mcm1992B Emergency Power Restoration 应急电力修复系统 - matlab数学建模 - 谷速源码
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标题:mcm1992B Emergency Power Restoration 应急电力修复系统

所属分类: 数学建模 资源类型:文档 文件大小: 147.32 KB 上传时间: 2019-08-19 21:19:51 下载次数: 99 资源积分:1分 提 供 者: jiqiren 20190819092038949
(MCM 1992B) 
Power companies serving coastal regions must have emergency response systems for power outages due to storms. Such systems require the input of data that allow the time and cost required for restoration to be estimated and the "value" of the outage judged by objective criteria. In the past, Hypothetical Electric Company (HECO) has been criticized in the media for its lack of a prioritization scheme. 
You are a consultant to HECO power company. HECO possesses a computerized database with real time access to service calls that currently require the following information. HECO has hired you to develop the objective criteria and schedule the work for the storm restoration requirements in Table 1. 
HECO has asked for a technical report for their purposes and an "executive summary" in laymen's terms that can be presented to the media. Further, they would like recommendations for the future. To determine your prioritized scheduling system, you will have to make additional assumptions. Deal those assumptions. In the future, you may desire additional data. If so, detail the information desired. 
报修时间;需求者类型;估计受害人数;地点 (x,y)。
有两个工程队调度所,分别位于(0,0)和(40,40),其中 x,y 以英里为单位。HECO的服务区域在 −65<x<65 和 −50<y<50 之内。因为该地区完全都市化了,有极好的道路网络。工程队只是在上班和下班时必须回调度所。公司的政策是:若停电的设施是铁路或医院,只要有工程队可派队立即处理,其他情形都要等暴风雨离开这一地区后才开始工作。 


mcm1992B Emergency Power Restoration 应急电力修复系统 .doc

关键词: mcm1992B Emergency Power Restoration 应急电力修复系统

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