www.gusucode.com > mean-shift用于图像分割 Matlab程序 > Ms_segmenter/Gray_segment.m

    function [New_image, Sorted_modes] = ...
   Gray_segm (Gray_image, Window_radius, Min_group_size)
% Gray_segment - segment a gray-level image according to Meer's algorithm
% reads image from the file, finds significant maxima by mean shift algo 
% (to generalize to the case of 3-d vectors), groups all the pixels 
% whose color falls within the given interval (with peak being the 
% center, and Window_radius being the radius), 

% Min_group_size : need at least that many pixels to qualify for a color
Min_image_size = 0.005*Rows*Cols;		% to stop when image is small
Gray_image = double(Gray_image);

% % creating a new array - color based
% Cumulative = sparse(1, max(max(Gray_image))+1);
% for i=1:Rows
%    for j=1:Cols
%       Cumulative(Gray_image(i, j)+1) = Cumulative(Gray_image(i, j)+1)+1;
%    end
% end
% Cumulative(1) = 0;		% corresponds to only manually zeroed out regions
% k = 0; L = length(Cumulative);
% while sum(Cumulative) > Min_image_size
%    Non_zero_pos = find(Cumulative > 0);
%    if length(Non_zero_pos) == 0
%       break;
%    end
%    Initial = Non_zero_pos(1);
%    [Mode, Number_values] = M_shift1(Cumulative, Window_radius, Initial);
%    Mode = full(round(Mode));
%    if Number_values > Min_group_size% good group
% 		k = k+1;
%       Modes(k) = Mode;
%       Cumulative(max(1, Mode-Window_radius):min(L, Mode+Window_radius)) = ...
%       zeros(size(Cumulative(max(1, Mode-Window_radius): ...
%       min(L, Mode+Window_radius))));
%    else
%       Cumulative(max(1,Initial-Window_radius):min(L,Initial+Window_radius)) =...
%       zeros(size(Cumulative(max(1, Initial-Window_radius): ...
%       min(L, Initial+Window_radius))));
%    end
% end
% Sorted_modes = sort(Modes);
% New_image = zeros(size(Gray_image));
% for i=1:k
% 	To_group = find((Gray_image >= Sorted_modes(i)-Window_radius)...
% 		& (Gray_image < Sorted_modes(i)+Window_radius));
% 	New_image(To_group) = i;
% end
% % Gray_image == 0 added to provide for background detection
% To_zero = find(Gray_image == 0);
% New_image(To_zero) = 0;