www.gusucode.com > 对图像特征的分类随机森林算法matlab源码程序 > src/rfutils.cpp

   Copyright (C) 2001-7 Leo Breiman, Adele Cutler and Merck & Co., Inc.
   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
   as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
   of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   GNU General Public License for more details.                            
//#include <R.h>
#include "rf.h"
#include "memory.h"
#include "stdlib.h"
#include "qsort.c"

#define MAX_UINT_COKUS 4294967295  //basically 2^32-1

typedef unsigned long uint32;
extern void seedMT(uint32 seed);
extern uint32 reloadMT(void);
extern uint32 randomMT(void);
extern double unif_rand();

void zeroInt(int *x, int length) {
    memset(x, 0, length * sizeof(int)); 

void zeroDouble(double *x, int length) {
    memset(x, 0, length * sizeof(double)); 

void createClass(double *x, int realN, int totalN, int mdim) {
/* Create the second class by bootstrapping each variable independently. */
    int i, j, k;
    for (i = realN; i < totalN; ++i) {
        for (j = 0; j < mdim; ++j) {
            k = (int) unif_rand() * realN;
            x[j + i * mdim] = x[j + k * mdim];

#include "stdio.h"
void normClassWt(int *cl, const int nsample, const int nclass, 
                 const int useWt, double *classwt, int *classFreq) {
    int i;
    double sumwt = 0.0;
    //printf("useWt %d",useWt);
    if (useWt) {
        //printf("User supplied via priors classwt");
        /* Normalize user-supplied weights so they sum to one. */
        for (i = 0; i < nclass; ++i) sumwt += classwt[i];
        //printf("\n sumwt %f",sumwt);
        for (i = 0; i < nclass; ++i) classwt[i] /= sumwt;
    } else {
        for (i = 0; i < nclass; ++i) {
            classwt[i] = ((double) classFreq[i]) / nsample;
    for (i = 0; i < nclass; ++i) {
        classwt[i] = classFreq[i] ? classwt[i] * nsample / classFreq[i] : 0.0;

void makeA(double *x, const int mdim, const int nsample, int *cat, int *a, 
           int *b) {
    /* makeA() constructs the mdim by nsample integer array a.  For each 
       numerical variable with values x(m, n), n=1, ...,nsample, the x-values 
       are sorted from lowest to highest.  Denote these by xs(m, n).  Then 
       a(m,n) is the case number in which xs(m, n) occurs. The b matrix is 
       also contructed here.  If the mth variable is categorical, then 
       a(m, n) is the category of the nth case number. */
    int i, j, n1, n2;
    double *v= (double *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(double));
    int *index = (int *) calloc(nsample, sizeof(int));

    for (i = 0; i < mdim; ++i) {
        if (cat[i] == 1) { /* numerical predictor */
            for (j = 0; j < nsample; ++j) {
                v[j] = x[i + j * mdim];
                index[j] = j + 1;
            R_qsort_I(v, index, 1, nsample);

            /*  this sorts the v(n) in ascending order. index(n) is the case 
                number of that v(n) nth from the lowest (assume the original 
                case numbers are 1,2,...).  */
            for (j = 0; j < nsample-1; ++j) {
                n1 = index[j];
                n2 = index[j + 1];
                a[i + j * mdim] = n1;
                if (j == 0) b[i + (n1-1) * mdim] = 1;
                b[i + (n2-1) * mdim] =  (v[j] < v[j + 1]) ?
                    b[i + (n1-1) * mdim] + 1 : b[i + (n1-1) * mdim];
            a[i + (nsample-1) * mdim] = index[nsample-1];
        } else { /* categorical predictor */
            for (j = 0; j < nsample; ++j) 
                a[i + j*mdim] = (int) x[i + j * mdim];

void modA(int *a, int *nuse, const int nsample, const int mdim,
	  int *cat, const int maxcat, int *ncase, int *jin) {
    int i, j, k, m, nt;

    *nuse = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nsample; ++i) if (jin[i]) (*nuse)++;
    for (i = 0; i < mdim; ++i) {
      k = 0;
      nt = 0;
      if (cat[i] == 1) {
          for (j = 0; j < nsample; ++j) {
              if (jin[a[i + k * mdim] - 1]) {
                  a[i + nt * mdim] = a[i + k * mdim];
              } else {
                  for (m = 0; m < nsample - k; ++m) {
                      if (jin[a[i + (k + m) * mdim] - 1]) {
                          a[i + nt * mdim] = a[i + (k + m) * mdim];
                          k += m + 1;
              if (nt >= *nuse) break;
    if (maxcat > 1) {
        k = 0;
        nt = 0;
        for (i = 0; i < nsample; ++i) {
            if (jin[k]) {
                ncase[nt] = k;
            } else {
                for (j = 0; j < nsample - k; ++j) {
                    if (jin[k + j]) {
                        ncase[nt] = k + j + 1;
                        k += j + 1;
            if (nt >= *nuse) break;

