www.gusucode.com > 基于视觉显著性的多波段图像融合方法matlab > 基于视觉显著性的多波段图像融合方法matlab/BlendArbitrary.m

    function C = BlendArbitrary(A, B, R, level)
% Blends two images with arbitrary shape.
% R is the region of blending. For the regions to be blended it is 1 and
% elsewhere it is 0
% A and B are the two images to be blended and level is the maximum level
% of the multiresolution pyramid to be used.
% The sizes of the input images are assumed to be same and they are at
% least 2^level x 2^level

[ma, na] = size(A);

[LA, GA]= LaplacianPyramid(A,level);
[LB, GB]= LaplacianPyramid(B,level);

GR  = GaussianPyramid(R,level);
GRN = 1 - GR;

LC(ma,na,level) = 0;

for i = 1:level
    LC(:,:,i) = GR(:,:,i) .* LA(:,:,i) + GRN(:,:,i) .* LB(:,:,i);

C = reconstruct(LC);

figure;imshow(uint8(A));title('image 1');
figure;imshow(uint8(B));title('image 2');

D = B .*(1-R) + A .* R;
figure;imshow(uint8(D));title('direct insertion');