www.gusucode.com > 界面看成高一维空间中某一函数ψ源码程序 > levelsetcode/BoundMirrorEnsure.m

    function B = BoundMirrorEnsure(A)

[m,n] = size(A);

if (m<3 | n<3) 
    error('either the number of rows or columns is smaller than 3');

yi = 2:m-1;
xi = 2:n-1;
B = A;
B([1 m],[1 n]) = B([3 m-2],[3 n-2]);  % mirror corners
B([1 m],xi) = B([3 m-2],xi);          % mirror left and right boundary
B(yi,[1 n]) = B(yi,[3 n-2]);          % mirror top and bottom boundary