void Xtranslate(double *x, int mdim, int nrnodes, int nsample, 
		int *bestvar, int *bestsplit, int *bestsplitnext,
		double *xbestsplit, int *nodestatus, int *cat, int treeSize) {
 this subroutine takes the splits on numerical variables and translates them
 back into x-values.  It also unpacks each categorical split into a 
 32-dimensional vector with components of zero or one--a one indicates that 
 the corresponding category goes left in the split.

    int i, m;

    for (i = 0; i < treeSize; ++i) {
	if (nodestatus[i] == 1) {
	    m = bestvar[i] - 1;
	    if (cat[m] == 1) {
		xbestsplit[i] = 0.5 * (x[m + (bestsplit[i] - 1) * mdim] +
				       x[m + (bestsplitnext[i] - 1) * mdim]);
	    } else {
		xbestsplit[i] = (double) bestsplit[i];

void permuteOOB(int m, double *x, int *in, int nsample, int mdim) {
/* Permute the OOB part of a variable in x. 
 * Argument:
 *   m: the variable to be permuted
 *   x: the data matrix (variables in rows)
 *   in: vector indicating which case is OOB
 *   nsample: number of cases in the data
 *   mdim: number of variables in the data
    double *tp, tmp;
    int i, last, k, nOOB = 0;
    tp = (double *)  calloc(nsample, sizeof(double));

    for (i = 0; i < nsample; ++i) {
	/* make a copy of the OOB part of the data into tp (for permuting) */
	if (in[i] == 0) {
            tp[nOOB] = x[m + i*mdim];
    /* Permute tp */
    last = nOOB;
    for (i = 0; i < nOOB; ++i) {
	k = (int) last * unif_rand();
	tmp = tp[last - 1];
	tp[last - 1] = tp[k];
	tp[k] = tmp;

    /* Copy the permuted OOB data back into x. */
    nOOB = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < nsample; ++i) {
	if (in[i] == 0) {
            x[m + i*mdim] = tp[nOOB];

/* Compute proximity. */
void computeProximity(double *prox, int oobprox, int *node, int *inbag, 
                      int *oobpair, int n) {
/* Accumulate the number of times a pair of points fall in the same node.
   prox:    n x n proximity matrix
   oobprox: should the accumulation only count OOB cases? (0=no, 1=yes)
   node:    vector of terminal node labels
   inbag:   indicator of whether a case is in-bag
   oobpair: matrix to accumulate the number of times a pair is OOB together
   n:       total number of cases
    int i, j;
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
        for (j = i+1; j < n; ++j) {
            if (oobprox) {
                /* if (jin[k] == 0 && jin[n] == 0) { */
                if ((inbag[i] > 0) ^ (inbag[j] > 0)) {
                    oobpair[j*n + i] ++;
                    oobpair[i*n + j] ++;
                    if (node[i] == node[j]) { 
                        prox[j*n + i] += 1.0;
                        prox[i*n + j] += 1.0;
            } else {
                if (node[i] == node[j]) {
                    prox[j*n + i] += 1.0;
                    prox[i*n + j] += 1.0;

int pack(int nBits, int *bits) {
    int i = nBits, pack = 0;
    while (--i >= 0) pack += bits[i] << i;

void unpack(unsigned int pack, int *bits) {
/* pack is a 4-byte integer.  The sub. returns icat, an integer array of 
   zeroes and ones corresponding to the coefficients in the binary expansion 
   of pack. */   
    int i;
    for (i = 0; pack != 0; pack >>= 1, ++i) bits[i] = pack & 1;

#ifdef OLD

double oldpack(int l, int *icat) {
    /* icat is a binary integer with ones for categories going left 
     * and zeroes for those going right.  The sub returns npack- the integer */
    int k;
    double pack = 0.0;

    for (k = 0; k < l; ++k) {
	if (icat[k]) pack += R_pow_di(2.0, k);

void oldunpack(int l, int npack, int *icat) {
 * npack is a long integer.  The sub. returns icat, an integer of zeroes and
 * ones corresponding to the coefficients in the binary expansion of npack.
    int i;
    zeroInt(icat, 32);
    icat[0] = npack % 2; 
    for (i = 1; i < l; ++i) {
	npack = (npack - icat[i-1]) / 2;
	icat[i] = npack % 2;

#endif /* OLD */