www.gusucode.com > 人从哪里来游戏微信朋友圈小游戏源码程序 > 人从哪里来游戏微信朋友圈小游戏源码程序/evolution/js/game.min.js

    function ImagesPreloader() {
    function e() {
        var n = 0,
            r = 0,
        for (i in t.loadedImages) t.loadedImages[i].complete && n++, r++;
        n >= r ? t.endCallback && t.endCallback(t.loadedImages) : (t.processCallback && t.processCallback(Math.floor(n / r * 100)), setTimeout(e, 50))
    var t = this;
    this.curItem = -1;
    this.loadedImages = {};
    this.processCallback = this.endCallback = this.data = null;
    this.load = function(t, n, r) {
        this.data = t;
        this.endCallback = n;
        this.processCallback = r;
        for (t = 0; t < this.data.length; t++) n = this.data[t], r = new Image, r.src = n.src, this.loadedImages[n.name] = r;

function Sprite(e, t, n, r, i) {
    this.uid = 0;
    this.stage = null;
    this.y = this.x = 0;
    this.width = t;
    this.height = n;
    this.offset = {
        left: 0,
        top: 0
    this.anchor = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    this.scaleY = this.scaleX = 1;
    this.zIndex = this.rotation = 0;
    this.visible = !0;
    this.opacity = 1;
    this.ignoreViewport = this["static"] = !1;
    this.animated = !0;
    this.currentFrame = 0;
    this.totalFrames = Math.max(1, ~~r);
    1 >= this.totalFrames && (this.animated = !1);
    this.currentLayer = 0;
    this.totalLayers = Math.max(1, ~~i);
    this.bitmap = e;
    this.mask = null;
    this.destroy = this.fillColor = !1;
    this.animStep = 0;
    this.animDelay = 1;
    this.dragged = this.drawAlways = !1;
    this.dragY = this.dragX = 0;
    this.getX = function() {
        return Math.round(this.x * Utils.globalScale)
    this.getY = function() {
        return Math.round(this.y * Utils.globalScale)
    this.getWidth = function() {
        return this.width * Math.abs(this.scaleX) * Utils.globalScale
    this.getHeight = function() {
        return this.height * Math.abs(this.scaleY) * Utils.globalScale
    this.startDrag = function(e, t) {
        this.dragged = !0;
        this.dragX = e;
        this.dragY = t
    this.stopDrag = function() {
        this.dragged = !1;
        this.dragY = this.dragX = 0
    this.play = function() {
        this.animated = !0
    this.stop = function() {
        this.animated = !1
    this.gotoAndStop = function(e) {
        this.currentFrame = e;
    this.gotoAndPlay = function(e) {
        this.currentFrame = e;
    this.removeTweens = function() {
        this.stage && this.stage.clearObjectTweens(this)
    this.addTween = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        if (this.stage) {
            var o = this[e];
            if (!isNaN(o)) return e = stage.createTween(this, e, o, t, n, r), e.onchange = s, e.onfinish = i, e
    this.moveTo = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        n = ~~n;
        0 >= n ? this.setPosition(e, t) : ((e = this.addTween("x", e, n, r, i, s)) && e.play(), (t = this.addTween("y", t, n, r, e ? null : i, e ? null : s)) && t.play());
        return this
    this.moveBy = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        return this.moveTo(this.x + e, this.y + t, n, r, i, s)
    this.fadeTo = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        t = ~~t;
        0 >= t ? this.opacity = e : (e = this.addTween("opacity", e, t, n, r, i)) && e.play();
        return this
    this.fadeBy = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        e = Math.max(0, Math.min(1, this.opacity + e));
        return this.fadeTo(e, t, n, r, i)
    this.rotateTo = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        t = ~~t;
        0 >= t ? this.rotation = e : (e = this.addTween("rotation", e, t, n, r, i)) && e.play();
        return this
    this.rotateBy = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        return this.rotateTo(this.rotation + e, t, n, r, i)
    this.scaleTo = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        t = ~~t;
        if (0 >= t) this.scaleX = this.scaleY = e;
        else {
            var s = this.addTween("scaleX", e, t, n, r, i);
            s && s.play();
            (e = this.addTween("scaleY", e, t, n, s ? null : r, s ? null : i)) && e.play()
        return this
    this.nextFrame = function() {
        this.dispatchEvent("enterframe", {
            target: this
        this.animated && (this.animStep++, this.animStep >= this.animDelay && (this.currentFrame++, this.animStep = 0), this.currentFrame >= this.totalFrames && (this.currentFrame = 0))
    this.eventsWhenInvisible = !1;
    this.onbox2dsync = this.onremove = this.onadd = this.onrender = this.onprerender = this.onenterframe = this.onmousemove = this.oncontextmenu = this.onclick = this.onmouseup = this.onmousedown = this.onmouseout = this.onmouseover = null;
    this.mouseOn = !1;
    this.getPosition = function() {
        return {
            x: this.x,
            y: this.y
    this.setPosition = function(e, t) {
        if ("undefined" == typeof t && "undefined" != typeof e.x && "undefined" != typeof e.y) return this.setPosition(e.x, e.y);
        this.x = parseFloat(e);
        this.y = parseFloat(t)
    this.getAnchor = function() {
        return this.anchor
    this.setAnchor = function(e, t) {
        if ("undefined" == typeof t && "undefined" != typeof e.x && "undefined" != typeof e.y) return this.setAnchor(e.x, e.y);
        this.anchor.x = parseFloat(e);
        this.anchor.y = parseFloat(t)
    this.alignAnchor = function(e, t) {
        e = parseInt(e);
        isNaN(e) && (e = ANCHOR_ALIGN_CENTER);
        0 > e && (e = ANCHOR_ALIGN_LEFT);
        0 < e && (e = ANCHOR_ALIGN_RIGHT);
        t = parseInt(t);
        isNaN(t) && (t = ANCHOR_VALIGN_MIDDLE);
        0 > t && (t = ANCHOR_VALIGN_TOP);
        0 < t && (t = ANCHOR_VALIGN_BOTTOM);
        this.anchor.x = this.width * e / 2;
        this.anchor.y = this.height * t / 2;
        return this.getAnchor()
    this.getAbsoluteAnchor = function() {
        return this.getPosition()
    this.getRelativeCenter = function() {
        var e = this.getAnchor();
        if (0 == e.x && 0 == e.y) return e;
        e = new Vector(-e.x * this.scaleX, -e.y * this.scaleY);
        return e
    this.getAbsoluteCenter = function() {
        var e = this.getRelativeCenter(),
            e = {
                x: e.x,
                y: e.y
        e.x += this.x;
        e.y += this.y;
        return e
    this.getCenter = function() {
        return this.getAbsoluteCenter()
    this.getDrawRectangle = function() {
        var e = this.getCenter(),
            t = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.width * Math.abs(this.scaleX), this.height * Math.abs(this.scaleY), this.rotation);
        t.move(e.x, e.y);
        return t
    this.getAABBRectangle = function() {
        var e = this.getDrawRectangle(),
            t = e.AABB[1].x - e.AABB[0].x,
            n = e.AABB[1].y - e.AABB[0].y;
        return new Rectangle(e.AABB[0].x + t / 2, e.AABB[0].y + n / 2, t, n, 0)
    this.localToGlobal = function(e, t) {
        var n = "object" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof e.x && "undefined" != typeof e.y ? new Vector(e.x + 0, e.y + 0) : new Vector(e, t);
        return n
    this.globalToLocal = function(e, t) {
        var n = "object" == typeof e && "undefined" != typeof e.x && "undefined" != typeof e.y ? new Vector(e.x + 0, e.y + 0) : new Vector(e, t);
        return n
    this.allowDebugDrawing = !0;
    this.debugDraw = function() {
        if (this.visible && this.allowDebugDrawing) {
            var e = this.getPosition(),
                t = this.getCenter(),
                n = this.getDrawRectangle(),
                r = this.getAABBRectangle();
            stage.drawCircle(e.x, e.y, 1, 1, "rgba(255,0,0,0.9)");
            stage.drawCircle(t.x, t.y, 1, 1, "rgba(0,255,0,0.9)");
            stage.drawLine(e.x, e.y, t.x, t.y, 1, "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)");
            stage.drawPolygon(n.vertices, .5, "rgba(255,0,255,0.5)", 1);
            stage.drawLine(r.vertices[0].x, r.vertices[0].y, r.vertices[2].x, r.vertices[2].y, .1, "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)");
            stage.drawLine(r.vertices[2].x, r.vertices[0].y, r.vertices[0].x, r.vertices[2].y, .1, "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)");
            stage.drawPolygon(r.vertices, .5, "rgba(255,255,255,0.5)")
    this.setZIndex = function(e) {
        this.zIndex = ~~e;
        this.stage && this.stage.setZIndex(this, ~~e)
    this.eventsListeners = [];
    this.addEventListener = function(e, t) {
        EventsManager.addEvent(this, e, t)
    this.removeEventListener = function(e, t) {
        EventsManager.removeEvent(this, e, t)
    this.dispatchEvent = function(e, t) {
        return EventsManager.dispatchEvent(this, e, t)
    this.hitTestPoint = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        return this.stage ? this.stage.hitTestPointObject(this, e, t, n, r, i) : !1

function Tween(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
    var o = this;
    "object" != typeof e && (e = null);
    if (e) {
        if ("undefined" == typeof e[t]) throw Error('Trying to tween undefined property "' + t + '"');
        if (isNaN(e[t])) throw Error("Tweened value can not be " + typeof e[t])
    } else if (isNaN(t)) throw Error("Tweened value can not be " + typeof t);
    "function" != typeof s && (s = Easing.linear.easeIn);
    this.obj = e;
    this.prop = t;
    this.onfinish = this.onchange = null;
    this.start = n;
    this.end = r;
    this.duration = ~~i;
    this.callback = s;
    this.playing = !1;
    this._pos = -1;
    this.play = function() {
        o.playing = !0;
    this.pause = function() {
        o.playing = !1
    this.rewind = function() {
        o._pos = -1
    this.forward = function() {
        o._pos = this.duration
    this.stop = function() {
    this.updateValue = function(e) {
        o.obj ? o.obj[o.prop] = e : o.prop = e
    this.tick = function() {
        if (!o.playing) return !1;
        if (0 > o._pos) return !1;
        if (o._pos > o.duration) return o.finish();
        var e = o.callback,
            e = e(o._pos, o.start, o.end - o.start, o.duration);
        o.dispatchEvent("change", {
            target: o,
            value: e
        return !1
    this.finish = function() {
        return o.dispatchEvent("finish", {
            target: o,
            value: o.end
    this.eventsListeners = [];
    this.addEventListener = function(e, t) {
        EventsManager.addEvent(this, e, t)
    this.removeEventListener = function(e, t) {
        EventsManager.removeEvent(this, e, t)
    this.dispatchEvent = function(e, t) {
        return EventsManager.dispatchEvent(this, e, t)

function StageTimer(a, c, d) {
    this.repeat = d;
    this.timeout = this.initialTimeout = c;
    this.callback = a;
    this.paused = !1;
    this.update = function() {
        if (!this.paused) {
            if (0 >= this.timeout)
                if ("function" == typeof this.callback && this.callback(), "string" == typeof this.callback && eval(this.callback), this.repeat) this.timeout = this.initialTimeout;
                else return !0;
            return !1
    this.resume = function() {
        this.paused = !1
    this.pause = function() {
        this.paused = !0

function Stage(e, t, n) {
    function r() {
        s.lastFPS = s.fps;
        s.fps = 0;
        s.started && (s.tmFPS = setTimeout(r, 1e3))

