www.gusucode.com > 200套html5精品模板151_200 > 200套html5精品模板151_200/173/js/custom.js

    // Jquery with no conflict
jQuery(document).ready(function($) {
		columns: 2
        // Configuration goes here (http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/)
        vertical: false
        // Configuration goes here (http://sorgalla.com/projects/jcarousel/)
        vertical: true
	var buttons = { previous:$('#home-slider .button-previous') ,
						next:$('#home-slider .button-next') };	

	$('#home-slider').lofJSidernews( {
		interval 		: 4000,
		direction		: 'opacitys',	
		easing			: 'easeInOutExpo',
		duration		: 1200,
		auto		 	: false,
		maxItemDisplay  : 5,
		navPosition     : 'horizontal', // horizontal
		navigatorHeight : 73,
		navigatorWidth  : 188,
		mainWidth		: 940,
		buttons: buttons
	// Superfish
        animation: {height:'show'},   // slide-down effect without fade-in 
        delay:     800 ,              // 1.2 second delay on mouseout 
        autoArrows:  false,
        speed: 100
    	animation: "fade",
    	controlNav: true,
    	directionNav: false,
    	keyboardNav: true
	// Filter - Isotope 

	var $container = $('#filter-container');
	$container.imagesLoaded( function(){
			itemSelector : 'figure',
			filter: '*',
			resizable: false,
			animationEngine: 'jquery'
	// filter buttons
	$('#filter-buttons a').click(function(){
		// select current
		var $optionSet = $(this).parents('#filter-buttons');
		var selector = $(this).attr('data-filter');
		$container.isotope({ filter: selector });
		return false;
	// Tool tips
    	className: 'tip-twitter',
		showTimeout: 1,
		alignTo: 'target',
		alignX: 'center',
		offsetY: 5,
		allowTipHover: false
		className: 'tip-twitter',
		showOn: 'focus',
		alignTo: 'target',
		alignX: 'right',
		alignY: 'center',
		offsetX: 5
	// Tweet feed
        count: 3,
        username: "ansimuz"
	// PrettyPhoto
	$('a[data-rel]').each(function() {
	    $(this).attr('rel', $(this).data('rel'));

	// Accordion box

		if( $(this).next().is(':hidden') ) { 
		return false;
	// Toggle box
	$('.toggle-trigger').click(function() {
		return false;
	// Tabs

    $(".tabs").tabs("div.panes > div", {effect: 'fade'});

	// Create Combo Navi
	// Create the dropdown base
	$("<select id='comboNav' />").appendTo("#combo-holder");
	// Create default option "Go to..."
	$("<option />", {
		"selected": "selected",
		"value"   : "",
		"text"    : "Navigation"
	}).appendTo("#combo-holder select");
	// Populate dropdown with menu items
	$("#nav a").each(function() {
		var el = $(this);		
		var label = $(this).parent().parent().attr('id');
		var sub = (label == 'nav') ? '' : '- ';
		$("<option />", {
		 "value"   : el.attr("href"),
		 "text"    :  sub + el.text()
		}).appendTo("#combo-holder select");

	// Combo Navigation action
	$("#comboNav").change(function() {
	  location = this.options[this.selectedIndex].value;
	// Resize event
	$(window).resize(function() {
		var w = $(window).width();

