www.gusucode.com > 200套html5精品模板151_200 > 200套html5精品模板151_200/160/css/5grid/init.js

/* 5grid 0.4 by n33.co | MIT+GPLv2 license licensed              */
/* init.js: Init script                                          */

/* Settings          */

	var _5grid_settings = {
		breakpoint_1000px:				1200,
		breakpoint_mobile:				480,
		prefix:							'style',
		use:							'mobile,desktop',
		viewport_is1000px:				1040,
		viewport_is1200px:				1280,
		mobileUI:						0,
		mobileUI_hideAddressBar:		0,
		mobileUI_openerText:			'=',
		mobileUI_openerWidth:			60,
		mobileUI_slideSpeed:			200,
		mobileUI_theme:					'modern',
		mobileUI_themeNavColor:			'#1f1f1f',
		mobileUI_themeTitleBarColor:	'#444444',
		mobileUI_titleBarFixed:			1,
		mobileUI_titleBarHeight:		44,
		mobileUI_titleBarOverlaid:		0,
		mobileUI_navInnerPad:			0,
		mobileUI_force:					0,
		mobileUI_tapDelay:				200,
		debug_noExtLoad:				0

/* Helper plugins    */

	/* jQuery resize event - v1.1 - 3/14/2010 http://benalman.com/projects/jquery-resize-plugin/ | Copyright (c) 2010 "Cowboy" Ben Alman | Dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. | http://benalman.com/about/license/ */
	(function(jQuery,h,c){var a=jQuery([]),e=jQuery.resize=jQuery.extend(jQuery.resize,{}),i,k="setTimeout",j="resize",d=j+"-special-event",b="delay",f="throttleWindow";e[b]=250;e[f]=true;jQuery.event.special[j]={setup:function(){if(!e[f]&&this[k]){return false}var l=jQuery(this);a=a.add(l);jQuery.data(this,d,{w:l.width(),h:l.height()});if(a.length===1){g()}},teardown:function(){if(!e[f]&&this[k]){return false}var l=jQuery(this);a=a.not(l);l.removeData(d);if(!a.length){clearTimeout(i)}},add:function(l){if(!e[f]&&this[k]){return false}var n;function m(s,o,p){var q=jQuery(this),r=jQuery.data(this,d);r.w=o!==c?o:q.width();r.h=p!==c?p:q.height();n.apply(this,arguments)}if(jQuery.isFunction(l)){n=l;return m}else{n=l.handler;l.handler=m}}};function g(){i=h[k](function(){a.each(function(){var n=jQuery(this),m=n.width(),l=n.height(),o=jQuery.data(this,d);if(m!==o.w||l!==o.h){n.trigger(j,[o.w=m,o.h=l])}});g()},e[b])}})(jQuery,this);

/* Object Setup      */

	var _5gridC = function()
		this.events = new Array();
		this.readyWait = false;

		this.isReady = false;
		this.isMobile = false;
		this.isDesktop = false;
		this.isFluid = false;
		this.is1000px = false;
		this.is1200px = false;

	_5gridC.prototype.bind = function(name, f)
		if (!this.events[name])
			this.events[name] = new Array();

	_5gridC.prototype.trigger = function(name)
		if (!this.isReady || !this.events[name] || this.events[name].length < 1)
		for (i in this.events[name])

	_5gridC.prototype.ready = function(f, wait) {
		if (wait)
			this.readyWait = true;

		this.bind('ready', f);
	// Custom events
		_5gridC.prototype.orientationChange = function(f) { this.bind('orientationChange', f); }
		_5gridC.prototype.mobileUINavOpen = function(f) { this.bind('mobileUINavOpen', f); }
		_5gridC.prototype.mobileUINavClose = function(f) { this.bind('mobileUINavClose', f); }

	_5gridC.prototype.readyCheck = function()
		var x = this;
		window.setTimeout(function() {
			if (x.isReady)
		}, 50);

	var _5grid = new _5gridC;