    function i() {
        var e = (new Date).getTime();
        s.drawScene(s.canvas, !1);
        s.showFPS && (s.setTextStyle("sans-serif", 10, "bold", "#fff", "#000"), s.drawText("FPS: " + s.lastFPS, 2, 10, 1, !0));
        e = (new Date).getTime() - e;
        e = s.delay - e - 1;
        1 > e && (e = 1);
        s.started && (s.tmMain = setTimeout(i, e))
    var s = this;
    this.canvas = null;
    e && (this.canvas = document.getElementById(e), this.canvas.ctx = this.canvas.getContext("2d"));
    this.backBuffer = null;
    this.screenWidth = t;
    this.screenHeight = n;
    this.viewport = {
        x: 0,
        y: 0
    this.objects = [];
    this.objectsCounter = 0;
    try {
        this.buffer = document.createElement("canvas"), this.buffer.width = t * Utils.globalScale, this.buffer.height = n * Utils.globalScale, this.buffer.ctx = this.buffer.getContext("2d")
    } catch (o) {
        this.buffer = this.canvas
    this.delay = 40;
    this.started = this.fillColor = !1;
    this.lastFPS = this.fps = 0;
    this.ceilSizes = this.pixelMouseMoveEvent = this.pixelMouseDownEvent = this.pixelMouseUpEvent = this.pixelClickEvent = this.showFPS = !1;
    this.clearLock = !1;
    this.destroy = function() {
    this.clearScreen = function(e) {
        this.clearLock || e.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, this.screenWidth * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale, this.screenHeight * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale)
    this.findMaxZIndex = function() {
        for (var e = -1, t = !1, n = 0; n < this.objects.length; n++) this.objects[n].zIndex > e && (e = this.objects[n].zIndex, t = n);
        return {
            index: t,
            zIndex: e
    this.findMinZIndex = function() {
        for (var e = -1, t = !1, n = 0; n < this.objects.length; n++) 0 == n && (e = this.objects[n].zIndex, t = 0), this.objects[n].zIndex < e && (e = this.objects[n].zIndex, t = n);
        return {
            index: t,
            zIndex: e
    this.addChild = function(e) {
        var t = this.findMaxZIndex(),
            n = e.zIndex;
        e.zIndex = !1 !== t.index ? t.zIndex + 1 : 0;
        e.uid = this.objectsCounter;
        e.stage = this;
        0 != n && this.setZIndex(e, ~~n);
        e.dispatchEvent("add", {
            target: e
        return e
    this.removeChild = function(e) {
        e && (this.clearObjectTweens(e), e.dispatchEvent("remove", {
            target: e
        }), e.stage = null, this.objects = Utils.removeFromArray(this.objects, e))
    this.setZIndex = function(e, t) {
        e.zIndex = t;
        this.objects = this.objects.sort(function(e, t) {
            return e.zIndex == t.zIndex ? e.uid > t.uid ? 1 : -1 : e.zIndex > t.zIndex ? 1 : -1
    this.hitTestPointObject = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        var o, u, a, f, l, c;
        a = e.width * Math.abs(e.scaleX);
        f = e.height * Math.abs(e.scaleY);
        o = e.x - a / 2;
        u = e.y - f / 2;
        l = t;
        c = n;
        e.ignoreViewport || (l += this.viewport.x, c += this.viewport.y);
        s = !1;
        0 == e.rotation ? o <= l && u <= c && o + a >= l && u + f >= c && (s = !0) : (o = e.getDrawRectangle(), o.hitTestPoint(new Vector(l, c)) && (s = !0));
        s && r && (this.buffer.width = this.screenWidth * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale, this.buffer.height = this.screenHeight * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale, this.clearScreen(this.buffer), this.renderObject(this.buffer, e), t = this.buffer.ctx.getImageData(Math.floor(t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale), Math.floor(n * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale), 1, 1), 0 == t.data[3] && (s = !1));
        !s && i && e.dragged && (s = !0);
        return s
    this.getObjectsStackByCoord = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        for (var s, o = [], u = 0; u < this.objects.length; u++)
            if (this.objects[u].visible || this.objects[u].eventsWhenInvisible) s = this.objects[u], this.hitTestPointObject(s, e, t, n, r, i) && o.push(s);
        return o
    this.getMaxZIndexInStack = function(e) {
        for (var t = -1, n = 0, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) e[r].zIndex > t && (t = e[r].zIndex, n = r);
        return n
    this.sortStack = function(e, t) {
        for (var n = !0, r, i; n;)
            for (n = !1, i = 0; i < e.length - 1; i++) r = !1, e[i].zIndex < e[i + 1].zIndex && !t && (r = !0), e[i].zIndex > e[i + 1].zIndex && t && (r = !0), r && (n = e[i], e[i] = e[i + 1], e[i + 1] = n, n = !0);
        return e
    this.finalizeMouseCoords = function(e, t) {
        if (!e) return t;
        var n = this.prepareMouseCoord(t.x),
            r = this.prepareMouseCoord(t.y);
        e.ignoreViewport || (n += this.viewport.x, r += this.viewport.y);
        n -= e.x;
        r -= e.y;
        return {
            x: n,
            y: r
    this.prepareMouseCoord = function(e) {
        return e / Utils.globalScale / Utils.globalPixelScale
    this.checkClick = function(e) {
        e = Utils.getMouseCoord(e, this.inputController);
        var t = this.getObjectsStackByCoord(this.prepareMouseCoord(e.x), this.prepareMouseCoord(e.y), this.pixelClickEvent, !1, !0),
        if (0 < t.length)
            for (var t = this.sortStack(t), r = 0; r < t.length && (n = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), n = t[r].dispatchEvent("click", {
                target: t[r],
                x: n.x,
                y: n.y
            }), !1 !== n); r++);
    this.checkContextMenu = function(e) {
        e = Utils.getMouseCoord(e, this.inputController);
        var t = this.getObjectsStackByCoord(this.prepareMouseCoord(e.x), this.prepareMouseCoord(e.y), this.pixelClickEvent),
        if (0 < t.length)
            for (var t = this.sortStack(t), r = 0; r < t.length && (n = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), n = t[r].dispatchEvent("contextmenu", {
                target: t[r],
                x: n.x,
                y: n.y
            }), !1 !== n); r++);
    this.checkMouseMove = function(e) {
        e = Utils.getMouseCoord(e, this.inputController);
        for (r = 0; r < this.objects.length; r++)
            if (this.objects[r].dragged) {
                var t = e.x / Utils.globalScale / Utils.globalPixelScale,
                    n = e.y / Utils.globalScale / Utils.globalPixelScale;
                this.objects[r].ignoreViewport || (t += this.viewport.x, n += this.viewport.y);
                this.objects[r].x = t - this.objects[r].dragX;
                this.objects[r].y = n - this.objects[r].dragY
        var t = this.getObjectsStackByCoord(this.prepareMouseCoord(e.x), this.prepareMouseCoord(e.y), this.pixelMouseMoveEvent),
            r, i, s, n = [];
        if (0 < t.length) {
            t = this.sortStack(t);
            for (r = 0; r < t.length && (n.push(t[r]), s = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), t[r].mouseOn || (i = t[r].dispatchEvent("mouseover", {
                target: t[r],
                x: s.x,
                y: s.y
            })), t[r].mouseOn = !0, !1 !== i); r++);
            for (r = 0; r < t.length && (s = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), i = t[r].dispatchEvent("mousemove", {
                target: t[r],
                x: s.x,
                y: s.y
            }), !1 !== i); r++);
        for (r = 0; r < this.objects.length; r++)
            if (this.objects[r].mouseOn) {
                s = !1;
                for (i = 0; i < n.length; i++) n[i] == this.objects[r] && (s = !0);
                if (!s && (this.objects[r].mouseOn = !1, s = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), i = this.objects[r].dispatchEvent("mouseout", {
                    target: this.objects[r],
                    x: s.x,
                    y: s.y
                }), !1 === i)) break
    this.checkMouseDown = function(e) {
        e = Utils.getMouseCoord(e, this.inputController);
        var t = this.getObjectsStackByCoord(this.prepareMouseCoord(e.x), this.prepareMouseCoord(e.y), this.pixelMouseDownEvent),
        if (0 < t.length)
            for (var t = this.sortStack(t), r = 0; r < t.length && (n = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), n = t[r].dispatchEvent("mousedown", {
                target: t[r],
                x: n.x,
                y: n.y
            }), !1 !== n); r++);
    this.checkMouseUp = function(e) {
        e = Utils.getMouseCoord(e, this.inputController);
        var t = this.getObjectsStackByCoord(this.prepareMouseCoord(e.x), this.prepareMouseCoord(e.y), this.pixelMouseUpEvent, !0),
        if (0 < t.length)
            for (var t = this.sortStack(t), r = 0; r < t.length && (n = this.finalizeMouseCoords(t[r], e), n = t[r].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: t[r],
                x: n.x,
                y: n.y
            }), !1 !== n); r++);
    this.clear = function() {
        for (var e = 0; e < this.objects.length; e++) this.objects[e].dispatchEvent("remove", {
            target: this.objects[e]
        this.objects = [];
        this.tweens = [];
        this.timers = [];
        this.eventsListeners = [];
        this.objectsCounter = 0
    this.hitTest = function(e, t) {
        if (0 == e.rotation && 0 == t.rotation) {
            var n = e.getX() - e.getWidth() / 2,
                r = e.getY() - e.getHeight() / 2,
                i = t.getX() - t.getWidth() / 2,
                s = t.getY() - t.getHeight() / 2,
                o = Math.max(r, s),
                u = Math.max(n, i),
                n = Math.min(n + e.getWidth(), i + t.getWidth()),
                r = Math.min(r + e.getHeight(), s + t.getHeight()) - o;
            return 0 < n - u && 0 < r ? !0 : !1
        u = e.getDrawRectangle();
        r = t.getDrawRectangle();
        return u.hitTestRectangle(r)
    this.drawRectangle = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
        var a = this.canvas;
        a.ctx.globalAlpha = "undefined" != typeof o ? o : 1;
        a.ctx.fillStyle = i;
        a.ctx.strokeStyle = i;
        u || (e -= this.viewport.x, t -= this.viewport.y);
        e = e * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        t = t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        n = n * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        r = r * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        s ? a.ctx.fillRect(e - n / 2, t - r / 2, n, r) : a.ctx.strokeRect(e - n / 2, t - r / 2, n, r)
    this.drawCircle = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
        this.drawArc(e, t, n, 0, 2 * Math.PI, !1, r, i, s, o)
    this.drawArc = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u, a, f) {
        var l = this.canvas,
            c = l.ctx.lineWidth;
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        "undefined" == typeof o && (o = 1);
        l.ctx.lineWidth = o * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        "undefined" == typeof a && (a = 1);
        l.ctx.globalAlpha = a;
        f || (e -= this.viewport.x, t -= this.viewport.y);
        e = e * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        t = t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        n = n * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        l.ctx.arc(e, t, n, r, i, s);
        l.ctx.lineWidth = c
    this.drawPolygon = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        if ("object" == typeof e && e instanceof Array && !(2 > e.length)) {
            for (var s = 0; s < e.length - 1; s++) this.drawLine(e[s].x, e[s].y, e[s + 1].x, e[s + 1].y, t, n, r, i);
            this.drawLine(e[s].x, e[s].y, e[0].x, e[0].y, t, n, r, i)
    this.drawLine = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
        var a = this.canvas,
            f = a.ctx.lineWidth;
        a.ctx.strokeStyle = s ? s : "#000";
        a.ctx.lineWidth = i ? i * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale : 1 * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        a.ctx.globalAlpha = o ? o : 1;
        u || (e -= this.viewport.x, t -= this.viewport.y, n -= this.viewport.x, r -= this.viewport.y);
        e = e * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        t = t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        n = n * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        r = r * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        a.ctx.moveTo(e, t);
        a.ctx.lineTo(n, r);
        a.ctx.lineWidth = f
    this.start = function() {
        this.started || (this.started = !0, r(), i())
    this.forceRender = function() {
        this.started && i()
    this.stop = function() {
        this.started = !1
    this.setTextStyle = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
        s = s ? s : this.canvas;
        s.ctx.fillStyle = r;
        s.ctx.strokeStyle = i;
        r = "";
        n && (r += n + " ");
        t && (r += Math.floor(t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale) + "px ");
        e && (r += e);
        s.ctx.font = r
    this.drawText = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
        o = o ? o : this.canvas;
        o.ctx.globalAlpha = "undefined" == typeof r ? 1 : r;
        i || (t -= this.viewport.x, n -= this.viewport.y);
        t = t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        n = n * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        s && (t -= this.getTextWidth(e) / 2);
        o.ctx.fillText(e, t, n)
    this.strokeText = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o) {
        o = o ? o : this.canvas;
        o.ctx.globalAlpha = "undefined" == typeof r ? 1 : r;
        i || (t -= this.viewport.x, n -= this.viewport.y);
        t = t * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        n = n * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
        s && (t -= this.getTextWidth(e) / 2);
        o.ctx.strokeText(e, t, n)
    this.getTextWidth = function(e, t) {
        return (t ? t : this.canvas).ctx.measureText(e).width
    this.allowStaticDebugDrawing = this.allowDebugDrawing = !1;
    this.renderObject = function(e, t) {
        if (!1 !== t.dispatchEvent("prerender", {
            target: t,
            canvas: e
        })) {
            var n = t.getAbsoluteCenter();
            ow = t.width * Utils.globalScale;
            oh = t.height * Utils.globalScale;
            ox = n.x * Utils.globalPixelScale * Utils.globalScale - Math.floor(ow / 2);
            oy = n.y * Utils.globalPixelScale * Utils.globalScale - Math.floor(oh / 2);
            or = t.rotation;
            scX = t.scaleX * Utils.globalPixelScale;
            scY = t.scaleY * Utils.globalPixelScale;
            canvasMod = Boolean(0 != or || 1 != scX || 1 != scY);
            t.ignoreViewport || (ox -= this.viewport.x * Utils.globalPixelScale * Utils.globalScale, oy -= this.viewport.y * Utils.globalPixelScale * Utils.globalScale);
            canvasMod && (e.ctx.save(), e.ctx.translate(ox + Math.floor(ow / 2), oy + Math.floor(oh / 2)), e.ctx.rotate(or), e.ctx.scale(scX, scY), ox = -Math.floor(ow / 2), oy = -Math.floor(oh / 2));
            e.ctx.globalAlpha = t.opacity;
            this.ceilSizes && (ow = Math.ceil(ow), oh = Math.ceil(oh));
            t.fillColor && (e.ctx.fillStyle = t.fillColor, e.ctx.strokeStyle = t.fillColor, e.ctx.fillRect(ox, oy, ow, oh));
            if (t.bitmap) {
                var n = t.bitmap.width,
                    r = t.bitmap.height,
                    i = t.currentLayer * ow + t.offset.left * Utils.globalScale,
                    s = t.currentFrame * oh + t.offset.top * Utils.globalScale;
                if (i < n && s < r) {
                    var o = ow,
                        u = oh,
                        a = !1;
                    i + o > n && (o = n - i);
                    s + u > r && (u = r - s);
                    t.mask && (this.buffer.ctx.save(), this.buffer.ctx.clearRect(0, 0, o, u), this.buffer.ctx.drawImage(t.bitmap, i, s, o, u, 0, 0, o, u), this.buffer.ctx.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-in", this.buffer.ctx.drawImage(t.mask, 0, 0), s = i = 0, a = !0);
                    try {
                        e.ctx.drawImage(a ? this.buffer : t.bitmap, ~~i, ~~s, ~~o, ~~u, ~~ox, ~~oy, ~~ow, ~~oh)
                    } catch (f) {}
                    a && this.buffer.ctx.restore()
            canvasMod && e.ctx.restore();
            this.allowDebugDrawing && t.allowDebugDrawing && (!this.allowStaticDebugDrawing && t.static || t.debugDraw());
            t.dispatchEvent("render", {
                target: t,
                canvas: e
    this.drawBackAlways = Utils.mobileCheckBrokenGalaxyPhones();
    this.drawBackBuffer = function(e, t) {
        !t && this.backBuffer && this.drawBackAlways && e.ctx.drawImage(this.backBuffer, 0, 0, e.width, e.height)
    this.drawScene = function(e, t) {
        var n, r;
        e && !e.ctx && (e.ctx = e.getContext("2d"));
        this.fillColor ? (e.ctx.fillStyle = this.fillColor, e.ctx.fillRect(0, 0, this.screenWidth * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale, this.screenHeight * Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale), this.drawBackBuffer(e, t)) : this.clearLock || (this.clearScreen(e), this.drawBackBuffer(e, t));
        for (var i = 0; i < this.objects.length; i++) n = this.objects[i], r = !1, t || n["static"] || (r = !0), t && n["static"] && (r = !0), r && (n.destroy ? (this.removeChild(n), i--) : (n.nextFrame(), n.visible && this.renderObject(e, n)));
        t && (this.backBuffer = e)
    this.tweens = [];
    this.createTween = function(e, t, n, r, i, o) {
        e = new Tween(e, t, n, r, i, o);
        return e
    this.removeTween = function(e) {
        var t = null;
        if (isNaN(e))
            for (var n = 0; n < s.tweens.length; n++) {
                if (s.tweens[n] === e) {
                    t = n;
            } else t = e;
        s.tweens.splice(t, 1);
        return t
    this.clearObjectTweens = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0; t < s.tweens.length; t++) s.tweens[t].obj === e && (t = s.removeTween(t), t--)
    this.updateTweens = function() {
        for (var e = 0; e < s.tweens.length; e++) s.tweens[e].tick() && (e = s.removeTween(e))
    this.timers = [];
    this.setTimeout = function(e, t) {
        var n = new StageTimer(e, t);
        return n
    this.clearTimeout = function(e) {
        this.timers = Utils.removeFromArray(this.timers, e)
    this.setInterval = function(e, t) {
        var n = new StageTimer(e, t, !0);
        return n
    this.clearInterval = function(e) {
    this.updateTimers = function() {
        for (var e = 0; e < this.timers.length; e++) this.timers[e].update() && (this.clearTimeout(this.timers[e]), e--)
    this.box2dSync = function(e) {
        for (b = e.m_bodyList; b; b = b.m_next) b.sprite && (b.sprite.rotation = b.GetRotation(), e = b.GetPosition(), b.sprite.x = e.x, b.sprite.y = e.y, b.sprite.dispatchEvent("box2dsync", {
            target: b.sprite
    this.processTouchEvent = function(e, t) {
        for (var n = 0; n < e.length; n++) s[t]({
            clientX: e[n].clientX,
            clientY: e[n].clientY
    this.inputController = null;
    this.addInputListeners = function(e) {
        -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("firefox") && navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mobile");
        this.inputController = e;
        "ontouchstart" in e ? (e.ontouchstart = function(e) {
            s.processTouchEvent(e.touches, "checkMouseDown");
            s.processTouchEvent(e.touches, "checkClick")
        }, e.ontouchmove = function(e) {
            s.processTouchEvent(e.touches, "checkMouseMove")
        }, e.ontouchend = function(e) {
            s.processTouchEvent(e.changedTouches, "checkMouseUp")
        }) : (e.onclick = function(e) {
        }, e.onmousemove = function(e) {
        }, e.onmousedown = function(e) {
            0 == e.button && s.checkMouseDown(e)
        }, e.onmouseup = function(e) {
            0 == e.button && s.checkMouseUp(e)
        }, e.oncontextmenu = function(e) {
    this.canvas && this.addInputListeners(this.canvas);
    this.onposttick = this.onpretick = null;
    this.eventsListeners = [];
    this.addEventListener = function(e, t) {
        EventsManager.addEvent(this, e, t)
    this.removeEventListener = function(e, t) {
        EventsManager.removeEvent(this, e, t)
    this.dispatchEvent = function(e, t) {
        return EventsManager.dispatchEvent(this, e, t)

