www.gusucode.com > LTE_TX_PDSCH > LTE_TX_turbo_coding_rate_matching.m

    %% Turbo coding and Rate matching 

function output = LTE_TX_turbo_coding_rate_matching(LTE_params, crc_encoded_data, N_coded_bits)

    code_block_size = length(crc_encoded_data); 
    vector_index = 0:code_block_size-1;
    interleaver_mapping = mod(15*vector_index + 32*(vector_index.^2),code_block_size); %0-indexed!!
    input_to_e1 = crc_encoded_data;
    input_to_e2 = crc_encoded_data(interleaver_mapping+1);
    hh = poly2trellis(4,[15 13],13);
    [encoded_1,FinalState1] = convenc(input_to_e1,hh);
    [encoded_2,FinalState2] = convenc(input_to_e2,hh);
    encoded_bits = [encoded_1(2:2:end) % Systematic bits
                    encoded_1(1:2:end) % Parity from encoder 1
                    encoded_2(1:2:end)];% Parity from encoder 2             
    tail_bits = [zeros(3,4)]; % tail bits (flushing bits) not yet configured...        
    coded_bits = [encoded_bits tail_bits];
     %% LTE_TX data Turbo rate matching
    D = length(coded_bits); % Number of bits
    C = 32;            % Number of columns of the permutation matrix
    R = ceil(D/32);    % Number of rows of the permutation matrix
    Nd = R*C-D;        % Number of padding bits

    input = coded_bits(1,:);% Put the data row by row into the permutation matrix
    data_to_interleave = [false(1,Nd) input];
    tmp = reshape(data_to_interleave,C,R)';
    tmp = tmp(:,LTE_params.sub_block_interleaver_permutation_pattern+1);
    vk(1,:) = reshape(tmp,1,R*C);

    input = coded_bits(2,:); % Put the data row by row into the permutation matrix
    data_to_interleave = [false(1,Nd) input];
    tmp = reshape(data_to_interleave,C,R)';
    tmp = tmp(:,LTE_params.sub_block_interleaver_permutation_pattern+1);
    vk(2,:) = reshape(tmp,1,R*C);

    input = coded_bits(3,:); % Put the data column by column into the permutation matrix.
    data_to_interleave = [false(1,Nd) input];
    tmp = reshape(data_to_interleave,C,R)';
    tmp = tmp(:,LTE_params.sub_block_interleaver_permutation_pattern+1);
    vk(3,:) = reshape(tmp,1,R*C);

    K_pi = length(vk);
    input = [vk(1,:) vk(2,:) vk(3,:)];
    circ_buff_mapping = [[0:K_pi-1] reshape([[0:K_pi-1]+K_pi;[0:K_pi-1]+2*K_pi],1,2*K_pi)];
    wk = input(circ_buff_mapping+1);

    wklen = length(wk);
    K_0 = 10; %bits selection and pruning mapping offset
    tmp = (0:N_coded_bits-1)+K_0;
    bit_selection_and_pruning_mapping = mod(tmp,wklen);
    ek = wk(bit_selection_and_pruning_mapping+1);

    % code block segmentation (only one block)
    output = ek;