www.gusucode.com > LTE仿真Matlab源码 > LTE_load_parameters_dependent.m

    % Calculate configuration parameters which are dependent on the main
% configuration file.
% Author: Dagmar Bosanska, dbosansk@nt.tuwien.ac.at
% (c) 2008 by INTHFT
% www.nt.tuwien.ac.at
% date of creation: 2008/08/11
% last changes:

% Hardcode the release number
LTE_params.release = 'r1089';

%% Backwards-compatibility safeguards
if ~isfield(LTE_params,'null_bit')
    LTE_params.null_bit = uint8(3); % Mimic old bevior
if ~isfield(LTE_params,'balanced_rate_matching')
    LTE_params.balanced_rate_matching = true; % Default option
if ~isfield(LTE_params.UE_config,'decoder_type')
    LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type = 'max-log-map'; % Mimic old bevior
if ~isfield(LTE_params.UE_config,'hard_demapping')
    LTE_params.UE_config.hard_demapping = false; % Mimic old bevior
if strcmp(LTE_params.scheduler.type,'fixed') && strcmp(LTE_params.scheduler.assignment,'static')
    if ~isfield(LTE_params.scheduler,'UE_assignment')
        error('For the fixed static scheduler, LTE_params.scheduler.UE_assignment must be specified'); % Mimic old bevior

%% Generation for the decoder type (see CML documentation)
switch LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type
    case 'lin-log-map'
        % Linear approximation to log-MAP
        LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type_idx = 0;
    case 'max-log-map'
        % max-log-MAP algorithm
        LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type_idx = 1;
    case 'constant-map'
        % Constant-log-MAP
        LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type_idx = 2;
    case 'log-map1'
        % log-MAP, correction factor from small nonuniform table and interpolation
        LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type_idx = 3;
    case 'log-map2'
        % log-MAP, correction factor uses C function calls (slow)
        LTE_params.UE_config.decoder_type_idx = 4;

%% Additional check for the new (and not 100% developed yet) schedulers
if ~strcmp('round robin',LTE_params.scheduler.type) && ~strcmp('fixed',LTE_params.scheduler.type) && ~strcmp('proportional fair',LTE_params.scheduler.type) && ~strcmp('best cqi',LTE_params.scheduler.type) && ~strcmp('constrained scheduler',LTE_params.scheduler.type) 
    if LTE_params.UE_config.mode~=1
        error('For now only the RR, PF, Best CQI and fixed schedulers are implemented for non-SISO modes.');

%% Checking for the (for now) only SU-SISO SINR tracing
if (LTE_params.trace_subcarrier_SNR && (LTE_params.UE_config.nRX>1 || LTE_params.BS_config.nTx>1))
    error('Subcarrier SINR tracing is only configured to work with SU-SISO operation');

%% Check parameter on consistency
if(strcmp(LTE_params.CyclicPrefix,'extended') && LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing == 7.5e3)
    error('For this combination of subcarrier spacing and cyclic prefix (MBSFN transmissions) reference and synchronization channels not implemented');
if LTE_params.max_HARQ_retransmissions > 3 || LTE_params.max_HARQ_retransmissions < 0
    error('Maximum HARQ retransmissions cannot be higher than 3 or negative');

if LTE_params.HARQ_processes > 8
    error('The standard does not allow more than 8 HARQ processes. Deleting this error message may result in errors in rate matching process.');

%% Calculate number of available Resource Blocks
% DEFINED IN STANDARD 3GPP TS 36.211 V8.2.0 (2008-03)
LTE_params.ResourceBlock = 180e3; % fixed badwidth of resource block in Hz, page 33
LTE_params.Nsc = LTE_params.ResourceBlock/LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing; % number of subcarriers in one resource block, fixed length of resource block in Hz, page 33
if(LTE_params.Bandwidth == 1.4e6)
    LTE_params.Nrb = 6; % number of resource blocks
    LTE_params.Nrb = (LTE_params.Bandwidth*0.9) / LTE_params.ResourceBlock; % number of resource blocks, transmission BW is 90% of the total BW
LTE_params.Ntot = LTE_params.Nsc*LTE_params.Nrb; % Total number of subcarriers not NULL

%% Calculate CP duration, number of OFDM symbols
% DEFINED IN STANDARD 3GPP TS 36.211 V8.2.0 (2008-03)
LTE_params.FrameDur = 10e-3; % fixed frame duration 10 ms, page 9