function Vector(e, t) {
    "undefined" == typeof e && (e = 0);
    this.x = e;
    "undefined" == typeof t && (t = 0);
    this.y = t;
    this.isZero = function() {
        return 0 == this.x && 0 == this.y
    this.clone = function() {
        return new Vector(this.x, this.y)
    this.add = function(e) {
        this.x += e.x;
        this.y += e.y;
        return this
    this.subtract = function(e) {
        this.x -= e.x;
        this.y -= e.y;
        return this
    this.mult = function(e) {
        this.x *= e;
        this.y *= e;
        return this
    this.invert = function() {
        return this
    this.rotate = function(e, t) {
        "undefined" == typeof t && (t = new Vector(0, 0));
        var n = this.clone();
        n.x = this.x * Math.cos(e) + this.y * Math.sin(e);
        n.y = this.x * -Math.sin(e) + this.y * Math.cos(e);
        this.x = n.x;
        this.y = n.y;
        return this
    this.normalize = function(e, t) {
        "undefined" == typeof t && (t = new Vector(0, 0));
        return this
    this.getLength = function() {
        return Math.sqrt(this.x * this.x + this.y * this.y)
    this.distanceTo = function(e) {
        p2 = this.clone();
        return p2.getLength()

function ChainFinder(e, t, n, r) {
    "undefined" == typeof e && (e = []);
    t = Math.max(2, ~~t);
    n = Math.max(1, ~~n);
    "undefined" == typeof r && (r = !1);
    this.items = e;
    this.length = t;
    this.cols = n;
    this.rows = Math.floor(e.length / n);
    this.diagonal = r;
    this.chains = !1;
    this.inField = function(e) {
        return 0 > e || e >= this.items.length ? !1 : !0
    this.idInChain = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0; t < this.chains.length; t++)
            if (0 <= this.chains[t].indexOf(e)) return t;
        return -1
    this.isNeighbour = function(e, t) {
        if (!this.inField(t) || 0 <= this.idInChain(e)) return !1;
        var n = Math.floor(e / this.cols),
            r = Math.floor(t / this.cols),
            i = Math.abs(e % this.cols - t % this.cols),
            n = Math.abs(n - r);
        return this.diagonal ? 0 < i + n && 2 > i && 2 > n : 1 == i + n
    this.getNeighbours = function(e, t) {
        "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1);
        var n = [e - 1, e + 1, e - this.cols, e + this.cols];
        this.diagonal && (n.push(e - (this.cols - 1)), n.push(e - (this.cols + 1)), n.push(e + (this.cols - 1)), n.push(e + (this.cols + 1)));
        for (var r = []; 0 < n.length;) {
            var i = n.shift();
            this.isNeighbour(e, i) && (t && 0 > this.ids.indexOf(i) || r.push(i))
        return r
    this.checkChainLength = function(e) {
        return e ? e.length >= this.length : !1
    this.ids = [];
    this.prepare = function() {
        this.ids = [];
        this.chains = [];
        for (var e = 0; e < this.items.length; e++) 0 <= this.idInChain(e) || this.ids.push(e)
    this.findChains = function() {
        if (0 == this.items.length) return this.chains;
        for (; 0 < this.ids.length;) {
            var e = this.ids.shift(),
                e = this.getChain(e);
            this.checkChainLength(e) && this.chains.push(e)
        return this.chains
    this.getChain = function(e, t) {
        "undefined" == typeof t && (t = []);
        0 > t.indexOf(e) && t.push(e);
        for (var n = this.getNeighbours(e, !0); 0 < n.length;) {
            var r = n.shift();
            this.empty(this.items[r]) || 0 <= t.indexOf(r) || !this.compare(this.items[r], this.items[e]) || (this.ids.splice(this.ids.indexOf(r), 1), t = this.getChain(r, t))
        return t
    this.findPossibleChains = function(e) {
        var t = this.items[e];
        if (!this.inField(e)) return !1;
        for (var n = {}, r = this.getNeighbours(e, !0); 0 < r.length;) {
            var i = r.shift(),
                s = this.items[i];
            this.empty(s) || (this.items[e] = s, n[s] || (n[s] = []), n[s] = this.getChain(i, n[s]))
        this.items[e] = t;
        return n
    this.findMaxPossibleChain = function(e) {
        e = this.findPossibleChains(e);
        if (!e) return !1;
        var t = !1,
            n = -1,
        for (r in e) this.checkChainLength(e[r]) && ~~r > n && (t = e[r], n = ~~r);
        return t
    this.findMinPossibleChain = function(e) {
        e = this.findPossibleChains(e);
        if (!e) return !1;
        var t = !1,
            n = Number.MAX_VALUE,
        for (r in e) this.checkChainLength(e[r]) && r < n && (t = e[r], n = r);
        return t
    this.findLongestPossibleChain = function(e) {
        e = this.findPossibleChains(e);
        if (!e) return !1;
        var t = !1,
            n = -1,
        for (r in e) this.checkChainLength(e[r]) && e[r].length > n && (t = e[r], n = r);
        return t
    this.findShortestPossibleChain = function(e) {
        e = this.findPossibleChains(e);
        if (!e) return !1;
        var t = !1,
            n = Number.MAX_VALUE,
        for (r in e) this.checkChainLength(e[r]) && e[r].length < n && (t = e[r], n = r);
        return t
    this.getChainType = function(e) {
        if (!1 === e) return 0;
        for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++)
            if (!this.empty(e[t])) return this.items[e[t]];
        return 0
    this.compare_callback = null;
    this.compare = function(e, t) {
        return this.compare_callback ? this.compare_callback(e, t) : e == t
    this.empty_callback = null;
    this.empty = function(e) {
        return this.empty_callback ? this.empty_callback(e) : 0 == ~~e

function AudioPlayer() {
    var e = this;
    this.disabled = !1;
    this.basePath = "";
    this.mp3Support = !0;
    this.delayPlay = this.webAudioSupport = !1;
    this.audioWrapper = null;
    this.busy = this.locked = !1;
    this.startPlayTime = 0;
    this.onend = null;
    this.createNewAudio = function() {
        if (this.webAudioSupport) {
            var e = AudioMixer.waContext.createBufferSource();
            return e
        return document.createElement("audio")
    this.init = function(e, t) {
        this.webAudioSupport = t;
        this.basePath = e ? e : "";
        this.delayPlay = "ontouchstart" in window;
        this.audioWrapper = this.createNewAudio();
        var n = document.createElement("audio");
        n.canPlayType ? this.mp3Support = "" != n.canPlayType("audio/mpeg") : this.disabled = !0;
        return !this.disabled
    this.play = function(e, t) {
        if (this.disabled) return !1;
        var n = this.basePath + "/" + e + (this.mp3Support ? ".mp3" : ".ogg");
        this.audioWrapper = this.createNewAudio();
        this.audioWrapper.doLoop = t ? !0 : !1;
        if (this.webAudioSupport) {
            var r = this;
            this.loadSound(n, function(e) {
                r.audioWrapper.buffer = e;
                r.startPlayTime = (new Date).getTime();
                r.audioWrapper.loop = t;
                r.waCheckInterval = setInterval(function() {
                    r.audioWrapper ? r.audioWrapper.playbackState == r.audioWrapper.FINISHED_STATE && r.controlPlay() : clearInterval(r.waCheckInterval)
                }, 100)
        } else this.audioWrapper.src = n, this.audioWrapper.type = this.mp3Support ? "audio/mpeg" : "audio/ogg", this.audioWrapper.loop = !1, this.audioWrapper.preload = "auto", this.audioWrapper.load(), this.delayPlay ? this.audioWrapper.addEventListener("canplay", this.readyToPlay) : this.audioWrapper.play(), this.audioWrapper.addEventListener("ended", this.controlPlay, !1);
        this.busy = !0;
        this.startPlayTime = (new Date).getTime()
    this.loadSound = function(e, t) {
        if (AudioMixer.buffer[e]) t && t(AudioMixer.buffer[e]);
        else {
            var n = new XMLHttpRequest;
            n.open("GET.html", e, !0);
            n.responseType = "arraybuffer";
            n.onload = function() {
                AudioMixer.waContext.decodeAudioData(this.response, function(n) {
                    AudioMixer.buffer[e] = n;
                    t && t(n)
    this.readyToPlay = function(e) {
    this.stop = function() {
        this.busy = !1;
        try {
            this.webAudioSupport ? this.audioWrapper.noteOff(0) : (this.audioWrapper.removeEventListener("canplay", this.readyToPlay), this.audioWrapper.pause(), this.audioWrapper.currentTime = 0), this.audioWrapper = null
        } catch (e) {}
    this.pause = function() {
        this.webAudioSupport ? e.audioWrapper && e.audioWrapper.disconnect() : this.audioWrapper.pause()
    this.resume = function() {
        this.webAudioSupport ? e.audioWrapper && e.audioWrapper.connect(AudioMixer.waContext.destination) : this.audioWrapper.play()
    this.controlPlay = function() {
        if (e.audioWrapper.doLoop) this.webAudioSupport || (e.audioWrapper.pause(), e.audioWrapper.currentTime = 0, e.audioWrapper.play());
        else {
            e.busy = !1;
            if ("function" == typeof e.onend) e.onend();
            this.waCheckInterval && clearInterval(this.waCheckInterval)
    this.getPosition = function() {
        if (this.webAudioSupport) {
            if (!this.startPlayTime) return 0;
            var e = this.getDuration();
            if (!e) return 0;
            var t = ((new Date).getTime() - this.startPlayTime) / 1e3;
            return t <= e ? t : this.audioWrapper.doLoop ? t - Math.floor(t / e) * e : e
        return this.audioWrapper.currentTime ? this.audioWrapper.currentTime : 0
    this.getDuration = function() {
        return this.webAudioSupport ? this.audioWrapper.buffer ? this.audioWrapper.buffer.duration : 0 : this.audioWrapper.duration ? this.audioWrapper.duration : 0

function AudioMixer(e, t) {
    this.singleChannelMode = this.webAudioSupport = !1;
    this.channels = [];
    this.init = function(e, t) {
        if (this.webAudioSupport = "webkitAudioContext" in window) {
            AudioMixer.waContext = new webkitAudioContext;
            var n = AudioMixer.waContext.createBuffer(1, 1, 22050);
            sound = AudioMixer.waContext.createBufferSource();
            sound.buffer = n;
        this.webAudioSupport || -1 == navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac") || (this.singleChannelMode = !0, t = 1);
        this.path = e;
        this.channels = [];
        for (n = 0; n < t; n++) this.channels[n] = new AudioPlayer, this.channels[n].init(e, this.webAudioSupport);
        var r, i;
        "undefined" !== typeof document.hidden ? (r = "hidden", i = "visibilitychange") : "undefined" !== typeof document.mozHidden ? (r = "mozHidden", i = "mozvisibilitychange") : "undefined" !== typeof document.msHidden ? (r = "msHidden", i = "msvisibilitychange") : "undefined" !== typeof document.webkitHidden && (r = "webkitHidden", i = "webkitvisibilitychange");
        var s = this;
        document.addEventListener(i, function() {
            if (document[r])
                for (var e = 0; e < s.channels.length; e++) s.channels[e].pause();
                for (e = 0; e < s.channels.length; e++) s.channels[e].resume()
        }, !1)
    this.play = function(e, t, n, r) {
        var i = -1,
            i = "number" == typeof r ? r : this.getFreeChannel(n);
        0 <= i && i < this.channels.length && (this.channels[i].stop(), this.channels[i].play(e, t));
        return this.channels[i]
    this.stop = function(e) {
        0 <= e && e < this.channels.length && this.channels[e].stop()
    this.getFreeChannel = function(e) {
        for (var t = -1, n = [], r = -1, i = 0, s = 0; s < this.channels.length; s++) this.channels[s].locked || (this.channels[s].busy ? (i = (new Date).getTime(), i -= this.channels[s].startPlayTime, i > r && (r = i)) : n.push(s));
        0 == n.length ? !e && 0 <= r && (t = r) : t = n[0];
        return t
    this.init(e, t)

function gameButton(e, t, n) {
    var r = library.getSprite(e);
    r.x = t;
    r.y = n;
    r.onmousedown = function() {
    r.onmouseout = function() {
    r.onmouseup = function() {
        0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("button_click", !1, !1, 0)
    return r

function startLoad() {
    var e = Utils.getMobileScreenResolution(landscape);
    Utils.globalScale = e.scale;
    Utils.createLayout(document.getElementById("main_container"), e, landscape);
    Utils.addEventListener("fitlayout", function() {
        stage && (stage.drawScene(document.getElementById("screen")), buildBackground());
    Utils.addEventListener("lockscreen", function() {
        stage && stage.started && stage.stop()
    Utils.addEventListener("unlockscreen", function() {
        stage && !stage.started && stage.start()
    mixer = new AudioMixer("music", 1);
    mixer2 = new AudioMixer("music", 1);
    library = new AssetsLibrary("images", Utils.globalScale, assets);
    TTLoader.create(loadImagesEnd, !0);
    library.load(TTLoader.loadComplete, TTLoader.showLoadProgress)

function loadImagesEnd(e) {
    document.getElementById("progress_container").style.display = "none";
    document.getElementById("screen_container").style.display = "block";
    document.getElementById("screen_background_container").style.display = "block";
    FontManager.registerFont("baveuse", Charset.latin, 9, 14);
    gameState = STATE_MENU;
    iosMode = -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("mac");
    android = -1 != navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf("android");

function showMenu() {
    gameState = STATE_MENU;

function createStage() {
    stage && (stage.destroy(), stage.stop());
    stage = new Stage("screen", 320, 480, !1);
    stage.delay = 1e3 / fps;
    stage.ceilSizes = !0;
    stage.onpretick = preTick;
    stage.onposttick = postTick;
    stage.showFPS = !1

function createScene() {
    gameState == STATE_MENU && createMenu();
    gameState == STATE_SELECT_DIFFICULTY && selectDifficulty();
    gameState == STATE_MISSION_INFO && showMissionInfo();
    gameState == STATE_GAME && createGame();
    gameState == STATE_VICTORY && showVictoryScreen();
    gameState == STATE_DEFEAT && showDefeatScreen();
    gameState == STATE_HIGHSCORES ;
    gameState == STATE_CREDITS && showEvolution();
    gameState == STATE_TUTORIAL && showTutorialMenu();
    setBackground("#FFFFFF url('images/" + Utils.globalScale + "/gme-bg.jpg')");

function setBackground(e) {
    e !== lastBackground && (document.getElementById("screen_background_container").style.background = e, document.getElementById("screen_background_container").style.backgroundRepeat = "no-repeat", document.getElementById("screen_background_container").style.backgroundPosition = "center top", lastBackground = e, setBackgroundScale())

function setBackgroundScale() {
    var e = Utils.globalScale * Utils.globalPixelScale;
    document.getElementById("screen_background_container").style.backgroundSize = 870 * e + "px " + 480 * e + "px"

function showDefeatScreen() {
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("null", {
        x: 160,
        y: 240,
        "static": !0,
        onmouseup: function() {
            gameState = STATE_GAME;
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("popup_loose", {
        x: 160,
        y: 180
    var e = new gameButton("menu", 160, 455);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
        return !1

function createMenu() {
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("field-main-logo", {
        x: 160,
        y: 80
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("field-main-btn-bg", {
        x: 160,
        y: 280
    var e = new gameButton("play", 158, 201);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
        gameState = STATE_SELECT_DIFFICULTY;
        return !1
    e = new gameButton("highscores", 171, 302);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
        gameState = STATE_HIGHSCORES;
    e = new gameButton("credits", 145, 375);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
        gameState = STATE_CREDITS;
    e = new gameButton("qmark", 55, 450);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
        gameState = STATE_TUTORIAL;
    1 == Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || ignoreMenuTheme || mixer2.play("main_theme", !0, !1, 0);

