www.gusucode.com > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件源码程序 > 一个基于extjs的强大聊天插件/extjame/ext-jame/js/ext2/source/widgets/tree/TreeEditor.js

 * Ext JS Library 2.0.2
 * Copyright(c) 2006-2008, Ext JS, LLC.
 * licensing@extjs.com
 * http://extjs.com/license

 * @class Ext.tree.TreeEditor
 * @extends Ext.Editor
 * Provides editor functionality for inline tree node editing.  Any valid {@link Ext.form.Field} can be used
 * as the editor field.
 * @constructor
 * @param {TreePanel} tree
 * @param {Object} config Either a prebuilt {@link Ext.form.Field} instance or a Field config object
Ext.tree.TreeEditor = function(tree, config){
    config = config || {};
    var field = config.events ? config : new Ext.form.TextField(config);
    Ext.tree.TreeEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, field);

    this.tree = tree;

        tree.on('render', this.initEditor, this);

Ext.extend(Ext.tree.TreeEditor, Ext.Editor, {
     * @cfg {String} alignment
     * The position to align to (see {@link Ext.Element#alignTo} for more details, defaults to "l-l").
    alignment: "l-l",
    // inherit
    autoSize: false,
     * @cfg {Boolean} hideEl
     * True to hide the bound element while the editor is displayed (defaults to false)
    hideEl : false,
     * @cfg {String} cls
     * CSS class to apply to the editor (defaults to "x-small-editor x-tree-editor")
    cls: "x-small-editor x-tree-editor",
     * @cfg {Boolean} shim
     * True to shim the editor if selects/iframes could be displayed beneath it (defaults to false)
    // inherit
     * @cfg {Number} maxWidth
     * The maximum width in pixels of the editor field (defaults to 250).  Note that if the maxWidth would exceed
     * the containing tree element's size, it will be automatically limited for you to the container width, taking
     * scroll and client offsets into account prior to each edit.
    maxWidth: 250,
     * @cfg {Number} editDelay The number of milliseconds between clicks to register a double-click that will trigger
     * editing on the current node (defaults to 350).  If two clicks occur on the same node within this time span,
     * the editor for the node will display, otherwise it will be processed as a regular click.
    editDelay : 350,

    initEditor : function(tree){
        tree.on('beforeclick', this.beforeNodeClick, this);
        tree.on('dblclick', this.onNodeDblClick, this);
        this.on('complete', this.updateNode, this);
        this.on('beforestartedit', this.fitToTree, this);
        this.on('startedit', this.bindScroll, this, {delay:10});
        this.on('specialkey', this.onSpecialKey, this);

    // private
    fitToTree : function(ed, el){
        var td = this.tree.getTreeEl().dom, nd = el.dom;
        if(td.scrollLeft >  nd.offsetLeft){ // ensure the node left point is visible
            td.scrollLeft = nd.offsetLeft;
        var w = Math.min(
                (td.clientWidth > 20 ? td.clientWidth : td.offsetWidth) - Math.max(0, nd.offsetLeft-td.scrollLeft) - /*cushion*/5);
        this.setSize(w, '');

    // private
    triggerEdit : function(node, defer){
		if(node.attributes.editable !== false){
			this.editNode = node;
            this.autoEditTimer = this.startEdit.defer(this.editDelay, this, [node.ui.textNode, node.text]);
            return false;

    // private
    bindScroll : function(){
        this.tree.getTreeEl().on('scroll', this.cancelEdit, this);

    // private
    beforeNodeClick : function(node, e){
            return this.triggerEdit(node);

    onNodeDblClick : function(node, e){

    // private
    updateNode : function(ed, value){
        this.tree.getTreeEl().un('scroll', this.cancelEdit, this);

    // private
    onHide : function(){
            this.editNode.ui.focus.defer(50, this.editNode.ui);

    // private
    onSpecialKey : function(field, e){
        var k = e.getKey();
        if(k == e.ESC){
        }else if(k == e.ENTER && !e.hasModifier()){