www.gusucode.com > LTE_TX_PDSCH > LTE_common_gen_Reference_Signal.m

    %% Reference signal generation and mapping.

function [RefSym, RefMapping, no_refsym_per_slot, NoData_indices] = LTE_common_gen_Reference_Signal(Nrb, Nsub, nTX, NIDcell, subframe)

AtPort_vec = 0:nTX-1;
RefSym = zeros(2*Nrb,4,nTX);
RefMapping = false(12*Nrb, Nsub, nTX);
NoData_indices = 0;
NmaxRB = 110;

% Number of resource elements occupied by reference symbols per slot
switch nTX
    case 1
        no_refsym_per_slot = 4;
    case 2
        no_refsym_per_slot = 8;
    case 4
        no_refsym_per_slot = 12;
        error('wrong nTX.')

% Generation
NumBit = NmaxRB*4;
% Pseudo-random sequence sec:7.2
pn_gen_x1 = commsrc.pn('GenPoly', [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1], ...
              'InitialStates',   [0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1],   ...
              'Shift',         0,               ...
              'NumBitsOut',    NumBit);
pn_seq1 = generate(pn_gen_x1);

for aa = 1:nTX
    AtPort = AtPort_vec(aa);
    clear RefSym_temp RefMapping_temp;

    % initial sequence for x2, TS36.211 V8.2.0
    switch AtPort
        case {0,1}
            SyminSub_i = [1, Nsub/2-2, Nsub/2+1, Nsub-2];
        case {2,3}
            SyminSub_i = [2, Nsub/2+2];
            error('Reference signal for this antenna port is not implemented.');
    c_ini = de2bi(2^13*SyminSub_i+2^9*(subframe-1)+NIDcell,31);
    pn_seq2 = nan(NumBit,length(SyminSub_i));
    pn_seq = nan(NumBit,length(SyminSub_i));

    for ii=1:size(c_ini,1)
        pn_gen_x2 = commsrc.pn('GenPoly', [1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1], ...
                      'InitialStates',   c_ini(ii,:),   ...
                      'Shift',         0,               ...
                      'NumBitsOut',    NumBit);
        pn_seq2(:,ii) = generate(pn_gen_x2);
        pn_seq(:,ii) = mod((pn_seq1+pn_seq2(:,ii)),2);

    r = 1/sqrt(2)*(1-2*pn_seq(1:2:end,:))+1i*1/sqrt(2)*(1-2*pn_seq(2:2:end,:));
    RefSym_temp = r((1:Nrb*2)+NmaxRB-Nrb,:);
    RefSym(1:size(RefSym_temp,1),1:size(RefSym_temp,2),aa) = RefSym_temp;

    % Mapping
    RefMapping_temp = false(12*Nrb, Nsub);

    v_shift = mod(NIDcell,6);
    k = zeros(Nrb*2,length(SyminSub_i));
    switch AtPort
        case 0
            k(:,[1 3]) = repmat(6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + v_shift,[2 1])';
            k(:,[2 4]) = repmat(6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + mod((3+v_shift),6),[2 1])';
        case 1
            k(:,[1 3]) = repmat(6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + mod((3+v_shift),6),[2 1])';
            k(:,[2 4]) = repmat(6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + v_shift,[2 1])';
        case 2
            k(:,1) = 6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + v_shift;
            k(:,2) = 6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + mod((3+v_shift),6);
        case 3
            k(:,1) = 6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + mod((3+v_shift),6);
            k(:,2) = 6*(0:Nrb*2-1)+1 + v_shift;
            error('Mapping for this Antenna Port is not implemented.');
    l = SyminSub_i;

    for ii=1:length(l)
    RefMapping(:,:,aa) = RefMapping_temp;
    NoData_indices = RefMapping(:,:,aa)|NoData_indices;