function testChance() {
    var e = rouletteProbability,
        t = 0,
    for (n in e) t += e[n].n;
    t = Math.floor(Math.random() * t);
    for (n in e)
        if (t -= e[n].n, 0 >= t) return e[n].v;
    return 1

function playRoulette() {
    for (var e = [], t = [], n = 0; 3 > n; n++) {
        var r = new GameElement(t[n]);
        r.x = 102 + 58 * n;
        r.y = 219;
        r.isRoulette = !0;
        r = library.getSprite("coin_rotate");
        r.x = 102 + 58 * n;
        r.y = 219;
        r.animDelay = 1;
        r.isRoulette = !0;
    setTimeout(function() {
        tempRouletteArray[0].onenterframe = function(t) {
            8 == t.target.currentFrame && (tempRouletteArray[0].destroy = !0, stage.addChild(e[0]), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("roulette_popup", !1, !1, 0))
    }, 2e3);
    setTimeout(function() {
        tempRouletteArray[1].onenterframe = function(t) {
            8 == t.target.currentFrame && (tempRouletteArray[1].destroy = !0, stage.addChild(e[1]), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("roulette_popup", !1, !1, 0))
    }, 4e3);
    setTimeout(function() {
        tempRouletteArray[2].onenterframe = function(t) {
            8 == t.target.currentFrame && (tempRouletteArray[2].destroy = !0, stage.addChild(e[2]), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("roulette_popup", !1, !1, 0))
        setTimeout(function() {
        }, 1e3)
    }, 6e3)

function checkIfRouletteWon(e) {
    if (e[0] == e[1] && e[0] != e[2] || e[0] == e[2] && e[0] != e[1] || e[1] == e[2] && e[0] != e[1]) 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("roulette_nice", !1, !1, 0);
    e[0] == e[1] && e[0] == e[2] ? (coinsInc(), setUserCoins(), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("text2", {
        x: 160,
        y: 260
    })), drawHighscores(1, 140, 285), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("roulette_super_nice", !1, !1, 0)) : (stage.addChild(library.getSprite("text3", {
        x: 160,
        y: 260
    })), drawHighscores(0, 140, 285), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("roulette_not_nice", !1, !1, 0));
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("text1", {
        x: 170,
        y: 285

function showVictoryScreen() {
    0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("victory", !1, !1, 0);
    var e, t = "ultimate" == currentDifficulty ? !0 : !1,
    if (t && maxUnlockedItem.newUnlocked) maxUnlockedItem.newUnlocked && (e = 240, stage.addChild(library.getSprite("back_field_win_3", {
        x: 160,
        y: e - 40
    })), e += 43, drawLevelScore(143), playRoulette());
    else {
        0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("victory", !1, !1, 0);
        n = LEVELS[current_game_mode].upgrades;
        n = t ? maxUnlockedItem.t : n[n.length - 1];
        e = 240;
        stage.addChild(library.getSprite("back_field_win", {
            x: 160,
            y: e - 40
        var r = library.getSprite("light_win");
        r.x = 160;
        r.y = 200;
        stage.setInterval(function() {
            r.rotateBy(Math.PI / 160)
        }, 2);
        n = new GameElement(n, t);
        n.setPosition(160, 205);
    n = new gameButton("win_next", 243, e + 18);
    n.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
        gameState = STATE_SELECT_DIFFICULTY;
    e = new gameButton("win_replay", 76, e + 18);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function(e) {
        gameState = STATE_GAME;
    t || levelCompleted();

function addSoundIcon() {
    ignoreMenuTheme = !0;
    sound = library.getSprite("sound");
    sound.x = 275;
    sound.y = 455;
    1 == Utils.getCookie("soundOn") ? (sound.gotoAndStop(0), soundOn = !1) : (sound.gotoAndStop(1), soundOn = !0);
    sound.state = 1;
    sound.onmouseup = soundIconOnChange;

function showHighscores() {
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("field_highscore", {
        x: 160,
        y: 240,
        "static": !0
    var e = new gameButton("menu", 160, 400);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", showMenu);
    for (var e = [], t = 1; 11 > t; t++) {
        var n = Utils.getCookie("maxScore" + t),
            n = null == n ? 0 : n,
            n = parseInt(n);
    e.sort(function(e, t) {
        return e > t ? -1 : e < t ? 1 : 0
    t = 0;
    for (n = e.length; t < n; t++) drawHighscores(t + 1, 60, 92 + 30 * t, "numbers"), drawHighscores(e[t], 265, 92 + 30 * t)

function drawHighscores(e, t, n, r) {
    var i = library.getAsset("font1", !0).bitmap;
    e += "";
    if ("numbers" == r)
        for (r = 0; r < e.length; r++) mc = new Sprite(i, 12, 20, 10), mc.gotoAndStop(e.substr(r, 1)), mc.x = t + 12 * r, mc.y = n, stage.addChild(mc);
        for (r = e.length; 0 < r; r--) mc = new Sprite(i, 12, 20, 10), mc.gotoAndStop(e.substr(e.length - r, 1)), mc.x = t - 12 * r, mc.y = n, stage.addChild(mc)

function checkAndSetHighscores() { /*updateShare(current_game_mode,gameScore);Play68.setRankingScoreDesc(gameScore);*/
    for (var e = [], t = 1; 11 > t; t++) {
        var n = Utils.getCookie("maxScore" + t);
        void 0 != n && e.push(n)
    t = e.length;
    if (10 > t) t++, Utils.setCookie("maxScore" + t, gameScore);
        for (t = 0; 10 > t; t++)
            if (e[t] < gameScore) {
                Utils.setCookie("maxScore" + t, gameScore);

function moveIconsVert(e, t) {
    for (var n, r = 0, i = stage.objects.length; r < i; r++) {
        var s = stage.objects[r];
        s.first && (n = s, 0 < e && 110 <= s.y + e && (e = 110 - s.y, t && (t[0].visible = !1)), 0 > e && -660 >= s.y + e && (e = -660 - s.y, t && (t[1].visible = !1)));
        if (s.first && 110 <= s.y && 0 < e) return t && (t[0].visible = !1), !1;
        if (s.first && -660 >= s.y && 0 > e) return t && (t[1].visible = !1), !1;
        if (s.isMovable) {
            s.y += e;
            var o = s.y;
            s.visible = 90 >= o || 390 <= o ? !1 : !0;
            s.opacity = 90 < o && 110 >= o ? (o - 90) / 20 : 360 <= o && 390 > o ? Math.abs(390 - o) / 30 : 1
    t && (t[0].visible = !0, t[1].visible = !0);
    110 <= n.y && t && (t[0].visible = !1); - 660 >= n.y && t && (t[1].visible = !1)

function showEvolution() {
    scrollLocked = !1;
    var e = new Sprite(null, 320, 480);
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 240;
    e.static = !0;
    e.onmousedown = function() {
        startScrollPosition = window.event.pageY;
        scrollLocked = !0
    e.onmouseup = function() {
        scrollLocked = !1
    e.onmousemove = function() {
        if (scrollLocked) {
            var e = window.event.pageY;
            moveIconsVert((e - startScrollPosition) / 1.85, [t, n]);
            startScrollPosition = e
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("back", {
        x: 160,
        y: 235
    e = library.getSprite("evol_back", {
        x: 160,
        y: 230
    stage.setZIndex(e, 100);
    var t = new Sprite(library.getSprite("arrow_up").bitmap, 31, 12);
    t.x = 160;
    t.y = 70;
    t.onclick = function() {
        moveIconsVert(85, [t, n])
    t.visible = !1;
    stage.setZIndex(t, 150);
    var n = new Sprite(library.getSprite("arrow_down").bitmap, 31, 12);
    n.x = 160;
    n.y = 405;
    n.onclick = function() {
        moveIconsVert(-85, [t, n])
    stage.setZIndex(n, 150);
    e = new gameButton("menu", 160, 450);
    e.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
        clickForbidden = !1
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
        clickForbidden || (showMenu(), clickForbidden = !0)
    sound.addEventListener("mousedown", function() {
        clickForbidden = !1
    sound.onmouseup = function(e) {
        clickForbidden || (clickForbidden = !0, soundIconOnChange())
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("Amoeba", {
        x: 160,
        y: 110,
        isMovable: !0,
        first: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("Jellyfish", {
        x: 160,
        y: 195,
        isMovable: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("Fish", {
        x: 160,
        y: 280,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon4ul") ? "lizard" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 365,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon5ul") ? "wolf" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 450,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon6ul") ? "ape" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 535,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon7ul") ? "human" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 620,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon11ul") ? "humanoid" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 705,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon12ul") ? "superhuman" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 790,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon13ul") ? "cyborg" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 875,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon14ul") ? "geek" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 960,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon15ul") ? "zombie" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 1045,
        isMovable: !0
    e = Utils.getCookie("icon16ul") ? "superbrains" : "Unknown";
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite(e, {
        x: 160,
        y: 1130,
        isMovable: !0

function setDifficulty(e) {
    e = ~~e.target.mode;
    gameState = STATE_MISSION_INFO;
    current_game_mode = e = Math.max(0, Math.min(LEVELS.length, ~~e));

function selectDifficulty() {
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("field-select-level-bg", {
        x: 161,
        y: 240
    var e = new gameButton("menu", 160, 455);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", showMenu);
    showUnlockAnimation && (addUnlockAnimation(), showUnlockAnimation = !1)

function addUnlockAnimation() {
    var e;
    switch (currentDifficulty) {
        case "easy":
            e = 175;
        case "medium":
            e = 245;
        case "hard":
            e = 315;
        case "expert":
            e = 385
    var t = library.getSprite("lock");
    t.x = 230;
    t.y = e;
    t.animDelay = 3;
    t.onenterframe = function(e) {
        10 == e.target.currentFrame && (e.target.destroy = !0)

function addLevelIcon(e) {
    var t = library.getSprite(e);
    t.x = 160;
    switch (e) {
        case "easy":
            t.y = 105;
            t.mode = D_SIMPLE;
            t.onmouseup = function(e) {
                currentDifficulty = "easy";
        case "medium":
            t.y = 175;
            t.mode = D_NORMAL;
            void 0 == Utils.getCookie("easy_level_completed") ? t.gotoAndStop(0) : (t.gotoAndStop(1), t.onmouseup = function(e) {
                currentDifficulty = "medium";
        case "hard":
            t.y = 245;
            t.mode = D_HARD;
            void 0 == Utils.getCookie("medium_level_completed") ? t.gotoAndStop(0) : (t.gotoAndStop(1), t.onmouseup = function(e) {
                currentDifficulty = "hard";
        case "expert":
            t.y = 315;
            t.mode = D_EXPERT;
            void 0 == Utils.getCookie("hard_level_completed") ? t.gotoAndStop(1) : (t.gotoAndStop(0), t.onmouseup = function(e) {
                currentDifficulty = "expert";
        case "ultimate":
            t.y = 385, t.mode = D_ULTIMATE, void 0 == Utils.getCookie("expert_level_completed") ? t.gotoAndStop(1) : (t.gotoAndStop(0), t.onmouseup = function(e) {
                currentDifficulty = "ultimate";

function levelCompleted() {
    Utils.getCookie(currentDifficulty + "_level_completed") || (Utils.setCookie(currentDifficulty + "_level_completed", !0), showUnlockAnimation = !0, "easy" == currentDifficulty && Utils.setCookie("icon4ul", !0), "medium" == currentDifficulty && Utils.setCookie("icon5ul", !0), "hard" == currentDifficulty && Utils.setCookie("icon6ul", !0), "expert" == currentDifficulty && Utils.setCookie("icon7ul", !0))

function createGame() {
    if (gameState != STATE_GAME) return !1;
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("field-play-playingfield", {
        x: 161,
        y: 260,
        tatic: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("field-play-score-bg", {
        x: 145,
        y: 111,
        "static": !0
    var e = new gameButton("menu", 80, 30);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", showMenu);
    e = new gameButton("replay", 240, 30);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", createScene);
    e = new gameButton("plus", 281, 106);
    e.addEventListener("mouseup", function() {
        tutorialActivated || showShop();
        tutorialActivated && tut14completed && (showShop(), tutDone())
    field = new GameField(LEVELS[current_game_mode]);

function clearGame() {
    score = field = null;
    maxUnlockedItem = {
        t: 3,
        newUnlocked: !1

function showShop() {
    field.locked = !0;
    var e = new Sprite(null, 320, 480);
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 240;
    e.isShopElement = !0;
    e.onmouseup = function() {
        return !1
    e = library.getSprite("popup_bg");
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 240;
    e.isShopElement = !0;
    e.onmouseup = function() {
        return !1
    drawText("coins", 200, 180);
    e = library.getSprite("ether");
    e.x = 125;
    e.y = 217;
    e.isShopElement = !0;
    e.gametype = T_ETHER;
    e.onmouseup = buyItem;
    e = library.getSprite("fire");
    e.x = 195;
    e.y = 217;
    e.gametype = T_FIRE;
    e.isShopElement = !0;
    e.onmouseup = buyItem;
    e = new gameButton("buy", 160, 290);
    e.onmouseup = buyCoins;
    e.isShopElement = !0;

function buyCoins() {}

function coinsInc() {
    0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("coin_add", !1, !1, 0)

function addCoins() {
    usedPoints -= 1e6;
    var e = library.getSprite("light_win");
    e.x = 281;
    e.y = 106;
    var t = stage.setInterval(function() {
        e.rotateBy(Math.PI / 160)
    }, 3);
    setTimeout(function() {
        e.destroy = !0
    }, 3500);
    var n = library.getSprite("coin_rotate12");
    n.x = 160;
    n.y = 83;
    n.animDelay = 2;
    n.onenterframe = function(e) {
        17 == e.target.currentFrame && (n.destroy = !0)

function buyItem(e) {
    var t = e.target.gametype;
    if (!(t == T_ETHER && 3 > coins || t == T_FIRE && 1 > coins)) {
        var n = new GameElement(t);
        n.setPosition(e.target.x, e.target.y);
        var r = new GameElement(field.storedElement.gametype);
        r.setPosition(field.storedElement.x, field.storedElement.y);
        field.locked = !0;
        n.moveTo(field.storedElement.x, field.storedElement.y, 6, Easing.cubic.easeIn, function(e) {
            field.storedElement.visible = !0;
            field.locked = !1
        r.gametype > T_EMPTY && (field.storedElement.visible = !1, stage.removeChild(e.target.obj));
        coins -= t == T_ETHER ? 3 : 1;
        drawText("coins", 200, 180)

function destroyShop() {
    for (var e = stage.objects.length, t = 0, e = stage.objects.length; t < e; t++) {
        var n = stage.objects[t];
        n.isShopElement && (n.destroy = !0)
    field.locked = !1

function checkIfNeedPopup(e) {
    if (3 >= field.upgradeType || 8 == field.upgradeType || Utils.getCookie("icon" + field.upgradeType + "ul")) return e(), !1;
    if ("number" == typeof field.upgradeType) showEvolutionPopup(field.upgradeType, e);
    else return e(), !0

function showEvolutionPopup(e, t) {
    field.locked = !0;
    var n = new Sprite(null, 320, 480);
    n.setPosition(160, 240);
    n.onmouseup = function() {
        n.destroy = !0;
        r.destroy = !0;
        s.destroy = !0;
        field.locked = !1;
        return !1
    var r = new Sprite(library.getAsset("back_field-evolution-popup").bitmap, 411, 313);
    r.setPosition(160, 240);
    var i;
    switch (e) {
        case 4:
            i = "lizard";
        case 5:
            i = "wolf";
        case 6:
            i = "ape";
        case 7:
            i = "human";
        case 11:
            i = "humanoid";
        case 12:
            i = "superhuman";
        case 13:
            i = "cyborg";
        case 14:
            i = "geek";
        case 15:
            i = "zombie";
        case 16:
            i = "superbrains"
    var s = new Sprite(library.getSprite(i).bitmap, 256, 80);
    s.setPosition(r.x + 6, r.y + 8);
    Utils.setCookie("icon" + field.upgradeType + "ul", !0)

