www.gusucode.com > 一款经典的Js仿Windows窗口特效集源码程序 > 一款经典的Js仿Windows窗口特效集/仿微软视窗/仿微软视窗/samples/tutorial/tutdesc.js

    /* WinLIKE 1.4.08 (c) 1998-2005 by CEITON technologies GmbH - www.ceiton.com
   all rights reserved - patent pending */
Description=new Array;Description[1]='<P class=Titl>What is WinLIKE?'+'<P class=Desc>WinLIKE is a tool for creating HTML pages with windows.<BR>Please click the first icon <img src="winlike/winedit/creator.gif" onClick=f1_()> in the toolbox!'+'<BR>A new WinLIKE-window will be created.</P>';Description[2]='<P class=Desc>In the editor, please type the corresponding values in the following input boxes:</P>'+'<DIV align=center><TABLE border=0><TR><TD class=Skin>Title</TD><TD><INPUT class=LI TYPE=text readonly value="My first window"></TD></TR>'+'<TR><TD class=Skin>Skin</TD><TD><INPUT class=LI TYPE=text readonly value=light></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>'+'<P class=Desc>Then press the OK button at the bottom of the editor.</P>';Description[3]='<P class=Desc>Each WinLIKE window can load content. Input "samples/test.html" in the "Content" input box:'+'<DIV align=center><BR><TABLE border=0>'+'<TR><TD class=Skin>Content</TD><TD><INPUT class=LI TYPE=text readonly value="samples/test.html"></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>'+'<P class=Desc>Press the OK button again. You can also load any other file.</P>';Description[4]='<P class=Desc>Please click the third icon <img src="winlike/winedit/save.gif" onClick=f5_()> in the toolbox!'+'<BR>You will get the whole source code of your new page.</P>';Description[5]='<P class=Desc>Congratulations, now you are nearly finished. Copy the source code in "mysite.html" and have a look at the file in the browser!</P>';cV_='Step ';