www.gusucode.com > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件源码程序 > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件/extjame/ext-jame/js/ext2/source/legacy/View.js

 * Ext JS Library 2.0.2
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://extjs.com/license

 * @class Ext.View
 * @extends Ext.util.Observable
 * Create a "View" for an element based on a data model or Updater and the supplied DomHelper template.
 * This class also supports single and multi selection modes. <br>
 * Create a data model bound view:
 var store = new Ext.data.Store(...);

 var view = new Ext.View("my-element",
 '&lt;div id="{0}"&gt;{2} - {1}&lt;/div&gt;', // auto create template
 singleSelect: true,
 selectedClass: "xdataview-selected",
 store: store

 // listen for node click?
 view.on("click", function(vw, index, node, e){
 alert('Node "' + node.id + '" at index: ' + index + " was clicked.");

 // load XML data
 For an example of creating a JSON/Updater view, see {@link Ext.JsonView}.
 * <br><br>
 * <b>Note: The root of your template must be a single node. Table/row implementations may work but are not supported due to
 * IE"s limited insertion support with tables and Opera"s faulty event bubbling.</b>
 * @constructor
 * Create a new View
 * @param {Mixed} container The container element where the view is to be rendered.
 * @param {String/DomHelper.Template} tpl The rendering template or a string to create a template with
 * @param {Object} config The config object
Ext.View = function(container, tpl, config){
    this.el = Ext.get(container);
    if(typeof tpl == "string"){
        tpl = new Ext.Template(tpl);
     * The template used by this View
     * @type {Ext.DomHelper.Template}
    this.tpl = tpl;

    Ext.apply(this, config);

    /** @private */
     * @event beforeclick
     * Fires before a click is processed. Returns false to cancel the default action.
     * @param {Ext.View} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the target node
     * @param {HTMLElement} node The target node
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The raw event object
        "beforeclick" : true,
     * @event click
     * Fires when a template node is clicked.
     * @param {Ext.View} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the target node
     * @param {HTMLElement} node The target node
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The raw event object
        "click" : true,
     * @event dblclick
     * Fires when a template node is double clicked.
     * @param {Ext.View} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the target node
     * @param {HTMLElement} node The target node
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The raw event object
        "dblclick" : true,
     * @event contextmenu
     * Fires when a template node is right clicked.
     * @param {Ext.View} this
     * @param {Number} index The index of the target node
     * @param {HTMLElement} node The target node
     * @param {Ext.EventObject} e The raw event object
        "contextmenu" : true,
     * @event selectionchange
     * Fires when the selected nodes change.
     * @param {Ext.View} this
     * @param {Array} selections Array of the selected nodes
        "selectionchange" : true,

     * @event beforeselect
     * Fires before a selection is made. If any handlers return false, the selection is cancelled.
     * @param {Ext.View} this
     * @param {HTMLElement} node The node to be selected
     * @param {Array} selections Array of currently selected nodes
        "beforeselect" : true

        "click": this.onClick,
        "dblclick": this.onDblClick,
        "contextmenu": this.onContextMenu,

    this.selections = [];
    this.nodes = [];
    this.cmp = new Ext.CompositeElementLite([]);
        this.setStore(this.store, true);

Ext.extend(Ext.View, Ext.util.Observable, {
     * The css class to add to selected nodes
     * @type {Ext.DomHelper.Template}
    selectedClass : "x-view-selected",
    emptyText : "",
     * Returns the element this view is bound to.
     * @return {Ext.Element}
    getEl : function(){
        return this.el;

     * Refreshes the view.
    refresh : function(){
        var t = this.tpl;
        var html = [];
        var records = this.store.getRange();
        if(records.length < 1){
        for(var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++){
            var data = this.prepareData(records[i].data, i, records[i]);
            html[html.length] = t.apply(data);
        this.nodes = this.el.dom.childNodes;

     * Function to override to reformat the data that is sent to
     * the template for each node.
     * @param {Array/Object} data The raw data (array of colData for a data model bound view or
     * a JSON object for an Updater bound view).
    prepareData : function(data){
        return data;

    onUpdate : function(ds, record){
        var index = this.store.indexOf(record);
        var n = this.nodes[index];
        this.tpl.insertBefore(n, this.prepareData(record.data));
        this.updateIndexes(index, index);

    onAdd : function(ds, records, index){
        if(this.nodes.length == 0){
        var n = this.nodes[index];
        for(var i = 0, len = records.length; i < len; i++){
            var d = this.prepareData(records[i].data);
                this.tpl.insertBefore(n, d);
                this.tpl.append(this.el, d);

    onRemove : function(ds, record, index){

     * Refresh an individual node.
     * @param {Number} index
    refreshNode : function(index){
        this.onUpdate(this.store, this.store.getAt(index));

    updateIndexes : function(startIndex, endIndex){
        var ns = this.nodes;
        startIndex = startIndex || 0;
        endIndex = endIndex || ns.length - 1;
        for(var i = startIndex; i <= endIndex; i++){
            ns[i].nodeIndex = i;