(function() {

/* Initialize        */

	// Vars
		var	_settings	= _5grid_settings,
			_window		= jQuery(window),
			_head		= jQuery('head'),
			_document	= jQuery(document);
		var	baseURL,
			doFluid, do1000px, do1200px, doMobile, doDesktop, doMobileOnly,
			isLocked = false,
			isTapLocked = false, tapId,
			isTouch = !!('ontouchstart' in window),
			headQueue = new Array();
		var v, w, wk, wv, x, y;

	// Tap handling
		jQuery.fn.tap_5grid = function(f, suffix, noMove) {
			var target = jQuery(this);

			if (isTouch)
					.bind('touchstart' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''), function() {
						if (!isTapLocked)
							isTapLocked = true;
							if (_settings.mobileUI_tapDelay > -1)
								tapId = window.setTimeout(function() { window.clearTimeout(tapId); isTapLocked = false; }, _settings.mobileUI_tapDelay);
					.bind('touchend' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''), function(e) {
						if (isTapLocked)
							isTapLocked = false;
				if (noMove)
						.bind('touchmove' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''), function(e) {
							isTapLocked = false;
				target.bind('click' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''), f);

			return target;

		jQuery.fn.untap_5grid = function(suffix) {
			var target = jQuery(this);
			if (isTouch)
					.unbind('touchstart' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''))
					.unbind('touchend' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''))
					.unbind('touchmove' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''));
				target.unbind('click' + (suffix ? '.' + suffix : ''));
			return target;
	// Shortcut methods
		headQueue.pushI_5grid = function(s) { headQueue.push({ type: 'i', value: s }); };
		headQueue.pushE_5grid = function(s) { headQueue.push({ type: 'e', value: s }); }; 
		headQueue.process_5grid = function() {
			var doE;
			if (document.createStyleSheet)
				doE = function(s) { document.createStyleSheet(s); };
				doE = function(s) { _head.append('<link rel="stylesheet" href="' + s + '" />'); };

			for (x in headQueue)
				if (headQueue[x].type == 'i')
					_head.append('<style>' + headQueue[x].value + '</style>');
				else if (headQueue[x].type == 'e')
		jQuery.fn.disableSelection_5grid = function() { return jQuery(this).css('user-select', 'none').css('-khtml-user-select', 'none').css('-moz-user-select', 'none').css('-o-user-select', 'none').css('-webkit-user-select', 'none'); }
		jQuery.fn.enableSelection_5grid = function() { return jQuery(this).css('user-select', 'auto').css('-khtml-user-select', 'auto').css('-moz-user-select', 'auto').css('-o-user-select', 'auto').css('-webkit-user-select', 'auto'); }
		jQuery.fn.accelerate_5grid = function() { return jQuery(this).css('-webkit-transform', 'translateZ(0)').css('-webkit-backface-visibility', 'hidden').css('-webkit-perspective', '500'); }

	// Determine base URL, settings
		x = jQuery('script').filter(function() { return this.src.match(/5grid\/init\.js/); }).first();
		y = x.attr('src').split('?');
		baseURL = y[0].replace(/5grid\/init\.js/, '');

		// Override settings
			if (y.length > 1)
				x = y[1].split('&');
				for (v in x)
					w = x[v].split('=');
					wk = w[0].replace(/\./, '_');
					wv = w[1];
					// Thanks, @cmsalvado! :)
					if (!isNaN(parseFloat(wv)) && isFinite(wv))
						wv = parseInt(wv);
					_settings[wk] = wv;
	// Debug settings
		if (_settings.debug_noExtLoad == 1)
			headQueue.pushE_5grid = function(s) { };
	// Determine viewing modes
		doDesktop = doMobile = doFluid = do1000px = do1200px = doMobileOnly = false;
		v = _settings.use.split(',');
		if (jQuery.inArray('fluid', v) > -1)
			doFluid = true;
		if (jQuery.inArray('desktop', v) > -1)
			doDesktop = true;
		if (jQuery.inArray('1000px', v) > -1)
			do1000px = true;
		if (jQuery.inArray('1200px', v) > -1)
			do1200px = true;
		if (jQuery.inArray('mobile', v) > -1)
			doMobile = true;

		if (doMobile && !doFluid && !do1000px && !do1200px && !doDesktop)
			doMobileOnly = true;

