        b.tph && (c.feh[dtf] = b.tph, c.qvd[dtf] = !0);
        b.uph && (c.feh[etf] = b.uph, c.qvd[etf] = !0);
        b.vph && (c.feh[ftf] = b.vph, c.qvd[ftf] = !0);
        b.wph && (c.feh[gtf] = b.wph, c.qvd[gtf] = !0);
        b.xph && (c.feh[htf] = b.xph, c.qvd[htf] = !0);
        b.yph && (c.feh[itf] = b.yph, c.qvd[itf] = !0);
        b.zph && (c.feh[jtf] = b.zph, c.qvd[jtf] = !0);
        b.aqh && (c.feh[ktf] = b.aqh, c.qvd[ktf] = !0);
        b.bqh && (c.feh[ltf] = b.bqh, c.qvd[ltf] = !0);
        b.cqh && (c.feh[mtf] = b.cqh, c.qvd[mtf] = !0);
        b.dqh && (c.feh[ntf] = b.dqh, c.qvd[ntf] = !0);
        b.eqh && (c.feh[otf] = b.eqh, c.qvd[otf] = !0);
        b.fqh && (c.feh[ptf] = b.fqh, c.qvd[ptf] = !0);
        b.gqh && (c.feh[qtf] = b.gqh, c.qvd[qtf] = !0);
        var d = 0;
        if (void 0 != b.rm)
            for (; d < b.rm.length;) {
                var e = parseInt(b.rm[d]) + 1,
                    f = b.rm[d + 1],
                    h = svf.pqd(e);
                c.qvd[ogf] = !0;
                c.qvd[ogf | e] = !0;
                var g = new udh;
                g.vdh = f;
                g.xdh = h;
                g.wdh = e;
                c.lm[ogf | e] = g;
                d += 2
        d = 0;
        if (void 0 != b.sm)
            for (; d < b.sm.length;) c.qvd[ave] = !0, e = parseInt(b.sm[d]), f = b.sm[d + 1], h = new ydh, h.vdh = f, h.lqh = !1, h.wgg = this, c.fdg[e] = h, d += 2
    return c

function ebg() {
    this.tqh = [];
    this.uqh = [];
    this.length = 0

function fy(e) {
    if (e == ede) return ebe.jee().slice(0);
    var t = dbe.pqd(e);
    if (null != t) return t.zyg.xad.slice(0);
    e = maf.pqd(e);
    return null != e ? (t = [], t[0] = e, t) : null

function xqh() {
    this.xad = [];
    this.etb = this.length = 0;
    this.yqh = -1

function vrh() {
    this.utc = this.tub = wrh;

function wrh() {
    this.xrh = !0;
    this.drc = -1;
    this.yrh = !0;
    this.ash = this.zrh = !1;
    this.urb = arh;
    this.csh = this.bsh = 1;
    this.esh = this.dsh = 0;
    this.xhg = this.whg = 1;
    this.gsh = this.fsh = 100;
    this.ysh = this.xsh = this.wsh = this.vsh = this.ush = this.tsh = this.ssh = this.rsh = this.qsh = this.psh = this.osh = this.nsh = this.msh = this.lsh = this.ksh = this.jsh = this.ish = this.hsh = 0;
    this.zsh = 270;
    this.ath = irh;
    this.bth = [];
    this.bth[0] = ouf;
    this.bth[1] = ouf;
    this.bth[2] = ouf;
    this.eth = this.dth = this.cth = 1;
    this.fth = !1

function gth() {
    this.tub = this.utc = hth;

function hth() {
    this.xrh = !0;
    this.rxg = this.qxg = this.pxg = this.oxg = this.jth = this.ith = 0;
    this.urb = rrh;
    this.kth = orh

function lth() {

function sth() {
    this.tub = this.utc = tth;

function tth() {
    this.xrh = !1;
    this.uth = [];
    this.vth = [];
    this.wth = !1;
    this.yth = this.xth = this.tm = 0;
    this.auh = this.zth = !0

function qxe(e) {
    return mce() * e

function buh(e, t, n) {
    t -= e;
    if (0 >= t) return e;
    var r = 0,
        r = 0;
    switch (n) {
        case orh:
            r = e + qxe(1) * t;
        case prh:
            do r = 6 * (qxe(1) - .5); while (!(exp(.5 * -(r * r)) > qxe(1)));
            r = e + 1 / 6 * (r + 3) * t;
        case qrh:
            do r = 6 * (qxe(1) - .5); while (!(exp(.5 * -(r * r)) > qxe(1)));
            0 > r && (r += 6);
            r = e + 1 / 6 * r * t;
            r = e + qxe(1) * t
    return r

function guh(e, t) {
    var n;
    0 == e ? n = 0 < t ? 270 : 0 > t ? 90 : 0 : (n = 180 * Math.atan2(t, e) / Math.PI, n = 0 >= n ? -n : 360 - n);
    return n - 360 * Math.floor(n / 360)

function huh(e, t) {
    return t * Math.cos(e * Math.PI / 180)

function juh(e, t) {
    return -t * Math.sin(e * Math.PI / 180)

function kuh(e) {
    muh = bvf[e.jth];
    if (0 >= e.nth || 0 >= e.oth) switch (muh.ath) {
        case irh:
            e.urc = muh.bth[0];
        case jrh:
            e.urc = muh.bth[0];
        case krh:
            e.urc = muh.bth[0];
        case lrh:
            var t = ~~buh(muh.bth[0], muh.bth[1], orh);
            buh(muh.bth[2], muh.bth[3], orh);
            buh(muh.bth[4], muh.bth[5], orh);
            e.urc = (t << 16) + (vud.uud << 8) + vud.tib;
        case mrh:
            buh(muh.bth[0], muh.bth[1], orh);
            buh(muh.bth[2], muh.bth[3], orh);
            buh(muh.bth[4], muh.bth[5], orh);
            e.urc = 16777215;
        case nrh:
            e.urc = kwd(wud(muh.bth[0], muh.bth[1], qxe(1)))
    } else switch (muh.ath) {
        case jrh:
            t = e.nth / e.oth;
            1 < t && (t = 1);
            e.urc = wud(muh.bth[0], muh.bth[1], t);
        case krh:
            t = 2 * e.nth / e.oth, 2 < t && (t = 2), e.urc = 1 > t ? wud(muh.bth[0], muh.bth[1], t) : wud(muh.bth[1], muh.bth[2], t - 1)

function ouh(e, t, n) {
    var r = new lth;
    quh = bvf[n];
    if (null == quh || void 0 == quh) return null;
    r.mth = !0;
    r.jth = n;
    r.fm = e;
    r.gm = t;
    r.fjd = buh(quh.lsh, quh.msh, 0);
    r.pth = buh(quh.psh, quh.qsh, 0);
    r.ipg = buh(quh.tsh, quh.ush, 0);
    r.oth = buh(quh.fsh, quh.gsh, 0);
    r.nth = 0;
    r.urc = 16777215;
    r.syb = quh.cth;
    r.sl = buh(quh.bsh, quh.csh, 0);
    r.qth = quh.ash ? qxe(1e4) : 0;
    r.rth = qxe(1e5);
    return r

function yfe() {
    var e = bvf.length;
    bvf[e] = new vrh;
    return e

function age(e) {
    var t = bvf[e];
    if (null == t || void 0 == t) return !1;
    bvf[e] = null;
    return !0

function ege(e) {
    var t = bvf[e];
    if (null == t || void 0 == t) return !1;
    return !0

function cge(e) {
    e = bvf[e];
    return null == e || void 0 == e ? !1 : !0

function gge(e, t) {
    var n = bvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.urb = t, n.drc = -1)

function ige(e, t, n, r, i) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.drc = t, e.yrh = n, e.zrh = r, e.ash = i)

function kge(e, t, n, r, i) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.bsh = t, e.csh = n, e.dsh = r, e.esh = i)

function mge(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.whg = t, e.xhg = n)

function ghe(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.fsh = t, e.gsh = n)

function ihe(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ish = t, e.hsh = n)

function khe(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ksh = t, e.jsh = n)

function ohe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.lsh = t, e.msh = n, e.nsh = r, e.osh = i)

function qhe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.psh = t, e.qsh = n, e.rsh = r, e.ssh = i)

function mhe(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.tsh = t, e.ush = n, e.vsh = r, e.wsh = i, e.xsh = s)

function she(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ysh = t, e.zsh = n)

function wge(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ath = lrh, e.bth[0] = t, e.bth[1] = n, e.bth[2] = r, e.bth[3] = i, e.bth[4] = s, e.bth[5] = o)

function uge(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ath = nrh, e.bth[0] = kwd(t), e.bth[1] = kwd(n))

function yge(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ath = mrh, e.bth[0] = t, e.bth[1] = n, e.bth[2] = r, e.bth[3] = i, e.bth[4] = s, e.bth[5] = o)

function oge(e, t) {
    var n = bvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.ath = irh, n.bth[0] = kwd(t))

function qge(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ath = jrh, e.bth[0] = kwd(t), e.bth[1] = kwd(n))

function sge(e, t, n, r) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.ath = irh, e.bth[0] = kwd(t), e.bth[1] = kwd(n), e.bth[2] = kwd(r))

function ahe(e, t) {
    var n = bvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.cth = t, n.dth = t, n.eth = t)

function che(e, t, n) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.cth = t, e.dth = (t + n) / 2, e.eth = n)

function ehe(e, t, n, r) {
    e = bvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.cth = t, e.dth = n, e.eth = r)

function uhe(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    if (null == e || void 0 == e) return -1;
    var t = e.vth.length;
    e.vth[t] = new gth;
    return t

function whe(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    if (null == n || void 0 == n) return !1;
    var r = n.vth[t];
    if (null == r || void 0 == r) return !1;
    n.vth[t] = null;
    return !0

function yhe(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    if (null == e || void 0 == e) return !1;
    e.vth = [];
    return !0

function aie(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    if (null == n || void 0 == n) return !1;
    n = n.vth[t];
    return null == n || void 0 == n ? !1 : !0

function cie(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    if (null == n || void 0 == n) return !1;
    n = n.vth[t];
    if (null == n || void 0 == n) return !1;

function eie(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    e = cvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (t = e.vth[t], null != t && void 0 != t && (t.oxg = n, t.pxg = r, t.qxg = i, t.rxg = s, t.urb = o, t.kth = u))

function gie(e, t, n, r) {
    if (0 > r)
        if (0 == (qxe(-r) | 0)) r = 1;
        else return;
    var i = cvf[e];
    if (null != i && void 0 != i && (t = i.vth[t], null != t && void 0 != t))
        for (i = 0; i <= r - 1; i++) {
            for (var s, o, u = !1; !1 == u;) switch (s = buh(0, 1, t.kth), o = buh(0, 1, t.kth), t.kth == qrh && t.urb != urh && (.5 > qxe() ? s = buh(0, 1, 0) : o = buh(0, 1, 0)), t.urb) {
                case rrh:
                    u = !0;
                case srh:
                    lce(s - .5) + lce(o - .5) <= lce(.5) && (u = !0);
                case trh:
                    .5 >= Math.abs(s - .5) + Math.abs(o - .5) && (u = !0);
                case urh:
                    u = !0;
                    u = !0
            t.urb == urh ? qfe(e, t.oxg + (t.pxg - t.oxg) * s, t.qxg + (t.rxg - t.qxg) * s, n, 1) : qfe(e, t.oxg + (t.pxg - t.oxg) * s, t.qxg + (t.rxg - t.qxg) * o, n, 1)

function iie(e, t, n, r) {
    e = cvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (t = e.vth[t], null != t && void 0 != t && (t.ith = r, t.jth = n))

function qfe(e, t, n, r, i) {
    i = ~~i;
    r = ~~r;
    e = cvf[e];
    if (null != e && void 0 != e) {
        var s = bvf[r];
        if (null == s || void 0 == s) return !1;
        for (s = 0; s < i; s++) e.uth[e.uth.length] = ouh(t, n, r)

function sfe(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    e = cvf[e];
    if (null != e && void 0 != e) {
        var o = bvf[r];
        if (null == o || void 0 == o) return !1;
        for (o = 1; o <= s; o++) {
            var u = e.uth.length;
            e.uth[u] = ouh(t, n, r);
            e.uth[u].urc = kwd(i)

function ufe(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    if (null == e || void 0 == e) return !1;
    e.uth = [];
    return !0

function wfe(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    return null == e || void 0 == e ? 0 : e.uth.etb

function uee() {
    var e = cvf.length;
    cvf[e] = new sth;
    return e

function yee(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    return null == e || void 0 == e ? !1 : !0

function wee(e) {
    var t = cvf[e];
    if (null != t && void 0 != t) return cvf[e] = null, !0

function afe(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && e.utc()

function xwh() {
    for (var e in cvf) {
        var t = cvf[e];
        t && (t.uth = [])

function cfe(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.wth = t)

function efe(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.tm = t)

function gfe(e, t, n) {
    e = cvf[e];
    null != e && void 0 != e && (e.xth = t, e.yth = n)

function ife(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.zth = t)

function kfe(e, t) {
    var n = cvf[e];
    null != n && void 0 != n && (n.auh = t)

function axh(e) {
    for (var t = 0, n = 0, r = cvf[e].uth, t = 0; t < r.length;) {
        var i = r[t],
            s = bvf[i.jth];
        i.nth >= i.oth ? (n = s.ksh, 0 > n && 0 == qxe(-n) && (n = 1), 0 < n && qfe(e, i.fm, i.gm, s.jsh, n), r.splice(t, 1)) : (n = s.ish, 0 > n && 0 == qxe(-n) && (n = 1), 0 < n && qfe(e, i.fm, i.gm, s.hsh, n), t++)

function dxh(e) {
    var t = 0,
        n = 0,
        r = 0,
        i = 0,
        s = 0,
        o = 0,
        u = 0,
        i = r = 0;
    e = cvf[e];
    for (var a = e.uth, t = 0; t < a.length; t++) {
        var f = a[t],
            l = bvf[f.jth];
        f.fjd += l.nsh;
        0 > f.fjd && (f.fjd = 0);
        f.pth += l.rsh;
        f.ipg += l.vsh;
        u = o = 0;
        if (0 != l.ysh || 0 < e.mxh) n = huh(f.pth, f.fjd), r = juh(f.pth, f.fjd), 0 != l.ysh && (i = huh(l.zsh, l.ysh), s = juh(l.zsh, l.ysh), n += i, r += s), f.pth = guh(n, r), f.fjd = Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r);
        r = (f.nth + 3 * f.rth) % 24 / 6;
        2 < r && (r = 4 - r);
        r -= 1;
        i = (f.nth + 4 * f.rth) % 20 / 5;
        2 < i && (i = 4 - i);
        i -= 1;
        n = huh(f.pth + r * l.ssh, f.fjd + i * l.osh);
        r = juh(f.pth + r * l.ssh, f.fjd + i * l.osh);
        f.fm = f.fm + n + o;
        f.gm = f.gm + r + u

function nxh(e) {
    e = cvf[e].uth;
    for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
        var n = e[t],
            r = bvf[n.jth];
        n.sl += r.dsh;
        0 > n.sl && (n.sl = 0);
        var i;
        i = 0 < n.oth ? 2 * n.nth / n.oth : 1;
        n.syb = 1 > i ? r.cth * (1 - i) + r.dth * i : r.dth * (2 - i) + r.eth * (i - 1)

function mfe(e) {
    var t = cvf[e];
    if (null == t || void 0 == t) return 0;
    for (var t = t.vth, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) 0 != t[n].ith && gie(e, n, t[n].jth, t[n].ith)

function qxh() {
    for (var e = 0; e < cvf.length; e++) {
        var t = cvf[e];
        null != t && t.zth && mfe(e)

function rxh(e, t, n) {
    var r = null,
        i = null;
    if (!(0 >= e.oth)) {
        var s = bvf[e.jth],
            r = eud.pqd(s.drc);
        if (null == r)
            if (i = s.urb, 0 <= i && i < hrh) i = avf[i];
            else return;
        var o;
        if (null == i) {
            if (0 >= r.kwg) return;
            o = s.yrh ? s.zrh ? e.qth + r.fud * e.nth / e.oth : e.qth + e.nth : e.qth
        var u = (e.nth + 2 * e.rth) % 16 / 4;
        2 < u && (u = 4 - u);
        var a = e.ipg;
        s.xsh && (a += e.pth);
        a += (u - 1) * s.wsh;
        u = (e.nth + e.rth) % 16 / 4;
        2 < u && (u = 4 - u);
        var u = u - 1,
            f = e.sl + u * s.esh,
            u = e.urc;
        null != i ? (r = s.whg * f, s = s.xhg * f, t = ~~(e.fm + t), n = ~~(e.gm + n), 1 == r && 1 == s && 0 == a && 16777215 == e.urc ? zpg(i, e.syb) : rqg(i, 0, 0, t, n, r, s, .017453293 * a, u, u, u, u, e.syb)) : r.nxc(o, e.fm + t, e.gm + n, bvf[e.jth].whg * f, bvf[e.jth].xhg * f, a, u, e.syb)

function ofe(e) {
    e = cvf[e];
    if (null != e && void 0 != e) {
        var t = e.uth;
        if (e.wth)
            for (var n = 0; n < e.uth.length; n++) rxh(t[n], e.xth, e.yth);
            for (n = e.uth.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) rxh(t[n], e.xth, e.yth)

function wxh(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < cvf.length; t++) {
        var n = cvf[t];
        null != n && n.auh && .01 > Math.abs(n.tm - e) && ofe(t)

function yxh() {
    for (var e = -1e9, t = 0; t < cvf.length; t++) {
        var n = cvf[t];
        null != n && 0 < n.uth.length && n.auh && n.tm > e && (e = n.tm)
    return e

function zxh(e) {
    for (var t = -1e9, n = 0; n < cvf.length; n++) {
        var r = cvf[n];
        null != r && 0 < r.uth.length && r.auh && r.tm > t && r.tm < e && (t = r.tm)
    return t

function dyh(e, t, n) {
    this.fm = e;
    this.gm = t;
    this.fjd = n;
    this.mac = 0

function eyh() {
    this.name = "";
    this.ou = cyh++;
    this.hyh = this.gyh = this.fyh = 0;

function eeg(e) {
    var t = new eyh;
    if (void 0 != e && null != e) {
        void 0 != e.hyh && (t.hyh = e.hyh);
        void 0 != e.gyh && (t.gyh = e.gyh);
        void 0 != e.fyh && (t.fyh = e.fyh);
        void 0 != e.sj && (t.name = e.sj);
        void 0 != e.wuc && (t.etb = e.wuc.length);
        for (var n in e.wuc) {
            var r = e.wuc[n],
                r = new dyh(r.fm, r.gm, r.fjd);
            t.wuc[t.wuc.length] = r
    return t

function kbg() {
    this.fk = [];
    cyh = 0

function fzh(e) {
    this.tm = e;
    this.om = !0;
    this.gzh = new iqd

function izh() {
    this.jzh = new xqh;
    this.kzh = -1

function nzh() {
    this.nyc = [];
    this.jm = 0;
    this.ozh = nzh.prototype.pzh;
    this.qzh = nzh.prototype.rzh

function sdg() {
    this.ou = owf++;

function fbg() {
    this.dje = [];
    this.xdg = []

function zci() {
    this.sj = "";
    this.fyh = 0;
    this.ucg = this.wcg = "";
    this.adi = 0;
    this.volume = 1;
    this.bdi = 0;
    this.preload = !0;
    this.cdi = 1;
    this.ddi = 0;
    this.edi = []

function vcg(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (!1 == sgf) return -1;
    n = e.indexOf(n);
    0 <= n && (e = e.substr(0, n));
    n = jwf ? "ogg" : iwf ? "mp3" : "ogg";
    e = e + "." + n;
    var s = new Audio;
    s.rbg = e;
    s.autobuffer = !0;
    "boolean" == typeof s.loop && (s.loop = !1);
    s.preload = "auto";
    s.dcg = !1;
    s.ndi = !1;
    var o = document.createElement("source");
    o.setAttribute("src", e);
    "ogg" == n ? (o.setAttribute("type", "audio/ogg"), o.setAttribute("codecs", "vorbis")) : o.setAttribute("type", "audio/mpeg");
    s.setAttribute("networkState", 0);
    s.insertBefore(o, null);
    xcg[t] = s;
    s.addEventListener("canplaythrough", r, !1);
    s.addEventListener("error", i, !1);
    s.addEventListener("loadstart", zbg, !1);
    s.addEventListener("suspend", acg, !1);
    s.addEventListener("stalled", bcg, !1);
    s.addEventListener("stall", bcg, !1);
    return t

function ibg() {
    this.qj = [];
    this.length = 0

function pdi() {
    qdi.ndi = !1

function sdi() {
    try {
        this.currentTime = 0
    } catch (e) {
        kwf && fsd("Error setting current sound time: " + this.qj[mje].sj)

function lke() {
    this.bottom = this.qbe = this.top = this.left = 0

function ike() {
    this.sj = "sprite";
    this.height = this.width = 16;
    this.pbe = new lke;
    this.preload = this.tj = this.ek = !0;
    this.mke = 0;
    this.nke = !1;
    this.vj = this.uj = 0;
    this.vub = !1;
    this.fud = 0;
    this.oke = 8;
    this.qke = this.pke = !1;
    this.rke = [];
    this.tdi = [];
    this.zje = [];
    this.ck = []

function eei(e, t) {
    if (null != e.ck[t])
        for (var n = [], r = 0, i = 0, s; r < e.ck[t].length;) {
            var o = e.ck[t][r++];
            if (o & 128) {
                o = (o & 127) + 1;
                s = e.ck[t][r++];
                for (var u = 0; u < o; u++) n[i++] = s
            } else
                for (o++, u = 0; u < o; u++) n[i++] = e.ck[t][r++]
    e.ck[t] = n

function zdg(e) {
    var t = new ike;
    void 0 != e.sj && (t.sj = e.sj);
    void 0 != e.width && (t.width = e.width);
    void 0 != e.height && (t.height = e.height);
    void 0 != e.wj && (t.pbe.left = e.wj);
    void 0 != e.xj && (t.pbe.qbe = e.xj);
    void 0 != e.yj && (t.pbe.top = e.yj);
    void 0 != e.zj && (t.pbe.bottom = e.zj);
    void 0 != e.ek && (t.ek = e.ek);
    void 0 != e.tj && (t.tj = e.tj);
    void 0 != e.preload && (t.preload = e.preload);
    void 0 != e.jei && (t.mke = e.jei);
    void 0 != e.bk && (t.nke = e.bk);
    void 0 != e.uj && (t.uj = e.uj);
    void 0 != e.vj && (t.vj = e.vj);
    t.ck = null;
    void 0 != e.ck && (t.ck = e.ck);
    t.zje = [];
    for (var n = e.ak.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) t.zje[n] = e.ak[n];
    t.fud = t.zje.length;
    for (n = 0; n < t.zje.length; n++) t.zje[n] = mhg(t.zje[n]), 0 == t.zje[n].bv && (t.zje[n].bv = 1), 0 == t.zje[n].cv && (t.zje[n].cv = 1);
    if (t.ck)
        for (n = 0; n < e.ck.length; n++) {
            e.kei || eei(t, n);
            t.pke = !0;
            var r = [];
            r[t.width * t.height - 1] = 0;
            for (var i = t.width + 7 >> 3, s = 0, o = 0; o < t.height; ++o, s += i)
                for (var u = 128, a = s, f = 0; f < t.width; ++f, u >>= 1) 0 == u && (u = 128, ++a), r[f + o * t.width] = 0 != (t.ck[n][a] & u);
            t.rke[n] = r
    e.kei = !0;
    return t

function gbg() {
    this.rj = []

function fgi() {
    this.tm = this.im = this.hm = this.mbi = this.lbi = this.mu = this.gm = this.fm = 0;
    this.ou = gxf++;
    this.xhg = this.whg = 1;
    this.vhg = 16777215;
    this.syb = 1;
    this.om = !0

function pbi(e) {
    var t = new fgi;
    void 0 != e.fm && (t.fm = e.fm);
    void 0 != e.gm && (t.gm = e.gm);
    void 0 != e.mu && (t.mu = e.mu);
    void 0 != e.lbi && (t.lbi = e.lbi);
    void 0 != e.mbi && (t.mbi = e.mbi);
    void 0 != e.hm && (t.hm = e.hm);
    void 0 != e.im && (t.im = e.im);
    void 0 != e.tm && (t.tm = e.tm);
    void 0 != e.ou && (t.ou = e.ou);
    void 0 != e.whg && (t.whg = e.whg);
    void 0 != e.xhg && (t.xhg = e.xhg);
    void 0 != e.syb && (t.syb = e.syb);
    void 0 != e.am && (t.whg = e.am);
    void 0 != e.bm && (t.xhg = e.bm);
    void 0 != e.pu && (t.vhg = e.pu);
    gxf < e.ou && (gxf = e.ou + 1);
    return t

function hgi(e) {
    null != e && void 0 != e ? (this.sj = e.sj, this.pvd = e.pvd) : (this.sj = "", this.pvd = [])

function lbg() {
    this.km = []

function ndg(e) {
    this.xad = e

function zue(e, t) {
    this.mai = e;
    this.ogi = [];
    this.pgi = t

function qgi(e) {
    return '"' + e.substr(5, e.length - 7) + '"'

function rgi(e) {
    return e.substr(5, e.length - 7)

function lzf(e, t, n, r) {
    try {
        if (e) {
            var i = e.yue[t];
            i || (i = global.yue[t], i || (i = new zue(t, 1), e.yue[t] = i));
            1 != i.pgi ? gsd("ERROR: Illegal number of dimensions when accessing array " + qgi(i.mai)) : i.ogi[~~n] = r
        } else gsd("ERROR: Accessing array with in an invalid instance/global")
    } catch (s) {
        gsd("ERROR: Accessing array " + qgi(t))

function ezf(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = e.yue[t];
    i || (i = global.yue[t], i || (i = new zue(t, 1), e.yue[t] = i));
    i.ogi[~~n] = r

function kzf(e, t, n) {
    try {
        var r = e.yue[t];
        if (!r) {
            if (r = global.yue[t], !r) return gsd("Error: Trying to access unknown array " + qgi(t)), 0
        } else if (1 != r.pgi) return gsd("ERROR: Illegal number of dimensions when accessing array " + qgi(r.mai)), 0;
        n = ~~n;
        return void 0 === r.ogi[n] ? (gsd('Error: Out of bounds trying to access "' + rgi(t) + "[" + n + ']", or value never written.'), 0) : r.ogi[n]
    } catch (i) {
        return gsd("Error: Trying to access unknown array " + qgi(t)), 0

function dzf(e, t, n) {
    n = ~~n;
    return (e = e.yue[t]) ? e.ogi[n] : global.yue[t].ogi[n]

function nzf(e, t, n, r, i) {
    try {
        var s = e.yue[t];
        if (!s) s = new zue(t, 2), e.yue[t] = s;
        else if (2 != s.pgi) return gsd("ERROR: Illegal number of dimensions when accessing array " + qgi(s.mai)), 0;
        n = ~~n;
        r = ~~r;
        s.ogi[n] || (s.ogi[n] = []);
        s.ogi[n][r] = i
    } catch (o) {
        return gsd("Error: Trying to access unknown array " + qgi(t)), 0

function izf(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s = e.yue[t];
    s || (s = new zue(t, 2), e.yue[t] = s);
    n = ~~n;
    s.ogi[n] || (s.ogi[n] = []);
    s.ogi[n][~~r] = i

function mzf(e, t, n, r) {
    try {
        var i = e.yue[t];
        if (!i) return gsd("Error: Trying to access unknown array " + qgi(t)), 0;
        if (2 != i.pgi) return gsd("ERROR: Illegal number of dimensions when accessing array " + qgi(i.mai)), 0;
        n = ~~n;
        r = ~~r;
        return void 0 == i.ogi[n] || void 0 == i.ogi[n][r] ? (gsd('Error: Out of bounds trying to access "' + rgi(i.mai) + "[" + n + "][" + r + ']", or value never written.', !1), 0) : i.ogi[n][r]
    } catch (s) {
        return gsd("Error: Trying to access unknown array " + qgi(t)), 0

function gzf(e, t, n, r) {
    return e.yue[t].ogi[~~n][~~r]

function chi(e, t) {
    this.eng = -1;
    this.ehi = new Int16Array(2 * e);
    this.fhi = new Int16Array(2 * e);
    this.ghi = new Int32Array(e);
    this.max = e;
    this.hhi = 0;
    this.ihi = t;
    this.cng = !1;
    this.gng = uvf.createBuffer();
    this.kng = uvf.createBuffer();
    this.ing = uvf.createBuffer();
    uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.gng);
    uvf.bufferData(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.ehi, uvf.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
    uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.kng);
    uvf.bufferData(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.fhi, uvf.DYNAMIC_DRAW);
    uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.ing);
    uvf.bufferData(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.ghi, uvf.DYNAMIC_DRAW)

function jhi() {
    this.khi = [];
    this.khi[bhi] = new iqd;
    this.khi[bhi].jqd = !0;
    this.lhi = 0;
    this.mhi = this.xlg = null;
    this.nhi = ugi

function rzf() {
    this.om = !1;
    this.hme = this.gme = 0;
    this.ime = 640;
    this.jme = 480;
    this.lme = this.kme = 0;
    this.mme = 640;
    this.nme = 480;
    this.rme = this.qme = this.tme = this.sme = this.pme = this.ome = this.pcc = 0;
    this.qze = this.pze = 1;
    this.ibi = this.hbi = 32;
    this.kze = this.wvd = this.nw = this.pab = -1

function rbi(e) {
    whi = new rzf;
    void 0 != e.om && (whi.om = e.om);
    void 0 != e.cbi && (whi.gme = e.cbi);
    void 0 != e.uu && (whi.hme = e.uu);
    void 0 != e.vu && (whi.ime = e.vu);
    void 0 != e.dbi && (whi.jme = e.dbi);
    void 0 != e.ebi && (whi.kme = e.ebi);
    void 0 != e.fbi && (whi.lme = e.fbi);
    void 0 != e.wu && (whi.mme = e.wu);
    void 0 != e.gbi && (whi.nme = e.gbi);
    void 0 != e.pcc && (whi.nme = e.pcc);
    void 0 != e.hbi && (whi.hbi = e.hbi);
    void 0 != e.ibi && (whi.ibi = e.ibi);
    void 0 != e.pab && (whi.pab = e.pab);
    void 0 != e.nw && (whi.nw = e.nw);
    void 0 != e.mu && (whi.wvd = e.mu);
    return whi

function gii(e) {
    uvf = hii(e);
    if (!uvf || !iii() || !jii()) return !1;
    vvf = new jhi;
    wvf = new ulg;
    xvf = [];
    xvf[xhi] = new yeg;
    xvf[yhi] = new yeg;
    xvf[zhi] = new yeg;
    yvf = [];
    for (e = 0; e < aii; e++) yvf[e] = new yeg;
    txf = 0;
    sxf = 1;
    zvf = new yeg;
    awf = new yeg;
    return !0

function lrg() {
    zpg = lii;
    aqg = mii;
    rqg = nii;
    cqg = oii;
    bqg = pii;
    hog = qii;
    dqg = rii;
    gog = sii;
    eqg = tii;
    zqg = uii;
    brg = vii;
    mpg = wii;
    erg = xii;
    grg = yii;
    bz = zii;
    exd = aji;
    oxd = bji;
    sxd = cji;
    wxd = dji;
    byd = eji;
    eyd = fji;
    oyd = gji;
    ozd = hji;
    yzd = iji;
    bae = jji;
    zxd = kji;
    cwd = lji;
    ole = mji;
    ame = nji;
    ume = oji;
    wle = pji;
    ene = qji;
    gne = rji;
    kne = sji;
    pne = tji;
    ske = uji;
    dke = vji;
    nje = nje = wji;
    dke = vji;
    ske = uji;
    cee = xji;
    lie = yji;
    uvf.wje = zji

function hii(e) {
    for (var t = null, n = ["webgl", "experimental-webgl", "moz-webgl", "webkit-3d"], r = 0; r < n.length; r++) try {
        if (t = e.getContext(n[r], {
            xl: !1,
            syb: !0,
            cki: !1
        })) break
    } catch (i) {
        return null
    t && (t.viewportWidth = e.width, t.viewportHeight = e.height, eii = t.viewportWidth, fii = t.viewportHeight);
    return t

function jii() {
    var e = document.createElement(sje);
    e.eqd = e.width = 16;
    e.fqd = e.height = 16;
    e.complete = !0;
    e.rle = !1;
    e.name = "";
    e.gxc = e.getContext("2d");
    e.gxc.setTransform(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
    e.gxc.globalAlpha = 1;
    e.gxc.fillStyle = "#ffffff";
    e.gxc.fillRect(0, 0, 16, 16);
    var t = new yje;
    t.fm = 0;
    t.gm = 0;
    t.hm = 15;
    t.im = 15;
    t.zu = 0;
    t.av = 0;
    t.bv = 15;
    t.cv = 15;
    t.dv = t.hm;
    t.ev = t.im;
    t.fv = -1;
    t.bke = e;
    t.upb = [];
    t.tle = 1;
    t.etb = 0;
    uvf.xmg = t;
    return !0

function iii() {
    var e = uvf.createProgram();
    eki(e, "vertex", "uniform mat4 pmatrix;uniform mat4 vmatrix;uniform vec2 oneoveruv; attribute vec2 vertex;attribute vec4 color;attribute vec2 UV;varying vec4 fcolor;varying vec2 texc; void main(void){    fcolor = color;    texc   = UV * oneoveruv;    gl_Position = (pmatrix * vmatrix) * vec4( vertex.x, vertex.y, 1, 1);}");
    eki(e, "fragment", "precision mediump float;uniform sampler2D pTexure; varying vec4 fcolor;varying vec2 texc; void main(void){    vec4 color   = texture2D( pTexure, texc ).rgba * fcolor.bgra;    gl_FragColor = color;}");
    if (!uvf.getProgramParameter(e, uvf.LINK_STATUS)) return alert("Could not initialise shaders\n\n" + uvf.getShaderInfoLog(jki)), !1;
    e.kki = uvf.getUniformLocation(e, "ViewMatrix");
    uvf.umg = e;
    e.hng = uvf.getAttribLocation(e, "vertex");
    e.jng = uvf.getAttribLocation(e, "color");
    e.lng = uvf.getAttribLocation(e, "UV");
    e.vmg = uvf.getUniformLocation(e, "pmatrix");
    e.wmg = uvf.getUniformLocation(e, "vmatrix");
    e.ang = uvf.getUniformLocation(e, "oneoveruv");
    e.zmg = uvf.getUniformLocation(e, "pTexure");
    return !0

function uii() {}

function vii() {}

function oii(e, t, n, r, i) {
    yrg(e, t, n, r, i);
    tpg = e;
    upg = t;
    vpg = n;
    wpg = r;
    pii(lwd, mwd, nwd, owd)

function pii(e, t, n, r) {
    lwd = e;
    mwd = t;
    nwd = n;
    owd = r;
    wvf.omg(e, t, n, r)

function xii() {

function yii() {

function dki(e) {
    var t = uvf.createTexture();
    e.bke.ymg = t;
    t.mki = e.bke;
    e.bke.eqd = e.bke.width;
    e.bke.fqd = e.bke.height;
    uvf.bindTexture(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, t);
    uvf.pixelStorei(uvf.UNPACK_WEBGL, !0);
    uvf.texImage2D(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, 0, uvf.RGBA, uvf.RGBA, uvf.UNSIGNED_BYTE, e.bke);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, uvf.NEAREST);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, uvf.NEAREST);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, uvf.LINEAR);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, uvf.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, uvf.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    uvf.bindTexture(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, null)

function lii(e, t, n, r) {
    var i, s, o, u;
    e.bke.ymg || dki(e);
    i = vvf.phi(vgi, e, bhi, 6);
    rki = i.hhi << 1;
    s = i.hhi;
    i.hhi += 6;
    o = i.ehi;
    u = i.ghi;
    i = i.fhi;
    t = ~~(t + e.zu);
    n = ~~(n + e.av);
    o[rki + 0] = o[rki + 8] = o[rki + 10] = t;
    o[rki + 1] = o[rki + 3] = o[rki + 11] = n;
    o[rki + 2] = o[rki + 6] = o[rki + 4] = t + e.bv;
    o[rki + 5] = o[rki + 7] = o[rki + 9] = n + e.cv;
    i[rki + 0] = i[rki + 8] = i[rki + 10] = e.fm;
    i[rki + 1] = i[rki + 3] = i[rki + 11] = e.gm;
    i[rki + 2] = i[rki + 4] = i[rki + 6] = e.fm + e.hm;
    i[rki + 5] = i[rki + 7] = i[rki + 9] = e.gm + e.im;
    u[s] = u[s + 1] = u[s + 2] = u[s + 3] = u[s + 4] = u[s + 5] = 255 * r << 24 | 16777215

function zji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f) {
    var l, c, h;
    e.bke.ymg || dki(e);
    void 0 == f && (f = 4294967295);
    l = vvf.phi(vgi, e, bhi, 6);
    rki = l.hhi << 1;
    e = l.hhi;
    l.hhi += 6;
    c = l.ehi;
    h = l.ghi;
    l = l.fhi;
    s = ~~s;
    o = ~~o;
    c[rki + 0] = c[rki + 8] = c[rki + 10] = s;
    c[rki + 1] = c[rki + 3] = c[rki + 11] = o;
    c[rki + 2] = c[rki + 6] = c[rki + 4] = s + u;
    c[rki + 5] = c[rki + 7] = c[rki + 9] = o + a;
    l[rki + 0] = l[rki + 8] = l[rki + 10] = t;
    l[rki + 1] = l[rki + 3] = l[rki + 11] = n;
    l[rki + 2] = l[rki + 4] = l[rki + 6] = t + r;
    l[rki + 5] = l[rki + 7] = l[rki + 9] = n + i;
    h[e] = h[e + 1] = h[e + 2] = h[e + 3] = h[e + 4] = h[e + 5] = f

function rii(e) {
    wvf.pmg(uvf.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | uvf.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, e | 4278190080)

function lji(e, t) {
    e = 255 * t << 24 | kwd(e);
    wvf.pmg(uvf.COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | uvf.DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT, e)

function qii(e) {}

function sii(e, t, n, r, i) {}

function mii(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    var u, a, f;
    e.bke.ymg || dki(e);
    xki = e.dv + ~~t;
    yki = e.ev + ~~n;
    i && (t = ~~(tpg / e.dv) * e.dv + ~~t % e.dv - e.dv, xki = (((fme.ime + (e.dv - 1)) / e.dv & 4294967295) + 2) * e.dv + ~~t);
    r && (n = ~~(upg / e.ev) * e.ev + ~~n % e.ev - e.ev, yki = (((fme.jme + (e.ev - 1)) / e.ev & 4294967295) + 2) * e.ev + ~~n);
    var l = ~~(1 * e.dv),
        c = ~~(1 * e.ev);
    if (!(0 >= l || 0 >= c)) {
        s = ~~(255 * o << 24) | s & 16777215;
        o = 1 * e.bv;
        var h = 1 * e.cv;
        t = ~~t + -1 * (0 - e.zu);
        for (var p = ~~~~n + -1 * (0 - e.av), d = e.fm, v = d + e.hm, m = e.gm, g = e.gm + e.im, y = p; t < xki;) {
            for (var p = y, b = t + o; p < yki;) {
                u = vvf.phi(vgi, e, bhi, 6);
                rki = u.hhi << 1;
                n = u.hhi;
                u.hhi += 6;
                a = u.ehi;
                f = u.ghi;
                u = u.fhi;
                var w = p + h;
                f[n] = f[n + 1] = f[n + 2] = f[n + 3] = f[n + 4] = f[n + 5] = s;
                a[rki + 0] = t;
                a[rki + 1] = p;
                u[rki + 0] = d;
                u[rki + 1] = m;
                a[rki + 2] = b;
                a[rki + 3] = p;
                u[rki + 2] = v;
                u[rki + 3] = m;
                a[rki + 4] = b;
                a[rki + 5] = w;
                u[rki + 4] = v;
                u[rki + 5] = g;
                a[rki + 6] = b;
                a[rki + 7] = w;
                u[rki + 6] = v;
                u[rki + 7] = g;
                a[rki + 8] = t;
                a[rki + 9] = w;
                u[rki + 8] = d;
                u[rki + 9] = g;
                a[rki + 10] = t;
                a[rki + 11] = p;
                u[rki + 10] = d;
                u[rki + 11] = m;
                if (!r) break;
                p += c
            if (!i) break;
            t += l

function nii(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h) {
    var p, d, v, m;
    e.bke.ymg || dki(e);
    p = vvf.phi(vgi, e, bhi, 6);
    rki = p.hhi << 1;
    d = p.hhi;
    p.hhi += 6;
    v = p.ehi;
    m = p.ghi;
    p = p.fhi;
    t = ~~(-s * (t - e.zu));
    n = ~~(-o * (n - e.av));
    var g = ~~(t + s * e.bv);
    o = ~~(n + o * e.cv);
    if (.001 > Math.abs(u)) v[rki + 0] = v[rki + 8] = v[rki + 10] = r + t, v[rki + 1] = v[rki + 3] = v[rki + 11] = i + n, v[rki + 2] = v[rki + 6] = v[rki + 4] = r + g, v[rki + 5] = v[rki + 7] = v[rki + 9] = i + o;
    else {
        s = Math.sin(u);
        var y = Math.cos(u);
        u = t * y;
        var b = g * y,
            w = n * y,
            y = o * y;
        t *= s;
        g *= s;
        n *= s;
        o *= s;
        v[rki + 0] = v[rki + 10] = r + u + n;
        v[rki + 1] = v[rki + 11] = i - t + w;
        v[rki + 4] = v[rki + 6] = r + b + o;
        v[rki + 5] = v[rki + 7] = i - g + y;
        v[rki + 3] = i - g + w;
        v[rki + 2] = r + b + n;
        v[rki + 8] = r + u + o;
        v[rki + 9] = i - t + y
    p[rki + 0] = p[rki + 8] = p[rki + 10] = e.fm;
    p[rki + 1] = p[rki + 3] = p[rki + 11] = e.gm;
    p[rki + 2] = p[rki + 4] = p[rki + 6] = e.fm + e.hm;
    p[rki + 5] = p[rki + 7] = p[rki + 9] = e.gm + e.im;
    e = 255 * h << 24;
    a = e | a & 16777215;
    void 0 == f ? c = l = f = a : (f |= e, l |= e, c |= e);
    m[d] = m[d + 5] = a;
    m[d + 1] = f;
    m[d + 2] = m[d + 3] = l;
    m[d + 4] = c

function tii(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l) {
    e && e.bke && e.bke.complete && (f = f & 16777215 | 255 * dxd << 24, t < e.zu ? (l = e.zu - t, s += l, r -= l, t = 0) : (t -= e.zu, r -= e.zu), n < e.av ? (l = e.av - n, o += l, i -= l, n = 0) : (n -= e.av, i -= e.av), r > e.bv - t - e.zu && (r = e.bv - t - e.zu), i > e.cv - n - e.av && (i = e.cv - n - e.av), 0 >= r || 0 >= i || zji(e, t + e.fm, n + e.gm, r, i, ~~s, ~~o, r * u, i * a, f))

function wii(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {}

function zii(e, t, n, r, i) {
    var s, o, u;
    e = ~~e;
    t = ~~t;
    n = ~~n;
    r = ~~r;
    o = vgi;
    u = 6;
    i && (o = ygi, u = 8);
    s = vvf.phi(o, null, bhi, u);
    rki = s.hhi << 1;
    o = s.hhi;
    s.hhi += u;
    u = s.ehi;
    s = s.ghi;
    var a = ~~(255 * dxd << 24) | zwd & 16777215;
    i ? (s[o] = s[o + 1] = s[o + 2] = s[o + 3] = s[o + 4] = s[o + 5] = s[o + 6] = s[o + 7] = a, u[rki + 10] = u[rki + 14] = u[rki + 12] = u[rki + 0] = e, u[rki + 15] = u[rki + 5] = u[rki + 3] = u[rki + 1] = t, u[rki + 8] = u[rki + 6] = u[rki + 4] = u[rki + 2] = n, u[rki + 7] = u[rki + 9] = u[rki + 11] = u[rki + 13] = r) : (u[rki + 10] = u[rki + 8] = u[rki + 0] = e, u[rki + 11] = u[rki + 3] = u[rki + 1] = t, u[rki + 6] = u[rki + 4] = u[rki + 2] = n, u[rki + 9] = u[rki + 7] = u[rki + 5] = r, s[o] = s[o + 1] = s[o + 2] = s[o + 3] = s[o + 4] = s[o + 5] = a)

function kii(e) {
    var t = 0;
    bii = 4 * (uwd(64, vwd(4, e)) / 4);
    for (t = 0; t <= bii; t++) cii[t] = Math.cos(2 * t * Math.PI / bii), dii[t] = Math.sin(2 * t * Math.PI / bii)

function aji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    var u, a;
    a = u = 10;
    u > Math.abs(n - e) && (u = Math.abs(n - e));
    a > Math.abs(r - t) && (a = Math.abs(r - t));
    rgc = i & 16777215 | 255 * dxd << 24;
    sgc = s & 16777215 | 255 * dxd << 24;
    var f = wgi;
    i = bii + 6;
    o && (f = zgi);
    s = .5 * (e + n);
    var l = .5 * (t + r);
    e = .5 * Math.abs(n - e) - .5 * u;
    t = .5 * Math.abs(r - t) - .5 * a;
    bng = vvf.phi(f, null, bhi, i);
    rki = bng.hhi << 1;
    nki = bng.hhi;
    oki = bng.ehi;
    pki = bng.ghi;
    oki[rki] = s;
    oki[rki + 1] = l;
    pki[nki] = rgc;
    rki += 2;
    for (r = 0; r <= bii / 4; r++) oki[rki] = s + e + u * cii[r] / 2, oki[rki + 1] = l + t + a * dii[r] / 2, pki[nki] = sgc, rki += 2, nki++;
    for (r = bii / 4; r <= bii / 2; r++) oki[rki] = s - e + u * cii[r] / 2, oki[rki + 1] = l + t + a * dii[r] / 2, pki[nki] = sgc, rki += 2, nki++;
    for (r = bii / 2; r <= bii / 4 * 3; r++) oki[rki] = s - e + u * cii[r] / 2, oki[rki + 1] = l - t + a * dii[r] / 2, pki[nki] = sgc, rki += 2, nki++;
    for (r = bii / 4 * 3; r <= bii; r++) oki[rki] = s + e + u * cii[r] / 2, oki[rki + 1] = l - t + a * dii[r] / 2, pki[nki] = sgc, rki += 2, nki++;
    oki[rki] = oki[(bng.hhi << 1) + 2];
    oki[rki + 1] = oki[(bng.hhi << 1) + 3];
    pki[nki] = sgc;
    o && (o = bng.hhi << 1, oki[o] = oki[o + 2], oki[o + 1] = oki[o + 3], pki[bng.hhi] = pki[bng.hhi + 1]);
    bng.hhi += i

function bji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {
    var f, l, c;
    e = ~~e;
    t = ~~t;
    n = ~~n;
    r = ~~r;
    l = 255 * dxd << 24;
    i = kwd(i) | l;
    s = kwd(s) | l;
    o = kwd(o) | l;
    u = kwd(u) | l;
    l = vgi;
    c = 6;
    a && (l = ygi, c = 8);
    f = vvf.phi(l, null, bhi, c);
    rki = f.hhi << 1;
    l = f.hhi;
    f.hhi += c;
    c = f.ehi;
    f = f.ghi;
    a ? (f[l + 0] = f[l + 7] = i, f[l + 1] = f[l + 2] = s, f[l + 3] = f[l + 4] = o, f[l + 5] = f[l + 6] = u, c[rki + 10] = c[rki + 14] = c[rki + 12] = c[rki + 0] = e, c[rki + 15] = c[rki + 5] = c[rki + 3] = c[rki + 1] = t, c[rki + 8] = c[rki + 6] = c[rki + 4] = c[rki + 2] = n, c[rki + 7] = c[rki + 9] = c[rki + 11] = c[rki + 13] = r) : (c[rki + 10] = c[rki + 8] = c[rki + 0] = e, c[rki + 11] = c[rki + 3] = c[rki + 1] = t, c[rki + 6] = c[rki + 4] = c[rki + 2] = n, c[rki + 9] = c[rki + 7] = c[rki + 5] = r, f[l + 0] = f[l + 5] = i, f[l + 2] = f[l + 3] = o, f[l + 1] = s, f[l + 4] = u)

function cji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {}

function dji(e, t) {
    jji(e, t, ywd)

function jji(e, t, n) {
    var r, i, s;
    r = vvf.phi(ahi, null, bhi, 1);
    rki = r.hhi << 1;
    i = r.ehi;
    s = r.ghi;
    n = ~~(255 * dxd << 24) | kwd(n);
    i[rki + 0] = ~~e;
    i[rki + 1] = ~~t;
    s[r.hhi] = n;

function eji(e, t) {
    var n = new Uint8Array(16);
    e = ~~e;
    t = ~~t;
    uvf.readPixels(e, fii - t, 1, 1, uvf.RGBA, uvf.UNSIGNED_BYTE, n);
    n = n[2] << 16 | n[1] << 8 | n[0];
    return n

function fji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    var u, a, f;
    o = vvf.phi(vgi, null, bhi, 3);
    rki = o.hhi << 1;
    u = o.hhi;
    a = o.ehi;
    f = o.ghi;
    a[rki + 0] = ~~e;
    a[rki + 1] = ~~t;
    a[rki + 2] = ~~n;
    a[rki + 3] = ~~r;
    a[rki + 4] = ~~i;
    a[rki + 5] = ~~s;
    f[u] = f[u + 1] = f[u + 2] = 255 * dxd << 24 | zwd;
    o.hhi += 3

function gji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f) {
    var l, c, h;
    f = 255 * dxd << 24;
    o = f | kwd(o);
    u = f | kwd(u);
    a = f | kwd(a);
    f = vvf.phi(vgi, null, bhi, 3);
    rki = f.hhi << 1;
    l = f.hhi;
    c = f.ehi;
    h = f.ghi;
    c[rki + 0] = ~~e;
    c[rki + 1] = ~~t;
    c[rki + 2] = ~~n;
    c[rki + 3] = ~~r;
    c[rki + 4] = ~~i;
    c[rki + 5] = ~~s;
    h[l] = o;
    h[l + 1] = u;
    h[l + 2] = a;
    f.hhi += 3

function hji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    var u = (e + n) / 2,
        a = (t + r) / 2;
    e = Math.abs((e - n) / 2);
    t = Math.abs((t - r) / 2);
    r = 255 * dxd << 24;
    i = r | kwd(i);
    s = r | kwd(s);
    if (o)
        for (bng = vvf.phi(zgi, null, bhi, bii + 1), rki = bng.hhi << 1, nki = bng.hhi, oki = bng.ehi, pki = bng.ghi, bng.hhi += bii + 1, o = 0; o <= bii + 1; o++) oki[rki] = u + e * cii[o], oki[rki + 1] = a + t * dii[o], pki[nki] = s, rki += 2, nki++;
        for (bng = vvf.phi(vgi, null, bhi, 3 * bii), rki = bng.hhi << 1, nki = bng.hhi, oki = bng.ehi, pki = bng.ghi, bng.hhi += 3 * bii, o = 0; o <= bii; o++) oki[rki + 0] = u, oki[rki + 1] = a, pki[nki] = i, oki[rki + 2] = u + e * cii[o], oki[rki + 3] = a + t * dii[o], pki[nki + 1] = s, oki[rki + 4] = u + e * cii[o + 1], oki[rki + 5] = a + t * dii[o + 1], pki[nki + 2] = s, rki += 6, nki += 3

function iji(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    hji(e - n, t - n, e + n, t + n, r, i, s)

function kji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    var u = 255 * dxd << 24;
    s = u | kwd(s);
    o = u | kwd(o);
    bng = vvf.phi(wgi, null, bhi, 4);
    rki = bng.hhi << 1;
    nki = bng.hhi;
    oki = bng.ehi;
    pki = bng.ghi;
    bng.hhi += 4;
    var u = n - e,
        a = r - t,
        f = Math.sqrt(u * u + a * a);
    1e-4 > f || (u = .5 * i * u / f, a = .5 * i * a / f, oki[rki] = e - a, oki[rki + 1] = t + u, pki[nki] = s, oki[rki + 2] = n - a, oki[rki + 3] = r + u, pki[nki + 1] = o, oki[rki + 4] = n + a, oki[rki + 5] = r - u, pki[nki + 2] = o, oki[rki + 6] = e + a, oki[rki + 7] = t - u, pki[nki + 3] = s)

function sli(e, t, n) {
    var r = uvf.createFramebuffer();
    uvf.bindFramebuffer(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, r);
    r.width = t;
    r.height = n;
    e.uli = r;
    vli = uvf.createTexture();
    uvf.bindTexture(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, vli);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, uvf.NEAREST);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, uvf.NEAREST);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, uvf.LINEAR);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_WRAP_S, uvf.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    uvf.texParameteri(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, uvf.TEXTURE_WRAP_T, uvf.CLAMP_TO_EDGE);
    e.bke.ymg = vli;
    uvf.texImage2D(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, 0, uvf.RGBA, r.width, r.height, 0, uvf.RGBA, uvf.UNSIGNED_BYTE, null);
    t = uvf.createRenderbuffer();
    uvf.bindRenderbuffer(uvf.RENDERBUFFER, t);
    uvf.renderbufferStorage(uvf.RENDERBUFFER, uvf.DEPTH_COMPONENT16, r.width, r.height);
    uvf.framebufferTexture2D(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, uvf.COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, uvf.TEXTURE_2D, vli, 0);
    uvf.framebufferRenderbuffer(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, uvf.xli, uvf.RENDERBUFFER, t);
    e.wli = t;
    uvf.bindTexture(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, null);
    uvf.bindRenderbuffer(uvf.RENDERBUFFER, null);
    uvf.bindFramebuffer(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, null)

function mji(e, t) {
    var n = new yje;
    n.bke = document.createElement("surf");
    n.eqd = e;
    n.fqd = t;
    n.bke.width = 8;
    n.bke.height = 8;
    n.bke.eqd = e;
    n.bke.fqd = t;
    sli(n, e, t);
    n.fm = 0;
    n.gm = 0;
    n.hm = e;
    n.im = t;
    n.zu = 0;
    n.av = 0;
    n.bv = n.hm;
    n.cv = n.im;
    n.dv = n.hm;
    n.ev = n.im;
    n.fv = hke.cjc(n);
    n.sle = n;
    n.bke.complete = !0;
    n.upb = [];
    n.etb = 0;
    n.tle = 4;
    n.ule = 0;
    n.vle = null;
    n.rje = n.bke;
    return n.fv

function nji(e) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    null != e && (vvf.ohi(), eii = e.eqd, fii = e.fqd, cme.left = dme.left, cme.top = dme.top, cme.qbe = dme.qbe, cme.bottom = dme.bottom, dme.left = 0, dme.top = 0, dme.qbe = e.eqd, dme.bottom = e.fqd, eme.lpb(fme), fme.gme = 0, fme.hme = 0, fme.ime = e.eqd, fme.jme = e.fqd, fme.kme = 0, fme.lme = 0, fme.mme = e.eqd, fme.nme = e.fqd, fme.ome = 0, fme.pme = 0, fme.qme = e.eqd, fme.rme = e.fqd, fme.sme = fme.ome + fme.qme, fme.tme = fme.pme + fme.rme, bwf = e.uli, wvf.rmg(e.uli), sxf = -1, cqg(fme.gme, fme.hme, fme.ime, fme.jme, fme.pcc), zle = !0)

function oji() {
    zle && (dme.left = cme.left, dme.qbe = cme.qbe, dme.top = cme.top, dme.bottom = cme.bottom, fme.lpb(eme));
    sxf = 1;
    bwf = null;
    cqg(fme.gme, fme.hme, fme.ime, fme.jme, fme.pcc);
    eii = uvf.viewportWidth;
    fii = uvf.viewportHeight

function pji(e) {
    var t = hke.pqd(e);
    null != t && (uvf.deleteFramebuffer(t.uli), uvf.deleteRenderbuffer(t.wli), uvf.deleteTexture(t.bke.ymg), t.bke.ymg = void 0, hke.uqd(e))

function qji(e, t, n) {
    e = hke.pqd(e);
    if (null != e) {
        var r = new Uint8Array(16);
        t = ~~t;
        n = ~~n;
        uvf.bindFramebuffer(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, e.uli);
        uvf.readPixels(t, n, 1, 1, uvf.RGBA, uvf.UNSIGNED_BYTE, r);
        uvf.bindFramebuffer(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, bwf);
        t = r[2] | r[1] << 8 | r[0] << 16;
        return t
    return 0

function rji(e, t, n) {
    (e = hke.pqd(e)) && gxc.wje(e, 0, 0, e.eqd, e.fqd, ~~t, ~~n, e.eqd, e.fqd, 4294967295)

function sji(e, t, n, r) {
    ksd("surface_copy() (WebGL)")

function tji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    ksd("surface_copy_part() (WebGL)")

function wji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
    ksd("sprite_add_from_screen() (WebGL)");
    return -1

function vji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {
    ksd("sprite_create_from_surface() (WebGL)");
    return -1

function uji(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    ksd("sprite_add_from_surface() (WebGL)");
    return -1

function xji(e) {
    if (e = fee.pqd(e)) {
        var t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a = ~~(255 * dxd << 24) | 16711680,
            f = ~~(255 * dxd << 24) | 65280;
        r = 6 * e.xde * e.wde;
        t = vvf.phi(vgi, null, bhi, r);
        rki = t.hhi << 1;
        n = t.hhi;
        t.hhi += r;
        r = t.ehi;
        t = t.ghi;
        for (var l = 0; l < e.xde; l++)
            for (var c = 0; c < e.wde; c++) {
                var h = f;
                0 > e.aee[l + e.wde * c] && (h = a);
                i = ~~(e.ude + c * e.yde);
                s = ~~(e.vde + l * e.zde);
                o = i + e.yde;
                u = s + e.zde;
                r[rki + 10] = r[rki + 8] = r[rki + 0] = i;
                r[rki + 11] = r[rki + 3] = r[rki + 1] = s;
                r[rki + 6] = r[rki + 4] = r[rki + 2] = o;
                r[rki + 9] = r[rki + 7] = r[rki + 5] = u;
                t[n] = t[n + 1] = t[n + 2] = t[n + 3] = t[n + 4] = t[n + 5] = h;
                rki += 12;
                n += 6
    } else pwc("Error: invalid mp_grid ID (mp_grid_draw)")

function yji(e, t, n, r) {
    if (e = rie.fk[e]) {
        var i, s, o, u = ~~(255 * dxd << 24) | zwd & 16777215,
            a = 0;
        i = e.zkc(0);
        r ? n = t = 0 : (t -= i.fm, n -= i.gm);
        a = tud(e.length / 4);
        if (0 != a) {
            s = 2 * a;
            i = vvf.phi(ygi, null, bhi, s);
            rki = i.hhi << 1;
            r = i.hhi;
            i.hhi += s;
            s = i.ehi;
            o = i.ghi;
            for (var f = 0; f < a; f++) i = e.zkc(f / a), gxd = ~~(t + i.fm), hxd = ~~(n + i.gm), i = e.zkc((f + 1) / a), ixd = ~~(t + i.fm), jxd = ~~(n + i.gm), o[r] = o[r + 1] = u, s[rki + 0] = gxd, s[rki + 1] = hxd, s[rki + 2] = ixd, s[rki + 3] = jxd, rki += 4, r += 2

function pmi() {
    var e = document.getElementById(sje),
        t = document.createElement("textarea");
    t.setAttribute("id", "debug_console");
    t.setAttribute("cols", "100");
    t.setAttribute("rows", "20");
    t.style.display = "none";
    e.parentNode.insertBefore(t, e.nextSibling);
    woe = 464226

function lze(e, t) {
    t.left = 0;
    t.top = 0;
    oyg = e;
    if (oyg.offsetParent)
        for (; null != oyg;) t.left += oyg.offsetLeft, t.top += oyg.offsetTop, oyg = oyg.offsetParent;
    t.qbe = t.left + twf;
    t.bottom = t.top + uwf

function qmi(e) {
    nvf = [];
    ovf = [];
    pvf = [];
    mxf = 0;
    var t = e.search;
    ovf[0] = e.protocol + "//" + e.host + e.pathname;
    pvf[0] = null;
    "?" == t[0] && (t = t.substring(1, t.length));
    e = cpg = 0;
    for (var n = "", r = null; e < t.length;) {
        var i = t[e];
        "&" == i ? ("" != n && (cpg != e && (r = t.substring(cpg, e)), ovf[ovf.length] = n, pvf[pvf.length] = r, nvf[n] = r, mxf++, n = "", r = null), cpg = e + 1) : "=" == i && (n = t.substring(cpg, e), r = null, cpg = e + 1);
    "" != n && (cpg != e && (r = t.substring(cpg, e)), ovf[ovf.length] = n, pvf[pvf.length] = r, nvf[n] = r, mxf++)

function qah() {
    ami = qod.style.position;
    bmi = qod.style.left;
    cmi = qod.style.top;
    dmi = qod.style;
    emi = qod.parentNode;
    fmi = qod.nextSibling;
    gmi = !1;
    emi == document.body && (gmi = !0)

function omi() {
    // updateShare(0);
    document.getElementById && document.createElement && (qod = document.getElementById(sje), gxc = null, qod && (qmi(window.location), tuf = oj, lwf = !1, uvf = null, tuf.hv.vv && 0 != tuf.hv.vv ? gii(qod) ? gxc = uvf : (1 == tuf.hv.vv && (lwf = !0), gxc = qod.getContext("2d")) : gxc = qod.getContext("2d"), wme = gxc, vmi = uvf, pmi(), qah(), uje(gxc), document.body.oncontextmenu = function() {
        return !1
    }, cxf = qod.width, dxf = qod.height, twf = cxf, uwf = dxf, mze = new lke, lze(qod, mze), xwf = mze.top, vwf = mze.left, wwf = mze.qbe, ywf = mze.bottom, spd(), yag = document.getElementById("GM4HTML5_loadingscreen"), tuf.hv && tuf.hv.iv && (asd = !0, fah(document.getElementById("debug_console"))), uvf && fsd("WebGL Enabled!"), zag(), lpe(), lwf ? hmi = -2 : (asd && (hw.blg = tuf.hv.iv), scg = "", tuf.hv && tuf.hv.wmi && (scg = tuf.hv.wmi), "" != scg ? (pcg(tuf), hmi = -1) : (qcg(tuf), hmi = 0)), requestAnimFrame(xmi)))

function xmi() {
    switch (hmi) {
        case -2:
            ymi(gxc, twf, uwf);
        case -1:
            vag == wag && (qcg(tuf), hmi = 0, scg(gxc, twf, uwf, tag, uag, yag));
        case 0:
            uag >= tag && (uag = tag, hmi = 1);
            scg(gxc, twf, uwf, tag, uag, yag);
        case 1:
            hmi = 2;
        case 2:
            hmi = 3;
        case 3:

function bni(e, t, n, r) {
    gxc.fillStyle = n;
    gxc.lineStyle = n;
    gxc.font = "14px Verdana";
    gxc.textAlign = "center";
    gxc.fillText(r, e, t);
    gxc.textAlign = "left"

function ymi(e, t, n) {
    gxc.fillStyle = jwd(1381653, 1);
    gxc.fillRect(0, 0, t, n);
    bni(t / 2, n / 2, jwd(9277328, 1), "WebGL is Required to run this application.")

