www.gusucode.com > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件源码程序 > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件/extjame/ext-jame/js/ext2/examples/core/templates.js

 * Ext JS Library 2.0.2
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://extjs.com/license


    var data = {
        name: 'Jack Slocum',
        company: 'Ext JS, LLC',
        address: '4 Red Bulls Drive',
        city: 'Cleveland',
        state: 'Ohio',
        zip: '44102',
        kids: [{
            name: 'Sara Grace',
            name: 'Zachary',
            name: 'John James',

    var p = new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'Basic Template',
        width: 300,
        html: '<p><i>Apply the template to see results here</i></p>',
        tbar: [{
            text: 'Apply Template',
            handler: function(){

                var tpl = new Ext.Template(
                    '<p>Name: {name}</p>',
                    '<p>Company: {company}</p>',
                    '<p>Location: {city}, {state}</p>'

                tpl.overwrite(p.body, data);
                p.body.highlight('#c3daf9', {block:true});

        renderTo: document.body

    var p2 = new Ext.Panel({
        title: 'XTemplate',
        width: 300,
        html: '<p><i>Apply the template to see results here</i></p>',
        tbar: [{
            text: 'Apply Template',
            handler: function(){

                var tpl = new Ext.XTemplate(
                    '<p>Name: {name}</p>',
                    '<p>Company: {company}</p>',
                    '<p>Location: {city}, {state}</p>',
                    '<p>Kids: ',
                    '<tpl for="kids" if="name==\'Jack Slocum\'">',
                        '<tpl if="age &gt; 1"><p>{#}. {parent.name}\'s kid - {name}</p></tpl>',
                tpl.overwrite(p2.body, data);
                p2.body.highlight('#c3daf9', {block:true});

        renderTo: document.body