	// Apply workarounds for broken/old browsers

		// Android, Webkit <= 534
			if (navigator.userAgent.match(/Android.+AppleWebKit\/534/))
				_settings.mobileUI_titleBarFixed = 0;

		// IE <= 8
			if (jQuery.browser.msie)
				// HTML5 Shiv
					if (jQuery.browser.version < 9)
						_head.append('<script type="text/javascript" src="' + baseURL + '5grid/html5shiv.js" />');

				// Versions that don't support CSS3 pseudo classes
					if (jQuery.browser.version < 8)
						jQuery(function() {
							jQuery('.5grid, .5grid-layout, .do-5grid').after('<div style="clear: both;"></div>');
							jQuery('.5grid-layout').css('position', 'relative');
							jQuery('.5grid, .do-5grid').css('position', 'relative');
							jQuery('.5grid > .row > :first-child, .5grid-layout > .row > :first-child, .do-5grid > .row > :first-child').css('margin-left', '0');
							jQuery('.5grid > .row:first-child, .5grid-layout > .row:first-child, .do-5grid > .row:first-child').css('margin-top', '0');
							jQuery('.5grid > .row:last-child, .5grid-layout > .row:last-child, .do-5grid > .row:last-child').css('margin-bottom', '0');

	// Insert stylesheets
		headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core.css')
		headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '.css');

/* Responsive        */

	(function() {
		var	ww = _window.width(),
			sw = screen.width,
			orientation = window.orientation;
		// Fix: On iOS, screen.width is always the width of the device held in portrait mode.
		// Android, however, sets it to the width of the device in its current orientation.
		// This ends up breaking our detection on HD devices held in landscape mode, so we
		// do a little trick here to detect this condition and make things right.
		if (screen.width > screen.height
		&&	Math.abs(orientation) == 90)
			sw = screen.height;

		// Mobile (exclusive)
		if ((doMobile && (ww <= _settings.breakpoint_mobile || sw <= _settings.breakpoint_mobile)) || doMobileOnly)
			_5grid.isMobile = true;
			_head.prepend('<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1.0, minimum-scale=1.0, maximum-scale=1.0" />');
			headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-mobile.css');
			if (_settings.mobileUI == 1)
				_settings.mobileUI_force = 1;

				if (_settings.mobileUI_theme != 'none')
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/mobileUI-' + _settings.mobileUI_theme + '.css');

					if (_settings.mobileUI_themeTitleBarColor)
						headQueue.pushI_5grid('#mobileUI-site-titlebar { background-color: ' + _settings.mobileUI_themeTitleBarColor + '; }');

					if (_settings.mobileUI_themeNavColor)
						headQueue.pushI_5grid('#mobileUI-site-nav { background-color: ' + _settings.mobileUI_themeNavColor + '; }');

			headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-mobile.css');
			// Fluid (exclusive)
			if (doFluid)
				_5grid.isFluid = true;
				_head.prepend('<meta name="viewport" content="width=' + _settings.viewport_is1200px + '" />');
				headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-desktop.css');
				headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-fluid.css');
				headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-fluid.css');
			// Desktop
			else if (doDesktop)
				_5grid.isDesktop = true;
				headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-desktop.css');
				headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-desktop.css');
				// 1200px
				if (ww >= _settings.breakpoint_1000px)
					_5grid.is1200px = true;
					_head.prepend('<meta name="viewport" content="width=' + _settings.viewport_is1200px + '" />');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-1200px.css');
					// Load 1200px stylesheet if 1200px was explicitly enabled
					if (do1200px)
						headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-1200px.css');
				// 1000px
					_5grid.is1000px = true;
					_head.prepend('<meta name="viewport" content="width=' + _settings.viewport_is1000px + '" />');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-1000px.css');