function tcg(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    if (!uvf)
        if (s) cwd(0, 0), e.drawImage(yag, 0, 0, t, n);
        else {
            s = t / 100 * 50;
            var o = (t - s) / 2,
                u = 10 + (n - 2) / 2;
            e.fillStyle = jwd(1381653, 1);
            e.fillRect(0, 0, t, n);
            0 != i && (r = s / r * i, e.fillStyle = jwd(4210752, 1), e.fillRect(o, u, s, 2), e.fillStyle = jwd(9277328, 1), e.fillRect(o, u, r, 2));
            bni(t / 2, n / 2, jwd(9277328, 1), "Loading")

function hni(e) {
    for (var t = e.lai.ku, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        var r = wuf.pqd(n);
        by(global, "__background_visible__", n, r.om);
        by(global, "__background_foreground__", n, r.ohg);
        by(global, "__background_index__", n, r.mu);
        by(global, "__background_x__", n, r.fm);
        by(global, "__background_y__", n, r.gm);
        by(global, "__background_width__", n, r.width);
        by(global, "__background_height__", n, r.height);
        by(global, "__background_htiled__", n, r.phg);
        by(global, "__background_vtiled__", n, r.rhg);
        by(global, "__background_xscale__", n, r.whg);
        by(global, "__background_yscale__", n, r.xhg);
        by(global, "__background_vspeed__", n, r.thg);
        by(global, "__background_hspeed__", n, r.shg);
        by(global, "__background_blend__", n, r.vhg);
        by(global, "__background_alpha__", n, r.syb)
    hw.pig = e.cai

function jni(a, b) {
    var c = ebe;
    maf.hvd(ief, 0);
    var d = [];
    if (null != c) {
        var e;
        for (e = c.mbe.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) {
            var f = c.mbe.pqd(e);
            !0 === f.svg && (d[d.length] = f, f.mni = !0)
        for (e = d.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) c.mbe.ope(d[e]);
        !1 === c.aai && c.sbi()
    eje = -1;
    ebe = cje.pqd(a);
    c = ebe.aai;
    !0 === c && !1 === ebe.bai && (c = !1);
    !1 === c && (ebe.tdg(ebe.lai), ebe.zbi());
    hw.eig = ebe.ou;
    if (!1 === c) {
        with(ebe) {
            mbe = new xqh;
            for (e = 0; e < lai.nu.length; e++) {
                for (var h = !1, f = lai.nu[e], g = d.length - 1; 0 <= g; g--)
                    if (f.ou == d[g].ou) {
                        h = !0;
                h || (h = ebe.qwg(f.fm, f.gm, f.ou, f.mu), void 0 != f.am && (h.une = f.am), void 0 != f.bm && (h.vne = f.bm), void 0 != f.pu && (h.wne = f.pu), h.mni = !1)
            for (e = 0; e < lai.nu.length; e++) f = lai.nu[e], h = maf.pqd(f.ou), !1 == h.mni && (h.mni = !0, mwf ? (h.hvd(gbe, 0, h, h), f.qbi && f.qbi(h)) : (f.qbi && f.qbi(h), h.hvd(gbe, 0, h, h)))
    for (g = 0; g < d.length; g++) ebe.mbe.cjc(d[g]);
    b && maf.hvd(cef, 0);
    !1 == c && null != ebe.gai && (rni = new szf, ebe.gai(rni), rni = null);
    maf.hvd(gef, 0);
    ebe.bai = !0

function sni(e) {
    jni(e, !1)

function zmi() {
    hw.vx = 0;
    hw.hig = -1;
    pwf = 0;
    qwf = -1;
    swf = rwf = 0;
    jni(cje.fje(0).ou, !0);
    imi = jmi = kpe();
    lmi = ~~(imi / 1e6) + 4;
    hw.jkg = dxe

function uni() {
    bvf = [];
    cvf = [];
    cwe = dwe = -1;
    bwe = 0;
    var e = dbe.uqh,
    for (t in e) {
        var n = e[t];

function vni() {

function wni() {
    0 <= ebe.mbe.yqh && ebe.mbe.sdh();
    0 < ebe.lwg.length && ebe.vci()

function xni() {
    ebe.nai ? ebe.nai.uqc(ebe.xzh) : maf.czg()

function yni() {
    null != ebe.nai && void 0 != ebe.nai || pye()

function zni() {
    maf.hvd(vbf, 0);
    wni(); - 1 == eje && (xuf.chg(), wni(), -1 == eje && (qaf(), wni(), -1 == eje && (abf(), wni(), -1 == eje && (qdh(), wni(), -1 == eje && (eze(), wni(), -1 == eje && (svf.chg(stf), maf.hvd(xbf, 0), wni(), -1 == eje && (xni(), hye(), wni(), -1 == eje && (yni(), wni(), -1 == eje && (svf.chg(ttf), maf.hvd(zbf, 0), wni(), -1 == eje && (qxh(), null != ebe && (ebe.rci(), ebe.nxc(), wni()), ebe.bci(), maf.dzg(), wni(), vni()))))))))))

function oni() {
    var a, b, c, d;
    a = 0;
    b = -999999;
    c = 0;
    d = -999999;
    with(ebe) if (gze)
            for (dm in ize) jze = ize[dm], jze.om && -1 == jze.kze && (b < jze.kme + jze.mme && (b = jze.kme + jze.mme), d < jze.lme + jze.nme && (d = jze.lme + jze.nme));
        else a = 0, b = ebe.yzh, c = 0, d = ebe.zzh;
    ppg = twf;
    qpg = uwf;
    rpg = twf / (b - a);
    spg = uwf / (d - c);
    yuf.mme = ppg / rpg;
    yuf.nme = qpg / spg;
    yuf.ime = ppg / rpg;
    yuf.jme = qpg / spg;
    var e = new lke;
    e.left = a;
    e.top = c;
    e.qbe = b;
    e.bottom = d;
    dme = e

function aoi() {
    var e = 640;
    "number" == typeof window.innerWidth ? e = window.innerWidth : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientWidth ? e = document.documentElement.clientWidth : document.body && document.body.clientWidth && (e = document.body.clientWidth);
    return e

function boi() {
    var e = 480;
    "number" == typeof window.innerHeight ? e = window.innerHeight : document.documentElement && document.documentElement.clientHeight ? e = document.documentElement.clientHeight : document.body && document.body.clientHeight && (e = document.body.clientHeight);
    return e

function coi() {
    lze(qod, mze);
    xwf = mze.top;
    vwf = mze.left;
    wwf = mze.qbe;
    ywf = mze.bottom;
    oj.mv || (gxc.mozImageSmoothingEnabled = !1);
    var e = aoi(),
        t = boi();
    !hwf || nwf || exf == e && fxf == t || (nwf = !0, hwf = !1);
    nwf && (nwf = !1, hwf ? (e = cxf, t = dxf, hwf = !1, qod.style.position = ami, qod.style.left = bmi, qod.style.top = cmi, qod.style = dmi, gmi || qod.parentNode != emi && emi.insertBefore(qod, fmi)) : (hwf = !0, hoe(0, 0), gmi || qod.parentNode != emi || (emi.removeChild(qod), document.body.insertBefore(qod, null))), qod.width = e, qod.height = t, twf = qod.width, uwf = qod.height, vwf = qod.offsetLeft, wwf = vwf + twf, xwf = qod.offsetTop, ywf = vwf + uwf, exf = twf, fxf = uwf, ppg = e, spg = qpg = doi = 1, oni())

function ani() {
    jmi = kpe();
    if (jmi < imi || 2e6 < jmi - imi) lmi = imi = jmi;
    0 >= ebe.jue() && ebe.rai(1);
    dsd = ~~(jmi - imi);
    foi = ~~(1e6 / ebe.jue()) - dsd;
    kmi = max(0, foi);
    kmi = min(kmi, 1e6);
    if (!(14e3 < kmi || (imi = jmi + kmi, imi < lmi && (lmi = imi), ~~imi > lmi + 1e6 && (dxe = mmi, mmi = 0, lmi = ~~imi, imi = 0), mmi++, hw.jkg = dxe, gwf))) switch (bfi = 0, coi(), null === ebe ? (yuf.sme = yuf.qme = yuf.mme = yuf.ime = twf, yuf.tme = yuf.rme = yuf.nme = yuf.jme = uwf) : oni(), -1 == eje && erg(), zni(), eoi < bfi && (eoi = bfi), 0 > eje && grg(), eje) {
        case -1:
        case ohf:
        case rhf:
            hoi = !1;
        case phf:
        case qhf:
var oj = {
    pj: [],
    qj: [],
    rj: [{
            sj: "spr_player",
            width: 64,
            height: 64,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 31,
            vj: 32,
            wj: 15,
            xj: 46,
            yj: 18,
            zj: 45,
            ak: [0, 1, 2]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_player_shadow",
            width: 64,
            height: 64,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 32,
            vj: 32,
            wj: 12,
            xj: 51,
            yj: 19,
            zj: 47,
            ak: [3]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_bomb",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 12,
            xj: 20,
            yj: 5,
            zj: 25,
            ak: [4]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_bomb_hud",
            width: 15,
            height: 26,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 7,
            vj: 13,
            wj: 3,
            xj: 11,
            yj: 3,
            zj: 23,
            ak: [5]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_red_plane",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 30,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 31,
            ak: [6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_blue_plane",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 31,
            ak: [14]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_green_plane",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 31,
            ak: [15, 16, 17, 18]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_white_plane",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 1,
            xj: 30,
            yj: 1,
            zj: 30,
            ak: [19, 20, 21, 22]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_upside_down",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 30,
            ak: [23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_blue_upside_down",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 30,
            ak: [31, 32]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_big_green_plane",
            width: 64,
            height: 64,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 32,
            vj: 32,
            wj: 10,
            xj: 49,
            yj: 7,
            zj: 56,
            ak: [33, 34, 35]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_big_black_plane",
            width: 98,
            height: 98,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 49,
            vj: 49,
            wj: 2,
            xj: 94,
            yj: 10,
            zj: 83,
            ak: [36, 37, 38]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_big_black_plane_up",
            width: 98,
            height: 98,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 49,
            vj: 49,
            wj: 10,
            xj: 87,
            yj: 17,
            zj: 79,
            ak: [39, 40, 41]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_big_black_plane_shadow",
            width: 98,
            height: 98,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 49,
            vj: 49,
            wj: 26,
            xj: 71,
            yj: 32,
            zj: 67,
            ak: [42, 43, 44]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_submarine",
            width: 32,
            height: 98,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 49,
            wj: 4,
            xj: 26,
            yj: 6,
            zj: 95,
            ak: [45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_sub_die",
            width: 32,
            height: 98,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 49,
            wj: 4,
            xj: 26,
            yj: 6,
            zj: 95,
            ak: [50, 49, 48, 47, 46, 45]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_white_loop",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 31,
            ak: [51, 52, 53, 54, 55]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_green_loop",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 31,
            ak: [56, 57, 58, 59, 60]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_blue_loop",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            xj: 31,
            zj: 31,
            ak: [14, 61, 62, 63, 64]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_jet",
            width: 98,
            height: 98,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 49,
            vj: 49,
            wj: 6,
            xj: 90,
            yj: 16,
            zj: 76,
            ak: [65]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_boat",
            width: 41,
            height: 197,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 20,
            vj: 98,
            xj: 40,
            zj: 196,
            ak: [66, 67]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_boat_turret",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 7,
            xj: 24,
            yj: 7,
            zj: 24,
            ak: [68, 69, 70]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_amphibian",
            width: 65,
            height: 65,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 32,
            vj: 32,
            wj: 2,
            xj: 61,
            yj: 14,
            zj: 39,
            ak: [71, 72, 73]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_amphibian_shadow",
            width: 65,
            height: 65,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 32,
            vj: 32,
            wj: 2,
            xj: 61,
            yj: 14,
            zj: 39,
            ak: [74]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_single_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 11,
            xj: 19,
            yj: 7,
            zj: 26,
            ak: [75]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_double_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 7,
            xj: 23,
            yj: 8,
            zj: 23,
            ak: [76]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_double_back_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 7,
            xj: 23,
            yj: 7,
            zj: 22,
            ak: [77]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_leftup_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 9,
            xj: 21,
            yj: 10,
            zj: 22,
            ak: [78]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_rightup_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 10,
            xj: 22,
            yj: 10,
            zj: 22,
            ak: [79]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_leftdown_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 9,
            xj: 21,
            yj: 9,
            zj: 21,
            ak: [80]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_rightdown_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 10,
            xj: 22,
            yj: 9,
            zj: 21,
            ak: [81]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_left_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 9,
            xj: 24,
            yj: 13,
            zj: 19,
            ak: [82]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_right_b",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 7,
            xj: 22,
            yj: 13,
            zj: 19,
            ak: [83]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_enemy_b_big",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 12,
            xj: 20,
            yj: 12,
            zj: 20,
            ak: [84]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_enemy_b_small",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 12,
            xj: 20,
            yj: 12,
            zj: 20,
            ak: [85]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_mine",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 16,
            vj: 16,
            wj: 4,
            xj: 26,
            yj: 5,
            zj: 27,
            ak: [86, 87]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_big_bullet_hit",
            width: 32,
            height: 33,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 13,
            vj: 17,
            xj: 29,
            yj: 1,
            zj: 32,
            ak: [88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_bullet_hit",
            width: 19,
            height: 24,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 9,
            vj: 14,
            xj: 18,
            zj: 23,
            ak: [99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_warning_sign_dwn",
            width: 64,
            height: 43,
            tj: !1,
            bk: !0,
            uj: 43,
            vj: 42,
            wj: 4,
            xj: 56,
            yj: 6,
            zj: 42,
            ak: [109],
            ck: [
                [176, 0, 0, 127, 131, 255, 2, 240, 0, 1, 132, 255, 2, 252, 0, 3, 132, 255, 2, 254, 0, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 3, 132, 255, 2, 254, 0, 1, 132, 255, 3, 252, 0, 0, 127, 131, 255, 0, 240, 132, 0, 1, 7, 252, 133, 0, 1, 7, 252, 133, 0, 1, 7, 252, 133, 0, 1, 7, 252, 133, 0, 1, 7, 252, 133, 0, 2, 127, 255, 240, 132, 0, 2, 63, 255, 224, 132, 0, 2, 31, 255, 192, 0, 0]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_warning_sign_up",
            width: 64,
            height: 43,
            tj: !1,
            bk: !0,
            uj: 19,
            wj: 4,
            xj: 56,
            zj: 32,
            ak: [110],
            ck: [
                [3, 0, 15, 255, 248, 133, 0, 1, 255, 128, 133, 0, 1, 255, 128, 133, 0, 1, 255, 128, 132, 0, 0, 127, 131, 255, 2, 240, 0, 1, 132, 255, 2, 252, 0, 3, 132, 255, 2, 254, 0, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 15, 133, 255, 1, 128, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 7, 133, 255, 1, 0, 3, 132, 255, 2, 254, 0, 1, 132, 255, 3, 252, 0, 0, 127, 131, 255, 0, 240, 208, 0]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_credits_bg",
            width: 320,
            height: 480,
            tj: !1,
            wj: 14,
            xj: 303,
            yj: 87,
            zj: 415,
            ak: [111]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_howtoplay_bg",
            width: 320,
            height: 480,
            tj: !1,
            wj: 16,
            xj: 305,
            yj: 56,
            zj: 384,
            ak: [112]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_play",
            width: 263,
            height: 64,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 128,
            vj: 32,
            xj: 262,
            zj: 63,
            ak: [113]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_howtoplay",
            width: 263,
            height: 64,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 128,
            vj: 32,
            xj: 262,
            zj: 63,
            ak: [114]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_credits",
            width: 263,
            height: 64,
            tj: !1,
            uj: 128,
            vj: 32,
            xj: 262,
            zj: 63,
            ak: [115]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_black",
            width: 320,
            height: 480,
            tj: !1,
            xj: 319,
            zj: 479,
            ak: [116]
        null, {
            sj: "spr_pu_shot",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            wj: 7,
            xj: 26,
            yj: 3,
            zj: 29,
            ak: [117]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_pu_health",
            width: 32,
            height: 32,
            tj: !1,
            wj: 7,
            xj: 26,
            yj: 1,
            zj: 29,
            ak: [118]
        }, {
            sj: "spr_HUD",
            width: 320,
            height: 42,
            tj: !1,
            bk: !0,
            xj: 319,
            zj: 41,
            ak: [119],
            ck: [
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            dm: 78,
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            gm: 0,
            hm: 31,
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            jm: 0
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            dm: 93,
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        }, {
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            hm: 22,
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            jm: 0
        }, {
            dm: 96,
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            im: 48,
            shift: 8,
            jm: 3
        }, {
            dm: 125,
            em: "}",
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            gm: 145,
            hm: 13,
            im: 48,
            shift: 21,
            jm: 4
        }, {
            dm: 126,
            em: "~",
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            gm: 101,
            hm: 23,
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            jm: 0
        }, {
            dm: 127,
            fm: 23,
            gm: 101,
            hm: 21,
            im: 39,
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            jm: 6
    km: [],
    lm: [{}],
    mm: [{
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            parent: -100,
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            rm: [],
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            om: !0,
            tm: -100,
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            tm: -2,
            parent: 15,
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            zm: an,
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            dn: en,
            fn: gn,
            hn: jn,
            kn: ln,
            um: mn,
            nn: on,
            rm: [],
            sm: [16, pn]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_bullet_parent",
            nm: -1,
            om: !0,
            parent: 15,
            pm: qn,
            zm: rn,
            sn: tn,
            dn: un,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            tm: -6,
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            tm: -6,
            parent: 4,
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            om: !0,
            tm: -6,
            parent: 4,
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            rm: [],
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        }, {
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            tm: -6,
            parent: 4,
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            rm: [],
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        }, {
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            om: !0,
            tm: -6,
            parent: 4,
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            rm: [],
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            om: !0,
            tm: -6,
            parent: 4,
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            om: !0,
            tm: -6,
            parent: 4,
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            rm: [],
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        }, {
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            om: !0,
            tm: -1,
            parent: -100,
            pm: ho,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_gameobject_parent",
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            om: !0,
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            rm: [],
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        }, {
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            om: !0,
            parent: 15,
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            rm: [],
            sm: [4, ko]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_red_plane_rt",
            nm: 4,
            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: lo,
            zm: mo,
            fn: no,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: oo,
            zm: po,
            fn: qo,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: ro,
            zm: so,
            fn: to,
            uo: vo,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_green_plane_dwn",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: wo,
            zm: xo,
            wm: yo,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_green_plane_up",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: zo,
            zm: ap,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_green_plane_rt",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: cp,
            zm: dp,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_green_plane_lft",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: fp,
            zm: gp,
            wm: hp,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: ip,
            zm: jp,
            wm: kp,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_white_plane_lft_up",
            nm: 7,
            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: lp,
            zm: mp,
            wm: np,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_white_plane_lft_dwn",
            nm: 7,
            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: op,
            zm: pp,
            wm: qp,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_white_plane_rt_dwn",
            nm: 7,
            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: rp,
            zm: sp,
            wm: tp,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_black_plane_up",
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            om: !0,
            tm: 20,
            parent: 16,
            pm: up,
            zm: vp,
            bn: wp,
            dn: xp,
            fn: yp,
            uo: zp,
            um: aq,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_big_green_plane_rt",
            nm: 10,
            om: !0,
            tm: -2,
            parent: 16,
            pm: bq,
            zm: cq,
            dn: dq,
            wm: eq,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_big_green_plane_lft",
            nm: 10,
            om: !0,
            tm: -2,
            parent: 16,
            pm: fq,
            zm: gq,
            dn: hq,
            wm: iq,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_jet_up",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: jq,
            zm: kq,
            wm: lq,
            um: mq,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_jet_dwn",
            nm: 19,
            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: nq,
            zm: oq,
            wm: pq,
            um: qq,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_amphibian",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            pm: rq,
            zm: sq,
            dn: tq,
            wm: uq,
            um: vq,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_boss_1",
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            om: !0,
            parent: 16,
            wq: 61,
            pm: xq,
            yq: zq,
            sn: ar,
            bn: br,
            dn: cr,
            wm: dr,
            uo: er,
            um: fr,
            rm: [],
            sm: [4, gr]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_boss_crater",
            nm: 62,
            om: !0,
            tm: 30,
            parent: 15,
            pm: hr,
            wm: ir,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_boss_1_flyby",
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            om: !0,
            tm: 30,
            parent: 15,
            pm: jr,
            wm: kr,
            um: lr,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_enemy_bullet_big",
            nm: 33,
            om: !0,
            tm: -6,
            parent: 15,
            pm: mr,
            dn: nr,
            rm: [],
            sm: [3, or]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_enemy_bullet_small",
            nm: 34,
            om: !0,
            tm: -6,
            parent: 15,
            pm: pr,
            dn: qr,
            rm: [],
            sm: [3, rr]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_submarine",
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            om: !0,
            tm: 30,
            parent: 16,
            pm: sr,
            zm: tr,
            dn: ur,
            wm: vr,
            uo: wr,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_submarine_die",
            nm: 15,
            om: !0,
            tm: 30,
            parent: -100,
            pm: xr,
            uo: yr,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_e_control_test",
            nm: -1,
            om: !0,
            parent: -100,
            pm: zr,
            wm: as,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_mine",
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            om: !0,
            tm: 1,
            parent: 15,
            pm: bs,
            zm: cs,
            wm: ds,
            rm: [],
            sm: [3, es]
        }, {
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            om: !0,
            parent: -100,
            pm: fs,
            kn: gs,
            um: hs,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_howtoplay_bg",
            nm: 41,
            om: !0,
            parent: -100,
            pm: is,
            kn: js,
            um: ks,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_menu_parent",
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            om: !0,
            parent: -100,
            pm: ls,
            um: ms,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            nm: -1,
            om: !0,
            parent: 45,
            pm: ns,
            os: ps,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_play",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -10,
            parent: 46,
            qs: rs,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_howtoplay",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -10,
            parent: 46,
            zm: ss,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            tm: -10,
            parent: 46,
            zm: us,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
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            om: !0,
            tm: -999,
            parent: -100,
            pm: ws,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_create_black",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -100,
            parent: -100,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
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            tm: -999,
            parent: -100,
            pm: zs,
            dn: at,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_black_shrink",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -999,
            parent: -100,
            pm: ct,
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            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
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            om: !0,
            tm: -999,
            parent: -100,
            pm: et,
            um: ft,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        null, {
            sj: "obj_explosion_parent",
            nm: -1,
            om: !0,
            parent: 15,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_explosion",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -50,
            parent: 56,
            pm: gt,
            uo: ht,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_explosion_big",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -50,
            parent: 56,
            pm: it,
            uo: jt,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_explosion_small",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -50,
            parent: 56,
            pm: kt,
            uo: lt,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_bullet_hit",
            nm: 37,
            om: !0,
            tm: -50,
            parent: 56,
            pm: mt,
            uo: nt,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_big_bullet_hit",
            nm: 36,
            om: !0,
            tm: -50,
            parent: 56,
            pm: ot,
            uo: pt,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_player_explosion",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -50,
            parent: 56,
            pm: qt,
            fn: rt,
            uo: st,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_pu_shot",
            nm: 47,
            om: !0,
            parent: 65,
            pm: tt,
            rm: [],
            sm: [3, ut]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_pu_health",
            nm: 48,
            om: !0,
            parent: 65,
            pm: vt,
            rm: [],
            sm: [3, wt]
        }, {
            sj: "obj_powerup_parent",
            nm: -1,
            om: !0,
            parent: -100,
            wm: xt,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_gameover",
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            om: !0,
            tm: -300,
            parent: 15,
            pm: yt,
            fn: zt,
            kn: au,
            rm: [],
            sm: []
        }, {
            sj: "obj_boss2",
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        fm: 858,
        gm: 1654,
        hm: 13,
        im: 15,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1026,
        gm: 1282,
        hm: 13,
        im: 15,
        zu: 3,
        av: 4,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 834,
        gm: 2026,
        hm: 12,
        im: 15,
        zu: 3,
        av: 4,
        bv: 12,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1414,
        gm: 1182,
        hm: 10,
        im: 19,
        zu: 3,
        av: 4,
        bv: 10,
        cv: 19,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 882,
        gm: 1286,
        hm: 13,
        im: 15,
        zu: 2,
        av: 4,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 2034,
        gm: 986,
        hm: 11,
        im: 15,
        zu: 3,
        av: 4,
        bv: 11,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1230,
        gm: 874,
        hm: 15,
        im: 11,
        zu: 2,
        av: 8,
        bv: 15,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 2006,
        gm: 1274,
        hm: 12,
        im: 11,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 12,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1582,
        gm: 1046,
        hm: 13,
        im: 11,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 862,
        gm: 1306,
        hm: 13,
        im: 15,
        zu: 2,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 862,
        gm: 1286,
        hm: 13,
        im: 15,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 814,
        gm: 1514,
        hm: 13,
        im: 11,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 894,
        gm: 1306,
        hm: 11,
        im: 11,
        zu: 4,
        av: 8,
        bv: 11,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1738,
        gm: 1286,
        hm: 13,
        im: 14,
        zu: 3,
        av: 5,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 14,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1806,
        gm: 1162,
        hm: 13,
        im: 11,
        zu: 2,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1278,
        gm: 1290,
        hm: 13,
        im: 11,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 13,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 826,
        gm: 882,
        hm: 16,
        im: 11,
        zu: 1,
        av: 8,
        bv: 16,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1758,
        gm: 1286,
        hm: 12,
        im: 11,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 12,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1158,
        gm: 834,
        hm: 14,
        im: 15,
        zu: 2,
        av: 8,
        bv: 14,
        cv: 15,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1374,
        gm: 1286,
        hm: 11,
        im: 11,
        zu: 3,
        av: 8,
        bv: 11,
        cv: 11,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1366,
        gm: 802,
        hm: 8,
        im: 18,
        zu: 5,
        av: 4,
        bv: 8,
        cv: 18,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 658,
        gm: 714,
        hm: 4,
        im: 18,
        zu: 7,
        av: 4,
        bv: 4,
        cv: 18,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 2038,
        gm: 382,
        hm: 8,
        im: 18,
        zu: 5,
        av: 4,
        bv: 8,
        cv: 18,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 1482,
        gm: 1294,
        hm: 12,
        im: 6,
        zu: 3,
        av: 9,
        bv: 12,
        cv: 6,
        dv: 17,
        ev: 25,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 4,
        gm: 488,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 660,
        gm: 4,
        hm: 319,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 319,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 319,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 4,
        gm: 976,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 4,
        gm: 1464,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 332,
        gm: 4,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 332,
        gm: 492,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 332,
        gm: 980,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 332,
        gm: 1468,
        hm: 320,
        im: 480,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 320,
        cv: 480,
        dv: 320,
        ev: 480,
        fv: 0
    }, {
        fm: 986,
        gm: 2,
        hm: 512,
        im: 256,
        zu: 0,
        av: 0,
        bv: 512,
        cv: 256,
        dv: 512,
        ev: 256,
        fv: 0
    gv: ["CaptainGeorge_texture_0.png"],
    hv: {
        iv: !1,
        jv: 969186104,
        kv: "411efedb-b76c-4442-a311-a1ce58ff1e66",
        lv: !1,
        mv: !0,
        nv: !0,
        scale: -1,
        ov: !0,
        pv: !1,
        qv: !1,
        rv: !0,
        sv: !1,
        tv: !1,
        uv: !0,
        vv: 0,
        wv: !1
var zbb = {};
(function(e, t) {
    function n() {}!(Object.prototype.defineProperty instanceof Function) && Object.prototype.__defineGetter__ instanceof Function && Object.prototype.__defineSetter__ instanceof Function && (Object.defineProperty = function(e, t, n) {
        n.ecb instanceof Function && e.__defineGetter__(t, n.ecb);
        n.fcb instanceof Function && e.__defineSetter__(t, n.fcb)
    e.hcb = function(e, t) {
        n.prototype = t.prototype;
        e.prototype = new n;
        e.prototype.constructor = e
    e.lcb = function(e, t) {
        return function() {
            t.apply(e, arguments)
    e.ncb = function(e) {
        e === t && (e = 0);
        for (var n = Array(e || 0), r = 0; r < e; ++r) n[r] = 0;
        return n
    e.pcb = function(e, n) {
        return null === e ? !1 : n instanceof Function && e instanceof n || e.constructor.__implements != t && e.constructor.__implements[n] ? !0 : !1
    e.scb = function(e) {
        return Math.abs(parseInt(e))
var ucb = Array,
    vcb = zbb.ncb;
"undefined" === typeof zbb && (zbb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.wcb && (zbb.wcb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.wcb.xcb && (zbb.wcb.xcb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.ycb && (zbb.ycb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.ycb.Math && (zbb.ycb.Math = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.zcb && (zbb.zcb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.zcb.adb && (zbb.zcb.adb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.zcb.bdb && (zbb.zcb.bdb = {});
"undefined" === typeof zbb.zcb.cdb && (zbb.zcb.cdb = {});
(function() {
    function e() {
        e.edb.apply(this, arguments)

    function t() {
        t.fdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function n() {
        n.gdb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === n && this.gdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function r() {
        r.hdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function i() {
        i.idb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === i && this.idb.apply(this, arguments)

    function s() {
        s.jdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function o() {
        o.kdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function u() {
        u.ldb.apply(this, arguments)

    function a() {
        a.mdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function f() {
        f.ndb.apply(this, arguments)

    function l() {
        l.odb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === l && this.odb.apply(this, arguments)

    function c() {
        c.pdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function h() {
        h.qdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function p() {
        p.rdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function d() {
        d.sdb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === d && this.sdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function v() {
        v.tdb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === v && this.tdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function m() {
        m.udb.apply(this, arguments)

    function g() {
        g.vdb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === g && this.vdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function y() {
        y.wdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function b() {
        b.xdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function w() {
        w.ydb.apply(this, arguments)

    function E() {
        E.zdb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === E && this.zdb.apply(this, arguments)

    function S() {
        S.aeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function x() {
        x.beb.apply(this, arguments)

    function T() {
        T.ceb.apply(this, arguments)

    function N() {
        N.deb.apply(this, arguments)

    function C() {
        C.eeb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === C && this.eeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function k() {
        k.feb.apply(this, arguments)

    function L() {
        L.geb.apply(this, arguments)

    function A() {
        A.heb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === A && this.heb.apply(this, arguments)

    function O() {
        O.ieb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === O && this.ieb.apply(this, arguments)

    function M() {
        M.jeb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === M && this.jeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function _() {
        _.keb.apply(this, arguments)

    function D() {
        D.leb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === D && this.leb.apply(this, arguments)

    function P() {
        P.meb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === P && this.meb.apply(this, arguments)

    function H() {
        H.oeb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === H && this.oeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function B() {
        B.peb.apply(this, arguments)

    function j() {
        j.qeb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === j && this.qeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function F() {
        F.reb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === F && this.reb.apply(this, arguments)

    function I() {
        I.seb.apply(this, arguments)

    function q() {
        q.teb.apply(this, arguments)

    function R() {
        R.ueb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === R && this.ueb.apply(this, arguments)

    function U() {
        U.veb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === U && this.veb.apply(this, arguments)

    function z() {
        z.web.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === z && this.web.apply(this, arguments)

    function W() {
        W.xeb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === W && this.xeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function X() {
        X.yeb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === X && this.yeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function V() {
        V.zeb.apply(this, arguments)

    function $() {
        $.afb.apply(this, arguments)

    function J() {
        J.bfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function K() {
        K.cfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === K && this.cfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Q() {
        Q.dfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Q && this.dfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function G() {
        G.efb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Y() {
        Y.ffb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Z() {
        Z.gfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Z && this.gfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function et() {
        et.hfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === et && this.hfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function tt() {
        tt.ifb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === tt && this.ifb.apply(this, arguments)

    function nt() {
        nt.jfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function rt() {
        rt.kfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === rt && this.kfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function it() {
        it.lfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function st() {
        st.mfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === st && this.mfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function ot() {
        ot.nfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === ot && this.nfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function ut() {
        ut.ofb.apply(this, arguments)

    function at() {
        at.pfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function ft() {
        ft.qfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === ft && this.qfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function lt() {
        lt.rfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function ct() {
        ct.sfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function ht() {
        ht.tfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === ht && this.tfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function pt() {
        pt.ufb.apply(this, arguments)

    function dt() {
        dt.vfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === dt && this.vfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function vt() {
        vt.wfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function mt() {
        mt.xfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function gt() {
        gt.yfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function yt() {
        yt.zfb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === yt && this.zfb.apply(this, arguments)

    function bt() {
        bt.agb.apply(this, arguments)

    function wt() {
        wt.bgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Et() {
        Et.cgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function St() {
        St.dgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function xt() {
        xt.egb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Tt() {
        Tt.fgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Nt() {
        Nt.ggb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Ct() {
        Ct.hgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Ct && this.hgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function kt() {
        kt.igb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === kt && this.igb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Lt() {
        Lt.jgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Lt && this.jgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function At() {
        At.kgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === At && this.kgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Ot() {
        Ot.lgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Ot && this.lgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Mt() {
        Mt.mgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Mt && this.mgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function _t() {
        _t.ngb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Dt() {
        Dt.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Dt && this.ogb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Pt() {
        Pt.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Pt && this.pgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Ht() {
        Ht.qgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Bt() {
        Bt.rgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Bt && this.rgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function jt() {
        jt.sgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === jt && this.sgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Ft() {
        Ft.tgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Ft && this.tgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function It() {
        It.ugb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === It && this.ugb.apply(this, arguments)

    function qt() {
        qt.vgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === qt && this.vgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Rt() {
        Rt.wgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Rt && this.wgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Ut() {
        Ut.xgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Ut && this.xgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function zt() {
        zt.ygb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === zt && this.ygb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Wt() {
        Wt.zgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Wt && this.zgb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Xt() {
        Xt.ahb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Xt && this.ahb.apply(this, arguments)

    function Vt() {
        Vt.bhb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === Vt && this.bhb.apply(this, arguments)