%Table 6.12-1: OFDM parameters + page 9
if (strcmp(LTE_params.CyclicPrefix,'normal') && LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing == 15e3)
    LTE_params.Tg = zeros(1,2);
    LTE_params.Tg(1) = 160/(15000*2048); % normal CP time - 1. OFDM symbol in slot
    LTE_params.Tg(2) = 144/(15000*2048); % normal CP time - remaining OFDM symbols in slot
    %Table 6.2.3-1: Physical resource blocks parameters.
    LTE_params.Ns = 7; % number of OFDM symbols in one slot
    LTE_params.Nsub = 2*7; % number of OFDM symbols in one subframe = 2*in one slot
elseif(strcmp(LTE_params.CyclicPrefix,'extended') && LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing == 15e3)
    LTE_params.Tg = 512/(15000*2048); % extended CP time for all OFDM symbols in slot
    %Table 6.2.3-1: Physical resource blocks parameters.
    LTE_params.Ns = 6; % number of OFDM symbols in one slot
    LTE_params.Nsub = 2*6; % number of OFDM symbols in one subframe = 2*in one slot
elseif(strcmp(LTE_params.CyclicPrefix,'extended') && LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing == 7.5e3)
    LTE_params.Tg = 1024/(15000*2048); % extended CP time for all OFDM symbols in slot
    %Table 6.2.3-1: Physical resource blocks parameters.
    LTE_params.Ns = 3; % number of OFDM symbols in one slot
    LTE_params.Nsub = 2*3; % number of OFDM symbols in one subframe = 2*in one slot
    error('Wrong combination of value of subcarrier spacing and type of cyclic prefix')

%% Create ChanMod object (channel model)
ChanMod.filtering            = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.filtering;
ChanMod.interpolation_method = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.interpolation_method;
ChanMod.type                 = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.type;
ChanMod.nTX                  = LTE_params.BS_config.nTx;
ChanMod.nRX                  = LTE_params.UE_config.nRX;
ChanMod.corr_coefRX          = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.corr_coefRX;
ChanMod.corr_coefTX          = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.corr_coefTX;
ChanMod.sin_num              = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.sin_num;
ChanMod.time_correlation     = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.time_correlation;
% load('weigth.mat');
% load('curve.mat');
% load('dathigh.mat');
% load('datlow.mat');
switch ChanMod.type
    case {'PedA'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0 -9.7 -19.2 -22.8;  % Average power [dB]
                          0 110*10^-9 190*10^-9 410*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'Rayleigh2'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0;  % Average power [dB]
            0]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'PedB', 'PedBcorr'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0   -0.9  -4.9  -8    -7.8  -23.9; % Average power [dB]
                          0 200*10^-9 800*10^-9 1200*10^-9 2300*10^-9 3700*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'VehA'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0   -1  -9  -10    -15  -20; % Average power [dB]
                          0 310*10^-9 710*10^-9 1090*10^-9 1730*10^-9 2510*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'VehB'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [-2.5   0 -12.8  -10    -25.2  -16; % Average power [dB]
                          0 300*10^-9 8900*10^-9 12900*10^-9 17100*10^-9 20000*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'TU'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [-5.7000 -7.6000 -10.1000 -10.2000 -10.2000 -11.5000 -13.4000 -16.3000 -16.9000 -17.1000 -17.4000,...
                          -19.0000 -19.0000 -19.8000 -21.5000 -21.6000 -22.1000 -22.6000 -23.5000 -24.3000; % Average power [dB]
                          0 0.2170 0.5120 0.5140 0.5170 0.6740 0.8820 1.2300 1.2870 1.3110 1.3490 1.5330 1.5350,...
                          1.6220 1.8180 1.8360 1.8840 1.9430 2.0480 2.1400];% delay (s)
        ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:) = ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:)*10^-6; 
%         ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0   strength; % Average power [dB]
%                           0 888*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'RA'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [-5.2000 -6.4000 -8.4000 -9.3000 -10.0000 -13.1000 -15.3000 -18.5000 -20.4000 -22.4000; % Average power [dB]
                          0 0.0420 0.1010 0.1290 0.1490 0.2450 0.3120 0.4100 0.4690 0.5280]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:) = ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:)*10^-6; 
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'HT'}
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [-3.6000 -8.9000 -10.2000 -11.5000 -11.8000 -12.7000 -13.0000 -16.2000 -17.3000 -17.700 -17.6000 -22.7000,...
                          -24.1000 -25.8000 -25.8000 -26.2000 -29.0000 -29.9000 -30.0000 -30.7000; % Average power [dB]
                          0 0.3560 0.4410 0.5280 0.5460 0.6090 0.6250 0.8420 0.9160 0.9410 15.0000 16.1720 16.4920 16.8760 16.8820,...
                          16.9780 17.6150 17.827 17.8490 18.0160]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:) = ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:)*10^-6; 
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
        case {'EPedA'}  % extended multipath channel model in 36.101 added, 02092009
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0 -1.0,    -2.0     -3.0     -8.0      -17.2    -20.8;  % Average power [dB]
                          0 30*10^-9 70*10^-9 90*10^-9 110*10^-9 190*10^-9 410*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'EVehA'}  % extended multipath channel model in 36.101 added, 02092009
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [0   -1.5   -1.4  -3.6 -0.6 -9.1 -7.0 -12.0 -16.9; % Average power [dB]
                          0 30*10^-9 150*10^-9 310*10^-9 370*10^-9 710*10^-9 1090*10^-9 1730*10^-9 2510*10^-9]; % delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case {'ETU'}    % extended multipath channel model in 36.101 added, 02092009
        ChanMod.PDP_dB = [-1.0 -1.0 -1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3.0 -5.0 -7.0; % Average power [dB]
            0 50*10^-9 120*10^-9 200*10^-9 230*10^-9 500*10^-9 1600*10^-9 2300*10^-9 5000*10^-9];% delay (s)
        ChanMod.normH = sqrt(sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
    case  {'AWGN','flat Rayleigh','winner_II'}
        % Do nothing (these are not channels defined by a PDP
        error('Channel not supported');