function shuffle(e) {
    for (var t, n, r = e.length; r; t = parseInt(Math.random() * r), n = e[--r], e[r] = e[t], e[t] = n);

function initializeUserScore() {
    var e = Utils.getCookie("coins");
    void 0 != e && (coins = parseInt(e));
    gameScore = usedPoints = 0

function setUserCoins() {
    Utils.setCookie("coins", coins)

function getScore() {
    return score ? ~~score.getString() : 0

function setScore(e, t, n, r) {
    gameScore += e;
    usedPoints += e;
    1e6 <= usedPoints && addCoins();
    drawText("gameScore", 150, 110);
    void 0 != t && (t = ~~t, r = ~~r, 0 != t && (e = new GUIString("baveuse", !1, {
        align: STR_ALIGN_CENTER,
        valign: STR_VALIGN_MIDDLE,
        x: ~~n,
        y: r
    }), e.write((0 < t ? "+" : "") + t), t = stage.createTween(e, "y", r, r - 30, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn), r = stage.createTween(e, "opacity", 1, 0, 18, Easing.linear.easeIn), t.onchange = function(e) {
            y: e.target.obj.y
    }, r.onchange = function(e) {
            opacity: e.target.obj.opacity
    }, r.onfinish = function(e) {
        e.target.obj = null
    }, t.play(), r.play()))

function buildBackground() {
    stage.drawScene(document.getElementById("screen_background"), !0)

function submitScores() {
    ExternalAPI.check() && ExternalAPI.checkUserLoggedIn() && insertScores()

function insertScores() {
    ExternalAPI.check() && ExternalAPI.submitScores(gameScore, function() {})

function preTick() {}

function postTick() {}

function Text(e, t, n) {
    this.ALIGN_LEFT = 0;
    this.ALIGN_RIGHT = 1;
    this.ALIGN_CENTER = 2;
    this.font = e;
    this.y = this.x = 0;
    this.width = t;
    this.height = n;
    this.align = this.ALIGN_LEFT;
    this.rotation = 0;
    this.static = !1;
    this.charMap = "0123456789:+".split("");
    this.sprites = [];
    this.text = "";
    this.manageSprites = function(e) {
        var t, n = e.length,
            r = this.sprites.length;
        if (r < n)
            for (e = 0; e < n - r; e++) t = new Sprite(this.font, this.width, this.height, this.charMap.length), this.sprites.push(t), stage.addChild(t);
        if (r > n) {
            for (e = 0; e < r - n; e++) stage.removeChild(this.sprites[e]);
            this.sprites.splice(0, r - n)
    this.write = function(e) {
        var t, n, r, i;
        this.text = e += "";
        t = this.x;
        this.align == this.ALIGN_CENTER && (t = this.x - (e.length - 1) / 2 * this.width);
        this.align == this.ALIGN_RIGHT && (t = this.x - (e.length - 1) * this.width);
        r = new Vector(t - this.x, 0);
        t = r.x + this.x;
        n = r.y + this.y;
        r = new Vector(0, 0);
        for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) this.sprites[s].visible = !0, i = this.charMap.indexOf(e.substr(s, 1)), 0 > i ? this.sprites[s].visible = !1 : (this.sprites[s].gotoAndStop(i), i = r.clone(), i.rotate(-this.rotation), this.sprites[s].x = i.x + t, this.sprites[s].y = i.y + n, this.sprites[s].rotation = this.rotation, this.sprites[s].static = this.static, r.x += this.width)

function clearText(e) {
    for (var t = 0, n = stage.objects.length; t < n; t++) {
        var r = stage.objects[t];
        r[e] && (r.destroy = !0)

function drawLevelScore(e) {
    var t = 160,
        n = library.getAsset("font1", !0).bitmap;
    gameScore += "";
    for (var t = t - (gameScore.length - 1) / 2 * 12, r = 0; r < gameScore.length; r++) {
        var i = new Sprite(n, 12, 20, 10);
        i.gotoAndStop(gameScore.substr(r, 1));
        i.x = t + 12 * r;
        i.y = e;

function soundIconOnChange() {
    1 == Utils.getCookie("soundOn") ? (soundOn = !1, sound.gotoAndStop(1), mixer2.play("main_theme", !0, !1, 0), Utils.setCookie("soundOn", 0)) : (soundOn = !0, sound.gotoAndStop(0), mixer2.stop(0), Utils.setCookie("soundOn", 1))

function drawText(e, t, n) {
    var r = library.getAsset("font1", !0).bitmap,
        i = "coins" == e ? coins : gameScore,
        i = i + "";
    t -= (i.length - 1) / 2 * 12;
    for (var s = 0; s < i.length; s++) mc = new Sprite(r, 12, 20, 10), mc[e] = !0, "coins" == e && (mc.isShopElement = !0), mc.gotoAndStop(i.substr(s, 1)), mc.x = t + 12 * s, mc.y = n, stage.addChild(mc)

function moveIconsHor(e) {
    for (var t = 320 * (slidesNumber - 1) - 160, n = 0, r = stage.objects.length; n < r; n++) {
        var i = stage.objects[n];
        if (0 == i.id && i.x <= -t - 20 && 0 < e || 0 == i.id && 180 <= i.x && 0 > e) return !1;
        i.isMovable && (i.x -= e)

function checkClosestFigure() {
    for (var e = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, t = 0, n, r = 0, i = stage.objects.length; r < i; r++) {
        var s = stage.objects[r],
            o = Math.abs(s.x - 160);
        s.isMovable && o <= e && (e = o, n = s.id, t = s.x - 160)
    return {
        l: t,
        n: n

function moveSelector(e, t) {
    e.x = 160 - 8 * slidesNumber / 2 + 8 * t

function showTutorialMenu() {
    var e = new Sprite(library.getAsset("arrow_prev", !0).bitmap, 12, 31);
    e.x = 10;
    e.y = 285;
    e.visible = !1;
    e.onclick = function() {
        if (e.visible) {
            showArrows(e, t);
            var n = checkClosestFigure();
            moveSelector(i, n.n)
    var t = new Sprite(library.getAsset("arrow_frwd", !0).bitmap, 12, 31);
    t.x = 310;
    t.y = 285;
    t.onclick = function() {
        if (t.visible) {
            showArrows(e, t);
            var n = checkClosestFigure();
            moveSelector(i, n.n)
    var n = new Sprite(null, 300, 480);
    n.x = 160;
    n.y = 240;
    n.static = !0;
    n.onmousedown = function() {
        startScrollPosition = window.event.pageX;
        scrollLocked = !0
    n.onmouseup = function() {
        scrollLocked = !1;
        var n = checkClosestFigure();
        moveSelector(i, n.n);
        showArrows(e, t)
    n.onmousemove = function() {
        if (scrollLocked) {
            var n = window.event.pageX;
            moveIconsHor(.8 * (startScrollPosition - n));
            startScrollPosition = n;
            t.visible = e.visible = !1
    n.onmouseout = function() {
        scrollLocked = !1;
        var n = checkClosestFigure();
        moveSelector(i, n.n);
        showArrows(e, t)
    n = new gameButton("menu", 160, 450);
    n.addEventListener("mouseup", showMenu);
    slidesNumber = 4;
    n = new Sprite(library.getAsset("Help1", !0).bitmap, 320, 480);
    n.x = 160;
    n.y = 240;
    n.isMovable = !0;
    n.id = 0;
    showTutorialMenu.firstPage = n;
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("Help2", {
        x: 480,
        y: 240,
        isMovable: !0,
        id: 1
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("Help3", {
        x: 800,
        y: 240,
        isMovable: !0,
        id: 2
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("Help4", {
        x: 1120,
        y: 240,
        isMovable: !0,
        id: 3
    for (var n = 160 - 8 * slidesNumber / 2, r = 0; r < slidesNumber; r++) stage.addChild(library.getSprite("r1", {
        x: n + 8 * r,
        y: 473
    var i = new Sprite(library.getAsset("r2", !0).bitmap, 6, 6);
    i.x = n;
    i.y = 473;

function showArrows(e, t) {
    var n = showTutorialMenu.firstPage.x;
    e.visible = 150 > n ? !0 : !1;
    t.visible = n <= 180 - 320 * (slidesNumber - 1) ? !1 : !0

function showTutorial(e, t) {
    "easy" == currentDifficulty && (t[0].setType(22), t[1].setType(22), t[4].setType(22), t[21].setType(22), t[19].setType(1), t[5].setType(1), t[20].setType(1), t[15].setType(1), t[13].setType(2), t[16].setType(3), showTutorial_1());
    "medium" == currentDifficulty && (t[2].setType(22), t[10].setType(22), t[23].setType(22), t[9].setType(22), t[0].setType(1), t[8].setType(1), t[22].setType(1), t[16].setType(2), t[17].setType(2), showTutorial_10());
    "hard" == currentDifficulty && (t[23].setType(22), t[19].setType(22), t[5].setType(22), t[16].setType(1), t[17].setType(1), t[3].setType(1), t[6].setType(2), showTutorial_11());
    "ultimate" == currentDifficulty && showTutorial_14()

function fadeOut(e) {
    e.opacity = 1;
    e = e.addTween("opacity", 0, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(e.play, 100)

function clearTutorialSprites() {
    for (var e = 0, t = tutArray.length; e < t; e++) fadeOut(tutArray[e]);
    tutArray = []

function showTutorial_1() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_17");
    e.x = 170;
    e.y = 380;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2e3);
    var n = library.getSprite("txt_18");
    n.x = 120;
    n.y = 170;
    n.opacity = 0;
    t = n.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 3e3);
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5e3);
    t = library.getSprite("txt_16");
    t.x = 95;
    t.y = 175;
    t.opacity = 0;
    var r = t.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(r.play, 6e3);
    t = library.getSprite("txt_12");
    t.x = 215;
    t.y = 280;
    t.opacity = 0;
    var i = t.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[18].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 8e3)

function tutDone() {
    tut01completed ? tut02completed ? tut04completed ? tut05completed ? tut06completed ? tut07completed ? tut08completed ? checkTurorial() : showTutorial_8() : checkTurorial() : checkTurorial() : (tut05completed = !0, showTutorial_5_1()) : (tut04completed = !0, checkTurorial()) : (tut02completed = !0, checkTurorial()) : (tut01completed = !0, checkTurorial())

function fillGameElementArray() {
    gameElementArray = [];
    for (var e = 0, t = stage.objects.length; e < t; e++) "gameCell" == stage.objects[e].type && gameElementArray.push(stage.objects[e])

function showTutorial_2() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_2");
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 200;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    e = library.getSprite("txt_11");
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 280;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var n = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[17].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 3e3)

function showTutorial_3() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_7");
    e.x = 265;
    e.y = 130;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 2500);
    tut03completed = !0;
    setTimeout(checkTurorial, 2500)

function showTutorial_4() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_6");
    e.x = 120;
    e.y = 170;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    e = library.getSprite("txt_10");
    e.x = 190;
    e.y = 230;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var n = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[4].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 3e3)

function showTutorial_5() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_20");
    e.x = 180;
    e.y = 200;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);

function showTutorial_5_1() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 195;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[7].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 100)

function showTutorial_6() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 210;
    e.y = 200;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[8].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 100);

function showTutorial_7() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_14");
    e.x = 170;
    e.y = 180;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);

function showTutorial_8() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 250;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[12].addEventListener("mouseup", checkTurorial)
    }, 100)

function checkTurorial() {
    if ("easy" == currentDifficulty) {
        if (!tut01completed) {
        if (!tut02completed) {
            gameElementArray[18].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
            blockForTutorial = !1;
            gameElementArray[18].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: gameElementArray[18]
            blockForTutorial = !0;
        if (!tut03completed) {
            gameElementArray[17].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
            blockForTutorial = !1;
            gameElementArray[17].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: gameElementArray[17]
            blockForTutorial = !0;
            setTimeout(showTutorial_3, 2500);
        if (!tut04completed) {
        if (!tut05completed) {
            gameElementArray[4].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
            blockForTutorial = !1;
            gameElementArray[4].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: gameElementArray[4]
            blockForTutorial = !0;
        if (!tut06completed) {
            gameElementArray[7].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
            blockForTutorial = !1;
            gameElementArray[7].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: gameElementArray[7]
            tut06completed = blockForTutorial = !0;
        if (!tut07completed) {
            gameElementArray[8].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
            blockForTutorial = !1;
            gameElementArray[8].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: gameElementArray[8]
            tut07completed = blockForTutorial = !0;
        if (!tut08completed) {
            gameElementArray[12].removeEventListener("mouseup", checkTurorial);
            blockForTutorial = !1;
            gameElementArray[12].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                target: gameElementArray[12]
            tutorialActivated = !1;
            tut08completed = !0;
    if ("medium" != currentDifficulty || tut10completed) {
        if ("hard" == currentDifficulty) {
            if (!tut11completed) {
                tut11completed = !0;
                gameElementArray[18].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
                blockForTutorial = !1;
                gameElementArray[18].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                    target: gameElementArray[18]
                blockForTutorial = !0;
            if (!tut12completed) {
                gameElementArray[13].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
                blockForTutorial = !1;
                gameElementArray[13].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                    target: gameElementArray[13]
                tut12completed = blockForTutorial = !0;
            if (!tut12_1completed) {
                gameElementArray[18].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
                blockForTutorial = !1;
                gameElementArray[18].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                    target: gameElementArray[18]
                tut12_1completed = blockForTutorial = !0;
            if (!tut13completed) {
                gameElementArray[24].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone);
                blockForTutorial = !1;
                gameElementArray[24].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
                    target: gameElementArray[24]
                tutorialActivated = !1;
                tut13completed = !0;
        "ultimate" != currentDifficulty || tut15completed || (tutorialActivated = blockForTutorial = !1, tut15completed = !0, showTutorial_15(), levelTutorialCompleted())
    } else gameElementArray[18].removeEventListener("mouseup", tutDone), blockForTutorial = !1, gameElementArray[18].dispatchEvent("mouseup", {
        target: gameElementArray[18]
    }), tutorialActivated = !1, tut10completed = !0, showTutorial_9(), levelTutorialCompleted()

function levelTutorialCompleted() {
    Utils.setCookie(currentDifficulty + "_tutorial_completed", !0)

function resetTutorialVariables() {
    tut01completed = tut02completed = tut03completed = tut04completed = tut05completed = tut06completed = tut07completed = tut08completed = tut09completed = tut10completed = tut11completed = tut12completed = tut12_1completed = tut13completed = tut14completed = tut15completed = blockForTutorial = !1

function checkDifficulty() {
    "easy" == currentDifficulty && void 0 == Utils.getCookie(currentDifficulty + "_tutorial_completed") ? blockForTutorial = tutorialActivated = !0 : "medium" == currentDifficulty && void 0 == Utils.getCookie(currentDifficulty + "_tutorial_completed") ? tut01completed = tut02completed = tut03completed = tut04completed = tut05completed = tut06completed = tut07completed = tut08completed = blockForTutorial = tutorialActivated = !0 : "hard" == currentDifficulty && void 0 == Utils.getCookie(currentDifficulty + "_tutorial_completed") ? tut01completed = tut02completed = tut03completed = tut04completed = tut05completed = tut06completed = tut07completed = tut08completed = tut09completed = tut10completed = blockForTutorial = tutorialActivated = !0 : ("expert" == currentDifficulty && void 0 == Utils.getCookie(currentDifficulty + "_tutorial_completed") && (tut01completed = tut02completed = tut03completed = tut04completed = tut05completed = tut06completed = tut07completed = tut08completed = tut09completed = tut10completed = tut11completed = tut12completed = tut12_1completed = tut13completed = !0), "ultimate" == currentDifficulty && void 0 == Utils.getCookie(currentDifficulty + "_tutorial_completed") ? (tut01completed = tut02completed = tut03completed = tut04completed = tut05completed = tut06completed = tut07completed = tut08completed = tut09completed = tut10completed = tut11completed = tut12completed = tut12_1completed = tut13completed = tutorialActivated = !0, coins++) : tutorialActivated = !1)