    function $t() {
        $t.chb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.constructor === $t && this.chb.apply(this, arguments)
    zbb.wcb.ddb = "Box2D.Collision.IBroadPhase";
    zbb.wcb.edb = e;
    zbb.wcb.fdb = t;
    zbb.wcb.gdb = n;
    zbb.wcb.hdb = r;
    zbb.wcb.idb = i;
    zbb.wcb.jdb = s;
    zbb.wcb.kdb = o;
    zbb.wcb.ldb = u;
    zbb.wcb.mdb = a;
    zbb.wcb.ndb = f;
    zbb.wcb.odb = l;
    zbb.wcb.pdb = c;
    zbb.wcb.qdb = h;
    zbb.wcb.rdb = p;
    zbb.wcb.sdb = d;
    zbb.wcb.tdb = v;
    zbb.wcb.udb = m;
    zbb.wcb.vdb = g;
    zbb.wcb.wdb = y;
    zbb.wcb.xdb = b;
    zbb.wcb.ydb = w;
    zbb.wcb.zdb = E;
    zbb.wcb.aeb = S;
    zbb.wcb.beb = x;
    zbb.wcb.ceb = T;
    zbb.wcb.deb = N;
    zbb.wcb.eeb = C;
    zbb.wcb.feb = k;
    zbb.wcb.geb = L;
    zbb.wcb.xcb.heb = A;
    zbb.wcb.xcb.ieb = O;
    zbb.wcb.xcb.jeb = M;
    zbb.wcb.xcb.keb = _;
    zbb.wcb.xcb.leb = D;
    zbb.wcb.xcb.meb = P;
    zbb.ycb.neb = "Box2D.Common.b2internal";
    zbb.ycb.oeb = H;
    zbb.ycb.peb = B;
    zbb.ycb.Math.qeb = j;
    zbb.ycb.Math.reb = F;
    zbb.ycb.Math.seb = I;
    zbb.ycb.Math.teb = q;
    zbb.ycb.Math.ueb = R;
    zbb.ycb.Math.veb = U;
    zbb.ycb.Math.web = z;
    zbb.zcb.xeb = W;
    zbb.zcb.yeb = X;
    zbb.zcb.zeb = V;
    zbb.zcb.afb = $;
    zbb.zcb.bfb = J;
    zbb.zcb.cfb = K;
    zbb.zcb.dfb = Q;
    zbb.zcb.efb = G;
    zbb.zcb.ffb = Y;
    zbb.zcb.gfb = Z;
    zbb.zcb.hfb = et;
    zbb.zcb.ifb = tt;
    zbb.zcb.jfb = nt;
    zbb.zcb.kfb = rt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.lfb = it;
    zbb.zcb.adb.mfb = st;
    zbb.zcb.adb.nfb = ot;
    zbb.zcb.adb.ofb = ut;
    zbb.zcb.adb.pfb = at;
    zbb.zcb.adb.qfb = ft;
    zbb.zcb.adb.rfb = lt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.sfb = ct;
    zbb.zcb.adb.tfb = ht;
    zbb.zcb.adb.ufb = pt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.vfb = dt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.wfb = vt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.xfb = mt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.yfb = gt;
    zbb.zcb.adb.zfb = yt;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.agb = bt;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.bgb = wt;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.cgb = Et;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb = St;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.egb = xt;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.fgb = Tt;
    zbb.zcb.bdb.ggb = Nt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.hgb = Ct;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.igb = kt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.jgb = Lt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.kgb = At;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.lgb = Ot;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.mgb = Mt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.ngb = _t;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb = Dt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb = Pt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.qgb = Ht;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.rgb = Bt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.sgb = jt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.tgb = Ft;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.ugb = It;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.vgb = qt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.wgb = Rt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.xgb = Ut;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.ygb = zt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.zgb = Wt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.ahb = Xt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.bhb = Vt;
    zbb.zcb.cdb.chb = $t
zbb.dhb = [];
(function() {
    var e = zbb.wcb.xcb.heb,
        t = zbb.wcb.xcb.leb,
        n = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb,
        r = zbb.ycb.peb,
        i = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        s = zbb.ycb.Math.teb,
        o = zbb.ycb.Math.ueb,
        u = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        a = zbb.wcb.edb,
        f = zbb.wcb.fdb,
        l = zbb.wcb.gdb,
        c = zbb.wcb.hdb,
        h = zbb.wcb.idb,
        p = zbb.wcb.jdb,
        d = zbb.wcb.kdb,
        v = zbb.wcb.ldb,
        m = zbb.wcb.mdb,
        g = zbb.wcb.ndb,
        y = zbb.wcb.odb,
        b = zbb.wcb.pdb,
        w = zbb.wcb.qdb,
        E = zbb.wcb.rdb,
        S = zbb.wcb.sdb,
        x = zbb.wcb.tdb,
        T = zbb.wcb.udb,
        N = zbb.wcb.vdb,
        C = zbb.wcb.wdb,
        k = zbb.wcb.xdb,
        L = zbb.wcb.ydb,
        A = zbb.wcb.zdb,
        O = zbb.wcb.aeb,
        M = zbb.wcb.beb,
        _ = zbb.wcb.ceb,
        D = zbb.wcb.deb,
        P = zbb.wcb.eeb,
        H = zbb.wcb.feb,
        B = zbb.wcb.geb,
        j = zbb.wcb.ddb;
    a.edb = function() {
        this.ehb = new u;
        this.fhb = new u
    a.prototype.ghb = function() {
        var e = this.fhb.gm - this.ehb.gm;
        return e = (e = 0 <= this.fhb.fm - this.ehb.fm && 0 <= e) && this.ehb.ghb() && this.fhb.ghb()
    a.prototype.khb = function() {
        return new u((this.ehb.fm + this.fhb.fm) / 2, (this.ehb.gm + this.fhb.gm) / 2)
    a.prototype.lhb = function() {
        return new u((this.fhb.fm - this.ehb.fm) / 2, (this.fhb.gm - this.ehb.gm) / 2)
    a.prototype.mhb = function(e) {
        var t;
        return t = (t = (t = (t = this.ehb.fm <= e.ehb.fm) && this.ehb.gm <= e.ehb.gm) && e.fhb.fm <= this.fhb.fm) && e.fhb.gm <= this.fhb.gm
    a.prototype.phb = function(e, t) {
        var n = -Number.MAX_VALUE,
            r = Number.MAX_VALUE,
            i = t.vhb.fm,
            s = t.vhb.gm,
            o = t.xhb.fm - t.vhb.fm,
            u = t.xhb.gm - t.vhb.gm,
            a = Math.abs(o),
            f = Math.abs(u),
            l = e.aib,
            c = 0,
            h = 0,
            p = c = 0,
            p = 0;
        if (a < Number.MIN_VALUE) {
            if (i < this.ehb.fm || this.fhb.fm < i) return !1
        } else if (c = 1 / o, h = (this.ehb.fm - i) * c, c *= this.fhb.fm - i, p = -1, h > c && (p = h, h = c, c = p, p = 1), h > n && (l.fm = p, l.gm = 0, n = h), r = Math.min(r, c), n > r) return !1;
        if (f < Number.MIN_VALUE) {
            if (s < this.ehb.gm || this.fhb.gm < s) return !1
        } else if (c = 1 / u, h = (this.ehb.gm - s) * c, c *= this.fhb.gm - s, p = -1, h > c && (p = h, h = c, c = p, p = 1), h > n && (l.gm = p, l.fm = 0, n = h), r = Math.min(r, c), n > r) return !1;
        e.gib = n;
        return !0
    a.prototype.hib = function(e) {
        var t = e.ehb.gm - this.fhb.gm,
            n = this.ehb.gm - e.fhb.gm;
        return 0 < e.ehb.fm - this.fhb.fm || 0 < t || 0 < this.ehb.fm - e.fhb.fm || 0 < n ? !1 : !0
    a.nib = function(e, t) {
        var n = new a;
        n.nib(e, t);
        return n
    a.prototype.nib = function(e, t) {
        this.ehb.fm = Math.min(e.ehb.fm, t.ehb.fm);
        this.ehb.gm = Math.min(e.ehb.gm, t.ehb.gm);
        this.fhb.fm = Math.max(e.fhb.fm, t.fhb.fm);
        this.fhb.gm = Math.max(e.fhb.gm, t.fhb.gm)
    f.fdb = function() {};
    f.prototype.qib = function() {
        return 0 == (this.value & 1)
    f.prototype.rib = function() {
        return 1 == (this.value & 1)
    f.prototype.sib = function(e) {
        var t = this.value,
            n = this.wib,
            r = this.yib;
        this.value = e.value;
        this.wib = e.wib;
        this.yib = e.yib;
        e.value = t;
        e.wib = n;
        e.yib = r
    l.gdb = function() {};
    l.prototype.gdb = function() {
        this.zib = new vcb;
        this.zib[0] = 0;
        this.zib[1] = 0;
        this.ajb = new vcb;
        this.ajb[0] = 0;
        this.ajb[1] = 0
    c.hdb = function() {};
    c.bjb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        var i, s = 0;
        i = t[0];
        var o = i.tcb;
        i = t[1];
        var u = i.tcb,
            a = n.fm * o.fm + n.gm * o.gm - r;
        i = n.fm * u.fm + n.gm * u.gm - r;
        0 >= a && e[s++].kjb(t[0]);
        0 >= i && e[s++].kjb(t[1]);
        0 > a * i && (n = a / (a - i), i = e[s], i = i.tcb, i.fm = o.fm + n * (u.fm - o.fm), i.gm = o.gm + n * (u.gm - o.gm), i = e[s], i.ou = (0 < a ? t[0] : t[1]).ou, ++s);
        return s
    c.ojb = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        var s = e.xjb;
        e = e.zjb;
        var o = parseInt(r.vjb),
            u = r.xjb,
            a, f;
        a = t.dkb;
        f = e[n];
        e = a.fkb.fm * f.fm + a.gkb.fm * f.gm;
        r = a.fkb.gm * f.fm + a.gkb.gm * f.gm;
        a = i.dkb;
        var l = a.fkb.fm * e + a.fkb.gm * r;
        a = a.gkb.fm * e + a.gkb.gm * r;
        for (var c = 0, h = Number.MAX_VALUE, p = 0; p < o; ++p) f = u[p], f = f.fm * l + f.gm * a, f < h && (h = f, c = p);
        f = s[n];
        a = t.dkb;
        n = t.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * f.fm + a.gkb.fm * f.gm);
        t = t.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * f.fm + a.gkb.gm * f.gm);
        f = u[c];
        a = i.dkb;
        s = i.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * f.fm + a.gkb.fm * f.gm);
        i = i.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * f.fm + a.gkb.gm * f.gm);
        return (s - n) * e + (i - t) * r
    c.rkb = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        var s = parseInt(t.vjb),
            o = t.zjb,
            u, a;
        a = i.dkb;
        u = r.tkb;
        var f = i.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * u.fm + a.gkb.fm * u.gm),
            l = i.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * u.fm + a.gkb.gm * u.gm);
        a = n.dkb;
        u = t.tkb;
        f -= n.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * u.fm + a.gkb.fm * u.gm);
        l -= n.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * u.fm + a.gkb.gm * u.gm);
        a = f * n.dkb.fkb.fm + l * n.dkb.fkb.gm;
        for (var l = f * n.dkb.gkb.fm + l * n.dkb.gkb.gm, f = 0, h = -Number.MAX_VALUE, p = 0; p < s; ++p) u = o[p], u = u.fm * a + u.gm * l, u > h && (h = u, f = p);
        o = c.ojb(t, n, f, r, i);
        u = parseInt(0 <= f - 1 ? f - 1 : s - 1);
        a = c.ojb(t, n, u, r, i);
        var l = parseInt(f + 1 < s ? f + 1 : 0),
            h = c.ojb(t, n, l, r, i),
            d = p = 0,
            v = 0;
        if (a > o && a > h) v = -1, p = u, d = a;
        else if (h > o) v = 1, p = l, d = h;
        else return e[0] = f, o;
        for (;;)
            if (f = -1 == v ? 0 <= p - 1 ? p - 1 : s - 1 : p + 1 < s ? p + 1 : 0, o = c.ojb(t, n, f, r, i), o > d) p = f, d = o;
            else break;
        e[0] = p;
        return d
    c.flb = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        var o = t.zjb,
            u = parseInt(i.vjb);
        t = i.xjb;
        i = i.zjb;
        var a;
        a = n.dkb;
        n = o[r];
        var o = a.fkb.fm * n.fm + a.gkb.fm * n.gm,
            f = a.fkb.gm * n.fm + a.gkb.gm * n.gm;
        a = s.dkb;
        n = a.fkb.fm * o + a.fkb.gm * f;
        f = a.gkb.fm * o + a.gkb.gm * f;
        o = n;
        a = 0;
        for (var l = Number.MAX_VALUE, c = 0; c < u; ++c) n = i[c], n = o * n.fm + f * n.gm, n < l && (l = n, a = c);
        i = parseInt(a);
        o = parseInt(i + 1 < u ? i + 1 : 0);
        u = e[0];
        n = t[i];
        a = s.dkb;
        u.tcb.fm = s.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * n.fm + a.gkb.fm * n.gm);
        u.tcb.gm = s.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * n.fm + a.gkb.gm * n.gm);
        u.ou.llb.mlb = r;
        u.ou.llb.nlb = i;
        u.ou.llb.olb = 0;
        u = e[1];
        n = t[o];
        a = s.dkb;
        u.tcb.fm = s.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * n.fm + a.gkb.fm * n.gm);
        u.tcb.gm = s.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * n.fm + a.gkb.gm * n.gm);
        u.ou.llb.mlb = r;
        u.ou.llb.nlb = o;
        u.ou.llb.olb = 1
    c.plb = function() {
        var e = new ucb(2);
        e[0] = new H;
        e[1] = new H;
        return e
    c.rlb = function(e, t, n, i, s) {
        var o;
        e.xlb = 0;
        var u = t.zlb + i.zlb;
        c.bmb[0] = 0;
        var a = c.rkb(c.bmb, t, n, i, s);
        o = c.bmb[0];
        if (!(a > u)) {
            var f;
            c.emb[0] = 0;
            var l = c.rkb(c.emb, i, s, t, n);
            f = c.emb[0];
            if (!(l > u)) {
                var h = 0,
                    p = 0;
                l > .98 * a + .001 ? (a = i, i = t, t = s, h = f, e.jmb = S.kmb, p = 1) : (a = t, t = n, n = s, h = o, e.jmb = S.lmb, p = 0);
                o = c.mmb;
                c.flb(o, a, t, h, i, n);
                f = parseInt(a.vjb);
                s = a.xjb;
                var a = s[h],
                d = h + 1 < f ? s[parseInt(h + 1)] : s[0];
                h = c.qmb;
                h.kjb(d.fm - a.fm, d.gm - a.gm);
                s = c.tmb;
                s.fm = h.gm;
                s.gm = -h.fm;
                i = c.vmb;
                i.kjb(.5 * (a.fm + d.fm), .5 * (a.gm + d.gm));
                l = c.xmb;
                f = t.dkb;
                l.fm = f.fkb.fm * h.fm + f.gkb.fm * h.gm;
                l.gm = f.fkb.gm * h.fm + f.gkb.gm * h.gm;
                var v = c.zmb;
                v.fm = -l.fm;
                v.gm = -l.gm;
                h = c.anb;
                h.fm = l.gm;
                h.gm = -l.fm;
                var m = c.cnb,
                    g = c.enb;
                m.fm = t.position.fm + (f.fkb.fm * a.fm + f.gkb.fm * a.gm);
                m.gm = t.position.gm + (f.fkb.gm * a.fm + f.gkb.gm * a.gm);
                g.fm = t.position.fm + (f.fkb.fm * d.fm + f.gkb.fm * d.gm);
                g.gm = t.position.gm + (f.fkb.gm * d.fm + f.gkb.gm * d.gm);
                t = h.fm * m.fm + h.gm * m.gm;
                f = l.fm * g.fm + l.gm * g.gm + u;
                d = c.jnb;
                a = c.lnb;
                g = 0;
                g = c.bjb(d, o, v, -l.fm * m.fm - l.gm * m.gm + u);
                if (!(2 > g || (g = c.bjb(a, d, l, f), 2 > g))) {
                    for (i = s = 0; i < r.rnb; ++i) o = a[i], h.fm * o.tcb.fm + h.gm * o.tcb.gm - t <= u && (l = e.tnb[s], f = n.dkb, v = o.tcb.fm - n.position.fm, m = o.tcb.gm - n.position.gm, l.pnb.fm = v * f.fkb.fm + m * f.fkb.gm, l.pnb.gm = v * f.gkb.fm + m * f.gkb.gm, l.vnb.kjb(o.ou), l.vnb.llb.gmb = p, ++s);
                    e.xlb = s
    c.wnb = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        e.xlb = 0;
        var s, o;
        s = n.dkb;
        o = t.znb;
        var u = n.position.fm + (s.fkb.fm * o.fm + s.gkb.fm * o.gm);
        n = n.position.gm + (s.fkb.gm * o.fm + s.gkb.gm * o.gm);
        s = i.dkb;
        o = r.znb;
        u = i.position.fm + (s.fkb.fm * o.fm + s.gkb.fm * o.gm) - u;
        i = i.position.gm + (s.fkb.gm * o.fm + s.gkb.gm * o.gm) - n;
        s = t.zlb + r.zlb;
        u * u + i * i > s * s || (e.jmb = S.gob, e.pnb.onb(t.znb), e.nnb.hob(), e.xlb = 1, e.tnb[0].pnb.onb(r.znb), e.tnb[0].vnb.iob = 0)
    c.job = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        var s = e.xlb = 0,
            o = 0,
            u, a;
        a = i.dkb;
        u = r.znb;
        var f = i.position.gm + (a.fkb.gm * u.fm + a.gkb.gm * u.gm),
            s = i.position.fm + (a.fkb.fm * u.fm + a.gkb.fm * u.gm) - n.position.fm,
            o = f - n.position.gm;
        a = n.dkb;
        n = s * a.fkb.fm + o * a.fkb.gm;
        a = s * a.gkb.fm + o * a.gkb.gm;
        var l = 0,
            f = -Number.MAX_VALUE;
        i = t.zlb + r.zlb;
        var c = parseInt(t.vjb),
            h = t.xjb;
        t = t.zjb;
        for (var p = 0; p < c; ++p) {
            u = h[p];
            s = n - u.fm;
            o = a - u.gm;
            u = t[p];
            s = u.fm * s + u.gm * o;
            if (s > i) return;
            s > f && (f = s, l = p)
        s = parseInt(l);
        o = parseInt(s + 1 < c ? s + 1 : 0);
        u = h[s];
        h = h[o];
        f < Number.MIN_VALUE ? (e.xlb = 1, e.jmb = S.lmb, e.nnb.onb(t[l]), e.pnb.fm = .5 * (u.fm + h.fm), e.pnb.gm = .5 * (u.gm + h.gm), e.tnb[0].pnb.onb(r.znb), e.tnb[0].vnb.iob = 0) : (f = (n - h.fm) * (u.fm - h.fm) + (a - h.gm) * (u.gm - h.gm), 0 >= (n - u.fm) * (h.fm - u.fm) + (a - u.gm) * (h.gm - u.gm) ? (n - u.fm) * (n - u.fm) + (a - u.gm) * (a - u.gm) > i * i || (e.xlb = 1, e.jmb = S.lmb, e.nnb.fm = n - u.fm, e.nnb.gm = a - u.gm, e.nnb.rmb(), e.pnb.onb(u), e.tnb[0].pnb.onb(r.znb), e.tnb[0].vnb.iob = 0) : 0 >= f ? (n - h.fm) * (n - h.fm) + (a - h.gm) * (a - h.gm) > i * i || (e.xlb = 1, e.jmb = S.lmb, e.nnb.fm = n - h.fm, e.nnb.gm = a - h.gm, e.nnb.rmb(), e.pnb.onb(h), e.tnb[0].pnb.onb(r.znb), e.tnb[0].vnb.iob = 0) : (l = .5 * (u.fm + h.fm), u = .5 * (u.gm + h.gm), f = (n - l) * t[s].fm + (a - u) * t[s].gm, f > i || (e.xlb = 1, e.jmb = S.lmb, e.nnb.fm = t[s].fm, e.nnb.gm = t[s].gm, e.nnb.rmb(), e.pnb.kjb(l, u), e.tnb[0].pnb.onb(r.znb), e.tnb[0].vnb.iob = 0)))
    c.hib = function(e, t) {
        var n = t.ehb,
            r = e.fhb,
            i = n.fm - r.fm,
            s = n.gm - r.gm,
            n = e.ehb,
            r = t.fhb,
            o = n.gm - r.gm;
        return 0 < i || 0 < s || 0 < n.fm - r.fm || 0 < o ? !1 : !0
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.hdb.mmb = c.plb();
        zbb.wcb.hdb.jnb = c.plb();
        zbb.wcb.hdb.lnb = c.plb();
        zbb.wcb.hdb.bmb = new vcb(1);
        zbb.wcb.hdb.emb = new vcb(1);
        zbb.wcb.hdb.qmb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.tmb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.vmb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.anb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.xmb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.zmb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.cnb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.enb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.hpb = new u;
        zbb.wcb.hdb.ipb = 255
    h.idb = function() {
        this.llb = new B
    h.prototype.idb = function() {
        this.llb.jpb = this
    h.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.iob = e.kpb
    h.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var e = new h;
        e.iob = this.iob;
        return e
    Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "key", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        ecb: function() {
            return this.kpb
    Object.defineProperty(h.prototype, "key", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.kpb = e;
            this.llb.opb = this.kpb & 255;
            this.llb.ppb = (this.kpb & 65280) >> 8 & 255;
            this.llb.qpb = (this.kpb & 16711680) >> 16 & 255;
            this.llb.rpb = (this.kpb & 4278190080) >> 24 & 255
    p.jdb = function() {
        this.position = new u;
        this.spb = new u;
        this.aib = new u;
        this.ou = new h
    d.kdb = function() {};
    d.tpb = function(e, t, n) {
        var s = n.wpb,
            o = n.xpb,
            a = n.ypb,
            f = n.zpb,
            l = d.bqb;
        l.cqb(t, s, a, o, f);
        var c = l.xjb,
            h = d.fqb,
            p = d.hqb,
            v = 0;
        for (var m = 0, g, y = 0; 20 > y;) {
            v = l.pqb;
            for (m = 0; m < v; m++) h[m] = c[m].qqb, p[m] = c[m].rqb;
            switch (l.pqb) {
                case 1:
                case 2:
                case 3:
            if (3 == l.pqb) break;
            g = l.kqb();
            m = l.wqb();
            if (m.mqb() < Number.MIN_VALUE * Number.MIN_VALUE) break;
            g = c[l.pqb];
            g.qqb = s.yqb(i.zqb(a.dkb, m.arb()));
            g.brb = i.crb(a, s.drb(g.qqb));
            g.rqb = o.yqb(i.zqb(f.dkb, m));
            g.erb = i.crb(f, o.drb(g.rqb));
            g.hm = i.frb(g.erb, g.brb);
            for (var b = !1, m = 0; m < v; m++)
                if (g.qqb == h[m] && g.rqb == p[m]) {
                    b = !0;
            if (b) break;
        d.irb = i.jrb(d.irb, y);
        l.krb(e.lrb, e.mrb);
        e.nrb = i.frb(e.lrb, e.mrb).orb();
        e.prb = y;
        n.rrb && (t = s.zlb, o = o.zlb, e.nrb > t + o && e.nrb > Number.MIN_VALUE ? (e.nrb -= t + o, n = i.frb(e.mrb, e.lrb), n.rmb(), e.lrb.fm += t * n.fm, e.lrb.gm += t * n.gm, e.mrb.fm -= o * n.fm, e.mrb.gm -= o * n.gm) : (g = new u, g.fm = .5 * (e.lrb.fm + e.mrb.fm), g.gm = .5 * (e.lrb.gm + e.mrb.gm), e.lrb.fm = e.mrb.fm = g.fm, e.lrb.gm = e.mrb.gm = g.gm, e.nrb = 0))
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.kdb.bqb = new A;
        zbb.wcb.kdb.fqb = new vcb(3);
        zbb.wcb.kdb.hqb = new vcb(3)
    v.ldb = function() {};
    m.mdb = function() {
        this.lrb = new u;
        this.mrb = new u
    g.ndb = function() {};
    g.prototype.kjb = function(i) {
        switch (i.vrb()) {
            case n.wrb:
                i = i instanceof e ? i : null;
                this.xjb = new ucb(1, !0);
                this.xjb[0] = i.znb;
                this.pqb = 1;
                this.zlb = i.zlb;
            case n.xrb:
                i = i instanceof t ? i : null;
                this.xjb = i.xjb;
                this.pqb = i.vjb;
                this.zlb = i.zlb;
    g.prototype.yqb = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0, n = this.xjb[0].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[0].gm * e.gm, r = 1; r < this.pqb; ++r) {
            var i = this.xjb[r].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[r].gm * e.gm;
            i > n && (t = r, n = i)
        return t
    g.prototype.asb = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0, n = this.xjb[0].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[0].gm * e.gm, r = 1; r < this.pqb; ++r) {
            var i = this.xjb[r].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[r].gm * e.gm;
            i > n && (t = r, n = i)
        return this.xjb[t]
    g.prototype.bsb = function() {
        return this.pqb
    g.prototype.drb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        r.uqb(0 <= e && e < this.pqb);
        return this.xjb[e]
    y.odb = function() {};
    y.prototype.odb = function() {
        this.dsb = this.csb = null;
        this.fsb = this.esb = 0
    y.prototype.gsb = function(e, t) {
        var n = this.jsb(),
            i = r.lsb,
            s = r.lsb;
        n.nhb.ehb.fm = e.ehb.fm - i;
        n.nhb.ehb.gm = e.ehb.gm - s;
        n.nhb.fhb.fm = e.fhb.fm + i;
        n.nhb.fhb.gm = e.fhb.gm + s;
        n.hsb = t;
        return n
    y.prototype.osb = function(e) {
    y.prototype.rsb = function(e, t, n) {
        if (e.nhb.mhb(t)) return !1;
        var i = r.lsb + r.usb * (0 < n.fm ? n.fm : -n.fm);
        n = r.lsb + r.usb * (0 < n.gm ? n.gm : -n.gm);
        e.nhb.ehb.fm = t.ehb.fm - i;
        e.nhb.ehb.gm = t.ehb.gm - n;
        e.nhb.fhb.fm = t.fhb.fm + i;
        e.nhb.fhb.gm = t.fhb.gm + n;
        return !0
    y.prototype.vsb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        if (null != this.csb)
            for (var t = 0; t < e; t++) {
                for (var n = this.csb, r = 0; !1 == n.tsb();) n = this.esb >> r & 1 ? n.xsb : n.ysb, r = r + 1 & 31;
    y.prototype.zsb = function(e) {
        return e.nhb
    y.prototype.atb = function(e) {
        return e.hsb
    y.prototype.btb = function(e, t) {
        if (null != this.csb) {
            var n = new ucb,
                r = 0;
            for (n[r++] = this.csb; 0 < r;) {
                var i = n[--r];
                if (i.nhb.hib(t))
                    if (i.tsb()) {
                        if (!e(i)) break
                    } else n[r++] = i.ysb, n[r++] = i.xsb
    y.prototype.phb = function(e, t) {
        if (null != this.csb) {
            var n = t.vhb,
                r = t.xhb,
                s = i.frb(n, r);
            var s = i.gtb(1, s),
                o = i.itb(s),
                u = t.jtb,
                f = new a,
                l = 0,
                c = 0,
                l = n.fm + u * (r.fm - n.fm),
                c = n.gm + u * (r.gm - n.gm);
            f.ehb.fm = Math.min(n.fm, l);
            f.ehb.gm = Math.min(n.gm, c);
            f.fhb.fm = Math.max(n.fm, l);
            f.fhb.gm = Math.max(n.gm, c);
            var h = new ucb,
                p = 0;
            for (h[p++] = this.csb; 0 < p;)
                if (u = h[--p], !1 != u.nhb.hib(f) && (l = u.nhb.khb(), c = u.nhb.lhb(), !(0 < Math.abs(s.fm * (n.fm - l.fm) + s.gm * (n.gm - l.gm)) - o.fm * c.fm - o.gm * c.gm)))
                    if (u.tsb()) {
                        l = new N;
                        l.vhb = t.vhb;
                        l.xhb = t.xhb;
                        l.jtb = t.jtb;
                        u = e(l, u);
                        if (0 == u) break;
                        0 < u && (l = n.fm + u * (r.fm - n.fm), c = n.gm + u * (r.gm - n.gm), f.ehb.fm = Math.min(n.fm, l), f.ehb.gm = Math.min(n.gm, c), f.fhb.fm = Math.max(n.fm, l), f.fhb.gm = Math.max(n.gm, c))
                    } else h[p++] = u.ysb, h[p++] = u.xsb
    y.prototype.jsb = function() {
        if (this.dsb) {
            var e = this.dsb;
            this.dsb = e.parent;
            e.parent = null;
            e.ysb = null;
            e.xsb = null;
            return e
        return new w
    y.prototype.qsb = function(e) {
        e.parent = this.dsb;
        this.dsb = e
    y.prototype.nsb = function(e) {
        if (null == this.csb) this.csb = e, this.csb.parent = null;
        else {
            var t = e.nhb.khb(),
                n = this.csb;
            if (!1 == n.tsb()) {
                do var r = n.ysb,
                    n = n.xsb,
                    i = Math.abs((r.nhb.ehb.fm + r.nhb.fhb.fm) / 2 - t.fm) + Math.abs((r.nhb.ehb.gm + r.nhb.fhb.gm) / 2 - t.gm),
                    s = Math.abs((n.nhb.ehb.fm + n.nhb.fhb.fm) / 2 - t.fm) + Math.abs((n.nhb.ehb.gm + n.nhb.fhb.gm) / 2 - t.gm),
                    n = i < s ? r : n; while (!1 == n.tsb())
            t = n.parent;
            r = this.jsb();
            r.parent = t;
            r.hsb = null;
            r.nhb.nib(e.nhb, n.nhb);
            if (t) {
                n.parent.ysb == n ? t.ysb = r : t.xsb = r;
                r.ysb = n;
                r.xsb = e;
                n.parent = r;
                e.parent = r;
                do {
                    if (t.nhb.mhb(r.nhb)) break;
                    t.nhb.nib(t.ysb.nhb, t.xsb.nhb);
                    r = t;
                    t = t.parent
                } while (t)
            } else r.ysb = n, r.xsb = e, n.parent = r, this.csb = e.parent = r
    y.prototype.psb = function(e) {
        if (e == this.csb) this.csb = null;
        else {
            var t = e.parent,
                n = t.parent;
            e = t.ysb == e ? t.xsb : t.ysb;
            if (n)
                for (n.ysb == t ? n.ysb = e : n.xsb = e, e.parent = n, this.qsb(t); n;) {
                    t = n.nhb;
                    n.nhb = a.nib(n.ysb.nhb, n.xsb.nhb);
                    if (t.mhb(n.nhb)) break;
                    n = n.parent
                } else this.csb = e, e.parent = null, this.qsb(t)
    b.pdb = function() {
        this.utb = new y;
        this.vtb = new ucb;
        this.wtb = new ucb;
        this.xtb = 0
    b.prototype.gsb = function(e, t) {
        var n = this.utb.gsb(e, t);
        return n
    b.prototype.osb = function(e) {
    b.prototype.rsb = function(e, t, n) {
        this.utb.rsb(e, t, n) && this.ztb(e)
    b.prototype.hib = function(e, t) {
        var n = this.utb.zsb(e),
            r = this.utb.zsb(t);
        return n.hib(r)
    b.prototype.atb = function(e) {
        return this.utb.atb(e)
    b.prototype.zsb = function(e) {
        return this.utb.zsb(e)
    b.prototype.eub = function() {
        return this.ytb
    b.prototype.fub = function(e) {
        for (var t = this, n = t.xtb = 0, r, n = 0; n < t.vtb.length; ++n) {
            r = t.vtb[n];
            var i = t.utb.zsb(r);
            t.utb.btb(function(e) {
                if (e == r) return !0;
                t.xtb == t.wtb.length && (t.wtb[t.xtb] = new E);
                var n = t.wtb[t.xtb];
                n.wpb = e < r ? e : r;
                n.xpb = e >= r ? e : r;
                return !0
            }, i)
        for (n = t.vtb.length = 0; n < t.xtb;) {
            var i = t.wtb[n],
                s = t.utb.atb(i.wpb),
                o = t.utb.atb(i.xpb);
            e(s, o);
            for (++n; n < t.xtb;) {
                s = t.wtb[n];
                if (s.wpb != i.wpb || s.xpb != i.xpb) break;
    b.prototype.btb = function(e, t) {
        this.utb.btb(e, t)
    b.prototype.phb = function(e, t) {
        this.utb.phb(e, t)
    b.prototype.oub = function() {};
    b.prototype.vsb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
    b.prototype.ztb = function(e) {
        this.vtb[this.vtb.length] = e
    b.prototype.aub = function(e) {
        e = parseInt(this.vtb.indexOf(e));
        this.vtb.splice(e, 1)
    b.prototype.pub = function(e, t) {
        return 0
    b.__implements = {};
    b.__implements[j] = !0;
    w.qdb = function() {
        this.nhb = new a
    w.prototype.tsb = function() {
        return null == this.ysb
    E.rdb = function() {};
    S.sdb = function() {
        this.xlb = 0
    S.prototype.sdb = function() {
        this.tnb = new ucb(r.rnb);
        for (var e = 0; e < r.rnb; e++) this.tnb[e] = new x;
        this.nnb = new u;
        this.pnb = new u
    S.prototype.tub = function() {
        for (var e = 0; e < r.rnb; e++)(this.tnb[e] instanceof x ? this.tnb[e] : null).tub();
        this.xlb = this.jmb = 0
    S.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.xlb = e.xlb;
        for (var t = 0; t < r.rnb; t++)(this.tnb[t] instanceof x ? this.tnb[t] : null).kjb(e.tnb[t]);
        this.jmb = e.jmb
    S.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var e = new S;
        return e
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.sdb.gob = 1;
        zbb.wcb.sdb.lmb = 2;
        zbb.wcb.sdb.kmb = 4
    x.tdb = function() {
        this.pnb = new u;
        this.vnb = new h
    x.prototype.tdb = function() {
    x.prototype.tub = function() {
        this.xub = this.wub = 0;
        this.vnb.iob = 0
    x.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.wub = e.wub;
        this.xub = e.xub;
    T.udb = function() {
        this.ccb = new u
    T.prototype.yub = function(e, t, n) {
        return this.ccb
    T.prototype.cvb = function(e) {
        return this.ccb
    N.vdb = function() {
        this.vhb = new u;
        this.xhb = new u
    N.prototype.vdb = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === e && (e = null);
        void 0 === t && (t = null);
        void 0 === n && (n = 1);
        if (e) this.vhb.onb(e);
        if (t) this.xhb.onb(t);
        this.jtb = n
    C.wdb = function() {
        this.aib = new u
    k.xdb = function() {
        this.vhb = new u;
        this.xhb = new u
    k.prototype.dvb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        var i = n.vhb,
            s = n.xhb.fm - i.fm,
            o = n.xhb.gm - i.gm;
        n = this.xhb.gm - this.vhb.gm;
        var u = -(this.xhb.fm - this.vhb.fm),
            a = 100 * Number.MIN_VALUE,
            f = -(s * n + o * u);
        if (f > a) {
            var l = i.fm - this.vhb.fm,
                c = i.gm - this.vhb.gm,
                i = l * n + c * u;
            if (0 <= i && i <= r * f && (r = -s * c + o * l, -a * f <= r && r <= f * (1 + a))) return i /= f, r = Math.sqrt(n * n + u * u), e[0] = i, t.kjb(n / r, u / r), !0
        return !1
    k.prototype.rvb = function(e) {
    k.prototype.svb = function(e) {
        var t = this.xhb.fm - this.vhb.fm,
            n = this.xhb.gm - this.vhb.gm;
        e = Math.min(0 < t ? (e.fhb.fm - this.vhb.fm) / t : 0 > t ? (e.ehb.fm - this.vhb.fm) / t : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0 < n ? (e.fhb.gm - this.vhb.gm) / n : 0 > n ? (e.ehb.gm - this.vhb.gm) / n : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
        this.xhb.fm = this.vhb.fm + t * e;
        this.xhb.gm = this.vhb.gm + n * e
    k.prototype.tvb = function(e) {
        var t = -this.xhb.fm + this.vhb.fm,
            n = -this.xhb.gm + this.vhb.gm;
        e = Math.min(0 < t ? (e.fhb.fm - this.xhb.fm) / t : 0 > t ? (e.ehb.fm - this.xhb.fm) / t : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, 0 < n ? (e.fhb.gm - this.xhb.gm) / n : 0 > n ? (e.ehb.gm - this.xhb.gm) / n : Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
        this.vhb.fm = this.xhb.fm + t * e;
        this.vhb.gm = this.xhb.gm + n * e
    L.ydb = function() {
        this.pnb = new u;
        this.uvb = new u
    L.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, s, o) {
        this.wvb = t;
        this.xvb = s;
        var a = parseInt(e.etb);
        r.uqb(0 < a && 3 > a);
        var f, l, c, h, p = h = c = s = t = 0,
            d = 0,
            p = 0;
        1 == a ? (this.jmb = L.lwb, f = this.wvb.drb(e.qqb[0]), l = this.xvb.drb(e.rqb[0]), a = f, e = n.dkb, t = n.position.fm + (e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm), s = n.position.gm + (e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm), a = l, e = o.dkb, c = o.position.fm + (e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm), h = o.position.gm + (e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm), this.uvb.fm = c - t, this.uvb.gm = h - s, this.uvb.rmb()) : (e.rqb[0] == e.rqb[1] ? (this.jmb = L.lmb, t = this.wvb.drb(e.qqb[0]), s = this.wvb.drb(e.qqb[1]), l = this.xvb.drb(e.rqb[0]), this.pnb.fm = .5 * (t.fm + s.fm), this.pnb.gm = .5 * (t.gm + s.gm), this.uvb = i.mwb(i.frb(s, t), 1), this.uvb.rmb(), a = this.uvb, e = n.dkb, p = e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm, d = e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm, a = this.pnb, e = n.dkb, t = n.position.fm + (e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm), s = n.position.gm + (e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm), a = l, e = o.dkb, c = o.position.fm + (e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm), h = o.position.gm + (e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm), p = (c - t) * p + (h - s) * d) : e.qqb[0] == e.qqb[0] ? (this.jmb = L.kmb, c = this.xvb.drb(e.rqb[0]), h = this.xvb.drb(e.rqb[1]), f = this.wvb.drb(e.qqb[0]), this.pnb.fm = .5 * (c.fm + h.fm), this.pnb.gm = .5 * (c.gm + h.gm), this.uvb = i.mwb(i.frb(h, c), 1), this.uvb.rmb(), a = this.uvb, e = o.dkb, p = e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm, d = e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm, a = this.pnb, e = o.dkb, c = o.position.fm + (e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm), h = o.position.gm + (e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm), a = f, e = n.dkb, t = n.position.fm + (e.fkb.fm * a.fm + e.gkb.fm * a.gm), s = n.position.gm + (e.fkb.gm * a.fm + e.gkb.gm * a.gm), p = (t - c) * p + (s - h) * d) : (t = this.wvb.drb(e.qqb[0]), s = this.wvb.drb(e.qqb[1]), c = this.xvb.drb(e.rqb[0]), h = this.xvb.drb(e.rqb[1]), i.crb(n, f), f = i.qwb(n.dkb, i.frb(s, t)), i.crb(o, l), p = i.qwb(o.dkb, i.frb(h, c)), o = f.fm * f.fm + f.gm * f.gm, l = p.fm * p.fm + p.gm * p.gm, e = i.frb(p, f), n = f.fm * e.fm + f.gm * e.gm, e = p.fm * e.fm + p.gm * e.gm, f = f.fm * p.fm + f.gm * p.gm, d = o * l - f * f, p = 0, 0 != d && (p = i.vwb((f * e - n * l) / d, 0, 1)), 0 > (f * p + e) / l && (p = i.vwb((f - n) / o, 0, 1)), f = new u, f.fm = t.fm + p * (s.fm - t.fm), f.gm = t.gm + p * (s.gm - t.gm), l = new u, l.fm = c.fm + p * (h.fm - c.fm), l.gm = c.gm + p * (h.gm - c.gm), 0 == p || 1 == p ? (this.jmb = L.kmb, this.uvb = i.mwb(i.frb(h, c), 1), this.uvb.rmb(), this.pnb = l) : (this.jmb = L.lmb, this.uvb = i.mwb(i.frb(s, t), 1), this.pnb = f)), 0 > p && this.uvb.nwb())
    L.prototype.xwb = function(e, t) {
        var n, s, o = 0;
        switch (this.jmb) {
            case L.lwb:
                return n = i.zqb(e.dkb, this.uvb), s = i.zqb(t.dkb, this.uvb.arb()), n = this.wvb.asb(n), s = this.xvb.asb(s), n = i.crb(e, n), s = i.crb(t, s), o = (s.fm - n.fm) * this.uvb.fm + (s.gm - n.gm) * this.uvb.gm;
            case L.lmb:
                return o = i.qwb(e.dkb, this.uvb), n = i.crb(e, this.pnb), s = i.zqb(t.dkb, o.arb()), s = this.xvb.asb(s), s = i.crb(t, s), o = (s.fm - n.fm) * o.fm + (s.gm - n.gm) * o.gm;
            case L.kmb:
                return o = i.qwb(t.dkb, this.uvb), s = i.crb(t, this.pnb), n = i.zqb(e.dkb, o.arb()), n = this.wvb.asb(n), n = i.crb(e, n), o = (n.fm - s.fm) * o.fm + (n.gm - s.gm) * o.gm;
                return r.uqb(!1), 0
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.ydb.lwb = 1;
        zbb.wcb.ydb.lmb = 2;
        zbb.wcb.ydb.kmb = 4
    A.zdb = function() {
        this.bxb = new M;
        this.cxb = new M;
        this.dxb = new M;
        this.xjb = new ucb(3)
    A.prototype.zdb = function() {
        this.xjb[0] = this.bxb;
        this.xjb[1] = this.cxb;
        this.xjb[2] = this.dxb
    A.prototype.cqb = function(e, t, n, s, o) {
        r.uqb(0 <= e.etb && 3 >= e.etb);
        var u, a;
        this.pqb = e.etb;
        for (var f = this.xjb, l = 0; l < this.pqb; l++) {
            var c = f[l];
            c.qqb = e.qqb[l];
            c.rqb = e.rqb[l];
            u = t.drb(c.qqb);
            a = s.drb(c.rqb);
            c.brb = i.crb(n, u);
            c.erb = i.crb(o, a);
            c.hm = i.frb(c.erb, c.brb);
            c.gpb = 0
        1 < this.pqb && (e = e.hxb, u = this.jxb(), u < .5 * e || 2 * e < u || u < Number.MIN_VALUE) && (this.pqb = 0);
        0 == this.pqb && (c = f[0], c.qqb = 0, c.rqb = 0, u = t.drb(0), a = s.drb(0), c.brb = i.crb(n, u), c.erb = i.crb(o, a), c.hm = i.frb(c.erb, c.brb), this.pqb = 1)
    A.prototype.qrb = function(e) {
        e.hxb = this.jxb();
        e.etb = zbb.scb(this.pqb);
        for (var t = this.xjb, n = 0; n < this.pqb; n++) e.qqb[n] = zbb.scb(t[n].qqb), e.rqb[n] = zbb.scb(t[n].rqb)
    A.prototype.wqb = function() {
        switch (this.pqb) {
            case 1:
                return this.bxb.hm.arb();
            case 2:
                var e = i.frb(this.cxb.hm, this.bxb.hm);
                return 0 < i.lxb(e, this.bxb.hm.arb()) ? i.gtb(1, e) : i.mwb(e, 1);
                return r.uqb(!1), new u
    A.prototype.kqb = function() {
        switch (this.pqb) {
            case 0:
                return r.uqb(!1), new u;
            case 1:
                return this.bxb.hm;
            case 2:
                return new u(this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.hm.fm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.hm.fm, this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.hm.gm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.hm.gm);
                return r.uqb(!1), new u
    A.prototype.krb = function(e, t) {
        switch (this.pqb) {
            case 0:
            case 1:
            case 2:
                e.fm = this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.brb.fm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.brb.fm;
                e.gm = this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.brb.gm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.brb.gm;
                t.fm = this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.erb.fm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.erb.fm;
                t.gm = this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.erb.gm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.erb.gm;
            case 3:
                t.fm = e.fm = this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.brb.fm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.brb.fm + this.dxb.gpb * this.dxb.brb.fm;
                t.gm = e.gm = this.bxb.gpb * this.bxb.brb.gm + this.cxb.gpb * this.cxb.brb.gm + this.dxb.gpb * this.dxb.brb.gm;
    A.prototype.jxb = function() {
        switch (this.pqb) {
            case 0:
                return r.uqb(!1), 0;
            case 1:
                return 0;
            case 2:
                return i.frb(this.bxb.hm, this.cxb.hm).orb();
            case 3:
                return i.lxb(i.frb(this.cxb.hm, this.bxb.hm), i.frb(this.dxb.hm, this.bxb.hm));
                return r.uqb(!1), 0
    A.prototype.sqb = function() {
        var e = this.bxb.hm,
            t = this.cxb.hm,
            n = i.frb(t, e),
            e = -(e.fm * n.fm + e.gm * n.gm);
        0 >= e ? this.pqb = this.bxb.gpb = 1 : (t = t.fm * n.fm + t.gm * n.gm, 0 >= t ? (this.pqb = this.cxb.gpb = 1, this.bxb.kjb(this.cxb)) : (n = 1 / (t + e), this.bxb.gpb = t * n, this.cxb.gpb = e * n, this.pqb = 2))
    A.prototype.tqb = function() {
        var e = this.bxb.hm,
            t = this.cxb.hm,
            n = this.dxb.hm,
            r = i.frb(t, e),
            s = i.txb(e, r),
            o = i.txb(t, r),
            s = -s,
            u = i.frb(n, e),
            a = i.txb(e, u),
            f = i.txb(n, u),
            a = -a,
            l = i.frb(n, t),
            c = i.txb(t, l),
            l = i.txb(n, l),
            c = -c,
            u = i.lxb(r, u),
            r = u * i.lxb(t, n),
            n = u * i.lxb(n, e),
            e = u * i.lxb(e, t);
        0 >= s && 0 >= a ? this.pqb = this.bxb.gpb = 1 : 0 < o && 0 < s && 0 >= e ? (f = 1 / (o + s), this.bxb.gpb = o * f, this.cxb.gpb = s * f, this.pqb = 2) : 0 < f && 0 < a && 0 >= n ? (o = 1 / (f + a), this.bxb.gpb = f * o, this.dxb.gpb = a * o, this.pqb = 2, this.cxb.kjb(this.dxb)) : 0 >= o && 0 >= c ? (this.pqb = this.cxb.gpb = 1, this.bxb.kjb(this.cxb)) : 0 >= f && 0 >= l ? (this.pqb = this.dxb.gpb = 1, this.bxb.kjb(this.dxb)) : 0 < l && 0 < c && 0 >= r ? (o = 1 / (l + c), this.cxb.gpb = l * o, this.dxb.gpb = c * o, this.pqb = 2, this.bxb.kjb(this.dxb)) : (o = 1 / (r + n + e), this.bxb.gpb = r * o, this.cxb.gpb = n * o, this.dxb.gpb = e * o, this.pqb = 3)
    O.aeb = function() {
        this.qqb = new vcb(3);
        this.rqb = new vcb(3)
    M.beb = function() {};
    M.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.gpb = e.gpb;
        this.qqb = e.qqb;
        this.rqb = e.rqb
    _.ceb = function() {};
    _.myb = function(e) {
        var t = e.wpb,
            n = e.xpb,
            s = e.oyb,
            o = e.pyb;
        r.uqb(s.qyb == o.qyb);
        r.uqb(1 - s.qyb > Number.MIN_VALUE);
        var u = t.zlb + n.zlb;
        e = e.ryb;
        var a = 0,
            f = 0,
            l = 0;
        _.uyb.etb = 0;
        for (_.vyb.rrb = !1;;) {
            s.wyb(_.xyb, a);
            o.wyb(_.yyb, a);
            _.vyb.wpb = t;
            _.vyb.xpb = n;
            _.vyb.ypb = _.xyb;
            _.vyb.zpb = _.yyb;
            d.tpb(_.zyb, _.uyb, _.vyb);
            if (0 >= _.zyb.nrb) {
                a = 1;
            _.azb.vvb(_.uyb, t, _.xyb, n, _.yyb);
            var c = _.azb.xwb(_.xyb, _.yyb);
            if (0 >= c) {
                a = 1;
            0 == f && (l = c > u ? i.jrb(u - e, .75 * u) : i.jrb(c - e, .02 * u));
            if (c - l < .5 * e) {
                if (0 == f) {
                    a = 1;
            var h = a,
                p = a,
                v = 1;
            s.wyb(_.xyb, v);
            o.wyb(_.yyb, v);
            var m = _.azb.xwb(_.xyb, _.yyb);
            if (m >= l) {
                a = 1;
            for (var g = 0;;) {
                var y = 0,
                    y = g & 1 ? p + (l - c) * (v - p) / (m - c) : .5 * (p + v);
                s.wyb(_.xyb, y);
                o.wyb(_.yyb, y);
                var b = _.azb.xwb(_.xyb, _.yyb);
                if (i.hzb(b - l) < .025 * e) {
                    h = y;
                b > l ? (p = y, c = b) : (v = y, m = b);
                if (50 == g) break
            _.jzb = i.jrb(_.jzb, g);
            if (h < (1 + 100 * Number.MIN_VALUE) * a) break;
            a = h;
            if (1e3 == f) break
        _.lzb = i.jrb(_.lzb, f);
        return a
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.ceb.nyb = 0;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.kzb = 0;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.lzb = 0;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.izb = 0;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.jzb = 0;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.uyb = new O;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.vyb = new v;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.xyb = new o;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.yyb = new o;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.azb = new L;
        zbb.wcb.ceb.zyb = new m
    D.deb = function() {
        this.wpb = new g;
        this.xpb = new g;
        this.oyb = new s;
        this.pyb = new s
    P.eeb = function() {
        this.mzb = new u
    P.prototype.eeb = function() {
        this.tnb = new ucb(r.rnb);
        for (var e = 0; e < r.rnb; e++) this.tnb[e] = new u
    P.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        void 0 === i && (i = 0);
        if (0 != e.xlb) {
            var s = 0,
                o, u, a = 0,
                f = 0,
                l = 0,
                c = 0,
                h = 0;
            o = 0;
            switch (e.jmb) {
                case S.gob:
                    u = t.dkb;
                    o = e.pnb;
                    s = t.position.fm + u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm;
                    t = t.position.gm + u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm;
                    u = r.dkb;
                    o = e.tnb[0].pnb;
                    e = r.position.fm + u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm;
                    r = r.position.gm + u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm;
                    o = e - s;
                    u = r - t;
                    a = o * o + u * u;
                    a > Number.MIN_VALUE * Number.MIN_VALUE ? (a = Math.sqrt(a), this.mzb.fm = o / a, this.mzb.gm = u / a) : (this.mzb.fm = 1, this.mzb.gm = 0);
                    o = t + n * this.mzb.gm;
                    r -= i * this.mzb.gm;
                    this.tnb[0].fm = .5 * (s + n * this.mzb.fm + (e - i * this.mzb.fm));
                    this.tnb[0].gm = .5 * (o + r);
                case S.lmb:
                    u = t.dkb;
                    o = e.nnb;
                    a = u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm;
                    f = u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm;
                    u = t.dkb;
                    o = e.pnb;
                    l = t.position.fm + u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm;
                    c = t.position.gm + u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm;
                    this.mzb.fm = a;
                    this.mzb.gm = f;
                    for (s = 0; s < e.xlb; s++) u = r.dkb, o = e.tnb[s].pnb, h = r.position.fm + u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm, o = r.position.gm + u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm, this.tnb[s].fm = h + .5 * (n - (h - l) * a - (o - c) * f - i) * a, this.tnb[s].gm = o + .5 * (n - (h - l) * a - (o - c) * f - i) * f;
                case S.kmb:
                    for (u = r.dkb, o = e.nnb, a = u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm, f = u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm, u = r.dkb, o = e.pnb, l = r.position.fm + u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm, c = r.position.gm + u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm, this.mzb.fm = -a, this.mzb.gm = -f, s = 0; s < e.xlb; s++) u = t.dkb, o = e.tnb[s].pnb, h = t.position.fm + u.fkb.fm * o.fm + u.gkb.fm * o.gm, o = t.position.gm + u.fkb.gm * o.fm + u.gkb.gm * o.gm, this.tnb[s].fm = h + .5 * (i - (h - l) * a - (o - c) * f - n) * a, this.tnb[s].gm = o + .5 * (i - (h - l) * a - (o - c) * f - n) * f
    H.feb = function() {
        this.tcb = new u;
        this.ou = new h
    H.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
    B.geb = function() {};
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "referenceEdge", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        ecb: function() {
            return this.opb
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "referenceEdge", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.opb = e;
            this.jpb.kpb = this.jpb.kpb & 4294967040 | this.opb & 255
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "incidentEdge", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        ecb: function() {
            return this.ppb
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "incidentEdge", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.ppb = e;
            this.jpb.kpb = this.jpb.kpb & 4294902015 | this.ppb << 8 & 65280
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "incidentVertex", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        ecb: function() {
            return this.qpb
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "incidentVertex", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.qpb = e;
            this.jpb.kpb = this.jpb.kpb & 4278255615 | this.qpb << 16 & 16711680
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "flip", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        ecb: function() {
            return this.rpb
    Object.defineProperty(B.prototype, "flip", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.rpb = e;
            this.jpb.kpb = this.jpb.kpb & 16777215 | this.rpb << 24 & 4278190080
(function() {
    var e = zbb.ycb.peb,
        t = zbb.wcb.xcb.heb,
        n = zbb.wcb.xcb.ieb,
        r = zbb.wcb.xcb.jeb,
        i = zbb.wcb.xcb.keb,
        s = zbb.wcb.xcb.leb,
        o = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb,
        u = zbb.ycb.Math.qeb,
        a = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        f = zbb.ycb.Math.ueb,
        l = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        c = zbb.wcb.kdb,
        h = zbb.wcb.ldb,
        p = zbb.wcb.mdb,
        d = zbb.wcb.ndb,
        v = zbb.wcb.aeb;
    zbb.hcb(t, zbb.wcb.xcb.meb);
    t.prototype.__super = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.prototype;
    t.heb = function() {
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.meb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.znb = new l
    t.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var e = new t;
        return e
    t.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.__super.kjb.call(this, e);
        if (zbb.pcb(e, t)) this.znb.onb((e instanceof t ? e : null).znb)
    t.prototype.zzb = function(e, t) {
        var n = e.dkb,
            r = e.position.fm + (n.fkb.fm * this.znb.fm + n.gkb.fm * this.znb.gm),
            n = e.position.gm + (n.fkb.gm * this.znb.fm + n.gkb.gm * this.znb.gm),
            r = t.fm - r,
            n = t.gm - n;
        return r * r + n * n <= this.zlb * this.zlb
    t.prototype.phb = function(e, t, n) {
        var r = n.dkb,
            i = t.vhb.fm - (n.position.fm + (r.fkb.fm * this.znb.fm + r.gkb.fm * this.znb.gm));
        n = t.vhb.gm - (n.position.gm + (r.fkb.gm * this.znb.fm + r.gkb.gm * this.znb.gm));
        var r = t.xhb.fm - t.vhb.fm,
            s = t.xhb.gm - t.vhb.gm,
            o = i * r + n * s,
            u = r * r + s * s,
            a = o * o - u * (i * i + n * n - this.zlb * this.zlb);
        if (0 > a || u < Number.MIN_VALUE) return !1;
        o = -(o + Math.sqrt(a));
        return 0 <= o && o <= t.jtb * u ? (o /= u, e.gib = o, e.aib.fm = i + o * r, e.aib.gm = n + o * s, e.aib.rmb(), !0) : !1
    t.prototype.eac = function(e, t) {
        var n = t.dkb,
            r = t.position.fm + (n.fkb.fm * this.znb.fm + n.gkb.fm * this.znb.gm),
            n = t.position.gm + (n.fkb.gm * this.znb.fm + n.gkb.gm * this.znb.gm);
        e.ehb.kjb(r - this.zlb, n - this.zlb);
        e.fhb.kjb(r + this.zlb, n + this.zlb)
    t.prototype.fac = function(t, n) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        t.iac = n * e.jac * this.zlb * this.zlb;
        t.kac = t.iac * (.5 * this.zlb * this.zlb + (this.znb.fm * this.znb.fm + this.znb.gm * this.znb.gm))
    t.prototype.lac = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        n = a.crb(n, this.znb);
        var i = -(a.txb(e, n) - t);
        if (i < -this.zlb + Number.MIN_VALUE) return 0;
        if (i > this.zlb) return r.onb(n), Math.PI * this.zlb * this.zlb;
        t = this.zlb * this.zlb;
        var s = i * i,
            i = t * (Math.asin(i / this.zlb) + Math.PI / 2) + i * Math.sqrt(t - s);
        t = -2 / 3 * Math.pow(t - s, 1.5) / i;
        r.fm = n.fm + e.fm * t;
        r.gm = n.gm + e.gm * t;
        return i
    t.prototype.rac = function() {
        return this.znb
    t.prototype.sac = function(e) {
    t.prototype.tac = function() {
        return this.zlb
    t.prototype.uac = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.zlb = e
    t.prototype.heb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.jmb = o.wrb;
        this.zlb = e
    n.ieb = function() {};
    n.prototype.ieb = function() {
        this.vob = 0;
        this.vac = !0;
        this.wob = []
    zbb.hcb(r, zbb.wcb.xcb.meb);
    r.prototype.__super = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.prototype;
    r.jeb = function() {
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.meb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.wac = new l;
        this.bxb = new l;
        this.cxb = new l;
        this.xac = new l;
        this.yac = new l;
        this.mzb = new l;
        this.zac = new l;
        this.abc = new l;
        this.bbc = new l
    r.prototype.zzb = function(e, t) {
        return !1
    r.prototype.phb = function(e, t, n) {
        var r, i = t.xhb.fm - t.vhb.fm,
            s = t.xhb.gm - t.vhb.gm;
        r = n.dkb;
        var o = n.position.fm + (r.fkb.fm * this.bxb.fm + r.gkb.fm * this.bxb.gm),
            u = n.position.gm + (r.fkb.gm * this.bxb.fm + r.gkb.gm * this.bxb.gm),
            a = n.position.gm + (r.fkb.gm * this.cxb.fm + r.gkb.gm * this.cxb.gm) - u;
        n = -(n.position.fm + (r.fkb.fm * this.cxb.fm + r.gkb.fm * this.cxb.gm) - o);
        r = 100 * Number.MIN_VALUE;
        var f = -(i * a + s * n);
        if (f > r) {
            var o = t.vhb.fm - o,
                l = t.vhb.gm - u,
                u = o * a + l * n;
            if (0 <= u && u <= t.jtb * f && (t = -i * l + s * o, -r * f <= t && t <= f * (1 + r))) return e.gib = u / f, t = Math.sqrt(a * a + n * n), e.aib.fm = a / t, e.aib.gm = n / t, !0
        return !1
    r.prototype.eac = function(e, t) {
        var n = t.dkb,
            r = t.position.fm + (n.fkb.fm * this.bxb.fm + n.gkb.fm * this.bxb.gm),
            i = t.position.gm + (n.fkb.gm * this.bxb.fm + n.gkb.gm * this.bxb.gm),
            s = t.position.fm + (n.fkb.fm * this.cxb.fm + n.gkb.fm * this.cxb.gm),
            n = t.position.gm + (n.fkb.gm * this.cxb.fm + n.gkb.gm * this.cxb.gm);
        r < s ? (e.ehb.fm = r, e.fhb.fm = s) : (e.ehb.fm = s, e.fhb.fm = r);
        i < n ? (e.ehb.gm = i, e.fhb.gm = n) : (e.ehb.gm = n, e.fhb.gm = i)
    r.prototype.fac = function(e, t) {
        e.iac = 0;
        e.kac = 0
    r.prototype.lac = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var i = new l(e.fm * t, e.gm * t),
            s = a.crb(n, this.bxb);
        n = a.crb(n, this.cxb);
        var o = a.txb(e, s) - t;
        e = a.txb(e, n) - t;
        if (0 < o) {
            if (0 < e) return 0;
            s.fm = -e / (o - e) * s.fm + o / (o - e) * n.fm;
            s.gm = -e / (o - e) * s.gm + o / (o - e) * n.gm
        } else 0 < e && (n.fm = -e / (o - e) * s.fm + o / (o - e) * n.fm, n.gm = -e / (o - e) * s.gm + o / (o - e) * n.gm);
        r.fm = (i.fm + s.fm + n.fm) / 3;
        r.gm = (i.gm + s.gm + n.gm) / 3;
        return .5 * ((s.fm - i.fm) * (n.gm - i.gm) - (s.gm - i.gm) * (n.fm - i.fm))
    r.prototype.ebc = function() {
        return this.fbc
    r.prototype.gbc = function() {
        return this.bxb
    r.prototype.hbc = function() {
        return this.cxb
    r.prototype.ibc = function() {
        return this.xac
    r.prototype.jbc = function() {
        return this.yac
    r.prototype.kbc = function() {
        return this.mzb
    r.prototype.lbc = function() {
        return this.zac
    r.prototype.mbc = function() {
        return this.abc
    r.prototype.nbc = function() {
        return this.bbc
    r.prototype.obc = function() {
        return this.pbc
    r.prototype.qbc = function() {
        return this.rbc
    r.prototype.cvb = function(e) {
        var t = e.dkb;
        return new l(e.position.fm + (t.fkb.fm * this.xac.fm + t.gkb.fm * this.xac.gm), e.position.gm + (t.fkb.gm * this.xac.fm + t.gkb.gm * this.xac.gm))
    r.prototype.sbc = function() {
        return this.tbc
    r.prototype.ubc = function() {
        return this.vbc
    r.prototype.yub = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        var r = e.dkb,
            i = e.position.fm + (r.fkb.fm * this.xac.fm + r.gkb.fm * this.xac.gm),
            s = e.position.gm + (r.fkb.gm * this.xac.fm + r.gkb.gm * this.xac.gm),
            o = e.position.fm + (r.fkb.fm * this.yac.fm + r.gkb.fm * this.yac.gm);
        e = e.position.gm + (r.fkb.gm * this.yac.fm + r.gkb.gm * this.yac.gm);