% mean_t = sum(ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:).*10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)/sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
% sigma_t2 = sum((ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:)-mean_t).^2.*10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)/sum(10.^(ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:)/10)));
% sqrt(sigma_t2)
% Bc = 1/(2*sqrt(sigma_t2))

%% Store interleaver sequences and the sort for the turbo coding and rate matching
% The sub-block interleaver permutation pattern (column permutation)
LTE_params.sub_block_interleaver_permutation_pattern = [0,16,8,24,4,20,12,28,2,18,10,26,6,22,14,30,1,17,9,25,5,21,13,29,3,19,11,27,7,23,15,31];
LTE_params.sub_block_interleaver_permutation_pattern_plus_one = LTE_params.sub_block_interleaver_permutation_pattern+1;
% Turbo encoder/decoder interleaving table
LTE_params.turbo_interleaver_table = [40,3,10;48,7,12;56,19,42;64,7,16;72,7,18;80,11,20;88,5,22;96,11,24;104,7,26;112,41,84;120,103,90;128,15,32;136,9,34;144,17,108;152,9,38;160,21,120;168,101,84;176,21,44;184,57,46;192,23,48;200,13,50;208,27,52;216,11,36;224,27,56;232,85,58;240,29,60;248,33,62;256,15,32;264,17,198;272,33,68;280,103,210;288,19,36;296,19,74;304,37,76;312,19,78;320,21,120;328,21,82;336,115,84;344,193,86;352,21,44;360,133,90;368,81,46;376,45,94;384,23,48;392,243,98;400,151,40;408,155,102;416,25,52;424,51,106;432,47,72;440,91,110;448,29,168;456,29,114;464,247,58;472,29,118;480,89,180;488,91,122;496,157,62;504,55,84;512,31,64;528,17,66;544,35,68;560,227,420;576,65,96;592,19,74;608,37,76;624,41,234;640,39,80;656,185,82;672,43,252;688,21,86;704,155,44;720,79,120;736,139,92;752,23,94;768,217,48;784,25,98;800,17,80;816,127,102;832,25,52;848,239,106;864,17,48;880,137,110;896,215,112;912,29,114;928,15,58;944,147,118;960,29,60;976,59,122;992,65,124;1008,55,84;1024,31,64;1056,17,66;1088,171,204;1120,67,140;1152,35,72;1184,19,74;1216,39,76;1248,19,78;1280,199,240;1312,21,82;1344,211,252;1376,21,86;1408,43,88;1440,149,60;1472,45,92;1504,49,846;1536,71,48;1568,13,28;1600,17,80;1632,25,102;1664,183,104;1696,55,954;1728,127,96;1760,27,110;1792,29,112;1824,29,114;1856,57,116;1888,45,354;1920,31,120;1952,59,610;1984,185,124;2016,113,420;2048,31,64;2112,17,66;2176,171,136;2240,209,420;2304,253,216;2368,367,444;2432,265,456;2496,181,468;2560,39,80;2624,27,164;2688,127,504;2752,143,172;2816,43,88;2880,29,300;2944,45,92;3008,157,188;3072,47,96;3136,13,28;3200,111,240;3264,443,204;3328,51,104;3392,51,212;3456,451,192;3520,257,220;3584,57,336;3648,313,228;3712,271,232;3776,179,236;3840,331,120;3904,363,244;3968,375,248;4032,127,168;4096,31,64;4160,33,130;4224,43,264;4288,33,134;4352,477,408;4416,35,138;4480,233,280;4544,357,142;4608,337,480;4672,37,146;4736,71,444;4800,71,120;4864,37,152;4928,39,462;4992,127,234;5056,39,158;5120,39,80;5184,31,96;5248,113,902;5312,41,166;5376,251,336;5440,43,170;5504,21,86;5568,43,174;5632,45,176;5696,45,178;5760,161,120;5824,89,182;5888,323,184;5952,47,186;6016,23,94;6080,47,190;6144,263,480];

