www.gusucode.com > 基于matlab+3D立体视差源码程序 > 基于matlab编程3D立体视差源码程序/matlab+3D立体视差/lankton_stereo/msseg/msseg.m

    % Performing mean_shift image segmentation using EDISON code implementation
% of Comaniciu's paper with a MEX wrapper from Shai Bagon. links at bottom
% of help
% Usage:
%   [S L] = msseg(I,hs,hr,M)
% Inputs:
%   I  - original image in RGB or grayscale
%   hs - spatial bandwith for mean shift analysis
%   hr - range bandwidth for mean shift analysis
%   M  - minimum size of final output regions
% Outputs:
%   S  - segmented image
%   L  - resulting label map
% Links:
% Comaniciu's Paper
%  http://www.caip.rutgers.edu/riul/research/papers/abstract/mnshft.html
% EDISON code
%  http://www.caip.rutgers.edu/riul/research/code/EDISON/index.html
% Shai's mex wrapper code
%  http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~bagon/matlab.html
% Author:
%  This file and re-wrapping by Shawn Lankton (www.shawnlankton.com)
%  Nov. 2007

function [S L] = msseg(I,hs,hr,M)
  gray = 0;
    gray = 1;
    I = repmat(I,[1 1 3]);
  if(nargin < 4)
    hs = 10; hr = 7; M = 30;
  [fimg labels modes regsize grad conf] = edison_wrapper(I,@RGB2Luv, ...
                                                    'SpatialBandWidth',hs, ...
                                                    'RangeBandWidth',hr, ...
  S = Luv2RGB(fimg);

  if(gray == 1)
    S = S(:,:,1);
  L = labels;