        i * t + s * n > o * t + e * n ? (this.wac.fm = i, this.wac.gm = s) : (this.wac.fm = o, this.wac.gm = e);
        return this.wac
    r.prototype.jeb = function(t, n) {
        this.jmb = o.wbc;
        this.tbc = this.vbc = null;
        this.bxb = t;
        this.cxb = n;
        this.zac.kjb(this.cxb.fm - this.bxb.fm, this.cxb.gm - this.bxb.gm);
        this.fbc = this.zac.rmb();
        this.mzb.kjb(this.zac.gm, -this.zac.fm);
        this.xac.kjb(-e.xbc * (this.mzb.fm - this.zac.fm) + this.bxb.fm, -e.xbc * (this.mzb.gm - this.zac.gm) + this.bxb.gm);
        this.yac.kjb(-e.xbc * (this.mzb.fm + this.zac.fm) + this.cxb.fm, -e.xbc * (this.mzb.gm + this.zac.gm) + this.cxb.gm);
        this.abc = this.mzb;
        this.bbc.kjb(-this.mzb.fm, -this.mzb.gm)
    r.prototype.ybc = function(e, t, n, r) {
        this.vbc = e;
        this.xac = t;
        this.abc = n;
        this.pbc = r
    r.prototype.ccc = function(e, t, n, r) {
        this.tbc = e;
        this.yac = t;
        this.bbc = n;
        this.rbc = r
    i.keb = function() {
        this.iac = 0;
        this.ntb = new l(0, 0);
        this.kac = 0
    zbb.hcb(s, zbb.wcb.xcb.meb);
    s.prototype.__super = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.prototype;
    s.leb = function() {
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.meb.apply(this, arguments)
    s.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var e = new s;
        return e
    s.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.__super.kjb.call(this, e);
        if (zbb.pcb(e, s)) {
            e = e instanceof s ? e : null;
            this.vjb = e.vjb;
            for (var t = 0; t < this.vjb; t++) this.xjb[t].onb(e.xjb[t]), this.zjb[t].onb(e.zjb[t])
    s.prototype.ecc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        for (var n = new ucb, r = 0, i, r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) i = e[r], n.push(i);
        this.fcc(n, t)
    s.gcc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n = new s;
        n.ecc(e, t);
        return n
    s.prototype.fcc = function(t, n) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        0 == n && (n = t.length);
        e.uqb(2 <= n);
        this.vjb = n;
        for (var r = 0, r = 0; r < this.vjb; r++) this.xjb[r].onb(t[r]);
        for (r = 0; r < this.vjb; ++r) {
            var i = parseInt(r),
                o = parseInt(r + 1 < this.vjb ? r + 1 : 0),
                i = a.frb(this.xjb[o], this.xjb[i]);
            e.uqb(i.mqb() > Number.MIN_VALUE);
            this.zjb[r].onb(a.mwb(i, 1));
        this.tkb = s.icc(this.xjb, this.vjb)
    s.jcc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n = new s;
        n.fcc(e, t);
        return n
    s.prototype.kcc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.vjb = 4;
        this.xjb[0].kjb(-e, -t);
        this.xjb[1].kjb(e, -t);
        this.xjb[2].kjb(e, t);
        this.xjb[3].kjb(-e, t);
        this.zjb[0].kjb(0, -1);
        this.zjb[1].kjb(1, 0);
        this.zjb[2].kjb(0, 1);
        this.zjb[3].kjb(-1, 0);
    s.ncc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n = new s;
        n.kcc(e, t);
        return n
    s.prototype.occ = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = null);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        this.vjb = 4;
        this.xjb[0].kjb(-e, -t);
        this.xjb[1].kjb(e, -t);
        this.xjb[2].kjb(e, t);
        this.xjb[3].kjb(-e, t);
        this.zjb[0].kjb(0, -1);
        this.zjb[1].kjb(1, 0);
        this.zjb[2].kjb(0, 1);
        this.zjb[3].kjb(-1, 0);
        this.tkb = n;
        e = new f;
        e.position = n;
        for (n = 0; n < this.vjb; ++n) this.xjb[n] = a.crb(e, this.xjb[n]), this.zjb[n] = a.qwb(e.dkb, this.zjb[n])
    s.qcc = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = null);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        var i = new s;
        i.occ(e, t, n, r);
        return i
    s.prototype.rcc = function(e, t) {
        this.vjb = 2;
        this.tkb.fm = .5 * (e.fm + t.fm);
        this.tkb.gm = .5 * (e.gm + t.gm);
        this.zjb[0] = a.mwb(a.frb(t, e), 1);
        this.zjb[1].fm = -this.zjb[0].fm;
        this.zjb[1].gm = -this.zjb[0].gm
    s.scc = function(e, t) {
        var n = new s;
        n.rcc(e, t);
        return n
    s.prototype.zzb = function(e, t) {
        var n;
        n = e.dkb;
        for (var r = t.fm - e.position.fm, i = t.gm - e.position.gm, s = r * n.fkb.fm + i * n.fkb.gm, o = r * n.gkb.fm + i * n.gkb.gm, u = 0; u < this.vjb; ++u)
            if (n = this.xjb[u], r = s - n.fm, i = o - n.gm, n = this.zjb[u], 0 < n.fm * r + n.gm * i) return !1;
        return !0
    s.prototype.phb = function(e, t, n) {
        var r = 0,
            i = t.jtb,
            s = 0,
            o = 0,
            u, a, s = t.vhb.fm - n.position.fm,
            o = t.vhb.gm - n.position.gm;
        u = n.dkb;
        var f = s * u.fkb.fm + o * u.fkb.gm,
            l = s * u.gkb.fm + o * u.gkb.gm,
            s = t.xhb.fm - n.position.fm,
            o = t.xhb.gm - n.position.gm;
        u = n.dkb;
        t = s * u.fkb.fm + o * u.fkb.gm - f;
        u = s * u.gkb.fm + o * u.gkb.gm - l;
        for (var c = -1, h = 0; h < this.vjb; ++h) {
            a = this.xjb[h];
            s = a.fm - f;
            o = a.gm - l;
            a = this.zjb[h];
            s = a.fm * s + a.gm * o;
            o = a.fm * t + a.gm * u;
            if (0 == o) {
                if (0 > s) return !1
            } else 0 > o && s < r * o ? (r = s / o, c = h) : 0 < o && s < i * o && (i = s / o); if (i < r - Number.MIN_VALUE) return !1
        return 0 <= c ? (e.gib = r, u = n.dkb, a = this.zjb[c], e.aib.fm = u.fkb.fm * a.fm + u.gkb.fm * a.gm, e.aib.gm = u.fkb.gm * a.fm + u.gkb.gm * a.gm, !0) : !1
    s.prototype.eac = function(e, t) {
        for (var n = t.dkb, r = this.xjb[0], i = t.position.fm + (n.fkb.fm * r.fm + n.gkb.fm * r.gm), s = t.position.gm + (n.fkb.gm * r.fm + n.gkb.gm * r.gm), o = i, u = s, a = 1; a < this.vjb; ++a) var r = this.xjb[a],
            f = t.position.fm + (n.fkb.fm * r.fm + n.gkb.fm * r.gm),
            r = t.position.gm + (n.fkb.gm * r.fm + n.gkb.gm * r.gm),
            i = i < f ? i : f,
            s = s < r ? s : r,
            o = o > f ? o : f,
            u = u > r ? u : r;
        e.ehb.fm = i - this.zlb;
        e.ehb.gm = s - this.zlb;
        e.fhb.fm = o + this.zlb;
        e.fhb.gm = u + this.zlb
    s.prototype.fac = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        if (2 == this.vjb) e.ntb.fm = .5 * (this.xjb[0].fm + this.xjb[1].fm), e.ntb.gm = .5 * (this.xjb[0].gm + this.xjb[1].gm), e.iac = 0, e.kac = 0;
        else {
            for (var n = 0, r = 0, i = 0, s = 0, o = 1 / 3, u = 0; u < this.vjb; ++u) var a = this.xjb[u],
                f = u + 1 < this.vjb ? this.xjb[parseInt(u + 1)] : this.xjb[0],
                l = a.fm - 0,
                c = a.gm - 0,
                h = f.fm - 0,
                p = f.gm - 0,
                d = l * p - c * h,
                v = .5 * d,
                i = i + v,
                n = n + v * o * (0 + a.fm + f.fm),
                r = r + v * o * (0 + a.gm + f.gm),
                a = l,
                s = s + d * (o * (.25 * (a * a + h * a + h * h) + (0 * a + 0 * h)) + 0 + (o * (.25 * (c * c + p * c + p * p) + (0 * c + 0 * p)) + 0));
            e.iac = t * i;
            e.ntb.kjb(1 / i * n, 1 / i * r);
            e.kac = t * s
    s.prototype.lac = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var s = a.zqb(n.dkb, e),
            o = t - a.txb(e, n.position),
            u = new vcb,
            f = 0,
            c = -1;
        t = -1;
        var h = !1;
        for (e = e = 0; e < this.vjb; ++e) {
            u[e] = a.txb(s, this.xjb[e]) - o;
            var p = u[e] < -Number.MIN_VALUE;
            0 < e && (p ? h || (c = e - 1, f++) : h && (t = e - 1, f++));
            h = p
        switch (f) {
            case 0:
                return h ? (e = new i, this.fac(e, 1), r.onb(a.crb(n, e.ntb)), e.iac) : 0;
            case 1:
                -1 == c ? c = this.vjb - 1 : t = this.vjb - 1
        e = parseInt((c + 1) % this.vjb);
        s = parseInt((t + 1) % this.vjb);
        o = (0 - u[c]) / (u[e] - u[c]);
        u = (0 - u[t]) / (u[s] - u[t]);
        c = new l(this.xjb[c].fm * (1 - o) + this.xjb[e].fm * o, this.xjb[c].gm * (1 - o) + this.xjb[e].gm * o);
        t = new l(this.xjb[t].fm * (1 - u) + this.xjb[s].fm * u, this.xjb[t].gm * (1 - u) + this.xjb[s].gm * u);
        u = 0;
        o = new l;
        for (f = this.xjb[e]; e != s;) e = (e + 1) % this.vjb, h = e == s ? t : this.xjb[e], p = .5 * ((f.fm - c.fm) * (h.gm - c.gm) - (f.gm - c.gm) * (h.fm - c.fm)), u += p, o.fm += p * (c.fm + f.fm + h.fm) / 3, o.gm += p * (c.gm + f.gm + h.gm) / 3, f = h;
        o.kec(1 / u);
        r.onb(a.crb(n, o));
        return u
    s.prototype.bsb = function() {
        return this.vjb
    s.prototype.lec = function() {
        return this.xjb
    s.prototype.mec = function() {
        return this.zjb
    s.prototype.yqb = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0, n = this.xjb[0].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[0].gm * e.gm, r = 1; r < this.vjb; ++r) {
            var i = this.xjb[r].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[r].gm * e.gm;
            i > n && (t = r, n = i)
        return t
    s.prototype.asb = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0, n = this.xjb[0].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[0].gm * e.gm, r = 1; r < this.vjb; ++r) {
            var i = this.xjb[r].fm * e.fm + this.xjb[r].gm * e.gm;
            i > n && (t = r, n = i)
        return this.xjb[t]
    s.prototype.oub = function() {
        return !1
    s.prototype.leb = function() {
        this.jmb = o.xrb;
        this.tkb = new l;
        this.xjb = new ucb;
        this.zjb = new ucb
    s.prototype.dcc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        for (var t = parseInt(this.xjb.length); t < e; t++) this.xjb[t] = new l, this.zjb[t] = new l
    s.icc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        for (var n = new l, r = 0, i = 1 / 3, s = 0; s < t; ++s) {
            var o = e[s],
                u = s + 1 < t ? e[parseInt(s + 1)] : e[0],
                a = .5 * ((o.fm - 0) * (u.gm - 0) - (o.gm - 0) * (u.fm - 0)),
                r = r + a;
            n.fm += a * i * (0 + o.fm + u.fm);
            n.gm += a * i * (0 + o.gm + u.gm)
        n.fm *= 1 / r;
        n.gm *= 1 / r;
        return n
    s.pec = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        for (var r = 0, i = new ucb(n + 1), r = 0; r < n; ++r) i[r] = t[r];
        i[n] = i[0];
        t = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        for (r = 1; r <= n; ++r) {
            for (var s = i[parseInt(r - 1)], o = i[r].fm - s.fm, u = i[r].gm - s.gm, a = Math.sqrt(o * o + u * u), o = o / a, u = u / a, f = -u, l = o, c = a = Number.MAX_VALUE, h = -Number.MAX_VALUE, p = -Number.MAX_VALUE, d = 0; d < n; ++d) {
                var v = i[d].fm - s.fm,
                    m = i[d].gm - s.gm,
                    g = o * v + u * m,
                    v = f * v + l * m;
                g < a && (a = g);
                v < c && (c = v);
                g > h && (h = g);
                v > p && (p = v)
            d = (h - a) * (p - c);
            d < .95 * t && (t = d, e.dkb.fkb.fm = o, e.dkb.fkb.gm = u, e.dkb.gkb.fm = f, e.dkb.gkb.gm = l, o = .5 * (a + h), u = .5 * (c + p), f = e.dkb, e.ntb.fm = s.fm + (f.fkb.fm * o + f.gkb.fm * u), e.ntb.gm = s.gm + (f.fkb.gm * o + f.gkb.gm * u), e.yec.fm = .5 * (h - a), e.yec.gm = .5 * (p - c))
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.xcb.leb.zec = new u
    o.meb = function() {};
    o.prototype.lpb = function() {
        return null
    o.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.zlb = e.zlb
    o.prototype.vrb = function() {
        return this.jmb
    o.prototype.zzb = function(e, t) {
        return !1
    o.prototype.phb = function(e, t, n) {
        return !1
    o.prototype.eac = function(e, t) {};
    o.prototype.fac = function(e, t) {};
    o.prototype.lac = function(e, t, n, r) {
        return 0
    o.hib = function(e, t, n, r) {
        var i = new h;
        i.wpb = new d;
        i.xpb = new d;
        i.ypb = t;
        i.zpb = r;
        i.rrb = !0;
        e = new v;
        e.etb = 0;
        t = new p;
        c.tpb(t, e, i);
        return t.nrb < 10 * Number.MIN_VALUE
    o.prototype.meb = function() {
        this.jmb = o.ffc;
        this.zlb = e.gfc
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.ffc = -1;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.wrb = 0;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.xrb = 1;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.wbc = 2;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.hfc = 3;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.ifc = 1;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.jfc = 0;
        zbb.wcb.xcb.meb.kfc = -1
(function() {
    var e = zbb.ycb.oeb,
        t = zbb.ycb.peb,
        n = zbb.ycb.Math.seb;
    e.oeb = function() {
        this.nfc = this.mfc = this.lfc = 0
    e.prototype.oeb = function(e, t, r) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        this.lfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(e, 0, 1));
        this.mfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(t, 0, 1));
        this.nfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(r, 0, 1))
    e.prototype.kjb = function(e, t, r) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        this.lfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(e, 0, 1));
        this.mfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(t, 0, 1));
        this.nfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(r, 0, 1))
    Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "r", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.lfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(e, 0, 1))
    Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "g", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.mfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(e, 0, 1))
    Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "b", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        fcb: function(e) {
            void 0 === e && (e = 0);
            this.nfc = zbb.scb(255 * n.vwb(e, 0, 1))
    Object.defineProperty(e.prototype, "color", {
        mpb: !1,
        npb: !0,
        ecb: function() {
            return this.lfc << 16 | this.mfc << 8 | this.nfc
    t.peb = function() {};
    t.qfc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        return Math.sqrt(e * t)
    t.tfc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        return e > t ? e : t
    t.uqb = function(e) {
        if (!e) throw "Assertion Failed"
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.ycb.peb.wfc = "2.1alpha";
        zbb.ycb.peb.xfc = 65535;
        zbb.ycb.peb.jac = Math.PI;
        zbb.ycb.peb.rnb = 2;
        zbb.ycb.peb.lsb = .1;
        zbb.ycb.peb.usb = 2;
        zbb.ycb.peb.yfc = 2 * t.gfc;
        zbb.ycb.peb.gfc = .005;
        zbb.ycb.peb.zfc = 2 / 180 * t.jac;
        zbb.ycb.peb.xbc = 8 * t.gfc;
        zbb.ycb.peb.agc = 32;
        zbb.ycb.peb.bgc = 32;
        zbb.ycb.peb.cgc = 1;
        zbb.ycb.peb.dgc = .2;
        zbb.ycb.peb.egc = 8 / 180 * t.jac;
        zbb.ycb.peb.fgc = 2;
        zbb.ycb.peb.ggc = t.fgc * t.fgc;
        zbb.ycb.peb.hgc = .5 * t.jac;
        zbb.ycb.peb.igc = t.hgc * t.hgc;
        zbb.ycb.peb.jgc = .2;
        zbb.ycb.peb.kgc = .5;
        zbb.ycb.peb.lgc = .01;
        zbb.ycb.peb.mgc = 2 / 180 * t.jac
(function() {
    var e = zbb.ycb.Math.qeb,
        t = zbb.ycb.Math.reb,
        n = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        r = zbb.ycb.Math.teb,
        i = zbb.ycb.Math.ueb,
        s = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        o = zbb.ycb.Math.web;
    e.qeb = function() {
        this.fkb = new s;
        this.gkb = new s
    e.prototype.qeb = function() {
    e.ogc = function(t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n = new e;
        return n
    e.qgc = function(t, n) {
        var r = new e;
        r.tgc(t, n);
        return r
    e.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        var t = Math.cos(e);
        e = Math.sin(e);
        this.fkb.fm = t;
        this.gkb.fm = -e;
        this.fkb.gm = e;
        this.gkb.gm = t
    e.prototype.tgc = function(e, t) {
    e.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var t = new e;
        return t
    e.prototype.ugc = function(e) {
    e.prototype.vgc = function(e) {
        this.fkb.fm += e.fkb.fm;
        this.fkb.gm += e.fkb.gm;
        this.gkb.fm += e.gkb.fm;
        this.gkb.gm += e.gkb.gm
    e.prototype.ngc = function() {
        this.fkb.fm = 1;
        this.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.gkb.gm = 1
    e.prototype.hob = function() {
        this.fkb.fm = 0;
        this.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.gkb.gm = 0
    e.prototype.wgc = function() {
        return Math.atan2(this.fkb.gm, this.fkb.fm)
    e.prototype.xgc = function(e) {
        var t = this.fkb.fm,
            n = this.gkb.fm,
            r = this.fkb.gm,
            i = this.gkb.gm,
            s = t * i - n * r;
        0 != s && (s = 1 / s);
        e.fkb.fm = s * i;
        e.gkb.fm = -s * n;
        e.fkb.gm = -s * r;
        e.gkb.gm = s * t;
        return e
    e.prototype.ahc = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        var r = this.fkb.fm,
            i = this.gkb.fm,
            s = this.fkb.gm,
            o = this.gkb.gm,
            u = r * o - i * s;
        0 != u && (u = 1 / u);
        e.fm = u * (o * t - i * n);
        e.gm = u * (r * n - s * t);
        return e
    e.prototype.hzb = function() {
    t.reb = function() {
        this.fkb = new o;
        this.gkb = new o;
        this.fhc = new o
    t.prototype.reb = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === e && (e = null);
        void 0 === t && (t = null);
        void 0 === n && (n = null);
        e || t || n ? (this.fkb.onb(e), this.gkb.onb(t), this.fhc.onb(n)) : (this.fkb.hob(), this.gkb.hob(), this.fhc.hob())
    t.prototype.hhc = function(e, t, n) {
    t.prototype.lpb = function() {
        return new t(this.fkb, this.gkb, this.fhc)
    t.prototype.ugc = function(e) {
    t.prototype.vgc = function(e) {
        this.fkb.fm += e.fkb.fm;
        this.fkb.gm += e.fkb.gm;
        this.fkb.ihc += e.fkb.ihc;
        this.gkb.fm += e.gkb.fm;
        this.gkb.gm += e.gkb.gm;
        this.gkb.ihc += e.gkb.ihc;
        this.fhc.fm += e.fhc.fm;
        this.fhc.gm += e.fhc.gm;
        this.fhc.ihc += e.fhc.ihc
    t.prototype.ngc = function() {
        this.fkb.fm = 1;
        this.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.fhc.fm = 0;
        this.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.gkb.gm = 1;
        this.fhc.gm = 0;
        this.fkb.ihc = 0;
        this.gkb.ihc = 0;
        this.fhc.ihc = 1
    t.prototype.hob = function() {
        this.fkb.fm = 0;
        this.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.fhc.fm = 0;
        this.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.gkb.gm = 0;
        this.fhc.gm = 0;
        this.fkb.ihc = 0;
        this.gkb.ihc = 0;
        this.fhc.ihc = 0
    t.prototype.jhc = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        var r = this.fkb.fm,
            i = this.gkb.fm,
            s = this.fkb.gm,
            o = this.gkb.gm,
            u = r * o - i * s;
        0 != u && (u = 1 / u);
        e.fm = u * (o * t - i * n);
        e.gm = u * (r * n - s * t);
        return e
    t.prototype.khc = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        var i = this.fkb.fm,
            s = this.fkb.gm,
            o = this.fkb.ihc,
            u = this.gkb.fm,
            a = this.gkb.gm,
            f = this.gkb.ihc,
            l = this.fhc.fm,
            c = this.fhc.gm,
            h = this.fhc.ihc,
            p = i * (a * h - f * c) + s * (f * l - u * h) + o * (u * c - a * l);
        0 != p && (p = 1 / p);
        e.fm = p * (t * (a * h - f * c) + n * (f * l - u * h) + r * (u * c - a * l));
        e.gm = p * (i * (n * h - r * c) + s * (r * l - t * h) + o * (t * c - n * l));
        e.ihc = p * (i * (a * r - f * n) + s * (f * t - u * r) + o * (u * n - a * t));
        return e
    n.seb = function() {};
    n.ghb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return rhc(e)
    n.txb = function(e, t) {
        return e.fm * t.fm + e.gm * t.gm
    n.lxb = function(e, t) {
        return e.fm * t.gm - e.gm * t.fm
    n.mwb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        return new s(t * e.gm, -t * e.fm)
    n.gtb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new s(-e * t.gm, e * t.fm)
    n.qwb = function(e, t) {
        return new s(e.fkb.fm * t.fm + e.gkb.fm * t.gm, e.fkb.gm * t.fm + e.gkb.gm * t.gm)
    n.zqb = function(e, t) {
        return new s(n.txb(t, e.fkb), n.txb(t, e.gkb))
    n.crb = function(e, t) {
        var r = n.qwb(e.dkb, t);
        r.fm += e.position.fm;
        r.gm += e.position.gm;
        return r
    n.vhc = function(e, t) {
        var r = n.frb(t, e.position),
            i = r.fm * e.dkb.fkb.fm + r.gm * e.dkb.fkb.gm;
        r.gm = r.fm * e.dkb.gkb.fm + r.gm * e.dkb.gkb.gm;
        r.fm = i;
        return r
    n.whc = function(e, t) {
        return new s(e.fm + t.fm, e.gm + t.gm)
    n.frb = function(e, t) {
        return new s(e.fm - t.fm, e.gm - t.gm)
    n.tpb = function(e, t) {
        var n = e.fm - t.fm,
            r = e.gm - t.gm;
        return Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r)
    n.xhc = function(e, t) {
        var n = e.fm - t.fm,
            r = e.gm - t.gm;
        return n * n + r * r
    n.yhc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new s(e * t.fm, e * t.gm)
    n.zhc = function(t, r) {
        return e.qgc(n.whc(t.fkb, r.fkb), n.whc(t.gkb, r.gkb))
    n.cic = function(t, r) {
        return e.qgc(n.qwb(t, r.fkb), n.qwb(t, r.gkb))
    n.dic = function(t, r) {
        var i = new s(n.txb(t.fkb, r.fkb), n.txb(t.gkb, r.fkb)),
            o = new s(n.txb(t.fkb, r.gkb), n.txb(t.gkb, r.gkb));
        return e.qgc(i, o)
    n.hzb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return 0 < e ? e : -e
    n.itb = function(e) {
        return new s(n.hzb(e.fm), n.hzb(e.gm))
    n.eic = function(t) {
        return e.qgc(n.itb(t.fkb), n.itb(t.gkb))
    n.fic = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        return e < t ? e : t
    n.gic = function(e, t) {
        return new s(n.fic(e.fm, t.fm), n.fic(e.gm, t.gm))
    n.jrb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        return e > t ? e : t
    n.hic = function(e, t) {
        return new s(n.jrb(e.fm, t.fm), n.jrb(e.gm, t.gm))
    n.vwb = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        return e < t ? t : e > n ? n : e
    n.kic = function(e, t, r) {
        return n.hic(t, n.gic(e, r))
    n.sib = function(e, t) {
        var n = e[0];
        e[0] = t[0];
        t[0] = n
    n.lic = function() {
        return 2 * Math.random() - 1
    n.mic = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n = Math.random();
        return (t - e) * n + e
    n.pic = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        e |= e >> 1 & 2147483647;
        e |= e >> 2 & 1073741823;
        e |= e >> 4 & 268435455;
        e |= e >> 8 & 16777215;
        return (e | e >> 16 & 65535) + 1
    n.qic = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return 0 < e && 0 == (e & e - 1)
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.ycb.Math.seb.ric = new s(0, 0);
        zbb.ycb.Math.seb.sic = e.qgc(new s(1, 0), new s(0, 1));
        zbb.ycb.Math.seb.tic = new i(n.ric, n.sic)
    r.teb = function() {
        this.uic = new s;
        this.vic = new s;
        this.em = new s
    r.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.wic = e.wic;
        this.gpb = e.gpb;
        this.qyb = e.qyb
    r.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var e = new r;
        e.wic = this.wic;
        e.gpb = this.gpb;
        e.qyb = this.qyb;
        return e
    r.prototype.wyb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        e.position.fm = (1 - t) * this.vic.fm + t * this.em.fm;
        e.position.gm = (1 - t) * this.vic.gm + t * this.em.gm;
        e.dkb.kjb((1 - t) * this.wic + t * this.gpb);
        var n = e.dkb;
        e.position.fm -= n.fkb.fm * this.uic.fm + n.gkb.fm * this.uic.gm;
        e.position.gm -= n.fkb.gm * this.uic.fm + n.gkb.gm * this.uic.gm
    r.prototype.xic = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        if (this.qyb < e && 1 - this.qyb > Number.MIN_VALUE) {
            var t = (e - this.qyb) / (1 - this.qyb);
            this.vic.fm = (1 - t) * this.vic.fm + t * this.em.fm;
            this.vic.gm = (1 - t) * this.vic.gm + t * this.em.gm;
            this.wic = (1 - t) * this.wic + t * this.gpb;
            this.qyb = e
    i.ueb = function() {
        this.position = new s;
        this.dkb = new e
    i.prototype.ueb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = null);
        void 0 === t && (t = null);
        e && (this.position.onb(e), this.dkb.ugc(t))
    i.prototype.vvb = function(e, t) {
    i.prototype.ngc = function() {
    i.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
    i.prototype.wgc = function() {
        return Math.atan2(this.dkb.fkb.gm, this.dkb.fkb.fm)
    s.veb = function() {};
    s.prototype.veb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.fm = e;
        this.gm = t
    s.prototype.hob = function() {
        this.gm = this.fm = 0
    s.prototype.kjb = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.fm = e;
        this.gm = t
    s.prototype.onb = function(e) {
        this.fm = e.fm;
        this.gm = e.gm
    s.prototype.arb = function() {
        return new s(-this.fm, -this.gm)
    s.prototype.nwb = function() {
        this.fm = -this.fm;
        this.gm = -this.gm
    s.bjc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        return new s(e, t)
    s.prototype.lpb = function() {
        return new s(this.fm, this.gm)
    s.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
        this.fm += e.fm;
        this.gm += e.gm
    s.prototype.djc = function(e) {
        this.fm -= e.fm;
        this.gm -= e.gm
    s.prototype.kec = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.fm *= e;
        this.gm *= e
    s.prototype.ejc = function(e) {
        var t = this.fm;
        this.fm = e.fkb.fm * t + e.gkb.fm * this.gm;
        this.gm = e.fkb.gm * t + e.gkb.gm * this.gm
    s.prototype.fjc = function(e) {
        var t = n.txb(this, e.fkb);
        this.gm = n.txb(this, e.gkb);
        this.fm = t
    s.prototype.mwb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        var t = this.fm;
        this.fm = e * this.gm;
        this.gm = -e * t
    s.prototype.gtb = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        var t = this.fm;
        this.fm = -e * this.gm;
        this.gm = e * t
    s.prototype.gic = function(e) {
        this.fm = this.fm < e.fm ? this.fm : e.fm;
        this.gm = this.gm < e.gm ? this.gm : e.gm
    s.prototype.hic = function(e) {
        this.fm = this.fm > e.fm ? this.fm : e.fm;
        this.gm = this.gm > e.gm ? this.gm : e.gm
    s.prototype.hzb = function() {
        0 > this.fm && (this.fm = -this.fm);
        0 > this.gm && (this.gm = -this.gm)
    s.prototype.orb = function() {
        return Math.sqrt(this.fm * this.fm + this.gm * this.gm)
    s.prototype.mqb = function() {
        return this.fm * this.fm + this.gm * this.gm
    s.prototype.rmb = function() {
        var e = Math.sqrt(this.fm * this.fm + this.gm * this.gm);
        if (e < Number.MIN_VALUE) return 0;
        var t = 1 / e;
        this.fm *= t;
        this.gm *= t;
        return e
    s.prototype.ghb = function() {
        return n.ghb(this.fm) && n.ghb(this.gm)
    o.web = function() {};
    o.prototype.web = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        this.fm = e;
        this.gm = t;
        this.ihc = n
    o.prototype.hob = function() {
        this.fm = this.gm = this.ihc = 0
    o.prototype.kjb = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        this.fm = e;
        this.gm = t;
        this.ihc = n
    o.prototype.onb = function(e) {
        this.fm = e.fm;
        this.gm = e.gm;
        this.ihc = e.ihc
    o.prototype.arb = function() {
        return new o(-this.fm, -this.gm, -this.ihc)
    o.prototype.nwb = function() {
        this.fm = -this.fm;
        this.gm = -this.gm;
        this.ihc = -this.ihc
    o.prototype.lpb = function() {
        return new o(this.fm, this.gm, this.ihc)
    o.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
        this.fm += e.fm;
        this.gm += e.gm;
        this.ihc += e.ihc
    o.prototype.djc = function(e) {
        this.fm -= e.fm;
        this.gm -= e.gm;
        this.ihc -= e.ihc
    o.prototype.kec = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.fm *= e;
        this.gm *= e;
        this.ihc *= e
(function() {
    var e = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        t = zbb.ycb.Math.teb,
        n = zbb.ycb.Math.ueb,
        r = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        i = zbb.ycb.oeb,
        s = zbb.ycb.peb,
        o = zbb.wcb.edb,
        u = zbb.wcb.jdb,
        a = zbb.wcb.pdb,
        f = zbb.wcb.vdb,
        l = zbb.wcb.wdb,
        c = zbb.wcb.xcb.heb,
        h = zbb.wcb.xcb.jeb,
        p = zbb.wcb.xcb.keb,
        d = zbb.wcb.xcb.leb,
        v = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb,
        m = zbb.zcb.xeb,
        g = zbb.zcb.yeb,
        y = zbb.zcb.zeb,
        b = zbb.zcb.afb,
        w = zbb.zcb.bfb,
        E = zbb.zcb.cfb,
        S = zbb.zcb.dfb,
        x = zbb.zcb.efb,
        T = zbb.zcb.ffb,
        N = zbb.zcb.gfb,
        C = zbb.zcb.hfb,
        k = zbb.zcb.ifb,
        L = zbb.zcb.jfb,
        A = zbb.zcb.kfb,
        O = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb,
        M = zbb.zcb.adb.qfb,
        _ = zbb.zcb.adb.tfb,
        D = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb,
        P = zbb.zcb.cdb.xgb;
    m.xeb = function() {
        this.hjc = new n;
        this.ijc = new t;
        this.jjc = new r;
        this.kjc = new r
    m.prototype.ljc = function(t, n, r) {
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        var i = Math.atan2(n.lbc().gm, n.lbc().fm);
        r = Math.tan(.5 * (i - r));
        r = e.yhc(r, n.lbc());
        r = e.frb(r, n.kbc());
        r = e.yhc(s.xbc, r);
        r = e.whc(r, n.gbc());
        var o = e.whc(t.lbc(), n.lbc());
        var u = 0 < e.txb(t.lbc(), n.kbc());
        t.ccc(n, r, o, u);
        n.ybc(t, r, o, u);
        return i
    m.prototype.rjc = function(e) {
        if (!0 == this.tjc.ujc()) return null;
        var t = new N;
        t.wjc(this, this.hjc, e);
        this.xjc & m.yjc && t.gsb(this.tjc.akc.bkc, this.hjc);
        t.ckc = this.dkc;
        this.dkc = t;
        t.fkc = this;
        0 < t.gkc && this.hkc();
        this.tjc.xjc |= A.ikc;
        return t
    m.prototype.jkc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n = new C;
        n.urb = e;
        n.hac = t;
        return this.rjc(n)
    m.prototype.kkc = function(e) {
        if (!0 != this.tjc.ujc()) {
            for (var t = this.dkc, n = null; null != t;) {
                if (t == e) {
                    n ? n.ckc = e.ckc : this.dkc = e.ckc;
                n = t;
                t = t.ckc
            for (t = this.nkc; t;) {
                var n = t.okc,
                    t = t.pkc,
                    r = n.rkc(),
                    i = n.tkc();
                e != r && e != i || this.tjc.akc.ukc(n)
            this.xjc & m.yjc && e.osb(this.tjc.akc.bkc);
            e.fkc = null;
            e.ckc = null;
    m.prototype.vkc = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        var n;
        if (!0 != this.tjc.ujc()) {
            n = this.hjc.dkb;
            var r = this.ijc.uic;
            this.ijc.em.fm = n.fkb.fm * r.fm + n.gkb.fm * r.gm;
            this.ijc.em.gm = n.fkb.gm * r.fm + n.gkb.gm * r.gm;
            this.ijc.em.fm += this.hjc.position.fm;
            this.ijc.em.gm += this.hjc.position.gm;
            this.ijc.wic = this.ijc.gpb = t;
            r = this.tjc.akc.bkc;
            for (n = this.dkc; n; n = n.ckc) n.wkc(r, this.hjc, this.hjc);
    m.prototype.ykc = function(e) {
        this.vkc(e.position, e.wgc())
    m.prototype.wyb = function() {
        return this.hjc
    m.prototype.zkc = function() {
        return this.hjc.position
    m.prototype.alc = function(e) {
        this.vkc(e, this.wgc())
    m.prototype.wgc = function() {
        return this.ijc.gpb
    m.prototype.blc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.vkc(this.zkc(), e)
    m.prototype.clc = function() {
        return this.ijc.em
    m.prototype.dlc = function() {
        return this.ijc.uic
    m.prototype.elc = function(e) {
        if (this.jmb != m.flc) this.jjc.onb(e)
    m.prototype.glc = function() {
        return this.jjc
    m.prototype.hlc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.jmb != m.flc && (this.jlc = e)
    m.prototype.klc = function() {
        return this.jlc
    m.prototype.llc = function() {
        var e = new g;
        e.type = this.vrb();
        e.nlc = (this.xjc & m.olc) == m.olc;
        e.pcc = this.wgc();
        e.plc = this.qlc;
        e.rlc = this.jlc;
        e.slc = (this.xjc & m.tlc) == m.tlc;
        e.ulc = (this.xjc & m.vlc) == m.vlc;
        e.wlc = (this.xjc & m.xlc) == m.xlc;
        e.ylc = this.zlc;
        e.position = this.zkc();
        e.hsb = this.atb();
        return e
    m.prototype.bmc = function(e, t) {
        this.jmb == m.emc && (!1 == this.fmc() && this.gmc(!0), this.kjc.fm += e.fm, this.kjc.gm += e.gm, this.hmc += (t.fm - this.ijc.em.fm) * e.gm - (t.gm - this.ijc.em.gm) * e.fm)
    m.prototype.imc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.jmb == m.emc && (!1 == this.fmc() && this.gmc(!0), this.hmc += e)
    m.prototype.kmc = function(e, t) {
        this.jmb == m.emc && (!1 == this.fmc() && this.gmc(!0), this.jjc.fm += this.mmc * e.fm, this.jjc.gm += this.mmc * e.gm, this.jlc += this.nmc * ((t.fm - this.ijc.em.fm) * e.gm - (t.gm - this.ijc.em.gm) * e.fm))
    m.prototype.omc = function(t) {
        for (var n = this.glc().lpb(), r = this.klc(), i = this.clc(), s = this.tjc.rmc(this.llc()), o, u = this.dkc; u;)
            if (t(u)) {
                var a = u.ckc;
                o ? o.ckc = a : this.dkc = a;
                u.ckc = s.dkc;
                s.dkc = u;
                u.fkc = s;
                u = a
            } else o = u, u = u.ckc;
        o = this.clc();
        t = s.clc();
        o = e.whc(n, e.gtb(r, e.frb(o, i)));
        n = e.whc(n, e.gtb(r, e.frb(t, i)));
        return s
    m.prototype.ymc = function(e) {
        var t;
        for (t = e.dkc; t;) {
            var n = t.ckc;
            t.ckc = this.dkc;
            this.dkc = t;
            t.fkc = i;
            t = n
        r.ekc = 0;
        var r = this,
            i = e;
    m.prototype.bnc = function() {
        return this.cnc
    m.prototype.dnc = function() {
        return this.enc
    m.prototype.fnc = function(e) {
        e.iac = this.cnc;
        e.kac = this.enc;
    m.prototype.gnc = function(t) {
        s.uqb(!1 == this.tjc.ujc());
        if (!0 != this.tjc.ujc() && this.jmb == m.emc) {
            this.nmc = this.enc = this.mmc = 0;
            this.cnc = t.iac;
            0 >= this.cnc && (this.cnc = 1);
            this.mmc = 1 / this.cnc;
            0 < t.kac && 0 == (this.xjc & m.tlc) && (this.enc = t.kac - this.cnc * (t.ntb.fm * t.ntb.fm + t.ntb.gm * t.ntb.gm), this.nmc = 1 / this.enc);
            var n = this.ijc.em.lpb();
            this.ijc.vic.onb(e.crb(this.hjc, this.ijc.uic));
            this.jjc.fm += this.jlc * -(this.ijc.em.gm - n.gm);
            this.jjc.gm += this.jlc * +(this.ijc.em.fm - n.fm)
    m.prototype.hkc = function() {
        this.nmc = this.enc = this.mmc = this.cnc = 0;
        if (this.jmb != m.flc && this.jmb != m.inc) {
            for (var t = r.bjc(0, 0), n = this.dkc; n; n = n.ckc)
                if (0 != n.gkc) {
                    var i = n.fnc();
                    this.cnc += i.iac;
                    t.fm += i.ntb.fm * i.iac;
                    t.gm += i.ntb.gm * i.iac;
                    this.enc += i.kac
            0 < this.cnc ? (this.mmc = 1 / this.cnc, t.fm *= this.mmc, t.gm *= this.mmc) : this.mmc = this.cnc = 1;
            0 < this.enc && 0 == (this.xjc & m.tlc) ? (this.enc -= this.cnc * (t.fm * t.fm + t.gm * t.gm), this.enc *= this.jnc, s.uqb(0 < this.enc), this.nmc = 1 / this.enc) : this.nmc = this.enc = 0;
            n = this.ijc.em.lpb();
            this.ijc.vic.onb(e.crb(this.hjc, this.ijc.uic));
            this.jjc.fm += this.jlc * -(this.ijc.em.gm - n.gm);
            this.jjc.gm += this.jlc * +(this.ijc.em.fm - n.fm)
    m.prototype.knc = function(e) {
        var t = this.hjc.dkb;
        e = new r(t.fkb.fm * e.fm + t.gkb.fm * e.gm, t.fkb.gm * e.fm + t.gkb.gm * e.gm);
        e.fm += this.hjc.position.fm;
        e.gm += this.hjc.position.gm;
        return e
    m.prototype.mnc = function(t) {
        return e.qwb(this.hjc.dkb, t)
    m.prototype.onc = function(t) {
        return e.vhc(this.hjc, t)
    m.prototype.qnc = function(t) {
        return e.zqb(this.hjc.dkb, t)
    m.prototype.snc = function(e) {
        return new r(this.jjc.fm - this.jlc * (e.gm - this.ijc.em.gm), this.jjc.gm + this.jlc * (e.fm - this.ijc.em.fm))
    m.prototype.tnc = function(e) {
        var t = this.hjc.dkb;
        e = new r(t.fkb.fm * e.fm + t.gkb.fm * e.gm, t.fkb.gm * e.fm + t.gkb.gm * e.gm);
        e.fm += this.hjc.position.fm;
        e.gm += this.hjc.position.gm;
        return new r(this.jjc.fm - this.jlc * (e.gm - this.ijc.em.gm), this.jjc.gm + this.jlc * (e.fm - this.ijc.em.fm))
    m.prototype.unc = function() {
        return this.zlc
    m.prototype.vnc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.zlc = e
    m.prototype.wnc = function() {
        return this.qlc
    m.prototype.xnc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.qlc = e
    m.prototype.ync = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        if (this.jmb != e)
            for (this.jmb = e, this.hkc(), this.jmb == m.flc && (this.jjc.hob(), this.jlc = 0), this.gmc(!0), this.kjc.hob(), this.hmc = 0, e = this.nkc; e; e = e.pkc) e.okc.aoc()
    m.prototype.vrb = function() {
        return this.jmb
    m.prototype.boc = function(e) {
        this.xjc = e ? this.xjc | m.vlc : this.xjc & ~m.vlc
    m.prototype.doc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & m.vlc) == m.vlc
    m.prototype.eoc = function(e) {
        e ? this.xjc |= m.olc : (this.xjc &= ~m.olc, this.gmc(!0))
    m.prototype.gmc = function(e) {
        e ? (this.xjc |= m.xlc, this.foc = 0) : (this.xjc &= ~m.xlc, this.foc = 0, this.jjc.hob(), this.jlc = 0, this.kjc.hob(), this.hmc = 0)
    m.prototype.fmc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & m.xlc) == m.xlc
    m.prototype.goc = function(e) {
        this.xjc = e ? this.xjc | m.tlc : this.xjc & ~m.tlc;
    m.prototype.hoc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & m.tlc) == m.tlc
    m.prototype.ioc = function(e) {
        if (e != this.joc()) {
            var t;
            if (e)
                for (this.xjc |= m.yjc, e = this.tjc.akc.bkc, t = this.dkc; t; t = t.ckc) t.gsb(e, this.hjc);
            else {
                this.xjc &= ~m.yjc;
                e = this.tjc.akc.bkc;
                for (t = this.dkc; t; t = t.ckc) t.osb(e);
                for (e = this.nkc; e;) t = e, e = e.pkc, this.tjc.akc.ukc(t.okc);
                this.nkc = null
    m.prototype.joc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & m.yjc) == m.yjc
    m.prototype.loc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & m.olc) == m.olc
    m.prototype.moc = function() {
        return this.dkc
    m.prototype.noc = function() {
        return this.ooc
    m.prototype.poc = function() {
        return this.qoc
    m.prototype.roc = function() {
        return this.nkc
    m.prototype.soc = function() {
        return this.ckc
    m.prototype.atb = function() {
        return this.toc
    m.prototype.uoc = function(e) {
        this.toc = e
    m.prototype.voc = function() {
        return this.tjc
    m.prototype.xeb = function(e, t) {
        this.xjc = 0;
        e.ulc && (this.xjc |= m.vlc);
        e.slc && (this.xjc |= m.tlc);
        e.nlc && (this.xjc |= m.olc);
        e.wlc && (this.xjc |= m.xlc);
        e.xoc && (this.xjc |= m.yjc);
        this.tjc = t;
        this.ijc.qyb = 1;
        this.ijc.wic = this.ijc.gpb = e.pcc;
        var n = this.hjc.dkb,
            r = this.ijc.uic;
        this.ijc.em.fm = n.fkb.fm * r.fm + n.gkb.fm * r.gm;
        this.ijc.em.gm = n.fkb.gm * r.fm + n.gkb.gm * r.gm;
        this.ijc.em.fm += this.hjc.position.fm;
        this.ijc.em.gm += this.hjc.position.gm;
        this.nkc = this.qoc = this.ooc = null;
        this.yoc = 0;
        this.ckc = this.zoc = null;
        this.jlc = e.rlc;
        this.zlc = e.ylc;
        this.qlc = e.plc;
        this.kjc.kjb(0, 0);
        this.foc = this.hmc = 0;
        this.jmb = e.type;
        this.mmc = this.jmb == m.emc ? this.cnc = 1 : this.cnc = 0;
        this.nmc = this.enc = 0;
        this.jnc = e.apc;
        this.toc = e.hsb;
        this.dkc = null;
        this.ekc = 0
    m.prototype.xmc = function() {
        var e = m.bpc;
        var t = e.dkb,
            n = this.ijc.uic;
        e.position.fm = this.ijc.vic.fm - (t.fkb.fm * n.fm + t.gkb.fm * n.gm);
        e.position.gm = this.ijc.vic.gm - (t.fkb.gm * n.fm + t.gkb.gm * n.gm);
        n = this.tjc.akc.bkc;
        for (t = this.dkc; t; t = t.ckc) t.wkc(n, e, this.hjc)
    m.prototype.cpc = function() {
        var e = this.hjc.dkb,
            t = this.ijc.uic;
        this.hjc.position.fm = this.ijc.em.fm - (e.fkb.fm * t.fm + e.gkb.fm * t.gm);
        this.hjc.position.gm = this.ijc.em.gm - (e.fkb.gm * t.fm + e.gkb.gm * t.gm)
    m.prototype.dpc = function(e) {
        if (this.jmb != m.emc && e.jmb != m.emc) return !1;
        for (var t = this.ooc; t; t = t.pkc)
            if (t.iib == e && !1 == t.fpc.gpc) return !1;
        return !0
    m.prototype.xic = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.ijc.gpb = this.ijc.wic;
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.xeb.bpc = new n;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.hpc = 1;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.xlc = 2;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.olc = 4;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.vlc = 8;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.tlc = 16;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.yjc = 32;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.flc = 0;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.inc = 1;
        zbb.zcb.xeb.emc = 2
    g.yeb = function() {
        this.position = new r;
        this.amc = new r
    g.prototype.yeb = function() {
        this.hsb = null;
        this.position.kjb(0, 0);
        this.pcc = 0;
        this.amc.kjb(0, 0);
        this.plc = this.ylc = this.rlc = 0;
        this.wlc = this.nlc = !0;
        this.ulc = this.slc = !1;
        this.type = m.flc;
        this.xoc = !0;
        this.apc = 1
    y.zeb = function() {};
    y.prototype.dpc = function(e, t) {
        var n = e.jpc(),
            r = t.jpc();
        return n.lpc == r.lpc && 0 != n.lpc ? 0 < n.lpc : 0 != (n.npc & r.opc) && 0 != (n.opc & r.npc)
    y.prototype.ppc = function(e, t) {
        return e ? this.dpc(e instanceof N ? e : null, t) : !0
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.zeb.qpc = new y
    b.afb = function() {
        this.rpc = new vcb(s.rnb);
        this.spc = new vcb(s.rnb)
    w.bfb = function() {};
    w.prototype.tpc = function(e) {};
    w.prototype.upc = function(e) {};
    w.prototype.vpc = function(e, t) {};
    w.prototype.xpc = function(e, t) {};
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.bfb.ypc = new w
    E.cfb = function() {};
    E.prototype.cfb = function() {
        this.tjc = null;
        this.zpc = 0;
        this.aqc = y.qpc;
        this.bqc = w.ypc;
        this.cqc = new M(this.dqc);
        this.bkc = new a
    E.prototype.eqc = function(e, t) {
        var n = e instanceof N ? e : null,
            r = t instanceof N ? t : null,
            i = n.iqc(),
            s = r.iqc();
        if (i != s) {
            for (var o = s.roc(); o;) {
                if (o.iib == i) {
                    var u = o.okc.rkc(),
                        a = o.okc.tkc();
                    if (u == n && a == r || u == r && a == n) return
                o = o.pkc
            }!1 != s.dpc(i) && !1 != this.aqc.dpc(n, r) && (o = this.cqc.wjc(n, r), n = o.rkc(), r = o.tkc(), i = n.fkc, s = r.fkc, o.zoc = null, o.ckc = this.tjc.nkc, null != this.tjc.nkc && (this.tjc.nkc.zoc = o), this.tjc.nkc = o, o.mqc.okc = o, o.mqc.iib = s, o.mqc.smc = null, o.mqc.pkc = i.nkc, null != i.nkc && (i.nkc.smc = o.mqc), i.nkc = o.mqc, o.nqc.okc = o, o.nqc.iib = i, o.nqc.smc = null, o.nqc.pkc = s.nkc, null != s.nkc && (s.nkc.smc = o.nqc), s.nkc = o.nqc, ++this.tjc.zpc)
    E.prototype.xkc = function() {
        this.bkc.fub(zbb.lcb(this, this.eqc))
    E.prototype.ukc = function(e) {
        var t = e.rkc(),
            n = e.tkc(),
            t = t.iqc(),
            n = n.iqc();
        e.oqc() && this.bqc.upc(e);
        e.zoc && (e.zoc.ckc = e.ckc);
        e.ckc && (e.ckc.zoc = e.zoc);
        e == this.tjc.nkc && (this.tjc.nkc = e.ckc);
        e.mqc.smc && (e.mqc.smc.pkc = e.mqc.pkc);
        e.mqc.pkc && (e.mqc.pkc.smc = e.mqc.smc);
        e.mqc == t.nkc && (t.nkc = e.mqc.pkc);
        e.nqc.smc && (e.nqc.smc.pkc = e.nqc.pkc);
        e.nqc.pkc && (e.nqc.pkc.smc = e.nqc.smc);
        e.nqc == n.nkc && (n.nkc = e.nqc.pkc);
    E.prototype.pqc = function() {
        for (var e = this.tjc.nkc; e;) {
            var t = e.rkc(),
                n = e.tkc(),
                r = t.iqc(),
                i = n.iqc();
            if (!1 == r.fmc() && !1 == i.fmc()) e = e.soc();
            else {
                if (e.xjc & O.qqc) {
                    if (!1 == i.dpc(r)) {
                        t = e;
                        e = t.soc();
                    if (!1 == this.aqc.dpc(t, n)) {
                        t = e;
                        e = t.soc();
                    e.xjc &= ~O.qqc
                }!1 == this.bkc.hib(t.sqc, n.sqc) ? (t = e, e = t.soc(), this.ukc(t)) : (e.uqc(this.bqc), e = e.soc())
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.cfb.vqc = new u
    S.dfb = function() {};
    S.prototype.dfb = function() {};
    S.prototype.wqc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.yqc = function() {};
    S.prototype.zqc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.brc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.crc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.erc = function() {};
    S.prototype.frc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.hrc = function() {};
    S.prototype.irc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.krc = function() {};
    S.prototype.lrc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.mrc = function() {};
    S.prototype.nrc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.orc = function() {};
    S.prototype.prc = function(e) {};
    S.prototype.rrc = function() {};
    S.prototype.trc = function(e, t, n) {};
    S.prototype.vrc = function(e, t, n) {};
    S.prototype.wrc = function(e, t, n) {};
    S.prototype.xrc = function(e, t, n, r) {};
    S.prototype.zrc = function(e, t, n) {};
    S.prototype.asc = function(e) {};
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.dfb.bsc = 1;
        zbb.zcb.dfb.csc = 2;
        zbb.zcb.dfb.dsc = 4;
        zbb.zcb.dfb.esc = 8;
        zbb.zcb.dfb.fsc = 16;
        zbb.zcb.dfb.gsc = 32
    x.efb = function() {};
    x.prototype.hsc = function(e) {};
    x.prototype.isc = function(e) {};
    T.ffb = function() {
        this.opc = 1;
        this.npc = 65535;
        this.lpc = 0
    T.prototype.lpb = function() {
        var e = new T;
        e.opc = this.opc;
        e.npc = this.npc;
        e.lpc = this.lpc;
        return e
    N.gfb = function() {
        this.jsc = new T
    N.prototype.vrb = function() {
        return this.ksc.vrb()
    N.prototype.lsc = function() {
        return this.ksc
    N.prototype.msc = function(e) {
        if (this.osc != e && (this.osc = e, null != this.fkc))
            for (e = this.fkc.roc(); e;) {
                var t = e.okc,
                    n = t.rkc(),
                    r = t.tkc();
                n != this && r != this || t.msc(n.psc() || r.psc());
                e = e.pkc
    N.prototype.psc = function() {
        return this.osc
    N.prototype.qsc = function(e) {
        this.jsc = e.lpb();
        if (!this.fkc)
            for (e = this.fkc.roc(); e;) {
                var t = e.okc,
                    n = t.rkc(),
                    r = t.tkc();
                n != this && r != this || t.aoc();
                e = e.pkc
    N.prototype.jpc = function() {
        return this.jsc.lpb()
    N.prototype.iqc = function() {
        return this.fkc
    N.prototype.soc = function() {
        return this.ckc
    N.prototype.atb = function() {
        return this.toc
    N.prototype.uoc = function(e) {
        this.toc = e
    N.prototype.zzb = function(e) {
        return this.ksc.zzb(this.fkc.wyb(), e)
    N.prototype.phb = function(e, t) {
        return this.ksc.phb(e, t, this.fkc.wyb())
    N.prototype.fnc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = null);
        null == e && (e = new p);
        this.ksc.fac(e, this.gkc);
        return e
    N.prototype.ssc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.gkc = e
    N.prototype.tsc = function() {
        return this.gkc
    N.prototype.usc = function() {
        return this.vsc
    N.prototype.wsc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.vsc = e
    N.prototype.xsc = function() {
        return this.ysc
    N.prototype.zsc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.ysc = e
    N.prototype.btc = function() {
        return this.ctc
    N.prototype.gfb = function() {
        this.ctc = new o;
        this.ksc = this.ckc = this.fkc = this.toc = null;
        this.ysc = this.vsc = this.gkc = 0
    N.prototype.wjc = function(e, t, n) {
        this.toc = n.hsb;
        this.vsc = n.wbb;
        this.ysc = n.atc;
        this.fkc = e;
        this.ckc = null;
        this.jsc = n.rsc.lpb();
        this.osc = n.dtc;
        this.ksc = n.urb.lpb();
        this.gkc = n.hac
    N.prototype.ukc = function() {
        this.ksc = null
    N.prototype.gsb = function(e, t) {
        this.ksc.eac(this.ctc, t);
        this.sqc = e.gsb(this.ctc, this)
    N.prototype.osb = function(e) {
        null != this.sqc && (e.osb(this.sqc), this.sqc = null)
    N.prototype.wkc = function(t, n, r) {
        if (this.sqc) {
            var i = new o,
                s = new o;
            this.ksc.eac(i, n);
            this.ksc.eac(s, r);
            this.ctc.nib(i, s);
            n = e.frb(r.position, n.position);
            t.rsb(this.sqc, this.ctc, n)
    C.hfb = function() {
        this.rsc = new T
    C.prototype.hfb = function() {
        this.hsb = this.urb = null;
        this.wbb = .2;
        this.hac = this.atc = 0;
        this.rsc.opc = 1;
        this.rsc.npc = 65535;
        this.rsc.lpc = 0;
        this.dtc = !1
    k.ifb = function() {};
    k.prototype.ifb = function() {
        this.etc = new ucb;
        this.ftc = new ucb;
        this.gtc = new ucb
    k.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        var o = 0;
        this.ntc = e;
        this.otc = t;
        this.ptc = n;
        this.rtc = this.zpc = this.qtc = 0;
        this.dqc = r;
        this.stc = i;
        this.ttc = s;
        for (o = this.etc.length; o < e; o++) this.etc[o] = null;
        for (o = this.ftc.length; o < t; o++) this.ftc[o] = null;
        for (o = this.gtc.length; o < n; o++) this.gtc[o] = null
    k.prototype.utc = function() {
        this.rtc = this.zpc = this.qtc = 0
    k.prototype.ahc = function(t, n, r) {
        for (var i = 0, o = 0, u, i = 0; i < this.qtc; ++i) o = this.etc[i], o.vrb() == m.emc && (o.jjc.fm += t.xtc * (n.fm + o.mmc * o.kjc.fm), o.jjc.gm += t.xtc * (n.gm + o.mmc * o.kjc.gm), o.jlc += t.xtc * o.nmc * o.hmc, o.jjc.kec(e.vwb(1 - t.xtc * o.zlc, 0, 1)), o.jlc *= e.vwb(1 - t.xtc * o.qlc, 0, 1));
        this.ttc.vvb(t, this.ftc, this.zpc, this.dqc);
        n = this.ttc;
        for (i = 0; i < this.rtc; ++i) u = this.gtc[i], u.ytc(t);
        for (i = 0; i < t.ztc; ++i) {
            for (o = 0; o < this.rtc; ++o) u = this.gtc[o], u.auc(t);
        for (i = 0; i < this.rtc; ++i) u = this.gtc[i], u.buc();
        for (i = 0; i < this.qtc; ++i)
            if (o = this.etc[i], o.vrb() != m.flc) {
                var a = t.xtc * o.jjc.fm,
                    f = t.xtc * o.jjc.gm;
                a * a + f * f > s.ggc && (o.jjc.rmb(), o.jjc.fm = o.jjc.fm * s.fgc * t.euc, o.jjc.gm = o.jjc.gm * s.fgc * t.euc);
                a = t.xtc * o.jlc;
                a * a > s.igc && (o.jlc = 0 > o.jlc ? -s.hgc * t.euc : s.hgc * t.euc);
                o.ijc.wic = o.ijc.gpb;
                o.ijc.em.fm += t.xtc * o.jjc.fm;
                o.ijc.em.gm += t.xtc * o.jjc.gm;
                o.ijc.gpb += t.xtc * o.jlc;
        for (i = 0; i < t.guc; ++i) {
            a = n.iuc(s.jgc);
            f = !0;
            for (o = 0; o < this.rtc; ++o) u = this.gtc[o], u = u.iuc(s.jgc), f = f && u;
            if (a && f) break
        if (r) {
            r = Number.MAX_VALUE;
            n = s.lgc * s.lgc;
            a = s.mgc * s.mgc;
            for (i = 0; i < this.qtc; ++i) o = this.etc[i], o.vrb() != m.flc && (0 == (o.xjc & m.olc) && (r = o.foc = 0), 0 == (o.xjc & m.olc) || o.jlc * o.jlc > a || e.txb(o.jjc, o.jjc) > n ? r = o.foc = 0 : (o.foc += t.xtc, r = e.fic(r, o.foc)));
            if (r >= s.kgc)
                for (i = 0; i < this.qtc; ++i) o = this.etc[i], o.gmc(!1)
    k.prototype.quc = function(e) {
        var t = 0,
            n = 0;
        this.ttc.vvb(e, this.ftc, this.zpc, this.dqc);
        for (var r = this.ttc, t = 0; t < this.rtc; ++t) this.gtc[t].ytc(e);
        for (t = 0; t < e.ztc; ++t)
            for (r.auc(), n = 0; n < this.rtc; ++n) this.gtc[n].auc(e);
        for (t = 0; t < this.qtc; ++t)
            if (n = this.etc[t], n.vrb() != m.flc) {
                var i = e.xtc * n.jjc.fm,
                    o = e.xtc * n.jjc.gm;
                i * i + o * o > s.ggc && (n.jjc.rmb(), n.jjc.fm = n.jjc.fm * s.fgc * e.euc, n.jjc.gm = n.jjc.gm * s.fgc * e.euc);
                i = e.xtc * n.jlc;
                i * i > s.igc && (n.jlc = 0 > n.jlc ? -s.hgc * e.euc : s.hgc * e.euc);
                n.ijc.wic = n.ijc.gpb;
                n.ijc.em.fm += e.xtc * n.jjc.fm;
                n.ijc.em.gm += e.xtc * n.jjc.gm;
                n.ijc.gpb += e.xtc * n.jlc;
        for (t = 0; t < e.guc; ++t) {
            i = r.iuc(.75);
            o = !0;
            for (n = 0; n < this.rtc; ++n) var u = this.gtc[n].iuc(s.jgc),
                o = o && u;
            if (i && o) break
    k.prototype.luc = function(e) {
        if (null != this.stc)
            for (var t = 0; t < this.zpc; ++t) {
                for (var n = this.ftc[t], r = e[t], i = 0; i < r.qnb; ++i) k.vuc.rpc[i] = r.wuc[i].xuc, k.vuc.spc[i] = r.wuc[i].yuc;
                this.stc.xpc(n, k.vuc)
    k.prototype.zuc = function(e) {
        e.avc = this.qtc;
        this.etc[this.qtc++] = e
    k.prototype.bvc = function(e) {
        this.ftc[this.zpc++] = e
    k.prototype.cvc = function(e) {
        this.gtc[this.rtc++] = e
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.ifb.vuc = new b
    L.jfb = function() {};
    L.prototype.kjb = function(e) {
        this.xtc = e.xtc;
        this.euc = e.euc;
        this.guc = e.guc;
        this.ztc = e.ztc;
        this.dvc = e.dvc
    A.kfb = function() {
        this.evc = new ucb;
        this.akc = new E;
        this.ttc = new _;
        this.fvc = new k
    A.prototype.kfb = function(e, t) {
        this.qoc = this.ooc = this.nkc = this.jvc = this.ivc = this.hvc = null;
        this.yoc = this.rtc = this.zpc = this.qtc = 0;
        A.kvc = !0;
        A.lvc = !0;
        this.mvc = t;
        this.nvc = e;
        this.ovc = 0;
        this.akc.tjc = this;
        var n = new g;
        this.pvc = this.rmc(n)
    A.prototype.qvc = function(e) {
        this.hvc = e
    A.prototype.rvc = function(e) {
        this.akc.aqc = e
    A.prototype.svc = function(e) {
        this.akc.bqc = e
    A.prototype.tvc = function(e) {
        this.ivc = e
    A.prototype.vvc = function(e) {
        var t = this.akc.bkc;
        this.akc.bkc = e;
        for (var n = this.jvc; n; n = n.ckc)
            for (var r = n.dkc; r; r = r.ckc) r.sqc = e.gsb(t.zsb(r.sqc), r)
    A.prototype.oub = function() {
    A.prototype.eub = function() {
        return this.akc.bkc.eub()