%% Define symbol alphabet
% DEFINED IN STANDARD 3GPP TS 36.211 V8.2.0 (2008-03), page 61-63
LTE_params.SymbolAlphabet{1} = [ 1+1j, -1-1j].'/sqrt(2);
LTE_params.SymbolAlphabet{2} = [ 1+1j, 1-1j, -1+1j, -1-1j].'/sqrt(2);
LTE_params.SymbolAlphabet{4} = [
    complex( 1,  1)
    complex( 1,  3)
    complex( 3,  1)
    complex( 3,  3)
    complex( 1, -1)
    complex( 1, -3)
    complex( 3, -1)
    complex( 3, -3)
    complex(-1,  1)
    complex(-1,  3)
    complex(-3,  1)
    complex(-3,  3)
    complex(-1, -1)
    complex(-1, -3)
    complex(-3, -1)
    complex(-3, -3)
] / sqrt(10); 
LTE_params.SymbolAlphabet{6} = [
    complex( 3,  3)
    complex( 3,  1)
    complex( 1,  3)
    complex( 1,  1)
    complex( 3,  5)
    complex( 3,  7)
    complex( 1,  5)
    complex( 1,  7)
    complex( 5,  3)
    complex( 5,  1)
    complex( 7,  3)
    complex( 7,  1)
    complex( 5,  5)
    complex( 5,  7)
    complex( 7,  5)
    complex( 7,  7) % symbol 0-15
    complex( 3, -3)
    complex( 3, -1)
    complex( 1, -3)
    complex( 1, -1)
    complex( 3, -5)
    complex( 3, -7)
    complex( 1, -5)
    complex( 1, -7)
    complex( 5, -3)
    complex( 5, -1)
    complex( 7, -3)
    complex( 7, -1)
    complex( 5, -5)
    complex( 5, -7)
    complex( 7, -5)
    complex( 7, -7) % symbol 16-31
    complex(-3,  3)
    complex(-3,  1)
    complex(-1,  3)
    complex(-1,  1)
    complex(-3,  5)
    complex(-3,  7)
    complex(-1,  5)
    complex(-1,  7)
    complex(-5,  3)
    complex(-5,  1)
    complex(-7,  3)
    complex(-7,  1)
    complex(-5,  5)
    complex(-5,  7)
    complex(-7,  5)
    complex(-7,  7) % symbol 32-47
    complex(-3, -3)
    complex(-3, -1)
    complex(-1, -3)
    complex(-1, -1)
    complex(-3, -5)
    complex(-3, -7)
    complex(-1, -5)
    complex(-1, -7)
    complex(-5, -3)
    complex(-5, -1)
    complex(-7, -3)
    complex(-7, -1)
    complex(-5, -5)
    complex(-5, -7)
    complex(-7, -5)
    complex(-7, -7) ] / sqrt(42); % symbol 48-63

LTE_params.bittable{1} = logical([0,1]);
LTE_params.bittable{2} = logical(   [0,1,0,1;
LTE_params.bittable{4} = logical(   [0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1;
LTE_params.bittable{6} = logical(   [   0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1;


%% Calculate FFT lengths, CP length and indexes, OFDM symbol, slot and subframe duration, # transmit symbols per subframe, sampling time

if(LTE_params.Bandwidth == 15e6 && LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing == 15e3)
    LTE_params.Nfft = 1536; % number of FFT points
elseif(LTE_params.Bandwidth == 15e6 && LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing == 7.5e3)
    LTE_params.Nfft = 1536*2; % number of FFT points
    LTE_params.Nfft =  2^ceil(log2(LTE_params.Ntot)); % number of FFT points

LTE_params.Fs = LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing*LTE_params.Nfft; % sampling frequency   
LTE_params.Tb = 1/LTE_params.SubcarrierSpacing; % useful Symbol Time
    LTE_params.Ng = zeros(1,2);
    LTE_params.Ng(1) = LTE_params.Tg(1)*LTE_params.Fs; % number of CP points of normal CP for 1. first OFDM symbol in slot
    LTE_params.Ng(2) = round(LTE_params.Tg(2)*LTE_params.Fs); % number of CP points of normal CP for remaining OFDM symbols in slot
    LTE_params.Index_TxCyclicPrefix{1} = [LTE_params.Nfft-LTE_params.Ng(1)+1:LTE_params.Nfft 1:LTE_params.Nfft];
    LTE_params.Index_TxCyclicPrefix{2} = [LTE_params.Nfft-LTE_params.Ng(2)+1:LTE_params.Nfft 1:LTE_params.Nfft];
    LTE_params.Ts = zeros(1,2);
    LTE_params.Ts(1) = LTE_params.Tb + LTE_params.Tg(1); % 1. OFDM symbol time
    LTE_params.Ts(2) = LTE_params.Tb + LTE_params.Tg(2); % remaining OFDM symbol time
    LTE_params.Tslot = LTE_params.Tg(1) + (LTE_params.Ns-1)*LTE_params.Tg(2) + LTE_params.Ns*LTE_params.Tb; % fixed duration of the slot = 0.5ms, page 9
    LTE_params.Tsubframe = 2*LTE_params.Tslot; % fixed duration of the subframe = 1ms, page 9
    LTE_params.TxSymbols = 2*(LTE_params.Ng(1) + (LTE_params.Ns-1)*LTE_params.Ng(2) + LTE_params.Nfft*LTE_params.Ns);  % number of symbols in one subframe
    LTE_params.NfftCP{1} = length(LTE_params.Index_TxCyclicPrefix{1});
    LTE_params.NfftCP{2} = length(LTE_params.Index_TxCyclicPrefix{2});
    LTE_params.Index_RxCyclicPrefix{1} = LTE_params.Ng(1)+1: LTE_params.NfftCP{1};
    LTE_params.Index_RxCyclicPrefix{2} = LTE_params.Ng(2)+1: LTE_params.NfftCP{2};
    LTE_params.Ng = LTE_params.Tg*LTE_params.Fs; % number of CP points of extended CP for OFDM symbols in slot
    LTE_params.Index_TxCyclicPrefix = [LTE_params.Nfft-LTE_params.Ng+1:LTE_params.Nfft 1:LTE_params.Nfft];
    LTE_params.Ts = LTE_params.Tb + LTE_params.Tg; % OFDM symbol time
    LTE_params.Tslot = LTE_params.Ns*LTE_params.Tg + LTE_params.Ns*LTE_params.Tb; % fixed duration of the slot = 0.5ms, page 9
    LTE_params.Tsubframe = 2*LTE_params.Tslot; % fixed duration of the slot = 1ms, page 9
    LTE_params.TxSymbols = 2*(LTE_params.Ns*LTE_params.Ng + LTE_params.Nfft*LTE_params.Ns);  % number of symbols in one subframe
    LTE_params.NfftCP = length(LTE_params.Index_TxCyclicPrefix);
    LTE_params.Index_RxCyclicPrefix = LTE_params.Ng+1: LTE_params.NfftCP;