function showTutorial_10() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_5");
    e.x = 95;
    e.y = 192;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 210;
    e.y = 295;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var n = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[18].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 3e3);

function showTutorial_9() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_3");
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 220;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    setTimeout(function() {
    }, 5e3)

function showTutorial_11() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_4");
    e.x = 120;
    e.y = 178;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 210;
    e.y = 295;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var n = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[18].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 3e3);

function showTutorial_12() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_8");
    e.x = 105;
    e.y = 320;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 210;
    e.y = 250;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var n = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[13].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 3e3);

function showTutorial_12_1() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_13");
    e.x = 210;
    e.y = 300;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[18].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 1e3);

function showTutorial_13() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_1");
    e.x = 155;
    e.y = 192;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 100);
    e = library.getSprite("txt_9");
    e.x = 195;
    e.y = 330;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var n = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(function() {
        gameElementArray[24].addEventListener("mouseup", tutDone)
    }, 3e3);

function showTutorial_14() {
    blockForTutorial = !0;
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_19");
    e.x = 165;
    e.y = 175;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 1e3);
    tut14completed = !0

function showTutorial_15() {
    var e = library.getSprite("txt_9");
    e.x = 130;
    e.y = 150;
    e.opacity = 0;
    var t = e.addTween("opacity", 1, 10, Easing.linear.out, null, null);
    setTimeout(t.play, 1e3);
    setTimeout(clearTutorialSprites, 3e3);

function showMissionInfo() {
    var e = new Sprite(null, 320, 480);
    e.x = 160;
    e.y = 240;
    e.isMissionElement = !0;
    e.onmouseup = function() {
        gameState = STATE_GAME;
        return !1
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_bg", {
        x: 160,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("unicellar", {
        x: 55,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0,
        first: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("meduze", {
        x: 120,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("fish", {
        x: 185,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 87,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 152,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 217,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 282,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 37,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 102,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 167,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    stage.addChild(library.getSprite("arrow", {
        x: 232,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    "easy" == currentDifficulty ? (stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_b", {
        x: 250,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 70,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 135,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 200,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_create_1", {
        x: 160,
        y: 335,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 265,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    }))) : "medium" == currentDifficulty ? (stage.addChild(library.getSprite("pangolin", {
        x: 250,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_b", {
        x: 70,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 135,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 200,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_create_2", {
        x: 160,
        y: 335,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 265,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    }))) : "hard" == currentDifficulty ? (stage.addChild(library.getSprite("pangolin", {
        x: 250,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mammal", {
        x: 70,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_b", {
        x: 135,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 200,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_create_3", {
        x: 160,
        y: 335,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 265,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    }))) : "expert" == currentDifficulty ? (stage.addChild(library.getSprite("pangolin", {
        x: 250,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mammal", {
        x: 70,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("people", {
        x: 135,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_b", {
        x: 200,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_create_4", {
        x: 160,
        y: 335,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_a", {
        x: 265,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    }))) : "ultimate" == currentDifficulty && (stage.addChild(library.getSprite("pangolin", {
        x: 250,
        y: 240,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mammal", {
        x: 70,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("people", {
        x: 135,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("uslon", {
        x: 200,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_create_5", {
        x: 160,
        y: 335,
        isMissionElement: !0
    })), stage.addChild(library.getSprite("mission_untitled_b", {
        x: 265,
        y: 295,
        isMissionElement: !0