    A.prototype.rmc = function(e) {
        if (!0 == this.ujc()) return null;
        e = new m(e, this);
        e.zoc = null;
        if (e.ckc = this.jvc) this.jvc.zoc = e;
        this.jvc = e;
        return e
    A.prototype.xvc = function(e) {
        if (!0 != this.ujc()) {
            for (var t = e.ooc; t;) {
                var n = t,
                    t = t.pkc;
                this.hvc && this.hvc.hsc(n.fpc);
            for (t = e.qoc; t;) n = t, t = t.cwc, n.dwc.ewc(e);
            for (t = e.nkc; t;) n = t, t = t.pkc, this.akc.ukc(n.okc);
            e.nkc = null;
            for (t = e.dkc; t;) n = t, t = t.ckc, this.hvc && this.hvc.isc(n), n.osb(this.akc.bkc), n.ukc();
            e.dkc = null;
            e.ekc = 0;
            e.zoc && (e.zoc.ckc = e.ckc);
            e.ckc && (e.ckc.zoc = e.zoc);
            e == this.jvc && (this.jvc = e.ckc);
    A.prototype.gwc = function(e) {
        var t = D.wjc(e, null);
        t.zoc = null;
        if (t.ckc = this.ooc) this.ooc.zoc = t;
        this.ooc = t;
        t.hwc.fpc = t;
        t.hwc.iib = t.iwc;
        t.hwc.smc = null;
        if (t.hwc.pkc = t.jwc.ooc) t.jwc.ooc.smc = t.hwc;
        t.jwc.ooc = t.hwc;
        t.kwc.fpc = t;
        t.kwc.iib = t.jwc;
        t.kwc.smc = null;
        if (t.kwc.pkc = t.iwc.ooc) t.iwc.ooc.smc = t.kwc;
        t.iwc.ooc = t.kwc;
        var n = e.hqc,
            r = e.jqc;
        if (!1 == e.lwc)
            for (e = r.roc(); e;) e.iib == n && e.okc.aoc(), e = e.pkc;
        return t
    A.prototype.zvc = function(e) {
        var t = e.gpc;
        e.zoc && (e.zoc.ckc = e.ckc);
        e.ckc && (e.ckc.zoc = e.zoc);
        e == this.ooc && (this.ooc = e.ckc);
        var n = e.jwc,
            r = e.iwc;
        e.hwc.smc && (e.hwc.smc.pkc = e.hwc.pkc);
        e.hwc.pkc && (e.hwc.pkc.smc = e.hwc.smc);
        e.hwc == n.ooc && (n.ooc = e.hwc.pkc);
        e.hwc.smc = null;
        e.hwc.pkc = null;
        e.kwc.smc && (e.kwc.smc.pkc = e.kwc.pkc);
        e.kwc.pkc && (e.kwc.pkc.smc = e.kwc.smc);
        e.kwc == r.ooc && (r.ooc = e.kwc.pkc);
        e.kwc.smc = null;
        e.kwc.pkc = null;
        D.ukc(e, null);
        if (!1 == t)
            for (e = r.roc(); e;) e.iib == n && e.okc.aoc(), e = e.pkc
    A.prototype.mwc = function(e) {
        e.ckc = this.qoc;
        e.zoc = null;
        this.qoc = e;
        e.tjc = this;
        return e
    A.prototype.nwc = function(e) {
        e.zoc && (e.zoc.ckc = e.ckc);
        e.ckc && (e.ckc.zoc = e.zoc);
        this.qoc == e && (this.qoc = e.ckc);
    A.prototype.owc = function(e) {
        if (e.tjc != this) throw new pwc("Controller can only be a member of one world");
        e.ckc = this.qoc;
        e.zoc = null;
        this.qoc && (this.qoc.zoc = e);
        this.qoc = e;
        e.tjc = this;
        return e
    A.prototype.qwc = function(e) {
        e.ckc && (e.ckc.zoc = e.zoc);
        e.zoc && (e.zoc.ckc = e.ckc);
        e == this.qoc && (this.qoc = e.ckc);
    A.prototype.rwc = function(e) {
        A.kvc = e
    A.prototype.swc = function(e) {
        A.lvc = e
    A.prototype.twc = function() {
        return this.qtc
    A.prototype.uwc = function() {
        return this.rtc
    A.prototype.vwc = function() {
        return this.zpc
    A.prototype.wwc = function(e) {
        this.nvc = e
    A.prototype.xwc = function() {
        return this.nvc
    A.prototype.ywc = function() {
        return this.pvc
    A.prototype.zwc = function(e, t, n) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        this.xjc & A.ikc && (this.akc.xkc(), this.xjc &= ~A.ikc);
        this.xjc |= A.axc;
        var r = A.bxc;
        r.xtc = e;
        r.ztc = t;
        r.guc = n;
        r.euc = 0 < e ? 1 / e : 0;
        r.cxc = this.ovc * e;
        r.dvc = A.kvc;
        0 < r.xtc && this.ahc(r);
        A.lvc && 0 < r.xtc && this.quc(r);
        0 < r.xtc && (this.ovc = r.euc);
        this.xjc &= ~A.axc
    A.prototype.dxc = function() {
        for (var e = this.jvc; e; e = e.ckc) e.kjc.hob(), e.hmc = 0
    A.prototype.exc = function() {
        if (null != this.ivc) {
            var e = this.ivc.yqc(),
                t, n, s;
            new r;
            new r;
            new r;
            var u;
            new o;
            new o;
            u = [new r, new r, new r, new r];
            var a = new i(0, 0, 0);
            if (e & S.bsc)
                for (t = this.jvc; t; t = t.ckc)
                    for (u = t.hjc, n = t.moc(); n; n = n.ckc) s = n.lsc(), !1 == t.joc() ? a.kjb(.5, .5, .3) : t.vrb() == m.flc ? a.kjb(.5, .9, .5) : t.vrb() == m.inc ? a.kjb(.5, .5, .9) : !1 == t.fmc() ? a.kjb(.6, .6, .6) : a.kjb(.9, .7, .7), this.lxc(s, u, a);
            if (e & S.csc)
                for (t = this.ooc; t; t = t.ckc) this.mxc(t);
            if (e & S.gsc)
                for (t = this.qoc; t; t = t.ckc) t.nxc(this.ivc);
            if (e & S.esc)
                for (a.kjb(.3, .9, .9), t = this.akc.nkc; t; t = t.soc()) s = t.rkc(), n = t.tkc(), s = s.btc().khb(), n = n.btc().khb(), this.ivc.zrc(s, n, a);
            if (e & S.dsc)
                for (s = this.akc.bkc, u = [new r, new r, new r, new r], t = this.jvc; t; t = t.soc())
                    if (!1 != t.joc())
                        for (n = t.moc(); n; n = n.soc()) {
                            var f = s.zsb(n.sqc);
                            u[0].kjb(f.ehb.fm, f.ehb.gm);
                            u[1].kjb(f.fhb.fm, f.ehb.gm);
                            u[2].kjb(f.fhb.fm, f.fhb.gm);
                            u[3].kjb(f.ehb.fm, f.fhb.gm);
                            this.ivc.trc(u, 4, a)
                    if (e & S.fsc)
                        for (t = this.jvc; t; t = t.ckc) u = A.qxc, u.dkb = t.hjc.dkb, u.position = t.clc(), this.ivc.asc(u)
    A.prototype.rxc = function(e, t) {
        var n = this.akc.bkc;
        n.btb(function(t) {
            return e(n.atb(t))
        }, t)
    A.prototype.txc = function(e, t, r) {
        void 0 === r && (r = null);
        null == r && (r = new n, r.ngc());
        var i = this.akc.bkc,
            s = new o;
        t.eac(s, r);
        i.btb(function(n) {
            n = i.atb(n) instanceof N ? i.atb(n) : null;
            return v.hib(t, r, n.lsc(), n.iqc().wyb()) ? e(n) : !0
        }, s)
    A.prototype.uxc = function(e, t) {
        var n = this.akc.bkc,
            r = new o;
        r.ehb.kjb(t.fm - s.gfc, t.gm - s.gfc);
        r.fhb.kjb(t.fm + s.gfc, t.gm + s.gfc);
        n.btb(function(r) {
            r = n.atb(r) instanceof N ? n.atb(r) : null;
            return r.zzb(t) ? e(r) : !0
        }, r)
    A.prototype.phb = function(e, t, n) {
        var i = this.akc.bkc,
            s = new l,
            o = new f(t, n);
        i.phb(function(o, u) {
            var a = i.atb(u),
                a = a instanceof N ? a : null;
            if (a.phb(s, o)) {
                var f = s.gib,
                    l = new r((1 - f) * t.fm + f * n.fm, (1 - f) * t.gm + f * n.gm);
                return e(a, l, s.aib, f)
            return o.jtb
        }, o)
    A.prototype.zxc = function(e, t) {
        var n;
        this.phb(function(e, t, r, i) {
            void 0 === i && (i = 0);
            n = e;
            return i
        }, e, t);
        return n
    A.prototype.byc = function(e, t) {
        var n = new ucb;
        this.phb(function(e, t, r, i) {
            n[n.length] = e;
            return 1
        }, e, t);
        return n
    A.prototype.dyc = function() {
        return this.jvc
    A.prototype.noc = function() {
        return this.ooc
    A.prototype.roc = function() {
        return this.nkc
    A.prototype.ujc = function() {
        return 0 < (this.xjc & A.axc)
    A.prototype.ahc = function(e) {
        for (var t, n = this.qoc; n; n = n.ckc) n.zwc(e);
        n = this.fvc;
        n.vvb(this.qtc, this.zpc, this.rtc, null, this.akc.bqc, this.ttc);
        for (t = this.jvc; t; t = t.ckc) t.xjc &= ~m.hpc;
        for (var r = this.nkc; r; r = r.ckc) r.xjc &= ~O.hpc;
        for (r = this.ooc; r; r = r.ckc) r.fyc = !1;
        for (var r = this.evc, i = this.jvc; i; i = i.ckc)
            if (!(i.xjc & m.hpc) && !1 != i.fmc() && !1 != i.joc() && i.vrb() != m.flc) {
                var s = 0;
                r[s++] = i;
                for (i.xjc |= m.hpc; 0 < s;)
                    if (t = r[--s], n.zuc(t), !1 == t.fmc() && t.gmc(!0), t.vrb() != m.flc) {
                        for (var o, u = t.nkc; u; u = u.pkc) u.okc.xjc & O.hpc || !0 == u.okc.psc() || !1 == u.okc.jyc() || !1 == u.okc.oqc() || (n.bvc(u.okc), u.okc.xjc |= O.hpc, o = u.iib, o.xjc & m.hpc || (r[s++] = o, o.xjc |= m.hpc));
                        for (t = t.ooc; t; t = t.pkc)!0 != t.fpc.fyc && (o = t.iib, !1 != o.joc() && (n.cvc(t.fpc), t.fpc.fyc = !0, o.xjc & m.hpc || (r[s++] = o, o.xjc |= m.hpc)))
                n.ahc(e, this.nvc, this.mvc);
                for (s = 0; s < n.qtc; ++s) t = n.etc[s], t.vrb() == m.flc && (t.xjc &= ~m.hpc)
        for (s = 0; s < r.length && r[s]; ++s) r[s] = null;
        for (t = this.jvc; t; t = t.ckc)!1 != t.fmc() && !1 != t.joc() && t.vrb() != m.flc && t.xmc();
    A.prototype.quc = function(e) {
        var t, n, r, i = this.fvc;
        i.vvb(this.qtc, s.agc, s.bgc, null, this.akc.bqc, this.ttc);
        var o = A.oyc;
        for (t = this.jvc; t; t = t.ckc) t.xjc &= ~m.hpc, t.ijc.qyb = 0;
        for (r = this.nkc; r; r = r.ckc) r.xjc &= ~(O.pyc | O.hpc);
        for (r = this.ooc; r; r = r.ckc) r.fyc = !1;
        for (;;) {
            var u = null,
                a = 1;
            for (r = this.nkc; r; r = r.ckc)
                if (!0 != r.psc() && !1 != r.jyc() && !1 != r.syc()) {
                    t = 1;
                    if (r.xjc & O.pyc) t = r.uyc;
                    else {
                        t = r.vyc;
                        n = r.wyc;
                        t = t.fkc;
                        n = n.fkc;
                        if (!(t.vrb() == m.emc && !1 != t.fmc() || n.vrb() == m.emc && !1 != n.fmc())) continue;
                        var f = t.ijc.qyb;
                        t.ijc.qyb < n.ijc.qyb ? (f = n.ijc.qyb, t.ijc.xic(f)) : n.ijc.qyb < t.ijc.qyb && (f = t.ijc.qyb, n.ijc.xic(f));
                        t = r.xyc(t.ijc, n.ijc);
                        s.uqb(0 <= t && 1 >= t);
                        0 < t && 1 > t && (t = (1 - t) * f + t, 1 < t && (t = 1));
                        r.uyc = t;
                        r.xjc |= O.pyc
                    Number.MIN_VALUE < t && t < a && (u = r, a = t)
            if (null == u || 1 - 100 * Number.MIN_VALUE < a) break;
            t = u.vyc;
            n = u.wyc;
            t = t.fkc;
            n = n.fkc;
            u.xjc &= ~O.pyc;
            if (!0 == u.psc() || !1 == u.jyc()) t.ijc.kjb(A.yyc), n.ijc.kjb(A.zyc), t.cpc(), n.cpc();
            else if (!1 != u.oqc()) {
                t.vrb() != m.emc && (t = n);
                u = r = 0;
                o[r + u++] = t;
                for (t.xjc |= m.hpc; 0 < u;)
                    if (t = o[r++], --u, i.zuc(t), !1 == t.fmc() && t.gmc(!0), t.vrb() == m.emc) {
                        for (n = t.nkc; n && i.zpc != i.otc; n = n.pkc) n.okc.xjc & O.hpc || !0 == n.okc.psc() || !1 == n.okc.jyc() || !1 == n.okc.oqc() || (i.bvc(n.okc), n.okc.xjc |= O.hpc, f = n.iib, f.xjc & m.hpc || (f.vrb() != m.flc && (f.xic(a), f.gmc(!0)), o[r + u] = f, ++u, f.xjc |= m.hpc));
                        for (t = t.ooc; t; t = t.pkc) i.rtc != i.ptc && !0 != t.fpc.fyc && (f = t.iib, !1 != f.joc() && (i.cvc(t.fpc), t.fpc.fyc = !0, f.xjc & m.hpc || (f.vrb() != m.flc && (f.xic(a), f.gmc(!0)), o[r + u] = f, ++u, f.xjc |= m.hpc)))
                r = A.dzc;
                r.dvc = !1;
                r.xtc = (1 - a) * e.xtc;
                r.euc = 1 / r.xtc;
                r.cxc = 0;
                r.ztc = e.ztc;
                r.guc = e.guc;
                for (a = a = 0; a < i.qtc; ++a)
                    if (t = i.etc[a], t.xjc &= ~m.hpc, !1 != t.fmc() && t.vrb() == m.emc)
                        for (t.xmc(), n = t.nkc; n; n = n.pkc) n.okc.xjc &= ~O.pyc;
                for (a = 0; a < i.zpc; ++a) r = i.ftc[a], r.xjc &= ~(O.pyc | O.hpc);
                for (a = 0; a < i.rtc; ++a) r = i.gtc[a], r.fyc = !1;
    A.prototype.mxc = function(e) {
        var t = e.ezc(),
            n = e.fzc(),
            r = t.hjc.position,
            i = n.hjc.position,
            s = e.gzc(),
            o = e.hzc(),
            u = A.izc;
        switch (e.jmb) {
            case D.jzc:
                this.ivc.zrc(s, o, u);
            case D.kzc:
                t = e instanceof P ? e : null;
                e = t.mzc();
                t = t.nzc();
                this.ivc.zrc(e, s, u);
                this.ivc.zrc(t, o, u);
                this.ivc.zrc(e, t, u);
            case D.ozc:
                this.ivc.zrc(s, o, u);
                t != this.pvc && this.ivc.zrc(r, s, u), this.ivc.zrc(s, o, u), n != this.pvc && this.ivc.zrc(i, o, u)
    A.prototype.lxc = function(t, n, r) {
        switch (t.jmb) {
            case v.wrb:
                var i = t instanceof c ? t : null;
                t = e.crb(n, i.znb);
                this.ivc.xrc(t, i.zlb, n.dkb.fkb, r);
            case v.xrb:
                i = 0;
                i = t instanceof d ? t : null;
                t = parseInt(i.bsb());
                for (var s = i.lec(), o = new ucb(t), i = 0; i < t; ++i) o[i] = e.crb(n, s[i]);
                this.ivc.vrc(o, t, r);
            case v.wbc:
                i = t instanceof h ? t : null, this.ivc.zrc(e.crb(n, i.gbc()), e.crb(n, i.hbc()), r)
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.kfb.bxc = new L;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.qxc = new n;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.yyc = new t;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.zyc = new t;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.dzc = new L;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.oyc = new ucb;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.izc = new i(.5, .8, .8);
        zbb.zcb.kfb.ikc = 1;
        zbb.zcb.kfb.axc = 2
(function() {
    var e = zbb.wcb.xcb.heb,
        t = zbb.wcb.xcb.jeb,
        n = zbb.wcb.xcb.leb,
        r = zbb.wcb.xcb.meb,
        i = zbb.zcb.adb.lfb,
        s = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb,
        o = zbb.zcb.adb.nfb,
        u = zbb.zcb.adb.ofb,
        a = zbb.zcb.adb.pfb,
        f = zbb.zcb.adb.qfb,
        l = zbb.zcb.adb.rfb,
        c = zbb.zcb.adb.sfb,
        h = zbb.zcb.adb.tfb,
        p = zbb.zcb.adb.ufb,
        d = zbb.zcb.adb.vfb,
        v = zbb.zcb.adb.wfb,
        m = zbb.zcb.adb.xfb,
        g = zbb.zcb.adb.yfb,
        y = zbb.zcb.adb.zfb,
        b = zbb.zcb.xeb,
        w = zbb.zcb.jfb,
        E = zbb.ycb.peb,
        S = zbb.ycb.Math.qeb,
        x = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        T = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        N = zbb.wcb.hdb,
        C = zbb.wcb.idb,
        k = zbb.wcb.sdb,
        L = zbb.wcb.ceb,
        A = zbb.wcb.deb,
        O = zbb.wcb.eeb;
    zbb.hcb(i, zbb.zcb.adb.mfb);
    i.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.prototype;
    i.lfb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.mfb.apply(this, arguments)
    i.wjc = function(e) {
        return new i
    i.ukc = function(e, t) {};
    i.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
        this.__super.tub.call(this, e, t)
    i.prototype.xwb = function() {
        var t = this.vyc.iqc(),
            n = this.wyc.iqc();
        N.wnb(this.rzc, this.vyc.lsc() instanceof e ? this.vyc.lsc() : null, t.hjc, this.wyc.lsc() instanceof e ? this.wyc.lsc() : null, n.hjc)
    s.mfb = function() {
        this.mqc = new a;
        this.nqc = new a;
        this.rzc = new k;
        this.szc = new k
    s.prototype.tzc = function() {
        return this.rzc
    s.prototype.uzc = function(e) {
        var t = this.vyc.iqc(),
            n = this.wyc.iqc(),
            r = this.vyc.lsc(),
            i = this.wyc.lsc();
        e.vvb(this.rzc, t.wyb(), r.zlb, n.wyb(), i.zlb)
    s.prototype.oqc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & s.yzc) == s.yzc
    s.prototype.syc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & s.zzc) == s.zzc
    s.prototype.msc = function(e) {
        this.xjc = e ? this.xjc | s.aad : this.xjc & ~s.aad
    s.prototype.psc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & s.aad) == s.aad
    s.prototype.bad = function(e) {
        this.xjc = e ? this.xjc | s.cad : this.xjc & ~s.cad
    s.prototype.jyc = function() {
        return (this.xjc & s.cad) == s.cad
    s.prototype.soc = function() {
        return this.ckc
    s.prototype.rkc = function() {
        return this.vyc
    s.prototype.tkc = function() {
        return this.wyc
    s.prototype.aoc = function() {
        this.xjc |= s.qqc
    s.prototype.mfb = function() {};
    s.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = null);
        void 0 === t && (t = null);
        this.xjc = s.cad;
        if (e && t) {
            if (e.psc() || t.psc()) this.xjc |= s.aad;
            var n = e.iqc(),
                r = t.iqc();
            if (n.vrb() != b.emc || n.doc() || r.vrb() != b.emc || r.doc()) this.xjc |= s.zzc;
            this.vyc = e;
            this.wyc = t;
            this.rzc.xlb = 0;
            this.ckc = this.zoc = null;
            this.mqc.okc = null;
            this.mqc.smc = null;
            this.mqc.pkc = null;
            this.mqc.iib = null;
            this.nqc.okc = null;
            this.nqc.smc = null;
            this.nqc.pkc = null;
            this.nqc.iib = null
        } else this.wyc = this.vyc = null
    s.prototype.uqc = function(e) {
        var t = this.szc;
        this.szc = this.rzc;
        this.rzc = t;
        this.xjc |= s.cad;
        var n = !1,
            t = (this.xjc & s.yzc) == s.yzc,
            i = this.vyc.fkc,
            o = this.wyc.fkc,
            u = this.vyc.ctc.hib(this.wyc.ctc);
        if (this.xjc & s.aad) u && (n = this.vyc.lsc(), u = this.wyc.lsc(), i = i.wyb(), o = o.wyb(), n = r.hib(n, i, u, o)), this.rzc.xlb = 0;
        else {
            i.vrb() != b.emc || i.doc() || o.vrb() != b.emc || o.doc() ? this.xjc |= s.zzc : this.xjc &= ~s.zzc;
            if (u)
                for (this.xwb(), n = 0 < this.rzc.xlb, u = 0; u < this.rzc.xlb; ++u) {
                    var a = this.rzc.tnb[u];
                    a.wub = 0;
                    a.xub = 0;
                    for (var f = a.vnb, l = 0; l < this.szc.xlb; ++l) {
                        var c = this.szc.tnb[l];
                        if (c.vnb.iob == f.iob) {
                            a.wub = c.wub;
                            a.xub = c.xub;
                } else this.rzc.xlb = 0;
            n != t && (i.gmc(!0), o.gmc(!0))
        this.xjc = n ? this.xjc | s.yzc : this.xjc & ~s.yzc;
        !1 == t && !0 == n && e.tpc(this);
        !0 == t && !1 == n && e.upc(this);
        0 == (this.xjc & s.aad) && e.vpc(this, this.szc)
    s.prototype.xwb = function() {};
    s.prototype.xyc = function(e, t) {
        s.kad.oyb = e;
        s.kad.pyb = t;
        s.kad.ryb = E.gfc;
        return L.myb(s.kad)
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.aad = 1;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.zzc = 2;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.hpc = 4;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.pyc = 8;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.yzc = 16;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.cad = 32;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.qqc = 64;
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.kad = new A
    o.nfb = function() {
        this.lad = new T;
        this.lnc = new T;
        this.aib = new T;
        this.mad = new S;
        this.nad = new S
    o.prototype.nfb = function() {
        this.wuc = new ucb(E.rnb);
        for (var e = 0; e < E.rnb; e++) this.wuc[e] = new u
    u.ofb = function() {
        this.lnc = new T;
        this.srb = new T;
        this.trb = new T
    a.pfb = function() {};
    f.qfb = function() {};
    f.prototype.qfb = function(e) {
        this.dqc = e;
    f.prototype.pad = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        this.uad[n][r].qad = e;
        this.uad[n][r].rad = t;
        this.uad[n][r].vad = !0;
        n != r && (this.uad[r][n].qad = e, this.uad[r][n].rad = t, this.uad[r][n].vad = !1)
    f.prototype.oad = function() {
        this.uad = new ucb(r.hfc);
        for (var e = 0; e < r.hfc; e++) {
            this.uad[e] = new ucb(r.hfc);
            for (var t = 0; t < r.hfc; t++) this.uad[e][t] = new l
        this.pad(i.wjc, i.ukc, r.wrb, r.wrb);
        this.pad(v.wjc, v.ukc, r.xrb, r.wrb);
        this.pad(g.wjc, g.ukc, r.xrb, r.xrb);
        this.pad(p.wjc, p.ukc, r.wbc, r.wrb);
        this.pad(m.wjc, m.ukc, r.xrb, r.wbc)
    f.prototype.wjc = function(e, t) {
        var n = parseInt(e.vrb()),
            r = parseInt(t.vrb()),
            n = this.uad[n][r];
        if (n.xad) return r = n.xad, n.xad = r.ckc, n.yad--, r.tub(e, t), r;
        r = n.qad;
        return null != r ? (n.vad ? (r = r(this.dqc), r.tub(e, t)) : (r = r(this.dqc), r.tub(t, e)), r) : null
    f.prototype.ukc = function(e) {
        0 < e.rzc.xlb && (e.vyc.fkc.gmc(!0), e.wyc.fkc.gmc(!0));
        var t = parseInt(e.vyc.vrb()),
            n = parseInt(e.wyc.vrb()),
            t = this.uad[t][n];
        e.ckc = t.xad;
        t.xad = e;
        t = t.rad;
        t(e, this.dqc)
    l.rfb = function() {};
    c.sfb = function() {
        this.position = new T;
        this.aib = new T;
        this.ou = new C
    h.tfb = function() {
        this.zad = new w;
        this.muc = new ucb
    h.prototype.tfb = function() {};
    h.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === n && (n = 0);
        var i;
        this.dqc = r;
        e = 0;
        for (this.cbd = n; this.muc.length < this.cbd;) this.muc[this.muc.length] = new o;
        for (e = 0; e < n; ++e) {
            i = t[e];
            r = i.vyc;
            var s = i.wyc,
                u = r.ksc.zlb,
                a = s.ksc.zlb,
                f = r.fkc,
                l = s.fkc,
                c = i.tzc(),
                p = E.qfc(r.usc(), s.usc()),
                d = E.tfc(r.xsc(), s.xsc()),
                v = f.jjc.fm,
                m = f.jjc.gm,
                g = l.jjc.fm,
                y = l.jjc.gm,
                b = f.jlc,
                w = l.jlc;
            E.uqb(0 < c.xlb);
            h.hbd.vvb(c, f.hjc, u, l.hjc, a);
            s = h.hbd.mzb.fm;
            i = h.hbd.mzb.gm;
            r = this.muc[e];
            r.hqc = f;
            r.jqc = l;
            r.slb = c;
            r.aib.fm = s;
            r.aib.gm = i;
            r.qnb = c.xlb;
            r.wbb = p;
            r.atc = d;
            r.lad.fm = c.nnb.fm;
            r.lad.gm = c.nnb.gm;
            r.lnc.fm = c.pnb.fm;
            r.lnc.gm = c.pnb.gm;
            r.fob = u + a;
            r.type = c.jmb;
            for (u = 0; u < r.qnb; ++u) {
                p = c.tnb[u];
                a = r.wuc[u];
                a.xuc = p.wub;
                a.yuc = p.xub;
                var p = a.srb.fm = h.hbd.tnb[u].fm - f.ijc.em.fm,
                    d = a.srb.gm = h.hbd.tnb[u].gm - f.ijc.em.gm,
                    S = a.trb.fm = h.hbd.tnb[u].fm - l.ijc.em.fm,
                    x = a.trb.gm = h.hbd.tnb[u].gm - l.ijc.em.gm,
                    T = p * i - d * s,
                    N = S * i - x * s,
                    T = T * T,
                    N = N * N;
                a.mad = 1 / (f.mmc + l.mmc + f.nmc * T + l.nmc * N);
                var C = f.cnc * f.mmc + l.cnc * l.mmc,
                    C = C + (f.cnc * f.nmc * T + l.cnc * l.nmc * N);
                a.sbd = 1 / C;
                N = i;
                C = -s;
                T = p * C - d * N;
                N = S * C - x * N;
                T *= T;
                N *= N;
                a.ybd = 1 / (f.mmc + l.mmc + f.nmc * T + l.nmc * N);
                a.zbd = 0;
                p = r.aib.fm * (g + -w * x - v - -b * d) + r.aib.gm * (y + w * S - m - b * p);
                p < -E.cgc && (a.zbd += -r.atc * p)
            2 == r.qnb && (y = r.wuc[0], g = r.wuc[1], c = f.mmc, f = f.nmc, v = l.mmc, l = l.nmc, m = y.srb.fm * i - y.srb.gm * s, y = y.trb.fm * i - y.trb.gm * s, b = g.srb.fm * i - g.srb.gm * s, g = g.trb.fm * i - g.trb.gm * s, s = c + v + f * m * m + l * y * y, i = c + v + f * b * b + l * g * g, l = c + v + f * m * b + l * y * g, s * s < 100 * (s * i - l * l) ? (r.nad.fkb.kjb(s, l), r.nad.gkb.kjb(l, i), r.nad.xgc(r.mad)) : r.qnb = 1)
    h.prototype.ytc = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0; t < this.cbd; ++t) {
            var n = this.muc[t],
                r = n.hqc,
                i = n.jqc,
                s = r.mmc,
                o = r.nmc,
                u = i.mmc,
                a = i.nmc,
                f = n.aib.fm,
                l = n.aib.gm,
                c = l,
                h = -f,
                p = 0,
                d = 0;
            if (e.dvc)
                for (d = n.qnb, p = 0; p < d; ++p) {
                    var v = n.wuc[p];
                    v.xuc *= e.cxc;
                    v.yuc *= e.cxc;
                    var m = v.xuc * f + v.yuc * c,
                        g = v.xuc * l + v.yuc * h;
                    r.jlc -= o * (v.srb.fm * g - v.srb.gm * m);
                    r.jjc.fm -= s * m;
                    r.jjc.gm -= s * g;
                    i.jlc += a * (v.trb.fm * g - v.trb.gm * m);
                    i.jjc.fm += u * m;
                    i.jjc.gm += u * g
                } else
                    for (d = n.qnb, p = 0; p < d; ++p) r = n.wuc[p], r.xuc = 0, r.yuc = 0
    h.prototype.auc = function() {
        for (var e = 0, t, n = 0, r = 0, i = 0, s = r = r = n = n = 0, o = n = n = 0, u = n = i = 0, a = 0, f, l = 0; l < this.cbd; ++l) {
            var i = this.muc[l],
                c = i.hqc,
                h = i.jqc,
                p = c.jlc,
                d = h.jlc,
                v = c.jjc,
                m = h.jjc,
                g = c.mmc,
                y = c.nmc,
                b = h.mmc,
                w = h.nmc,
                u = i.aib.fm,
                E = a = i.aib.gm;
            f = -u;
            o = i.wbb;
            for (e = 0; e < i.qnb; e++) t = i.wuc[e], n = m.fm - d * t.trb.gm - v.fm + p * t.srb.gm, r = m.gm + d * t.trb.fm - v.gm - p * t.srb.fm, n = n * E + r * f, n = t.ybd * -n, r = o * t.xuc, r = x.vwb(t.yuc + n, -r, r), n = r - t.yuc, s = n * E, n *= f, v.fm -= g * s, v.gm -= g * n, p -= y * (t.srb.fm * n - t.srb.gm * s), m.fm += b * s, m.gm += b * n, d += w * (t.trb.fm * n - t.trb.gm * s), t.yuc = r;
            if (1 == i.qnb) t = i.wuc[0], n = m.fm + -d * t.trb.gm - v.fm - -p * t.srb.gm, r = m.gm + d * t.trb.fm - v.gm - p * t.srb.fm, i = n * u + r * a, n = -t.mad * (i - t.zbd), r = t.xuc + n, r = 0 < r ? r : 0, n = r - t.xuc, s = n * u, n *= a, v.fm -= g * s, v.gm -= g * n, p -= y * (t.srb.fm * n - t.srb.gm * s), m.fm += b * s, m.gm += b * n, d += w * (t.trb.fm * n - t.trb.gm * s), t.xuc = r;
            else {
                t = i.wuc[0];
                var e = i.wuc[1],
                    n = t.xuc,
                    o = e.xuc,
                    S = (m.fm - d * t.trb.gm - v.fm + p * t.srb.gm) * u + (m.gm + d * t.trb.fm - v.gm - p * t.srb.fm) * a,
                    T = (m.fm - d * e.trb.gm - v.fm + p * e.srb.gm) * u + (m.gm + d * e.trb.fm - v.gm - p * e.srb.fm) * a,
                    r = S - t.zbd,
                    s = T - e.zbd;
                f = i.nad;
                r -= f.fkb.fm * n + f.gkb.fm * o;
                for (s -= f.fkb.gm * n + f.gkb.gm * o;;) {
                    f = i.mad;
                    E = -(f.fkb.fm * r + f.gkb.fm * s);
                    f = -(f.fkb.gm * r + f.gkb.gm * s);
                    if (0 <= E && 0 <= f) {
                        n = E - n;
                        o = f - o;
                        i = n * u;
                        n *= a;
                        u *= o;
                        a *= o;
                        v.fm -= g * (i + u);
                        v.gm -= g * (n + a);
                        p -= y * (t.srb.fm * n - t.srb.gm * i + e.srb.fm * a - e.srb.gm * u);
                        m.fm += b * (i + u);
                        m.gm += b * (n + a);
                        d += w * (t.trb.fm * n - t.trb.gm * i + e.trb.fm * a - e.trb.gm * u);
                        t.xuc = E;
                        e.xuc = f;
                    E = -t.mad * r;
                    f = 0;
                    T = i.nad.fkb.gm * E + s;
                    if (0 <= E && 0 <= T) {
                        n = E - n;
                        o = f - o;
                        i = n * u;
                        n *= a;
                        u *= o;
                        a *= o;
                        v.fm -= g * (i + u);
                        v.gm -= g * (n + a);
                        p -= y * (t.srb.fm * n - t.srb.gm * i + e.srb.fm * a - e.srb.gm * u);
                        m.fm += b * (i + u);
                        m.gm += b * (n + a);
                        d += w * (t.trb.fm * n - t.trb.gm * i + e.trb.fm * a - e.trb.gm * u);
                        t.xuc = E;
                        e.xuc = f;
                    E = 0;
                    f = -e.mad * s;
                    S = i.nad.gkb.fm * f + r;
                    if (0 <= f && 0 <= S) {
                        n = E - n;
                        o = f - o;
                        i = n * u;
                        n *= a;
                        u *= o;
                        a *= o;
                        v.fm -= g * (i + u);
                        v.gm -= g * (n + a);
                        p -= y * (t.srb.fm * n - t.srb.gm * i + e.srb.fm * a - e.srb.gm * u);
                        m.fm += b * (i + u);
                        m.gm += b * (n + a);
                        d += w * (t.trb.fm * n - t.trb.gm * i + e.trb.fm * a - e.trb.gm * u);
                        t.xuc = E;
                        e.xuc = f;
                    f = E = 0;
                    S = r;
                    T = s;
                    if (0 <= S && 0 <= T) {
                        n = E - n;
                        o = f - o;
                        i = n * u;
                        n *= a;
                        u *= o;
                        a *= o;
                        v.fm -= g * (i + u);
                        v.gm -= g * (n + a);
                        p -= y * (t.srb.fm * n - t.srb.gm * i + e.srb.fm * a - e.srb.gm * u);
                        m.fm += b * (i + u);
                        m.gm += b * (n + a);
                        d += w * (t.trb.fm * n - t.trb.gm * i + e.trb.fm * a - e.trb.gm * u);
                        t.xuc = E;
                        e.xuc = f;
            c.jlc = p;
            h.jlc = d
    h.prototype.buc = function() {
        for (var e = 0; e < this.cbd; ++e)
            for (var t = this.muc[e], n = t.slb, r = 0; r < t.qnb; ++r) {
                var i = n.tnb[r],
                    s = t.wuc[r];
                i.wub = s.xuc;
                i.xub = s.yuc
    h.prototype.iuc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < this.cbd; n++) {
            var r = this.muc[n],
                i = r.hqc,
                s = r.jqc,
                o = i.cnc * i.mmc,
                u = i.cnc * i.nmc,
                a = s.cnc * s.mmc,
                f = s.cnc * s.nmc;
            for (var l = h.udd.mzb, c = 0; c < r.qnb; c++) {
                var p = r.wuc[c],
                    d = h.udd.tnb[c],
                    v = h.udd.vdd[c],
                    m = d.fm - i.ijc.em.fm,
                    g = d.gm - i.ijc.em.gm,
                    y = d.fm - s.ijc.em.fm,
                    d = d.gm - s.ijc.em.gm,
                    t = t < v ? t : v,
                    v = x.vwb(e * (v + E.gfc), -E.dgc, 0),
                    v = -p.sbd * v,
                    p = v * l.fm,
                    v = v * l.gm;
                i.ijc.em.fm -= o * p;
                i.ijc.em.gm -= o * v;
                i.ijc.gpb -= u * (m * v - g * p);
                s.ijc.em.fm += a * p;
                s.ijc.em.gm += a * v;
                s.ijc.gpb += f * (y * v - d * p);
        return t > -1.5 * E.gfc
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.tfb.hbd = new O;
        zbb.zcb.adb.tfb.udd = new y
    zbb.hcb(p, zbb.zcb.adb.mfb);
    p.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.prototype;
    p.ufb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.mfb.apply(this, arguments)
    p.wjc = function(e) {
        return new p
    p.ukc = function(e, t) {};
    p.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
        this.__super.tub.call(this, e, t)
    p.prototype.xwb = function() {
        var n = this.vyc.iqc(),
            r = this.wyc.iqc();
        this.wdd(this.rzc, this.vyc.lsc() instanceof t ? this.vyc.lsc() : null, n.hjc, this.wyc.lsc() instanceof e ? this.wyc.lsc() : null, r.hjc)
    p.prototype.wdd = function(e, t, n, r, i) {};
    zbb.hcb(d, zbb.zcb.adb.mfb);
    d.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.prototype;
    d.vfb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.mfb.apply(this, arguments)
    d.prototype.vfb = function() {
    d.prototype.xwb = function() {};
    zbb.hcb(v, zbb.zcb.adb.mfb);
    v.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.prototype;
    v.wfb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.mfb.apply(this, arguments)
    v.wjc = function(e) {
        return new v
    v.ukc = function(e, t) {};
    v.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
        this.__super.tub.call(this, e, t);
        E.uqb(e.vrb() == r.xrb);
        E.uqb(t.vrb() == r.wrb)
    v.prototype.xwb = function() {
        var t = this.vyc.fkc,
            r = this.wyc.fkc;
        N.job(this.rzc, this.vyc.lsc() instanceof n ? this.vyc.lsc() : null, t.hjc, this.wyc.lsc() instanceof e ? this.wyc.lsc() : null, r.hjc)
    zbb.hcb(m, zbb.zcb.adb.mfb);
    m.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.prototype;
    m.xfb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.mfb.apply(this, arguments)
    m.wjc = function(e) {
        return new m
    m.ukc = function(e, t) {};
    m.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
        this.__super.tub.call(this, e, t);
        E.uqb(e.vrb() == r.xrb);
        E.uqb(t.vrb() == r.wbc)
    m.prototype.xwb = function() {
        var e = this.vyc.iqc(),
            r = this.wyc.iqc();
        this.xdd(this.rzc, this.vyc.lsc() instanceof n ? this.vyc.lsc() : null, e.hjc, this.wyc.lsc() instanceof t ? this.wyc.lsc() : null, r.hjc)
    m.prototype.xdd = function(e, t, n, r, i) {};
    zbb.hcb(g, zbb.zcb.adb.mfb);
    g.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.prototype;
    g.yfb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.mfb.mfb.apply(this, arguments)
    g.wjc = function(e) {
        return new g
    g.ukc = function(e, t) {};
    g.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
        this.__super.tub.call(this, e, t)
    g.prototype.xwb = function() {
        var e = this.vyc.iqc(),
            t = this.wyc.iqc();
        N.rlb(this.rzc, this.vyc.lsc() instanceof n ? this.vyc.lsc() : null, e.hjc, this.wyc.lsc() instanceof n ? this.wyc.lsc() : null, t.hjc)
    y.zfb = function() {};
    y.prototype.zfb = function() {
        this.mzb = new T;
        this.vdd = new vcb(E.rnb);
        this.tnb = new ucb(E.rnb);
        for (var e = 0; e < E.rnb; e++) this.tnb[e] = new T
    y.prototype.vvb = function(e) {
        E.uqb(0 < e.qnb);
        var t = 0,
            n = 0,
            r = 0,
            i, s = 0,
            o = 0;
        switch (e.type) {
            case k.gob:
                i = e.hqc.hjc.dkb;
                r = e.lnc;
                t = e.hqc.hjc.position.fm + (i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm);
                n = e.hqc.hjc.position.gm + (i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm);
                i = e.jqc.hjc.dkb;
                r = e.wuc[0].lnc;
                s = e.jqc.hjc.position.fm + (i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm);
                i = e.jqc.hjc.position.gm + (i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm);
                var r = s - t,
                    o = i - n,
                    u = r * r + o * o;
                u > Number.MIN_VALUE * Number.MIN_VALUE ? (u = Math.sqrt(u), this.mzb.fm = r / u, this.mzb.gm = o / u) : (this.mzb.fm = 1, this.mzb.gm = 0);
                this.tnb[0].fm = .5 * (t + s);
                this.tnb[0].gm = .5 * (n + i);
                this.vdd[0] = r * this.mzb.fm + o * this.mzb.gm - e.fob;
            case k.lmb:
                i = e.hqc.hjc.dkb;
                r = e.lad;
                this.mzb.fm = i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm;
                this.mzb.gm = i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm;
                i = e.hqc.hjc.dkb;
                r = e.lnc;
                s = e.hqc.hjc.position.fm + (i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm);
                o = e.hqc.hjc.position.gm + (i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm);
                i = e.jqc.hjc.dkb;
                for (t = 0; t < e.qnb; ++t) r = e.wuc[t].lnc, n = e.jqc.hjc.position.fm + (i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm), r = e.jqc.hjc.position.gm + (i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm), this.vdd[t] = (n - s) * this.mzb.fm + (r - o) * this.mzb.gm - e.fob, this.tnb[t].fm = n, this.tnb[t].gm = r;
            case k.kmb:
                i = e.jqc.hjc.dkb;
                r = e.lad;
                this.mzb.fm = i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm;
                this.mzb.gm = i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm;
                i = e.jqc.hjc.dkb;
                r = e.lnc;
                s = e.jqc.hjc.position.fm + (i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm);
                o = e.jqc.hjc.position.gm + (i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm);
                i = e.hqc.hjc.dkb;
                for (t = 0; t < e.qnb; ++t) r = e.wuc[t].lnc, n = e.hqc.hjc.position.fm + (i.fkb.fm * r.fm + i.gkb.fm * r.gm), r = e.hqc.hjc.position.gm + (i.fkb.gm * r.fm + i.gkb.gm * r.gm), this.vdd[t] = (n - s) * this.mzb.fm + (r - o) * this.mzb.gm - e.fob, this.tnb[t].kjb(n, r);
                this.mzb.fm *= -1;
                this.mzb.gm *= -1
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.adb.zfb.ydd = new T;
        zbb.zcb.adb.zfb.zdd = new T
(function() {
    var e = zbb.ycb.Math.qeb,
        t = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        n = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        r = zbb.ycb.oeb,
        i = zbb.zcb.bdb.agb,
        s = zbb.zcb.bdb.bgb,
        o = zbb.zcb.bdb.cgb,
        u = zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb,
        a = zbb.zcb.bdb.egb,
        f = zbb.zcb.bdb.fgb,
        l = zbb.zcb.bdb.ggb;
    zbb.hcb(i, zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb);
    i.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.prototype;
    i.agb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.dgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.aib = new n(0, -1);
        this.hac = this.jm = 0;
        this.spb = new n(0, 0);
        this.aed = 2;
        this.bed = 1;
        this.ced = !1;
        this.ded = !0;
        this.wtc = null
    i.prototype.zwc = function(e) {
        if (this.jvc)
            for (this.ded && (this.wtc = this.voc().xwc().lpb()), e = this.jvc; e; e = e.eed) {
                var t = e.body;
                if (!1 != t.fmc()) {
                    for (var r = new n, i = new n, s = 0, o = 0, u = t.moc(); u; u = u.soc()) {
                        var a = new n,
                            f = u.lsc().lac(this.aib, this.jm, t.wyb(), a),
                            s = s + f;
                        r.fm += f * a.fm;
                        r.gm += f * a.gm;
                        var l = 0,
                            l = 1,
                            o = o + f * l;
                        i.fm += f * a.fm * l;
                        i.gm += f * a.gm * l
                    r.fm /= s;
                    r.gm /= s;
                    i.fm /= o;
                    i.gm /= o;
                    s < Number.MIN_VALUE || (o = this.wtc.arb(), o.kec(this.hac * s), t.bmc(o, i), i = t.snc(r), i.djc(this.spb), i.kec(-this.aed * s), t.bmc(i, r), t.imc(-t.dnc() / t.bnc() * s * t.klc() * this.bed))
    i.prototype.nxc = function(e) {
        var t = new n,
            i = new n;
        t.fm = this.aib.fm * this.jm + 1e3 * this.aib.gm;
        t.gm = this.aib.gm * this.jm - 1e3 * this.aib.fm;
        i.fm = this.aib.fm * this.jm - 1e3 * this.aib.gm;
        i.gm = this.aib.gm * this.jm + 1e3 * this.aib.fm;
        var s = new r(0, 0, 1);
        e.zrc(t, i, s)
    zbb.hcb(s, zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb);
    s.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.prototype;
    s.bgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.dgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.shc = new n(0, 0)
    s.prototype.zwc = function(e) {
        e = new n(this.shc.fm * e.xtc, this.shc.gm * e.xtc);
        for (var t = this.jvc; t; t = t.eed) {
            var r = t.body;
            r.fmc() && r.elc(new n(r.glc().fm + e.fm, r.glc().gm + e.gm))
    zbb.hcb(o, zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb);
    o.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.prototype;
    o.cgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.dgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.ned = new n(0, 0)
    o.prototype.zwc = function(e) {
        for (e = this.jvc; e; e = e.eed) {
            var t = e.body;
            t.fmc() && t.bmc(this.ned, t.clc())
    u.dgb = function() {};
    u.prototype.zwc = function(e) {};
    u.prototype.nxc = function(e) {};
    u.prototype.zuc = function(e) {
        var t = new a;
        t.dwc = this;
        t.body = e;
        t.eed = this.jvc;
        t.oed = null;
        this.jvc = t;
        t.eed && (t.eed.oed = t);
        t.cwc = e.qoc;
        t.ped = null;
        e.qoc = t;
        t.cwc && (t.cwc.ped = t);
    u.prototype.ewc = function(e) {
        for (var t = e.qoc; t && t.dwc != this;) t = t.cwc;
        t.oed && (t.oed.eed = t.eed);
        t.eed && (t.eed.oed = t.oed);
        t.cwc && (t.cwc.ped = t.ped);
        t.ped && (t.ped.cwc = t.cwc);
        this.jvc == t && (this.jvc = t.eed);
        e.qoc == t && (e.qoc = t.cwc);
    u.prototype.utc = function() {
        for (; this.jvc;) this.ewc(this.jvc.body)
    u.prototype.soc = function() {
        return this.ckc
    u.prototype.voc = function() {
        return this.tjc
    u.prototype.dyc = function() {
        return this.jvc
    a.egb = function() {};
    zbb.hcb(f, zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb);
    f.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.prototype;
    f.fgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.dgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qed = 1;
        this.red = !0
    f.prototype.zwc = function(e) {
        var t = e = null,
            r = null,
            i = 0,
            s = null,
            o = null,
            u = null,
            a = 0,
            f = 0,
            l = 0,
            a = null;
        if (this.red)
            for (e = this.jvc; e; e = e.eed)
                for (t = e.body, r = t.clc(), i = t.bnc(), s = this.jvc; s != e; s = s.eed) o = s.body, u = o.clc(), a = u.fm - r.fm, f = u.gm - r.gm, l = a * a + f * f, l < Number.MIN_VALUE || (a = new n(a, f), a.kec(this.qed / l / Math.sqrt(l) * i * o.bnc()), t.fmc() && t.bmc(a, r), a.kec(-1), o.fmc() && o.bmc(a, u));
            for (e = this.jvc; e; e = e.eed)
                for (t = e.body, r = t.clc(), i = t.bnc(), s = this.jvc; s != e; s = s.eed) o = s.body, u = o.clc(), a = u.fm - r.fm, f = u.gm - r.gm, l = a * a + f * f, l < Number.MIN_VALUE || (a = new n(a, f), a.kec(this.qed / l * i * o.bnc()), t.fmc() && t.bmc(a, r), a.kec(-1), o.fmc() && o.bmc(a, u))
    zbb.hcb(l, zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb);
    l.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.prototype;
    l.ggb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.bdb.dgb.dgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.uhc = new e;
        this.ved = 0
    l.prototype.wed = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.uhc.fkb.fm = -e;
        this.uhc.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.uhc.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.uhc.gkb.gm = -t;
        this.ved = 0 < e || 0 < t ? 1 / Math.max(e, t) : 0
    l.prototype.zwc = function(e) {
        e = e.xtc;
        if (!(e <= Number.MIN_VALUE)) {
            e > this.ved && 0 < this.ved && (e = this.ved);
            for (var r = this.jvc; r; r = r.eed) {
                var i = r.body;
                if (i.fmc()) {
                    var s = i.mnc(t.qwb(this.uhc, i.qnc(i.glc())));
                    i.elc(new n(i.glc().fm + s.fm * e, i.glc().gm + s.gm * e))
(function() {
    var e = zbb.ycb.peb,
        t = zbb.ycb.Math.qeb,
        n = zbb.ycb.Math.reb,
        r = zbb.ycb.Math.seb,
        i = zbb.ycb.Math.veb,
        s = zbb.ycb.Math.web,
        o = zbb.zcb.cdb.hgb,
        u = zbb.zcb.cdb.igb,
        a = zbb.zcb.cdb.jgb,
        f = zbb.zcb.cdb.kgb,
        l = zbb.zcb.cdb.lgb,
        c = zbb.zcb.cdb.mgb,
        h = zbb.zcb.cdb.ngb,
        p = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb,
        d = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb,
        v = zbb.zcb.cdb.qgb,
        m = zbb.zcb.cdb.rgb,
        g = zbb.zcb.cdb.sgb,
        y = zbb.zcb.cdb.tgb,
        b = zbb.zcb.cdb.ugb,
        w = zbb.zcb.cdb.vgb,
        E = zbb.zcb.cdb.wgb,
        S = zbb.zcb.cdb.xgb,
        x = zbb.zcb.cdb.ygb,
        T = zbb.zcb.cdb.zgb,
        N = zbb.zcb.cdb.ahb,
        C = zbb.zcb.cdb.bhb,
        k = zbb.zcb.cdb.chb;
    zbb.hcb(o, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    o.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    o.hgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.bfd = new i;
        this.cfd = new i;
        this.dfd = new i
    o.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.bfd)
    o.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.cfd)
    o.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.ffd * this.dfd.fm, e * this.ffd * this.dfd.gm)
    o.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        return 0
    o.prototype.ebc = function() {
        return this.fbc
    o.prototype.hfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.fbc = e
    o.prototype.ifd = function() {
        return this.jfd
    o.prototype.kfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.jfd = e
    o.prototype.mfd = function() {
        return this.nfd
    o.prototype.ofd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.nfd = e
    o.prototype.hgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.fbc = e.length;
        this.jfd = e.sfd;
        this.nfd = e.tfd;
        this.vfd = this.ufd = this.ffd = 0
    o.prototype.ytc = function(t) {
        var n, r = 0,
            i = this.jwc,
            s = this.iwc;
        n = i.hjc.dkb;
        var o = this.bfd.fm - i.ijc.uic.fm,
            u = this.bfd.gm - i.ijc.uic.gm,
            r = n.fkb.fm * o + n.gkb.fm * u,
            u = n.fkb.gm * o + n.gkb.gm * u,
            o = r;
        n = s.hjc.dkb;
        var a = this.cfd.fm - s.ijc.uic.fm,
            f = this.cfd.gm - s.ijc.uic.gm,
            r = n.fkb.fm * a + n.gkb.fm * f,
            f = n.fkb.gm * a + n.gkb.gm * f,
            a = r;
        this.dfd.fm = s.ijc.em.fm + a - i.ijc.em.fm - o;
        this.dfd.gm = s.ijc.em.gm + f - i.ijc.em.gm - u;
        r = Math.sqrt(this.dfd.fm * this.dfd.fm + this.dfd.gm * this.dfd.gm);
        r > e.gfc ? this.dfd.kec(1 / r) : this.dfd.hob();
        n = o * this.dfd.gm - u * this.dfd.fm;
        var l = a * this.dfd.gm - f * this.dfd.fm;
        n = i.mmc + i.nmc * n * n + s.mmc + s.nmc * l * l;
        this.cnc = 0 != n ? 1 / n : 0;
        if (0 < this.jfd) {
            var r = r - this.fbc,
                l = 2 * Math.PI * this.jfd,
                c = this.cnc * l * l;
            this.ufd = t.xtc * (2 * this.cnc * this.nfd * l + t.xtc * c);
            this.ufd = 0 != this.ufd ? 1 / this.ufd : 0;
            this.vfd = r * t.xtc * c * this.ufd;
            this.cnc = n + this.ufd;
            this.cnc = 0 != this.cnc ? 1 / this.cnc : 0
        t.dvc ? (this.ffd *= t.cxc, t = this.ffd * this.dfd.fm, n = this.ffd * this.dfd.gm, i.jjc.fm -= i.mmc * t, i.jjc.gm -= i.mmc * n, i.jlc -= i.nmc * (o * n - u * t), s.jjc.fm += s.mmc * t, s.jjc.gm += s.mmc * n, s.jlc += s.nmc * (a * n - f * t)) : this.ffd = 0
    o.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t;
        e = this.jwc;
        var n = this.iwc;
        t = e.hjc.dkb;
        var r = this.bfd.fm - e.ijc.uic.fm,
            i = this.bfd.gm - e.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = t.fkb.fm * r + t.gkb.fm * i,
            i = t.fkb.gm * r + t.gkb.gm * i,
            r = s;
        t = n.hjc.dkb;
        var o = this.cfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm,
            u = this.cfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = t.fkb.fm * o + t.gkb.fm * u,
            u = t.fkb.gm * o + t.gkb.gm * u,
            o = s,
            s = -this.cnc * (this.dfd.fm * (n.jjc.fm + -n.jlc * u - (e.jjc.fm + -e.jlc * i)) + this.dfd.gm * (n.jjc.gm + n.jlc * o - (e.jjc.gm + e.jlc * r)) + this.vfd + this.ufd * this.ffd);
        this.ffd += s;
        t = s * this.dfd.fm;
        s *= this.dfd.gm;
        e.jjc.fm -= e.mmc * t;
        e.jjc.gm -= e.mmc * s;
        e.jlc -= e.nmc * (r * s - i * t);
        n.jjc.fm += n.mmc * t;
        n.jjc.gm += n.mmc * s;
        n.jlc += n.nmc * (o * s - u * t)
    o.prototype.iuc = function(t) {
        var n;
        if (0 < this.jfd) return !0;
        t = this.jwc;
        var i = this.iwc;
        n = t.hjc.dkb;
        var s = this.bfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            o = this.bfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            u = n.fkb.fm * s + n.gkb.fm * o,
            o = n.fkb.gm * s + n.gkb.gm * o,
            s = u;
        n = i.hjc.dkb;
        var a = this.cfd.fm - i.ijc.uic.fm,
            f = this.cfd.gm - i.ijc.uic.gm,
            u = n.fkb.fm * a + n.gkb.fm * f,
            f = n.fkb.gm * a + n.gkb.gm * f,
            a = u,
            u = i.ijc.em.fm + a - t.ijc.em.fm - s,
            l = i.ijc.em.gm + f - t.ijc.em.gm - o;
        n = Math.sqrt(u * u + l * l);
        u /= n;
        l /= n;
        n -= this.fbc;
        n = r.vwb(n, -e.dgc, e.dgc);
        var c = -this.cnc * n;
        this.dfd.kjb(u, l);
        u = c * this.dfd.fm;
        l = c * this.dfd.gm;
        t.ijc.em.fm -= t.mmc * u;
        t.ijc.em.gm -= t.mmc * l;
        t.ijc.gpb -= t.nmc * (s * l - o * u);
        i.ijc.em.fm += i.mmc * u;
        i.ijc.em.gm += i.mmc * l;
        i.ijc.gpb += i.nmc * (a * l - f * u);
        return r.hzb(n) < e.gfc
    zbb.hcb(u, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    u.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    u.igb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i
    u.prototype.igb = function() {
        this.type = p.jzc;
        this.length = 1;
        this.tfd = this.sfd = 0
    u.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
        e = r.fm - n.fm;
        n = r.gm - n.gm;
        this.length = Math.sqrt(e * e + n * n);
        this.tfd = this.sfd = 0
    zbb.hcb(a, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    a.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    a.jgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.ggd = new i;
        this.hgd = new i;
        this.igd = new t;
        this.jgd = new i
    a.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.ggd)
    a.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.hgd)
    a.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.jgd.fm, e * this.jgd.gm)
    a.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return e * this.kgd
    a.prototype.lgd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.mgd = e
    a.prototype.ngd = function() {
        return this.mgd
    a.prototype.ogd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.pgd = e
    a.prototype.qgd = function() {
        return this.pgd
    a.prototype.jgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.rgd = 0;
        this.kgd = 0;
        this.mgd = e.sgd;
        this.pgd = e.tgd
    a.prototype.ytc = function(e) {
        var n, r = 0,
            i = this.jwc,
            s = this.iwc;
        n = i.hjc.dkb;
        var o = this.ggd.fm - i.ijc.uic.fm,
            u = this.ggd.gm - i.ijc.uic.gm,
            r = n.fkb.fm * o + n.gkb.fm * u,
            u = n.fkb.gm * o + n.gkb.gm * u,
            o = r;
        n = s.hjc.dkb;
        var a = this.hgd.fm - s.ijc.uic.fm,
            f = this.hgd.gm - s.ijc.uic.gm,
            r = n.fkb.fm * a + n.gkb.fm * f,
            f = n.fkb.gm * a + n.gkb.gm * f,
            a = r;
        n = i.mmc;
        var r = s.mmc,
            l = i.nmc,
            c = s.nmc,
            h = new t;
        h.fkb.fm = n + r;
        h.gkb.fm = 0;
        h.fkb.gm = 0;
        h.gkb.gm = n + r;
        h.fkb.fm += l * u * u;
        h.gkb.fm += -l * o * u;
        h.fkb.gm += -l * o * u;
        h.gkb.gm += l * o * o;
        h.fkb.fm += c * f * f;
        h.gkb.fm += -c * a * f;
        h.fkb.gm += -c * a * f;
        h.gkb.gm += c * a * a;
        this.rgd = l + c;
        0 < this.rgd && (this.rgd = 1 / this.rgd);
        e.dvc ? (this.jgd.fm *= e.cxc, this.jgd.gm *= e.cxc, this.kgd *= e.cxc, e = this.jgd, i.jjc.fm -= n * e.fm, i.jjc.gm -= n * e.gm, i.jlc -= l * (o * e.gm - u * e.fm + this.kgd), s.jjc.fm += r * e.fm, s.jjc.gm += r * e.gm, s.jlc += c * (a * e.gm - f * e.fm + this.kgd)) : (this.jgd.hob(), this.kgd = 0)
    a.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t, n = 0,
            s = this.jwc,
            o = this.iwc,
            u = s.jjc,
            a = s.jlc,
            f = o.jjc,
            l = o.jlc,
            c = s.mmc,
            h = o.mmc,
            p = s.nmc,
            d = o.nmc;
        t = s.hjc.dkb;
        var v = this.ggd.fm - s.ijc.uic.fm,
            m = this.ggd.gm - s.ijc.uic.gm,
            n = t.fkb.fm * v + t.gkb.fm * m,
            m = t.fkb.gm * v + t.gkb.gm * m,
            v = n;
        t = o.hjc.dkb;
        var g = this.hgd.fm - o.ijc.uic.fm,
            y = this.hgd.gm - o.ijc.uic.gm,
            n = t.fkb.fm * g + t.gkb.fm * y,
            y = t.fkb.gm * g + t.gkb.gm * y,
            g = n;
        t = 0;
        var n = -this.rgd * (l - a),
            b = this.kgd;
        t = e.xtc * this.pgd;
        this.kgd = r.vwb(this.kgd + n, -t, t);
        n = this.kgd - b;
        a -= p * n;
        l += d * n;
        t = r.qwb(this.igd, new i(-(f.fm - l * y - u.fm + a * m), -(f.gm + l * g - u.gm - a * v)));
        n = this.jgd.lpb();
        t = e.xtc * this.mgd;
        this.jgd.mqb() > t * t && (this.jgd.rmb(), this.jgd.kec(t));
        t = r.frb(this.jgd, n);
        u.fm -= c * t.fm;
        u.gm -= c * t.gm;
        a -= p * (v * t.gm - m * t.fm);
        f.fm += h * t.fm;
        f.gm += h * t.gm;
        l += d * (g * t.gm - y * t.fm);
        s.jlc = a;
        o.jlc = l
    a.prototype.iuc = function(e) {
        return !0
    zbb.hcb(f, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    f.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    f.kgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i
    f.prototype.kgb = function() {
        this.type = p.fhd;
        this.tgd = this.sgd = 0
    f.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n) {
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
    zbb.hcb(l, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    l.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    l.lgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.ghd = new i;
        this.hhd = new i;
        this.bfd = new i;
        this.cfd = new i;
        this.ihd = new h
    l.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.bfd)
    l.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.cfd)
    l.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.ffd * this.ihd.jhd.fm, e * this.ffd * this.ihd.jhd.gm)
    l.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        var t = this.iwc.hjc.dkb,
            n = this.bfd.fm - this.iwc.ijc.uic.fm,
            r = this.bfd.gm - this.iwc.ijc.uic.gm,
            i = t.fkb.fm * n + t.gkb.fm * r,
            r = t.fkb.gm * n + t.gkb.gm * r;
        return e * (this.ffd * this.ihd.khd - i * this.ffd * this.ihd.jhd.gm + r * this.ffd * this.ihd.jhd.fm)
    l.prototype.lhd = function() {
        return this.mhd
    l.prototype.nhd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.mhd = e
    l.prototype.lgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        var t = parseInt(e.ohd.jmb),
