www.gusucode.com > 200套html5精品模板1_50 > 200套html5精品模板1_50/013/blue/js/fit-videos/jquery.fitvids.js

    /*global jQuery */
* FitVids 1.0
* Copyright 2011, Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com + Dave Rupert - http://daverupert.com
* Credit to Thierry Koblentz - http://www.alistapart.com/articles/creating-intrinsic-ratios-for-video/
* Released under the WTFPL license - http://sam.zoy.org/wtfpl/
* Date: Thu Sept 01 18:00:00 2011 -0500

(function( $ ){

  $.fn.fitVids = function( options ) {
    var settings = {
      customSelector: null
    var div = document.createElement('div'),
        ref = document.getElementsByTagName('base')[0] || document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0];
  	div.className = 'fit-vids-style';
    div.innerHTML = '&shy;<style>         \
      .fluid-width-video-wrapper {        \
         width: 100%;                     \
         position: relative;              \
         padding: 0;                      \
      }                                   \
      .fluid-width-video-wrapper iframe,  \
      .fluid-width-video-wrapper object,  \
      .fluid-width-video-wrapper embed {  \
         position: absolute;              \
         top: 0;                          \
         left: 0;                         \
         width: 100%;                     \
         height: 100%;                    \
      }                                   \
    if ( options ) { 
      $.extend( settings, options );
    return this.each(function(){
      var selectors = [
      if (settings.customSelector) {
      var $allVideos = $(this).find(selectors.join(','));

        var $this = $(this);
        if (this.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'embed' && $this.parent('object').length || $this.parent('.fluid-width-video-wrapper').length) { return; } 
        var height = this.tagName.toLowerCase() == 'object' ? $this.attr('height') : $this.height(),
            aspectRatio = height / $this.width();
			var videoID = 'fitvid' + Math.floor(Math.random()*999999);
			$this.attr('id', videoID);
        $this.wrap('<div class="fluid-width-video-wrapper"></div>').parent('.fluid-width-video-wrapper').css('padding-top', (aspectRatio * 100)+"%");
})( jQuery );