www.gusucode.com > 连通体搜索源码程序 > 连通体搜索源码程序/find_components/find_components/largest_component.m

    function C = largest_component (A)
%LARGEST_COMPONENT finds the largest connected component in an image.
% C = largest_component (A) returns an image C whose entries are equal to 1
% if A(i,j) is in the largest component of A, or zero otherwise.  In case of
% a tie, the largest component with the largest label A(i,j) is returned.
% If still tied, the component the smallest index i is returned (where i is the
% linear index of A(i) for all entries in the component).
% Example:
%   A = [ 1 2 2 3
%         1 1 2 3
%         0 0 1 2
%         0 1 3 3 ]
%   C = largest_component (A)
%   returns C = [
%         0 1 1 0
%         0 0 1 0
%         0 0 0 0
%         0 0 0 0 ]

% Copyright 2008, Tim Davis, University of Florida

% return the new binary image with just the largest component
C = zeros (size (A), class (A)) ;
C (find_components (A)) = 1 ;