            n = parseInt(e.phd.jmb);
        this.thd = this.shd = this.rhd = this.qhd = null;
        var r = 0,
            i = 0;
        this.whd = e.ohd.ezc();
        this.jwc = e.ohd.fzc();
        t == p.xhd ? (this.qhd = e.ohd instanceof T ? e.ohd : null, this.ghd.onb(this.qhd.bfd), this.bfd.onb(this.qhd.cfd), r = this.qhd.yhd()) : (this.rhd = e.ohd instanceof w ? e.ohd : null, this.ghd.onb(this.rhd.bfd), this.bfd.onb(this.rhd.cfd), r = this.rhd.zhd());
        this.aid = e.phd.ezc();
        this.iwc = e.phd.fzc();
        n == p.xhd ? (this.shd = e.phd instanceof T ? e.phd : null, this.hhd.onb(this.shd.bfd), this.cfd.onb(this.shd.cfd), i = this.shd.yhd()) : (this.thd = e.phd instanceof w ? e.phd : null, this.hhd.onb(this.thd.bfd), this.cfd.onb(this.thd.cfd), i = this.thd.zhd());
        this.mhd = e.pfd;
        this.bid = r + this.mhd * i;
        this.ffd = 0
    l.prototype.ytc = function(e) {
        var t = this.whd,
            n = this.aid,
            r = this.jwc,
            i = this.iwc,
            s = 0,
            o = 0,
            u = 0,
            a = 0,
            f = u = 0,
            l = 0;
        this.qhd ? (this.ihd.hid = -1, l += r.nmc) : (t = t.hjc.dkb, o = this.rhd.iid, s = t.fkb.fm * o.fm + t.gkb.fm * o.gm, o = t.fkb.gm * o.fm + t.gkb.gm * o.gm, t = r.hjc.dkb, u = this.bfd.fm - r.ijc.uic.fm, a = this.bfd.gm - r.ijc.uic.gm, f = t.fkb.fm * u + t.gkb.fm * a, a = t.fkb.gm * u + t.gkb.gm * a, u = f * o - a * s, this.ihd.jid.kjb(-s, -o), this.ihd.hid = -u, l += r.mmc + r.nmc * u * u);
        this.shd ? (this.ihd.khd = -this.mhd, l += this.mhd * this.mhd * i.nmc) : (t = n.hjc.dkb, o = this.thd.iid, s = t.fkb.fm * o.fm + t.gkb.fm * o.gm, o = t.fkb.gm * o.fm + t.gkb.gm * o.gm, t = i.hjc.dkb, u = this.cfd.fm - i.ijc.uic.fm, a = this.cfd.gm - i.ijc.uic.gm, f = t.fkb.fm * u + t.gkb.fm * a, a = t.fkb.gm * u + t.gkb.gm * a, u = f * o - a * s, this.ihd.jhd.kjb(-this.mhd * s, -this.mhd * o), this.ihd.khd = -this.mhd * u, l += this.mhd * this.mhd * (i.mmc + i.nmc * u * u));
        this.cnc = 0 < l ? 1 / l : 0;
        e.dvc ? (r.jjc.fm += r.mmc * this.ffd * this.ihd.jid.fm, r.jjc.gm += r.mmc * this.ffd * this.ihd.jid.gm, r.jlc += r.nmc * this.ffd * this.ihd.hid, i.jjc.fm += i.mmc * this.ffd * this.ihd.jhd.fm, i.jjc.gm += i.mmc * this.ffd * this.ihd.jhd.gm, i.jlc += i.nmc * this.ffd * this.ihd.khd) : this.ffd = 0
    l.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        e = this.jwc;
        var t = this.iwc,
            n = this.ihd.kid(e.jjc, e.jlc, t.jjc, t.jlc),
            n = -this.cnc * n;
        this.ffd += n;
        e.jjc.fm += e.mmc * n * this.ihd.jid.fm;
        e.jjc.gm += e.mmc * n * this.ihd.jid.gm;
        e.jlc += e.nmc * n * this.ihd.hid;
        t.jjc.fm += t.mmc * n * this.ihd.jhd.fm;
        t.jjc.gm += t.mmc * n * this.ihd.jhd.gm;
        t.jlc += t.nmc * n * this.ihd.khd
    l.prototype.iuc = function(t) {
        t = this.jwc;
        var n = this.iwc,
            r = 0,
            i = 0,
            r = this.qhd ? this.qhd.yhd() : this.rhd.zhd(),
            i = this.shd ? this.shd.yhd() : this.thd.zhd(),
            r = -this.cnc * (this.bid - (r + this.mhd * i));
        t.ijc.em.fm += t.mmc * r * this.ihd.jid.fm;
        t.ijc.em.gm += t.mmc * r * this.ihd.jid.gm;
        t.ijc.gpb += t.nmc * r * this.ihd.hid;
        n.ijc.em.fm += n.mmc * r * this.ihd.jhd.fm;
        n.ijc.em.gm += n.mmc * r * this.ihd.jhd.gm;
        n.ijc.gpb += n.nmc * r * this.ihd.khd;
        return 0 < e.gfc
    zbb.hcb(c, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    c.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    c.mgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments)
    c.prototype.mgb = function() {
        this.type = p.mid;
        this.phd = this.ohd = null;
        this.pfd = 1
    h.ngb = function() {
        this.jid = new i;
        this.jhd = new i
    h.prototype.hob = function() {
        this.hid = 0;
        this.khd = 0
    h.prototype.kjb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        this.hid = t;
        this.khd = r
    h.prototype.kid = function(e, t, n, r) {
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        void 0 === r && (r = 0);
        return this.jid.fm * e.fm + this.jid.gm * e.gm + this.hid * t + (this.jhd.fm * n.fm + this.jhd.gm * n.gm) + this.khd * r
    p.ogb = function() {
        this.hwc = new v;
        this.kwc = new v;
        this.pid = new i;
        this.qid = new i
    p.prototype.vrb = function() {
        return this.jmb
    p.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return null
    p.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return null
    p.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        return null
    p.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        return 0
    p.prototype.ezc = function() {
        return this.jwc
    p.prototype.fzc = function() {
        return this.iwc
    p.prototype.soc = function() {
        return this.ckc
    p.prototype.atb = function() {
        return this.toc
    p.prototype.uoc = function(e) {
        this.toc = e
    p.prototype.joc = function() {
        return this.jwc.joc() && this.iwc.joc()
    p.wjc = function(e, t) {
        var n = null;
        switch (e.type) {
            case p.jzc:
                n = new o(e instanceof u ? e : null);
            case p.ozc:
                n = new y(e instanceof b ? e : null);
            case p.rid:
                n = new w(e instanceof E ? e : null);
            case p.xhd:
                n = new T(e instanceof N ? e : null);
            case p.kzc:
                n = new S(e instanceof x ? e : null);
            case p.mid:
                n = new l(e instanceof c ? e : null);
            case p.sid:
                n = new m(e instanceof g ? e : null);
            case p.tid:
                n = new C(e instanceof k ? e : null);
            case p.fhd:
                n = new a(e instanceof f ? e : null)
        return n
    p.ukc = function(e, t) {};
    p.prototype.ogb = function(t) {
        e.uqb(t.hqc != t.jqc);
        this.jmb = t.type;
        this.ckc = this.zoc = null;
        this.jwc = t.hqc;
        this.iwc = t.jqc;
        this.gpc = t.lwc;
        this.fyc = !1;
        this.toc = t.hsb
    p.prototype.ytc = function(e) {};
    p.prototype.auc = function(e) {};
    p.prototype.buc = function() {};
    p.prototype.iuc = function(e) {
        return !1
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.uid = 0;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.xhd = 1;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.rid = 2;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.jzc = 3;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.kzc = 4;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ozc = 5;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.mid = 6;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.sid = 7;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.tid = 8;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.fhd = 9;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.vid = 0;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.wid = 1;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.xid = 2;
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.yid = 3
    d.pgb = function() {};
    d.prototype.pgb = function() {
        this.type = p.uid;
        this.jqc = this.hqc = this.hsb = null;
        this.lwc = !1
    v.qgb = function() {};
    zbb.hcb(m, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    m.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    m.rgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.bfd = new i;
        this.cfd = new i;
        this.iid = new i;
        this.zid = new i;
        this.uvb = new i;
        this.ajd = new i;
        this.bjd = new t;
        this.ffd = new i
    m.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.bfd)
    m.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.cfd)
    m.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * (this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.fm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.gm) * this.uvb.fm), e * (this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.gm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.gm) * this.uvb.gm))
    m.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return e * this.ffd.gm
    m.prototype.zhd = function() {
        var e = this.jwc,
            t = this.iwc,
            n = e.knc(this.bfd),
            r = t.knc(this.cfd),
            t = r.fm - n.fm,
            n = r.gm - n.gm,
            e = e.mnc(this.iid);
        return e.fm * t + e.gm * n
    m.prototype.ejd = function() {
        var e = this.jwc,
            t = this.iwc,
        n = e.hjc.dkb;
        var r = this.bfd.fm - e.ijc.uic.fm,
            i = this.bfd.gm - e.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = n.fkb.fm * r + n.gkb.fm * i,
            i = n.fkb.gm * r + n.gkb.gm * i,
            r = s;
        n = t.hjc.dkb;
        var o = this.cfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            u = this.cfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = n.fkb.fm * o + n.gkb.fm * u,
            u = n.fkb.gm * o + n.gkb.gm * u,
            o = s;
        n = t.ijc.em.fm + o - (e.ijc.em.fm + r);
        var s = t.ijc.em.gm + u - (e.ijc.em.gm + i),
            a = e.mnc(this.iid),
            f = e.jjc,
            l = t.jjc,
            e = e.jlc,
            t = t.jlc;
        return n * -e * a.gm + s * e * a.fm + (a.fm * (l.fm + -t * u - f.fm - -e * i) + a.gm * (l.gm + t * o - f.gm - e * r))
    m.prototype.gjd = function() {
        return this.hjd
    m.prototype.ijd = function(e) {
        this.hjd = e
    m.prototype.jjd = function() {
        return this.kjd
    m.prototype.ljd = function() {
        return this.mjd
    m.prototype.njd = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.kjd = e;
        this.mjd = t
    m.prototype.ojd = function() {
        return this.pjd
    m.prototype.qjd = function(e) {
        this.pjd = e
    m.prototype.rjd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.sjd = e
    m.prototype.tjd = function() {
        return this.sjd
    m.prototype.ujd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.vjd = e
    m.prototype.wjd = function() {
        return this.vjd
    m.prototype.xjd = function() {
        return this.cjd
    m.prototype.rgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.zid.fm = -this.iid.gm;
        this.zid.gm = this.iid.fm;
        this.cjd = this.zjd = 0;
        this.kjd = e.akd;
        this.mjd = e.bkd;
        this.vjd = e.ckd;
        this.sjd = e.dkd;
        this.hjd = e.ekd;
        this.pjd = e.fkd;
        this.gkd = p.vid;
    m.prototype.ytc = function(t) {
        var n = this.jwc,
            i = this.iwc,
            s, o = 0;
        var u = n.wyb();
        s = n.hjc.dkb;
        var a = this.bfd.fm - this.pid.fm,
            f = this.bfd.gm - this.pid.gm,
            o = s.fkb.fm * a + s.gkb.fm * f,
            f = s.fkb.gm * a + s.gkb.gm * f,
            a = o;
        s = i.hjc.dkb;
        var l = this.cfd.fm - this.qid.fm,
            c = this.cfd.gm - this.qid.gm,
            o = s.fkb.fm * l + s.gkb.fm * c,
            c = s.fkb.gm * l + s.gkb.gm * c,
            l = o;
        s = i.ijc.em.fm + l - n.ijc.em.fm - a;
        o = i.ijc.em.gm + c - n.ijc.em.gm - f;
        this.hkd = n.mmc;
        this.ikd = i.mmc;
        this.jkd = n.nmc;
        this.kkd = i.nmc;
        this.uvb.onb(r.qwb(u.dkb, this.iid));
        this.lkd = (s + a) * this.uvb.gm - (o + f) * this.uvb.fm;
        this.mkd = l * this.uvb.gm - c * this.uvb.fm;
        this.zjd = this.hkd + this.ikd + this.jkd * this.lkd * this.lkd + this.kkd * this.mkd * this.mkd;
        this.zjd = this.zjd > Number.MIN_VALUE ? 1 / this.zjd : 0;
        this.ajd.onb(r.qwb(u.dkb, this.zid));
        this.nkd = (s + a) * this.ajd.gm - (o + f) * this.ajd.fm;
        this.okd = l * this.ajd.gm - c * this.ajd.fm;
        u = this.hkd;
        a = this.ikd;
        f = this.jkd;
        l = this.kkd;
        this.bjd.fkb.fm = u + a + f * this.nkd * this.nkd + l * this.okd * this.okd;
        this.bjd.fkb.gm = f * this.nkd * this.lkd + l * this.okd * this.mkd;
        this.bjd.gkb.fm = this.bjd.fkb.gm;
        this.bjd.gkb.gm = u + a + f * this.lkd * this.lkd + l * this.mkd * this.mkd;
        this.hjd ? (s = this.uvb.fm * s + this.uvb.gm * o, r.hzb(this.mjd - this.kjd) < 2 * e.gfc ? this.gkd = p.yid : s <= this.kjd ? this.gkd != p.wid && (this.gkd = p.wid, this.ffd.gm = 0) : s >= this.mjd ? this.gkd != p.xid && (this.gkd = p.xid, this.ffd.gm = 0) : (this.gkd = p.vid, this.ffd.gm = 0)) : this.gkd = p.vid;
        !1 == this.pjd && (this.cjd = 0);
        t.dvc ? (this.ffd.fm *= t.cxc, this.ffd.gm *= t.cxc, this.cjd *= t.cxc, t = this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.fm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.gm) * this.uvb.fm, s = this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.gm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.gm) * this.uvb.gm, o = this.ffd.fm * this.nkd + (this.cjd + this.ffd.gm) * this.lkd, u = this.ffd.fm * this.okd + (this.cjd + this.ffd.gm) * this.mkd, n.jjc.fm -= this.hkd * t, n.jjc.gm -= this.hkd * s, n.jlc -= this.jkd * o, i.jjc.fm += this.ikd * t, i.jjc.gm += this.ikd * s, i.jlc += this.kkd * u) : (this.ffd.hob(), this.cjd = 0)
    m.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t = this.jwc,
            n = this.iwc,
            s = t.jjc,
            o = t.jlc,
            u = n.jjc,
            a = n.jlc,
            f = 0,
            l = 0,
            c = 0,
            h = 0;
        this.pjd && this.gkd != p.yid && (h = this.zjd * (this.sjd - (this.uvb.fm * (u.fm - s.fm) + this.uvb.gm * (u.gm - s.gm) + this.mkd * a - this.lkd * o)), f = this.cjd, l = e.xtc * this.vjd, this.cjd = r.vwb(this.cjd + h, -l, l), h = this.cjd - f, f = h * this.uvb.fm, l = h * this.uvb.gm, c = h * this.lkd, h *= this.mkd, s.fm -= this.hkd * f, s.gm -= this.hkd * l, o -= this.jkd * c, u.fm += this.ikd * f, u.gm += this.ikd * l, a += this.kkd * h);
        l = this.ajd.fm * (u.fm - s.fm) + this.ajd.gm * (u.gm - s.gm) + this.okd * a - this.nkd * o;
        this.hjd && this.gkd != p.vid ? (c = this.uvb.fm * (u.fm - s.fm) + this.uvb.gm * (u.gm - s.gm) + this.mkd * a - this.lkd * o, f = this.ffd.lpb(), e = this.bjd.ahc(new i, -l, -c), this.ffd.cjc(e), this.gkd == p.wid ? this.ffd.gm = r.jrb(this.ffd.gm, 0) : this.gkd == p.xid && (this.ffd.gm = r.fic(this.ffd.gm, 0)), l = -l - (this.ffd.gm - f.gm) * this.bjd.gkb.fm, c = 0, c = 0 != this.bjd.fkb.fm ? l / this.bjd.fkb.fm + f.fm : f.fm, this.ffd.fm = c, e.fm = this.ffd.fm - f.fm, e.gm = this.ffd.gm - f.gm, f = e.fm * this.ajd.fm + e.gm * this.uvb.fm, l = e.fm * this.ajd.gm + e.gm * this.uvb.gm, c = e.fm * this.nkd + e.gm * this.lkd, h = e.fm * this.okd + e.gm * this.mkd) : (e = 0, e = 0 != this.bjd.fkb.fm ? -l / this.bjd.fkb.fm : 0, this.ffd.fm += e, f = e * this.ajd.fm, l = e * this.ajd.gm, c = e * this.nkd, h = e * this.okd);
        s.fm -= this.hkd * f;
        s.gm -= this.hkd * l;
        o -= this.jkd * c;
        u.fm += this.ikd * f;
        u.gm += this.ikd * l;
        a += this.kkd * h;
        t.jlc = o;
        n.jlc = a
    m.prototype.iuc = function(n) {
        n = this.jwc;
        var s = this.iwc,
            o = n.ijc.em,
            u = n.ijc.gpb,
            a = s.ijc.em,
            f = s.ijc.gpb,
            l, c = 0,
            h = 0,
            p = 0,
            d = 0,
            v = l = 0,
            m = 0,
            h = !1,
            g = 0,
            y = t.ogc(u),
            p = t.ogc(f);
        l = y;
        var m = this.bfd.fm - this.pid.fm,
            b = this.bfd.gm - this.pid.gm,
            c = l.fkb.fm * m + l.gkb.fm * b,
            b = l.fkb.gm * m + l.gkb.gm * b,
            m = c;
        l = p;
        p = this.cfd.fm - this.qid.fm;
        d = this.cfd.gm - this.qid.gm;
        c = l.fkb.fm * p + l.gkb.fm * d;
        d = l.fkb.gm * p + l.gkb.gm * d;
        p = c;
        l = a.fm + p - o.fm - m;
        c = a.gm + d - o.gm - b;
        if (this.hjd) {
            this.uvb = r.qwb(y, this.iid);
            this.lkd = (l + m) * this.uvb.gm - (c + b) * this.uvb.fm;
            this.mkd = p * this.uvb.gm - d * this.uvb.fm;
            var w = this.uvb.fm * l + this.uvb.gm * c;
            r.hzb(this.mjd - this.kjd) < 2 * e.gfc ? (g = r.vwb(w, -e.dgc, e.dgc), v = r.hzb(w), h = !0) : w <= this.kjd ? (g = r.vwb(w - this.kjd + e.gfc, -e.dgc, 0), v = this.kjd - w, h = !0) : w >= this.mjd && (g = r.vwb(w - this.mjd + e.gfc, 0, e.dgc), v = w - this.mjd, h = !0)
        this.ajd = r.qwb(y, this.zid);
        this.nkd = (l + m) * this.ajd.gm - (c + b) * this.ajd.fm;
        this.okd = p * this.ajd.gm - d * this.ajd.fm;
        y = new i;
        b = this.ajd.fm * l + this.ajd.gm * c;
        v = r.jrb(v, r.hzb(b));
        m = 0;
        h ? (h = this.hkd, p = this.ikd, d = this.jkd, l = this.kkd, this.bjd.fkb.fm = h + p + d * this.nkd * this.nkd + l * this.okd * this.okd, this.bjd.fkb.gm = d * this.nkd * this.lkd + l * this.okd * this.mkd, this.bjd.gkb.fm = this.bjd.fkb.gm, this.bjd.gkb.gm = h + p + d * this.lkd * this.lkd + l * this.mkd * this.mkd, this.bjd.ahc(y, -b, -g)) : (h = this.hkd, p = this.ikd, d = this.jkd, l = this.kkd, g = h + p + d * this.nkd * this.nkd + l * this.okd * this.okd, y.fm = 0 != g ? -b / g : 0, y.gm = 0);
        g = y.fm * this.ajd.fm + y.gm * this.uvb.fm;
        h = y.fm * this.ajd.gm + y.gm * this.uvb.gm;
        b = y.fm * this.nkd + y.gm * this.lkd;
        y = y.fm * this.okd + y.gm * this.mkd;
        o.fm -= this.hkd * g;
        o.gm -= this.hkd * h;
        u -= this.jkd * b;
        a.fm += this.ikd * g;
        a.gm += this.ikd * h;
        f += this.kkd * y;
        n.ijc.gpb = u;
        s.ijc.gpb = f;
        return v <= e.gfc && m <= e.zfc
    zbb.hcb(g, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    g.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    g.sgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i;
        this.yjd = new i
    g.prototype.sgb = function() {
        this.type = p.sid;
        this.yjd.kjb(1, 0);
        this.ekd = !1;
        this.bkd = this.akd = 0;
        this.fkd = !1;
        this.dkd = this.ckd = 0
    g.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
        this.qfd = this.hqc.onc(n);
        this.rfd = this.jqc.onc(n);
        this.yjd = this.hqc.qnc(r)
    zbb.hcb(y, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    y.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    y.tgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.nad = new t;
        this.hld = new t;
        this.ild = new t;
        this.jld = new i;
        this.kld = new i;
        this.ffd = new i;
        this.cnc = new t;
        this.lld = new i
    y.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.kld
    y.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.jld)
    y.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.ffd.fm, e * this.ffd.gm)
    y.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        return 0
    y.prototype.mld = function() {
        return this.kld
    y.prototype.nld = function(e) {
        !1 == this.iwc.fmc() && this.iwc.gmc(!0);
        this.kld = e
    y.prototype.ngd = function() {
        return this.mgd
    y.prototype.lgd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.mgd = e
    y.prototype.ifd = function() {
        return this.jfd
    y.prototype.kfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.jfd = e
    y.prototype.mfd = function() {
        return this.nfd
    y.prototype.ofd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.nfd = e
    y.prototype.tgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        var t = this.kld.fm - this.iwc.hjc.position.fm,
            n = this.kld.gm - this.iwc.hjc.position.gm,
            r = this.iwc.hjc.dkb;
        this.jld.fm = t * r.fkb.fm + n * r.fkb.gm;
        this.jld.gm = t * r.gkb.fm + n * r.gkb.gm;
        this.mgd = e.sgd;
        this.jfd = e.sfd;
        this.nfd = e.tfd;
        this.ufd = this.old = 0
    y.prototype.ytc = function(e) {
        var t = this.iwc,
            n = t.bnc(),
            r = 2 * Math.PI * this.jfd,
            i = n * r * r;
        this.ufd = e.xtc * (2 * n * this.nfd * r + e.xtc * i);
        this.ufd = 0 != this.ufd ? 1 / this.ufd : 0;
        this.old = e.xtc * i * this.ufd;
        var i = t.hjc.dkb,
            n = this.jld.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            r = this.jld.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = i.fkb.fm * n + i.gkb.fm * r,
            r = i.fkb.gm * n + i.gkb.gm * r,
            n = s,
            i = t.mmc,
            s = t.nmc;
        this.hld.fkb.fm = i;
        this.hld.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.hld.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.hld.gkb.gm = i;
        this.ild.fkb.fm = s * r * r;
        this.ild.gkb.fm = -s * n * r;
        this.ild.fkb.gm = -s * n * r;
        this.ild.gkb.gm = s * n * n;
        this.nad.fkb.fm += this.ufd;
        this.nad.gkb.gm += this.ufd;
        this.lld.fm = t.ijc.em.fm + n - this.kld.fm;
        this.lld.gm = t.ijc.em.gm + r - this.kld.gm;
        t.jlc *= .98;
        this.ffd.fm *= e.cxc;
        this.ffd.gm *= e.cxc;
        t.jjc.fm += i * this.ffd.fm;
        t.jjc.gm += i * this.ffd.gm;
        t.jlc += s * (n * this.ffd.gm - r * this.ffd.fm)
    y.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t = this.iwc,
            n, r = 0,
            i = 0;
        n = t.hjc.dkb;
        var s = this.jld.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            o = this.jld.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            r = n.fkb.fm * s + n.gkb.fm * o,
            o = n.fkb.gm * s + n.gkb.gm * o,
            s = r,
            r = t.jjc.fm + -t.jlc * o,
            u = t.jjc.gm + t.jlc * s;
        n = this.cnc;
        r = r + this.old * this.lld.fm + this.ufd * this.ffd.fm;
        i = u + this.old * this.lld.gm + this.ufd * this.ffd.gm;
        u = -(n.fkb.fm * r + n.gkb.fm * i);
        i = -(n.fkb.gm * r + n.gkb.gm * i);
        n = this.ffd.fm;
        r = this.ffd.gm;
        this.ffd.fm += u;
        this.ffd.gm += i;
        e = e.xtc * this.mgd;
        this.ffd.mqb() > e * e && this.ffd.kec(e / this.ffd.orb());
        u = this.ffd.fm - n;
        i = this.ffd.gm - r;
        t.jjc.fm += t.mmc * u;
        t.jjc.gm += t.mmc * i;
        t.jlc += t.nmc * (s * i - o * u)
    y.prototype.iuc = function(e) {
        return !0
    zbb.hcb(b, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    b.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    b.ugb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.target = new i
    b.prototype.ugb = function() {
        this.type = p.ozc;
        this.sgd = 0;
        this.sfd = 5;
        this.tfd = .7
    zbb.hcb(w, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    w.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    w.vgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.bfd = new i;
        this.cfd = new i;
        this.iid = new i;
        this.zid = new i;
        this.uvb = new i;
        this.ajd = new i;
        this.bjd = new n;
        this.ffd = new s
    w.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.bfd)
    w.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.cfd)
    w.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * (this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.fm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc) * this.uvb.fm), e * (this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.gm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc) * this.uvb.gm))
    w.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return e * this.ffd.gm
    w.prototype.zhd = function() {
        var e = this.jwc,
            t = this.iwc,
            n = e.knc(this.bfd),
            r = t.knc(this.cfd),
            t = r.fm - n.fm,
            n = r.gm - n.gm,
            e = e.mnc(this.iid);
        return e.fm * t + e.gm * n
    w.prototype.ejd = function() {
        var e = this.jwc,
            t = this.iwc,
        n = e.hjc.dkb;
        var r = this.bfd.fm - e.ijc.uic.fm,
            i = this.bfd.gm - e.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = n.fkb.fm * r + n.gkb.fm * i,
            i = n.fkb.gm * r + n.gkb.gm * i,
            r = s;
        n = t.hjc.dkb;
        var o = this.cfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            u = this.cfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            s = n.fkb.fm * o + n.gkb.fm * u,
            u = n.fkb.gm * o + n.gkb.gm * u,
            o = s;
        n = t.ijc.em.fm + o - (e.ijc.em.fm + r);
        var s = t.ijc.em.gm + u - (e.ijc.em.gm + i),
            a = e.mnc(this.iid),
            f = e.jjc,
            l = t.jjc,
            e = e.jlc,
            t = t.jlc;
        return n * -e * a.gm + s * e * a.fm + (a.fm * (l.fm + -t * u - f.fm - -e * i) + a.gm * (l.gm + t * o - f.gm - e * r))
    w.prototype.gjd = function() {
        return this.hjd
    w.prototype.ijd = function(e) {
        this.hjd = e
    w.prototype.jjd = function() {
        return this.kjd
    w.prototype.ljd = function() {
        return this.mjd
    w.prototype.njd = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.kjd = e;
        this.mjd = t
    w.prototype.ojd = function() {
        return this.pjd
    w.prototype.qjd = function(e) {
        this.pjd = e
    w.prototype.rjd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.sjd = e
    w.prototype.tjd = function() {
        return this.sjd
    w.prototype.ujd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.vjd = e
    w.prototype.xjd = function() {
        return this.cjd
    w.prototype.vgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.zid.fm = -this.iid.gm;
        this.zid.gm = this.iid.fm;
        this.uld = e.vld;
        this.cjd = this.zjd = 0;
        this.kjd = e.akd;
        this.mjd = e.bkd;
        this.vjd = e.ckd;
        this.sjd = e.dkd;
        this.hjd = e.ekd;
        this.pjd = e.fkd;
        this.gkd = p.vid;
    w.prototype.ytc = function(t) {
        var n = this.jwc,
            i = this.iwc,
            s, o = 0;
        var u = n.wyb();
        s = n.hjc.dkb;
        var a = this.bfd.fm - this.pid.fm,
            f = this.bfd.gm - this.pid.gm,
            o = s.fkb.fm * a + s.gkb.fm * f,
            f = s.fkb.gm * a + s.gkb.gm * f,
            a = o;
        s = i.hjc.dkb;
        var l = this.cfd.fm - this.qid.fm,
            c = this.cfd.gm - this.qid.gm,
            o = s.fkb.fm * l + s.gkb.fm * c,
            c = s.fkb.gm * l + s.gkb.gm * c,
            l = o;
        s = i.ijc.em.fm + l - n.ijc.em.fm - a;
        o = i.ijc.em.gm + c - n.ijc.em.gm - f;
        this.hkd = n.mmc;
        this.ikd = i.mmc;
        this.jkd = n.nmc;
        this.kkd = i.nmc;
        this.uvb.onb(r.qwb(u.dkb, this.iid));
        this.lkd = (s + a) * this.uvb.gm - (o + f) * this.uvb.fm;
        this.mkd = l * this.uvb.gm - c * this.uvb.fm;
        this.zjd = this.hkd + this.ikd + this.jkd * this.lkd * this.lkd + this.kkd * this.mkd * this.mkd;
        this.zjd > Number.MIN_VALUE && (this.zjd = 1 / this.zjd);
        this.ajd.onb(r.qwb(u.dkb, this.zid));
        this.nkd = (s + a) * this.ajd.gm - (o + f) * this.ajd.fm;
        this.okd = l * this.ajd.gm - c * this.ajd.fm;
        u = this.hkd;
        a = this.ikd;
        f = this.jkd;
        l = this.kkd;
        this.bjd.fkb.fm = u + a + f * this.nkd * this.nkd + l * this.okd * this.okd;
        this.bjd.fkb.gm = f * this.nkd + l * this.okd;
        this.bjd.fkb.ihc = f * this.nkd * this.lkd + l * this.okd * this.mkd;
        this.bjd.gkb.fm = this.bjd.fkb.gm;
        this.bjd.gkb.gm = f + l;
        this.bjd.gkb.ihc = f * this.lkd + l * this.mkd;
        this.bjd.fhc.fm = this.bjd.fkb.ihc;
        this.bjd.fhc.gm = this.bjd.gkb.ihc;
        this.bjd.fhc.ihc = u + a + f * this.lkd * this.lkd + l * this.mkd * this.mkd;
        this.hjd ? (s = this.uvb.fm * s + this.uvb.gm * o, r.hzb(this.mjd - this.kjd) < 2 * e.gfc ? this.gkd = p.yid : s <= this.kjd ? this.gkd != p.wid && (this.gkd = p.wid, this.ffd.ihc = 0) : s >= this.mjd ? this.gkd != p.xid && (this.gkd = p.xid, this.ffd.ihc = 0) : (this.gkd = p.vid, this.ffd.ihc = 0)) : this.gkd = p.vid;
        !1 == this.pjd && (this.cjd = 0);
        t.dvc ? (this.ffd.fm *= t.cxc, this.ffd.gm *= t.cxc, this.cjd *= t.cxc, t = this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.fm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc) * this.uvb.fm, s = this.ffd.fm * this.ajd.gm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc) * this.uvb.gm, o = this.ffd.fm * this.nkd + this.ffd.gm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc) * this.lkd, u = this.ffd.fm * this.okd + this.ffd.gm + (this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc) * this.mkd, n.jjc.fm -= this.hkd * t, n.jjc.gm -= this.hkd * s, n.jlc -= this.jkd * o, i.jjc.fm += this.ikd * t, i.jjc.gm += this.ikd * s, i.jlc += this.kkd * u) : (this.ffd.hob(), this.cjd = 0)
    w.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t = this.jwc,
            n = this.iwc,
            o = t.jjc,
            u = t.jlc,
            a = n.jjc,
            f = n.jlc,
            l = 0,
            c = 0,
            h = 0,
            d = 0;
        this.pjd && this.gkd != p.yid && (d = this.zjd * (this.sjd - (this.uvb.fm * (a.fm - o.fm) + this.uvb.gm * (a.gm - o.gm) + this.mkd * f - this.lkd * u)), l = this.cjd, e = e.xtc * this.vjd, this.cjd = r.vwb(this.cjd + d, -e, e), d = this.cjd - l, l = d * this.uvb.fm, c = d * this.uvb.gm, h = d * this.lkd, d *= this.mkd, o.fm -= this.hkd * l, o.gm -= this.hkd * c, u -= this.jkd * h, a.fm += this.ikd * l, a.gm += this.ikd * c, f += this.kkd * d);
        h = this.ajd.fm * (a.fm - o.fm) + this.ajd.gm * (a.gm - o.gm) + this.okd * f - this.nkd * u;
        c = f - u;
        this.hjd && this.gkd != p.vid ? (e = this.uvb.fm * (a.fm - o.fm) + this.uvb.gm * (a.gm - o.gm) + this.mkd * f - this.lkd * u, l = this.ffd.lpb(), e = this.bjd.khc(new s, -h, -c, -e), this.ffd.cjc(e), this.gkd == p.wid ? this.ffd.ihc = r.jrb(this.ffd.ihc, 0) : this.gkd == p.xid && (this.ffd.ihc = r.fic(this.ffd.ihc, 0)), h = -h - (this.ffd.ihc - l.ihc) * this.bjd.fhc.fm, c = -c - (this.ffd.ihc - l.ihc) * this.bjd.fhc.gm, c = this.bjd.jhc(new i, h, c), c.fm += l.fm, c.gm += l.gm, this.ffd.fm = c.fm, this.ffd.gm = c.gm, e.fm = this.ffd.fm - l.fm, e.gm = this.ffd.gm - l.gm, e.ihc = this.ffd.ihc - l.ihc, l = e.fm * this.ajd.fm + e.ihc * this.uvb.fm, c = e.fm * this.ajd.gm + e.ihc * this.uvb.gm, h = e.fm * this.nkd + e.gm + e.ihc * this.lkd, d = e.fm * this.okd + e.gm + e.ihc * this.mkd) : (e = this.bjd.jhc(new i, -h, -c), this.ffd.fm += e.fm, this.ffd.gm += e.gm, l = e.fm * this.ajd.fm, c = e.fm * this.ajd.gm, h = e.fm * this.nkd + e.gm, d = e.fm * this.okd + e.gm);
        o.fm -= this.hkd * l;
        o.gm -= this.hkd * c;
        u -= this.jkd * h;
        a.fm += this.ikd * l;
        a.gm += this.ikd * c;
        f += this.kkd * d;
        t.jlc = u;
        n.jlc = f
    w.prototype.iuc = function(n) {
        n = this.jwc;
        var o = this.iwc,
            u = n.ijc.em,
            a = n.ijc.gpb,
            f = o.ijc.em,
            l = o.ijc.gpb,
            c, h = 0,
            p = 0,
            d = 0,
            v = h = c = 0,
            m = 0,
            p = !1,
            g = 0,
            y = t.ogc(a),
            b = t.ogc(l);
        c = y;
        var m = this.bfd.fm - this.pid.fm,
            w = this.bfd.gm - this.pid.gm,
            h = c.fkb.fm * m + c.gkb.fm * w,
            w = c.fkb.gm * m + c.gkb.gm * w,
            m = h;
        c = b;
        b = this.cfd.fm - this.qid.fm;
        d = this.cfd.gm - this.qid.gm;
        h = c.fkb.fm * b + c.gkb.fm * d;
        d = c.fkb.gm * b + c.gkb.gm * d;
        b = h;
        c = f.fm + b - u.fm - m;
        h = f.gm + d - u.gm - w;
        if (this.hjd) {
            this.uvb = r.qwb(y, this.iid);
            this.lkd = (c + m) * this.uvb.gm - (h + w) * this.uvb.fm;
            this.mkd = b * this.uvb.gm - d * this.uvb.fm;
            var E = this.uvb.fm * c + this.uvb.gm * h;
            r.hzb(this.mjd - this.kjd) < 2 * e.gfc ? (g = r.vwb(E, -e.dgc, e.dgc), v = r.hzb(E), p = !0) : E <= this.kjd ? (g = r.vwb(E - this.kjd + e.gfc, -e.dgc, 0), v = this.kjd - E, p = !0) : E >= this.mjd && (g = r.vwb(E - this.mjd + e.gfc, 0, e.dgc), v = E - this.mjd, p = !0)
        this.ajd = r.qwb(y, this.zid);
        this.nkd = (c + m) * this.ajd.gm - (h + w) * this.ajd.fm;
        this.okd = b * this.ajd.gm - d * this.ajd.fm;
        y = new s;
        w = this.ajd.fm * c + this.ajd.gm * h;
        b = l - a - this.uld;
        v = r.jrb(v, r.hzb(w));
        m = r.hzb(b);
        p ? (p = this.hkd, d = this.ikd, c = this.jkd, h = this.kkd, this.bjd.fkb.fm = p + d + c * this.nkd * this.nkd + h * this.okd * this.okd, this.bjd.fkb.gm = c * this.nkd + h * this.okd, this.bjd.fkb.ihc = c * this.nkd * this.lkd + h * this.okd * this.mkd, this.bjd.gkb.fm = this.bjd.fkb.gm, this.bjd.gkb.gm = c + h, this.bjd.gkb.ihc = c * this.lkd + h * this.mkd, this.bjd.fhc.fm = this.bjd.fkb.ihc, this.bjd.fhc.gm = this.bjd.gkb.ihc, this.bjd.fhc.ihc = p + d + c * this.lkd * this.lkd + h * this.mkd * this.mkd, this.bjd.khc(y, -w, -b, -g)) : (p = this.hkd, d = this.ikd, c = this.jkd, h = this.kkd, g = c * this.nkd + h * this.okd, E = c + h, this.bjd.fkb.kjb(p + d + c * this.nkd * this.nkd + h * this.okd * this.okd, g, 0), this.bjd.gkb.kjb(g, E, 0), g = this.bjd.jhc(new i, -w, -b), y.fm = g.fm, y.gm = g.gm, y.ihc = 0);
        g = y.fm * this.ajd.fm + y.ihc * this.uvb.fm;
        p = y.fm * this.ajd.gm + y.ihc * this.uvb.gm;
        w = y.fm * this.nkd + y.gm + y.ihc * this.lkd;
        y = y.fm * this.okd + y.gm + y.ihc * this.mkd;
        u.fm -= this.hkd * g;
        u.gm -= this.hkd * p;
        a -= this.jkd * w;
        f.fm += this.ikd * g;
        f.gm += this.ikd * p;
        l += this.kkd * y;
        n.ijc.gpb = a;
        o.ijc.gpb = l;
        return v <= e.gfc && m <= e.zfc
    zbb.hcb(E, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    E.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    E.wgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i;
        this.yjd = new i
    E.prototype.wgb = function() {
        this.type = p.rid;
        this.yjd.kjb(1, 0);
        this.vld = 0;
        this.ekd = !1;
        this.bkd = this.akd = 0;
        this.fkd = !1;
        this.dkd = this.ckd = 0
    E.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r) {
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
        this.qfd = this.hqc.onc(n);
        this.rfd = this.jqc.onc(n);
        this.yjd = this.hqc.qnc(r);
        this.vld = this.jqc.wgc() - this.hqc.wgc()
    zbb.hcb(S, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    S.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    S.xgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.ghd = new i;
        this.hhd = new i;
        this.bfd = new i;
        this.cfd = new i;
        this.amd = new i;
        this.bmd = new i
    S.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.bfd)
    S.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.cfd)
    S.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.ffd * this.bmd.fm, e * this.ffd * this.bmd.gm)
    S.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        return 0
    S.prototype.mzc = function() {
        var e = this.cmd.hjc.position.lpb();
        return e
    S.prototype.nzc = function() {
        var e = this.cmd.hjc.position.lpb();
        return e
    S.prototype.dmd = function() {
        var e = this.jwc.knc(this.bfd),
            t = e.fm - (this.cmd.hjc.position.fm + this.ghd.fm),
            e = e.gm - (this.cmd.hjc.position.gm + this.ghd.gm);
        return Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e)
    S.prototype.emd = function() {
        var e = this.iwc.knc(this.cfd),
            t = e.fm - (this.cmd.hjc.position.fm + this.hhd.fm),
            e = e.gm - (this.cmd.hjc.position.gm + this.hhd.gm);
        return Math.sqrt(t * t + e * e)
    S.prototype.lhd = function() {
        return this.mhd
    S.prototype.xgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.cmd = this.jwc.tjc.pvc;
        this.ghd.fm = e.fmd.fm - this.cmd.hjc.position.fm;
        this.ghd.gm = e.fmd.gm - this.cmd.hjc.position.gm;
        this.hhd.fm = e.gmd.fm - this.cmd.hjc.position.fm;
        this.hhd.gm = e.gmd.gm - this.cmd.hjc.position.gm;
        this.mhd = e.pfd;
        this.bid = e.hmd + this.mhd * e.imd;
        this.jmd = r.fic(e.kmd, this.bid - this.mhd * S.lmd);
        this.mmd = r.fic(e.nmd, (this.bid - S.lmd) / this.mhd);
        this.pmd = this.omd = this.ffd = 0
    S.prototype.ytc = function(t) {
        var n = this.jwc,
            r = this.iwc,
        i = n.hjc.dkb;
        var s = this.bfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm,
            o = this.bfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm,
            u = i.fkb.fm * s + i.gkb.fm * o,
            o = i.fkb.gm * s + i.gkb.gm * o,
            s = u;
        i = r.hjc.dkb;
        var a = this.cfd.fm - r.ijc.uic.fm,
            f = this.cfd.gm - r.ijc.uic.gm,
            u = i.fkb.fm * a + i.gkb.fm * f,
            f = i.fkb.gm * a + i.gkb.gm * f,
            a = u;
        i = r.ijc.em.fm + a;
        var u = r.ijc.em.gm + f,
            l = this.cmd.hjc.position.fm + this.hhd.fm,
            c = this.cmd.hjc.position.gm + this.hhd.gm;
        this.amd.kjb(n.ijc.em.fm + s - (this.cmd.hjc.position.fm + this.ghd.fm), n.ijc.em.gm + o - (this.cmd.hjc.position.gm + this.ghd.gm));
        this.bmd.kjb(i - l, u - c);
        i = this.amd.orb();
        u = this.bmd.orb();
        i > e.gfc ? this.amd.kec(1 / i) : this.amd.hob();
        u > e.gfc ? this.bmd.kec(1 / u) : this.bmd.hob();
        0 < this.bid - i - this.mhd * u ? (this.wmd = p.vid, this.ffd = 0) : this.wmd = p.xid;
        i < this.jmd ? (this.xmd = p.vid, this.omd = 0) : this.xmd = p.xid;
        u < this.mmd ? (this.ymd = p.vid, this.pmd = 0) : this.ymd = p.xid;
        i = s * this.amd.gm - o * this.amd.fm;
        u = a * this.bmd.gm - f * this.bmd.fm;
        this.bnd = n.mmc + n.nmc * i * i;
        this.cnd = r.mmc + r.nmc * u * u;
        this.dnd = this.bnd + this.mhd * this.mhd * this.cnd;
        this.bnd = 1 / this.bnd;
        this.cnd = 1 / this.cnd;
        this.dnd = 1 / this.dnd;
        t.dvc ? (this.ffd *= t.cxc, this.omd *= t.cxc, this.pmd *= t.cxc, t = (-this.ffd - this.omd) * this.amd.fm, i = (-this.ffd - this.omd) * this.amd.gm, u = (-this.mhd * this.ffd - this.pmd) * this.bmd.fm, l = (-this.mhd * this.ffd - this.pmd) * this.bmd.gm, n.jjc.fm += n.mmc * t, n.jjc.gm += n.mmc * i, n.jlc += n.nmc * (s * i - o * t), r.jjc.fm += r.mmc * u, r.jjc.gm += r.mmc * l, r.jlc += r.nmc * (a * l - f * u)) : this.pmd = this.omd = this.ffd = 0
    S.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        e = this.jwc;
        var t = this.iwc,
        n = e.hjc.dkb;
        var i = this.bfd.fm - e.ijc.uic.fm,
            s = this.bfd.gm - e.ijc.uic.gm,
            o = n.fkb.fm * i + n.gkb.fm * s,
            s = n.fkb.gm * i + n.gkb.gm * s,
            i = o;
        n = t.hjc.dkb;
        var u = this.cfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            a = this.cfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            o = n.fkb.fm * u + n.gkb.fm * a,
            a = n.fkb.gm * u + n.gkb.gm * a,
            u = o,
            f = o = n = 0,
            l = 0;
        n = l = n = l = f = o = n = 0;
        this.wmd == p.xid && (n = e.jjc.fm + -e.jlc * s, o = e.jjc.gm + e.jlc * i, f = t.jjc.fm + -t.jlc * a, l = t.jjc.gm + t.jlc * u, n = -(this.amd.fm * n + this.amd.gm * o) - this.mhd * (this.bmd.fm * f + this.bmd.gm * l), l = this.dnd * -n, n = this.ffd, this.ffd = r.jrb(0, this.ffd + l), l = this.ffd - n, n = -l * this.amd.fm, o = -l * this.amd.gm, f = -this.mhd * l * this.bmd.fm, l = -this.mhd * l * this.bmd.gm, e.jjc.fm += e.mmc * n, e.jjc.gm += e.mmc * o, e.jlc += e.nmc * (i * o - s * n), t.jjc.fm += t.mmc * f, t.jjc.gm += t.mmc * l, t.jlc += t.nmc * (u * l - a * f));
        this.xmd == p.xid && (n = e.jjc.fm + -e.jlc * s, o = e.jjc.gm + e.jlc * i, n = -(this.amd.fm * n + this.amd.gm * o), l = -this.bnd * n, n = this.omd, this.omd = r.jrb(0, this.omd + l), l = this.omd - n, n = -l * this.amd.fm, o = -l * this.amd.gm, e.jjc.fm += e.mmc * n, e.jjc.gm += e.mmc * o, e.jlc += e.nmc * (i * o - s * n));
        this.ymd == p.xid && (f = t.jjc.fm + -t.jlc * a, l = t.jjc.gm + t.jlc * u, n = -(this.bmd.fm * f + this.bmd.gm * l), l = -this.cnd * n, n = this.pmd, this.pmd = r.jrb(0, this.pmd + l), l = this.pmd - n, f = -l * this.bmd.fm, l = -l * this.bmd.gm, t.jjc.fm += t.mmc * f, t.jjc.gm += t.mmc * l, t.jlc += t.nmc * (u * l - a * f))
    S.prototype.iuc = function(t) {
        t = this.jwc;
        var n = this.iwc,
            i, s = this.cmd.hjc.position.fm + this.ghd.fm,
            o = this.cmd.hjc.position.gm + this.ghd.gm,
            u = this.cmd.hjc.position.fm + this.hhd.fm,
            a = this.cmd.hjc.position.gm + this.hhd.gm,
            f = 0,
            l = 0,
            c = 0,
            h = 0,
            d = i = 0,
            v = 0,
            m = 0,
            g = d = m = i = d = i = 0;
        this.wmd == p.xid && (i = t.hjc.dkb, f = this.bfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm, l = this.bfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm, d = i.fkb.fm * f + i.gkb.fm * l, l = i.fkb.gm * f + i.gkb.gm * l, f = d, i = n.hjc.dkb, c = this.cfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm, h = this.cfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm, d = i.fkb.fm * c + i.gkb.fm * h, h = i.fkb.gm * c + i.gkb.gm * h, c = d, i = t.ijc.em.fm + f, d = t.ijc.em.gm + l, v = n.ijc.em.fm + c, m = n.ijc.em.gm + h, this.amd.kjb(i - s, d - o), this.bmd.kjb(v - u, m - a), i = this.amd.orb(), d = this.bmd.orb(), i > e.gfc ? this.amd.kec(1 / i) : this.amd.hob(), d > e.gfc ? this.bmd.kec(1 / d) : this.bmd.hob(), i = this.bid - i - this.mhd * d, g = r.jrb(g, -i), i = r.vwb(i + e.gfc, -e.dgc, 0), m = -this.dnd * i, i = -m * this.amd.fm, d = -m * this.amd.gm, v = -this.mhd * m * this.bmd.fm, m = -this.mhd * m * this.bmd.gm, t.ijc.em.fm += t.mmc * i, t.ijc.em.gm += t.mmc * d, t.ijc.gpb += t.nmc * (f * d - l * i), n.ijc.em.fm += n.mmc * v, n.ijc.em.gm += n.mmc * m, n.ijc.gpb += n.nmc * (c * m - h * v), t.cpc(), n.cpc());
        this.xmd == p.xid && (i = t.hjc.dkb, f = this.bfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm, l = this.bfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm, d = i.fkb.fm * f + i.gkb.fm * l, l = i.fkb.gm * f + i.gkb.gm * l, f = d, i = t.ijc.em.fm + f, d = t.ijc.em.gm + l, this.amd.kjb(i - s, d - o), i = this.amd.orb(), i > e.gfc ? (this.amd.fm *= 1 / i, this.amd.gm *= 1 / i) : this.amd.hob(), i = this.jmd - i, g = r.jrb(g, -i), i = r.vwb(i + e.gfc, -e.dgc, 0), m = -this.bnd * i, i = -m * this.amd.fm, d = -m * this.amd.gm, t.ijc.em.fm += t.mmc * i, t.ijc.em.gm += t.mmc * d, t.ijc.gpb += t.nmc * (f * d - l * i), t.cpc());
        this.ymd == p.xid && (i = n.hjc.dkb, c = this.cfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm, h = this.cfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm, d = i.fkb.fm * c + i.gkb.fm * h, h = i.fkb.gm * c + i.gkb.gm * h, c = d, v = n.ijc.em.fm + c, m = n.ijc.em.gm + h, this.bmd.kjb(v - u, m - a), d = this.bmd.orb(), d > e.gfc ? (this.bmd.fm *= 1 / d, this.bmd.gm *= 1 / d) : this.bmd.hob(), i = this.mmd - d, g = r.jrb(g, -i), i = r.vwb(i + e.gfc, -e.dgc, 0), m = -this.cnd * i, v = -m * this.bmd.fm, m = -m * this.bmd.gm, n.ijc.em.fm += n.mmc * v, n.ijc.em.gm += n.mmc * m, n.ijc.gpb += n.nmc * (c * m - h * v), n.cpc());
        return g < e.gfc
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.xgb.lmd = 2
    zbb.hcb(x, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    x.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    x.ygb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.fmd = new i;
        this.gmd = new i;
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i
    x.prototype.ygb = function() {
        this.type = p.kzc;
        this.fmd.kjb(-1, 1);
        this.gmd.kjb(1, 1);
        this.qfd.kjb(-1, 0);
        this.rfd.kjb(1, 0);
        this.nmd = this.imd = this.kmd = this.hmd = 0;
        this.pfd = 1;
        this.lwc = !0
    x.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
        void 0 === o && (o = 0);
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
        this.qfd = this.hqc.onc(i);
        this.rfd = this.jqc.onc(s);
        e = i.fm - n.fm;
        n = i.gm - n.gm;
        this.hmd = Math.sqrt(e * e + n * n);
        n = s.fm - r.fm;
        r = s.gm - r.gm;
        this.imd = Math.sqrt(n * n + r * r);
        this.pfd = o;
        o = this.hmd + this.pfd * this.imd;
        this.kmd = o - this.pfd * S.lmd;
        this.nmd = (o - S.lmd) / this.pfd
    zbb.hcb(T, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    T.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    T.zgb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.nad = new t;
        this.hld = new t;
        this.ild = new t;
        this.hnd = new t;
        this.ind = new s;
        this.jnd = new i;
        this.knd = new i;
        this.bfd = new i;
        this.cfd = new i;
        this.ffd = new s;
        this.cnc = new n
    T.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.bfd)
    T.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.cfd)
    T.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.ffd.fm, e * this.ffd.gm)
    T.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return e * this.ffd.ihc
    T.prototype.yhd = function() {
        return this.iwc.ijc.gpb - this.jwc.ijc.gpb - this.lnd
    T.prototype.ejd = function() {
        return this.iwc.jlc - this.jwc.jlc
    T.prototype.gjd = function() {
        return this.hjd
    T.prototype.ijd = function(e) {
        this.hjd = e
    T.prototype.jjd = function() {
        return this.mnd
    T.prototype.ljd = function() {
        return this.nnd
    T.prototype.njd = function(e, t) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        void 0 === t && (t = 0);
        this.mnd = e;
        this.nnd = t
    T.prototype.ojd = function() {
        return this.pjd
    T.prototype.qjd = function(e) {
        this.pjd = e
    T.prototype.rjd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.sjd = e
    T.prototype.tjd = function() {
        return this.sjd
    T.prototype.ond = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.pnd = e
    T.prototype.qnd = function() {
        return this.pnd
    T.prototype.zgb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.lnd = e.vld;
        this.cjd = 0;
        this.mnd = e.rnd;
        this.nnd = e.snd;
        this.pnd = e.tnd;
        this.sjd = e.dkd;
        this.hjd = e.ekd;
        this.pjd = e.fkd;
        this.gkd = p.vid
    T.prototype.ytc = function(t) {
        var n = this.jwc,
            i = this.iwc,
            s, o = 0;
        s = n.hjc.dkb;
        var u = this.bfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm,
            a = this.bfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm,
            o = s.fkb.fm * u + s.gkb.fm * a,
            a = s.fkb.gm * u + s.gkb.gm * a,
            u = o;
        s = i.hjc.dkb;
        var f = this.cfd.fm - i.ijc.uic.fm,
            l = this.cfd.gm - i.ijc.uic.gm,
            o = s.fkb.fm * f + s.gkb.fm * l,
            l = s.fkb.gm * f + s.gkb.gm * l,
            f = o;
        s = n.mmc;
        var o = i.mmc,
            c = n.nmc,
            h = i.nmc;
        this.cnc.fkb.fm = s + o + a * a * c + l * l * h;
        this.cnc.gkb.fm = -a * u * c - l * f * h;
        this.cnc.fhc.fm = -a * c - l * h;
        this.cnc.fkb.gm = this.cnc.gkb.fm;
        this.cnc.gkb.gm = s + o + u * u * c + f * f * h;
        this.cnc.fhc.gm = u * c + f * h;
        this.cnc.fkb.ihc = this.cnc.fhc.fm;
        this.cnc.gkb.ihc = this.cnc.fhc.gm;
        this.cnc.fhc.ihc = c + h;
        this.zjd = 1 / (c + h);
        !1 == this.pjd && (this.cjd = 0);
        if (this.hjd) {
            var d = i.ijc.gpb - n.ijc.gpb - this.lnd;
            r.hzb(this.nnd - this.mnd) < 2 * e.zfc ? this.gkd = p.yid : d <= this.mnd ? (this.gkd != p.wid && (this.ffd.ihc = 0), this.gkd = p.wid) : d >= this.nnd ? (this.gkd != p.xid && (this.ffd.ihc = 0), this.gkd = p.xid) : (this.gkd = p.vid, this.ffd.ihc = 0)
        } else this.gkd = p.vid;
        t.dvc ? (this.ffd.fm *= t.cxc, this.ffd.gm *= t.cxc, this.cjd *= t.cxc, t = this.ffd.fm, d = this.ffd.gm, n.jjc.fm -= s * t, n.jjc.gm -= s * d, n.jlc -= c * (u * d - a * t + this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc), i.jjc.fm += o * t, i.jjc.gm += o * d, i.jlc += h * (f * d - l * t + this.cjd + this.ffd.ihc)) : (this.ffd.hob(), this.cjd = 0)
    T.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t = this.jwc,
            n = this.iwc,
            i = 0,
            s = i = 0,
            o = 0,
            u = 0,
            a = 0,
            f = t.jjc,
            l = t.jlc,
            c = n.jjc,
            h = n.jlc,
            d = t.mmc,
            v = n.mmc,
            m = t.nmc,
            g = n.nmc;
        this.pjd && this.gkd != p.yid && (s = this.zjd * -(h - l - this.sjd), o = this.cjd, u = e.xtc * this.pnd, this.cjd = r.vwb(this.cjd + s, -u, u), s = this.cjd - o, l -= m * s, h += g * s);
        if (this.hjd && this.gkd != p.vid) {
            e = t.hjc.dkb;
            s = this.bfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm;
            o = this.bfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm;
            i = e.fkb.fm * s + e.gkb.fm * o;
            o = e.fkb.gm * s + e.gkb.gm * o;
            s = i;
            e = n.hjc.dkb;
            u = this.cfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm;
            a = this.cfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm;
            i = e.fkb.fm * u + e.gkb.fm * a;
            a = e.fkb.gm * u + e.gkb.gm * a;
            u = i;
            e = c.fm + -h * a - f.fm - -l * o;
            var y = c.gm + h * u - f.gm - l * s;
            this.cnc.khc(this.ind, -e, -y, -(h - l));
            this.gkd == p.yid ? this.ffd.cjc(this.ind) : this.gkd == p.wid ? (i = this.ffd.ihc + this.ind.ihc, 0 > i && (this.cnc.jhc(this.knd, -e, -y), this.ind.fm = this.knd.fm, this.ind.gm = this.knd.gm, this.ind.ihc = -this.ffd.ihc, this.ffd.fm += this.knd.fm, this.ffd.gm += this.knd.gm, this.ffd.ihc = 0)) : this.gkd == p.xid && (i = this.ffd.ihc + this.ind.ihc, 0 < i && (this.cnc.jhc(this.knd, -e, -y), this.ind.fm = this.knd.fm, this.ind.gm = this.knd.gm, this.ind.ihc = -this.ffd.ihc, this.ffd.fm += this.knd.fm, this.ffd.gm += this.knd.gm, this.ffd.ihc = 0));
            f.fm -= d * this.ind.fm;
            f.gm -= d * this.ind.gm;
            l -= m * (s * this.ind.gm - o * this.ind.fm + this.ind.ihc);
            c.fm += v * this.ind.fm;
            c.gm += v * this.ind.gm;
            h += g * (u * this.ind.gm - a * this.ind.fm + this.ind.ihc)
        } else e = t.hjc.dkb, s = this.bfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm, o = this.bfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm, i = e.fkb.fm * s + e.gkb.fm * o, o = e.fkb.gm * s + e.gkb.gm * o, s = i, e = n.hjc.dkb, u = this.cfd.fm - n.ijc.uic.fm, a = this.cfd.gm - n.ijc.uic.gm, i = e.fkb.fm * u + e.gkb.fm * a, a = e.fkb.gm * u + e.gkb.gm * a, u = i, this.cnc.jhc(this.jnd, -(c.fm + -h * a - f.fm - -l * o), -(c.gm + h * u - f.gm - l * s)), this.ffd.fm += this.jnd.fm, this.ffd.gm += this.jnd.gm, f.fm -= d * this.jnd.fm, f.gm -= d * this.jnd.gm, l -= m * (s * this.jnd.gm - o * this.jnd.fm), c.fm += v * this.jnd.fm, c.gm += v * this.jnd.gm, h += g * (u * this.jnd.gm - a * this.jnd.fm);
        t.jlc = l;
        n.jlc = h
    T.prototype.iuc = function(t) {
        var n = 0,
        t = this.jwc;
        var s = this.iwc,
            o = 0,
            u = i = 0,
            a = 0,
            f = 0;
        if (this.hjd && this.gkd != p.vid) {
            var n = s.ijc.gpb - t.ijc.gpb - this.lnd,
                l = 0;
            this.gkd == p.yid ? (n = r.vwb(n - this.mnd, -e.egc, e.egc), l = -this.zjd * n, o = r.hzb(n)) : this.gkd == p.wid ? (n -= this.mnd, o = -n, n = r.vwb(n + e.zfc, -e.egc, 0), l = -this.zjd * n) : this.gkd == p.xid && (o = n -= this.nnd, n = r.vwb(n - e.zfc, 0, e.egc), l = -this.zjd * n);
            t.ijc.gpb -= t.nmc * l;
            s.ijc.gpb += s.nmc * l;
        i = t.hjc.dkb;
        l = this.bfd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm;
        n = this.bfd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm;
        u = i.fkb.fm * l + i.gkb.fm * n;
        n = i.fkb.gm * l + i.gkb.gm * n;
        l = u;
        i = s.hjc.dkb;
        var c = this.cfd.fm - s.ijc.uic.fm,
            h = this.cfd.gm - s.ijc.uic.gm,
            u = i.fkb.fm * c + i.gkb.fm * h,
            h = i.fkb.gm * c + i.gkb.gm * h,
            c = u,
            a = s.ijc.em.fm + c - t.ijc.em.fm - l,
            f = s.ijc.em.gm + h - t.ijc.em.gm - n,
            d = a * a + f * f;
        i = Math.sqrt(d);
        var u = t.mmc,
            v = s.mmc,
            m = t.nmc,
            g = s.nmc,
            y = 10 * e.gfc;
        d > y * y && (d = 1 / (u + v), a = d * -a, f = d * -f, t.ijc.em.fm -= .5 * u * a, t.ijc.em.gm -= .5 * u * f, s.ijc.em.fm += .5 * v * a, s.ijc.em.gm += .5 * v * f, a = s.ijc.em.fm + c - t.ijc.em.fm - l, f = s.ijc.em.gm + h - t.ijc.em.gm - n);
        this.hld.fkb.fm = u + v;
        this.hld.gkb.fm = 0;
        this.hld.fkb.gm = 0;
        this.hld.gkb.gm = u + v;
        this.ild.fkb.fm = m * n * n;
        this.ild.gkb.fm = -m * l * n;
        this.ild.fkb.gm = -m * l * n;
        this.ild.gkb.gm = m * l * l;
        this.hnd.fkb.fm = g * h * h;
        this.hnd.gkb.fm = -g * c * h;
        this.hnd.fkb.gm = -g * c * h;
        this.hnd.gkb.gm = g * c * c;
        this.nad.ahc(T.jod, -a, -f);
        a = T.jod.fm;
        f = T.jod.gm;
        t.ijc.em.fm -= t.mmc * a;
        t.ijc.em.gm -= t.mmc * f;
        t.ijc.gpb -= t.nmc * (l * f - n * a);
        s.ijc.em.fm += s.mmc * a;
        s.ijc.em.gm += s.mmc * f;
        s.ijc.gpb += s.nmc * (c * f - h * a);
        return i <= e.gfc && o <= e.zfc
    zbb.dhb.push(function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.zgb.jod = new i
    zbb.hcb(N, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    N.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    N.ahb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i
    N.prototype.ahb = function() {
        this.type = p.xhd;
        this.qfd.kjb(0, 0);
        this.rfd.kjb(0, 0);
        this.dkd = this.tnd = this.snd = this.rnd = this.vld = 0;
        this.fkd = this.ekd = !1
    N.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n) {
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
        this.qfd = this.hqc.onc(n);
        this.rfd = this.jqc.onc(n);
        this.vld = this.jqc.wgc() - this.hqc.wgc()
    zbb.hcb(C, zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb);
    C.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.prototype;
    C.bhb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.ogb.ogb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.ggd = new i;
        this.hgd = new i;
        this.ffd = new s;
        this.cnc = new n
    C.prototype.gzc = function() {
        return this.jwc.knc(this.ggd)
    C.prototype.hzc = function() {
        return this.iwc.knc(this.hgd)
    C.prototype.efd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return new i(e * this.ffd.fm, e * this.ffd.gm)
    C.prototype.gfd = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        return e * this.ffd.ihc
    C.prototype.bhb = function(e) {
        this.__super.ogb.call(this, e);
        this.lnd = e.vld;
        this.cnc = new n
    C.prototype.ytc = function(e) {
        var t, n = 0,
            r = this.jwc,
            i = this.iwc;
        t = r.hjc.dkb;
        var s = this.ggd.fm - r.ijc.uic.fm,
            o = this.ggd.gm - r.ijc.uic.gm,
            n = t.fkb.fm * s + t.gkb.fm * o,
            o = t.fkb.gm * s + t.gkb.gm * o,
            s = n;
        t = i.hjc.dkb;
        var u = this.hgd.fm - i.ijc.uic.fm,
            a = this.hgd.gm - i.ijc.uic.gm,
            n = t.fkb.fm * u + t.gkb.fm * a,
            a = t.fkb.gm * u + t.gkb.gm * a,
            u = n;
        t = r.mmc;
        var n = i.mmc,
            f = r.nmc,
            l = i.nmc;
        this.cnc.fkb.fm = t + n + o * o * f + a * a * l;
        this.cnc.gkb.fm = -o * s * f - a * u * l;
        this.cnc.fhc.fm = -o * f - a * l;
        this.cnc.fkb.gm = this.cnc.gkb.fm;
        this.cnc.gkb.gm = t + n + s * s * f + u * u * l;
        this.cnc.fhc.gm = s * f + u * l;
        this.cnc.fkb.ihc = this.cnc.fhc.fm;
        this.cnc.gkb.ihc = this.cnc.fhc.gm;
        this.cnc.fhc.ihc = f + l;
        e.dvc ? (this.ffd.fm *= e.cxc, this.ffd.gm *= e.cxc, this.ffd.ihc *= e.cxc, r.jjc.fm -= t * this.ffd.fm, r.jjc.gm -= t * this.ffd.gm, r.jlc -= f * (s * this.ffd.gm - o * this.ffd.fm + this.ffd.ihc), i.jjc.fm += n * this.ffd.fm, i.jjc.gm += n * this.ffd.gm, i.jlc += l * (u * this.ffd.gm - a * this.ffd.fm + this.ffd.ihc)) : this.ffd.hob()
