www.gusucode.com > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件源码程序 > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件/extjame/ext-jame/js/ext2/air/samples/tasks/js/data.js

 * Ext JS Library 0.20
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://extjs.com/license

// Unique task ids, if the time isn't unique enough, the addition 
// of random chars should be
Ext.uniqueId = function(){
	var t = String(new Date().getTime()).substr(4);
	for(var i = 0; i < 4; i++){
		t += s.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random()*26));
	return t;

// Define the Task data type
tx.data.Task = Ext.data.Record.create([
    {name: 'taskId', type:'string'},
    {name: 'listId', type:'string'},
    {name: 'title', type:'string'},
    {name: 'description', type:'string'},
    {name: 'dueDate', type:'date', dateFormat: Ext.sql.Proxy.DATE_FORMAT, defaultValue: ''},
    {name: 'completed', type:'boolean'},
    {name: 'completedDate', type:'date', dateFormat: Ext.sql.Proxy.DATE_FORMAT, defaultValue: ''},
    {name: 'reminder', type:'date', dateFormat: Ext.sql.Proxy.DATE_FORMAT, defaultValue: ''}

// Define the List data type
tx.data.List = Ext.data.Record.create([
    {name: 'listId', type:'string'},
    {name: 'parentId', type:'string'},
    {name: 'listName', type:'string'},
    {name: 'isFolder', type:'boolean'}

tx.data.conn = Ext.sql.Connection.getInstance();

tx.data.tasks = new tx.data.TaskStore();
tx.data.lists = new tx.data.ListStore();

tx.data.getDefaultReminder = function(task){
	var s = task.data.dueDate ? task.data.dueDate.clearTime(true) : new Date().clearTime();
	s = s.add('mi', Ext.state.Manager.get('defaultReminder'));
	return s;

tx.data.getActiveListId = function(){
    var id = tx.data.tasks.activeList;
        var first = tx.data.lists.getAt(0);
            id = first.id;
            id = tx.data.lists.newList().id;
    return id;