LTE_params.SamplingTime = LTE_params.Tb/LTE_params.Nfft;
% Number of OFDM Symbols transmitted in one frame
LTE_params.OFDMNsym = round(LTE_params.FrameDur/LTE_params.Ts(1)/4)*4; % number of OFDM symbols in one frame

%% Store CQI parameters
% CQI 1 is index 1, CQI 2 is index 2, etc...
LTE_params.CQI_params(1).CQI = 1;
LTE_params.CQI_params(1).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(1).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(1).coding_rate_x_1024 = 78;
LTE_params.CQI_params(1).efficiency = 0.1523;

LTE_params.CQI_params(2).CQI = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(2).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(2).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(2).coding_rate_x_1024 = 120;
LTE_params.CQI_params(2).efficiency = 0.2344;

LTE_params.CQI_params(3).CQI = 3;
LTE_params.CQI_params(3).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(3).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(3).coding_rate_x_1024 = 193;
LTE_params.CQI_params(3).efficiency = 0.3770;

LTE_params.CQI_params(4).CQI = 4;
LTE_params.CQI_params(4).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(4).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(4).coding_rate_x_1024 = 308;
LTE_params.CQI_params(4).efficiency = 0.6016;

LTE_params.CQI_params(5).CQI = 5;
LTE_params.CQI_params(5).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(5).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(5).coding_rate_x_1024 = 449;
LTE_params.CQI_params(5).efficiency = 0.8770;

LTE_params.CQI_params(6).CQI = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(6).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(6).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(6).coding_rate_x_1024 = 602;
LTE_params.CQI_params(6).efficiency = 1.1758;

LTE_params.CQI_params(7).CQI = 7;
LTE_params.CQI_params(7).modulation = '16QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(7).modulation_order = 4;
LTE_params.CQI_params(7).coding_rate_x_1024 = 378;
LTE_params.CQI_params(7).efficiency = 1.4766;

LTE_params.CQI_params(8).CQI = 8;
LTE_params.CQI_params(8).modulation = '16QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(8).modulation_order = 4;
LTE_params.CQI_params(8).coding_rate_x_1024 = 490;
LTE_params.CQI_params(8).efficiency = 1.9141;

LTE_params.CQI_params(9).CQI = 9;
LTE_params.CQI_params(9).modulation = '16QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(9).modulation_order = 4;
LTE_params.CQI_params(9).coding_rate_x_1024 = 616;
LTE_params.CQI_params(9).efficiency = 2.4063;

LTE_params.CQI_params(10).CQI = 10;
LTE_params.CQI_params(10).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(10).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(10).coding_rate_x_1024 = 466;
LTE_params.CQI_params(10).efficiency = 2.7305;

LTE_params.CQI_params(11).CQI = 11;
LTE_params.CQI_params(11).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(11).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(11).coding_rate_x_1024 = 567;
LTE_params.CQI_params(11).efficiency = 3.3223;

LTE_params.CQI_params(12).CQI = 12;
LTE_params.CQI_params(12).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(12).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(12).coding_rate_x_1024 = 666;
LTE_params.CQI_params(12).efficiency = 3.9023;

LTE_params.CQI_params(13).CQI = 13;
LTE_params.CQI_params(13).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(13).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(13).coding_rate_x_1024 = 772;
LTE_params.CQI_params(13).efficiency = 4.5234;

LTE_params.CQI_params(14).CQI = 14;
LTE_params.CQI_params(14).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(14).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(14).coding_rate_x_1024 = 873;
LTE_params.CQI_params(14).efficiency = 5.1152;