    C.prototype.auc = function(e) {
        var t, n = 0;
        e = this.jwc;
        var r = this.iwc,
            i = e.jjc,
            o = e.jlc,
            u = r.jjc,
            a = r.jlc,
            f = e.mmc,
            l = r.mmc,
            c = e.nmc,
            h = r.nmc;
        t = e.hjc.dkb;
        var p = this.ggd.fm - e.ijc.uic.fm,
            d = this.ggd.gm - e.ijc.uic.gm,
            n = t.fkb.fm * p + t.gkb.fm * d,
            d = t.fkb.gm * p + t.gkb.gm * d,
            p = n;
        t = r.hjc.dkb;
        var v = this.hgd.fm - r.ijc.uic.fm,
            m = this.hgd.gm - r.ijc.uic.gm,
            n = t.fkb.fm * v + t.gkb.fm * m,
            m = t.fkb.gm * v + t.gkb.gm * m,
            v = n;
        t = u.fm - a * m - i.fm + o * d;
        var n = u.gm + a * v - i.gm - o * p,
            g = a - o,
            y = new s;
        this.cnc.khc(y, -t, -n, -g);
        i.fm -= f * y.fm;
        i.gm -= f * y.gm;
        o -= c * (p * y.gm - d * y.fm + y.ihc);
        u.fm += l * y.fm;
        u.gm += l * y.gm;
        a += h * (v * y.gm - m * y.fm + y.ihc);
        e.jlc = o;
        r.jlc = a
    C.prototype.iuc = function(t) {
        var n, i = 0;
        t = this.jwc;
        var o = this.iwc;
        n = t.hjc.dkb;
        var u = this.ggd.fm - t.ijc.uic.fm,
            a = this.ggd.gm - t.ijc.uic.gm,
            i = n.fkb.fm * u + n.gkb.fm * a,
            a = n.fkb.gm * u + n.gkb.gm * a,
            u = i;
        n = o.hjc.dkb;
        var f = this.hgd.fm - o.ijc.uic.fm,
            l = this.hgd.gm - o.ijc.uic.gm,
            i = n.fkb.fm * f + n.gkb.fm * l,
            l = n.fkb.gm * f + n.gkb.gm * l,
            f = i;
        n = t.mmc;
        var i = o.mmc,
            c = t.nmc,
            h = o.nmc,
            p = o.ijc.em.fm + f - t.ijc.em.fm - u,
            d = o.ijc.em.gm + l - t.ijc.em.gm - a,
            v = o.ijc.gpb - t.ijc.gpb - this.lnd,
            m = 10 * e.gfc,
            g = Math.sqrt(p * p + d * d),
            y = r.hzb(v);
        g > m && (c *= 1, h *= 1);
        this.cnc.fkb.fm = n + i + a * a * c + l * l * h;
        this.cnc.gkb.fm = -a * u * c - l * f * h;
        this.cnc.fhc.fm = -a * c - l * h;
        this.cnc.fkb.gm = this.cnc.gkb.fm;
        this.cnc.gkb.gm = n + i + u * u * c + f * f * h;
        this.cnc.fhc.gm = u * c + f * h;
        this.cnc.fkb.ihc = this.cnc.fhc.fm;
        this.cnc.gkb.ihc = this.cnc.fhc.gm;
        this.cnc.fhc.ihc = c + h;
        m = new s;
        this.cnc.khc(m, -p, -d, -v);
        t.ijc.em.fm -= n * m.fm;
        t.ijc.em.gm -= n * m.gm;
        t.ijc.gpb -= c * (u * m.gm - a * m.fm + m.ihc);
        o.ijc.em.fm += i * m.fm;
        o.ijc.em.gm += i * m.gm;
        o.ijc.gpb += h * (f * m.gm - l * m.fm + m.ihc);
        return g <= e.gfc && y <= e.zfc
    zbb.hcb(k, zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb);
    k.prototype.__super = zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.prototype;
    k.chb = function() {
        zbb.zcb.cdb.pgb.pgb.apply(this, arguments);
        this.qfd = new i;
        this.rfd = new i
    k.prototype.chb = function() {
        this.type = p.tid;
        this.vld = 0
    k.prototype.vvb = function(e, t, n) {
        this.hqc = e;
        this.jqc = t;
        this.vld = this.jqc.wgc() - this.hqc.wgc()
(function() {
    var e = zbb.zcb.dfb;
    e.dfb = function() {
        this.ood = this.nod = this.mod = this.lod = this.kod = 1;
        var e = this;
        this.fxc = {
            gxc: {
                clear: function() {
                    e.pod.clearRect(0, 0, e.pod.qod.width, e.pod.qod.height)
    e.prototype.rod = function(e, t) {
        return "rgba(" + ((e & 16711680) >> 16) + "," + ((e & 65280) >> 8) + "," + (e & 255) + "," + t + ")"
    e.prototype.dfb = function() {
        this.sod = 0
    e.prototype.wqc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.sod = e
    e.prototype.yqc = function() {
        return this.sod
    e.prototype.zqc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.sod |= e
    e.prototype.brc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.sod &= ~e
    e.prototype.crc = function(e) {
        this.pod = e
    e.prototype.erc = function() {
        return this.pod
    e.prototype.frc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.kod = e
    e.prototype.hrc = function() {
        return this.kod
    e.prototype.irc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.lod = e;
        this.pod.tod = e
    e.prototype.krc = function() {
        return this.lod
    e.prototype.lrc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.mod = e
    e.prototype.mrc = function() {
        return this.mod
    e.prototype.nrc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.nod = e
    e.prototype.orc = function() {
        return this.nod
    e.prototype.prc = function(e) {
        void 0 === e && (e = 0);
        this.ood = e
    e.prototype.rrc = function() {
        return this.ood
    e.prototype.trc = function(e, t, n) {
        if (t) {
            var r = this.pod,
                i = this.kod;
            r.strokeStyle = this.rod(n.urc, this.mod);
            r.moveTo(e[0].fm * i, e[0].gm * i);
            for (n = 1; n < t; n++) r.lineTo(e[n].fm * i, e[n].gm * i);
            r.lineTo(e[0].fm * i, e[0].gm * i);
    e.prototype.vrc = function(e, t, n) {
        if (t) {
            var r = this.pod,
                i = this.kod;
            r.strokeStyle = this.rod(n.urc, this.mod);
            r.fillStyle = this.rod(n.urc, this.nod);
            r.moveTo(e[0].fm * i, e[0].gm * i);
            for (n = 1; n < t; n++) r.lineTo(e[n].fm * i, e[n].gm * i);
            r.lineTo(e[0].fm * i, e[0].gm * i);
    e.prototype.wrc = function(e, t, n) {
        if (t) {
            var r = this.pod,
                i = this.kod;
            r.strokeStyle = this.rod(n.urc, this.mod);
            r.arc(e.fm * i, e.gm * i, t * i, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0);
    e.prototype.xrc = function(e, t, n, r) {
        if (t) {
            var i = this.pod,
                s = this.kod,
                o = e.fm * s,
                u = e.gm * s;
            i.moveTo(0, 0);
            i.strokeStyle = this.rod(r.urc, this.mod);
            i.fillStyle = this.rod(r.urc, this.nod);
            i.arc(o, u, t * s, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !0);
            i.moveTo(o, u);
            i.lineTo((e.fm + n.fm * t) * s, (e.gm + n.gm * t) * s);
    e.prototype.zrc = function(e, t, n) {
        var r = this.pod,
            i = this.kod;
        r.strokeStyle = this.rod(n.urc, this.mod);
        r.moveTo(e.fm * i, e.gm * i);
        r.lineTo(t.fm * i, t.gm * i);
    e.prototype.asc = function(e) {
        var t = this.pod,
            n = this.kod;
        t.strokeStyle = this.rod(16711680, this.mod);
        t.moveTo(e.position.fm * n, e.position.gm * n);
        t.lineTo((e.position.fm + this.ood * e.dkb.fkb.fm) * n, (e.position.gm + this.ood * e.dkb.fkb.gm) * n);
        t.strokeStyle = this.rod(65280, this.mod);
        t.moveTo(e.position.fm * n, e.position.gm * n);
        t.lineTo((e.position.fm + this.ood * e.dkb.gkb.fm) * n, (e.position.gm + this.ood * e.dkb.gkb.gm) * n);
for (var dm = 0; dm < zbb.dhb.length; ++dm) zbb.dhb[dm]();
delete zbb.dhb;
var wod = [],
    xod = "None",
    yod = 0,
    zod = 0;
var tpd, upd, vpd, wpd, xpd, ypd, zpd;
aqd.prototype.lpb = function(e) {
    this.eqd = e.eqd;
    this.fqd = e.fqd;
    this.dqd = e.dqd.slice()
var yqd = !1,
    zqd = "Trying to stop non-existing sound.",
    ard = "Trying to draw a non-existing sprite.",
    brd = "Trying to draw a non-existing background.",
    crd = "Cannot compare arguments.",
    drd = "Trying to replace non-existing resource.",
    erd = "File does not exist.",
    frd = "The particle emitter must first be created.",
    grd = -1,
    hrd = [],
    ird = [],
    jrd = 1970,
    krd = 1,
    lrd = 1,
    mrd = 365.25,
    nrd = 30.4375,
    ord = [31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31],
    prd = [],
    qrd = 864e5,
    rrd = 25569;
var urd = [],
    vrd = [],
    wrd = [],
    xrd = Date.now(),
    yrd = function(e) {
        if (asd) {
            var t = String.fromCharCode(10);
            e = e.replace("<b>", "").replace("</b>", "");
            var n = document.getElementById("debug_console");
            n ? n.value += e + t : alert(e);
            xrd = Date.now()
lsd.prototype.rsd = function() {
    for (var e = this.nsd, t = this.msd; e < t.length;) {
        var n = t.charCodeAt(e);
        if (13 == n || 10 == n) {
            n = t.charCodeAt(e);
            13 != n && 10 != n || e++;
        } else e++
    this.nsd = e
lsd.prototype.tsd = function() {
    for (var e = this.nsd, t = this.msd; e < t.length;) {
        var n = t.charCodeAt(e);
        if (13 == n || 10 == n || 9 == n || 32 == n) e++;
        else break
    this.nsd = e
var mtd = jtd;
var hud = iud;
var rvd = !0;
var bwd = fsd,
    cwd = dwd;
var exd = fxd;
var bz = lxd;
var oxd = pxd;
var sxd = txd;
var wxd = xxd;
var byd = cyd;
var eyd = fyd;
var oyd = pyd;
var qyd = ryd;
var gzd = hzd;
var ozd = pzd;
var yzd = zzd;
var bae = cae;
var zxd = dae;
var fae = null;
var zbe = xbe;
var cce = 32767,
    dce = 0,
    floor = Math.floor;
var round = ece,
    tud = ece,
    abs = Math.abs;
var max = Math.max,
    min = Math.min;
var ceil = Math.ceil;
var sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var sce = Math.pow,
    exp = Math.exp,
    tce = Math.log,
    uce = Math.asin,
    vce = Math.acos,
    wce = Math.atan2;
nde.prototype.utc = function() {
    for (var e = this.wde * this.xde, t = 0; t < e; t++) this.aee[t] = 0
var cee = dee;
var tee = uee,
    vee = wee,
    xee = yee,
    zee = afe,
    bfe = cfe,
    dfe = efe,
    ffe = gfe,
    hfe = ife,
    jfe = kfe,
    lfe = mfe,
    nfe = ofe,
    pfe = qfe,
    rfe = sfe,
    tfe = ufe,
    vfe = wfe,
    xfe = yfe,
    zfe = age,
    bge = cge,
    dge = ege,
    fge = gge,
    hge = ige,
    jge = kge,
    lge = mge,
    nge = oge,
    pge = qge,
    rge = sge,
    tge = uge,
    vge = wge,
    xge = yge,
    zge = ahe,
    bhe = che,
    dhe = ehe,
    fhe = ghe,
    hhe = ihe,
    jhe = khe,
    lhe = mhe,
    nhe = ohe,
    phe = qhe,
    rhe = she,
    the = uhe,
    vhe = whe,
    xhe = yhe,
    zhe = aie,
    bie = cie,
    die = eie,
    fie = gie,
    hie = iie;
var lie = mie;
var xie = new yie,
    zie = new yie,
    aje = new yie;
var hje = 0,
    ije = 1,
    jje = 2,
    kje = 3;
var nje = oje;
var dke = eke;
var ske = tke;
var uke = vke;
ole = ple;
var wle = xle;
var ame = bme;
var ume = vme;
var ene = fne;
var gne = hne;
var ine = jne;
var joe, koe, loe, moe, noe, ooe, poe, qoe, roe, soe, toe, uoe, voe = 0,
    woe = aa_1241_kz();
var bpe = new xoe;
cqe.prototype.gqe = function() {
    2 < this.xjb.length && this.fqe.urb.fcc(this.xjb, this.xjb.length)
var hqe = 0,
    iqe = 1,
    jqe = 2,
    kqe = 3,
    lqe = 4,
    mqe = 5,
    nqe = 6,
    oqe = 7,
    pqe = 8,
    qqe = 9,
    rqe = 10,
    sqe = 11,
    tqe = 12,
    uqe = 13,
    vqe = 14,
    wqe = 15,
    xqe = 16;
yqe.prototype.qjd = function(e) {
    if (this.are instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.zgb || this.are instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.vgb) this.are.ezc().gmc(!0), this.are.fzc().gmc(!0), this.are.qjd(e)
cre.prototype.kmc = function(e, t, n, r) {
    this.fre.kmc(new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(n, r), new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(e, t))
cre.prototype.bmc = function(e, t, n, r) {
    this.fre.bmc(new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(n, r), new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(e, t))
cre.prototype.imc = function(e) {
cre.prototype.mre = function(e) {
    this.fre.blc(e * Math.PI / 180)
cre.prototype.ore = function(e) {
    var t = this.fre.zkc().gm;
    this.fre.alc(new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(e, t))
cre.prototype.rre = function(e) {
    var t = this.fre.zkc().fm;
    this.fre.alc(new zbb.ycb.Math.veb(t, e))
cre.prototype.hlc = function(e) {
    this.fre.hlc(e * Math.PI / 180)
cre.prototype.ure = function(e) {
    var t = this.fre.glc();
    this.fre.elc(e, t.gm)
cre.prototype.xre = function(e) {
    var t = this.fre.glc();
    this.fre.elc(t.fm, e)
cre.prototype.boc = function(e) {
cre.prototype.zre = function(e) {
    for (var t = this.fre.moc(); null != t && void 0 != t;) {
        var n = t.lsc(),
            r = this.fre.zkc();
        if (n instanceof zbb.wcb.xcb.heb) nzd((r.fm - n.zlb) * e, (r.gm - n.zlb) * e, (r.fm + n.zlb) * e, (r.gm + n.zlb) * e, !0);
        else if (n instanceof zbb.wcb.xcb.leb)
            for (var i = Math.sin(this.fre.wgc()), s = Math.cos(this.fre.wgc()), o = 0; o < n.vjb; ++o) {
                var u = n.xjb[o],
                    a = n.xjb[(o + 1) % n.vjb];
                ayd((r.fm + (u.fm * s - u.gm * i)) * e, (r.gm + (u.fm * i + u.gm * s)) * e, (r.fm + (a.fm * s - a.gm * i)) * e, (r.gm + (a.fm * i + a.gm * s)) * e)
        t = t.ckc
cre.prototype.hse = function(e) {
    for (var t = this.fre.ooc; null != t && void 0 != t;) {
        var n = t.fpc;
        n instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.zgb ? this.ise(n, e) : n instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.vgb ? this.jse(n, e) : n instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.hgb ? this.kse(n, e) : n instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.xgb ? this.lse(n, e) : n instanceof zbb.zcb.cdb.lgb && (null != n.qhd && this.ise(n.qhd, e), null != n.shd && this.ise(n.shd, e), null != n.rhd && this.jse(n.rhd, e), null != n.thd && this.jse(n.thd, e));
        t = t.ckc
cre.prototype.kse = function(e, t) {
    var n = e.gzc(),
        r = e.hzc();
    ayd(n.fm * t, n.gm * t, r.fm * t, r.gm * t)
cre.prototype.ise = function(e, t) {
    var n = e.gzc();
    ayd(n.fm * t - 2, n.gm * t - 2, n.fm * t + 2, n.gm * t + 2);
    ayd(n.fm * t - 2, n.gm * t + 2, n.fm * t + 2, n.gm * t - 2)
cre.prototype.jse = function(e, t) {
    var n = e.gzc(),
        r = this.fre.zkc();
    ayd(n.fm * t, n.gm * t, r.fm * t, r.gm * t)
cre.prototype.lse = function(e, t) {
    var n, r;
    e.qse() == this.fre ? (n = e.gzc(), r = e.mzc()) : (n = e.hzc(), r = e.nzc());
    ayd(n.fm * t, n.gm * t, r.fm * t, r.gm * t);
    ayd(e.mzc().fm * t, e.mzc().gm * t, e.nzc().fm * t, e.nzc().gm * t)
var rse = 10,
    sse = 16,
    tse = 0;
ete.prototype.tvc = function() {
    var e = new zbb.zcb.dfb;
    e.frc(1 / this.lte);
    e.wqc(zbb.zcb.dfb.bsc | zbb.zcb.dfb.csc);
ete.prototype.svc = function() {
    var e = new zbb.zcb.bfb;
    e.qte = this;
    e.tpc = function(e) {
    e.vpc = function(e, t) {};
    e.xpc = function(e, t) {};
    e.upc = function(e) {};
ete.prototype.rte = function(e) {
    this.nkc[this.nkc.length] = new use(e)
ete.prototype.uqc = function(e) {
    if (!(0 >= e)) {
        for (var t = 1 / this.mte, n = e = this.mte / e; 0 < n;) this.tjc.zwc(1 < n ? t : t * n, this.nte, this.nte), this.tjc.oub(), n -= 1;
        tse += t * e;
ete.prototype.yte = function() {
    for (var e = 1 / this.lte, t = this.tjc.dyc(); null != t && void 0 != t;) {
        var n = t.atb();
        null != n && void 0 != n && (n.fm = t.zkc().fm * e, n.gm = t.zkc().gm * e, n.vab = 180 * -t.wgc() / ice, n.cue = 180 * t.wgc() / Math.PI, n.due = n.fm, n.eue = n.gm, n.fue = 180 * t.klc() / Math.PI, n.gue = t.glc().fm * e, n.hue = t.glc().gm * e, n.iue = n.gue / ebe.jue(), n.kue = n.hue / ebe.jue(), n.lue = t.doc(), n.mue = t.bnc(), n.nue = t.dnc(), n.oue = t.clc().fm, n.pue = t.clc().gm, n.que = t.jmb == zbb.zcb.xeb.flc ? !1 : !0, n.rue = !1, n.sue = !t.fmc());
        t = t.soc()
ete.prototype.zte = function() {
    for (var e = 1 / this.lte, t = 0; t < this.nkc.length; t++) {
        var n = this.nkc[t].wse,
            r = this.nkc[t].xse,
            i = this.nkc[t].yse,
            s = this.nkc[t].xlb,
            o = i.mzb.lpb();
        n.xue = this.nkc[t].xlb;
        n.yue.__phy_collision_x__ = new zue("__phy_collision_x__", s);
        n.yue.__phy_collision_y__ = new zue("__phy_collision_y__", s);
        n.yue.__phy_col_normal_x__ = new zue("__phy_col_normal_x__", s);
        n.yue.__phy_col_normal_y__ = new zue("__phy_col_normal_y__", s);
        r.xue = this.nkc[t].xlb;
        r.yue.__phy_collision_x__ = new zue("__phy_collision_x__", s);
        r.yue.__phy_collision_y__ = new zue("__phy_collision_y__", s);
        r.yue.__phy_col_normal_x__ = new zue("__phy_col_normal_x__", s);
        r.yue.__phy_col_normal_y__ = new zue("__phy_col_normal_y__", s);
        for (s = 0; s < this.nkc[t].xlb; s++) by(n, "__phy_collision_x__", s, i.tnb[s].fm * e), by(n, "__phy_collision_y__", s, i.tnb[s].gm * e), by(n, "__phy_col_normal_x__", s, o.fm), by(n, "__phy_col_normal_y__", s, o.gm), by(r, "__phy_collision_x__", s, i.tnb[s].fm * e), by(r, "__phy_collision_y__", s, i.tnb[s].gm * e), by(r, "__phy_col_normal_x__", s, o.fm), by(r, "__phy_col_normal_y__", s, o.gm);
        n.hvd(ave, r.iy, n, r);
        r.hvd(ave, n.iy, r, n)
    this.nkc = []
ete.prototype.rmc = function(e, t) {
    var n = 0,
        n = this.eve(t.iy); - 1 != n ? (e.fqe.rsc.opc = this.ote[n].opc, e.fqe.rsc.npc = this.ote[n].npc) : (e.fqe.rsc.opc = 0, e.fqe.rsc.npc = 0);
    var r = new zbb.zcb.yeb;
    r.type = 0 == e.fqe.hac ? zbb.zcb.xeb.flc : zbb.zcb.xeb.emc;
    r.position.fm = t.fm * this.lte;
    r.position.gm = t.gm * this.lte;
    r.ylc = e.zlc;
    r.plc = e.qlc;
    r.hsb = t;
    r = this.tjc.rmc(r);
    n = new cre(r, n);
    t.hve = n;
    return n
ete.prototype.xvc = function(e) {
ete.prototype.zvc = function(e) {
ete.prototype.lve = function(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < sse; t++)
        if (this.ote[t].dte == e) return t;
    return -1
ete.prototype.mve = function(e) {
    var t = this.lve(e);
    if (-1 != t) return t;
    for (t = 0; t < sse; t++)
        if (-1 == this.ote[t].dte) return this.ote[t].dte = e, this.ote[t].opc = 1 << t, this.ote[t].npc = 0, t;
    return -1
ete.prototype.ove = function(e) {
    var t = [],
    for (n in rve)
        for (var r in rve[n]) {
            var i = -1;
            n == e ? i = r : r == e && (i = n); - 1 != i && (t[t.length] = i)
    return t
ete.prototype.tve = function(e) {
    var t = this.ove(e);
    for (e = dbe.pqd(e); 0 <= e.yvd && dbe.pqd(e.yvd);) e = dbe.pqd(e.yvd), t = t.concat(this.ove(e.wve));
    return t
ete.prototype.eve = function(e) {
    var t = this.lve(e);
    if (-1 != t) return t;
    var n = this.ove(e),
        r = e;
    if (0 == n.length) {
        for (var i = dbe.pqd(e); 0 <= i.yvd && dbe.pqd(i.yvd);)
            if (i = dbe.pqd(i.yvd), r = i.wve, n = this.ove(r), 0 != n.length) {
                t = this.lve(r);
        if (0 == n.length) return -1
    if (-1 == t && (t = this.mve(r), -1 == t)) return -1;
    n = this.tve(e);
    for (e = 0; e < n.length; ++e)
        for (r = 0; r < sse; ++r) this.ote[r].dte == n[e] && (this.ote[t].npc |= this.ote[r].opc, this.ote[r].npc |= this.ote[t].opc);
    return t
ete.prototype.ive = function() {
    for (var e = this.tjc.dyc(); null != e && void 0 != e;) {
        var t = e.atb();
        if (null != t && void 0 != t) {
            var n = t.hve.gre;
            if (-1 != n)
                for (t = new zbb.zcb.ffb, t.opc = this.ote[n].opc, t.npc = this.ote[n].npc, n = e.moc(); null != n && void 0 != n;) t.lpc = n.jpc().lpc, n.qsc(t), n = n.ckc
        e = e.soc()
var bwe = !1,
    cwe = -1,
    dwe = -1,
    ewe = 0,
    fwe = 1,
    gwe = 2,
    hwe = 3,
    iwe = 4,
    jwe = 5,
    kwe = 6,
    lwe = 7,
    mwe = 8,
    nwe = 9,
    owe = 10,
    pwe = 11,
    qwe = [0, 0, 0],
    rwe = [0, 0, 0],
    swe = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
    twe = [0, 0, 0],
    uwe = [0, 0, 0],
    vwe = [0, 0, 0],
    wwe = [0, 0, 0],
    xwe = [0, 0, 0],
    ywe = [0, 0, 0],
    zwe = [0, 0, 0],
    axe = 0,
    bxe = 0;
var ice = 3.14159265,
    qgf = !0,
    rgf = !1,
    sgf = !0,
    fpe = 0,
    tgf = -1,
    ugf = 0,
    vgf = 1,
    wgf = 2,
    hpe = 0;
xgf = -1;
ygf = 0;
zgf = 1;
ahf = 2;
bhf = 3;
chf = 4;
dhf = 5;
ehf = 6;
dpe = 0;
ygf = -1;
ghf = fhf = 0;
hhf = 1;
ihf = 2;
jhf = 3;
khf = 4;
lhf = 5;
mhf = 6;
jpe = 0;
nhf = -1;
ohf = -100;
phf = -200;
qhf = -300;
rhf = -400;
shf = -1;
thf = -2;
ede = -3;
zae = -4;
uhf = -5;
vhf = -7;
whf = -6;
var gbe = 0,
    hbe = 256,
    cbf = 512,
    xhf = 768,
    ave = 1024,
    ccf = 1280,
    yhf = 1536,
    nye = 1792,
    igf = 2048,
    kgf = 2304,
    mgf = 2560,
    ogf = 2816,
    xbf = xhf | 1,
    vbf = xhf | 2,
    zbf = xhf | 3,
    kye = nye | 1,
    oye = nye | 2,
    cef = nye | 3,
    eef = nye | 4,
    gef = nye | 5,
    ief = nye | 6,
    kef = nye | 7,
    mef = nye | 8,
    oef = nye | 9,
    qef = nye | 10,
    sef = nye | 11,
    uef = nye | 12,
    wef = nye | 13,
    xef = nye | 14;
zef = nye | 15;
bff = nye | 16;
dff = nye | 17;
fff = nye | 18;
hff = nye | 19;
jff = nye | 20;
lff = nye | 21;
nff = nye | 22;
pff = nye | 23;
rff = nye | 24;
tff = nye | 25;
vff = nye | 26;
xff = nye | 27;
zff = nye | 28;
bgf = nye | 29;
dgf = nye | 60;
fgf = nye | 61;
zhf = nye | 62;
tze = yhf | 1;
vze = yhf | 2;
uze = yhf | 3;
wze = yhf | 4;
yze = yhf | 5;
xze = yhf | 6;
zze = yhf | 7;
baf = yhf | 8;
aaf = yhf | 9;
naf = yhf | 10;
aif = yhf | 11;
bif = yhf | 12;
oaf = yhf | 13;
cif = yhf | 14;
dif = yhf | 15;
paf = yhf | 16;
eif = yhf | 17;
fif = yhf | 18;
caf = yhf | 19;
daf = yhf | 20;
eaf = yhf | 21;
hbf = cbf | 1;
ibf = cbf | 2;
jbf = cbf | 3;
kbf = cbf | 4;
lbf = cbf | 5;
mbf = cbf | 6;
nbf = cbf | 7;
obf = cbf | 8;
pbf = cbf | 9;
qbf = cbf | 10;
rbf = cbf | 11;
sbf = cbf | 12;
ebf = 0;
fbf = 1;
gbf = 2;
tbf = 3;
acf = 4;
bcf = 5;
dcf = 6;
tvd = 7;
hgf = 8;
jgf = 9;
lgf = 10;
ngf = 11;
ecf = 0;
fcf = 1;
gcf = 2;
hcf = 3;
icf = 4;
jcf = 5;
kcf = 6;
lcf = 7;
mcf = 8;
ncf = 9;
ocf = 10;
pcf = 11;
qcf = 16;
rcf = 17;
scf = 18;
tcf = 19;
ucf = 21;
vcf = 22;
wcf = 23;
xcf = 24;
ycf = 25;
zcf = 26;
adf = 27;
bdf = 28;
cdf = 31;
ddf = 32;
edf = 33;
fdf = 34;
gdf = 36;
hdf = 37;
idf = 38;
jdf = 39;
kdf = 40;
ldf = 41;
mdf = 42;
ndf = 43;
odf = 50;
pdf = 51;
qdf = 52;
rdf = 53;
sdf = 54;
tdf = 55;
udf = 56;
vdf = 57;
wdf = 58;
xdf = 60;
ydf = 61;
wbf = 0;
ubf = 1;
ybf = 2;
zdf = 0;
aef = 1;
bef = 2;
def = 3;
fef = 4;
hef = 5;
jef = 6;
lef = 7;
nef = 8;
pef = 9;
ref = 30;
tef = 40;
vef = 50;
svd = 10;
yef = 11;
aff = 12;
cff = 13;
eff = 14;
gff = 15;
iff = 16;
kff = 17;
mff = 18;
off = 19;
qff = 20;
sff = 21;
uff = 22;
wff = 23;
yff = 24;
agf = 25;
cgf = 60;
egf = 61;
gif = kgf | 0;
hif = kgf | 1;
iif = kgf | 1;
jif = kgf | 8;
kif = kgf | 9;
lif = kgf | 13;
mif = kgf | 16;
nif = kgf | 17;
oif = kgf | 18;
pif = kgf | 19;
qif = kgf | 27;
rif = kgf | 32;
sif = kgf | 33;
tif = kgf | 34;
uif = kgf | 35;
vif = kgf | 36;
wif = kgf | 37;
xif = kgf | 38;
yif = kgf | 39;
zif = kgf | 40;
ajf = kgf | 45;
bjf = kgf | 46;
cjf = kgf | 48;
djf = kgf | 49;
ejf = kgf | 50;
fjf = kgf | 51;
gjf = kgf | 52;
hjf = kgf | 53;
ijf = kgf | 54;
jjf = kgf | 55;
kjf = kgf | 56;
ljf = kgf | 57;
mjf = kgf | 65;
njf = kgf | 66;
ojf = kgf | 67;
pjf = kgf | 68;
qjf = kgf | 69;
rjf = kgf | 70;
sjf = kgf | 71;
tjf = kgf | 72;
ujf = kgf | 73;
vjf = kgf | 74;
wjf = kgf | 75;
xjf = kgf | 76;
yjf = kgf | 77;
zjf = kgf | 78;
akf = kgf | 79;
bkf = kgf | 80;
ckf = kgf | 81;
dkf = kgf | 82;
ekf = kgf | 83;
fkf = kgf | 84;
gkf = kgf | 85;
hkf = kgf | 86;
ikf = kgf | 87;
jkf = kgf | 88;
kkf = kgf | 89;
lkf = kgf | 90;
mkf = kgf | 112;
nkf = kgf | 113;
okf = kgf | 114;
pkf = kgf | 115;
qkf = kgf | 116;
rkf = kgf | 117;
skf = kgf | 118;
tkf = kgf | 119;
ukf = kgf | 120;
vkf = kgf | 121;
wkf = kgf | 122;
xkf = kgf | 123;
ykf = kgf | 145;
zkf = kgf | 186;
alf = kgf | 187;
blf = kgf | 188;
clf = kgf | 189;
dlf = kgf | 190;
elf = kgf | 191;
flf = kgf | 192;
glf = kgf | 219;
hlf = kgf | 220;
ilf = kgf | 221;
jlf = kgf | 222;
klf = kgf | 223;
llf = kgf | 144;
mlf = kgf | 96;
nlf = kgf | 97;
olf = kgf | 98;
plf = kgf | 99;
qlf = kgf | 100;
rlf = kgf | 101;
slf = kgf | 102;
tlf = kgf | 103;
ulf = kgf | 104;
vlf = kgf | 105;
wlf = kgf | 106;
xlf = kgf | 107;
ylf = kgf | 109;
zlf = kgf | 110;
amf = kgf | 111;
bmf = ccf | 0;
cmf = ccf | 1;
dmf = ccf | 1;
emf = ccf | 8;
fmf = ccf | 9;
gmf = ccf | 13;
hmf = ccf | 16;
imf = ccf | 17;
jmf = ccf | 18;
kmf = ccf | 19;
lmf = ccf | 27;
mmf = ccf | 32;
nmf = ccf | 33;
omf = ccf | 34;
pmf = ccf | 35;
qmf = ccf | 36;
rmf = ccf | 37;
smf = ccf | 38;
tmf = ccf | 39;
umf = ccf | 40;
vmf = ccf | 45;
wmf = ccf | 46;
xmf = ccf | 48;
ymf = ccf | 49;
zmf = ccf | 50;
anf = ccf | 51;
bnf = ccf | 52;
cnf = ccf | 53;
dnf = ccf | 54;
enf = ccf | 55;
fnf = ccf | 56;
gnf = ccf | 57;
hnf = ccf | 65;
inf = ccf | 66;
jnf = ccf | 67;
knf = ccf | 68;
lnf = ccf | 69;
mnf = ccf | 70;
nnf = ccf | 71;
onf = ccf | 72;
pnf = ccf | 73;
qnf = ccf | 74;
rnf = ccf | 75;
snf = ccf | 76;
tnf = ccf | 77;
unf = ccf | 78;
vnf = ccf | 79;
wnf = ccf | 80;
xnf = ccf | 81;
ynf = ccf | 82;
znf = ccf | 83;
aof = ccf | 84;
bof = ccf | 85;
cof = ccf | 86;
dof = ccf | 87;
eof = ccf | 88;
fof = ccf | 89;
gof = ccf | 90;
hof = ccf | 112;
iof = ccf | 113;
jof = ccf | 114;
kof = ccf | 115;
lof = ccf | 116;
mof = ccf | 117;
nof = ccf | 118;
oof = ccf | 119;
pof = ccf | 120;
qof = ccf | 121;
rof = ccf | 122;
sof = ccf | 123;
tof = ccf | 145;
uof = ccf | 186;
vof = ccf | 187;
wof = ccf | 188;
xof = ccf | 189;
yof = ccf | 190;
zof = ccf | 191;
apf = ccf | 192;
bpf = ccf | 219;
cpf = ccf | 220;
dpf = ccf | 221;
epf = ccf | 222;
fpf = ccf | 223;
gpf = ccf | 144;
hpf = ccf | 96;
ipf = ccf | 97;
jpf = ccf | 98;
kpf = ccf | 99;
lpf = ccf | 100;
mpf = ccf | 101;
npf = ccf | 102;
opf = ccf | 103;
ppf = ccf | 104;
qpf = ccf | 105;
rpf = ccf | 106;
spf = ccf | 107;
tpf = ccf | 109;
upf = ccf | 110;
vpf = ccf | 111;
wpf = mgf | 0;
xpf = mgf | 1;
ypf = mgf | 1;
zpf = mgf | 8;
aqf = mgf | 9;
bqf = mgf | 13;
cqf = mgf | 16;
dqf = mgf | 17;
eqf = mgf | 18;
fqf = mgf | 19;
gqf = mgf | 27;
hqf = mgf | 32;
iqf = mgf | 33;
jqf = mgf | 34;
kqf = mgf | 35;
lqf = mgf | 36;
mqf = mgf | 37;
nqf = mgf | 38;
oqf = mgf | 39;
pqf = mgf | 40;
qqf = mgf | 45;
rqf = mgf | 46;
sqf = mgf | 48;
tqf = mgf | 49;
uqf = mgf | 50;
vqf = mgf | 51;
wqf = mgf | 52;
xqf = mgf | 53;
yqf = mgf | 54;
zqf = mgf | 55;
arf = mgf | 56;
brf = mgf | 57;
crf = mgf | 65;
drf = mgf | 66;
erf = mgf | 67;
frf = mgf | 68;
grf = mgf | 69;
hrf = mgf | 70;
irf = mgf | 71;
jrf = mgf | 72;
krf = mgf | 73;
lrf = mgf | 74;
mrf = mgf | 75;
nrf = mgf | 76;
orf = mgf | 77;
prf = mgf | 78;
qrf = mgf | 79;
rrf = mgf | 80;
srf = mgf | 81;
trf = mgf | 82;
urf = mgf | 83;
vrf = mgf | 84;
wrf = mgf | 85;
xrf = mgf | 86;
yrf = mgf | 87;
zrf = mgf | 88;
asf = mgf | 89;
bsf = mgf | 90;
csf = mgf | 112;
dsf = mgf | 113;
esf = mgf | 114;
fsf = mgf | 115;
gsf = mgf | 116;
hsf = mgf | 117;
isf = mgf | 118;
jsf = mgf | 119;
ksf = mgf | 120;
lsf = mgf | 121;
msf = mgf | 122;
nsf = mgf | 123;
osf = mgf | 145;
psf = mgf | 186;
qsf = mgf | 187;
rsf = mgf | 188;
ssf = mgf | 189;
tsf = mgf | 190;
usf = mgf | 191;
vsf = mgf | 192;
wsf = mgf | 219;
xsf = mgf | 220;
ysf = mgf | 221;
zsf = mgf | 222;
atf = mgf | 223;
btf = mgf | 144;
ctf = mgf | 96;
dtf = mgf | 97;
etf = mgf | 98;
ftf = mgf | 99;
gtf = mgf | 100;
htf = mgf | 101;
itf = mgf | 102;
jtf = mgf | 103;
ktf = mgf | 104;
ltf = mgf | 105;
mtf = mgf | 106;
ntf = mgf | 107;
otf = mgf | 109;
ptf = mgf | 110;
qtf = mgf | 111;
var rtf = 0,
    stf = 1,
    ttf = 2,
    bbf = 12,
    utf = 8,
    vtf = 8,
    wtf = 1,
    xtf = 10,
    ezd = 0,
    ytf = 128,
    ztf = 32768,
    auf = 32896,
    buf = 8388608,
    cuf = 8388736,
    duf = 8421376,
    euf = 8421504,
    fuf = 12632256,
    guf = 255,
    huf = 65280,
    iuf = 65535,
    juf = 16711680,
    kuf = 16711935,
    luf = 16776960,
    muf = 12632256,
    nuf = 8421504,
    ouf = 16777215,
    puf = 12639424,
    quf = 15780518,
    ruf = 15793151,
    suf = 10789024,
    global = dbe = maf = jpd = cje = hw = tuf = uuf = vuf = wuf = rve = rie = nvd = xuf = ebe = yuf = hze = zuf = avf = bvf = cvf = dvf = evf = kqd = fvf = fee = sqd = gvf = hke = hvf = ivf = kud = lud = jvf = mud = kvf = lvf = mvf = nvf = ovf = pvf = qvf = rvf = mze = dme = cme = eme = fme = svf = tvf = uvf = vvf = wvf = xvf = yvf = zvf = awf = bwf = cwf = dwf = null,
    ewf = fwf = !0,
    iae, gwf = hwf = iwf = jwf = kwf = asd = zle = lwf = mwf = dvd = nwf = !1,
    owf = eje = pwf = qwf = rwf = swf = twf = uwf = vwf = wwf = xwf = ywf = zwf = axf = bxf = dxd = zwd = ywd = axd = cxd = cxf = dxf = exf = fxf = gxf = hxf = ixf = jxf = kxf = lxf = xvd = zvd = awd = mxf = nxf = oxf = pxf = qxf = rxf = sxf = txf = 0;
uxf = vxf = wxf = xxf = yxf = zxf = ayf = byf = cyf = dyf = eyf = fyf = gyf = hyf = iyf = jyf = kyf = lyf = myf = nyf = oyf = pyf = qyf = ryf = jxe = syf = tyf = uyf = vyf = wyf = xyf = yyf = zyf = azf = 0;
var sje = "canvas";
var lag = {
    mag: function() {
        this.browser = this.searchString(this.dataBrowser) || "An unknown browser";
        this.version = this.searchVersion(navigator.userAgent) || this.searchVersion(navigator.appVersion) || "an unknown version";
        this.nag = this.searchString(this.dataOS) || "an unknown OS";
        this.oag = this.pag()
    pag: function() {
        return -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("CPU OS 5_") ? 5 : -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("CPU OS 4_") ? 4 : -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("CPU OS 3_") ? 3 : -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android 4") ? 4 : -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android 3") ? 3 : -1 != navigator.appVersion.indexOf("Android 2") ? 2 : nhf
    searchString: function(e) {
        for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
            var n = e[t].ez,
                r = e[t].prop;
            this.versionSearchString = e[t].versionSearch || e[t].identity;
            if (n) {
                if (-1 != n.indexOf(e[t].sag)) return e[t].identity
            } else if (r) return e[t].identity
    searchVersion: function(e) {
        var t = e.indexOf(this.versionSearchString);
        if (-1 != t) return parseFloat(e.substring(t + this.versionSearchString.length + 1))
    dataBrowser: [{
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "Chrome",
        identity: "Chrome"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "OmniWeb",
        versionSearch: "OmniWeb/",
        identity: "OmniWeb"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.vendor,
        sag: "Apple",
        identity: "Safari",
        versionSearch: "Version"
    }, {
        prop: window.opera,
        identity: "Opera"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.vendor,
        sag: "iCab",
        identity: "iCab"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.vendor,
        sag: "KDE",
        identity: "Konqueror"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "Firefox",
        identity: "Firefox"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "IceWeasel",
        identity: "IceWeasel"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.vendor,
        sag: "Camino",
        identity: "Camino"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "Netscape",
        identity: "Netscape"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "MSIE",
        identity: "Explorer",
        versionSearch: "MSIE"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "Gecko",
        identity: "Mozilla",
        versionSearch: "rv"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "Mozilla",
        identity: "Netscape",
        versionSearch: "Mozilla"
    dataOS: [{
        ez: navigator.platform,
        sag: "Win",
        identity: "Windows"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.platform,
        sag: "Mac",
        identity: "Mac"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "iPhone",
        identity: "iPhone"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "iPod",
        identity: "iPhone"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "iPad",
        identity: "iPad"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.userAgent,
        sag: "Android",
        identity: "Android"
    }, {
        ez: navigator.platform,
        sag: "Linux",
        identity: "Linux"
var tag = 0,
    uag = 0,
    vag = 0,
    wag = 0,
    xag = null,
    yag = null;
var ieg = 0,
    jeg = 1,
    keg = 2,
    leg = 3,
    meg = 4,
    neg = 5,
    oeg = 6,
    peg = 7,
    qeg = 8,
    reg = 9,
    seg = 10,
    teg = 11,
    ueg = 12,
    veg = 13,
    weg = 14,
    xeg = 15;
yeg.prototype.afg = function(e) {
    this.uub[1] = this.uub[2] = this.uub[3] = this.uub[4] = this.uub[6] = this.uub[7] = this.uub[8] = this.uub[9] = this.uub[11] = this.uub[12] = this.uub[13] = this.uub[14] = 0;
    this.uub[0] = this.uub[5] = this.uub[10] = this.uub[15] = 1
yeg.prototype.bfg = function(e, t, n) {
    n = new gfg(n);
    var r = new gfg;
    t = t.jfg(e);
    r.lfg(n, t);
    n.lfg(t, r);
    var i = e.nfg(r),
        s = e.nfg(n);
    e = e.nfg(t);
    this.uub[ieg] = r.mfg;
    this.uub[jeg] = n.mfg;
    this.uub[keg] = t.mfg;
    this.uub[leg] = 0;
    this.uub[meg] = r.ofg;
    this.uub[neg] = n.ofg;
    this.uub[oeg] = t.ofg;
    this.uub[peg] = 0;
    this.uub[qeg] = r.pfg;
    this.uub[reg] = n.pfg;
    this.uub[seg] = t.pfg;
    this.uub[teg] = 0;
    this.uub[ueg] = -i;
    this.uub[veg] = -s;
    this.uub[weg] = -e;
    this.uub[xeg] = 1
yeg.prototype.qfg = function(e, t, n, r) {
    this.uub[ieg] = 2 / e;
    this.uub[jeg] = this.uub[keg] = 0;
    this.uub[leg] = 0;
    this.uub[neg] = 2 / t;
    this.uub[meg] = this.uub[oeg] = 0;
    this.uub[peg] = 0;
    this.uub[qeg] = this.uub[reg] = 0;
    this.uub[seg] = 1 / (r - n);
    this.uub[teg] = 0;
    this.uub[ueg] = this.uub[veg] = 0;
    this.uub[weg] = n / (n - r);
    this.uub[xeg] = 1
var tfg = !0;
gfg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    return new gfg(this.mfg + e.mfg, this.ofg + e.ofg, this.pfg + e.pfg)
gfg.prototype.jfg = function(e) {
    return new gfg(this.mfg - e.mfg, this.ofg - e.ofg, this.pfg - e.pfg)
gfg.prototype.wie = function(e) {
    return new gfg(e * this.mfg, e * this.ofg, e * this.pfg)
gfg.prototype.kfg = function() {
    var e = 1 / Math.sqrt(this.mfg * this.mfg + this.ofg * this.ofg + this.pfg * this.pfg);
    this.mfg *= e;
    this.ofg *= e;
    this.pfg *= e
gfg.prototype.lfg = function(e, t) {
    this.mfg = e.ofg * t.pfg - e.pfg * t.ofg;
    this.ofg = e.pfg * t.mfg - e.mfg * t.pfg;
    this.pfg = e.mfg * t.ofg - e.ofg * t.mfg
gfg.prototype.nfg = function(e) {
    return this.mfg * e.mfg + this.ofg * e.ofg + this.pfg * e.pfg
yie.prototype.uzf = function() {
    var e;
    return 0 == this.dtb.length ? (e = this.xad.length, this.xad[e] = null, e) : this.dtb.pop()
yie.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    var t = this.uzf();
    this.xad[t] = e;
    this.length = this.xad.length;
    return t
yie.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    e = this.xad[e];
    void 0 == e && (e = null);
    return e
yie.prototype.cgg = function(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < this.xad.length; t++)
        if (this.xad[t] == e) return t;
    return -1
yie.prototype.egg = function(e) {
    e = cgg(e);
    0 > e || (xad[e] = null, dtb.push(e), this.etb--)
yie.prototype.uqd = function(e) {
    0 > e || e >= this.xad.length || (this.xad[e] = null, this.dtb.push(e), this.etb--)
yie.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.xad = [];
    this.dtb = [];
    this.etb = 0;
    this.length = this.xad.length
yie.prototype.kjb = function(e, t) {
    0 > e || e >= this.xad.length || (this.xad[e] = t)
var fgg = 0,
    ggg = 1,
    hgg = 2,
    igg = 3,
    jgg = 4,
    kgg = 5,
    lgg = 0,
    mgg = 1,
    ngg = -1,
    ogg = [],
    pgg = [];
mbg.prototype.jee = function() {
    return this.xad
mbg.prototype.cjc = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = new sgg;
    i.ugg = e;
    i.tgg = t;
    i.wgg = r;
    i.xgg = n;
    qgg(r, i)
mbg.prototype.chg = function() {
    var e = qqd();
    hw.ehg = e;
    for (var t = this.xad.xad, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        var r = t[n];
        null != r && r.ygg && (vqd(e), r.xgg == kgg ? (xqd(e, "filename", ""), xqd(e, "url", r.tgg), xqd(e, "result", r.fhg), xqd(e, "http_status", r.ghg)) : (xqd(e, "url", ""), xqd(e, "result", ""), xqd(e, "http_status", 0), xqd(e, "filename", r.tgg)), xqd(e, "id", r.ugg), xqd(e, "status", r.vgg), r.xgg == ggg ? dbe.hhg(dgf, 0) : r.xgg == hgg ? dbe.hhg(dgf, 0) : r.xgg == igg ? dbe.hhg(dgf, 0) : r.xgg == jgg ? dbe.hhg(fgf, 0) : r.xgg == kgg && dbe.hhg(zhf, 0), this.xad.uqd(n))
    hw.ehg = -1
nhg.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.ohg = this.om = !1;
    this.mu = -1;
    this.gm = this.fm = 0;
    this.rhg = this.phg = !0;
    this.thg = this.shg = 0;
    this.xhg = this.whg = 1;
    this.uhg = !1;
    this.syb = 1;
    this.vhg = 16777215
hbg.prototype.ceg = function(e) {
    return this.yhg[e]
hbg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.zhg[e]
hbg.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.zhg = [];
    length = 0
hbg.prototype.beg = function(e) {
    var t = null;
    null != e && (t = khg(e));
    return this.cig(t)
hbg.prototype.cig = function(e) {
    var t = this.yhg.length;
    this.yhg[t] = e;
    this.length = t + 1;
    return t
hbg.prototype.cjc = function(a) {
    with(this) {
        var b = null;
        null != a && (b = new nhg(a));
        zhg[zhg.length] = b
abg.prototype.qz = function() {
    return ebe.ou
abg.prototype.ky = function(e) {
    var t = 0,
        t = this.ly;
    this.ly = e;
    0 < t && 0 >= this.ly && maf.hvd(qef, 0)
abg.prototype.lpb = function(e) {
    for (var t in e) this[t] = e[t]
var flg = 0,
    glg = 1,
    hlg = 2,
    ilg = 3,
    jlg = 4,
    klg = 5,
    llg = 6,
    mlg = 7,
    nlg = 8,
    olg = 9,
    plg = 10,
    qlg = 11,
    rlg = 12,
    slg = 13,
    tlg = 14;
ulg.prototype.tub = function(e, t) {
    this.vlg.length = 0;
    this.xlg = [];
    this.xlg[0] = 1;
    this.xlg[1] = 1;
    this.ylg = void 0
ulg.prototype.zlg = function(e, t) {
    this.xlg[e] != t && (this.xlg[e] = t, this.vlg.push(glg), this.vlg.push(t))
ulg.prototype.amg = function(e) {
    this.ylg != e && (this.ylg = e, this.vlg.push(qlg), this.vlg.push(e))
ulg.prototype.cmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.fmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.gmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.hmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.jmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.kmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.lmg = function(e) {
    e = new yeg(e);
ulg.prototype.nmg = function(e) {
    e = new yeg(e);
ulg.prototype.omg = function(e, t, n, r) {
ulg.prototype.pmg = function(e, t) {
ulg.prototype.rmg = function(e) {
ulg.prototype.tmg = function() {
    var e, t;
    e = 0;
    t = this.vlg;
    uvf.blendFuncSeparate(uvf.SRC_ALPHA, uvf.ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA, uvf.ONE, uvf.ONE);
    for (uvf.activeTexture(uvf.TEXTURE0); e < t.length;) switch (t[e]) {
        case nlg:
            uvf.uniformMatrix4fv(uvf.umg.vmg, !1, t[e + 1].uub);
            e += 2;
        case olg:
            uvf.uniformMatrix4fv(uvf.umg.wmg, !1, t[e + 1].uub);
            e += 2;
        case rlg:
            var n = t[e + 2];
            uvf.clearColor((n & 255) / 255, (n >> 8 & 255) / 255, (n >> 16 & 255) / 255, (n >> 24 & 255) / 255);
            uvf.clear(t[e + 1]);
            e += 3;
        case plg:
            uvf.viewport(t[e + 1], t[e + 2], t[e + 3], t[e + 4]);
            e += 5;
        case slg:
            uvf.bindFramebuffer(uvf.FRAMEBUFFER, t[e + 1]);
            e += 2;
        case tlg:
            uvf.colorMask(t[e + 2], t[e + 3], t[e + 4], t[e + 1]);
            e += 5;
        case glg:
            n = t[e + 1];
            null == n && (n = uvf.xmg.bke);
            uvf.bindTexture(uvf.TEXTURE_2D, n.ymg);
            uvf.uniform1i(uvf.umg.zmg, 0);
            uvf.uniform2f(uvf.umg.ang, 1 / n.eqd, 1 / n.fqd);
            e += 2;
        case qlg:
            n = t[e + 1];
            n.cng && n.dng();
            n.eng = fng;
            uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, n.gng);
            uvf.vertexAttribPointer(uvf.umg.hng, 2, uvf.SHORT, !1, 0, 0);
            uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, n.ing);
            uvf.vertexAttribPointer(uvf.umg.jng, 4, uvf.UNSIGNED_BYTE, !0, 0, 0);
            uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, n.kng);
            uvf.vertexAttribPointer(uvf.umg.lng, 2, uvf.SHORT, !1, 0, 0);
            e += 2;
        case hlg:
            uvf.drawArrays(uvf.TRIANGLES, t[e + 1], t[e + 2]);
            e += 3;
        case ilg:
            uvf.drawArrays(uvf.TRIANGLE_FAN, t[e + 1], t[e + 2]);
            e += 3;
        case jlg:
            uvf.drawArrays(uvf.TRIANGLE_STRIP, t[e + 1], t[e + 2]);
            e += 3;
        case klg:
            uvf.drawArrays(uvf.LINES, t[e + 1], t[e + 2]);
            e += 3;
        case llg:
            uvf.drawArrays(uvf.LINE_STRIP, t[e + 1], t[e + 2]);
            e += 3;
        case mlg:
            uvf.drawArrays(uvf.POINT, t[e + 1], t[e + 2]), e += 3
vtd.prototype.ong = function(e) {
    this.sj = e.sj;
    this.ltd = e.yl;
    this.sl = e.sl;
    this.bold = e.bold;
    this.tl = e.tl;
    this.ul = e.ul & 65535;
    this.wtd = !1;
    this.wl = this.xl = 0;
    0 !== (e.ul >> 16 & 255) && (this.wl = e.ul >> 16 & 255);
    0 !== (e.ul >> 24 & 255) && (this.xl = (e.ul >> 24 & 255) - 1);
    this.vl = e.vl;
    this.mng = e.am;
    this.nng = e.bm;
    this.cm = [];
    var t = 99999999,
        n = -99999999,
    for (r in e.cm) {
        var i = -2;
        qng = e.cm[r];
        void 0 != qng.em ? i = qng.em.charCodeAt(0) : void 0 != qng.dm && (i = qng.dm);
        this.cm[i] = qng;
        i < t && (t = i);
        i > n && (n = i)
    this.vl = this.ul = t;
    this.jhg = mhg(e.zl)
vtd.prototype.rng = function(e) {
    if (this.wtd) {
        if (this.cud) {
            e = e.charCodeAt(0);
            if (e < this.ul || e > this.vl) e = this.ul;
            return this.dud.zje[e - this.ul].cv
        return this.sl
    return this.cm[this.ul].im
vtd.prototype.sng = function(e) {
    if (null == e) return 0;
    if (this.wtd) {
        if (this.cud) {
            for (var t = 0, n = 0; n < e.length;) {
                var r = e.charCodeAt(n++);
                if (r < this.ul || r > this.vl) r = this.ul;
                r = this.dud.zje[r - this.ul];
                t = this.prop ? t + r.bv : t + r.dv
            return t
        gxc.font = this.xtd;
        return gxc.measureText(e).width
    for (n = t = 0; n < e.length;) r = e.charCodeAt(n++), (r = this.cm[r]) || (r = this.cm[this.ul]), t += r.shift;
    return t
vtd.prototype.ung = function(e) {
    if (this.wtd) {
        if (this.cud) {
            var t = 0;
            if (e < this.ul || e > this.vl) e = this.ul;
            e = this.dud.zje[e - this.ul];
            return t = this.prop ? t + e.bv : t + e.dv
        gxc.font = this.xtd;
        return gxc.measureText(String.fromCharCode(e)).width
    return (t = this.cm[e]) ? t.shift : 32 >= this.ul && 32 <= this.vl ? this.cm[32].shift : this.cm[this.ul].shift
vtd.prototype.wng = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    var a = this.jhg;
    if (a.bke.complete) {
        var f = n.length;
        o = o & 16777215 | 255 * u << 24;
        for (u = 0; u < f; u++) {
            vng = n.charCodeAt(u);
            var l = this.cm[vng];
            l || (l = this.cm[32]);
            var c = l.fm,
                h = l.gm,
                p = l.hm,
                d = l.im;.001 > Math.abs(s) ? gxc.wje(a, c + a.fm, h + a.gm, p, d, e + l.jm, t, p * this.mng * r, d * this.nng * i, o) : gxc.wje(a, c + a.fm, h + a.gm, p, d, e + l.jm, t, p, d, o);
            e += this.ung(vng)
vtd.prototype.eog = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    var a, f = cke[this.jhg.fv];
    if (f.complete) {
        gxc.globalAlpha = u;
        u = n.length;
        o &= 16777215;
        16777215 != o && (a = fog(this.jhg, o));
        s = bag(s);.001 < Math.abs(s) && (gog(e, t, this.mng * r, this.mng * i, -s), t = e = 0);
        for (var l = 0; l < u; l++) {
            vng = n.charCodeAt(l);
            var c = this.cm[vng];
            c || (c = this.cm[32]);
            var h = c.fm,
                p = c.gm,
                d = c.hm,
                v = c.im;
            16777215 != o && null != a ? .001 > Math.abs(s) ? gxc.wje(a, h, p, d, v, e + c.jm, t, d * this.mng * r, v * this.nng * i) : gxc.wje(a, h, p, d, v, e + c.jm, t, d, v) : .001 > Math.abs(s) ? gxc.wje(f, h + this.jhg.fm, p + this.jhg.gm, d, v, e + c.jm, t, d * this.mng * r, v * this.nng * i) : gxc.wje(f, h + this.jhg.fm, p + this.jhg.gm, d, v, e + c.jm, t, d, v);
            e += this.ung(vng)
        }.001 < Math.abs(s) && hog()
vtd.prototype.iog = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    if (null != this.dud) {
        gxc.globalAlpha = u;
        u = n.length;
        o &= 16777215;
        s = bag(s);
        var a = Math.sin(s),
            f = Math.cos(s),
            a = a * r,
            f = f * r;
        r *= this.mng;
        i *= this.nng;
        for (var l = 0; l < u; l++) {
            vng = n.charCodeAt(l);
            if (!(vng < this.ul || vng > this.vl)) {
                var c = e,
                    h = t,
                    p = this.dud.zje[vng - this.ul],
                    d = cke[p.fv];
                if (d.complete) {
                    var v = p.zu,
                        m = p.av;
                    this.prop && (v = 0);
                    16777215 != o ? (d = uvf ? p : fog(p, o), .001 > Math.abs(s) ? gxc.wje(d, 0, 0, p.bv, p.cv, c + v * r, h + m * i, p.bv * r, p.cv * i) : (gog(c, h, r, i, -s), gxc.wje(d, 0, 0, p.bv, p.cv, v, m, p.bv, p.cv), hog())) : (uvf && (d = p), .001 > Math.abs(s) ? gxc.wje(d, p.fm, p.gm, p.hm, p.im, c + v * r, h + m * i, p.bv * r, p.cv * i) : (gog(c, h, r, i, -s), gxc.wje(d, p.fm, p.gm, p.hm, p.im, v, m, p.bv, p.cv), hog()))
            c = this.ung(vng);
            e += f * (c + this.gud);
            t -= a * (c + this.gud)
vtd.prototype.oog = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    if (null != this.dud) {
        gxc.globalAlpha = u;
        u = n.length;
        o = o & 16777215 | 255 * dxd << 24;
        s = bag(s);
        var a = Math.sin(s),
            f = Math.cos(s),
            a = a * r,
            f = f * r;
        r *= this.mng;
        i *= this.nng;
        for (var l = 0; l < u; l++) {
            vng = n.charCodeAt(l);
            if (!(vng < this.ul || vng > this.vl)) {
                var c = e,
                    h = t,
                    p = this.dud.zje[vng - this.ul];
                if (cke[p.fv].complete) {
                    var d = p.zu,
                        v = p.av;
                    this.prop && (d = 0);.001 > Math.abs(s) ? gxc.wje(p, p.fm, p.gm, p.hm, p.im, c + d * r, h + v * i, p.bv * r, p.cv * i, o) : (gog(c, h, r, i, -s), gxc.wje(p, p.fm, p.gm, p.hm, p.im, d, v, p.bv, p.cv, o), hog())
            c = this.ung(vng);
            e += f * (c + this.gud);
            t -= a * (c + this.gud)
jbg.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.rl = [];
    length = 0
jbg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    var t = null;
    null != e && (t = new vtd, t.ong(e));
    this.rl[this.rl.length] = t;
    return this.rl.length - 1
jbg.prototype.ytd = function(e) {
    this.rl[this.rl.length] = e;
    return this.rl.length - 1
jbg.prototype.sog = function() {
    this.pog = 0 <= this.btd && this.btd <= this.rl.length && null != this.rl[this.btd] ? this.rl[this.btd] : this.rl[-1]
jbg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return 0 <= e && e <= this.rl.length && this.rl[e] ? this.rl[e] : null
jbg.prototype.xog = function(e, t) {
    var n = String.fromCharCode(10);
    if (null != e) {
        0 > t && (t = 1e7);
        zog = [];
        var r = 0;
        e = tog(e);
        for (var i = e.length, s = e, o = 0, u = 0; o < i;) {
            var a = 0;
            if (1e7 == t)
                for (; u < i && s[u] != n;) u++;
            else {
                for (; u < i && " " == s[u];) u++;
                for (; u < i && a < t;) {
                    em = s[u];
                    if (em == n) break;
                    a += this.pog.ung(em.charCodeAt(0));
                a > t && (u--, this.pog.ung(s.charCodeAt(u)));
                if (s[u] != n) {
                    if (u == o) break;
                    if (u != i && (" " != s[u] || " " != s[u] && " " != s[u + 1]))
                        for (; u > o && " " != s[--u];);
                    if (0 < u)
                        for (;
                            " " == s[u - 1];) u--
            zog[r++] = s.substring(o, u);
            o = ++u
        return zog
jbg.prototype.etd = function(a, b, c, d, e, f, h, g) {
    with(this) {
        var k = 0,
            m = 0,
            l = [],
            r = 0;
        l = xog(a, e);
        r = bag(f);
        a = Math.sin(r);
        e = Math.cos(r);
        0 > d && (d = pog ? pog.rng("M") : 20);
        var u = a * g * d;
        d *= e * g;
        1 == qog && (c -= Math.round(l.length * d / 2), b -= Math.round(l.length * u / 2));
        2 == qog && (c -= Math.round(l.length * d), b -= Math.round(l.length * u));
        if (!pog)
            for (r = 0; r <= l.length - 1; r++) {
                m = k = 0;
                w = l[r];
                if (null != w) {
                    1 == zsd && (k = -(h * pog.sng(w) / 2));
                    2 == zsd && (k = -(h * pog.sng(w)));
                    var q = b + e * k + a * m,
                        k = c - a * k + e * m;
                    pog.wtd ? pog.cud ? uvf ? pog.oog(q, k, w, h, g, f, zwd, dxd) : pog.iog(q, k, w, h, g, f, zwd, dxd) : mpg(pog.xtd, w, q, k + 13, 1, 1, f, zwd, dxd) : uvf ? pog.wng(q, k, w, h, g, f, zwd, dxd) : pog.eog(q, k, w, h, g, f, zwd, dxd)
                c += d;
                b += u
            } else
                for (gxc.fillStyle = cxd, gxc.globalAlpha = dxd, r = 0; r <= l.length - 1; r++) {
                    var w = l[r];
                    gxc.font = "bold 18px Helvetica, Arial, Verdana, Microsoft Yahei, 微软雅黑, STXihei, 华文细黑, sans-serif";
                    null != w && (gxc.fillText(w, b, c + 13), c += d, b += u)
var npg, cke, opg = null,
    ppg = 1024,
    qpg = 768,
    rpg = 1,
    spg = 1,
    lwd = 0,
    mwd = 0,
    nwd = 0,
    owd = 0,
    tpg = 0,
    upg = 0,
    vpg = 0,
    wpg = 0,
    xpg = [],
    fng = 0,
    ypg = 16777215,
    zpg, aqg, bqg, cqg, hog, dqg, gog, eqg;
var stg = 0,
    ttg = 0;
kae.prototype.rsd = function() {
    for (; 10 != this.xtg.charCodeAt(this.ytg) && 13 != this.xtg.charCodeAt(this.ytg) && this.ytg < this.fug;) this.ytg++;
    this.ytg >= this.fug || 10 == this.xtg.charCodeAt(this.ytg) && 13 == this.xtg.charCodeAt(this.ytg) && this.ytg++
kae.prototype.gug = function() {
    with(this) {
        if (this.ytg >= fug) return !1;
        var a = xtg.charCodeAt(ytg);
        return 32 == a || 9 == a || 10 == a || 13 == a || a == wy("#") || a == wy(";") ? !0 : !1
kae.prototype.tsd = function() {
    with(this) for (; gug() && ytg < fug;) {
        var a = xtg.charCodeAt(ytg);
        "#" == a || ";" == a ? rsd() : 10 == a && ztg++;
kae.prototype.hug = function() {
    with(this) {
        for (tsd();
            "[" != xtg.charAt(ytg) && ytg < fug;) ytg++;
        if (ytg >= fug) return null;
        for (var a = ytg;
            "]" != xtg.charAt(ytg) && ytg < fug;) ytg++;
        if (ytg >= fug) return null;
        var b = [];
        b.kug = xtg.substr(a, ytg - a);
        return b
kae.prototype.lug = function(a) {
    with(this) {
        if (ytg >= fug || "[" == xtg.charAt(ytg)) return !1;
        for (var b = ytg, c = -1;
            "=" != xtg.charAt(ytg) && ytg < fug;) gug() ? 0 > c && (c = ytg) : c = -1, ytg++;
        if (ytg >= fug) return !1;
        0 > c && (c = ytg);
        for (var d, c = xtg.substr(b, c - b);
            "=" != xtg.charAt(ytg) && ytg < fug;) ytg++;
        if (ytg >= fug) return !1;
        b = ztg;
        if (b != ztg) return !1;
        b = ytg;
        d = -1;
        for (var e = xtg.charCodeAt(ytg); 10 != e && 13 != e && e != wy("#") && e != wy(";") && ytg < fug;) 32 == e || 9 == e ? 0 > d && (d = ytg) : d = -1, e == wy("\\") && ytg++, ytg++, e = xtg.charCodeAt(ytg);
        d = 0 <= d ? d - b : ytg - b;
        b = xtg.substr(b, d);
        a[c] = b;
        return !0
kae.prototype.eug = function() {
    with(this) {
        if (null == xtg) return !1;
        fug = xtg.length;
        ztg = ytg = 0;
        var a = hug();
        if (null == a) return xtg = null, !1;
        for (vtg[a.kug] = a; ytg < fug;)
            if (!lug(a) && ytg < fug && "[" == xtg.charAt(ytg)) {
                a = hug();
                if (null == a) return xtg = null, !0;
                vtg[a.kug] = a
        xtg = null;
        return !0
kae.prototype.sug = function(a, b) {
    with(this) {
        var c = vtg[a];
        return null != c && void 0 != c && (c = c[b], void 0 != c) ? c : null
kae.prototype.pae = function(a, b, c) {
    with(this) return a = sug(a, b), null != a ? parseFloat(a) : c
kae.prototype.qae = function(a, b, c) {
    with(this) {
        lae = !0;
        var d = vtg[a];
        if (null == d || void 0 == d) d = [], d.kug = a, vtg[d.kug] = d;
        d[b] = c;
        return !0
kae.prototype.mae = function() {
    with(this) {
        if (!1 == lae) return !0;
        var a = "",
            b = mle(13) + mle(10),
        for (c in vtg) {
            var a = a + "[" + c + "]" + b,
                d = vtg[c],
            for (e in d)
                if ("__m_pIniFileName__" != e) var f = d[e],
                    a = a + e + "=" + f + b
        xug(wtg, a);
        lae = !1;
        return !0
var fvg = ["StepEvent", "DrawEvent", "LeftButtonPressed", "RightButtonPressed", "NoButtonPressed"],
    gvg = new lke(0, 0, 0, 0),
    hvg = null,
    ivg = -1,
    jvg = -1;
kvg.prototype.gw = function(e) {
    this.fm = e;
    this.nbe = !0
kvg.prototype.kw = function(e) {
    this.gm = e;
    this.nbe = !0
kvg.prototype.jab = function(e) {
    this.vab = e;
    this.nbe = !0
kvg.prototype.eab = function(e) {
    var t = this.wab();
    this.oab = e = 0 > e ? t - aag(Math.abs(e), t) : aag(Math.abs(e), t)
kvg.prototype.wab = function() {
    var e = eud.pqd(this.jy);
    return e ? e.zje.length : 0
kvg.prototype.nab = function(e) {
    this.tm = e;
    ebe.lwg[ebe.lwg.length] = this
kvg.prototype.alc = function(e, t) {
    if (this.fm != e || this.gm != t) this.fm = e, this.gm = t, this.nbe = !0
kvg.prototype.ube = function(e, t, n) {
    this.iy = e;
    null != this.uvd && (this.uvd.pwg(this), this.uvd = null); - 1 == e && (e = 0);
    this.uvd = dbe.pqd(e);
    null != this.uvd && (t && this.uvd.qwg(this), this.jye = this.uvd.jye, this.lye = this.uvd.rwg, n ? this.tm = this.uvd.swg : this.nab(this.uvd.swg), this.kee = this.uvd.twg, this.om = this.uvd.uwg, this.svg = this.uvd.vwg, this.nbe = !0)
kvg.prototype.wwg = function() {
    with(this) {
        if (0 == this.pab) this.kab = 0 < this.nw ? 270 : 0 > this.nw ? 90 : 0;
        else {
            var a = xwg(180 * Math.atan2(this.nw, this.pab) / ice);
            this.kab = 0 >= a ? -a : 360 - a
        1e-4 > Math.abs(this.kab - tud(this.kab)) && (this.kab = tud(this.kab));
        this.kab = aag(this.kab, 360);
        this.fjd = Math.sqrt(lce(this.pab) + lce(this.nw));
        1e-4 > Math.abs(this.fjd - tud(this.fjd)) && (this.fjd = tud(this.fjd))
kvg.prototype.ywg = function() {
    this.pab = this.fjd * xwg(Math.cos(.0174532925 * this.kab));
    this.nw = -this.fjd * xwg(Math.sin(.0174532925 * this.kab));
    1e-4 > Math.abs(this.pab - tud(this.pab)) && (this.pab = tud(this.pab));
    1e-4 > Math.abs(this.nw - tud(this.nw)) && (this.nw = tud(this.nw))
kvg.prototype.axg = function(e, t) {
    this.pab += t * xwg(Math.cos(.0174532925 * e));
    this.nw -= t * xwg(Math.sin(.0174532925 * e));
kvg.prototype.bxg = function() {
    if (0 != this.wbb) {
        var e;
        e = 0 < this.fjd ? this.fjd - this.wbb : this.fjd + this.wbb;
        0 < this.fjd && 0 > e ? this.vz(0) : 0 > this.fjd && 0 < e ? this.vz(0) : 0 != this.fjd && this.vz(e)
    0 != this.wtc && this.axg(this.rvg, this.wtc)
kvg.prototype.dxg = function() {
    return eud.exg(this.jy)
kvg.prototype.hvd = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = hvg,
        s = ivg,
        o = jvg,
        u = !1,
        a = !1;
    if (e == ave)
        for (t = r.uvd; null != t && !a;) {
            for (var f = this.uvd; null != f && !a;) {
                if (f.qvd[e] && f.fdg[t.wve]) {
                    hvg = f;
                    ivg = e;
                    jvg = t.wve;
                    u = f.hvd(e, t.wve, n, r);
                    a = !0;
                f = f.vvd
            t = t.vvd
        } else
            for (f = this.uvd, a = e | t; null != f;) {
                if (f.qvd[a]) {
                    hvg = f;
                    ivg = e;
                    jvg = t;
                    u = f.hvd(e, t, n, r);
                f = f.vvd
    hvg = i;
    ivg = s;
    jvg = o;
    return u
kvg.prototype.uz = function(e) {
    this.pab != e && (this.pab = e, this.wwg())
