www.gusucode.com > MATLAB实现图像的SIFT特征提取,并做在不同光照、不同视角下的特征匹配 > README.txt


                               YANTAO ZHENG, NOEMIE PHULPIN 
                          yantaozheng@gmail.com, S0600506@nus.edu.sg

This is a MATLAB implementation of the SIFT keypoint detector and descriptor [1]. 


The implementation consists of the following functions. They are organized in the folders based on the functionality. 

These functions are self-contained and can be utilized independently. 

do_gaussian: generate Gaussian scale space of input image
do_diffofg: generate Difference of Gaussian (DoG) scale space 
do_localmax: select local extrema as the potential keypoints
do_extrefine: refine the keypoints by discarding the ones with low contrast and along an edge
do_orientation: compute the orientation of a support region of keypoint
do_descriptor: compute the descriptor of a keypoint based on image gradients. 
do_match: match two images based on the nearest neighbor principle and spatial consistency.
do_sift: generate the SIFT descriptors for a given input image. It basically executes all the functions above. 


If the purpose of using this software is to compute SIFT descriptors of images, users only need to handle do_sift function. 
do_sift takes an image as input and generate keypoints and descriptors as output. Detailed structures about input/output can be found
in the program header comments. 

There are several demo programs avaiable. They are the examples to run the SIFT programs. 

Execute the demos as below:
From MATLAB prompt
  > do_demo_1


The performance of SIFT image matching depends on several parameters.

In do_sift function, tuning the following parameters can achive different number of SIFT keypoints and descriptors;
and therefore, different matching performance. The values are the default ones given by Lowe. 

S=3 ; 				Number of sub-levels per octave
omin= -1 ; 			Starting octave number
O = 4;     			Max octave level

thresh = 0.04 / S / 2 ;     	Contrast response threshold
r = 15 ;		    	Edge response threshold

NBP = 4 ;			Number of spatial bins
NBO = 8 ;			Number of orientation bins


[1] D. G. Lowe, "Distinctive image features from scale-invariant
    keypoints," IJCV, vol. 2, no. 60, pp. 91 110, 2004.