LTE_params.CQI_params(15).CQI = 15;
LTE_params.CQI_params(15).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(15).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(15).coding_rate_x_1024 = 948;
LTE_params.CQI_params(15).efficiency = 5.5547;

LTE_params.CQI_params(16).CQI = 16;
LTE_params.CQI_params(16).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(16).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(16).coding_rate_x_1024 = 1024/3;
LTE_params.CQI_params(16).efficiency = 2/3;

LTE_params.CQI_params(17).CQI = 17;
LTE_params.CQI_params(17).modulation = '16QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(17).modulation_order = 4;
LTE_params.CQI_params(17).coding_rate_x_1024 = 1024/2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(17).efficiency = 4/2;

% CQI 20 is used as a zero rate CQI (= CQI 0)

LTE_params.CQI_params(20).CQI = 20;
LTE_params.CQI_params(20).modulation = '0QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(20).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(20).coding_rate_x_1024 = 0;
LTE_params.CQI_params(20).efficiency = 0;

% CQIs used for HARQ testing
LTE_params.CQI_params(50).CQI = 50;
LTE_params.CQI_params(50).modulation = 'QPSK';
LTE_params.CQI_params(50).modulation_order = 2;
LTE_params.CQI_params(50).coding_rate_x_1024 = 1024/3;
LTE_params.CQI_params(50).efficiency = 2/3;

LTE_params.CQI_params(51).CQI = 51;
LTE_params.CQI_params(51).modulation = '16QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(51).modulation_order = 4;
LTE_params.CQI_params(51).coding_rate_x_1024 = 1024/3;
LTE_params.CQI_params(51).efficiency = 4/3;

LTE_params.CQI_params(52).CQI = 52;
LTE_params.CQI_params(52).modulation = '64QAM';
LTE_params.CQI_params(52).modulation_order = 6;
LTE_params.CQI_params(52).coding_rate_x_1024 = 1024/3;
LTE_params.CQI_params(52).efficiency = 6/3;

% Add RAN R1-07196 CQIs (for testing)
LTE_params.CQI_params(101:127) = LTE_common_R1_071667_CQI_parameters;

% Add HARQ test CQIs
LTE_params.CQI_params(55:55+25) = LTE_common_HARQ_CQI_parameters;