					// Load 1000px stylesheet if 1000px was explicitly enabled
					if (do1000px)
						headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-1000px.css');
				// 1000px (exclusive)
				if (do1000px && (ww < _settings.breakpoint_1000px || !do1200px))
					_5grid.isDesktop = true;
					_5grid.is1000px = true;
					_head.prepend('<meta name="viewport" content="width=' + _settings.viewport_is1000px + '" />');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-desktop.css');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-1000px.css');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-1000px.css');
				// 1200px (exclusive)
				else if (do1200px && (ww >= _settings.breakpoint_1000px || !do1000px))
					_5grid.isDesktop = true;
					_5grid.is1200px = true;
					_head.prepend('<meta name="viewport" content="width=' + _settings.viewport_is1200px + '" />');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-desktop.css');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + '5grid/core-1200px.css');
					headQueue.pushE_5grid(baseURL + _settings.prefix + '-1200px.css');

		jQuery(function() {
			var _body = jQuery('body');

			if (_5grid.isFluid)
			if (_5grid.isDesktop)
			if (_5grid.is1000px)
			if (_5grid.is1200px)
			if (_5grid.isMobile)

/* MobileUI          */

	if (_settings.mobileUI_force == 1)
		jQuery(function() {
			var	_body = jQuery('body'),
			var	speed = _settings.mobileUI_slideSpeed,
				easing = 'swing',
				ww = _window.width(),
				wh = _window.height(),
				_nav_isActing = false,
				_nav_isOpen = false;
			_body.wrapInner('<div id="mobileUI-site-content" />');
			_body.wrapInner('<div id="mobileUI-site-wrapper" />');
			_body.wrapInner('<div id="mobileUI-site-viewer" />');
			// Move primary content
				var	_main_content = jQuery('.mobileUI-main-content'),
					_main_content_target = jQuery('.mobileUI-main-content-target');
				if (_main_content.length > 0)
					if (_main_content_target.length > 0)
			// Get site name, nav options
				var	x = jQuery('.mobileUI-site-name'), site_name = (x.length > 0 ? x.html() : ''),
					site_nav_options = new Array();
				jQuery('.mobileUI-site-nav a').each(function() {
					var t = jQuery(this), indent;
					indent = Math.max(0,t.parents('li').length - 1);
						'<div class="mobileUI-site-nav-link" xhref="' + t.attr('href') + '"><span class="indent-' + indent + '"></span>' + t.text() + '</div>'

			// Configure elements
				if (site_nav_options.length > 0)
					_nav_inner = jQuery('<div id="mobileUI-site-nav-inner"><nav>' + site_nav_options.join('') + '</nav></div>');
					_nav = jQuery('<div id="mobileUI-site-nav"></div>');
					_opener = jQuery('<div id="mobileUI-site-nav-opener">' + _settings.mobileUI_openerText + '</div>');
					_nav_inner = jQuery();
					_nav = jQuery();
					_opener = jQuery();

				_content = jQuery('#mobileUI-site-content');
				_titlebar = jQuery('<div id="mobileUI-site-titlebar"><div id="mobileUI-site-title">' + site_name + '</div></div>');
				_wrapper = jQuery('#mobileUI-site-wrapper');
				_viewer = jQuery('#mobileUI-site-viewer');

				var	_nav_width = ww - _settings.mobileUI_openerWidth,
					_content_width = ww,
					_wrapper_width = _nav_width + _content_width;

				// Wrapper
						.css('position', 'absolute')

				// Nav
						.css('position', 'absolute')
						.css('left', (-1 * _nav_width))
						.prepend('<div style="position: absolute; top: 0px; right: -1px; width: 1px; height: 1px;"></div>');

					// Inner
							.css('overflow', (isTouch ? 'hidden' : 'auto'))
							.bind('touchstart', function(e) {
								_nav_inner_pos = _nav_inner.scrollTop() + e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY;
							.bind('touchmove', function(e) {
								_nav_inner.scrollTop(_nav_inner_pos - e.originalEvent.touches[0].pageY);