     * Changes the data store this view uses and refresh the view.
     * @param {Store} store
    setStore : function(store, initial){
        if(!initial && this.store){
            this.store.un("datachanged", this.refresh, this);
            this.store.un("add", this.onAdd, this);
            this.store.un("remove", this.onRemove, this);
            this.store.un("update", this.onUpdate, this);
            this.store.un("clear", this.refresh, this);
            store.on("datachanged", this.refresh, this);
            store.on("add", this.onAdd, this);
            store.on("remove", this.onRemove, this);
            store.on("update", this.onUpdate, this);
            store.on("clear", this.refresh, this);
        this.store = store;

     * Returns the template node the passed child belongs to or null if it doesn't belong to one.
     * @param {HTMLElement} node
     * @return {HTMLElement} The template node
    findItemFromChild : function(node){
        var el = this.el.dom;
        if(!node || node.parentNode == el){
		    return node;
	    var p = node.parentNode;
	    while(p && p != el){
            if(p.parentNode == el){
            	return p;
            p = p.parentNode;
	    return null;

    /** @ignore */
    onClick : function(e){
        var item = this.findItemFromChild(e.getTarget());
            var index = this.indexOf(item);
            if(this.onItemClick(item, index, e) !== false){
                this.fireEvent("click", this, index, item, e);

    /** @ignore */
    onContextMenu : function(e){
        var item = this.findItemFromChild(e.getTarget());
            this.fireEvent("contextmenu", this, this.indexOf(item), item, e);

    /** @ignore */
    onDblClick : function(e){
        var item = this.findItemFromChild(e.getTarget());
            this.fireEvent("dblclick", this, this.indexOf(item), item, e);

    onItemClick : function(item, index, e){
        if(this.fireEvent("beforeclick", this, index, item, e) === false){
            return false;
        if(this.multiSelect || this.singleSelect){
            if(this.multiSelect && e.shiftKey && this.lastSelection){
                this.select(this.getNodes(this.indexOf(this.lastSelection), index), false);
                this.select(item, this.multiSelect && e.ctrlKey);
                this.lastSelection = item;
        return true;

     * Get the number of selected nodes.
     * @return {Number}
    getSelectionCount : function(){
        return this.selections.length;

     * Get the currently selected nodes.
     * @return {Array} An array of HTMLElements
    getSelectedNodes : function(){
        return this.selections;

     * Get the indexes of the selected nodes.
     * @return {Array}
    getSelectedIndexes : function(){
        var indexes = [], s = this.selections;
        for(var i = 0, len = s.length; i < len; i++){
        return indexes;

     * Clear all selections
     * @param {Boolean} suppressEvent (optional) true to skip firing of the selectionchange event
    clearSelections : function(suppressEvent){
        if(this.nodes && (this.multiSelect || this.singleSelect) && this.selections.length > 0){
            this.cmp.elements = this.selections;
            this.selections = [];
                this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selections);

     * Returns true if the passed node is selected
     * @param {HTMLElement/Number} node The node or node index
     * @return {Boolean}
    isSelected : function(node){
        var s = this.selections;
        if(s.length < 1){
            return false;
        node = this.getNode(node);
        return s.indexOf(node) !== -1;

     * Selects nodes.
     * @param {Array/HTMLElement/String/Number} nodeInfo An HTMLElement template node, index of a template node, id of a template node or an array of any of those to select
     * @param {Boolean} keepExisting (optional) true to keep existing selections
     * @param {Boolean} suppressEvent (optional) true to skip firing of the selectionchange vent
    select : function(nodeInfo, keepExisting, suppressEvent){
            for(var i = 0, len = nodeInfo.length; i < len; i++){
                this.select(nodeInfo[i], true, true);
        } else{
            var node = this.getNode(nodeInfo);
            if(node && !this.isSelected(node)){
                if(this.fireEvent("beforeselect", this, node, this.selections) !== false){
                        this.fireEvent("selectionchange", this, this.selections);

     * Gets a template node.
     * @param {HTMLElement/String/Number} nodeInfo An HTMLElement template node, index of a template node or the id of a template node
     * @return {HTMLElement} The node or null if it wasn't found
    getNode : function(nodeInfo){
        if(typeof nodeInfo == "string"){
            return document.getElementById(nodeInfo);
        }else if(typeof nodeInfo == "number"){
            return this.nodes[nodeInfo];
        return nodeInfo;

     * Gets a range template nodes.
     * @param {Number} startIndex
     * @param {Number} endIndex
     * @return {Array} An array of nodes
    getNodes : function(start, end){
        var ns = this.nodes;
        start = start || 0;
        end = typeof end == "undefined" ? ns.length - 1 : end;
        var nodes = [];
        if(start <= end){
            for(var i = start; i <= end; i++){
        } else{
            for(var i = start; i >= end; i--){
        return nodes;

     * Finds the index of the passed node
     * @param {HTMLElement/String/Number} nodeInfo An HTMLElement template node, index of a template node or the id of a template node
     * @return {Number} The index of the node or -1
    indexOf : function(node){
        node = this.getNode(node);
        if(typeof node.nodeIndex == "number"){
            return node.nodeIndex;
        var ns = this.nodes;
        for(var i = 0, len = ns.length; i < len; i++){
            if(ns[i] == node){
                return i;
        return -1;