kvg.prototype.gz = function(e) {
    this.nw != e && (this.nw = e, this.wwg())
kvg.prototype.wz = function(e) {
    this.kab = aag(e, 360);
kvg.prototype.vz = function(e) {
    this.fjd != e && (this.fjd = e, this.ywg())
kvg.prototype.obe = function() {
    var e, t;
    e = 0 <= this.lye ? eud.pqd(this.lye) : eud.pqd(this.jy);
    var n = this.pbe;
    if (null === e) this.pbe.left = -1e5, this.pbe.top = -1e5, this.pbe.qbe = -1e5, this.pbe.bottom = -1e5, this.hwg = !1;
    else {
        if (0 == this.vab) {
            var r = e.pbe;
            n.left = tud(this.fm + this.une * (r.left - e.uj));
            n.qbe = tud(this.fm + this.une * (r.qbe - e.uj + 1) - 1);
            n.left > n.qbe && (t = n.left, n.left = n.qbe, n.qbe = t);
            n.top = tud(this.gm + this.vne * (r.top - e.vj));
            n.bottom = tud(this.gm + this.vne * (r.bottom - e.vj + 1) - 1);
            n.top > n.bottom && (t = n.top, n.top = n.bottom, n.bottom = t)
        } else {
            var r = e.pbe,
                i, s;
            i = this.une * (r.left - e.uj);
            s = this.une * (r.qbe - e.uj + 1) - 1;
            var o, u;
            o = this.vne * (r.top - e.vj);
            u = this.vne * (r.bottom - e.vj + 1) - 1;
            var a;
            a = Math.cos(this.vab * ice / 180);
            var r = Math.sin(this.vab * ice / 180),
                f = a * s,
                l = a * i,
                c = r * u,
                h = r * o;
            f < l && (t = l, l = f, f = t);
            c < h && (t = h, h = c, c = t);
            n.left = this.fm + l + h | 0;
            n.qbe = this.fm + f + c | 0;
            u *= a;
            o *= a;
            s *= r;
            i *= r;
            u < o && (t = o, o = u, u = t);
            s < i && (t = i, i = s, s = t);
            n.top = this.gm + o - s | 0;
            n.bottom = this.gm + u - i | 0
        this.hwg = e.nxg()
    this.pbe = n;
    this.nbe = !1
kvg.prototype.ayg = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
    if (this.wae) return !1;
    this.nbe && this.obe();
    var s = this.pbe;
    if (uwd(e, n) >= s.qbe + 1 || vwd(e, n) < s.left || uwd(t, r) >= s.bottom + 1 || vwd(t, r) < s.top) return !1;
    if (!i || !this.hwg) return !0;
    i = 0 > this.lye ? eud.pqd(this.jy) : eud.pqd(this.lye);
    if (null === i || 0 == i.fud) return !1;
    gvg.left = tud(uwd(e, n));
    gvg.top = tud(uwd(t, r));
    gvg.qbe = tud(vwd(e, n));
    gvg.bottom = tud(vwd(t, r));
    return i.cyg(Math.floor(this.oab), s, tud(this.fm), tud(this.gm), this.une, this.vne, this.vab, gvg)
kvg.prototype.bbe = function(e, t) {
    if (this != e && !this.wae && !e.wae) {
        this.nbe && this.obe();
        e.nbe && e.obe();
        var n = e.pbe,
            r = this.pbe;
        if (n.left >= r.qbe + 1 || n.qbe + 1 <= r.left || n.top >= r.bottom + 1 || n.bottom + 1 <= r.top) return !1;
        if (!t || !this.hwg && !e.hwg) return !0;
        r = n = null;
        n = 0 > this.lye ? eud.pqd(this.jy) : eud.pqd(this.lye);
        if (null == n || 0 == n.fud) return !1;
        r = 0 > e.lye ? eud.pqd(e.jy) : eud.pqd(e.lye);
        return null == r || 0 == r.fud ? !1 : n.hyg(this.oab | 0, this.pbe, tud(this.fm), tud(this.gm), this.une, this.vne, this.vab, r, e.oab | 0, e.pbe, tud(e.fm), tud(e.gm), e.une, e.vne, e.vab)
    return !1
kvg.prototype.kie = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    this.yvg = -1;
    if (!(0 > e)) {
        var o = rie.fk[e];
        !o || 0 >= o.length || 0 > n || (this.yvg = e, this.zvg = t, this.cze = this.bze = 0 <= this.zvg ? 0 : 1, this.vie = n, this.awg = r, this.jie = s, i && (0 <= this.zvg ? this.alc(o.kyg(0), o.lyg(0)) : this.alc(o.kyg(1), o.lyg(1))), this.cwg = this.fm, this.dwg = this.gm)
kvg.prototype.dze = function() {
    var e, t;
    if (0 > this.yvg || 0 == this.zvg) return !1;
    var n = rie.fk[this.yvg];
    if (n && !(0 >= n.length)) {
        var r = !1,
            i = this.awg * Math.PI / 180;
        t = n.zkc(this.bze);
        e = t.fjd;
        e /= 100 * this.vie;
        this.bze += this.zvg * e / n.length;
        var s = n.zkc(0);
        if (1 <= this.bze || 0 >= this.bze) switch (r = !0, this.jie) {
            case 0:
                this.bze = 1;
                this.yvg = -1;
            case 1:
                0 > this.bze ? this.bze++ : this.bze--;
            case 2:
                t = n.zkc(1);
                e = t.fm - s.fm;
                t = t.gm - s.gm;
                var o = this.vie * (e * Math.cos(i) + t * Math.sin(i));
                e = this.vie * (t * Math.cos(i) - e * Math.sin(i));
                0 > this.bze ? (this.cwg -= o, this.dwg -= e, this.bze++) : (this.cwg += o, this.dwg += e, this.bze--);
            case 3:
                0 > this.bze ? (this.bze = -this.bze, this.zvg = Math.abs(this.zvg)) : (this.bze = 2 - this.bze, this.zvg = -Math.abs(this.zvg));
                this.bze = 1, this.yvg = -1
        t = n.zkc(this.bze);
        e = t.fm - s.fm;
        t = t.gm - s.gm;
        n = this.cwg + this.vie * (e * Math.cos(i) + t * Math.sin(i));
        i = this.dwg + this.vie * (t * Math.cos(i) - e * Math.sin(i));
        this.uz(n - this.fm);
        this.gz(i - this.gm);
        this.alc(n, i);
        return r
kvg.prototype.tyg = function(e) {
    var t = -1;
    0 <= e && e < bbf && (t = pw(this, "__alarm__", e));
    return t
kvg.prototype.uyg = function(e, t) {
    0 <= e && e < bbf && by(this, "__alarm__", e, t)
kvg.prototype.mye = function() {
    this.nbe && this.obe();
    return this.pbe
kvg.prototype.vyg = function(e, t) {
    var n, r;
    lje(this.jy) ? (r = eud.pqd(this.jy), n = r.width * this.une, r = r.height * this.vne) : n = r = 0;
    e && (0 > this.pab && 0 > this.fm && this.alc(this.fm + ebe.bye() + n, this.gm), 0 < this.pab && this.fm >= ebe.bye() && this.alc(this.fm - ebe.bye() - n, this.gm));
    t && (0 > this.nw && 0 > this.gm && this.alc(this.fm, this.gm + ebe.aye() + r), 0 < this.nw && this.gm >= ebe.aye() && this.alc(this.fm, this.gm - ebe.aye() - r))
dbg.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.yyg = [];
dbg.prototype.jee = function() {
    return this.xyg.xad
dbg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    this.yyg[e.ou] = e;
dbg.prototype.jag = function(e) {
    return this.yyg[e]
dbg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    var t = this.yyg[e];
    if (null != t) return t;
    e = dbe.pqd(e);
    return null != e && (t = e.zyg.xad[0], null != t) ? t : null
dbg.prototype.azg = function(e) {
    this.yyg[e.ou] = null
dbg.prototype.bzg = function() {
    for (var e = ebe.mbe.xad, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
        var n = e[t];
        n.zye = n.fm;
        n.aze = n.gm;
        n.cze = n.bze
dbg.prototype.czg = function() {
    for (var e = ebe.mbe.xad, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
        var n = e[t];
        n.dze() && n.hvd(oef, 0, n, n);
        n.fm += n.pab;
        n.gm += n.nw;
        n.nbe = !0
dbg.prototype.dzg = function() {
    for (var e = ebe.mbe.xad, t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
        var n = e[t];
        n.oab += n.fab;
        var r = n.dxg();
        n.oab >= r && (n.oab -= r, n.uvd.jye[mef] && n.hvd(mef, 0, n, n))
dbg.prototype.hvd = function(e, t) {
    var n = !0;
    if (ebe) {
        var r = e;
        r != ave && (r |= t);
        for (var i = ebe.mbe.xad, s = 0; s < i.length; s++) {
            var o = i[s];
            o.wae || o.uvd.jye[r] && (n = o.hvd(e, t, o, o))
    return n
var jz;
var fzg = 256,
    gzg = 3,
    hzg = 1024,
    izg = 1,
    jzg = 2,
    kzg = 4,
    rpd = 1,
    ppd = 2,
    qpd = 2147483648,
    lzg = 128,
    mzg = 0,
    kpd = 0,
    lpd = 0,
    mpd = 0,
    nzg = -1,
    ozg = 0,
    pzg = 0,
    qzg = 0,
    rzg = 0,
    szg = 0;
tzg = !1;
var uzg = [],
    vzg = [],
    wzg = [],
    xzg = [],
    yzg = [],
    npd = [],
    zzg = 0,
    aah = {
        8: String.fromCharCode(8),
        9: 0,
        13: 0,
        16: 0,
        17: 0,
        18: 0,
        19: 0,
        20: 0,
        27: 0,
        22: 0,
        32: " ",
        34: 0,
        35: 0,
        36: 0,
        37: 0,
        38: 0,
        39: 0,
        40: 0,
        45: 0,
        46: 0,
        47: 0,
        48: "0",
        49: "1",
        50: "2",
        51: "3",
        52: "4",
        53: "5",
        54: "6",
        55: "7",
        56: "8",
        57: "9",
        58: "0",
        59: ";",
        65: "a",
        66: "b",
        67: "c",
        68: "d",
        69: "e",
        70: "f",
        71: "g",
        72: "h",
        73: "i",
        74: "j",
        75: "k",
        76: "l",
        77: "m",
        78: "n",
        79: "o",
        80: "p",
        81: "q",
        82: "r",
        83: "s",
        84: "t",
        85: "u",
        86: "v",
        87: "w",
        88: "x",
        89: "y",
        90: "z",
        91: 0,
        92: 0,
        93: 0,
        96: "0",
        97: "1",
        98: "2",
        99: "3",
        100: "4",
        101: "5",
        102: "6",
        103: "7",
        104: "8",
        105: "9",
        106: "*",
        107: "+",
        109: "-",
        110: ".",
        111: "/",
        112: 0,
        113: 0,
        114: 0,
        115: 0,
        116: 0,
        117: 0,
        118: 0,
        119: 0,
        120: 0,
        121: 0,
        122: 0,
        123: 0,
        144: 0,
        145: 0,
        186: ";",
        187: "=",
        188: ",",
        189: "-",
        190: ".",
        191: "/",
        192: "'",
        219: "[",
        220: "\\",
        221: "]",
        222: "#",
        223: "`"
    bah = {
        8: String.fromCharCode(8),
        9: 0,
        13: 0,
        16: 0,
        17: 0,
        18: 0,
        19: 0,
        20: 0,
        27: 0,
        22: 0,
        32: " ",
        34: 0,
        35: 0,
        36: 0,
        37: 0,
        38: 0,
        39: 0,
        40: 0,
        45: 0,
        46: 0,
        47: 0,
        48: ")",
        49: "!",
        50: '"',
        51: "£",
        52: "$",
        53: "%",
        54: "^",
        55: "&",
        56: "*",
        57: "(",
        58: ")",
        59: ":",
        65: "A",
        66: "B",
        67: "C",
        68: "D",
        69: "E",
        70: "F",
        71: "G",
        72: "H",
        73: "I",
        74: "J",
        75: "K",
        76: "L",
        77: "M",
        78: "N",
        79: "O",
        80: "P",
        81: "Q",
        82: "R",
        83: "S",
        84: "T",
        85: "U",
        86: "V",
        87: "W",
        88: "X",
        89: "Y",
        90: "Z",
        91: 0,
        92: 0,
        93: 0,
        96: "0",
        97: "1",
        98: "2",
        99: "3",
        100: "4",
        101: "5",
        102: "6",
        103: "7",
        104: "8",
        105: "9",
        106: "*",
        107: "+",
        109: "-",
        110: ".",
        111: "/",
        112: 0,
        113: 0,
        114: 0,
        115: 0,
        116: 0,
        117: 0,
        118: 0,
        119: 0,
        120: 0,
        121: 0,
        122: 0,
        123: 0,
        144: 0,
        145: 0,
        186: ":",
        187: "+",
        188: "<",
        189: "_",
        190: ">",
        191: "?",
        192: "@",
        219: "{",
        220: "|",
        221: "}",
        222: "~",
        223: "?"
bbg.prototype.utc = function() {
    hw.yjg = 0;
    hw.zjg = 0;
    hw.yjg = "";
    szg = 0;
    rzg = "";
    hw.akg = "";
    hw.bkg = ""
bbg.prototype.ych = function() {
    for (var e = this.wah = this.yah = this.zah = 0; e <= fzg; e++) this.abh[e] = 0, this.cbh[e] = 0, this.bbh[e] = 0
bbg.prototype.rdh = function() {
    hog([1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0]);
    for (var e = 0; e < ivf.length; ++e);
iqd.prototype.uzf = function() {
    for (var e = 0; e < this.xad.length; e++)
        if (null == this.xad[e]) return e;
    return this.xad.length
iqd.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    var t = this.uzf();
    this.xad[t] = e;
    this.length = this.xad.length;
    return t
iqd.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return 0 > e || e >= this.xad.length ? null : this.xad[e]
iqd.prototype.cgg = function(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < this.xad.length; t++)
        if (this.xad[t] == e) return t
iqd.prototype.egg = function(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < this.xad.length; t++)
        if (this.xad[t] == e) return this.jqd ? this.xad.splice(t, 1) : this.xad[t] = null, this.etb--, this.length = this.xad.length, !0;
    return !1
iqd.prototype.uqd = function(e) {
    if (0 > e || e >= this.xad.length) return !1;
    this.jqd ? this.xad.splice(e, 1) : this.xad[e] = null;
    this.length = this.xad.length;
    return !0
iqd.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.xad = [];
    this.etb = 0;
    this.length = this.xad.length
iqd.prototype.kjb = function(e, t) {
    0 > e || e >= this.xad.length || (this.xad[e] = t)
iqd.prototype.sdh = function(e) {
    e ? this.xad.sort(function(e, t) {
        return e - t
    }) : this.xad.sort(function(e, t) {
        return t - e
iqd.prototype.lpb = function(e) {
    this.xad = e.xad.slice();
    this.jqd = e.jqd;
    this.length = e.length;
    this.etb = e.etb
gve.prototype.jee = function() {
    return this.faf.xad
gve.prototype.sye = function() {
    return this.zyg.xad
gve.prototype.hvd = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = zvd,
        s = awd,
        o = xvd,
        u = yqd;
    xvd = this;
    zvd = e;
    awd = t;
    yqd = !1;
    var a = !0;
    switch (e) {
        case gbe:
            this.pm ? this.pm(n, r) : a = !1;
        case hbe:
            this.zm ? this.zm(n, r) : a = !1;
        case cbf:
            a = !1;
        case xhf:
            a = !1;
        case ave:
            this.fdg[t] && this.fdg[t].vdh(n, r);
        case ccf:
            if (this.deh[e | t]) this.deh[e | t](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case yhf:
            a = !1;
        case nye:
            a = !1;
        case igf:
            this.um ? this.um(n, r) : a = !1;
        case kgf:
            if (this.eeh[e | t]) this.eeh[e | t](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case mgf:
            if (this.feh[e | t]) this.feh[e | t](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case ogf:
            this.lm[e | t] && (e = this.lm[e | t], e.xdh.heg(n, r) | dvd && e.vdh(n, r));
        case vbf:
            this.ieh ? this.ieh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case xbf:
            this.wm ? this.wm(n, r) : a = !1;
        case zbf:
            this.fn ? this.fn(n, r) : a = !1;
        case kye:
            this.bfh ? this.bfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case oye:
            this.cfh ? this.cfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case cef:
            this.dfh ? this.dfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case eef:
            this.efh ? this.efh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case gef:
            this.ffh ? this.ffh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case ief:
            this.gfh ? this.gfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case kef:
            this.hfh ? this.hfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case mef:
            this.uo ? this.uo(n, r) : a = !1;
        case oef:
            this.ifh ? this.ifh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case qef:
            this.jfh ? this.jfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case sef:
            this.kfh ? this.kfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case uef:
            this.lfh ? this.lfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case wef:
            this.mfh ? this.mfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case dgf:
            this.cgh ? this.cgh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case fgf:
            this.dgh ? this.dgh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case zhf:
            this.egh ? this.egh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case xef:
            this.qs ? this.qs(n, r) : a = !1;
        case zef:
            this.nfh ? this.nfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case bff:
            this.ofh ? this.ofh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case dff:
            this.pfh ? this.pfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case fff:
            this.qfh ? this.qfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case hff:
            this.rfh ? this.rfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case jff:
            this.sfh ? this.sfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case lff:
            this.tfh ? this.tfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case nff:
            this.ufh ? this.ufh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case pff:
            this.vfh ? this.vfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case rff:
            this.wfh ? this.wfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case tff:
            this.xfh ? this.xfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case vff:
            this.yfh ? this.yfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case xff:
            this.zfh ? this.zfh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case zff:
            this.agh ? this.agh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case bgf:
            this.bgh ? this.bgh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case caf:
            this.jeh ? this.jeh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case tze:
            this.keh ? this.keh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case vze:
            this.leh ? this.leh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case uze:
            this.meh ? this.meh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case wze:
            this.os ? this.os(n, r) : a = !1;
        case yze:
            this.neh ? this.neh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case xze:
            this.oeh ? this.oeh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case zze:
            this.peh ? this.peh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case baf:
            this.qeh ? this.qeh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case aaf:
            this.reh ? this.reh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case naf:
            this.seh ? this.seh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case aif:
            this.teh ? this.teh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case bif:
            this.ueh ? this.ueh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case oaf:
            this.kn ? this.kn(n, r) : a = !1;
        case cif:
            this.hn ? this.hn(n, r) : a = !1;
        case dif:
            this.veh ? this.veh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case paf:
            this.weh ? this.weh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case eif:
            this.xeh ? this.xeh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case fif:
            this.yeh ? this.yeh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case daf:
            this.zeh ? this.zeh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case eaf:
            this.afh ? this.afh(n, r) : a = !1;
        case hbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[0]) this.ceh[0](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case ibf:
            if (null != this.ceh[1]) this.ceh[1](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case jbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[2]) this.ceh[2](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case kbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[3]) this.ceh[3](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case lbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[4]) this.ceh[4](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case mbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[5]) this.ceh[5](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case nbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[6]) this.ceh[6](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case obf:
            if (null != this.ceh[7]) this.ceh[7](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case pbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[8]) this.ceh[8](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case qbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[9]) this.ceh[9](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case rbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[10]) this.ceh[10](n, r);
            else a = !1;
        case sbf:
            if (null != this.ceh[11]) this.ceh[11](n, r);
            else a = !1;
            a = !1
    yqd = u;
    zvd = i;
    awd = s;
    xvd = o;
    return a
gve.prototype.qwg = function(e) {
    for (var t = this; null != t;) t.zyg.cjc(e), t = t.vvd
gve.prototype.pwg = function(e) {
    for (var t = this; null != t;) t.zyg.egg(e), t = t.vvd
gve.prototype.sqh = function(e, t) {
    if (this.qvd[e | t])
        for (var n = this.faf.xad, r = 0; r < n.length; r++) {
            var i = n[r];
            this.hvd(e, t, i, i)
ebg.prototype.jee = function() {
    return this.uqh
ebg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    this.tqh[e.rcg] = e;
    this.uqh[e.wve] = e
ebg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.uqh[e]
ebg.prototype.ybe = function(e) {
    return this.uqh[e] ? !0 : !1
ebg.prototype.hhg = function(e, t) {
    for (var n in dbe.uqh) {
        var r = dbe.uqh[n];
        r.qvd[e | t] && r.sqh(e | t)
ebg.prototype.qdg = function() {
    var e = this.uqh,
    for (t in e) {
        var n = e[t];
        n.vvd = dbe.pqd(n.yvd);
        n.vvd || (n.vvd = null);
        for (var r in n.qvd) {
            var i = n.qvd[r];
            i && (n.jye[r] = !0)
    for (t in e)
        for (var s = e[t], n = s.vvd; null != n;) {
            for (r in n.qvd)(i = n.qvd[r]) && (s.jye[r] = !0);
            n = n.vvd
xqh.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.xad[e]
xqh.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < this.xad.length; t++)
        if (e.tm < this.xad[t].tm) return this.xad.splice(t, 0, e), this.etb++, this.length = this.xad.length, t;
    this.xad[this.xad.length] = e;
    this.length = this.xad.length;
    return this.length - 1
xqh.prototype.zqh = function(e) {
    0 > this.yqh && (this.yqh = this.xad.length);
    this.xad[this.xad.length] = e;
    this.length = this.xad.length;
    return this.length - 1
xqh.prototype.sdh = function(e) {
    e = this.yqh;
    if (!(0 > e)) {
        for (var t = []; e < this.xad.length;) t[t.length] = this.xad[e], e++;
        this.xad.splice(this.yqh, this.xad.length - this.yqh);
        for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) this.cjc(t[e]);
        this.yqh = -1
xqh.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    for (var t = 0; t < this.xad.length; t++)
        if (e == this.xad[t]) return this.xad.splice(t, 1), this.etb--, this.length = this.xad.length, !0;
    return !1
xqh.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.xad = [];
    this.length = this.etb = 0
xqh.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.xad[e]
xqh.prototype.lpb = function(e) {
    this.xad = e.xad.slice();
    this.length = e.length;
    this.etb = e.etb;
    this.yqh = e.yqh
var arh = 0,
    brh = 1,
    crh = 2,
    zxe = 3,
    txe = 4,
    drh = 5,
    lxe = 6,
    erh = 7,
    oxe = 8,
    vxe = 9,
    ixe = 10,
    frh = 11,
    grh = 12,
    dye = 13,
    hrh = 14,
    irh = 0,
    jrh = 1,
    krh = 2,
    lrh = 3,
    mrh = 4,
    nrh = 5,
    orh = 0,
    prh = 1,
    qrh = 2,
    rrh = 0,
    srh = 1,
    trh = 2,
    urh = 3;
var ayh = 0,
    byh = 1,
    cyh = 0;
eyh.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.wuc = [];
    this.iyh = [];
    this.length = this.jyh = this.etb = 0
eyh.prototype.kyh = function() {
    var e = 0;
    this.length = 0;
    if (!(0 >= this.jyh))
        for (this.iyh[0].mac = 0, e = 1; e < this.jyh; e++) this.iyh[e].mac = this.length += sqrt(lce(this.iyh[e].fm - this.iyh[e - 1].fm) + lce(this.iyh[e].gm - this.iyh[e - 1].gm))
eyh.prototype.lyh = function(a, b, c) {
    with(this) {
        var d = new dyh;
        this.iyh[jyh - 1] = d;
        d.fm = a;
        d.gm = b;
        d.fjd = c
eyh.prototype.oyh = function() {
    this.jyh = 0;
    if (!(0 >= this.etb)) {
        for (var e = 0; e < this.etb; e++) this.lyh(this.wuc[e].fm, this.wuc[e].gm, this.wuc[e].fjd);
        this.gyh && this.lyh(this.wuc[0].fm, this.wuc[0].gm, this.wuc[0].fjd)
eyh.prototype.pyh = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f) {
    if (0 != e) {
        var l = (t + i + i + u) / 4,
            c = (n + s + s + a) / 4,
            h = (r + o + o + f) / 4;
        16 < lce(i - t) + lce(s - n) && this.pyh(e - 1, t, n, r, (i + t) / 2, (s + n) / 2, (o + r) / 2, l, c, h);
        this.lyh(l, c, h);
        16 < lce(i - u) + lce(s - a) && this.pyh(e - 1, l, c, h, (u + i) / 2, (a + s) / 2, (f + o) / 2, u, a, f)
eyh.prototype.uyh = function() {
    var e = 0,
        t = 0;
    this.jyh = 0;
    if (!(0 >= this.etb)) {
        this.gyh || this.lyh(this.wuc[0].fm, this.wuc[0].gm, this.wuc[0].fjd);
        t = this.gyh ? this.etb - 1 : this.etb - 3;
        for (e = 0; e <= t; e++) {
            var n = this.wuc[e % this.etb],
                r = this.wuc[(e + 1) % this.etb],
                i = this.wuc[(e + 2) % this.etb];
            this.pyh(this.hyh, (n.fm + r.fm) / 2, (n.gm + r.gm) / 2, (n.fjd + r.fjd) / 2, r.fm, r.gm, r.fjd, (r.fm + i.fm) / 2, (r.gm + i.gm) / 2, (r.fjd + i.fjd) / 2)
        this.gyh ? this.lyh(this.iyh[0].fm, this.iyh[0].gm, this.iyh[0].fjd) : this.lyh(this.wuc[this.etb - 1].fm, this.wuc[this.etb - 1].gm, this.wuc[this.etb - 1].fjd)
eyh.prototype.wyh = function() {
    1 == this.fyh ? this.uyh() : this.oyh();
var zyh = new dyh(0, 0, 100);
eyh.prototype.zkc = function(e) {
    var t = 0;
    if (0 >= this.jyh) return zyh.fm = 0, zyh.gm = 0, zyh.fjd = 0, zyh;
    if (1 == this.jyh || 0 == this.length || 0 >= e) return this.iyh[0];
    if (1 <= e) return this.iyh[this.jyh - 1];
    e *= this.length;
    for (t = 0; t < this.jyh - 2 && e >= this.iyh[t + 1].mac;) t++;
    var n = this.iyh[t];
    e -= n.mac;
    var r = this.iyh[t + 1].mac - n.mac;
    0 != r && (t++, zyh.fm = n.fm + e * (this.iyh[t].fm - n.fm) / r, zyh.gm = n.gm + e * (this.iyh[t].gm - n.gm) / r, zyh.fjd = n.fjd + e * (this.iyh[t].fjd - n.fjd) / r, n = zyh);
    return n
eyh.prototype.kyg = function(e) {
    ccb = this.zkc(e);
    return ccb.fm
eyh.prototype.lyg = function(e) {
    ccb = this.zkc(e);
    return ccb.gm
eyh.prototype.azh = function(e, t) {
    for (var n = 0; n <= this.etb - 1; n++) this.wuc[n].fm += e, this.wuc[n].gm += t;
eyh.prototype.bzh = function() {
    for (var e = 1e8, t = -1e8, n = 1e8, r = -1e8, i = 0; i <= this.etb - 1; i++) this.wuc[i].fm < e && (e = this.wuc[i].fm), this.wuc[i].fm > t && (t = this.wuc[i].fm), this.wuc[i].gm < n && (n = this.wuc[i].gm), this.wuc[i].gm > r && (r = this.wuc[i].gm);
    return new dyh((e + t) / 2, (n + r) / 2, 0)
eyh.prototype.wie = function(e, t) {
    var n = this.bzh();
    this.azh(-n.fm, -n.gm);
    for (var r = 0; r <= this.etb - 1; r++) this.wuc[r].fm *= e, this.wuc[r].gm *= t;
    this.azh(n.fm, n.gm);
eyh.prototype.dzh = function(e, t, n) {
    xyh = new dyh(e, t, n);
    this.wuc || (this.wuc = []);
    this.wuc[this.wuc.length] = xyh;
kbg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    this.fk[e.ou] = e
kbg.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    this.fk[e.ou] = void 0
fzh.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
fzh.prototype.ope = function(e) {
fzh.prototype.nxc = function(e) {
    for (var t = this.gzh.xad, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
        var r = t[n];
        null != r && r.fm + r.hm > e.left && r.fm < e.qbe && r.nxc()
fzh.prototype.jee = function() {
    return this.gzh.xad
izh.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    for (var t, n = 0; n < this.jzh.etb; n++)
        if (t = this.jzh.pqd(n), t.tm == e) return t;
    return null
izh.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    (e = this.pqd(e)) && jzh.ope(e)
izh.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    var t;
    t = this.pqd(e.tm);
    t || (t = new fzh(e.tm), this.jzh.cjc(t));
izh.prototype.lzh = function(e) {
    (boe = this.pqd(e.tm)) && boe.ope(e)
izh.prototype.mzh = function() {
    this.kzh = this.jzh.length - 1;
    return this.jzh.pqd(this.kzh)
izh.prototype.soc = function() {
    return 0 > this.kzh ? null : this.jzh.pqd(this.kzh)
nzh.prototype.szh = function() {
    return 0 == this.nyc.length
nzh.prototype.rzh = function(e) {
nzh.prototype.pzh = function() {
    if (!this.szh()) {
        var e = this.nyc[this.jm];
        2 * ++this.jm >= this.nyc.length && (this.nyc = this.nyc.slice(this.jm), this.jm = 0);
        return e
sdg.prototype.uzh = function() {
    this.wzh = this.vzh = "";
    this.xzh = 30;
    this.yzh = 1024;
    this.zzh = 768;
    this.bai = this.aai = !1;
    this.cai = 12632256;
    this.eai = this.dai = !0;
    this.fai = [];
    for (var e = 0; e < utf; e++) this.fai[e] = null;
    this.gze = !1;
    this.gai = null;
    this.mbe = new xqh;
    this.hai = new iqd;
    this.hai.jqd = !0;
    this.lwg = [];
    this.iai = 0;
    this.jai = [];
    this.coe = new izh;
    this.ize = [];
    this.kai = [];
    this.lai = null;
    this.mai = "Room";
    this.nai = null
sdg.prototype.oai = function() {
    return this.gze
sdg.prototype.bye = function() {
    return this.yzh
sdg.prototype.aye = function() {
    return this.zzh
sdg.prototype.jue = function() {
    return this.xzh
sdg.prototype.jee = function() {
    return this.mbe.xad
sdg.prototype.pai = function(e) {
    this.yzh = e;
    hw.lig = e
sdg.prototype.qai = function(e) {
    this.zzh = e;
    hw.pz = e
sdg.prototype.rai = function(e) {
    this.xzh = e;
    hw.nig = e
sdg.prototype.sai = function(e) {
    this.mai = e
sdg.prototype.tai = function(e) {
    this.wzh = e;
    hw.mig = e
sdg.prototype.vai = function(e) {
    this.aai = e;
    hw.oig = e
sdg.prototype.wai = function() {
    this.lai = {
        sj: "room_empty_" + this.ou,
        width: 640,
        height: 480,
        ku: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}],
        lu: [{}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}, {}],
        nu: [],
        qu: []
sdg.prototype.xai = function(e) {
    if (null != e) {
        this.lai.width = e.width;
        this.lai.height = e.height;
        this.lai.pu = e.pu;
        this.lai.ru = e.ru;
        this.lai.su = e.su;
        this.lai.yai = e.yai;
        this.lai.zai = e.zai;
        this.lai.fjd = e.fjd;
        this.lai.svg = e.svg;
        for (var t = 0; t < e.ku.length; t++) {
            var n = e.ku[t];
            null != n && (this.lai.ku[t] = {
                om: n.om,
                mu: n.mu,
                nw: n.nw,
                pab: n.pab,
                ohg: n.ohg,
                fm: n.fm,
                gm: n.gm,
                tu: n.tu,
                qhg: n.qhg,
                pab: n.pab,
                nw: n.nw,
                uhg: n.uhg,
                syb: n.syb,
                vhg: n.vhg
        for (t = 0; t < e.lu.length; t++)(n = e.lu[t]) && (this.lai.lu[t] = {
            om: n.om,
            cbi: n.cbi,
            uu: n.uu,
            vu: n.vu,
            dbi: n.dbi,
            ebi: n.ebi,
            fbi: n.fbi,
            wu: n.wu,
            gbi: n.gbi,
            hbi: n.hbi,
            ibi: n.ibi,
            pab: n.pab,
            nw: n.nw,
            mu: n.mu
        this.lai.nu = Array(e.nu.length);
        for (t = 0; t < e.nu.length; t++)(n = e.nu[t]) && (this.lai.nu[t] = {
            fm: n.fm,
            gm: n.gm,
            mu: n.mu,
            ou: n.ou
        this.lai.qu = Array(e.nu.length);
        for (t = 0; t < e.qu.length; t++) n = e.qu[t], null != n && (this.lai.qu[t] = {
            fm: n.fm,
            gm: n.gm,
            mu: n.mu,
            lbi: n.lbi,
            mbi: n.mbi,
            hm: n.hm,
            im: n.im,
            tm: n.tm,
            ou: n.ou
sdg.prototype.tdg = function(a) {
    with(this) {
        lai = a;
        void 0 != a.sj && sai(a.sj);
        void 0 != a.zai && tai(a.zai);
        void 0 != a.width && pai(a.width);
        void 0 != a.height && qai(a.height);
        void 0 != a.fjd && rai(a.fjd);
        void 0 != a.svg && vai(a.svg);
        void 0 != a.pu && (cai = a.pu);
        void 0 != a.ru && (dai = a.ru);
        void 0 != a.su && (gze = a.su);
        void 0 != a.yai && (eai = a.yai);
        ize = [];
        iai = 0;
        for (var b in a.qu) {
            var c = a.qu[b];
            null != c && (c = pbi(c), this.coe.cjc(c), this.jai[c.ou] = c, this.iai++)
        void 0 != a.qbi && (gai = a.qbi);
        for (var d in a.lu) ize[d] = rbi(a.lu[d])
sdg.prototype.sbi = function() {
    var e;
    for (e = this.mbe.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) this.vbi(this.mbe.pqd(0));
    for (e = this.hai.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--) this.vbi(this.hai.pqd(0))
sdg.prototype.wbi = function() {
    var e, t;
    ebe.oai() || (e = ebe.bye(), t = ebe.aye());
    e > fqg() && fqg();
    t > gqg() && gqg()
sdg.prototype.fbe = function(e, t, n) {
    return this.qwg(e, t, axf++, n, !0)
sdg.prototype.qwg = function(e, t, n, r) {
    e = new kvg(e, t, n, r, !0);
    return e
sdg.prototype.zbi = function() {
    var e = 0;
    for (dm in this.ize) jze = this.ize[dm], by(hw, "__view_visible__", e, jze.om), by(hw, "__view_xview__", e, jze.gme), by(hw, "__view_yview__", e, jze.hme), by(hw, "__view_wview__", e, jze.ime), by(hw, "__view_hview__", e, jze.jme), by(hw, "__view_xport__", e, jze.kme), by(hw, "__view_yport__", e, jze.lme), by(hw, "__view_wport__", e, jze.mme), by(hw, "__view_hport__", e, jze.nme), by(hw, "__view_angle__", e, jze.pcc), by(hw, "__view_hborder__", e, jze.hbi), by(hw, "__view_vborder__", e, jze.ibi), by(hw, "__view_hspeed__", e, jze.pab), by(hw, "__view_vspeed__", e, jze.nw), by(hw, "__view_object__", e, jze.wvd), by(hw, "__view_surface_id__", e, jze.kze), e++
sdg.prototype.aci = function() {
    var e = 0;
    for (dm in this.ize) jze = this.ize[dm], jze.om = pw(hw, "__view_visible__", e), jze.gme = pw(hw, "__view_xview__", e), jze.hme = pw(hw, "__view_yview__", e), jze.ime = pw(hw, "__view_wview__", e), jze.jme = pw(hw, "__view_hview__", e), jze.kme = pw(hw, "__view_xport__", e), jze.lme = pw(hw, "__view_yport__", e), jze.mme = pw(hw, "__view_wport__", e), jze.nme = pw(hw, "__view_hport__", e), jze.pcc = pw(hw, "__view_angle__", e), jze.hbi = pw(hw, "__view_hborder__", e), jze.ibi = pw(hw, "__view_vborder__", e), jze.pab = pw(hw, "__view_hspeed__", e), jze.nw = pw(hw, "__view_vspeed__", e), jze.wvd = pw(hw, "__view_object__", e), jze.kze = pw(hw, "__view_surface_id__", e), e++
sdg.prototype.bci = function() {
    for (var e = 0; e < wuf.zhg.length; e++) {
        var t = pw(global, "__background_visible__", e),
            n = pw(global, "__background_foreground__", e);
        t && !n && (t = wuf.pqd(e), t.pab = pw(global, "__background_hspeed__", e), t.nw = pw(global, "__background_vspeed__", e), t.fm = pw(global, "__background_x__", e), t.gm = pw(global, "__background_y__", e), t.fm += t.pab, t.gm += t.nw, by(global, "__background_x__", e, t.fm), by(global, "__background_y__", e, t.gm))
sdg.prototype.cci = function() {
    var e, t, n, r, i, s;
    if (this.gze) {
        for (e in this.ize)
            if (s = this.ize[e], s.om && 0 <= s.wvd) {
                i = null;
                if (1e5 > s.wvd) {
                    if (t = dbe.pqd(s.wvd), null != t) {
                        t = t.sye();
                        for (var o in t) {
                            i = t[o];
                            if (!i.wae) break;
                            i = null
                } else i = maf.pqd(s.wvd), !i && i.wae && (i = null);
                null != i && (t = s.gme, n = s.hme, r = Math.round(i.fm), i = Math.round(i.gm), 2 * s.hbi >= s.ime ? t = r - s.ime / 2 : r - s.hbi < s.gme ? t = r - s.hbi : r + s.hbi > s.gme + s.ime && (t = r + s.hbi - s.ime), 2 * s.ibi >= s.jme ? n = i - s.jme / 2 : i - s.ibi < s.hme ? n = i - s.ibi : i + s.ibi > s.hme + s.jme && (n = i + s.ibi - s.jme), 0 > t && (t = 0), t + s.ime > this.yzh && (t = this.yzh - s.ime), 0 > n && (n = 0), n + s.jme > this.zzh && (n = this.zzh - s.jme), 0 <= s.pab && (t < s.gme && s.gme - t > s.pab && (t = s.gme - s.pab), t > s.gme && t - s.gme > s.pab && (t = s.gme + s.pab)), 0 <= s.nw && (n < s.hme && s.hme - n > s.nw && (n = s.hme - s.nw), n > s.hme && n - s.hme > s.nw && (n = s.hme + s.nw)), s.gme = t, s.hme = n)
var fci = !1;
sdg.prototype.gci = function(e) {
    for (var t = this.coe.mzh(), n = t.tm, r = this.mbe.length - 1; 0 <= r; r--) {
        var i = this.mbe.pqd(r);
        if (!i.wae && 0 != i.om) {
            for (; n > i.tm;) t.nxc(e), n = (t = this.coe.soc()) ? t.tm : -1e12;
            if (i.jye[igf]) i.hvd(igf, 0, i, i);
            else {
                var s = eud.pqd(i.jy);
                s && (1 == i.une && 1 == i.vne && 0 == i.vab && 16777215 == i.wne ? s.zne(i.oab, i.fm, i.gm, i.xab) : s.nxc(i.oab, i.fm, i.gm, i.une, i.vne, i.vab, i.wne, i.xab))
    for (; t;) t.nxc(e), t = this.coe.soc()
sdg.prototype.ici = function(e) {
    var t, n, r, i;
    r = this.mbe.xad;
    i = eud.rj;
    for (n = r.length - 1; 0 <= n; n--) t = r[n], !t.wae && t.om && (t.jye[igf] ? t.hvd(igf, 0, t, t) : (e = i[t.jy]) && (1 == t.une && 1 == t.vne && 0 == t.vab && 16777215 == t.wne ? e.zne(t.oab, t.fm, t.gm, t.xab) : e.nxc(t.oab, t.fm, t.gm, t.une, t.vne, t.vab, t.wne, t.xab)))
sdg.prototype.jci = function(e) {
    e = yxh();
    for (var t = this.mbe.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--) {
        var n = this.mbe.pqd(t);
        if (!n.wae && 0 != n.om) {
            for (; e > n.tm;) wxh(e), e = zxh(e);
            if (n.jye[igf]) n.hvd(igf, 0, n, n);
            else {
                var r = eud.pqd(n.jy);
                r && (1 == n.une && 1 == n.vne && 0 == n.vab && 16777215 == n.wne ? r.zne(n.oab, n.fm, n.gm, n.xab) : r.nxc(n.oab, n.fm, n.gm, n.une, n.vne, n.vab, n.wne, n.xab))
    for (; - 1e9 < e;) wxh(e), e = zxh(e)
sdg.prototype.lci = function(e) {
    for (var t in this.jai) {
        var n = this.jai[t];
        n.fm + n.hm > e.left && n.fm < e.qbe && n.nxc()
    e = yxh();
    for (t = this.mbe.length - 1; 0 <= t; t--)
        if (n = this.mbe.pqd(t), !n.wae && 0 != n.om) {
            for (; e > n.tm;) wxh(e), e = zxh(e);
            if (n.jye[igf]) n.hvd(igf, 0, n, n);
            else {
                var r = eud.pqd(n.jy);
                r && (1 == n.une && 1 == n.vne && 0 == n.vab && 16777215 == n.wne ? r.zne(n.oab, n.fm, n.gm, n.xab) : r.nxc(n.oab, n.fm, n.gm, n.une, n.vne, n.vab, n.wne, n.xab))
    for (; - 1e9 < e;) wxh(e), e = zxh(e)
sdg.prototype.mci = function(e) {
    dme = e;
    this.dai && dqg(hw.pig);
    for (var t = 0; t < wuf.zhg.length; t++) {
        var n = wuf.pqd(t);
        if (n && (n.om = pw(global, "__background_visible__", t), n.ohg = pw(global, "__background_foreground__", t), n.fm = pw(global, "__background_x__", t), n.gm = pw(global, "__background_y__", t), n.mu = pw(global, "__background_index__", t), n.phg = pw(global, "__background_htiled__", t), n.rhg = pw(global, "__background_vtiled__", t), n.syb = pw(global, "__background_alpha__", t), n.vhg = pw(global, "__background_blend__", t), n.pab = pw(global, "__background_hspeed__", t), n.nw = pw(global, "__background_vspeed__", t), null != n && n.om && !n.ohg)) {
            var r = wuf.ceg(n.mu);
            null != r && (n.uhg ? ptg(r.jhg, n.fm, n.gm, this.yzh, this.zzh, n.vhg, n.syb) : aqg(r.jhg, n.fm, n.gm, n.phg, n.rhg, n.vhg, n.syb))
    0 < this.coe.jzh.etb ? 0 != cvf.length ? this.lci(e) : this.gci(e) : 0 != cvf.length ? this.jci(e) : this.ici(e);
    for (t = 0; t < wuf.zhg.length; t++) n = wuf.pqd(t), null != n && n.om && n.ohg && (r = wuf.ceg(n.mu), null != r && (n.uhg ? ptg(r.jhg, n.fm, n.gm, this.yzh, this.zzh, n.vhg, n.syb) : aqg(r.jhg, n.fm, n.gm, n.phg, n.rhg)))
sdg.prototype.nci = function() {
    var e = eud.pqd(uxf);
    null != e && e.nxc(vxf, jpd.nze - mze.left, jpd.oze - mze.top, 1, 1, 0, 16777215, 1);
    vxf > e.fud && (vxf -= e.fud)
sdg.prototype.nxc = function() {
    var e = new lke;
    var t;
    this.gze ? (t = this.ize, this.eai && dqg(qxf)) : (t = hze, rpg = twf / ebe.yzh, spg = uwf / ebe.zzh);
    var n = rpg,
        r = spg;
    dwf = 0;
    for (dm in t) fme = t[dm], fme.om && (zqg(), -1 != fme.kze && (yle(fme.kze), spg = rpg = 1), fme.ome = fme.kme * rpg, fme.pme = fme.lme * spg, fme.qme = fme.mme * rpg, fme.rme = fme.nme * spg, fme.sme = fme.ome + fme.qme, fme.tme = fme.pme + fme.rme, fme.pze = fme.qme / fme.ime, fme.qze = fme.rme / fme.jme, bqg(fme.ome, fme.pme, fme.qme, fme.rme), cqg(fme.gme, fme.hme, fme.ime, fme.jme, fme.pcc), e.left = fme.gme, e.top = fme.hme, e.qbe = fme.gme + fme.ime, e.bottom = fme.hme + fme.jme, hw.qw = dwf, this.mci(e), -1 != fme.kze && ume(), dwf++, brg(), wme = qod.getContext("2d"), rpg = n, spg = r);
    0 <= uxf && this.nci()
sdg.prototype.rci = function() {
    var e = [],
        t = maf.xyg.xad,
    for (n in t) {
        var r = t[n];
        r.wae && (e[e.length] = r)
    for (n = 0; n < e.length; n++) r = e[n], this.vbi(r)
sdg.prototype.vbi = function(e) {
    this.nai && e.hve && this.nai.xvc(e.hve);
sdg.prototype.tci = function(e) {
    e.xoc && (this.mbe.ope(e), e.uvd.pwg(e), this.hai.cjc(e), e.xoc = !1)
sdg.prototype.uci = function(e) {
    e.xoc || (this.hai.egg(e), this.mbe.zqh(e), e.uvd.qwg(e), e.xoc = !0)
sdg.prototype.lzh = function(e) {
    var t = this.jai[e];
    t && (this.coe.lzh(t), this.jai[e] = null, this.iai--)
sdg.prototype.vci = function() {
    if (0 != this.lwg.length) {
        for (var e = this.lwg, t = 0; t < this.lwg.length; t++) {
            var n = e[t];
            this.mbe.cjc(n, n.tm)
        this.lwg = []
fbg.prototype.udg = function(e) {
    this.xdg = e
fbg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    return this.dje[this.dje.length] = e
fbg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.dje[e]
fbg.prototype.fje = function(e) {
    return this.dje[this.xdg[e]]
fbg.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    this.dje[e] = null
var xcg = [];
zci.prototype.fdi = function(e) {
    this.sj = e.sj;
    this.fyh = e.fyh;
    this.wcg = e.wcg;
    this.ucg = e.ucg;
    this.adi = e.adi;
    this.volume = e.volume;
    this.bdi = e.bdi;
    this.preload = e.preload;
    this.cdi = 1;
zci.prototype.gdi = function(e) {
    this.ddi = 0;
    this.edi = [];
    for (e = 0; e < wtf; e++) null != xcg[this.sj] && (this.edi[e] = xcg[this.sj])
ibg.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    this.qj[e] && (this.odi(e), this.qj[e] = void 0)
ibg.prototype.odi = function(a) {
    with(this) {
        var b = this.qj[a];
        if (!b) return;
        var b = b.edi,
        for (c in b)
            if (qdi = b[c], null != qdi) try {
                qdi.pause(), qdi.ndi = !1
            } catch (d) {
                kwf && fsd("Error stopping sound: " + this.qj[a].sj)
ibg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.qj[e]
ibg.prototype.utc = function() {
    this.qj = [];
    length = 0
ibg.prototype.cjc = function(a) {
    with(this) {
        var b = null;
        null != a && (b = new zci, b.fdi(a));
        qj[qj.length] = b
lke.prototype.lpb = function(e) {
    this.left = e.left;
    this.qbe = e.qbe;
    this.top = e.top;
    this.bottom = e.bottom
ike.prototype.nxg = function() {
    return this.nke
ike.prototype.udi = function() {
    return this.fud
ike.prototype.vdi = function() {
    var e = this.vj * this.vj,
        t = this.uj * this.uj,
        n = (this.width - this.uj) * (this.width - this.uj),
        r = (this.height - this.vj) * (this.height - this.vj),
        i = ~~ceil(sqrt(t + e)),
        e = ~~ceil(sqrt(n + e)),
        t = ~~ceil(sqrt(t + r)),
        n = ~~ceil(sqrt(n + r));
    this.oke = vwd(i, vwd(e, vwd(t, n)))
ike.prototype.zne = function(e, t, n, r) {
    if (!(0 >= this.fud)) {
        var i = this.oke;
        dme.top - n <= i && n - dme.bottom <= i && dme.left - t <= i && t - dme.qbe <= i && (e = ~~e % this.fud, 0 > e && (e += this.fud), zpg(this.zje[e], t - this.uj, n - this.vj, r))
ike.prototype.nxc = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    if (!(0 >= this.fud)) {
        var a = abs(this.oke * r),
            f = abs(this.oke * i),
            a = a > f ? a : f;
        dme.top - n <= a && n - dme.bottom <= a && dme.left - t <= a && t - dme.qbe <= a && (e = ~~e % this.fud, 0 > e && (e += this.fud), s = aag(s, 360), rqg(this.zje[e], this.uj, this.vj, t, n, r, i, s * Math.PI / 180, o, o, o, o, u))
ike.prototype.sei = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a) {
    if (!this.pke) return !0;
    if (0 >= this.fud) return !1;
    e %= this.rke.length;
    0 > e && (e += this.rke.length);
    1e-4 > Math.abs(o) ? (i = Math.floor((u - n) / i + this.uj), n = Math.floor((a - r) / s + this.vj)) : (t = Math.sin(-o * Math.PI / 180), o = Math.cos(-o * Math.PI / 180), i = Math.floor((o * (u - n) + t * (a - r)) / i + this.uj), n = Math.floor((o * (a - r) - t * (u - n)) / s + this.vj));
    return 0 > i || i >= this.width || 0 > n || n >= this.height ? !1 : this.rke[e][i + n * this.width]
ike.prototype.cyg = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    if (!this.pke) return !0;
    if (0 >= this.fud) return !1;
    e %= this.rke.length;
    0 > e && (e += this.rke.length);
    var a = vwd(t.left, u.left),
        f = uwd(t.qbe, u.qbe),
        l = vwd(t.top, u.top);
    t = uwd(t.bottom, u.bottom);
    if (1 == i && 1 == s && 1e-4 > Math.abs(this.pcc))
        for (; a <= f; a++)
            for (var c = l; c <= t; c++) {
                var h = a - n + this.uj,
                    p = c - r + this.vj;
                if (!(0 > h || h >= this.hm || 0 > p || p >= this.im || !0 != this.rke[e][h + p * this.hm])) return !0
            } else
                for (u = Math.sin(-o * ice / 180), o = Math.cos(-o * ice / 180), i = 1 / i, s = 1 / s; a <= f; a++)
                    for (c = l; c <= t; c++)
                        if (h = Math.floor((o * (a - n) + u * (c - r)) * i + this.uj), p = Math.floor((o * (c - r) - u * (a - n)) * s + this.vj), !(0 > h || h >= this.width || 0 > p || p >= this.height) && this.rke[e][h + p * this.width]) return !0;
    return !1
ike.prototype.afi = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
    var a, f;
    if (!this.pke) return !0;
    3 < bfi && (bfi = 1 + bfi - 1);
    if (0 >= this.fud) return !1;
    e %= this.rke.length;
    0 > e && (e += this.rke.length);
    a = vwd(t.left, u.left);
    var l = uwd(t.qbe, u.qbe),
        c = vwd(t.top, u.top);
    t = uwd(t.bottom, u.bottom);
    var h = (u.qbe + u.left) / 2,
        p = (u.bottom + u.top) / 2,
        d = 1 / ((u.qbe - u.left) / 2);
    u = 1 / ((u.bottom - u.top) / 2);
    e = this.rke[e];
    if (1 == i && 1 == s && 1e-4 > Math.abs(o))
        for (; a <= l; a++) {
            var v = lce((a - h) * d),
                m = a - n + this.uj;
            if (!(0 > m || m >= this.width))
                for (f = c; f <= t; f++)
                    if (!(1 < v + lce((f - p) * u))) {
                        var g = f - r + this.vj;
                        if (!(0 > g || g >= this.height) && e[m + g * this.width]) return !0
        } else
            for (v = Math.sin(-o * Math.PI / 180), o = Math.sin(-o * Math.PI / 180), i = 1 / i, s = 1 / s; a <= l; a++) {
                f = a - n;
                var y = o * f,
                    b = v * f,
                    w = lce((a - h) * d);
                for (f = c; f <= t; f++)
                    if (m = (f - p) * u, !(1 < w + m * m || (g = f - r, m = ~~(y + v * g * i + this.uj), 0 > m || m >= this.width || (g = ~~(o * g - b * s + this.vj), 0 > g || g >= this.height || !e[m + g * this.width])))) return !0
    return !1
ike.prototype.hyg = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l, c, h, p, d) {
    if (null == u || 0 >= this.fud || 0 >= u.fud) return !1;
    0 < this.rke.length && (e %= this.rke.length);
    0 > e && (e += this.rke.length);
    0 < u.rke.length && (a %= u.rke.length);
    0 > a && (a += u.rke.length);
    i = 1 / i;
    s = 1 / s;
    h = 1 / h;
    p = 1 / p;
    var v = vwd(t.left, f.left),
        m = uwd(t.qbe, f.qbe),
        g = vwd(t.top, f.top);
    t = uwd(t.bottom, f.bottom);
    if (1 == i && 1 == h && 1 == s && 1 == p && 0 == o && 0 == d)
        for (; v <= m; v++)
            for (var y = g; y <= t; y++) {
                var b = v - n + this.uj,
                    w = y - r + this.vj;
                if (!(0 > b || b >= this.width || 0 > w || w >= this.height || this.pke && !this.rke[e][b + w * this.width] || (b = v - l + u.uj, w = y - c + u.vj, 0 > b || b >= u.width || 0 > w || w >= u.height || u.pke && !u.rke[a][b + w * u.width]))) return !0
            } else if (0 == o && 0 == d)
                for (; v <= m; v++)
                    for (y = g; y <= t; y++) {
                        if (b = Math.floor((v - n) * i + this.uj), w = Math.floor((y - r) * s + this.vj), !(0 > b || b >= this.width || 0 > w || w >= this.height || this.pke && !this.rke[e][b + w * this.width] || (b = Math.floor((v - l) * h + u.uj), w = Math.floor((y - c) * p + u.vj), 0 > b || b >= u.width || 0 > w || w >= u.height || u.pke && !u.rke[a][b + w * u.width]))) return !0
                    } else {
                        f = Math.sin(-o * ice / 180);
                        o = Math.cos(-o * ice / 180);
                        var E = Math.sin(-d * ice / 180);
                        for (d = Math.cos(-d * ice / 180); v <= m; v++)
                            for (y = g; y <= t; y++)
                                if (b = Math.floor((o * (v - n) + f * (y - r)) * i + this.uj), w = Math.floor((o * (y - r) - f * (v - n)) * s + this.vj), !(0 > b || b >= this.width || 0 > w || w >= this.height || this.pke && !this.rke[e][b + w * this.width] || (b = Math.floor((d * (v - l) + E * (y - c)) * h + u.uj), w = Math.floor((d * (y - c) - E * (v - l)) * p + u.vj), 0 > b || b >= u.width || 0 > w || w >= u.height || u.pke && !u.rke[a][b + w * u.width]))) return !0
            return !1
ike.prototype.xfi = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f, l) {
    if (!this.pke) return !0;
    if (0 >= this.fud) return !1;
    e %= this.rke.length;
    0 > e && (e += this.rke.length);
    if (u == f || a == l) {
        var c = new lke;
        c.left = u;
        c.top = uwd(a, l);
        c.qbe = f;
        c.bottom = vwd(a, l);
        return this.cyg(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, c)
    c = Math.sin(-o * Math.PI / 180);
    o = Math.cos(-o * Math.PI / 180);
    if (Math.abs(f - u) >= Math.abs(l - a)) {
        if (f < u) {
            var h = f;
            f = u;
            u = nqd;
            h = l;
            l = dgi;
            a = h
        for (var h = (l - a) / (f - u), p = vwd(t.left, u); p <= uwd(t.qbe, f); p++) {
            var d = Math.floor((o * (p - n) + c * (a + (p - u) * h - r)) / i + this.uj),
                v = Math.floor((o * (a + (p - u) * h - r) - c * (p - n)) / s + this.vj);
            if (!(0 > d || d >= this.width || 0 > v || v >= this.height) && this.rke[e][d + v * this.width]) return !0
    } else
        for (l < a && (h = l, l = a, a = h, h = f, f = u, u = h), h = (f - u) / (l - a), p = vwd(t.top, a); p <= uwd(t.bottom, l); p++)
            if (d = Math.floor((o * (u + (p - a) * h - n) + c * (p - r)) / i + this.uj), v = Math.floor((o * (p - r) - c * (u + (p - a) * h - n)) / s + this.vj), !(0 > d || d >= this.width || 0 > v || v >= this.height) && this.rke[e][d + v * this.width]) return !0; return !1
gbg.prototype.kke = function(e) {
    var t = this.rj.length;
    this.rj[t] = e;
    return t
gbg.prototype.exg = function(e) {
    return 0 > e || e > this.rj.length ? null : this.rj[e].zje.length
var isfirst = !0;
gbg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return 0 > e || e > this.rj.length ? null : 40 == e ? isfirst && ( isfirst = !1) : this.rj[e]
gbg.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    void 0 != this.rj[e] && (this.rj[e] = void 0)
fgi.prototype.nxc = function() {
    var e = wuf.ceg(this.mu);
    null != e && (e = e.jhg, e.fv >= cke.length || !cke[e.fv].complete || (uvf ? gxc.wje(e, e.fm + this.lbi, e.gm + this.mbi, this.hm, this.im, this.fm, this.gm, this.hm * this.whg, this.im * this.xhg, this.vhg | 255 * this.syb << 24) : (gxc.globalAlpha = this.syb, gxc.wje(cke[e.fv], e.fm + this.lbi, e.gm + this.mbi, this.hm, this.im, this.fm, this.gm, this.hm * this.whg, this.im * this.xhg))))
hgi.prototype.xaf = function(e) {
    if (0 == this.pvd.length) return 0;
    if (e > this.pvd[this.pvd.length - 1]) return this.pvd.length;
    for (var t = 0; t < this.pvd.length; t++)
        if (this.pvd[t].jgi >= e) return t;
    return this.pvd.length
hgi.prototype.uaf = function() {
    return this.pvd[this.pvd.length - 1].jgi
lbg.prototype.cjc = function(e) {
    var t = null;
    null != e && (t = new hgi(e));
    this.km[this.km.length] = t
lbg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return 0 > e || e >= this.km.length ? void 0 : this.km[e]
lbg.prototype.utc = function(e) {
    (0 <= e || e < this.km.length) && this.km[e].pvd.utc()
lbg.prototype.ope = function(e) {
    if (0 <= e || e < this.km.length) this.km[e] = null
ndg.prototype.pqd = function(e) {
    return this.xad[e]
ndg.prototype.chg = function(e) {
    for (var t = 1; t < this.xad.length; t++) this.xad[t].mgi == e && maf.hvd(ogf, t)
var pw, by, fzf, hzf;
var tgi = 192e3,
    ugi = -1,
    vgi = 0,
    wgi = 1,
    xgi = 2,
    ygi = 3,
    zgi = 4,
    ahi = 5,
    bhi = 20;
chi.prototype.dng = function() {
    uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.gng);
    uvf.bufferSubData(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.ehi);
    uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.ing);
    uvf.bufferSubData(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.ghi);
    uvf.bindBuffer(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, this.kng);
    uvf.bufferSubData(uvf.ARRAY_BUFFER, 0, this.fhi);
    this.hhi = 0;
    this.cng = !1
jhi.prototype.ohi = function() {
    if (null != this.mhi) {
        var e = this.mhi.hhi - this.lhi;
        switch (this.nhi) {
            case vgi:
                wvf.zlg(0, this.xlg);
                wvf.cmg(this.lhi, e);
            case wgi:
                wvf.zlg(0, this.xlg);
                wvf.fmg(this.lhi, e);
            case xgi:
                wvf.zlg(0, this.xlg);
                wvf.gmg(this.lhi, e);
            case ygi:
                wvf.zlg(0, null);
                wvf.hmg(this.lhi, e);
            case zgi:
                wvf.zlg(0, null);
                wvf.jmg(this.lhi, e);
            case ahi:
                wvf.zlg(0, null), wvf.amg(this.mhi), wvf.kmg(this.lhi, e)
        this.mhi = this.xlg = null;
        this.nhi = ugi
jhi.prototype.phi = function(e, t, n, r) {
    var i;
    t = null != t ? t.bke : null;
    if (null != this.mhi) {
        if (this.mhi.ihi == n && this.mhi.hhi + r <= this.mhi.max && this.xlg == t && this.nhi == e && e != zgi && e != xgi && e != wgi) return this.mhi;
        i = this.mhi;
        if (i.ihi == n && i.hhi + r <= i.max) return this.mhi = i, this.lhi = i.hhi, this.nhi = e, this.xlg = t, this.mhi
    this.nhi = e;
    this.xlg = t;
    t = this.khi[n].xad;
    for (e = t.length - 1; 0 <= e; e--)
        if (i = t[e], i.eng != fng && i.hhi + r <= i.max) return i.cng = !0, this.lhi = i.hhi, this.mhi = i;
    r < tgi && (r = tgi);
    i = new chi(r, n);
    i.cng = !0;
    this.lhi = i.hhi;
    this.mhi = i;
    return i
rzf.prototype.lpb = function(e) {
    this.om = e.om;
    this.gme = e.gme;
    this.hme = e.hme;
    this.ime = e.ime;
    this.jme = e.jme;
    this.kme = e.kme;
    this.lme = e.lme;
    this.mme = e.mme;
    this.nme = e.nme;
    this.pcc = e.pcc;
    this.ome = e.ome;
    this.pme = e.pme;
    this.sme = e.sme;
    this.tme = e.tme;
    this.qme = e.qme;
    this.rme = e.rme;
    this.pze = e.pze;
    this.qze = e.qze;
    this.hbi = e.hbi;
    this.ibi = e.ibi;
    this.pab = e.pab;
    this.nw = e.nw;
    this.wvd = e.wvd;
    this.kze = e.kze
var xhi = 0,
    yhi = 1,
    zhi = 2,
    aii = 16,
    bii = 24,
    cii = [],
    dii = [],
    eii = 0,
    fii = 0;
var eki = function(e, t, n) {
    t = uvf.createShader("vertex" == t ? uvf.VERTEX_SHADER : uvf.FRAGMENT_SHADER);
    uvf.shaderSource(t, n);
    uvf.getShaderParameter(t, uvf.COMPILE_STATUS) && uvf.attachShader(e, t)
var yli = 0,
    zli = 100,
    qod = null,
    ami, bmi, cmi, dmi, emi, fmi, gmi, gxc = null,
    wme = null,
    hmi = 0,
    imi = 0,
    jmi = 0,
    kmi = 0,
    lmi = 0,
    dsd = 0,
    mmi = 0,
    dxe = 60,
window.requestAnimFrame = function() {
    return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame || function(e, t) {
        nmi = window.setTimeout(e, 1e3 / 60)
window.onload = omi;
var eoi = 0,
    foi = 0;