www.gusucode.com > 一款经典的Js仿Windows窗口特效集源码程序 > 一款经典的Js仿Windows窗口特效集/仿微软视窗/仿微软视窗/samples/tutorial/tutdesc1.js

    /* WinLIKE 1.4.08 (c) 1998-2005 by CEITON technologies GmbH - www.ceiton.com
   all rights reserved - patent pending */
Description=new Array;Description[1]='<P class=Titl>WinLIKE windows are dynamic frames.<P class=Desc>The lightblue window at the bottom right was created automatically. '+'It has the content <I>samples/tutorial/site1.html</i>. Please create a new window by clicking '+'<img src=winlike/winedit/creator.gif onClick=f1_()>.';Description[2]='<P class=Desc>Change the skin of the window to "light". Put "F1" in the "Name" property of the window!</P>'+'<P class=Desc>Just think of the window as a frame with the name F1. '+'Press return.</P>';Description[3]='<P class=Desc>Create another window with <img src=winlike/winedit/creator.gif onClick=f1_()>.';Description[4]='<P class=Desc>Move the new window to a free space. Simply drag and drop the titlebar of the window! '+'Change the name of the window to "F2" (i.e. put "F2" in the "Name" input box) and press return.';Description[5]='<P class=Desc>Click the three links in the lightblue window containing <I>site1.html</I>. '+'Depending on the link you have clicked, the content (<i>site2.html</i>) will be shown in the window with the corresponding name.<BR>'+'As you have not created a window with name "F3" yet, a default window will be created when you click the third link '+'(TARGET=F3). Click <img src=winlike/winedit/save.gif onClick=f5_()>, to save the example.';Description[6]='<P class=Desc>All right? In one word: the TARGET of a link is equal to the NAME of the window, where the content will be displayed.';cV_='step ';