					// Links
							.css('cursor', 'pointer')
							.each(function() {
								var t = jQuery(this);
								t.tap_5grid(function(e) {
									if (_nav_isOpen)
										var href = t.attr('xhref');
										if (href && href.length > 0)
											_body.trigger('5grid_closeNav', [href]);

				// Opener
						.css('position', 'absolute')
						.css('z-index', 10001)
						.css('cursor', 'pointer')
						.tap_5grid(function(e) {
						}, '', true);

				// Titlebar
						.css('z-index', 10000)
					if (_settings.mobileUI_titleBarFixed)
							.bind('goActive_5grid', function() {
									.css('position', 'fixed')
									.css('top', 0)
									.css('left', 0);
							.bind('goInactive_5grid', function() {
									.css('position', 'absolute')
									.css('top', _window.scrollTop())
									.css('left', _nav.width);
							.css('position', 'absolute')
							.css('top', _window.scrollTop())
							.css('left', _nav.width);

				// Content
						.css('position', 'relative');
					if (_settings.mobileUI_titleBarOverlaid)
							.bind('resize', function() { _viewer.height(_content.height()); });
							.css('padding-top', _settings.mobileUI_titleBarHeight)
							.bind('resize', function() { _viewer.height(_content.height() + _settings.mobileUI_titleBarHeight); });

				// Viewer
						.css('position', 'absolute')
						.css('overflow', 'hidden')
						.height(_content.height() + _settings.mobileUI_titleBarHeight);

				// Body
						.bind('5grid_toggleNav', function() {
							if (_nav_isOpen)
						.bind('5grid_openNav', function() {
							// Check locking
								if (isLocked)
									return true;
								isLocked = true;

							// Mark nav as acting
								_nav_isActing = true;

							// Disable scrolling
									.bind('touchstart.5grid_nav_block', function(e) {
									.bind('scroll.5grid_nav_block', function(e) {
										if (_nav_isOpen)
											_body.trigger('5grid_closeNav', [null, true]);

							// Reposition nav
									.css('top', _window.scrollTop());

									.height(window.innerHeight - _settings.mobileUI_navInnerPad)

							// Deactivate titlebar

							// Animate
									.animate({ left: _nav_width }, speed, easing, function() {
										// Unlock
											isLocked = false;
										// Correct body position (in case it was still scrolling when the nav opened)
											var x = parseInt(_nav.css('top'));
											if (x > 0)
										// Mark nav as open, unmark as acting
											window.setTimeout(function() {
												_nav_isOpen = true;
												_nav_isActing = false;
											}, 300);
										// Add close event to content
												.tap_5grid(function(e) {
												}, '5grid_nav_cclose');
										// Trigger event
						.bind('5grid_closeNav', function(e, url, fast) {
							// Check locking
								if (isLocked)
									return true;

								isLocked = true;

							// Mark nav as acting
								_nav_isActing = true;

							// Remove close event from content

							// Animate
									.animate({ left: 0 }, (fast ? 0 : speed), easing, function() {
										// Reactivate titlebar

										// Trigger event

										// Unlock
											isLocked = false;
										// Re-enable scrolling

										// Mark nav as closed, unmark as acting
											_nav_isOpen = false;
											_nav_isActing = false;
										// If a URL was passed, go to it
											if (url)
												window.setTimeout(function() {
													window.location.href = url;
												}, 150);

					// Window
							.bind('orientationchange', function(e) {
								// Recalculate widths
									ww = _window.width();
									_nav_width = ww - _settings.mobileUI_openerWidth;
									_content_width = ww;
									_wrapper_width = _nav_width + _content_width;

								// Resize
										.css('left', (-1 * _nav_width))


								// Trigger event

			// Remove mobileUI-hide elements
			// Remove address bar
				if (_settings.mobileUI_hideAddressBar == 1)
					_window.load(function() {
						if (_window.scrollTop() == 0)
							window.scrollTo(0, 1);

/* Head Queue        */

	_5grid.isReady = true;

	jQuery(function() {
		if (_5grid.readyWait)
			jQuery(window).load(function() { _5grid.readyCheck(); });
