mcm1997B Mix Well For Fruitful Discussions 开会决策 美国数学建模 - matlab数学建模 - 谷速源码
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标题:mcm1997B Mix Well For Fruitful Discussions 开会决策 美国数学建模

所属分类: 数学建模 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 5.57 KB 上传时间: 2019-08-19 21:00:24 下载次数: 905 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: jiqiren 20190819090108134
(MCM 1997B) 
Small group meetings for the discussion of important issues, particularly long-rang planning, are gaining popularity. It is believed that large groups discourage productive discussion and that a dominant personality will usually control and direct the discussion. Thus, in corporate board meetings the board will meet in small groups to discuss issues before meeting as a whole. These smaller groups still run risk of control by a dominant personality. In an attempt to reduce this danger it is common to schedule several sessions with a different mix of people in each group. 
A meeting of a Tostal Corporation will be attended by 29 Board Members of which nine are in-horse members (i.e., corporate employees). The meeting is to be an all-day affair with three sessions scheduled for the morning and four for the afternoon. Each session will take 45 minutes, beginning on the hour from 9:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M., with lunch scheduled at noon. Each morning session will consist of six discussions group with each discussion group led by one of the corporation's six senior officers. None of these of officers are board members. Thus each senior officer will lead three different discussion groups. The sessions will consist of only four discussion groups. 
The president of the corporation wants a list of board-member assignments to discussion group for each of seven sessions. The assignments should achieve as much of a mix of members as much as possible. The ideal assignment would have each board member with each other board member in a discussion group the same number of times while minimizing common membership of groups for the different sessions. 
The assignments should also satisfy the following criteria:
1.For the morning sessions, no board member should be in the same senior officer's discussion group twice.
2.No discussion group should contain a disproportionate number of in-house members. 
Give a list of assignments for members 1-9 and 10-29 and officers 1-6. Indicate how well the criteria in the precious paragraphs are met. Since it is possible that some board members will cancel at the last minute or that some not scheduled will show up, an algorithm that the secretary could use to adjust the assignments with an user to make assignments for future meetings involving different levels of participation for each type of attendee. 
An Tostal公司的一次会议的参加者为29位公司董事会成员,其中9位是在职董事(即公司的雇员)。会议要开一天,每个小组上午开3段。下午开4段。每段会议开45分钟,从上午9:00到下午4:00每整点开始开会,中午12:00午餐。上午的每段会议都有6个小组讨论会,每个小组讨论会都由公司的一位资深高级职员来主持讨论,这些资深高级职员都不是董事会的成员。因此,每资深高级职员都要主持3个不同的小组讨论会。这些资深高级职员不参加下午的讨论会,而且下午的每段会议只有4个不同的小组讨论会。 


mcm1997B Mix Well For Fruitful Discussions 开会决策 .doc

关键词: mcm1997B Mix Well For Fruitful Discussions 开会决策 美国数学建模

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