www.gusucode.com > LTE仿真Matlab源码 > LTE_tx_code_block_concatenation.m

    function fk = LTE_tx_code_block_concatenation(ek)
% LTE code block concatenation (TS36.212, subclause 5.1.5)
% [fk] = LTE_tx_code_block_concatenation(ek)
% Author: Josep Colom Ikuno, jcolom@nt.tuwien.ac.at
% (c) 2008 by INTHFT
% www.nt.tuwien.ac.at
% input :   ek   ... code blocks to concatenate
% output:   fk   ... concatenated code blocks
% date of creation: 2008/08/11
% last changes:

% After checking Matlab's cell2mat, I think this implementation should be faster.
fk = ek{1};
for i=2:length(ek)
    fk=[fk ek{i}];
fk = logical(fk); % There shouldn't be any filler bits already