function checkIfNeedLaunchTutorial(e, t) {
    if ("easy" == currentDifficulty && tutorialActivated || "medium" == currentDifficulty && tutorialActivated || "hard" == currentDifficulty && tutorialActivated) return showTutorial(e, t), !0;
    if ("ultimate" == currentDifficulty && tutorialActivated) return showTutorial(e, t), !1
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var Easing = {
    back: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * (e /= r) * e * (2.70158 * e - 1.70158) + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * ((e = e / r - 1) * e * (2.70158 * e + 1.70158) + 1) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            var i = 1.70158;
            return 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? n / 2 * e * e * (((i *= 1.525) + 1) * e - i) + t : n / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * (((i *= 1.525) + 1) * e + i) + 2) + t
    bounce: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n - Easing.bounce.easeOut(r - e, 0, n, r) + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return (e /= r) < 1 / 2.75 ? 7.5625 * n * e * e + t : e < 2 / 2.75 ? n * (7.5625 * (e -= 1.5 / 2.75) * e + .75) + t : e < 2.5 / 2.75 ? n * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.25 / 2.75) * e + .9375) + t : n * (7.5625 * (e -= 2.625 / 2.75) * e + .984375) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return e < r / 2 ? .5 * Easing.bounce.easeIn(2 * e, 0, n, r) + t : .5 * Easing.bounce.easeOut(2 * e - r, 0, n, r) + .5 * n + t
    circular: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return -n * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e /= r) * e) - 1) + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * Math.sqrt(1 - (e = e / r - 1) * e) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? -n / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - e * e) - 1) + t : n / 2 * (Math.sqrt(1 - (e -= 2) * e) + 1) + t
    cubic: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * (e /= r) * e * e + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * ((e = e / r - 1) * e * e + 1) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? n / 2 * e * e * e + t : n / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e + 2) + t
    exponential: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 0 == e ? t : n * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e / r - 1)) + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return e == r ? t + n : n * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * e / r) + 1) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 0 == e ? t : e == r ? t + n : 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? n / 2 * Math.pow(2, 10 * (e - 1)) + t : n / 2 * (-Math.pow(2, -10 * --e) + 2) + t
    linear: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * e / r + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * e / r + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * e / r + t
    quadratic: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * (e /= r) * e + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return -n * (e /= r) * (e - 2) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? n / 2 * e * e + t : -n / 2 * (--e * (e - 2) - 1) + t
    quartic: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * (e /= r) * e * e * e + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return -n * ((e = e / r - 1) * e * e * e - 1) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? n / 2 * e * e * e * e + t : -n / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e - 2) + t
    quintic: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * (e /= r) * e * e * e * e + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * ((e = e / r - 1) * e * e * e * e + 1) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return 1 > (e /= r / 2) ? n / 2 * e * e * e * e * e + t : n / 2 * ((e -= 2) * e * e * e * e + 2) + t
    sine: {
        easeIn: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return -n * Math.cos(e / r * (Math.PI / 2)) + n + t
        easeOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return n * Math.sin(e / r * (Math.PI / 2)) + t
        easeInOut: function(e, t, n, r) {
            return -n / 2 * (Math.cos(Math.PI * e / r) - 1) + t
var Rectangle = function(e, t, n, r, i) {
        this.center = new Vector(e, t);
        this.width = n;
        this.height = r;
        this.angle = i;
        this.vertices = [];
        this.AABB = [];
        this.clone = function() {
            return new Rectangle(this.center.x, this.center.y, this.width, this.height, this.angle)
        this.refreshVertices = function() {
            var e = this.width / 2,
                t = this.height / 2;
            this.vertices = [];
            this.vertices.push(new Vector(-e, t));
            this.vertices.push(new Vector(e, t));
            this.vertices.push(new Vector(e, -t));
            this.vertices.push(new Vector(-e, -t));
            this.AABB = [this.center.clone(), this.center.clone()];
            for (e = 0; 4 > e; e++) this.vertices[e].rotate(-this.angle, this.center), this.vertices[e].x < this.AABB[0].x && (this.AABB[0].x = this.vertices[e].x), this.vertices[e].x > this.AABB[1].x && (this.AABB[1].x = this.vertices[e].x), this.vertices[e].y < this.AABB[0].y && (this.AABB[0].y = this.vertices[e].y), this.vertices[e].y > this.AABB[1].y && (this.AABB[1].y = this.vertices[e].y)
        this.move = function(e, t) {
            this.center.add(new Vector(e, t));
        this.rotate = function(e) {
            this.angle += e;
        this.hitTestPoint = function(e) {
            e = e.clone();
            e.normalize(-this.angle, this.center);
            return Math.abs(e.x) <= this.width / 2 && Math.abs(e.y) <= this.height / 2
        this.hitTestRectangle = function(e) {
            var t = this.clone();
            e = e.clone();
            var n, r, i;
            t.move(-this.center.x, -this.center.y);
            e.move(-this.center.x, -this.center.y);
            n = Math.max(t.AABB[0].x, t.AABB[1].x, e.AABB[0].x, e.AABB[1].x) - Math.min(t.AABB[0].x, t.AABB[1].x, e.AABB[0].x, e.AABB[1].x);
            r = t.AABB[1].x - t.AABB[0].x;
            i = e.AABB[1].x - e.AABB[0].x;
            if (n > r + i) return !1;
            n = Math.max(t.AABB[0].y, t.AABB[1].y, e.AABB[0].y, e.AABB[1].y) - Math.min(t.AABB[0].y, t.AABB[1].y, e.AABB[0].y, e.AABB[1].y);
            r = t.AABB[1].y - t.AABB[0].y;
            i = e.AABB[1].y - e.AABB[0].y;
            if (n > r + i) return !1;
            t.move(-e.center.x, -e.center.y);
            e.move(-e.center.x, -e.center.y);
            n = Math.max(t.AABB[0].x, t.AABB[1].x, e.AABB[0].x, e.AABB[1].x) - Math.min(t.AABB[0].x, t.AABB[1].x, e.AABB[0].x, e.AABB[1].x);
            r = t.AABB[1].x - t.AABB[0].x;
            i = e.AABB[1].x - e.AABB[0].x;
            if (n > r + i) return !1;
            n = Math.max(t.AABB[0].y, t.AABB[1].y, e.AABB[0].y, e.AABB[1].y) - Math.min(t.AABB[0].y, t.AABB[1].y, e.AABB[0].y, e.AABB[1].y);
            r = t.AABB[1].y - t.AABB[0].y;
            i = e.AABB[1].y - e.AABB[0].y;
            return n > r + i ? !1 : !0
    Asset = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
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            } catch (e) {
                CRENDER_DEBUG && console.log(e)
            return !isNaN(this.width) && !isNaN(this.height)
        this.normalize = function(e) {
            if (!this.ready && this.detectSize()) {
                if (isNaN(this.frames) || 1 > this.frames) this.frames = 1;
                if (isNaN(this.layers) || 1 > this.layers) this.layers = 1;
                this.width = Math.ceil(this.width / this.layers / e);
                this.height = Math.ceil(this.height / this.frames / e);
                this.ready = !0
    AssetsLibrary = function(e, t, n) {
        var r = this;
        this.path = "images";
        this.scale = 1;
        this.items = {};
        this.bitmaps = {};
        this.loaded = !1;
        this.onloadprogress = this.onload = null;
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        this.init = function(e, t) {
            "undefined" != typeof e && (this.path = e + "");
            "undefined" != typeof t && (this.scale = parseFloat(t), isNaN(this.scale) && (this.scale = 1))
        this.addAssets = function(e) {
            if ("undefined" != typeof e && "object" == typeof e)
                for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) {
                    var n = e[t];
                    n.noscale = "undefined" == typeof n.noscale ? !1 : n.noscale;
                    n.noscale || (n.src = "%SCALE%/" + n.src);
                    this.addAsset(n.src, n.name, n.width, n.height, n.frames, n.layers)
        this.addAsset = function(e, t, n, r, i, s) {
            e = e.replace("%SCALE%", "%PATH%/" + this.scale);
            e = e.replace("%PATH%", this.path);
            "undefined" == typeof t && (t = e.split("http://resource.duopao.com/"), t = t.pop(), t = t.split("."), t = t.shift() + "");
            e = new Asset(t, e, n, r, i, s);
            return this.items[t] = e
        this.addObject = function(e) {
            var t = this.addAsset("%SCALE%/" + e.image, e.name, e.width * this.scale, e.height * this.scale, e.frames, e.layers);
            t && (t.object = e);
            return t
        this.load = function(e, t) {
            this.onload = e;
            this.onloadprogress = t;
            var n = new ImagesPreloader,
                i = [],
            for (s in this.items) i.push(this.items[s]);
            n.load(i, r.onLoadHandler, r.onLoadProgressHandler)
        this.onLoadProgressHandler = function(e) {
            if ("function" == typeof r.onloadprogress) r.onloadprogress(e)
        this.onLoadHandler = function(e) {
            r.loaded = !0;
            for (var t in e) {
                var n = r.items[t];
                n.bitmap = e[t];
            if ("function" == typeof r.onload) r.onload(r.items)
        this.getAsset = function(e, t) {
            var n = null;
            "undefined" != typeof this.items[e] && this.items[e].bitmap && (n = "undefined" != typeof t && !t || this.items[e].ready ? this.items[e] : null);
            if (!n) throw Error('Trying to get undefined asset "' + e + '"');
            return n
        this.getSprite = function(e, t) {
            var n = null;
            try {
                var r = this.getAsset(e, !0),
                    n = new this.spriteClass(r.bitmap, r.width, r.height, r.frames, r.layers)
            } catch (i) {
                n = new this.spriteClass(null, 1, 1, 1, 1)
            if ("object" == typeof t)
                for (var s in t) n[s] = t[s];
            return n
        this.getBitmap = function(e) {
            try {
                return this.getAsset(e, !0).bitmap
            } catch (t) {
                return null
        this.init(e, t);
"undefined" == typeof console && (console = {
    log: function() {}
var TTLoader = {
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var STR_ALIGN_LEFT = "left",
    STR_ALIGN_CENTER = "center",
    STR_ALIGN_RIGHT = "right",
    STR_VALIGN_TOP = "top",
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    GUIFont = function(e) {
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        GUIFont.prototype.validChar = function(e) {
            return 0 <= this.fontProperties.charmap.indexOf(e.toString())
        GUIFont.prototype.setChar = function(e) {
            e = this.fontProperties.charmap.indexOf(e.toString());
            0 > e || (this.currentLayer = e % this.totalLayers, this.gotoAndStop(Math.floor(e / this.totalLayers)))
        GUIFont.prototype.getChar = function() {
            return this.fontProperties.charmap[this.currentLayer + this.currentFrame * this.totalLayers]
Utils.extend(GUIFont, Sprite);
var GUIString = function(e, t, n) {
        this.font = FontManager.getFont(e);
        if (!this.font) throw Error("Font '" + e + "' not found!");
        this.strings = [];
        this.chars = [];
        this.align = STR_ALIGN_CENTER;
        this.valign = STR_VALIGN_MIDDLE;
        e = new this.font;
        this.charWidth = e.fontProperties["char"].width;
        this.charHeight = e.fontProperties["char"].height;
        delete e;
        this.visible = !0;
        this.rotation = this.zIndex = this.y = this.x = 0;
        this.opacity = 1;
        this.width = this.height = 0;
        this["static"] = "undefined" == typeof t ? !1 : t;
        this.getString = function() {
            return this.strings.join("\n")
        this.getParams = function() {
            return {
                visible: this.visible,
                x: this.x,
                y: this.y,
                zIndex: this.zIndex,
                rotation: this.rotation,
                opacity: this.opacity,
                align: this.align,
                valign: this.valign,
                letterSpacing: this.charWidth,
                lineHeight: this.charHeight
        this.setParams = function(e, t) {
            "object" != typeof e && (e = {});
            "undefined" == typeof t && (t = !1);
            "undefined" == typeof e.visible && (e.visible = this.visible);
            "undefined" == typeof e.letterSpacing && (e.letterSpacing = this.charWidth);
            "undefined" == typeof e.lineHeight && (e.lineHeight = this.charHeight);
            "undefined" == typeof e.align && (e.align = this.align);
            "undefined" == typeof e.valign && (e.valign = this.valign);
            "undefined" == typeof e.x && (e.x = this.x);
            e.x = parseInt(e.x);
            isNaN(e.x) && (e.x = this.x);
            "undefined" == typeof e.y && (e.y = this.y);
            e.y = parseInt(e.y);
            isNaN(e.y) && (e.y = this.y);
            "undefined" == typeof e.zIndex && (e.zIndex = this.zIndex);
            e.zIndex = parseInt(e.zIndex);
            isNaN(e.zIndex) && (e.zIndex = this.zIndex);
            "undefined" == typeof e.rotation && (e.rotation = this.rotation);
            e.rotation = parseFloat(e.rotation);
            isNaN(e.rotation) && (e.rotation = this.rotation);
            "undefined" == typeof e.opacity && (e.opacity = this.opacity);
            e.opacity = parseFloat(e.opacity);
            isNaN(e.opacity) && (e.opacity = this.opacity);
            if (e.letterSpacing != this.charWidth || e.lineHeight != this.charHeight) this._setSpacing(e.letterSpacing, e.lineHeight), t = !0;
            if (e.align != this.align || e.valign != this.valign) this._setAlign(e.align, e.valign), t = !0;
            if (e.x != this.x || e.y != this.y || e.rotation != this.rotation || t) this._refreshSize(), this._setPosition(e.x, e.y), this._setRotation(e.rotation), this._setOpacity(e.opacity);
            e.zIndex != this.zIndex && this._setZIndex(e.zIndex);
            e.visible != this.visible && this._setVisible(e.visible)
        this.refresh = function() {
        this.write = function(e, t, n, r, i, s, o, u) {
            this.strings = e = this._prepareString(e);
            e = {
                align: r,
                valign: i,
                x: t,
                y: n,
                rotation: s,
                letterSpacing: o,
                lineHeight: u
            0 < this.chars.length && (e.zIndex = 0 < this.zIndex ? this.zIndex : this.chars[0].zIndex);
            for (n = t = 0; n < this.strings.length; n++)
                for (r = 0; r < this.strings[n].length; r++) i = this.chars[t++], i["static"] = this["static"], i.setChar(this.strings[n].substring(r, r + 1));
            this.setParams(e, !0)
        this.clear = function() {
        this._setVisible = function(e) {
            this.visible = e;
            for (e = 0; e < this.chars.length; e++) this.chars[e] && (this.chars[e].visible = this.visible)
        this._setOpacity = function(e) {
            this.opacity = e;
            for (e = 0; e < this.chars.length; e++) this.chars[e] && (this.chars[e].opacity = this.opacity)
        this._setZIndex = function(e) {
            "undefined" == typeof e && (e = this.zIndex);
            e = ~~e;
            if (e != this.zIndex) {
                this.zIndex = ~~e;
                for (var t = 0; t < this.chars.length; t++) this.chars[t] && this.chars[t].setZIndex(e)
        this._setSpacing = function(e, t) {
            "undefined" == typeof e && (e = this.charWidth);
            this.charWidth = ~~e;
            "undefined" == typeof t && (t = this.charHeight);
            this.charHeight = ~~t
        this._setAlign = function(e, t) {
            "undefined" == typeof e && (e = this.align);
            this.align = e.toString().toLowerCase();
            "undefined" == typeof t && (t = this.valign);
            this.valign = t.toString().toLowerCase()
        this._setPosition = function(e, t) {
            this.x = e;
            this.y = t;
            var n = Math.round(this.charHeight / 2);
            this.valign == STR_VALIGN_MIDDLE && (n -= Math.round(this.height / 2));
            this.valign == STR_VALIGN_BOTTOM && (n -= this.height);
            for (var r = 0, i = 0; i < this.strings.length; i++) {
                var s = this.charWidth * this.strings[i].length,
                    o = -Math.round(this.charWidth / 2);
                this.align == STR_ALIGN_CENTER && (o -= Math.round(s / 2));
                this.align == STR_ALIGN_RIGHT && (o -= s);
                for (s = 0; s < this.strings[i].length; s++) {
                    var u = this.chars[r++];
                    u && (o += this.charWidth, u.x = this.x + o, u.y = this.y + n)
                n += this.charHeight
        this._setRotation = function(e) {
            e >= 2 * Math.PI && (e -= 2 * Math.PI);
            0 > e && (e += 2 * Math.PI);
            this.rotation = e;
            if (0 != this.chars.length)
                for (e = 0; e < this.chars.length; e++)
                    if (this.chars[e]) {
                        var t = new Vector(this.chars[e].x - this.x, this.chars[e].y - this.y);
                        this.chars[e].x = this.x + t.x;
                        this.chars[e].y = this.y + t.y;
                        this.chars[e].rotation = this.rotation
        this._validateString = function(e) {
            e = e.toString();
            for (var t = "", n = new this.font, r = 0; r < e.length; r++) {
                var i = e.substring(r, r + 1);
                n.validChar(i) && (t += i)
            return t
        this._refreshSize = function() {
            for (var e = 0, t = 0; t < this.strings.length; t++) e = Math.max(e, this.strings[t].length);
            this.width = this.charWidth * e;
            this.height = this.charHeight * this.strings.length
        this._createStageChars = function() {
            var e = this.strings.join("").length,
                e = this.chars.length - e;
            if (0 != e) {
                for (; 0 != e;) {
                    var t;
                    0 > e ? (t = new this.font, t = stage.addChild(t), t.visible = this.visible, this.chars.push(t)) : (t = this.chars.pop(), stage.removeChild(t));
                    e += 0 > e ? 1 : -1
        this._prepareString = function(e) {
            e = String(e).split("\n");
            for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) e[t] = this._validateString(e[t]);
            return e
        this.debugDraw = function(e) {
            "undefined" == typeof e && (e = "#FFF");
        this._debugDrawBox = function(e) {};
        this._debugDrawAnchor = function(e) {
            stage.drawRectangle(this.x, this.y, 3, 3, e, !0, .8)
        "object" == typeof n && this.setParams(n)
    Charset = {
        getByName: function(e) {
            if ("undefined" == typeof Charset[e]) throw Error("Character set ' " + e + " ' is not defined!");
            return Charset[e]
        digits: '0123456789+-.,*/=()<>#$%&:;|№@~"'.split(""),
        full: " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ЁЂЃЄЅІЇЈЉЊЋЌЎЏАБВГДЕЖЗИЙКЛМНОПРСТУФХЦЧШЩЪЫЬЭЮЯабвгдежзийклмнопрстуфхцчшщъыьэюя№ёђѓєѕіїјљњћќ§ўџŠŽšžŸ¢£¥§©«®µ»ÀÁÂÃÄÅÆÇÈÉÊËÌÍÎÏÐÑÒÓÔÕÖ×ØÙÚÛÜÝÞßàáâãäåæçèéêëìíîïðñòóôõö÷øùúûüýþÿ".split(""),
        latin: " !\"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~ ".split("")
    FontManager = {
        _fonts: {},
        defaultCharmap: Charset.full,
        fontNameFromBitmap: function(e) {
            e = "string" == typeof e ? e : e.src;
            e = e.replace("\\", "http://resource.duopao.com/").split("http://resource.duopao.com/").pop();
            return e = e.split(".").shift()
        createAssetFromSprite: function(e, t) {
            var n = new Asset(e, t.bitmap.src, t.width, t.height, t.totalFrames, t.totalLayers);
            n.bitmap = t.bitmap;
            return n
        createFontAsset: function(e, t, n, r) {
            var i, s;
            if ("string" == typeof e) {
                if ("undefined" == typeof library) throw Error("Bitmaps access by name works only with AssetsLibrary");
                try {
                    s = e, i = library.getAsset(s)
                } catch (o) {
                    throw Error("Sprite not found for font '" + s + "'")
            } else if ("object" == typeof e) {
                i = ["bitmap", "width", "height", "totalFrames", "totalLayers"];
                for (s = 0; s < i.length; s++)
                    if ("undefined" == typeof e[i[s]]) throw Error("Invalid image. Instance of Sprite expected.");
                s = FontManager.fontNameFromBitmap(e.bitmap);
                i = FontManager.createAssetFromSprite(s, e)
            } else throw Error("Invalid image. Asset name or instance of Sprite expected.");
            i = new GUIFontAsset(s, i, t);
            n = ~~n;
            r = ~~r;
            0 < n && (i["char"].width = n);
            0 < r && (i["char"].height = r);
            return i
        registerFont: function(e, t, n, r) {
            "string" == typeof t && (t = Charset.getByName(t));
            var i = FontManager.createFontAsset(e, t, n, r),
                s = function() {
                    s.superclass.constructor.call(this, i)
            Utils.extend(s, GUIFont);
            FontManager._fonts[i.name] = s;
            return i.name
        getFont: function(e) {
            "undefined" == typeof FontManager._fonts[e] && FontManager.registerFont(e, FontManager.defaultCharmap);
            return FontManager._fonts[e]
    GUIFontAsset = function(e, t, n) {
        this.name = e;
        this.image = t;
        this.charmap = n;
        this["char"] = {
            width: t.width,
            height: t.height
    ExternalAPI = {
        type: "Spilgames",
        init: function(e) {
            ExternalAPI.check() ? SpilGames.Events.subscribe("gamecontainer.resize", Utils.fitLayoutToScreen) : Utils.addFitLayoutListeners()
        check: function() {
            return "undefined" != typeof SpilGames
        checkUserLoggedIn: function() {
            return "NOT_AUTHENTICATED" == SpilGames.Auth.getAuthState() ? !1 : !0
        getUserInfo: function() {},
        addChangeLocaleListener: function(e) {
            SpilGames.Events.subscribe("game.language.change", e)
        showLoginForm: function(e) {