%% Create the Codebook for Precoding
% transmit diversity
LTE_params.Z{1} =  [1, 0, 1i,  0;
         0,-1,  0, 1i;
         0, 1,  0, 1i;
         1, 0,-1i,  0];
LTE_params.Z{2} =  [1, 0, 0, 0, 1i,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0,-1, 0, 0,  0, 1i,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 1, 0, 0,  0, 1i,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         1, 0, 0, 0,-1i,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 1, 0,  0,  0, 1i, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0,-1,  0,  0,  0,1i;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 0, 1,  0,  0,  0,1i;
         0, 0, 0, 0,  0,  0,  0, 0;
         0, 0, 1, 0,  0,  0,-1i, 0];
% spatial multiplexing
U_temp = [  1,-1,-1,-1;     % Matrix corresponding to vectors u0 ... u15 in Table
            1,(-1-1i)/sqrt(2), -1i,(1-1i)/sqrt(2);
            1,(1-1i)/sqrt(2), 1i,(-1-1i)/sqrt(2);
            1,(1+1i)/sqrt(2), -1i,(-1+1i)/sqrt(2);
            1,(-1+1i)/sqrt(2), 1i,(1+1i)/sqrt(2);
 Wn = zeros(4,4,16); 
 for ii = 1:16 
%  LTE_params.LTE_common_gen_8TX_codebook;
 % W Matrix according to Table
%  LTE_params.W{1} = cat(3,[1;0],[0;1],[1/sqrt(2);1/sqrt(2)],[1/sqrt(2);-1/sqrt(2)],...
%         [1/sqrt(2);1i/sqrt(2)],[1/sqrt(2);-1i/sqrt(2)]);
 LTE_params.W{1} = cat(3,[1/sqrt(2);1/sqrt(2)],[1/sqrt(2);-1/sqrt(2)],...
 LTE_params.W{2} = cat(3,1/sqrt(2)*[1,0;0,1],1/(2)*[1,1;1,-1],1/(2)*[1,1;1i,-1i]);
 % large delay CDD  
 LTE_params.U_l{1} = 1;
 LTE_params.U_l{2} = 1/sqrt(2)*[1,1;1,exp(-1i*pi)]; 
 LTE_params.U_l{3} = 1/sqrt(3)*[1,1,1;1,exp(-1i*2*pi/3),exp(-1i*4*pi/3);1,exp(-1i*4*pi/3),exp(-1i*8*pi/3)];
 LTE_params.U_l{4} = 1/2*[1,1,1,1;1,exp(-1i*2*pi/4),exp(-1i*4*pi/4),exp(-1i*6*pi/4);...
 for Uu = 5:8
     LTE_params.U_l{Uu} = zeros(Uu,Uu);
     for i1 = 1:Uu
         for i2 = 1:Uu
            LTE_params.U_l{Uu}(i1,i2) = exp(-1i*2*(i1-1)*(i2-1)*pi/(Uu));
     LTE_params.U_l{Uu} = 1/sqrt(Uu)*LTE_params.U_l{Uu};
 LTE_params.D_l{1} = 1;
 LTE_params.D_l{2} = [1,0;0,exp(-1i*pi)];
 LTE_params.D_l{3} = [1,0,0;0,exp(-1i*2*pi/3),0;0,0,exp(-1i*4*pi/3)];
 LTE_params.D_l{4} = [1,0,0,0;0,exp(-1i*2*pi/4),0,0;0,0,exp(-1i*4*pi/4),0;0,0,0,exp(-1i*6*pi/4)];
 LTE_params.D_l{5} = diag([1,exp(-1i*2*pi/5),exp(-1i*4*pi/5),exp(-1i*6*pi/5),exp(-1i*8*pi/5)]);
 LTE_params.D_l{6} = diag([1,exp(-1i*2*pi/6),exp(-1i*4*pi/6),exp(-1i*6*pi/6),exp(-1i*8*pi/6),exp(-1i*10*pi/6)]);
 LTE_params.D_l{7} = diag([1,exp(-1i*2*pi/7),exp(-1i*4*pi/7),exp(-1i*6*pi/7),exp(-1i*8*pi/7),exp(-1i*10*pi/7),exp(-1i*12*pi/7)]);
 LTE_params.D_l{8} = diag([1,exp(-1i*2*pi/8),exp(-1i*4*pi/8),exp(-1i*6*pi/8),exp(-1i*8*pi/8),exp(-1i*10*pi/8),exp(-1i*12*pi/8),exp(-1i*14*pi/8)]);
 % small delay CDD
 eta = [128 256 512 1024 2048];
 index = find((eta-LTE_params.Nrb*LTE_params.Nsc*ones(1,5))>=0);
 n = eta(index(1));
 LTE_params.D_s{1}=diag([1, exp(-1i*2*pi*2/n)]);
 LTE_params.D_s{2}=diag([1, exp(-1i*2*pi*1/n),exp(-1i*2*pi*2/n),exp(-1i*2*pi*3/n)]);
 LTE_params.mapping{1} = ones(16,1);
 LTE_params.mapping{2}=[1 4;1 2;1 2;1 2;1 4;1 4;1 3;1 3;1 2;1 4;1 3;1 3;1 2;1 3;1 3;1 2];
 LTE_params.mapping{3}=[1 2 4;1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 4;1 2 4;1 3 4;1 3 4;1 2 4;1 3 4;1 2 3;1 3 4;1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3;1 2 3];
 LTE_params.mapping{4}=[1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;3 2 1 4;3 2 1 4;1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1 3 2 4;
     1 3 2 4;1 2 3 4;1 2 3 4;1 3 2 4;1 3 2 4;1 2 3 4;1 3 2 4;3 2 1 4;1 2 3 4];
%  [ 1,14,124,1234;
%                     1,12,123,1234;
%                     1,12,123,3214;
%                     1,12,123,3214;
%                     1,14,124,1234;
%                     1,14,124,1234;
%                     1,13,134,1324;
%                     1,13,134,1324;
%                     1,12,124,1234;
%                     1,14,134,1234;
%                     1,13,123,1324;
%                     1,13,134,1324;
%                     1,12,123,1234;
%                     1,13,123,1324;
%                     1,13,123,3214;
%                     1,12,123,1234];

%% Create the correct resampler for the chanel model's PDP
switch ChanMod.type
    case {'AWGN','flat Rayleigh','winner_II'}
        % Do nothing
        switch ChanMod.interpolation_method
            case 'shift_to_nearest_neighbor'
                % create an appropriate object that does an equivalent thing
                ChanMod.interpolator = channel_resampling.nearestNeighborInterpolator(...
                    LTE_params.Fs,...                  % Sampling frequency (Hz)
                    size(ChanMod.PDP_dB,2),...         % Number of Taps
                    ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:,:),...          % delay (s)
                    ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:,:),...          % Average power [dB]
                ChanMod.tap_delays = round(ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:) * LTE_params.Fs);
            case 'sinc_interpolation'
                ChanMod.interpolator = channel_resampling.sincInterpolator(...
                    LTE_params.Fs,...                    % Sampling frequency (Hz)
                    ChanMod.PDP_dB(2,:,:),...            % delay (s)
                    ChanMod.PDP_dB(1,:,:),...            % Average power [dB]
                    false,...                            % Do not include the acausal part in the sinc interpolation
                    min(LTE_params.Tg)*LTE_params.Fs,... % Length of the impulse response. Set to the minimum length of the CP
                ChanMod.tap_delays = min(LTE_params.Tg)*LTE_params.Fs;

%% Set up random number generator for channel parameters
if LTE_params.random_channel_param_seeding
    LTE_params.channel_param_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',LTE_params.channel_param_seed);
    LTE_params.channel_param_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',rand*intmax);