            e || (e = function() {});
        showScoreboard: function(e) {
            e || (e = function() {});
        submitScores: function(e, t) {
            t || (t = function() {});
                score: e
            }, t)
if (!ExternalAPI.check()) var SpilGames;
AudioMixer.buffer = {};
AudioMixer.waContext = null;
var stage, landscape = !1,
    fps = 24,
    bitmaps, GET, iosMode = !1,
    android = !1,
    usedPoints = 0,
    gameScore = 0,
    coins = 0,
    showUnlockAnimation = !1,
    ignoreMenuTheme = !1,
    soundOn, mixer2, STATE_LOAD = 0,
    STATE_LOGO = 1,
    STATE_MENU = 2,
    STATE_GAME = 3,
    D_SIMPLE = 0,
    D_NORMAL = 1,
    D_HARD = 2,
    D_EXPERT = 3,
    D_ULTIMATE = 4,
    currentDifficulty, gameState = STATE_LOAD,
    T_EMPTY = 0,
    T_AMOEBA = 1,
    T_JELLYFISH = 2,
    T_SMARTFISH = 3,
    T_LIZARD = 4,
    T_WOLF = 5,
    T_APE = 6,
    T_UNKNOWN = 8,
    T_ETHER = 20,
    T_FIRE = 21,
    T_ICE = 22,
    T_UFO = 23,
    easy_level = {
        init: {},
        elements: {},
        field: {
            x: 5,
            y: 5
        name: "easy"
easy_level.init[T_AMOEBA] = 4;
easy_level.init[T_JELLYFISH] = 1;
easy_level.init[T_SMARTFISH] = 1;
easy_level.init[T_ICE] = 6;
easy_level.elements[T_AMOEBA] = 30;
easy_level.elements[T_JELLYFISH] = 20;
easy_level.elements[T_FIRE] = 10;
easy_level.elements[T_ICE] = 10;
var medium_level = {
    init: {},
    elements: {},
    field: {
        x: 5,
        y: 5
    name: "medium"
medium_level.init[T_AMOEBA] = 3;
medium_level.init[T_JELLYFISH] = 1;
medium_level.init[T_ICE] = 3;
medium_level.elements[T_AMOEBA] = 40;
medium_level.elements[T_JELLYFISH] = 30;
medium_level.elements[T_FIRE] = 10;
medium_level.elements[T_ICE] = 10;
medium_level.elements[T_ETHER] = 5;
var hard_level = {
    init: {},
    elements: {},
    field: {
        x: 5,
        y: 5
    name: "hard"
hard_level.init[T_AMOEBA] = 3;
hard_level.init[T_JELLYFISH] = 1;
hard_level.init[T_ICE] = 3;
hard_level.elements[T_AMOEBA] = 30;
hard_level.elements[T_JELLYFISH] = 20;
hard_level.elements[T_SMARTFISH] = 10;
hard_level.elements[T_FIRE] = 10;
hard_level.elements[T_ICE] = 5;
hard_level.elements[T_UFO] = 10;
var expert_level = {
    init: {},
    elements: {},
    field: {
        x: 5,
        y: 5
    name: "expert"
expert_level.init[T_AMOEBA] = 5;
expert_level.init[T_JELLYFISH] = 3;
expert_level.init[T_ICE] = 3;
expert_level.elements[T_AMOEBA] = 30;
expert_level.elements[T_JELLYFISH] = 20;
expert_level.elements[T_SMARTFISH] = 10;
expert_level.elements[T_LIZARD] = 5;
expert_level.elements[T_WOLF] = 2;
expert_level.elements[T_APE] = 1;
expert_level.elements[T_FIRE] = 10;
expert_level.elements[T_ICE] = 5;
expert_level.elements[T_UFO] = 10;
var ultimate_level = {
    init: {},
    elements: {},
    field: {
        x: 5,
        y: 5
    name: "ultimate"
ultimate_level.init[T_AMOEBA] = 2;
ultimate_level.init[T_JELLYFISH] = 2;
ultimate_level.init[T_SMARTFISH] = 3;
ultimate_level.init[T_ICE] = 4;
ultimate_level.elements[T_AMOEBA] = 10;
ultimate_level.elements[T_JELLYFISH] = 25;
ultimate_level.elements[T_SMARTFISH] = 15;
ultimate_level.elements[T_LIZARD] = 10;
ultimate_level.elements[T_WOLF] = 5;
ultimate_level.elements[T_APE] = 4;
ultimate_level.elements[T_FIRE] = 8;
ultimate_level.elements[T_ICE] = 9;
ultimate_level.elements[T_UFO] = 8;
ultimate_level.elements[T_HOMOSAPIENS] = 1;
var LEVELS = [easy_level, medium_level, hard_level, expert_level, ultimate_level],
    EL_BMP = {};
EL_BMP[T_EMPTY] = "element";
EL_BMP[T_AMOEBA] = "unicellar";
EL_BMP[T_JELLYFISH] = "meduze";
EL_BMP[T_LIZARD] = "pangolin";
EL_BMP[T_WOLF] = "mammal";
EL_BMP[T_APE] = "people";
EL_BMP[T_UNKNOWN] = "unknown";
EL_BMP[T_ETHER] = "ether";
EL_BMP[T_FIRE] = "fire";
EL_BMP[T_ICE] = "ice";
EL_BMP[T_UFO] = "ufo";
var EL_SCORE = {};
EL_SCORE[T_WOLF] = 15e3;
EL_SCORE[T_APE] = 3e4;
var FIELD_SIZE = {
        x: 5,
        y: 5
    assets = [{
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        src: "field-select-level-bg.png",
        width: 301,
        height: 432
    }, {
        name: "easy",
        src: "easy.png",
        width: 248,
        height: 66,
        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "medium",
        src: "medium.png",
        width: 248,
        height: 66,
        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "hard",
        src: "hard.png",
        width: 248,
        height: 66,
        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "expert",
        src: "expert.png",
        width: 248,
        height: 66,
        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "ultimate",
        src: "ultimate.png",
        width: 248,
        height: 66,
        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "field-play-playingfield",
        src: "field-play-playingfield.png",
        width: 306,
        height: 378
    }, {
        name: "buy",
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        width: 78,
        height: 24,
        frames: 2
    }, {
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    }, {
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        height: 46
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    }, {
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        width: 411,
        height: 313
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        height: 101
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
        name: "fire",
        src: "field-play-card-fire.png",
        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
        name: "people",
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        height: 186
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 50,
        height: 50
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        frames: 2
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        width: 50,
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        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "win_replay",
        src: "win_replay.png",
        width: 50,
        height: 50,
        frames: 2
    }, {
        name: "back_field_win",
        src: "back_field_win.png",
        width: 300,
        height: 195
    }, {
        name: "unknown1",
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        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 49,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 49,
        height: 50
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        width: 49,
        height: 50
    }, {
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        width: 49,
        height: 50
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        height: 256
    }, {
        name: "mission_create_1",
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    }, {
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    }, {
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    }, {
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        height: 16
    }, {
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        src: "mission-create-5.png",
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        height: 16
    }, {
        name: "mission_untitled_a",
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    }, {
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        src: "mission-untitled-b.png",
        width: 48,
        height: 48
    }, {
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    }, {
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        frames: 2
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        frames: 9
    }, {
        name: "coin_rotate12",
        src: "coin_rotate12.png",
        width: 48,
        height: 24,
        frames: 18
    }, {
        name: "Help1",
        src: "Help1.png",
        width: 320,
        height: 480
    }, {
        name: "Help2",
        src: "Help2.png",
        width: 320,
        height: 480
    }, {
        name: "Help3",
        src: "Help3.png",
        width: 320,
        height: 480
    }, {
        name: "Help4",
        src: "Help4.png",
        width: 320,
        height: 480
    }, {
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    }, {
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        width: 12,
        height: 31
    }, {
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        width: 31,
        height: 12
    }, {
        name: "arrow_up",
        src: "arrow_up.png",
        width: 31,
        height: 12
    }, {
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        src: "back_field-win-3.png",
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    }, {
        name: "text1",
        src: "text1.png",
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        height: 18
    }, {
        name: "text2",
        src: "text2.png",
        width: 157,
        height: 18
    }, {
        name: "text3",
        src: "text3.png",
        width: 88,
        height: 18
    }, {
        name: "Fish",
        src: "Fish.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "geek",
        src: "geek.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "human",
        src: "human.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "humanoid",
        src: "humanoid.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "Jellyfish",
        src: "Jellyfish.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "lizard",
        src: "lizard.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "superbrains",
        src: "superbrains.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "superhuman",
        src: "superhuman.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "Unknown",
        src: "Unknown.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "wolf",
        src: "wolf.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "zombie",
        src: "zombie.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "cyborg",
        src: "cyborg.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "ape",
        src: "ape.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "Amoeba",
        src: "Amoeba.png",
        width: 256,
        height: 80
    }, {
        name: "back",
        src: "back.png",
        width: 257,
        height: 355
window.onload = function() {
    GET = Utils.parseGet();
    setTimeout(startLoad, 600)
var current_game_mode = 0;
var lastBackground = null;
var tempRouletteArray = [],
    rouletteProbability = {
        T_AMOEBA: {
            n: 30,
            v: 1
        T_JELLYFISH: {
            n: 20,
            v: 2
        T_SMARTFISH: {
            n: 17,
            v: 3
        T_LIZARD: {
            n: 13,
            v: 4
        T_WOLF: {
            n: 10,
            v: 5
        T_APE: {
            n: 7,
            v: 6
        T_HOMOSAPIENS: {
            n: 3,
            v: 7
var startScrollPosition, scrollLocked = !1,
    clickForbidden = !0;
var field;
var maxUnlockedItem = {
        t: 3,
        newUnlocked: !1
    GameElement = function(e, t) {
        var n = this;
        e = ~~e;
        "ultimate" == currentDifficulty && e > maxUnlockedItem.t && 10 > e && !maxUnlockedItem.newUnlocked && (maxUnlockedItem.t = e);
        if (8 == e) {
            var r = Math.ceil(6 * Math.random());
            maxUnlockedItem.t = r;
            maxUnlockedItem.newUnlocked = !0;
            EL_BMP[T_UNKNOWN] = "unknown" + r;
            Utils.getCookie("icon1" + r + "ul") || (Utils.setCookie("icon1" + r + "ul", !0), field.upgradeType = 10 + r, stage.setTimeout(function() {
                showEvolutionPopup(10 + r, function() {})
            }, 5))
        var i = e == T_EMPTY ? new Sprite(null, 45, 45, 1, 1) : library.getAsset(EL_BMP[e]);
        t && maxUnlockedItem.newUnlocked && (i = library.getAsset(EL_BMP[T_UNKNOWN]));
        GameElement.superclass.constructor.call(this, i.bitmap, ~~i.width, ~~i.height, ~~i.frames, ~~i.layers);
        this.gametype = e;
        this.currentLayer = this.currentFrame = 0;
        this.moved = !1;
        this.setType = function(e) {
            var t = e == T_EMPTY ? new Sprite(null, 45, 45, 1, 1) : library.getAsset(EL_BMP[~~e]);
            this.gametype = ~~e;
            this.bitmap = t.bitmap;
            this.width = ~~t.width;
            this.height = ~~t.height;
            this.totalFrames = ~~t.frames;
            this.totalLayers = ~~t.layers;
            this.currentLayer = this.currentFrame = 0
        this.blink = function() {
            n.fadeTo(.3, 6, Easing.cubic.easeOut, function(e) {
                n.fadeTo(1, 1, Easing.linear.easeIn)
Utils.extend(GameElement, Sprite);
var GameField = function(e) {
    var t = this;
    this.level = e;
    this.size = e.field;
    this.nextElement = new GameElement;
    this.storedElement = new GameElement(T_EMPTY);
    this.getTypes = function() {
        for (var e = [], t = 0; t < this.length; t++) e.push(this[t].gametype);
        return e
    this.setTypes = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0; t < e.length; t++) t < this.length && this[t].setType(~~e[t])
    this.getElementId = function(e) {
        for (var t = 0; t < this.length; t++)
            if (this[t] === e) return t
    this.create = function() {
        for (var e = new Sprite(null, 45, 45, 1, 1), e = new Vector(e.width + 6, e.height + 6), n = new Vector(160 - t.size.x * e.x / 2 + e.x / 2, 282 - t.size.y * e.y / 2 + e.y / 2), r = 0; r < t.size.y; r++)
            for (var i = 0; i < t.size.x; i++) {
                var s = new GameElement;
                s.type = "gameCell";
                s.x = n.x + e.x * i;
                s.y = n.y + e.y * r;
                s.onmouseup = t.clickHandler;
        e = t.generateNextType();
        t.nextElement = new GameElement(e);
        t.nextElement.setPosition(57, 118);
        t.nextElement.onmouseup = function() {
            if (tutorialActivated) return !1;
        t.storedElement = new GameElement(T_EMPTY);
        t.storedElement.setPosition(235, 118);
        t.storedElement.onmouseup = function() {
            tutorialActivated || t.swapStack();
            if (tutorialActivated && (tut04completed && !tut05completed || tut07completed && !tut08completed)) return t.swapStack(), tutDone(), !0
        checkIfNeedLaunchTutorial(t.size.x * t.size.y, t)
    this.init = function() {
        var e = t.size.x * t.size.y;
        currentDifficulty = t.level.name;
        if ("easy" != currentDifficulty || !tutorialActivated)
            if ("medium" != currentDifficulty || !tutorialActivated)
                if ("hard" != currentDifficulty || !tutorialActivated)
                    for (var n in t.level.init)
                        for (var r = t.level.init[n]; 0 < r;) {
                            for (var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * e); t[i].gametype > T_EMPTY;) i = Math.floor(Math.random() * e);
    this.generateNextType = function() {
        if (tutorialActivated) return tut02completed || "easy" != currentDifficulty ? tut03completed || "easy" != currentDifficulty ? tut06completed && !tut07completed && "easy" == currentDifficulty ? T_ICE : tut10completed || "medium" != currentDifficulty ? tut11completed || "hard" != currentDifficulty ? tut12completed || "hard" != currentDifficulty ? tut13completed || "hard" != currentDifficulty ? T_AMOEBA : T_UFO : T_FIRE : T_UFO : T_ETHER : T_FIRE : T_AMOEBA;
        var e = t.level.elements,
            n = 0,
        for (r in e) n += e[r];
        n = Math.floor(Math.random() * n);
        for (r in e)
            if (n -= e[r], 0 >= n) return r;
        return T_AMOEBA
    this.getUpgradeType = function(e) {
        for (var n = t.level.upgrades, r = 0; r < n.length; r++)
            if (n[r] == e) return field.upgradeType = n[r + 1], ++r < n.length ? n[r] : 0;
        return 0
    this.locked = !1;
    this.swapStack = function(e) {
        if (t.locked || t.nextElement.gametype == T_UFO) return !1;
        e = new GameElement(t.nextElement.gametype);
        e.setPosition(t.nextElement.x, t.nextElement.y);
        var n = new GameElement(t.storedElement.gametype);
        n.setPosition(t.storedElement.x, t.storedElement.y);
        t.nextElement.visible = !1;
        t.locked = !0;
        e.moveTo(t.storedElement.x, t.storedElement.y, 6, Easing.cubic.easeIn, function(e) {
            t.storedElement.visible = !0;
            t.locked = !1
        n.gametype > T_EMPTY ? (t.storedElement.visible = !1, stage.addChild(n), n.moveTo(t.nextElement.x, t.nextElement.y, 6, Easing.cubic.easeIn, function(e) {
            t.nextElement.visible = !0;
        })) : (e = t.generateNextType(), t.nextElement.setType(e), t.nextElement.visible = !0);
        0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("swap_stack", !1, !1, 0)
    this.clickHandler = function(e) {
        if (blockForTutorial) return !0;
        if (t.locked) return !1;
        var n = e.target;
        e = new GameElement(t.nextElement.gametype);
        e.setPosition(t.nextElement.x, t.nextElement.y);
        var r = !1;
        switch (n.gametype) {
            case T_EMPTY:
                if (e.gametype == T_FIRE) {
                if (e.gametype == T_ETHER) {
                    var r = t.getTypes(),
                        r = new ChainFinder(r, CHAIN_LENGTH, t.size.x, !1),
                        i = t.getElementId(n),
                        i = r.findPossibleChains(i),
                        s = -1;
                    if (i)
                        for (var o in i) r.checkChainLength(i[o]) && ~~o > s && 0 < t.getUpgradeType(~~o) && (s = ~~o);
                    e.gametype = 1 > s ? T_ICE : s
                t.locked = !0;
                e.moveTo(n.x, n.y, 12, Easing.circular.easeOut, function(e) {
                    t.locked = !1;
                r = !0;
                e.gametype == T_ICE ? 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("ice_add", !1, !1, 0) : 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("element_add", !1, !1, 0);
                e.gametype == T_FIRE ? (stage.addChild(e), t.locked = !0, e.moveTo(n.x, n.y, 6, Easing.linear.easeOut, function(e) {
                    e.target.obj.fadeTo(0, 12, Easing.circular.easeOut, function(e) {
                    t.locked = !1;
                    n.gametype == T_UFO ? (n.setType(T_EMPTY), e = new GameElement(T_UFO), e.setPosition(n.x, n.y), stage.addChild(e), t.nextElement.fadeTo(0, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn), e.moveTo(t.nextElement.x, t.nextElement.y, 12, Easing.cubic.easeOut, function(e) {
                        e.target.obj.fadeTo(0, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn, function(e) {
                        t.nextElement.fadeTo(1, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn)
                    }), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("alien_death", !1, !1, 0)) : (n.setType(T_EMPTY), 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("element_burn", !1, !1, 0));
                }), r = !0) : n.blink()
        r && t.nextElement.setType(t.generateNextType())
    this.upgradeChains = function(e) {
        t.locked = !0;
        for (var n = t.getTypes(), n = (new ChainFinder(n, CHAIN_LENGTH, t.size.x, !1)).findChains(), r = 0, i = 0; i < n.length; i++) {
            var s = n[i];
            if (!(0 > s.indexOf(t.getElementId(e)))) {
                var o = t.getUpgradeType(e.gametype);
                if (!(1 > o)) {
                    8 == o ? 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("new_superhuman", !1, !1, 0) : 0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("new_element", !1, !1, 0);
                    for (var u = 0; u < s.length; u++) {
                        var a = s[u];
                        if (t[a] !== e) {
                            var f = new GameElement(t[a].gametype);
                            f.setPosition(t[a].x, t[a].y);
                            f.moveTo(e.x, e.y, 6, Easing.linear.easeIn, function(e) {
                    s = new GameElement(o);
                    s.setPosition(e.x, e.y);
                    s.opacity = 0;
                    s.fadeTo(1, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn, function(n) {
                        var r = getScore() + ~~EL_SCORE[e.gametype];
                        checkIfNeedPopup(function() {
                            setScore(r, ~~EL_SCORE[e.gametype], e.x, e.y);
        1 > r && (t.locked = !1, t.moveAliens())
    this.moveAliens = function() {
        t.locked = !0;
        var e = function() {
            for (var e = 0; e < t.length; e++)
                if (t[e].gametype == T_UFO && !t[e].moved) return e;
            return -1
        if (0 > e) {
            for (e = 0; e < t.length; e++) t[e].gametype == T_UFO && (t[e].moved = !1);
            t.locked = !1;
            return t.checkGameOver()
        var n = function(e, n) {
            var r = e % t.size.x,
                i = Math.floor(e / t.size.y),
                s = [];
            0 < r && (n && t[e - 1].gametype !== T_EMPTY || s.push(e - 1));
            r + 1 < t.size.x && (n && t[e + 1].gametype !== T_EMPTY || s.push(e + 1));
            0 < i && (n && t[e - t.size.y].gametype !== T_EMPTY || s.push(e - t.size.y));
            i + 1 < t.size.y && (n && t[e + t.size.y].gametype !== T_EMPTY || s.push(e + t.size.y));
            return s
        }(e, !0);
        if (1 > n.length) {
            var r = new GameElement(T_UFO);
            r.setPosition(t[e].x, t[e].y);
            t.nextElement.fadeTo(0, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn);
            r.moveTo(t.nextElement.x, t.nextElement.y, 12, Easing.cubic.easeOut, function(e) {
                e.target.obj.fadeTo(0, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn, function(e) {
                t.nextElement.fadeTo(1, 12, Easing.linear.easeIn)
        } else {
            var i = Math.floor(Math.random() * n.length);
            t[n[i]].gametype = null;
            r = new GameElement(T_UFO);
            r.setPosition(t[e].x, t[e].y);
            r.targetID = n[i];
            r.moveTo(t[n[i]].x, t[n[i]].y, 6, Easing.linear.easeIn, function(e) {
                t[e.target.obj.targetID].moved = !0;
        0 != Utils.getCookie("soundOn") || iosMode || android || mixer.play("alien_move", !1, !1, 0)
    this.checkGameOver = function() {
        for (var e = current_game_mode == D_ULTIMATE, n = t.level.upgrades[t.level.upgrades.length - 1], r = t.length, i = 0; i < t.length; i++) {
            if (t[i].gametype === n && !e) {
                gameState = STATE_VICTORY;
            t[i].gametype !== T_EMPTY && r--
        1 > r && (gameState = e ? STATE_VICTORY : STATE_DEFEAT, createScene())
Utils.extend(GameField, Array);
var score;
var slidesNumber = 0;
var tutorialActivated = !1,
    tut01completed = !1,
    tut02completed = !1,
    tut03completed = !1,
    tut04completed = !1,
    tut05completed = !1,
    tut06completed = !1,
    tut07completed = !1,
    tut08completed = !1,
    tut09completed = !1,
    tut10completed = !1,
    tut11completed = !1,
    tut12completed = !1,
    tut12_1completed = !1,
    tut13completed = !1,
    tut14completed = !1,
    tut15completed = !1,
    blockForTutorial = !1,
    tutArray = [],
    gameElementArray = [];