%% Set up random number generators
if LTE_params.random_noise_seeding && strcmp(LTE_params.channel_matrix_source,'generated')
    LTE_params.noise_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',LTE_params.noise_seed);
    LTE_params.noise_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',rand*intmax);

%% Set up random number generator for transmit data
if LTE_params.random_data_seeding
    LTE_params.data_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',LTE_params.data_seed);
    LTE_params.data_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',rand*intmax);

%% Set up channel trace storage
if strcmp(LTE_params.channel_matrix_source,'generated') && LTE_params.store_channel_trace
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace = channels.channelMatrixTrace;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.noise_seed = LTE_params.noise_RandStream.Seed;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.bandwidth  = LTE_params.Bandwidth;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.type       = LTE_params.ChanMod_config.type;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.nTx        = LTE_params.BS_config.nTx;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.nRx        = LTE_params.UE_config.nRX;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.TTI_length = N_subframes;
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace.Nfft       = LTE_params.Nfft;
    LTE_params.store_channel_trace = false;

% Generate output trace filename automatically
if strcmp(LTE_params.channel_matrix_source,'generated') && strcmp(LTE_params.channel_matrix_tracefile,'auto')
    the_date = clock;
    output_filename = sprintf('H_trace_%3.1fMHz_%s_%dx%d_%dTTI_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d',...
        the_date(1),...      % Date: year
        the_date(2),...      % Date: month
        the_date(3),...      % Date: day
        the_date(4),...      % Date: hour
        the_date(5),...      % Date: minutes
        floor(the_date(6))); % Date: seconds)
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_tracefile = fullfile('./data_files',[output_filename '.mat']);

%% Control that channel tracing and noise seeding is only done under non-parallel mode and only once (length(SNR_vec)==1)
% if LTE_params.random_noise_seeding && strcmp(LTE_params.simulation_type,'parallel')
%     error('Using noise seeding with parallel simulations is not allowed. Results may not be repeatable');
% end
if LTE_params.store_channel_trace && strcmp(LTE_params.simulation_type,'parallel')
    error('Storing the channel trace and (specially the) noise seed is not allowed in parallel mode. Results may not be repeatable');
if LTE_params.store_channel_trace && size(SNR_vec,2) ~= 1
    error('Simulations that store the channel trace can consist only of an SNR vector of length one (1)');

% If in trace mode, load the channel matrix trace
if strcmp(LTE_params.channel_matrix_source,'trace')
    % Check trace consistency
    if channel_matrix_tracefile.bandwidth~=LTE_params.Bandwidth
        error('Loaded channel trace is at a different sampling frequency. %3.2f MHz bandwidth found, %3.2f MHz required',channel_matrix_tracefile.bandwidth/1e6,LTE_params.Bandwidth/1e6);
    elseif ~strcmp(channel_matrix_tracefile.type,LTE_params.ChanMod_config.type)
        error('Config file specifies %s channel. Trace is %s',LTE_params.ChanMod_config.type,channel_matrix_tracefile.type);
    elseif (channel_matrix_tracefile.nTx~=LTE_params.BS_config.nTx) || (channel_matrix_tracefile.nRx~=LTE_params.UE_config.nRX)
        error('Config file specifies %dx%d system. %dx%d found in trace',LTE_params.BS_config.nTx,LTE_params.UE_config.nRX,channel_matrix_tracefile.nTx,channel_matrix_tracefile.nRx);
    elseif channel_matrix_tracefile.TTI_length < N_subframes
        error('Trace (%d TTIs) is shorter than simulation (%d TTIs)',channel_matrix_tracefile.TTI_length,N_subframes);
    elseif ~strcmp(LTE_params.ChanMod_config.filtering,'BlockFading')
        error('Tracing only supported for Block Fading due to memory consumption issues');
    LTE_params.channel_matrix_trace = channel_matrix_tracefile;
    % Seed the noise RandStream with the seed specified in the trace
    LTE_params.noise_RandStream = RandStream('mt19937ar','Seed',channel_matrix_tracefile.noise_seed);
    LTE_params.read_channel_from_trace = true;
    LTE_params.read_channel_from_trace = false;

%% Generate channel realization using Winner II Channel Model
switch ChanMod.type
    case 'winner_II'
        if strcmp(Simulation_type,'mobilkom_CLSM') || strcmp(Simulation_type,'mobilkom_OLSM') 
%             LTE_params.Arrays = LTE_winner_channel_model_antenna_init_mobilkom(LTE_params.antennas.spacing,LTE_params.antennas.TX_type,LTE_params.antennas.RX_type);
            LTE_params.Arrays = LTE_winner_channel_model_antenna_init();
            [channel, delays, out] = LTE_winner_channel_model(N_subframes,LTE_params.Arrays);
            if ~strcmp(Simulation_type,'LTE_journal_paper')
                LTE_params.Arrays = LTE_winner_channel_model_antenna_init();
                [channel, delays, out] = LTE_winner_channel_model(N_subframes,LTE_params.Arrays);
                out = [];
        channel = [];
        out = [];